Parent meeting "Let's get to know each other" The first parent meeting "Let's get acquainted" The first parent meeting meeting with parents

Parent meeting "Let's get to know each other" Grade 5 09/11/2015

Target: acquaintance of the class teacher with the parent composition of the class, determining the prospects for the development of the children's team.

Tasks: create an emotional mood for joint work, an atmosphere of mutual trust between parents and the class teacher; study the expectations of parents; to familiarize parents with the main areas of educational activities of the school; hold parent committee elections.

Conduct form: traditional meeting with training elements.

Members: parents of students, class teacher, representative of the school administration.

Room decoration, equipment

The topic of the meeting is on the chalkboard. Forms with questionnaires, blank sheets, pens are on the tables.

Questionnaire for parents

1. Surname, name and patronymic of the mother

2. Year of birth, education

3. Place of work, position, contact phone number

4. Surname, name and patronymic of the father

5. Year of birth, education

6. Place of work, position, contact phone number

7. Home address, telephone

8. Number of children in the family (name, age, attendance)

9. Living conditions of the family (separate comfortable apartment, hostel, own house, do not have housing)

10. Conditions for the child's activities (a separate room, a desk in the common room, a table shared with other children)

11. Personal characteristics of the child (isolation, leadership, anxiety, lack of independence, etc.)

12. Additional information (status of a single mother, widow (widower), the large family, Chernobyl victims, disabled people, refugees, etc.)

Proceedings of the meeting

Parents go into the office, sit down at the tables, and answer the questions of the questionnaire before the start of the meeting.


Classroom teacher. Good afternoon dear parents! I am glad to see you at our meeting. Primary school is over, your children have matured, they are starting a new, interesting adulthood. What it will be depends largely not only on the school, but also on dads and moms. I really want to new life your children did not alienate you from each other, but, on the contrary, brought you closer, made you good friends. Your children will have many difficulties, but there will be no less joys and victories! I really want you to take care of the big sorrows and small joys of your children, to know about them and help the children survive the difficult moments of their lives.

Once again, we will all learn together to overcome difficulties, learn to fall, filling as few bumps as possible, learn to rejoice in the successes of our own children and the victories of their peers.

We, teachers, are open to communication, you will always receive an exhaustive answer to the most seemingly insoluble question at school.

First of all, the doors of the director's office, his deputies, all the people who are entrusted with helping the family in raising children are always open to you.

But before we start looking for solutions to these problems, let's get acquainted.

A story about yourself, about choosing the profession of a teacher,about his teaching activities,

(All parents who wish are heard. At this time, the teacher can briefly write down the expectations on the board, sorting them into groups.)



Classroom teacher. To successfully overcome difficulties, joint educational activities are necessary.

To acquaint with the tasks and goals of the class team for the academic year.

Target educational work:

creation of conditions for the adaptation of students in the middle level of the school, for the development of the moral, cognitive, creative, physical potential of the student on the basis of collective creative activity.


    in working with children:

1) to cultivate a respectful, caring attitude towards parents and older people;

2) to develop in children responsibility for their actions, organization and independence;

3) to cultivate a conscientious attitude to educational activities;

4) develop the creative side of students and instill a healthy lifestyle;

5) rally children's team;

6) develop motivation for learning activities;

7) to cultivate a caring attitude towards nature and surrounding things.

    working with parents:

1) organize the participation of parents in the educational process at school and in the classroom;

2) strengthen the connection: family - school.

    working with teachers:

1) to form the ability to solve problems of students together with the class teacher and parents.

Tell about teachers and the requirements that they place on the learning activities of students. (List of subject teachers).

To acquaint parents with the main directions of the educational activities of the school.

Direction "Civil-patriotic".

Purpose: education of citizenship, patriotism, respect for the rights, freedoms and duties of a person.

Direction "Moral and spiritual education".

Purpose: education of moral feelings and ethical consciousness.

Direction "Cultural and aesthetic education".

Purpose: education of a value attitude to beauty, the formation of ideas about aesthetic ideals and values ​​(ethical education).

Direction "Education of a positive attitude to work and creativity."

Purpose: education of industriousness, creative attitude to learning, work, life.

Direction "Health-saving education".

Goal: formation of a value attitude to health and healthy lifestyle life.

Direction "Environmental education".

Purpose: education of a value attitude towards nature, the environment (ecological education).

Tell parents about what circles, electives, sections will work at school for children of this age, about the need to do well in all subjects.

Familiarize yourself with student rights and responsibilities .


    meals in the school cafeteria; assistance opportunities;

    indoor shoes;

    keeping diaries;

    payment for various additional services at the school.

Classroom teacher. Dear parents, I invite you to once again discuss the problems that have already been raised today related to the upbringing of children, and on the basis of this, formulate proposals on the topics of parent-teacher meetings for the academic year.

(Adoption of the theme of parent-teacher meetings for the school year.)

Topics for parent-teacher conferences

for the 2015-2016 academic year.

1. "Let's get to know each other." Organization of the beginning of the academic year. Planning the work of the class and the parent committee for the 2015-2016 academic year. (beginning of school year)

2. "Difficulties in adapting fifth-graders to school." (1 quarter)

3. "On the importance of homework in the educational activities of the student." (2nd quarter)

4. "Television and the fifth grader." (3rd quarter)

3. Open day "Welcome to our class: on Classroom hour on the topic “My home is my castle”. (May)

4. “So we have become a year older.” (4th quarter)


List members parent committee

Chairman -

Educational sector -

Cultural sector -

Treasurer -


Classroom teacher. Our meeting has come to an end. Thank you for joint activities I hope for further understanding.

At the end of the meeting, parents write questions to which they received no response. These may be questions to the school administration, the class teacher. Not every question can be answered immediately. In order for parents to receive a competent answer to the questions posed, there is a box on the teacher’s table in which parents put their notes. The class teacher will be able to analyze them and answer questions at the next meeting or phone the parents if the answer is urgent.

Meeting agenda

    Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" (rights and obligations of parents and students)

    Curriculum, annual calendar schedule.


    Issues of labor protection and safety at school.

    Organization of the life of the class team.

    Approval of the composition of the parent committee.

Parent meeting"Let's get acquainted!"The first meeting in the younger group.

Target : Introduce parents to each other. Acquaintance of parents with the regime, rules and work of the kindergarten. Adaptation of the child to the preschool educational institution.

Meeting agenda:

Meeting topic and purpose message

Getting to know the parents

ball game

Presentation on the topic: "Adaptation in kindergarten", "One day in our life of the "Bee" group"

Elections of the parent committee.

About different things.

Answers to parents' questions

Summary of the meeting

Tasks :

To acquaint parents with the tasks of the kindergarten for the new academic year, with the group's plans for the near future;

Update the personal data of the families of pupils;

To teach parents to observe the child, study him, see successes and failures, try to help him develop.

Training :

Make a presentation« Adaptation of children in kindergarten» , "One day in kindergarten group"Bees".


Dear Parents! We are very glad to see you at the first parent meeting, because we understand that without an alliance with children, without your support and help, raising and creating a cozy and joyful environment for them in kindergarten is an impossible task.

But first, it’s not for nothing that our meeting is called"Let's get acquainted!", Let's get acquainted.

So, first we introduce ourselves, the educators of the group"Bees" Yaschenkova Galina Viktorovna, Kiryutina Yulia Sergeevna.

And now a word to you, dear parents.(introduction of parents)But we will do it in an unusual way. I have a ball in my hands, I will throw it to you, and you will catch it, get up and introduce yourself Name Patronymic and whose mom and dad are you. Well, let's start. THE GAME IS ON.

Well, that's where we met.

Entering a baby in kindergarten is the first step in an independent life, which is not easy for all children. Our task is to make sure that the adaptation period is painless for the child. To do this, friendly, partnership relations should be established between us.

Our presentation is calledAdaptation of children in kindergarten "(show presentation)


Our baby - “our treasure, our happiness, our light in the window” - has already grown up a little, began to walk, run and talk. It's time to send to kindergarten!

The child gets used to attending kindergarten within one to two months.

Any adaptation comes at two levels:

  • Physical
  • Psychological

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On the physical level the baby needs to get used to:

  • To a new regime - a certain, given rhythm of life, new loads (it is necessary to sit, listen, fulfill requests);
  • The need for self-restraint;
  • The impossibility of solitude;
  • New food, new premises, etc.

On the psychologicallevel the baby should get used to:

  • To the absence of a significant adult (mother, father, etc.);
  • The need to cope with their problems alone;
  • A large number of new people and the need to interact with them;
  • The need to defend your personal space.

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If it is difficult to cope with a child in the evening after kindergarten, then the main reason for this behavior is fatigue:

  • Separation from mom and presence around a large number strangers - the main sources of stress for the crumbs;
  • In addition, at home he lives according to the same rules, and in the garden they are more or less different from those at home;

Every day he has to switch to your communication style, then to the communication style of educators.

Caring parents need to mitigate the traumatic situation that the child is experiencing and help him adapt, relieve tension after being in kindergarten.

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Mode in the life of a child is extremely important. Sudden change is stressful.

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Make sure your child gets a good night's sleep.
Prolonged lack of sleep is the cause of tearfulness, weakening of attention, memory.
Children become excited or, conversely, lethargic, appetite and body resistance to diseases decrease.

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  • The best awakening of a child is independent;
  • If a child is awakened in a phase of deep sleep, then he does not wake up immediately, it is difficult, often naughty, sometimes lethargic and passive;
  • Wake up the baby 10 minutes early, let him soak a little in bed until he is fully awake;
  • Wear to kindergarten only those clothes in which the child can feel relaxed and free;
  • Clothing should be simple so that the child can easily put it on and take it off on their own.

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  • Try to have the baby wash, dress, fall asleep and eat carefully at the common table, using a fork and spoon, drinking from a cup.
  • It is important that the child can do without outside help in the toilet and inform adults about this need.

The better these skills are developed, the less emotional and physical discomfort the child experiences away from his mother in an unfamiliar team.

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But! No matter how well the child is prepared for kindergarten, at first it will be difficult for him. During this period, you need to be as careful as possible with the baby.

  • Pay special attention to the organization of a good rest for the child;
  • You should not take him to visit, return home late, host friends;
  • If, upon returning home from kindergarten, the child often falls asleep earlier than usual, but does not wake up early, he needs more rest to restore strength.

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Set aside all innovations for a while:
- Not the right moment to change habits;
- Make repairs in the apartment;
- Arrange the baby in a new circle, etc.
The task of parents is to create a calm environment at home:
- Stay with him alone;
- Play or read together;
- Do not rush home after kindergarten;
- Take a walk on the playground or just wander around, accompanying the walk with a cheerful conversation;
- Discuss the past day;
- Listen to the child, answer all questions and support if the slightest trouble occurs.

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  • If the baby is excited and uncontrollable, do not try to rein him in with phrases like: “If you don’t calm down, I’ll take you back to kindergarten!”
  • Don't frame the image of kindergarten as a place that punishes;
  • Be patient, be understanding and discerning.

And very soon the kindergarten will turn into a cozy, well-known and familiar world for the baby!

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Signs of successful adaptation to kindergarten:

  • Normal sleep. Falls asleep as usual, does not wake up at night, does not cry, does not wake up in a dream;
  • A good appetite;
  • Normal behavior. At home, he behaves as usual - he does not cling to his mother, does not run, does not act up;
  • Normal mood;
  • Wakes up easily in the morning;
  • I want to go to kindergarten.

12 slide.

Signs of disadaptation to kindergarten:

  • Sleep disturbance. Sleeps poorly, often wakes up at night, talks in his sleep, tosses and turns a lot, often gets up at night on the potty;
  • Appetite disturbance. Refuses to eat, eats little, complains of pain in the abdomen;
  • The appearance of lethargy, capriciousness;
  • The appearance of aggressiveness, mood changes often;
  • The child began to get sick more often.

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Factors that hinder the child's adaptation to kindergarten:

  • Too strong dependence of the child on the mother;
  • Excessive anxiety of parents;
  • The unwillingness of adults to give independence to the baby;
  • Raising a child in a spirit of permissiveness;
  • Soreness of the baby;
  • The lack of an adequate daily routine for the baby in the house.

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Be patient, be understanding and discerning. And very soon the kindergarten will turn into a cozy, well-known and familiar world for the baby!

And now it's time to meet our children. Our presentation is called"One day in our life" (show presentation)

"Children are happiness created by our labor."classes, meetings with children, of course, require mental strength, time, work. But after all, we are happy when our children are happy, when their eyes are filled with joy, pleasant expectations in life. Let the meetings of the children of our group with you be sure to be bright, useful, exciting.

Your desire to help us in the upbringing and organization of an interesting life for children gives us the opportunity to hope that no one will be left behind. The parent committee that you choose will also help us with this.

(selection of the parent committee)

Well, our parent meeting is over. Thank you so much for coming. I wish you good luck, patience in the school year, and most importantly health to our children.

The implementation of the "Childhood" program is fully possible only if the kindergarten and the family work closely together. At the same time, both sides direct their efforts towards understanding the developmental opportunities of each child and creating favorable conditions. This event contributes to the establishment of trusting relationships between parents and teachers, which has a positive impact on the state of the pedagogical process.

Equipment: small paper blanks in the shape of a circle, rectangle, square, trapezoid; markers, colored pencils, soft toy, ball, white sheets of paper, ball.

Target: acquaintance of parents with each other, the development of cohesion and the establishment of a friendly atmosphere between the participants in the educational process.

Location: music hall

Duration: 30 minutes


All participants sit in a circle.

Hello dear parents! Thank you for taking the time to come to the parent meeting.
My name is (…….), I work (…….). In order to make it easier for us to communicate, we suggest you make a business card, which can be of any shape and decorated according to your artistic taste. It is important that the cards indicate your name, which you want to be called (parents draw up their badge in free form).

And now let's get to know each other. We will pass the toy along the chain, whoever has the toy in his hands, he answers two questions:
What's his name?
Why is the badge designed the way it is? Here you need to try to explain why such a shape was used (circle, rectangle, square, trapezoid), such colors, what it means to you (participants complete the task)
For a closer acquaintance with each other, team up in pairs. The objective of this game is to find out as much information as possible about your partner, and then tell all of us what you learned so that all other participants immediately remember your partner. Try to note the neighbor's individual traits, character traits, hobbies (hobbies), occupation, etc.

Exercise "Did you know that I ..."
At the signal of the leader, the parents begin to throw the ball to each other (free choice), while the thrower ends the phrase: “No one knows that I ... (I love, I know how, I know, etc.)”
Well, we got to know each other. It turns out that among us there is (a teacher, a doctor ...) it is also significant that you have hobbies and hobbies.

Dynamic pause
The facilitator offers tasks to parents:
- Stand up and sit down those parents who have a chain around their neck;
- Walk in a circle around the chairs parents who have Brown eyes;
- Wave to us parents whose birthdays are in summer and winter;
- Swap places those parents who came today in trousers;
- Smile at us birthday parents whom spring and autumn;
- Come out in a circle and shake hands parents who love their children.

Each of you is very individual. We saw this even from the design of your badges, you used different colors, decorated your business cards in different ways. It is also significant that each of you not only has a different hair color, eyes, but also your own unique and individual life experience, which we hope you will share with each other.

Game exercise "My portrait in the sun"
Draw the sun, in the center of the solar circle write your name or draw your portrait. Then, along the rays, write all your virtues, all the good things that you know about yourself. Try to have as many rays as possible.

Reflection "Connecting thread"

Participants become in a circle. The host, holding the ball, passes it around in a circle and invites the participants to speak:
1) characterize their mood,
2) express their feelings - what they liked, what they didn't and why.

1 CLASS First meeting Topic: Getting to know the parents of first-graders

Teachers meet with parents of first-graders before the start of the school year, it is most appropriate to hold such a meeting at the end of August. The teacher uses the first meeting to get to know the parents, set the family up for the need to communicate with the school, teachers, create an optimistic attitude towards learning activities, remove the family's fear of school.

Meeting tasks:

    To acquaint parents with teachers, school, administration, school services and with each other.

    Help prepare families for their child's first grade.

Issues for discussion*:

    Where can parents get advice on raising a child?

    What laws should be followed in the upbringing in the family?

    What is interesting in a single family: traditions and customs (exchange of experience)?

Meeting plan (exemplary)

    Getting to know the school principal and school administration.

    A representation of the educator who will be working with the class.

    Mini-lecture “Laws of education in the family. What should they be?"

    Survey of parents on the topic of the meeting.

    Self-representation is the calling card of the family.

    Parent training "Child in the mirror of parents".

The course of the meeting

The meeting is held in the classroom where the children's classes will be held. The class is festively decorated (you can place wishes, creative works of students who have graduated from elementary school on the stand). On the board are photographs of graduates who studied with a teacher who is gaining a class.

    Introductory remarks by the director of the school (option).
    – Dear fathers and mothers, grandfathers and grandmothers, all adults who came to the first meeting with the school, the threshold of which will be crossed by your kids in September!
    Today we announce you and ourselves as members of one big ship team called "School". Our voyage starts today and ends in 12 years. We will be together for so long, and while our ship will sail on the ocean of Knowledge, we will experience storms and storms, sorrows and joys. I want this voyage to be interesting, joyful and significant in the life of every child and every family.
    How to learn to overcome difficulties, how to learn to fall, stuffing as few bumps as possible, where to get advice, an exhaustive answer to an insoluble question - all this can be found in the office of the Deputy Director for primary school.

    Speech by the Deputy Director of Primary School.
    The performance should contain information about the traditions and customs of the elementary school, about the requirements for students. It is necessary to acquaint parents with the charter of the school, give each family a business card of the school, indicate the days of consultations of the deputy director of primary school, introduce the primary school teacher who will work with a particular class.

    Self-representation of the teacher.
    The teacher conducts a self-presentation (option):

    1. A story about yourself, about choosing the profession of a teacher.

      A story about my graduate students, about plans for the future in working with a new class.

    Families self-representation.
    Self-representation of families takes place at the parent meeting-meeting very interestingly. This is a kind of visiting card of the family. It is advisable to tape record the speeches of parents talking about themselves at the meeting. Such work will immediately determine the characteristics of families, the degree of their openness, the system of family values ​​and relationships. It will be important for the class teacher to analyze mini-stories about the family.
    Family Presentation Plan

    1. Surname, name, patronymic of parents.

      Age of parents, birthday of the family.

      Family interests and hobbies.

      Family traditions and customs.

      Family motto.

You can write the motto of the families on a sheet of paper, which is attached to the board in the classroom. This material can be successfully used in working with students.

    Tour of the school building.
    After the self-representation of parents, teachers and the establishment of a warm atmosphere, a tour of the school is held. It is very important to show the parents the office of the psychological service, to acquaint them with the schedule of its work, to offer to write down the helpline of the psychological service.

    Tips for parents.
    At the end of the meeting, each family receives a mandate in the form of a scroll, which contains the laws of raising a child in a family. Parents are given the opportunity to read the laws and ask questions to the teacher.

    Parent survey.
    Held at the end of the meeting on a designated topic.
    You can take a common photo in memory of the first "school" day of the parents.

Second meeting Topic: The problem of adaptation of first-graders in school Conduct form: round table.

Meeting tasks:

    Introduce the parent team possible problems adaptation of children in the first year of education.

Issues for discussion:

    Physiological difficulties of adaptation of first-graders at school.

    Psychological difficulties of adaptation of first-graders at school.

    The system of relationships between children in the classroom.

Proceedings of the meeting

    Discussion of the child's first day of school.
    Parents share their impressions with each other and teachers: in what mood the child came home, how family members congratulated him, what gifts he received.

    Parent workshop-game "Basket of feelings".
    It might look something like this.
    Teacher's word . Dear moms and dads! I have a basket in my hands, at the bottom of it are a wide variety of feelings, positive and negative, that a person can experience. After your child crossed the school threshold, feelings and emotions settled firmly in your soul, in your heart, which filled your entire existence. Put your hand in the basket and take the "feeling" that has overwhelmed you the most for a long period of time, name it.
    Parents name the feelings that overwhelm them, which they painfully experience.
    This activity allows you to emphasize the importance of the event, identify problems and difficulties that arise in families, and discuss these problems during the consideration of the topic of the meeting.

Physiological conditions of adaptation of the child to school.

Discussion of the issue.

Familiarization of the teacher and doctor with the health problems of the child. Changing the daily routine of the child in comparison with kindergarten. The need to alternate games with the educational activities of the child. Observation of parents for the correct posture during homework (prevention of myopia, curvature of the spine). Organization of proper nutrition of the child. Parental care for hardening the child, maximum development motor activity(creation of a sports corner in the house). Education in children of independence and responsibility as the main qualities of maintaining their own health.

Psychological difficulties of adaptation of the child to school.

When discussing this problem, it is necessary to pay attention to the following important conditions for psychological comfort in the life of a first grader:
- creation of a favorable psychological climate in relation to the child by all family members;
- the role of the child's self-esteem in adapting to school (the lower the self-esteem, the more difficulties the child has at school);
- the formation of interest in the school, the school day lived;
- obligatory acquaintance with the guys in the class and the possibility of their communication after school;
- the inadmissibility of physical measures of influence, intimidation, criticism of the child, especially in the presence of third parties (grandparents, peers);
- the exclusion of such punishments as deprivation of pleasure, physical and mental punishment;
- taking into account temperament during the period of adaptation to schooling;
- providing the child with independence in educational work and organizing control over his educational activities;
- encouraging the child not only for academic success, but also moral stimulation of his achievements;
- development of self-control and self-esteem, self-sufficiency of the child.

Relationships between classmates.

The well-known teacher and psychologist Simon Soloveichik, whose name is significant for a whole generation of students, parents and teachers, has published rules that can help parents prepare their child for communication with classmates at school. Parents need to explain these rules to the child and use them to prepare the child for adulthood.

      Don't take someone else's, but don't give yours either.

      They asked - give, they try to take away - try to defend yourself.

      Don't fight for no reason.

      Call to play - go, do not call - ask permission to play together, it's not a shame.

      Play fair, don't let your comrades down.

      Don't tease anyone, don't beg, don't beg for anything. Don't ask anyone for anything twice.

      Don't cry over grades, be proud. Do not argue with the teacher because of the grades and do not be offended by the teacher for grades. Try to do everything on time and think about good results, you will definitely have them.

      Don't snitch and don't slander anyone.

      Try to be careful.

      Say more often:let's be friends, let's play, let's go home together.

      Remember: you are not the best, you are not the worst! You are unique for yourself, parents, teachers, friends!

It is very good if parents place a set of these rules in the room or in the working corner of their child in a conspicuous place. It is advisable at the end of the week to draw the child's attention to which rules he manages to follow and which he does not, and why. You can try to come up with your own rules with your child.

Third meeting Topic: Positive and negative emotions Conduct form: family council.

Meeting tasks:

    Review student self-assessment.

    Determine the reasons for the predominance of negative or positive emotions in students.

Proceedings of the meeting

    Introductory speech of the teacher (option).
    - Dear mothers and fathers! Today we have a parent meeting, which we hold in the form of a family council. family council is collected when the case is urgent and requires a comprehensive analysis. Before we move on to the advice on the declared problem, please listen to the tape recording of the children's answers to the question: What am I? (For example, I am kind, beautiful, smart, etc.)
    After listening to the recording, parents should answer the question about the motives for the child's choice of adjectives denoting positive and negative qualities. An exchange occurs.
    Today we will talk about human emotions. I would like to draw your attention to those emotions that stimulate the development of neuroses and destroy the health of a child. These are the emotions of destruction - anger, anger, aggression and the emotions of suffering - pain, fear, resentment. Observing children, we have to admit that the emotions of suffering and destruction are closer to them than the emotions of joy and kindness.

    Parent training.

    1. Give examples of situations from your life, from the life of your family, or observed situations associated with negative and positive emotions.

      Can you say that you heard echoes of negative emotions in the answers of the guys on the tape? (According to psychologists, positive emotions appear in a person when they are loved, understood, recognized, accepted, and negative emotions appear when needs are not met.) How to form positive emotions? Where to start?

      There are pieces of paper in front of you. Write down on them expressions that are forbidden in communication with a child in your family, as well as expressions recommended and desirable.

Conclusion. When communicating with children, you should not use such expressions, for example:
· I told you a thousand times that...
How many times do you have to repeat...
What are you thinking about...
Is it hard for you to remember that...
You become…
You are just like...
Leave me alone, I don't have time...
Why is Lena (Nastya, Vasya, etc.) like this, but you are not ...
When communicating with children, it is desirable to use the following expressions:
You are my smartest (beautiful, etc.).
It's good that I have you.
You are my good guy.
I love you very much .
How well you did it, teach me.
Thank you, I am very grateful to you.
If it wasn't for you, I would never have made it.
Try to use the above desirable expressions as often as possible.

    Recommendations for parents:
    1) Unconditionally accept your child.
    2) Actively listen to his experiences, opinions.
    3) Communicate with him as often as possible, study, read, play, write letters and notes to each other.
    4) Do not interfere in his activities, which he can handle.
    5) Help when asked.
    6) Support and celebrate his successes.
    7) Talk about your problems, share your feelings.
    8) Resolve conflicts peacefully.
    9) Use phrases that evoke positive emotions in communication.
    10) Hug and kiss each other at least four times a day.

    Homework for parents: write a letter to your child to be opened in the senior year of school.
    Questionnaire for parents
    1. Do you encourage positive emotions in your child? How do you do it?
    2. Does your child show negative emotions? Why do you think they occur?
    3. How do you develop positive emotions in your child? Give examples.
    Questioning is carried out during the course of the meeting, the teacher allocates 10-15 minutes for this. Parents give the answer sheets to the teacher, who uses them in further work with parents and students.

Parent meeting

"Let's get acquainted!"

Purpose of the meeting:

getting to know parents, establishing positive relationships;

Tasks of the parent meeting:

create conditions for establishing psychological contact between preschool teachers and parents.

creating a positive emotional atmosphere.

discuss with the parent committee issues related to improving the condition of the equipment for the group room.

Venue: group

Event type: parent evening

Parent meeting schedule:

Introductory speech by the educator.

Speech by a medical worker.

Game "Magic Wand"

Exercise "Circles", "Scouts"

Creative work of parents Kindergarten future"


Manager's speech.

Meeting progress:

Hello dear parents! Thank you for taking the time to come to today's meeting.

For some parents this is the first joint meeting, other parents were present at the first meeting. Based on this, it would be advisable to get to know each other better, to get to know each other better. I will also tell you about what we have already learned during the period of adaptation to kindergarten and what we still have to learn.

Then the head of the kindergarten, Yakovenko Tatyana Nikolaevna, will tell you about the financial and economic activities in our institution.

After that, we will discuss various issues together with the parent committee.

But first, the floor is given to our medical worker Svetlana Viktorovna Dydychkina. She will tell you how to organize the life of a child in the autumn - winter period of time.

Many thanks to Svetlana Viktorovna for such valuable information.

But now, dear parents, we will return directly to the topic of our evening.

During the child's stay in kindergarten, we (children, teachers, parents) form a triangle. At the head of the triangle, of course, is the child. What do you think will happen to a tripod stool if one leg breaks? (falls) That's right, it will fall! Remember Krylov's fable "The Swan, Cancer and Pike" which says: "When there is no agreement among the comrades, their business will not work, it will not work for him, only flour!". Therefore, you and I need to join forces to ensure that children are interested and comfortable in kindergarten, and here it is very important to have mutual understanding and support. You and I will live alone for 5 years, I hope as a friendly family. Many of us are strangers, perhaps experiencing different feelings from being here and now. And to get closer to each other, I suggest we play.

Game "Magic Wand"

Now we will try to plunge into childhood and play. Rules of the game: the one who has the magic wand answers three questions:

1. What personality traits do you value in people?

2. What is your favorite activity (hobby)?

3. What do you dislike doing at home?

Each of you is very individual. It is also indicative that each of you not only has a different hair color, eyes, but also your own unique and individual life experience. Thanks for the replies, very nice.

Exercise "Circles"

Now let's get to know each other better. I suggest everyone to come out on the carpet. Parents who have one child stand in the first circle, parents of two children in the second, and parents of three or more children in the third, respectively.

Now let's see who in our group has more boys or girls? The first group includes parents of girls attending our group, the second - boys.

Thanks to all the parents for participating.

Exercise "Scout"

Dear parents, please stand now in one big circle. Your task is to find a mate by meeting each other's eyes and stand together.

And now I will ask you to do the tasks in pairs. After my signal (bell), please stand back to back, hand to hand; At my signal, SWAP PAIRS! After my signal, please stand shoulder to shoulder, foot to foot; At my signal, SWAP PAIRS! After my signal, please stand knee to knee, elbow to elbow. At my signal, STAND IN A CIRCLE! After my signal, please stand shoulder to shoulder, palm to palm.

Look how you are now standing side by side, holding hands, you have formed something whole - a circle, a team. We want you to walk like this for five years, hand in hand and become for real friendly big family. It was a pleasure to play with you, thank you very much!

And now I invite you, dear parents, to sit on chairs.

Tell me, did you like this exercise? Well done, thank you very much.

And now I will tell you what we have already learned. And we have learned a lot. Children have become more sociable, begin to learn to play together, share toys. All children know where their locker, towel, potty, crib is located. Learned some rules of behavior in the group. They know that after washing their hands, they need to squeeze out some water and only then go to their towel. Almost all children eat on their own, with a little help from adults. Some children are already undressing themselves, with other children we are learning to undress and dress ourselves. Learned to do basic errands, clean up toys. As you can see, we have learned a lot, but we still have to learn more and, most importantly, teach children self-care. And in this process, you parents take an active part, consolidating the skills of self-care at home. Many thanks to all parents who follow our recommendations. I want to note that the children of our group always come neat, all the children have spare clothes, they are marked. Very nice, thank you all very much.

We also express our gratitude to those parents who helped to improve the conditions for children in kindergarten.

And now I invite you to dream about the kindergarten of the future, how would you like to see it? We will be divided into two teams according to the color of the badges. Each team will depict using various materials,

"Kindergarten of the Future" group room, a gym and a site with all the necessary equipment for the harmonious development of your children, and then he will talk about it.

Well done, wonderful kindergartens turned out. Thank you very much for your creativity.

And now I want to give the floor to Tatyana Nikolaevna, head of our kindergarten.
