The role of the class teacher in organizing the educational work of younger students. Organization of joint activities of the class teacher and parents to educate the moral personality of the child - Document Strategy of interaction with parents

The role of the class teacher in the education of a successful student personality

Forsaken by happiness will be the one
Who was badly raised as a child.
It's easy to straighten the green shoot,
One fire will fix a dry branch.”

Questions of education, training and personal development remain one of the main problems of modern society. Modern society needs capable and talented individuals who will cope with any everyday difficulties and solve the most difficult tasks, who will be able to show and apply their talents and knowledge for the good, that is, they will be successful in everything. Successful people are the basis of modern society and the state. . The upbringing of a growing person as the formation of a developed personality is one of the main tasks of modern society, and society assigns this task to the school. The school is one of the main institutions that are directly involved in the upbringing and shaping of the development of the child's personality. And, of course, most of the work falls on the shoulders of the class teacher.

The class teacher is a key figure in the educational activities of an educational institution, he is the organizer of the educational process. Raising children is a record-breaking task, the most intricate of all types of creativity. This is the creation of living characters, the creation of unusually complex microcosms. The upbringing of children should be treated as the most important of all earthly professions.

The main purpose of the class teacher is to create conditions for revealing the potential of the child's talents, for their maximum development, for preserving the uniqueness of the personality of each student, for normal mental, spiritual and physical improvement.

The work of the class teacher is a purposeful, systematic, planned activity. I build my activity as a class teacher on the basis of the program of education of an educational institution, analysis of previous activities, positive and negative trends in social life, on the basis of a personality-oriented approach, taking into account the urgent tasks facing the teaching staff of the school, and the situation in the class team. When planning educational activities, I necessarily take into account the level of upbringing of students, the social and material conditions of their life, the specifics of family circumstances. I believe that education is only effective when there is a combination of application of methods: persuasion, example, competition, encouragement. Reflecting on the problem of how to make the life of the class team positive and successful, I came to the need to create my own educational program, which helped to systematize the work of the class team and helped students develop. Both adults and children need to feel their own importance and success. The degree of success determines the well-being of a person, his attitude to the world, his desire to participate in the work performed, stimulates creativity and cooperation. If the student sees that his contribution to the common cause is appreciated, then he will participate even more actively and with pleasure in subsequent cases. A tool for assessing the success of students can be the word of the class teacher, his intonation, gestures, facial expressions, the system of rewards and rewards. It is very important to evaluate the success of the development and improvement of each individual as the class team develops. A personal approach becomes real if the process of education is a purposeful system in which a specially developed program of life is harmoniously combined with the possibilities of self-development and self-government. Based on universal human values ​​and realities today, a person of the 21st century must be physically healthy, spiritually and morally, intellectually developed, holistically thinking and actively connected with the outside world, that is, SUCCESSFUL.

So what do we mean by the word SUCCESS on the part of the work of the class teacher.

SUCCESS is an abbreviation that is a synthesis of the main aspects of personality development.

At- studies

FROM– socialization

P– positivity

E- unity

X– charisma

At cheba - cognitive activity. The process of education is inextricably linked with the process of learning and development and is pivotal in the formation of a person. Modern society dictates the search for new approaches to the organization of the educational process, in which the emphasis is on creating a school space that makes it possible to develop and realize children's abilities.

FROM socialization is a social activity. Leaving school, the graduate embarks on a completely new path adult life. The inclusion of students in various social communities (class, clubs, associations, organizations) creates the conditions for real social trials, which form the readiness to enter into various social structures, various types of social relations. The effectiveness of education depends on the integrity of the educational influences of various social actors.

P positivity is a productive activity. Formation of a positive attitude towards oneself among schoolchildren, confidence in their abilities in relation to the realization of oneself in adult life and future profession. Create situations of success, find an opportunity to stimulate the child for active independent activity. Purposeful activity of the teacher, designed to form in children a system of positive personality traits, attitudes and beliefs.

E unity is a collective activity. Represents the unity of education and upbringing. Forming knowledge, a person develops; developing, he seeks to expand his activities and communication, which, in turn, requires new knowledge and skills. Exactly at joint activities there is a development, disclosure of the internal capabilities of the child. Therefore, it is important to combine all the efforts of the family and the school to educate a personality that meets the modern requirements of society.

X arizma - exceptional talent; charismatic leader - a person endowed with authority; charisma is based on the exceptional qualities of the individual - wisdom, heroism, "holiness". In the modern, constantly changing world, it is very difficult for an uncreative person to find his place, his “niche”. Each pupil of the school should have the opportunity to show their natural abilities, creativity, be able to find non-standard solutions to life situations, be receptive to novelty and originality.

In my work, I am guided by the “Ten Commandments of Education” by V.A. Karakovsky:

1. The main goal of education is a happy person.

2. Love not yourself in the child, but the child in yourself.

3. Education without respect - suppression.

4. The measure of upbringing is intelligence - the opposite of rudeness, ignorance.

5. Say what you know, do what you can; At the same time, remember that knowing, being able to never again is harmful.

6. Develop originality in yourself.

7. Don't be a bore, don't whine, and don't panic.

8. Treasure the trust of your pupils, take care of childish secrets, never betray your children.

9. Do not look for a magic wand: education must be systemic.

10. Children should be better than us, and they should live better.

The Ladder of Success program makes it possible to make meaningful and purposeful activities of students, parents and me as a class teacher, ensuring co-development in the team, which implies common participation in the life of the class team, jointness in solving common problems of upbringing and education of students. This program is the realization of your own hopes and dreams, the movement on the ascending ladder personal development and child's success. The program is designed for 4 years - four steps:

First step-1 class- "Constellation of young talents" (formation of aesthetic and value orientations of the individual; development of abilities for creativity; education with beauty and through beauty, formation of a children's team). "Me + my friends-together cool family»(formation of a class team, establishment of friendly partnerships, development of creative potential).

Second step-2 class- "On the ladder of success" (civic-patriotic education as a factor in the formation of national identity, the formation of a good attitude towards the history of the native land, one's family, each other). “There are no uninteresting people” (education of a good attitude to life, the ability to find joy in it and the desire to do good; the formation of a moral attitude towards man, work, nature; the development of students' cognitive interests, their creative activity).

Third step - 3rd class-"Happiness. what we are looking for” (to form ideas about professions, to help identify abilities for a certain type of activity, the formation of professional self-determination).

Fourth step - 4th grade- "The world of relationships - honor and dignity" (development of cognitive interests of students, their creative activity, education of qualities business man able to organize itself. others, any business; teach him to live in a team, build friendship and mutual support with his peers). It does not contradict the educational program of the school and echoes the main directions, goals and objectives of the school curriculum. The purpose of the program is to create conditions for the versatile development of the individual based on the assimilation of the appropriation of universal human values; education of a successful person, living in harmony with himself, with the surrounding reality, taking an active position in society. The program works in several directions, which are unchanged, but do not duplicate each other from year to year, but change according to the age characteristics of the program participants. The priority areas of work are:

    Small Academy of Sciences.

    Health harmony.

    Candle of Hope.

    Consonance of young hearts.

    Bells of time.

    A storehouse of family wisdom.

The main provisions of my educational system:

    Individual approach to education.

    Creative union with parents, subject teachers, administration, organizer.

    Systematic at work.

    Based on these provisions, I will analyze the educational program that I am implementing.

1. Individual approach in education. Children in the class are organized, responsible. Good relations have developed in our small working team, the guys understand, trust, respect each other and me. I am glad that they know how to see shortcomings, recognize them and correct them, gently prompt each other. From my own experience, I was convinced that the feeling “we are a single whole”, “we are a team” arises only in cases that we organize together. I captivate with the end result, I try to teach the guys to be creators, and not just performers, distributing those responsible for this or that business, taking into account their strengths and capabilities. I advise you on how best to carry out the assigned work, what you need to know for this, where to pick up necessary material how to do it better and help if necessary. This gives everyone the opportunity to gain experience in social life and communication with people. Each event held is discussed, real successes are noted, and shortcomings are not hushed up - this allows you to prepare the next event at a higher level.

2. Creative union with parents, subject teachers, administration, organizer. One of the most important social institutions of education is the family. They often talk about the unity of the family and the school in the upbringing of children. But in practice it is sometimes difficult to achieve this unity. The difficulty lies in the fact that parents are adults who have their own views, fixed stereotypes, for example, such as: “I already know everything” - a denial of the possibility of acquiring new experience. Working with parents is a completely separate and independent work. My cooperation, as a class teacher, and parents involves a comprehensive and systematic study of the family, knowledge of the characteristics and conditions family education child. I use in my work as a group ( parent meetings), and individual (discussions on issues of upbringing, consultations, family visits) forms of work with the family, questionnaires, workshops, development of memos, seminars for parents on the exchange of upbringing experience, etc. I attach the style of communication with parents great importance. Forms of communication with parents - dialogue, cooperation, tolerance. I build relationships with parents based on friendship and mutual respect. After all, in order to win over the child to me, to direct him in the right direction, first of all I must understand and respect his parents! All this contributes to the creation of a favorable climate in the family, the psychological and emotional comfort of the child at school and beyond. Parents are frequent guests and helpers in my class. I perfectly understand that the work of one class teacher is “a performance of one actor”. This work is unlikely to be successful without the support of the administration, other teachers working with the class. Our educational actions must be united, must complement each other. And so I try to be aware of all the problems that arise between teachers and my children. This is another condition for the personal development of the child. In my practical work, I have to coordinate the interaction of subject teachers and students in order to educational program was mastered by schoolchildren to the extent that corresponds to their capabilities. AT modern conditions The class teacher is called upon to constantly work on improving the academic performance and developing the cognitive activity of students. It is necessary to stimulate children's interest and love for knowledge, to improve the quality of education, to instill in students the skills of self-education.

3. Consistency in work. In my activity as a class teacher, the form educational work is the primary cell that makes up the weekdays and holidays of our classroom life. Of course, it is impossible to find that form, universal and suitable for all occasions with any cool team. One of the main forms of extracurricular educational work I consider a class hour. The class hour is a direct form of my communication with students. I conduct various types of class hours: class meeting, educational hour, debate, questionnaires, excursions, conversations, quizzes, etc. I plan events together with students, but sometimes I hold an emergency meeting or change the form of the class hour for some reason. Class hour is a form of educational work in which students take part in a specially organized activities contributing to the formation of their system of relations to the world around them. The functions of the classroom are different: educational, orienting, guiding, shaping. I pay much attention to the education of citizenship and the formation of civic consciousness, because, according to psychologists, adolescence is the most significant for the formation of civic consciousness. It is during adolescence that self-knowledge and self-esteem appear. Sukhomlinsky V. A. in his work “The Birth of a Citizen” says: “A student sitting at a desk becomes a citizen when he sees the path ahead of him to follow in life in order to further glorify his Fatherland.” My task, as a class teacher, is to create conditions for the formation of civic consciousness of a teenager-person and a citizen. A serious area of ​​activity of a class teacher is the organization of labor and moral education students. He needs to think over the system of labor affairs and occupations of his students, starting with self-service work and ending with involvement in production. labor activity and include them in socially useful work. Participation in various types of labor activity, if it is properly organized, contributes to the formation of moral qualities in students: the desire to benefit society and oneself, discipline, camaraderie, understanding one's duty, etc. But the moral and labor activity of the class teacher has broader horizons. Extracurricular activities should be used to include students in various forms of moral and cognitive activity, to conduct discussions on moral topics, as well as to discuss individual events in the life of the class, which in their totality allow a deeper understanding of moral issues. For the purpose of moral education, I use the forms of mass cultural and artistic and aesthetic activities of students, as well as a large local history work that has been systematically carried out all these years. I have a system of class hours in my arsenal, the purpose of which is to educate morality. Ensuring the required level physical development and physical fitness takes place through the system of sports and physical culture and health-improving work: participation in sports events, participation in school-wide Health Days, development physical education. Health - an invaluable asset not only for each person, but for the whole society. Good health helps us fulfill our plans, successfully solve the main life tasks, and overcome difficulties. Once I read a poem - Praise me!

The soul dies without praise
Life does not rise at a happy zenith.
Everyone prays without words, breathing a little:
“Praise me, praise me!”
Without praise, do not pass the line,
Do not achieve great discoveries.
The soul asks again and again:
“Praise me, praise me!”

And I realized that I would use it in communicating with children. I already knew that praise plays an important role in the life of every person, regardless of his age, but these lines helped to realize the full depth of such an incentive as praise and to understand that only with the help of praise can a child be always in the zone of growth of their capabilities.

My children have matured before our eyes. With them, I enriched my experience of educational work. They are the ones who taught me throughout my schooling that everything that happens in my life should be accessible to them as much as possible, otherwise there will be no trust and openness on their part. Many of our troubles, and even more so for children, come precisely from the fact that there are no people nearby who can be openly told about the sore. That is why I aspired and strive to become for my students the person to whom they could turn with their difficulties and problems. Proceeding from this, the component in my philosophy is simply human: to help, understand, sympathize, talk heart to heart. Such help may include advice, a kind word, or non-verbal forms of support that play a huge role in our lives. Being necessary and useful for children is very important to me.

"To bring joy to children, to promote success."

You can be cool in different ways

And not feel joy.

With bitterness to go to your children,

And fulfill your responsibilities.

And you can do this: Get up in the morning

And, thinking of a miracle,

Fly to school, run to class

To such not yet quite adults!

"Spiritual and moral education of schoolchildren" - 1. Pokrov Holy Mother of God. Formation of spiritual and moral personality. Program work plan. Optional "Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture". Program content. Archpriest Fr Alexander Gorbunov's consultations with teachers, students and parents. Collaboration with the school museum "Battle Glory".

"Spiritual and moral education in the family" - Poll of the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Respect for parents is perceived by children as necessary condition happy growing up. municipal festival national cultures. Only a family can raise a family man. Family education. Acceptance of the morality of the teacher. Teenage crisis. Three levels in the perception of morality by children.

"The role of the class teacher" - a package of diagnostics. The main stages of the work of the class teacher to increase the educational motivation of students. Education Act. The role of the class teacher in shaping the cognitive interests of schoolchildren. Projects. Dependence of the quality of knowledge on the formation of cognitive interest. The role of the class teacher in the formation of positive educational motivation of students.

"Spiritual and moral education" - On the basis of the branch of the Chakinskaya secondary school in the village of Zhemchuzhny teacher Akindeeva N.V. A seminar was held: "The first results of the approbation of the course of the ORKSE." Page after page Rewrite your whole life! Presentation on the topic: “Spiritual and moral education of schoolchildren. Introduction to the syllabus of the experimental course ORSE.

"Moral education of schoolchildren" - 1. The formation of morality of students is the most important task of the school. 2. The content of moral education. Morality is supported by the power of public opinion and is usually observed by virtue of persuasion. theoretical significance. From the handbook... The essence of morality is the subject of ethics. Conclusion. ethical issues.

"Spiritual and moral development" - Contents. Recommendations. Modern national educational ideal. Public lesson. Modern teacher. Possibilities of spiritual and moral education in the process of extracurricular and extracurricular activities. Types of collaboration with parents. In the field of public relations, the education of students should provide.

The role of the class teacher in the education of a successful student personality

Forsaken by happiness will be the one
Who was badly raised as a child.
It's easy to straighten the green shoot,
One fire will fix a dry branch.”

Questions of education, training and personal development remain one of the main problems of modern society. Modern society needs capable and talented individuals who will cope with any everyday difficulties and solve the most difficult tasks, who will be able to show and apply their talents and knowledge for the good, that is, they will be successful in everything. Successful people are the basis of modern society and the state. . The upbringing of a growing person as the formation of a developed personality is one of the main tasks of modern society, and society assigns this task to the school. The school is one of the main institutions that are directly involved in the upbringing and shaping of the development of the child's personality. And, of course, most of the work falls on the shoulders of the class teacher.

The class teacher is a key figure in the educational activities of an educational institution, he is the organizer of the educational process. Raising children is a record-breaking task, the most intricate of all types of creativity. This is the creation of living characters, the creation of unusually complex microcosms. The upbringing of children should be treated as the most important of all earthly professions.

The main purpose of the class teacher is to create conditions for revealing the potential of the child's talents, for their maximum development, for preserving the uniqueness of the personality of each student, for normal mental, spiritual and physical improvement.
At cheba - cognitive activity. The process of education is inextricably linked with the process of learning and development and is pivotal in the formation of a person. Modern society dictates the search for new approaches to the organization of the educational process, in which the emphasis is on creating a school space that makes it possible to develop and realize children's abilities.

FROM socialization is a social activity. Leaving school, the graduate embarks on a completely new path of adulthood. The inclusion of students in various social communities (class, clubs, associations, organizations) creates the conditions for real social trials, which form the readiness to enter into various social structures, various types of social relations. The effectiveness of education depends on the integrity of the educational influences of various social actors.

P positivity is a productive activity. Formation of a positive attitude towards oneself among schoolchildren, confidence in their abilities in relation to the realization of oneself in adult life and future profession. Create situations of success, find an opportunity to stimulate the child for active independent activity. Purposeful activity of the teacher, designed to form in children a system of positive personality traits, attitudes and beliefs.

E unity is a collective activity. Represents the unity of education and upbringing. Forming knowledge, a person develops; developing, he seeks to expand his activities and communication, which, in turn, requires new knowledge and skills. It is in joint activities that the development and disclosure of the inner capabilities of the child take place. Therefore, it is important to combine all the efforts of the family and the school to educate a personality that meets the modern requirements of society.

X arizma - exceptional talent; charismatic leader - a person endowed with authority; charisma is based on the exceptional qualities of the individual - wisdom, heroism, "holiness". In the modern, constantly changing world, it is very difficult for an uncreative person to find his place, his “niche”. Each pupil of the school should have the opportunity to show their natural abilities, creativity, be able to find non-standard solutions to life situations, be receptive to novelty and originality.

In my work, I am guided by the “Ten Commandments of Education” by V.A. Karakovsky:

1. The main goal of education is a happy person.

2. Love not yourself in the child, but the child in yourself.

3. Education without respect - suppression.

4. The measure of upbringing is intelligence - the opposite of rudeness, ignorance.

5. Say what you know, do what you can; At the same time, remember that knowing, being able to never again is harmful.

6. Develop originality in yourself.

7. Don't be a bore, don't whine, and don't panic.

8. Treasure the trust of your pupils, take care of childish secrets, never betray your children.

9. Do not look for a magic wand: education must be systemic.

10. Children should be better than us, and they should live better.

The Ladder of Success program makes it possible to make meaningful and purposeful activities of students, parents and me as a class teacher, ensuring co-development in the team, which implies common participation in the life of the class team, jointness in solving common problems of upbringing and education of students. This program is the realization of your own hopes and dreams, moving up the ladder of personal development and success of the child. The program is designed for 7 years - seven steps:

Step one-5 class"Constellation of young talents" (formation of aesthetic and value orientations of the individual; development of creative abilities; upbringing with beauty and through beauty, formation of a children's team).

Second step-6 class“I + my friends are a great family together” (forming a cool team, establishing friendly partnerships, developing creative potential).

Third step-7 class"Along the ladder of success" (civic-patriotic education as a factor in the formation of national identity, the formation of a good attitude towards the history of the native land, one's family, and each other).

Step four-8 class“There are no uninteresting people” (education of a good attitude to life, the ability to find joy in it and the desire to do good; the formation of a moral attitude towards man, work, nature; the development of students' cognitive interests, their creative activity).

Step five-9 class"Happiness. what we are looking for” (to form ideas about professions, to help identify abilities for a certain type of activity, the formation of professional self-determination).

Step six-10 class 2 The world of relationships is honor and dignity ”(development of cognitive interests of students, their creative activity, education of the qualities of a business person who knows how to organize himself, others, any business; teach him to live in a team, build friendship, mutual support with his peers). It does not contradict the educational program of the school and echoes the main directions, goals and objectives of the school program. The purpose of the program is to create conditions for the versatile development of the individual based on the assimilation of the appropriation of universal human values; education of a successful person, living in harmony with himself, with the surrounding reality, taking an active position in society. The program works in several directions, which are unchanged, but do not duplicate each other from year to year, but change according to the age characteristics of the program participants. The priority areas of work are:
Based on these provisions, I will analyze the educational program that I am implementing.

1. Individual approach in education. I have been working with this class team for the sixth year, so a friendly team has already been formed, I know the characteristics of the character and development of each child, his interests. Based on this, events of a diverse nature were selected and are being selected for work so that they are interesting and understandable to everyone, so that they leave a mark on the souls, make them think about the diversity of the world around them, teach them to love, compassion, respect, be critical of human vices, help to make right choice in life: to become its active participant, and not an idle contemplator. Children in the class are organized, responsible. Good relations have developed in our small working team, the guys understand, trust, respect each other and me. I am glad that they know how to see shortcomings, recognize them and correct them, gently prompt each other. From my own experience, I was convinced that the feeling “we are a single whole”, “we are a team” arises only in cases that we organize together. I captivate with the end result, I try to teach the guys to be creators, and not just performers, distributing those responsible for this or that business, taking into account their strengths and capabilities. I advise how best to carry out the assigned work, that for this you need to find out where to get the necessary material, how best to do it and help if necessary. This gives everyone the opportunity to gain experience in social life and communication with people. Each event held is discussed, real successes are noted, and shortcomings are not hushed up - this allows you to prepare the next event at a higher level.

2. Creative union with parents, subject teachers, administration, organizer. One of the most important social institutions of education is the family. They often talk about the unity of the family and the school in the upbringing of children. But in practice it is sometimes difficult to achieve this unity. The difficulty lies in the fact that parents are adults who have their own views, fixed stereotypes, for example, such as: “I already know everything” - a denial of the possibility of acquiring new experience. Working with parents is a completely separate and independent work. My cooperation, as a class teacher, and parents involves a comprehensive and systematic study of the family, knowledge of the characteristics and conditions of family upbringing of the child. I use in my work both group (parent meetings) and individual (conversations on upbringing, consultations, family visits) forms of work with the family, questionnaires, workshops, development of memos, seminars for parents on the exchange of upbringing experience, etc. Style of communication with parents I attach great importance. Forms of communication with parents - dialogue, cooperation, tolerance. I build relationships with parents based on friendship and mutual respect. After all, in order to win over the child to me, to direct him in the right direction, first of all I must understand and respect his parents! All this contributes to the creation of a favorable climate in the family, the psychological and emotional comfort of the child at school and beyond. Parents are frequent guests and helpers in my class. I perfectly understand that the work of one class teacher is “a performance of one actor”. This work is unlikely to be successful without the support of the administration, other teachers working with the class. Our educational actions must be united, must complement each other. And so I try to be aware of all the problems that arise between teachers and my children. This is another condition for the personal development of the child. In my practical work, I have to coordinate the interaction of subject teachers and students in order for the educational program to be mastered by schoolchildren to the extent that corresponds to their capabilities. In modern conditions, the class teacher is called upon to constantly work on improving the academic performance and developing the cognitive activity of students. It is necessary to stimulate children's interest and love for knowledge, to improve the quality of education, to instill in students the skills of self-education.
3. Consistency in work. In my activity as a class teacher, the form of educational work is the primary cell that makes up the weekdays and holidays of our class life. Of course, it is impossible to find that form, universal and suitable for all occasions with any cool team. One of the main forms of extracurricular educational work I consider a class hour. The class hour is a direct form of my communication with students. I conduct various types of class hours: class meeting, educational hour, debate, questionnaires, excursions, conversations, quizzes, etc. I plan events together with students, but sometimes I hold an emergency meeting or change the form of the class hour for some reason. A classroom hour is a form of educational work in which students take part in specially organized activities that contribute to the formation of their system of relations to the outside world. The functions of the class hour are different: enlightening, orienting, guiding, shaping. I pay much attention to the education of citizenship and the formation of civic consciousness, because according to psychologists, adolescence is the most significant for the formation of civic consciousness. It is in adolescence that self-knowledge and self-esteem appear. Good health helps us fulfill our plans, successfully solve the main life tasks, and overcome difficulties. Once I read a poem - Praise me
The soul dies without praise
Life does not rise at a happy zenith.
Everyone prays without words, breathing a little:
“Praise me, praise me!”
Without praise, do not pass the line,
Do not achieve great discoveries.
The soul asks again and again:
“Praise me, praise me!”

To such not yet quite adults!

The role of the class teacher in the formation of the class

collective and its influence on the formation of the personality of each student.

Human development occurs throughout his life. And if in complete families with prosperity, living in a comfortable house or apartment, the development of a little man is greatly influenced by parents, they are taught to live in a group, that is, in a family, and then in a team, they are taught to become a person, then within the walls of the school - boarding school parents replace class teacher and teacher.

If in an ordinary school with parental children the main teacher in the class is the class teacher, then in a boarding school this is not entirely true. Concepts "classroom teacher" and "educator" are inseparable.

In the conditions of a boarding school, it is they who play the main role in the life of each of their pupils. They accompany the process of individual formation and development of the child's personality during the period of study at school. But today we are talking about the class teacher.

Two and a half years ago (December 1, 2009) I was appointed class teacher of the 7th grade. A little later there was a change of teachers. There were 23 students in the class. Unexpected changes in the class team, adolescence, children of the "risk group", the absence of a single requirement between the class teacher and the teacher, the "movement" of students gave their results. There was no single class team, the children were divided into groups, there were their own leaders. Relationships between classmates worried us adults. The children were cruel to each other.

But at the same time, they knew how to work, had the skills of educational activities and showed themselves as a single whole in various events. There were 6-7 drummers in the class. Each of them existed on its own. Some behaved like dependent and irresponsible students. There was often a discrepancy between what pupils say and what they do.

It was necessary to get acquainted with the individual characteristics of children, observe their behavior, attitude towards each other and others, monitor moral and ethical manifestations. The difficulty was that I practically did not know the children, because I worked at this school quite a bit.

The main task at that time for me was creating a single class team in which each student would be comfortable. At the same time, it was necessary a favorable climate for the formation of the personality of pupils. this work turned out to be difficult, since the children lived by their own rules, the composition of the class often changed, and it took them a long time to get used to new mentors. I found understanding from the teacher with whom we worked. We have worked and are working. I think, in close contact, because we understand that the absence of a single requirement on the part of adults working in the same class is a vain, fruitless work.

In order to solve the problem, I used various forms and methods of work. These are private conversations. cool watch meetings, work with subject teachers, involvement of students in circle classes, socially useful activities, participation in various events, additional classes in subjects after school, designing a health corner, a classroom corner, conversations about the culture of communication and behavior, about observing the norms of elementary morality in relationships, meetings, patronage of veterans, patronage of kids. Most effective tool development of collectivism collective creative activity(the class tried to take an active part in school-wide events - concerts, sports competitions, competitions). It is through it that the development of the collectivist foundations of life, independence, initiative of children, an active attitude towards other people, towards the world around them takes place.

As a class teacher, she created conditions for creativity and self-realization of the personality of children. It is necessary at this age to educate students and demand from them independence in decision-making, an active life position.

It is always very important to know how classmates treat each other, whether the class team in which they are during their studies at school is significant for them. In the classroom and during the break, they can show themselves in different ways. At school they are alone, in the hostel they are different. Therefore, it is necessary to observe the activities and behavior of students in the process of training sessions and extracurricular work; diagnostic conversations; familiarization with the documentation and products of students' activities.

Sometimes it seems that you put your whole soul into working with your pupils, and they respond with indifference and your work is a waste of time. But, finding themselves in a difficult situation, the children get lost and they again “go” to their team, where it is so cozy, warm, and where an adult will always help. Even in moments of joy, they run to you and share their happiness...

The ultimate goal of my work as a class teacher in this class is to prepare a student as a graduate with the necessary knowledge, a broad outlook, creative thinking, able to realize himself in the further learning process in educational institutions our republic.

First of all, the class teacher can and should help the child, teach him to live in a team. He encourages the friendship of children, prevents aggravation in their relationship, selects and offers children types of joint activities, prompts, directs in the right direction. He observes them during training sessions, monitors progress in the classroom, helps one or another student “catch up” with the best in learning and behavior.

With the help of the class teacher, each pupil must find his place in the class team, and then in society.

Good afternoon colleagues.
Topic of my speech:
"The role of the class teacher in the system of education of schoolchildren
in the context of the implementation of the second generation of the Federal State Educational Standards"
“A school is not a building, not classrooms, not exemplary visual propaganda. School is a sublime spirit, a dream, an idea that captivates three people at once - a child, a teacher, a parent - and is immediately realized. If they are not there, then this is not a school, but an ordinary accounting department, where they come and go on a call, earn - some money, some grades and count the days until vacation and minutes until the next call ... The teacher is called to realize the dreams of children ... "
(A.A. Zakharenko)
The activity of the class teacher directly affects the conclusion of the social contract underlying the implementation of the standard, providing a new type of relationship between the individual, the family and the educational institution, representing the interests of society and the state. This type of relationship is based on the principle of mutual consent of the designated parties - the subjects of the educational process, which necessarily implies the acceptance of mutual obligations by the parties. The class teacher becomes an active participant in the conclusion of a mutual agreement between the school and parents to meet the needs, interests and requirements of each of the parties, fixing the nature of the conventional norm for the standard.
In the context of the implementation of new educational standards, the class teacher is assigned the role of accompanying and supporting the child in the educational process. Its activities should contribute to the formation of innovative behavior of students, create conditions for the manifestation of innovative activity of children.
The social activity of the class teacher, aimed at the formation of civic identity with the aim of consolidating society, reducing the risks of socio-psychological tension in children's team, achieving social equality individuals with different starting options.
The main results of education are determined by the formulation and solution of key tasks of personal, social, cognitive and communication development children in the areas of activity of the class teacher.
Only a teacher's deep interest in students, the study of their individual abilities, a humane attitude towards them, concern for their spirituality and physical development make it possible to make the educational process conscious and purposeful.
We all come from childhood. Remembering childhood, every adult often reproduces events related to his life in school years. A good memory remains of that teacher, with whom there were joyful moments of communication, who helped in solving problems, in choosing a life path, was an interesting personality. More often than not, it's the class teacher. He really stands closest to the child in the teaching staff of the school.
The activity of the modern class teacher is the most important link in the educational system of the school, the main mechanism for the implementation individual approach to the students. It is due to the modern tasks that the world community, the state, parents set for the school - the maximum development of each child, the preservation of his originality, the disclosure of his talents and the creation of conditions for normal spiritual, mental, physical perfection.
The class teacher predicts, analyzes, organizes, cooperates, controls everyday life and activities of students in their class. The modern class teacher in his activities not only uses well-known forms of educational work, but also includes in his practice new forms of work with the student team. Forms of work are determined based on the pedagogical situation. The number of forms is endless: conversations, discussions, games, competitions, hikes and excursions, competitions, socially useful and creative work, artistic and aesthetic activities, role-playing training, etc.
What should be a modern class teacher? What is its role in the modern educational process?
The class teacher designs the educational system of the class together with the children, taking into account their interests, abilities, wishes, interacts with parents, takes into account the ethno-cultural conditions of the environment.
At present, the class teacher keeps up with the times, he is methodically and psychologically savvy, has knowledge of the theory and methodology of educational work, is well versed in labor legislation, and also knows how to navigate the main regulatory documents. The class teacher is interested in issues of concern to modern youth, studies novelties information technologies. The dream of any class teacher is to create a single friendly team. The work of the class teacher will be more effective if it is carried out systematically and always remember that there is a powerful tool - a team of children, a student is brought up by the spirit of the team.
So, the class teacher is called upon to be a link between the student, teachers, parents, society, and often between the children themselves.
In the course of their activities, a modern class teacher primarily interacts with subject teachers, involves teachers in working with parents, and includes students in their class in the system of extracurricular work in subjects. These include a variety of subject circles, electives, issue of subject newspapers, and joint organization and participation in subject weeks, theme evenings and other events.
In his work, the class teacher constantly takes care of the health of his pupils, using information received from medical workers.
One of the most important social institutions of education is the family. The joint work of the class teacher and parents plays an important role. Methods of education should be developed jointly, then the greatest efficiency will be achieved.
My cooperation with parents involves a comprehensive and systematic study of the family, knowledge of the characteristics and conditions of family upbringing of the child. The effectiveness of raising children in a family largely depends on the pedagogical literacy of parents. It is difficult for parents to do without studying the psychological and physical development of their child, shaping the worldview of the younger generation, character, and personal qualities. Therefore, in my work, a significant place is given to the psychological and pedagogical education of parents. At parent meetings, not only the results of the progress and behavior of children are summed up, but also various pedagogical situations are analyzed, psychological games are held - trainings, at the end of each quarter I show parents a photo report on the affairs of the class.
In my practice of educational work, I pay great attention to involving children and parents in participating in joint events at which the ideal of a strong, prosperous family is formed, because not a single holiday is complete without the participation and help of parents.
Forms of work with the family
group (parent meetings)
individual (conversations on education, consultations, family visits)
development of memos
practical joint work of children, parents (holidays, games, concerts, competitions, promotions, projects, theaters)
I constantly use the method of persuasion - this is an impact on the consciousness, feelings and will of the pupils in order to form their positive qualities and overcome the negative ones. I, as a class teacher, carry out this work in the system of extracurricular activities, that is, I act as the main organizer of the spiritual and moral education of students outside of school hours. I am faced with the most important task of educating students in moral skills and habits, forming in them the unity of word and behavior. In this regard, the involvement of each student in practical socio-political, labor and cultural activities is of great importance. A very important task of the class teacher is the subordination of all aspects of extracurricular educational work to the moral development of schoolchildren. I, as a class teacher, constantly study the students, the features of their character, behavior and moral upbringing in general.
The most common form of this organization is: class hours, debates, which are usually held conversations about diligence, frugality, camaraderie, friendship, justice, kindness and responsiveness, intolerance to indifference, modesty, etc., which lead to a certain solution to emerging problems. The main requirement for the class hour is the active participation of all students in it.
In addition, in my educational activities, as a class teacher, conversations and class hours on such topics as: “We are different, but we are together. We are against terror”, “No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten”, “On the dangers of smoking”, “ environmental education", "Rules traffic“We are responsible for our actions.” Class hour on the topic "crime prevention" Grade 5, "We are the future Defenders of the Fatherland." They aim to enrich the moral ideas and concepts associated with positive deeds and actions, to familiarize with the rules of conduct. In the process of conversations, an evaluative attitude is developed towards one's own behavior and the behavior of other people.
Children are sensitive and receptive to everything. To become kind to people, one must learn to understand others, show sympathy, honestly admit one's mistakes, be hardworking, marvel at the beauty of the surrounding nature, and treat it with care. Of course, it is difficult to enumerate all the moral qualities of a person in the future society, but the main thing is that these qualities should be laid down today. It is very important to educate in children kindness, generosity of soul, self-confidence, the ability to enjoy the world around them.
Great help in the education of students is provided by participation in school-wide events. Their preparation and implementation requires a lot of work and time. Participating in various competitions, presentations, sports competitions, my children feel more relaxed and cultured in communication. Many reveal dormant talents in themselves as a reader, storyteller and other qualities.
State systems, methods, means, programs are changing, but the desire of parents, teachers, society to make a good, kind, decent person out of a child does not change.
The child is a burning torch! This is that living flame, the fuel of which is close friendship, common will, excellent mutual understanding, business cooperation, partnership, commonwealth. And the class teacher regulates this flame. It depends on him whether the torch will go out or will burn brighter and brighter. And the main role of the class teacher is to keep the fire in every child. And I wish that every class teacher maintains this fire in each of his students.

Thank you for your attention!
