Summary of joint activities on testoplasty “Journey to the palace of fantasy. Summary of the lesson on testoplasty Lesson on testoplasty in the middle group

Rationale for the use of this technology.

The personality of the child is the central figure of the educational process.

From the point of view of the cultural-historical approach (L.S. Vygotsky), the fundamental goal of this process is to create conditions conducive to the “appropriation” by the child of the universal human culture embedded in the world around: objects, nature, human relationships, as well as in the ways of cognition. the development of a preschooler is the development of his perception and the formation of ideas about the external properties of objects: their shape, color, size, position in space and the development of the motor sphere. The importance of sensorimotor development in early and preschool childhood cannot be overestimated. It is this age that is most favorable for improving the activity of the sense organs, the accumulation of ideas about the world around us.

MATERIALS FOR THE LESSON. Ready-made salt dough, stencils of autumn leaves (linden, birch, maple), stacks, baking sheet.

LINK TO OTHER ACTIVITIES. Watching insects in nature while walking. Examining illustrations depicting various insects. Walking games: “One, two, three run to the tree”, “Which tree is the leaf from?”

LESSON STRUCTURE:- organizational part: a conversation about a ladybug;

physical education "Beetle";

practical part: modeling a ladybug;

physical education "Leaflets";

practical part: sheet molding;

final part:


Educator. Guys, try to guess who the next

a saying: "fly to the sky, there your children eat sweets, one for everyone, but not one for you." Children's answers.

Educator. That's right, a ladybug is a cute little bug, with a bright red or orange back adorned with black dots. A ladybug can deftly crawl along the stalks of grasses, and can also fly with the help of small wings. Although ladybugs are very small bugs, they bring great benefits to people, as they eat insects harmful to agriculture (aphids, mites and larvae). The bright color of ladybugs warns birds that insects with such

the coloring is not edible. But sometimes the ladybug is in danger. What do you think? Children's answers.

Educator. Yes, indeed, for ladybugs, children who catch them are a threat. You can not offend these cute and beautiful bugs, they die in captivity. Children, where do you think ladybugs winter? Where do they hide from the cold in winter? Children's answers.

Educator. In winter, like many insects, ladybugs sleep. With the advent of cold weather, they hide in the ground or under the bark of trees and wake up only in the spring, when the sun warms up. And so that you don't forget what these beautiful bugs look like, we will fashion them from salt dough. To get started, you and I need to warm up, get ready for work. Physical education "Beetle".

On the lawn, through the leaves, the Beetle flew in a colored scarf. (Children run freely around the group.) Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu

I am friends with leaves. (They stop, stand up straight.) I sway quietly in the wind, (Tilts of the body to the right and left.) I bend low, low. (Torso tilts forward and upward.) He sat on a piece of paper, (Squat.) He rested and flew. (They run and sit down in their places.)

Let's start sculpting a ladybug. Children, take a small ball of dough and roll it into a small ball. With a stack, make an incision in the middle of the ball - these are the wings on the back of a ladybug. Then, with the sharp end of the stack, mark the outline of the head with dots. The ladybug is ready, transfer it to a baking sheet to dry.

Now let's rest a little and start sculpting the sheet. Children, choose one stencil each autumn leaf and say from which tree the leaf you chose.

Physical education "Leaves".

We are autumn leaves, (Smooth swaying of our hands above our heads.) We are sitting on branches. (Sit down.) The wind blew - they flew. (Hands to the sides.) We flew, we flew (Shaking hands.) And quietly sat on the ground. (Sit down.) The wind came up again

And lifted all the leaves. (Smooth swinging of the arms above the head.) They circled, flew (They circled and ran.) And they sat down on the ground again. (Children sit down.)

Let's start sculpting the autumn leaf. Roll the salt dough into a ball the size of your fist. Sprinkle a little flour on the board, then use your hands to knead the ball of dough into a cake 5 mm thick. Attach a stencil of the sheet of your choice to the cake. Cut off excess dough with a stack. The sheet is ready, transfer it to a baking sheet to dry.

Children, you have done wonderful work, now a piece of autumn will always be in front of your eyes, and during the winter you will not forget what a ladybug looks like.

And now mentally plant ladybug on the palm of your hand and say a saying to her: “Ladybug, fly to the sky, there your children eat sweets, one by one for everyone, but not one for you.”

Children pronounce a saying and at the end they follow the ladybug with their eyes and pronounce the sound “zhzhzh”.

After drying, the ladybug and leaf are painted by children in free activity with gouache and glued with PVA glue.

Summary of lessons on modeling from salt dough (testoplasty)

for older children

Topic: "Decorative panel"

Prepared by: Lyalina Victoria Vladimirovna

Educator MADOU CRR D / C No. 40 "ZHURAVLIK"

Voskresensk 2012

Target: To improve the skills of manual labor by means of modeling. Develop fine motor skills hands in the process of mastering various technological methods - rolling, flattening, kneading. Develop constructive abilities, thinking, imagination. Build artistic taste.

Material: multi-colored salt dough of three colors for a rose ( pink color), petals (green color), decorative plate (purple color). Stacks for each child, hand rags, modeling boards.

Preliminary work: examining decorative plates, decorative panels, postcards and pictures with images of flowers, compositions with roses, buds. Active Dictionary: testoplasty, dough, panels, rituals, crafts, stacks, veins, plastic, supple.

Lesson progress:

Under the napkin is the finished salt dough.

Guys, what can you sculpt crafts, toys from? (From plasticine, clay). Well done, right, but you know that you can even sculpt from dough, it is unusual, multi-colored magical!

Let's look at the illustrations that I have prepared for you (the children are looking, I tell and show the necessary illustrations).

The plastic properties of salt dough have long been known. Our great-grandmothers sculpted figurines of various birds and animals from it, the so-called "larks", with which they met spring, bagels, gingerbread "goes", which they presented to their friends and relatives under New Year and at Christmas, birthday as a token of love and respect. Dough products were used as children's toys.

But before turning into children's toys, dough figures had ritual significance. Do you know what rituals are? What rituals do you know?

Ceremonies associated with grain and bread, traditional for the peoples of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Bulgaria, and the Czech Republic, have long been known. In accordance with these rituals (holidays), in the spring, before the arrival of birds, figured dough products were baked, most often looking like a stylized bird. The figurines were called "larks".

Products were made not only for spring rituals, but also for winter holidays, as well as weddings. The figurines were given together with the wishes of health, prosperity, wealth and good luck. The art of making dough products has not died even today, and handmade souvenirs are in great demand. From salt dough, you can make simple figures and products, such as leaves, mushrooms, apples, and quite complex options - trees, figures of animals and people. Let's look at the illustrations.

This is how we learned a lot, looked at interesting pictures, found out how our great-grandmothers lived and what they did, and how much interesting crafts can be made not only from clay, plasticine, but also from salt dough.

Listen to the riddle.

Grows on bushes in the gardenThe smell is sweet, like honey.But tears often fallTeh, who tears them. Is this? ... (answert-roses)

Today we will try to mold from salt dough decorative flower, rose.

What does a rose have? Petals, leaves, yes.

Let's cut this part of the colored dough (purple) from which the plate is molded into pieces. Distribute to children. Take your pieces in your hands, and please roll it into a ball. Show me what you got. Great, very beautiful, round balls. And now we will flatten it (I do it with the children), smooth the edges, like this, well done guys. Let's put it aside for now. What did we blind? That's right, a plate for our flower, for a rose.

From the next piece we will sculpt a rose. Roll a piece into a ball, then roll a sausage (flagellum) between your palms. Put it on the board for modeling. Flatten, roll up the track (strip) as we did the snail. Invite the children who quickly made one rosette to make a few more.

Program content: to teach how to use the dough to manifest the creative abilities of children, to teach how to accurately convey the conceived idea when making a product, to reveal the creative imagination of children in the process of modeling, to develop the flexibility of the fingers, to teach to see the end result of the intended work.

Equipment: modeling dough, stacks, coasters, napkins, aprons, cardboard plates

Lesson progress:

Organizing time

Let's imagine that we are in a real workshop. I will be the master and you will be the apprentices (distributing aprons). Before starting work, it is necessary to put on aprons so as not to get dirty in flour.

Topic message

Today we will get acquainted with the magical material. He is plastic, obedient, warm, kind. We will make various decorations from it.

Main part

My dear apprentices, you need to know the safety rules, all the guys in our workshop know them by heart. This is a stack ( showing) - our main tool, remember: do not wave the stack and brush, do not throw it on the floor, keep order in the workplace, and most importantly - you can not take the dough in your mouth - it is kneaded with salt and glue.

Let's take a look at salt dough. Take a piece of dough out of the bag, remember it in your hands - let it recognize you too. The dough is a soft material, surprisingly obedient, breathable, tender. And when it dries, it becomes like stone, but it can be easily broken.

Look here ( showing a picture), one merchant brought me a picture and complains that his soul does not rejoice when he looks at it. Why do you think? What is missing from it? But it's true! To make the loaf tasty and appetizing, you need to decorate it.

Pinch off a piece of yellow dough - from it we will make various curls for the pie. Roll up a thin sausage and fold it into rings, curls, curls . Set aside on a paper plate.

Let's decorate the cake with your curlicues.

Reflection :

And now let's remember all the secrets that I told you today (the guys remember the safety rules, the features of working with the dough).

Today we have just touched the magical world of dough plastics, I want you to make friends with a wonderful material - with salt dough. I hope you have many more interesting discoveries, secrets, and creative works ahead of you. M it was not very pleasant to work with you. At the end of the work, one more secret - “the secret of clean hands”, - I invite the guys to wash their hands.

Lesson 2. Topic: "Coloring with paints" Buns - curls ".

Program content: Learn to paint a product from salt dough with paints that were made in the previous lesson and carefully dried. To teach accurately, to convey the conceived idea when coloring the product, to reveal the creative imagination of children in the process of work. To develop the flexibility of the fingers when working with a brush, to teach to see the end result of the intended work.

Equipment: watercolors, brushes, napkins, aprons.

"Good feelings must be nurtured from childhood."
V. A. Sukhomlinsky

AT kindergarten, for more than a year now, I have been leading the "MUKOSOLTKI" circle for modeling from salt dough. I take children with problems in psychoverbal development to classes. Classes 1 time per week in subgroups of 7-8 people

It has long been known that ART THERAPY is an excellent tool for the development of a child's personality. What a person creates with his own hands is a valuable acquisition of personality, an expression of his individuality, an amazing opportunity to create the world, to open new horizons.

Testoplasty has a psychotherapeutic effect on the development of higher mental functions of the brain.

Research by scientists from the Institute of Physiology of Children and Adolescents of the APN (M.M. Koltsova, E.I. Isenina, L.V. Antakova-Fomina) confirmed the connection between intellectual development and finger motor skills. The level of development of children's speech is also directly dependent on the degree of formation of fine hand movements. The systematic training of finger motor skills is stimulating for the overall development of the child, especially for the development of speech. Therefore, in classes with children, we use kinesiological exercises to synchronize the work of the hemispheres of the brain, various finger games, massage of the hands with pronunciation of poetry. Working with soft and plastic material calms, relieves tension and anxiety, allows you to behave naturally and naturally. After all, no one will evaluate you.

Sculpting from dough is a pleasure!

Salt, flour, water - that's all that is needed for skillful hands. You can sculpt pictures, toys, plot compositions, postcards, i.e. whatever your imagination tells you. The classes are held in two stages. At the first lesson, we sculpt crafts, toys, figurines of animals and people. The second lesson is devoted to coloring the work and writing stories or fairy tales. We sculpt small toys, like a kinder surprise.

Then we make an exhibition of works in a group and the children take them home.

I bring to your attention one of our activities.

Lesson "Glade of fairy tales".

Theme: Sculpting fairy-tale characters from the Russian folk tale "Gingerbread Man": hare, wolf, bear, fox, bun.

  • Strengthening the technical skills and techniques of modeling from dough.
  • Sculpt from parts, dividing a piece into parts, maintaining the ratio of proportions in size: the head is smaller than the body, attach small parts, tightly connecting them.
  • To form the skills of accuracy when coloring finished figures.
  • Learn to create a general plot composition.
  • To develop creative imagination, coherent speech when compiling a fairy tale, intonational expressiveness of speech.
  • To instill in children an interest in creativity, a desire to give joy to others, collectivism.


  • painted "field of fairy tales",
  • made of cardboard
  • forest scenery,
  • cardboard trees,
  • house.

Materials and tools:

  • modeling dough,
  • stacks,
  • paints,
  • water glasses,
  • brushes,
  • coasters,
  • napkins,
  • schemes depicting the sequence of modeling animals,
  • audio cassette "sounds of nature"
  • musical screensaver "Visiting a fairy tale".

Lesson progress

Organizing time

Children come in, stand near the "glade of fairy tales." The music "Visiting a fairy tale" sounds.

Lesson topic message

Educator: A long time ago, different animals lived in the fairy forest. They knew how to talk and various magical stories happened to them. But, one day, lumberjacks appeared in the forest. They began to cut down the forest, the poor animals fled in all directions, they had nowhere to live, and the fabulous meadow was empty. Today we will be good wizards! We blind and paint forest animals, put them in a clearing and come up with a new fairy tale with a good ending.

Warm-up: Exercises for the development of fine motor skills.

  • Standing, clapping your hands on your knees twice, then cross your arms, again two claps on your knees. 4-5 times.
  • Fist-palm. The right hand is clenched into a fist, the left palm is unclenched. Change hand movements one by one.
  • Massage of the hands with hexagonal pencils: rubbing the palms and fingers, turning the pencil between the fingers.
  • "A bear climbs a pine tree." Move the pencil with the fingers of your right hand from bottom to top.

Main part

Examination of animal figurines made in the previous lesson: a bear, a hare and a fox. How are they similar and how are they different? Fixing the sculpting sequence. Before the children, diagrams depicting the sequence of work. Survey of children. What do we do first? How many parts do we divide the dough into? What size should the body be, and what size should the head be? How to attach small parts? Why do you need to wet your fingers with water?

Children independently choose what they want to mold and sculpt according to plan. Music sounds "Sounds of nature". The teacher helps the children if necessary. Reminds that you need to work with the dough quickly, do not crumble into small pieces, put the figure steadily on the stand. Flatten the ears, pull off the nose, attach the paws from the sides of the body, slightly wetting the parts with water. Finished figures are placed on a stand, and left until the next lesson. Wash hands, dry with napkins. Remove the equipment on the tray.

Second part

The teacher with the children sit around the fairy meadow. Nearby on the table are toys made of dough that were molded in previous lessons: bunnies, chanterelles, bear cubs, snowmen, Santa Clauses, snow maidens, birds, etc. Children choose their characters.

"Guys, do you want animals to appear in the clearing again?

Let's create our own story:

Fairy-tale game situation

Winter came. All the animals were looking forward to the New Year. They hoped that they would be able to gather again in their favorite clearing and Santa Claus would fulfill their cherished desires. Everyone dreamed of something of their own. But about what? There was very little time left, and no one appeared in the clearing. Suddenly, the animals heard some sounds: (Music sounds with birds singing). The children make up their own stories. Listen to different versions.

Completion of the lesson

The teacher, on behalf of all the characters, thanks the children for their help and participation. The role of each participant is emphasized. After all, thanks to the efforts of each of you guys, the animals were able to return to their beloved home again. It was you who helped them meet. You are real wizards!

This is a funny poem:

They kneaded the dough, but it didn’t move,
Kneaded with yeast, you can’t keep it on the reins.
They took salt, water, flour, stuck koloboks.
And from these koloboks we sculpt fabulous animals
Girls and boys develop fingers.
We took a brush and paints, it turned out a fairy tale!

Let modeling from dough bring you the joy of discovery. After all, we ourselves are the creators of our lives, directors and performers. Good luck everyone!

Anoskina Guzel Rafekovna

Summary of modeling classes.

Testoplasty "Fish-souvenir" in preparatory group.

Target: To maintain children's interest in testoplasty, to teach some techniques for making relief from salt dough.



To teach techniques for making relief from salt dough (working with a template, decorating technique).


Cultivate perseverance and accuracy in children;

To instill respect for the historical traditions of creativity.


Develop imagination, mindfulness, fine motor skills of hands.

Materials and equipment:

Salt dough, colored;

Small items for decoration (beads, buttons, peppercorns, etc.);

A glass of water;


Lesson plan:

1. Organizational part:

1.1. The teacher's story about salt dough products;

1.2. Demonstration of the teacher of products of arts and crafts.

2. Main body:

2.1. Demonstration of the materials used, preparation for work;

2.2. Fizkultminutka;

2.3. Making fish from salt dough;

3. General analysis lesson productivity.

Lesson progress:

1. Organizational part:

Children sit at tables.

1.1 The teacher's story about salt dough products.

Educator: - Today, guys, we will try to create a miracle with our own hands from such familiar material as salt dough.

Did you know that salt dough crafts are a very ancient art. The ancient Incas sculpted figures of cult animals from dough as a sacrifice to their gods, and in China they made marionettes from dough for puppet shows and other entertainment.

In the Russian North, in hospitable and friendly Pomeranian houses, in prominent places, there were always man-made curiosities in the form of small figurines of people and animals. These are flour salts - crafts made from flour and salt. In ancient times, bread wreaths and other home decorations were molded from unsalted dough. But such products quickly disappeared without a trace, even without a crumb, because they were eaten by ... mice. Needlewomen and clever women guessed to add salt to the dough. The mice didn't like it. Since then, the dough for modeling inedible crafts has always been made salty.

1.2Salt dough craft show.

V .: - We have already sculpted a lot of crafts from salt dough. Take a look at the work in our collection. (Children look at the work, answer what kind of work they like and why)

And today for the lesson we will make a “Souvenir Fish”. Each of you will make your own souvenir and when the work is ready, you will be able to surprise your closest people with such an unusual gift.

Think to yourself, for whom would you like to make a Souvenir Fish? (Children respond at will)

2. Main part.

2.1. Demonstration of materials used, preparation for work.

V.: - On your tables are the materials necessary for work: dough, template, stack, water, brush, decoration parts that will help you in making fish.

2.2. Fizkultminutka.

V .: - And to make it fun for you to work, I suggest playing and a fish will help us with this.

Please get up from your seats and repeat after me (Children get up)

"A fish swims in the water,

fish is fun to play! (wave-like movements of the arms to the right, left, horizontally and vertically)

Fish, fish naughty (we threaten with a finger)

We want to catch you. (hug their shoulders)

The fish wagged its tail (wave-like movements of the hands)

I took a crumb of bread, (fingers to the castle)

Ate, immediately turned around (turn around)

Quickly, quickly swam away. (hide hands behind back)

The children take their seats.

2.3. Making fish from salt dough.

1) Look carefully, I will show each stage of work. (children get to work)

2) We make a cake with a thickness of 5 mm. We start by making balls from the dough. Then we “roll up” it and get a thick sausage. We put it on the table, knead it with the palm of our hand, fingers, we try to make the thickness the same. You can give our blank a “massage” by patting it with your fingers (this is how we align it).

3) Cut out the outline of the fish with a stack using a template.

4) With wet fingers or a wet stack, smooth out the irregularities of the contour.

5) We mark the head with a stack and draw a fish.

6) We make a recess for the eyes.

7) We make small balls of dough for the eyes, lubricate the place where we put the eyes later with water.

8) Draw a stack of cilia.

9) With a stack we make indentations on the tail and fins.

10) We make holes for attaching the fish with a brush.

11) We make decoration balls, put them on a place greased with water.

12) With a cap from a felt-tip pen, we make indentations in the decoration balls.

13) We make decorations near the tail.

14) With a stack we make indentations on the body of the fish - scales.

15) We decorate the fish with small details.

16) The fish is ready.

3. General analysis of work.

V .: - Everyone turned out a very beautiful fish. You made them with love and kindness, what would you like to wish to the person to whom you give this souvenir?

What do you remember from our lesson today?

Can you make these fish yourself? (children respond at will)

This is where our lesson ended, when the work is dry, you can give them to your family.

Related publications:

Synopsis of an open lesson on visual activity in the preparatory group "Fish" Theme of the lesson: "Fish" (drawings hidden in the palms). Objectives: to arouse interest in the image in children; teach children to draw from the palm of their hand, adding.

Target : Arouse interest, desire to make a ladybug. To introduce children to the sculptural method of modeling. To teach the technique of pulling from a whole piece of dough is the amount of material that is needed to model the head. Development of cognitive interest and careful attitude of children to wildlife (in particular, to insects).

Material used: salt dough (salt, flour), stacks, brushes, a glass of water.

1. Introduction to the topic: music sounds (“Flight of the Bumblebee”), children express their opinions that arise when they listen to this work. And if some animal were “depicted” with this music, then who could it be, and if it was an insect?

During this conversation, the children look at illustrations of the insects in question.

After this introduction, the children are given a sample of the craft they need to make. Sample analysis:

- consider the sample;

- we come up with our own composition.

Finger game "Insects"

We count fingers together -squeeze and unclench fingers.

We call insects.

Butterfly, grasshopper, fly,alternately bend the fingers in

This is a beetle with a green belly.fist, starting with the big one.

Who is calling here?

Oh, here comes the mosquito!rotate the little finger.

Hide! hide their hands behind their backs

3. Practical part. Background music: "Flight of the Bumblebee" from the opera "The Tale of Tsar Saltan" (N. Rimsky-Korsakov.) Help children with leading questions, specific advice, individual demonstration (reception "hand in hand")

4. Conclusion:

- Children analyze their craft: did they manage to do everything, what is the “mood” of their beetle.

Children are invited to express their thoughts and impressions about the information received in the lesson: what they learned new, maybe unexpected for themselves, whether the attitude towards some insects that they used to be afraid of or did not like has changed, etc.

You can play the game "Beetle".

I found myself a beetle

On a big daisy.

I do not want to hold in my hands -

Let it lie in a pocket. (children show)

Oh, fell, my beetle fell ( bend down)

Nose covered in dust

My dear beetle flew away, flew away on wings. (children flap their wings

Theme: "Flowers"

Program content:

To teach children to sculpt relief paintings as a gift to loved ones -

mothers and grandmothers.

Show color options.

Learn to sculpt flowers different ways: model with fingers

(roll out a ball, flatten into a disk, on one side stretch and

sharpen, press and smooth on the other), cut with a mold or


Develop a sense of form and rhythm.

Cultivate aesthetic taste.

Preliminary work:

Conversation about spring holiday mothers and grandmothers - Day of the 8th of March. Examination of works of arts and crafts with floral elements of decor. Looking at images of flowers in children's albums different types arts and crafts.

Working process:

Quiet calm music sounds.

Educator: Children, let's all sit down on the rug, close our eyes and imagine how the kind gentle hands of the mother stroke us on the head, they are warm and pleasant, because the most a kind person in the world - this is mom.

Mini-etude "Flower meadow".

Children, imagine that summer has come, many flowers have blossomed in the meadow. They are so beautiful, bright, colorful! Want to be beautiful flower in the meadow. The sun has not yet risen, the flowers are sleeping. Their eyes are closed. Breathe deeply, evenly, calmly. But here is the first ray of sunshine. He stroked each flower on the head. The flowers first opened one eye, then the other, looked down, up, left, right. Blinded by the bright sun. They opened their eyes and smiled. How happy the flowers are in the sun! They looked at each other and all said together: “Hello, morning!”

Educator: Guys, you want to make unusual flowers from dough as a gift to mothers and grandmothers.

Options: (show by the teacher)

- flatten or roll out a soft ball of salt dough;

- cut flowers in a stack according to the template;

- cut out flowers with cookie cutters;

Finger gymnastics

"Scarlet Flowers" (the teacher, together with the children, moves his fingers to the text of the poem)

Our scarlet flowers

connect the palms in the shape of a tulip.

The petals are unfolding.

slowly open your fingers.

The wind breathes a little

move your hands gently from side to side

The petals sway.

Our scarlet flowers

slowly close your palms.

Close the petals.

Sleeping quietly

They shake their heads.

Tell the children that fashioned flowers can be decorated with beads, beads, buttons.

Practical activity of children. Help children with leading questions, specific advice, individual demonstration (hand-in-hand technique)

At the end of the work, the children examine the flowers, discuss with what words they can be given to their mother and grandmother. Then lay them out to dry.

Turtle Theme

Program content:To teach children to sculpt a turtle from separate parts: shell, head, paws, tail; exercise in the techniques of rolling, pressing, rolling, attaching and lubricating; to teach to give expressiveness to the image: the turtle is crawling, scared of something, saw something, etc.

Equipment : Salt dough, planks, stacks, large board.

Working process:

On the eve of the lesson, the children, together with the teacher, examine the turtle and talk about it.

Finger game "Turtle".

(The hand is clenched into a fist, show the thumb and hide it.)

"Here's my turtle,

She lives in a shell

She loves her home very much.

When she wants to eat

She sticks her head out

And hides it back, the children, together with the teacher, perform movements

When he wants to sleep.

The teacher offers to remember what parts her body consists of. After that, the teacher explains how to sculpt a turtle. He takes a piece of salt dough, divides it into three parts: a large one, a smaller one, and an even smaller one. From a large piece he sculpts a shell with a body - he rolls a ball, and then slightly flattens it. He divides the second piece of dough into two parts and rolls long cylinders from each, bends them in half and attaches them to the lower part of the body - these are paws; from the remaining small piece he makes a head in the form of an oval and a small tail. After the explanation, the teacher invites the children to think about what the turtle will do. Everyone must come up with something of their own: a turtle can crawl - spread its paws in different sides; can be frightened - then she hides her head, tail and paws under the shell, etc. e. In the course of work, the teacher helps the children, advises, shows how to sculpt. At the end, the expressiveness of each figure is noted.

Theme "Mushroom-boletus"

Target: consolidate the ability to sculpt familiar objects using the techniques learned: rolling the dough straight and in a circular motion, flattening with palms, sculpting with fingers to refine the shape. Develop creativity and imagination.

Working process:

"Under the pine by the path

Who is standing among the grass?

There is a leg, but no boots.

There is a hat, but no head.

arranges mushrooms (models).

- "Where did we get to?" (children tell what you can see in the forest, who lives there, what mushrooms they know, clarify ideas about appearance and special flavors)

Finger game "I'll pick mushrooms"

I take a basket to the forest, they show surprise, they breed

I'll pick mushrooms there. hands to the side

My friend is surprised

"How many mushrooms are around here!"

Boletus, butterdish, alternately bend fingers

Boletus, honey agaric, fingers on both hands, starting

Borovik, chanterelle, breast - from the little finger of the right hand.

Let them not play hide and seek!

Ryzhik, volushki

I will find it at the edge.

I return home

I carry all the mushrooms with me.

And I won't carry fly agaric. Thumb left hand behind

Let him stay in the forest! they threaten him.

The game "Hide and Seek" (on flannelgraph). The teacher changes the location of the mushroom (using the prepositions “for”, “under”, “before”).

Each child is invited to take a mushroom, examine it, find similarities between mushrooms, differences, tell about their mushroom according to the scheme: size - cap color - shape. Remember how they sculpted a mushroom from plasticine, modeling methods.

Independent work of children, if necessary, provide assistance.

Theme "Hedgehogs-thorns"

Target: Learn to sculpt a hedgehog, conveying the characteristic features of the appearance, experiment with art materials to depict a prickly “fur coat”. Direct to an independent search for means of figurative expression. Cultivate confidence in visual activity.

Materials: salt dough, for needles different material to choose from (seeds, toothpicks, cereals, pasta ...), stacks, oilcloths ...

Working process:

prickly touchy

Lives in the wilderness of the forest.

There are a lot of needles, but not a single thread.

After a conversation about the appearance and lifestyle of hedgehogs, read E. Charushin's story "Hedgehog".

The teacher offers to mold hedgehogs with different spines (consider the proposed material). Ask how the children will sculpt a hedgehog (from a whole piece of dough).

  1. Roll out into an oval;
  2. We stretch and sharpen the nose;
  3. We make thorns (at will);
  4. We make out the muzzle

Game "Hedgehog"

Children stand in a circle. Hands are pulled forward. In the center is a hedgehog.

Everyone says things like:

- why are you so prickly, hedgehog?

And the hedgehog answers:

- I'm just in case.

Do you know who my neighbors are?

Wolves, foxes and bears.

To the words "bears" "hedgehog" runs in a circle and tries to stain the children, i.e. touch the hands, and the children must quickly remove their hands.

Children take the dough, prepare their workplace, choose the material for the needles as they wish and begin to sculpt.

After drying the products, place the hedgehogs in the “clearing” and arrange the exhibition “Here is a hedgehog - no head, no legs”
