A project to introduce children to reading. The project "Child and Book" to introduce preschool children to fiction through interaction with the children's library

Project on the topic "Fiction as a means of moral education of preschoolers." preparatory group

The most important role of the book in the formation of a person was discussed even during the time of Yaroslav the Wise. The book should enter the child's world as early as possible, enrich this world, make it interesting, full of extraordinary discoveries. A child should love a book and reach for it. But, as you know, modern children are increasingly spending their time playing computer games, watching TV shows and reading books less and less. In conditions when entire electronic libraries are being created, it is difficult to force a child to pick up a book, especially a preschool child, since he is a kind of reader.
Preschool children are listeners, so it is necessary to awaken interest in the artistic word as early as possible, in thinking about what this word expresses. Each work needs to be conveyed to children as a work of art, to reveal its intention, to infect young listeners with an emotional attitude to what they read: feelings, actions, lyrical experiences of the characters. Thanks to these skills, the child will have a desire for constant communication with the book.
And further. As practice shows, in recent years the number of older preschoolers who do not want to go to school has increased. This indicates that the motivation for the process of acquiring knowledge has sharply decreased in children. In this regard, the need to include search activities in the content of preschoolers' education, which requires the use of knowledge and skills in a new situation for them, to solve new problems, becomes relevant. The use of design technology, as one of the forms of search activity, allows you to effectively solve the important tasks of developing the creative abilities of a preschooler. Such activity stimulates internal development and to a certain extent affects the personality as a whole.
Who hasn't heard the saying, "Books are your best friends!"? This is true and must be acknowledged!
Problem: misunderstanding by adults of the role of literature in children's lives;
ignorance of the history of its development and current state;
superficial interest of parents in familiarizing children with fiction, not enough attention is paid to reading fiction by parents to children, replacing books with cartoons and a computer, all this leads to a serious problem: children lose interest in books, speech and cognitive activity develop poorly. I believe that the partnership between the preschool institution and the family will help to introduce preschoolers to the book and the process. Therefore, I decided to deepen the work in this direction.
In the process of talking with children, she revealed that children do not know children's writers and their works; they do not know how to expressively recite poems, retell familiar works. In addition, to our great regret, not all children like to listen when they are read, they are mainly interested in illustrations. If you take a book with poems or fairy tales, and there is no hero in question in the illustration, then the book immediately becomes "not interesting!" And the children categorically refuse to listen! What to do in order to interest the little listener?
This is where the idea of ​​the project "Fiction as a means of moral education of preschoolers" arose. (Project for pupils in the preparatory group). In the design process, everyone interacts: children, educators, and adults. Starting work on projects, parents themselves begin to be included in the educational process of a preschool educational institution.

Project passport.

Project type:
According to the activity dominant in the project: informational, cognitive-playing, creative
By the number of project participants: group
By time: 1.09.2016-30.09.2016
According to the profile of knowledge: interdisciplinary
By type of design object: social.
Project duration- 1 month
Project participants: educators, children of the preparatory group, parents.
Objective of the project: the formation of children's love for the book through a complex impact and the implementation of creative tasks.
Project objectives:
1. create conditions for the formation of children's interest in this topic;
2. awaken the desire to read books;
3. develop cognitive, creative abilities in children through joint reading, the ability to conduct a dialogue, expressively tell, improvise fairy tales;
1. to cultivate interest, love for the book as a source of knowledge and respect for them;
2. teach the rules for handling a book;
3. to activate parents for joint productive activities, to involve parents in the work of introducing preschoolers to fiction;
4. support children's initiative, the desire for cognitive activity and independence in the implementation of creative ideas;
5. develop memory, speech, attention, communication skills.
Project development:
To convey to the project participants the importance of this topic;
Create a developing environment: didactic games, illustrations, pick up material;
Pick up material for productive activities;
Make a long-term work plan.
Relevance: Nowadays, to accustom children to a book, to give them the opportunity to fall in love with it, is one of the tasks facing the teacher, and even parents! After all, only a good book will teach the children the literary Russian language, it will let the child’s imagination run wild, which can be embodied in artistic or musical activities, creating illustration books and playing scenes from the read work.
In our time of computers and mobile phones, parents very rarely read books to their children, it is easier to turn on the cartoon and the child watches, and the parents go about their business. Therefore, in recent years, interest in reading among preschoolers has noticeably decreased. Modern children spend more time on computer games, TV, tablets. It must be remembered that preschool childhood is the most valuable period in a child's life, it plays a huge role in shaping what a person will become. The educational, ideological, moral, and cultural priorities laid down in preschool childhood determine the life path of generations and influence the development and state of the entire civilization.
Particular attention should be paid to the formation of the inner world of the child. Invaluable help in this is provided by communication with the book.
The upbringing of a child, first of all, begins in the family. Parents instill a sense of love for the book through their attitudes, behaviors and actions. At present, we observe that children know very little about books, about writers. Therefore, teachers face an important task: to fill in the gaps on this topic, to competently organize work to introduce children to the book.
Therefore, we decided to develop and conduct this project in our group.
This project is significant for all project participants:
- Children develop skills of independence, activity in relation to the book.
Moral ideas about the content of the works of children's authors are expanding.
-Teachers continue to master the design method - a method of organizing rich children's activities, which makes it possible to expand the educational space, give it new forms, and effectively develop the creative and cognitive thinking of a preschooler.
- Parents expand the possibilities of cooperation with their children, listen to their opinion.
In addition, we tried to distribute roles in the project team.
Educator - organizes the NOD based on the works of children's authors, draws up photo exhibitions based on the results of the project,
Children - participate in cognitive activities, create creative works.
Parents together with their children are looking for works, reading, making crafts with their own hands.
Ensuring project activities:
Material and technical: Audio recordings, cartoons, books, illustrations, games and toys, creative material.
Diagnostic - didactic: abstracts of continuous educational activities.
Expected results:
1. Development of individual characteristics in creative speech activity.
2. The use of speech forms of expressiveness of speech in various activities and everyday life.
3. Increasing interest in the book.
4. Children know and talk about the history of the creation of the book. They have an idea of ​​the importance of books in human life.
5. They know and name children's writers and their works.
6. The participation of parents in joint productive activities, in visiting the children's library with children and organizing family reading.
External Products:
1. Exhibition of children's creative works (drawings, crafts, baby books, restored books)
2. Replenishment of the group's library.
Domestic products:
1. Children have learned to give a motivational assessment of the actions of the heroes of books, understand the genre features of books.
2. The amount of memorized literary material has increased.
3. Manifestation of the need to visit the library.
Forms of work:
- Conversations Presentations
- Entertainment
- Exhibitions
- Consultations
- Tours
- Joint activities of the educator and children, educator and parents, parents and children
- Search and research activities
- Theatrical activities

Manufacturability of the project:
technology of personality-oriented interaction;
game interaction technology;
information and communication technology.

Stages of implementation of this project:
Stage 1 Preparatory.
setting goals, determining the relevance and significance of the project;
selection of methodological literature for the implementation of the project;
selection of visual - didactic material, fiction;
Questionnaire on the topic: "The use of fiction in the family"
Consultation for parents “Read me a fairy tale mom ...”, “Introduction of children to fiction”, “A book in the life of a preschooler”, “Child and television: pros and cons”.
Didactic games were offered for conducting at home “I will start, and you continue”, “Guess”, “In a word”.
Parents were invited to make baby books "My favorite fairy tales", "My favorite poems" together with their children.
Decorating a book corner. The children were invited together with their parents to bring books for the exhibitions "My favorite fairy tales", "My favorite poems", "A. Barto's Books", books on the rules of the road.

Stage 2 Project implementation
Theme, purpose and directions of activity, terms of the Event
"On the streets of the city".
Purpose: to promote the development of children's interest in learning the rules of safe behavior on the streets and roads.

Artistic creativity

1. Making a corner for parents and children with information about the project.
2. Quiz on the topic “Do you know traffic rules? »
3. Conversations: "Introduction to the street", "Transport", "Traffic light".
4. Consideration: a truck, illustrations according to traffic rules, a layout depicting the carriageway of the street and the sidewalk.
5. Excursion to the library.
6. Reading fiction:
1) V. Lebedev - Kumach "About smart little animals",
2)C. Marshak "Ball", A. Severny "Traffic Light",
3) V. Kozhevnikov Traffic light,
4) S. Mikhalkov "Slacker traffic light", riddles.
Target walks: Where we walk, Looking at a truck.
Tour to the crossroads
"Animals on the Road"
"Jolly traffic light"
Application "Truck"
Drawing "Traffic light"
Modeling "Pedestrian crossing"
07.09.2016 -17.09.2016
"In the world of fairy tales"
Purpose: to expand knowledge about Russian folk tales, about the tales of A.S. Pushkin, to teach how to convey the structure of a fairy tale using modeling, to evaluate the character of the characters
Reading fiction
Artistic creativity
1. Conversations: “How the book appeared”, “Heroes of fairy tales are good and evil”, “The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it”,
2. Excursion to the library.
3. NOD “What fairy tale is the episode from?” (consideration of illustrations from the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin, acquaintance with fiction)
4. GCD "Draw a fairy-tale character, and we will guess a fairy tale" (visual activity)
5. GCD Didactic games “Who is who?”, “Guess the riddles”, “Remember the tale from the passage”, “Collect the picture”
6. Reading fiction (fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin)
"Book Week"
Purpose: to continue to develop children's interest in fiction. To replenish literary baggage with fairy tales, stories, poems, riddles, counting rhymes, tongue twisters.
"Book Week"
Reading fiction
Artistic creativity
1. Conversations: “Russian folklore”, “Fairy tales and epics”, “Humor in poetry and fairy tales” (acquaintance with fiction)
2. Book Hospital Book repair
3. Reading fiction (list p. 177 "Program of education and training in kindergarten" edited by M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova, T.S. Komarova.
4. Book exhibitions
5. GCD “What fairy tale is the episode from?” (viewing illustrations)
6. GCD "Draw a fairy-tale character, and we will guess the fairy tale" (visual activity)
7. GCD "Who made the book?" (social world)
8.NOD "On a visit to literary heroes"
9. GCD Quiz "Dear fairy tales" (acquaintance with fiction)
10. GCD Didactic games "Who is who?", "Guess the riddles", "Remember the fairy tale from the passage."
11 GCD “Care for the hands - joy for the heart” “Through the pages of your favorite fairy tales” (Modeling, application)
Stage 3 Final stage Analysis of project results
Exhibitions of children's books for a given age
Exhibitions of homemade books made by children together with their parents
Fairy tale quiz
Indicators of success in the literary education of preschoolers are:
Independent voluntary appeal of the child to the book
- Interested listening and engaging in conversation
- Ability to communicate with the book "one on one"
- Only joint work on the principle of "teacher - child - parent" contributes to the achievement of positive results in the literary education of preschoolers
Project result:
1. As a result of the joint activities of pupils and teachers of a preschool educational institution, children became familiar with highly artistic literature and theatrical activities, broadened their horizons about children's books, their authors, characters, formed a reserve of literary impressions, learned to illustrate, stage literary works, make books with their own hands. The children visited the library, got acquainted with the sections of the library.
2. The project was related to road safety as well. September is usually declared a month of safety in the country, which contributed to the development of children's interest in learning the rules of safe behavior on the streets and roads.
3. Parents of pupils received information on how to instill in a child a love of reading.
4. The project method developed a cognitive interest in various areas of knowledge in children, formed the skills of cooperation. All project participants received a lot of positive emotions.
Product of children's activity:
1. Stands are decorated.
2. Album “The book is the best friend” (proverbs, sayings, riddles about the book);
3.Library in the group, in the reading corner
4. Developed and formalized rules for using the book.
5. Bookmarks for books are made.
6. Exhibitions of children's drawings.
1. The program of education and training in kindergarten / Ed. M.A. M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova, T.S. Komarova. - 6th ed., corrected. And extra. - M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2010.-208s.
2. Arbuzova V.F. Conversation with children "What are the books."
3. Karpunina O. G. "Knizhkin hospital".
4. Visual and didactic material, fiction (on the topic of the project).
5. Gerbova V.V. The development of speech in kindergarten. Moscow: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2005.
6. Ushakova O.S: "The development of speech of children 5-7 years old." M.: Sfera, 2015
7. Ushakova O.S. "Introduction of preschoolers to literature and speech development." M.: Sfera, 2011

Bikkinina Zulfiya Talgatovna,

MBDOU kindergarten

No. 44 "Sibiryachok" Surgut

What do you needus fairy tales?

Why do we need fairy tales?

What is a person looking for in them?
Maybe kindness and affection.
Maybe yesterday's snow.
In a fairy tale, joy wins
The story teaches us to love...


The children stopped reading. TV, video, computer absorb the child, conquering the reserved corners of his mind and soul. V. Sukhomlinsky said: “ Reading in the years of childhood is primarily the education of the heart, the touch of human nobility to the innermost corners of the child's soul.».

The development of speech is becoming an increasingly urgent problem in our society.

At the present stage, the search for new forms and methods of teaching and raising children is one of the topical issues of pedagogy. With increased attention to the development of the child's personality, the possibility of updating and improving his speech development is associated. Therefore, indicators of speech and personality traits, their mutual influence should be in the center of attention of adults who care about the timely and harmonious development of the child.
And the fairy tale as a treasury of the Russian people finds application in various areas of work with preschool children.

A fairy tale is a fertile and irreplaceable source of education for a child. A fairy tale is the spiritual wealth of culture, knowing which, a child learns his native people with his heart. Preschool age is the age of a fairy tale. It is at this age that the child shows a strong craving for everything fabulous, unusual, wonderful. If a fairy tale is well chosen, if it is told naturally and at the same time expressively, one can be sure that it will find sensitive, attentive listeners in children. And this will contribute to the development of a small person.

Children's fairy tales expand the vocabulary of the baby, help to build a dialogue correctly, develop coherent logical speech, the development of coherent speech is the central task of the speech education of children. Theatrical activity brings variety to the life of a child in kindergarten, gives him joy and is one of the most effective ways of influencing a child, in which the principle of learning is most clearly manifested: learning by playing.


  • generalize children's knowledge about read fairy tales,
  • to instill love for Russian folk and author's fairy tales and their heroes.


  • to create conditions for children conducive to the development of fairy tales;
  • consolidate and expand children's knowledge of fairy tales;
  • develop creative skills, communication skills;
  • contribute to maintaining the tradition of family reading;
  • continue to involve children and parents in joint activities to get acquainted with fairy tales, to show the value and significance of the joint creativity of children and parents;
  • create an atmosphere of emotional comfort, mutual understanding and support.


Children of the senior group : participate in different types of activities (cognitive, playful, practical).

caregiver: carries out pedagogical education of parents on the problem; organizes the activities of children and parents.

Parents: participate in joint activities; share experiences with others.

musical rleader: organizes musical accompaniment of theatrical performances, performances.

PROJECT TYPE:- creative

PROJECT DURATION : short-term (from 19.11 to 30.12.2015)

The project was carried out through educational areas : social and communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development, physical development.

Stages of work on the project

Istage. Preparatory about-informational:

Arouse the interest of children and parents in the topic of the project.

Collection of information, literature, additional material.

Informing parents about the implementation of this project. Selection of methodical, reference, artistic literature, proverbs, sayings. Drawing up a long-term plan for this project.

Selection of material and equipment for classes, conversations, role-playing games with children.

Cooperation with parents: a conversation with parents about the need for their participation in the project, about a serious attitude to the educational process in the preschool educational institution.

Wall newspaper competition "The most reading family"

Joint co-creation of parents-children "Illustrate your favorite fairy tale."

Craft competition "Our fairy tales"

IIstage. Practical-cognitive:

Organization of cognitive activity of children: Carry out a cycle of cognitive activities. Creation of a mini-library of fairy tales. Cognitive conversation "Fairy tales are good friends", "My favorite fairy tales". Educational activities. Guessing riddles about fairy-tale characters. Children's stories about visiting theaters. NOD "Fairy tale" Fox-sister and gray wolf "". (photo No. 4) Memorizing excerpts from fairy tales for staging a puppet theater for children and parents. Work with the fairy tale "Turnip". Examination of illustrations by different artists for fairy tales. Joint activities at home. Together with the child, draw a picture “Favorite fairy tale”. Consultation for parents "What fairy tales to read to a child at night", "Fairytale therapy".

Activities for working with children: reading fiction, watching cartoons, GCD, making fairy-tale characters from waste and improvised material, didactic and role-playing games, morning conversations “A story about a fairy tale read at home” (daily), trainings, situational communication.


Summing up, analysis of the expected result.

Design of the exhibition "Our favorite fairy tales";

Making an exhibition of family crafts of fairy-tale characters;

Showing a dramatization of the R.Sc. "Kolobok";

Project presentation

Expected result.

Children should:

Show love for fairy tales and theatrical activities;

Know and name the read fairy-tale works, their authors, texts, characters, morality;

know different types of theaters and be able to show them;

To be able to independently choose a fairy tale, to carry out preliminary work for its show, to get used to your role.

  • Conversations “Fairy tales are good friends”, “My favorite fairy tales”, “what fairy tales are read to you at home”
  • Reading different fairy tales
  • Learning sayings, sayings, proverbs about fairy tales, fairy-tale heroes.
  • Retelling of read fairy tales, their staging.
  • Self-composing fairy tales.
  • Telling stories of your own.
  • Illustrating read fairy tales, fairy tales of one's own composition. Accompanying the examination of finished works with verbal stories and explanations.
  • Examination of illustrations by different artists for fairy tales.
  • Riddles about fairy tales, heroes of fairy tales.
  • Fairy tale quiz.
  • Visiting the exhibition "My favorite fairy tales",
  • Dramatization of the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man".

Content of working with parents .

  • Poll - questioning « Fairy tales in your child's life»
  • Conversations with Parents Introduction to the project».
  • Homework for parents and children (making crafts, drawing illustrations for fairy tales).
  • Help in replenishing the book corner with fairy tales.
  • Consultation for parents "What fairy tales to read to a child at night", "Fairy tale therapy".
  • Information for parents in the folder - mobile: " Reading fairy tales to children »
  • Joint creative work with children: Make attributes for the theater corner (masks, hats)

If you are not very afraid of Koshchei
Or Barmaley and Baba Yaga,
Come visit us soon
Where group number 9 is.
Come visit us
You will learn a lot
Magical and good fairy tales:
Here you have the "Turnip" and the golden key.
Here is Chernomor, the one that
In vain he scared everyone with his beard.
You will become cheerful with us, like Pinocchio,
And smart, smart, like Ivan the Fool!
Come visit us
Come visit us soon!
The cat will tell you everything
Because he saw everything himself.


  1. Deryagina L.B. Theatrical activity in the preschool educational institution., Childhood-Press, 2014
  2. An exemplary educational program for preschool education "Discoveries" edited by E.G. Yudina, Moscow 2013
  3. Project activity in kindergarten: science and pedagogical practice., edited by Polyanskaya L.I., School press, 2010
  4. Russian folk tales, edited by Volkova T.S. , Labyrinth, 2015

We invite teachers of preschool education in the Tyumen region, YaNAO and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra to publish their methodological material:
- Pedagogical experience, author's programs, teaching aids, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed notes and scenarios of educational activities, projects, master classes (including video), forms of work with families and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish with us?

Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution

"CRR-kindergarten "Solnyshko" p. Chernyanka, Belgorod region.


« Introducing children to fiction through reading fairy tales "

Project leader: Zakharova E.V.

Project type : research and creative, long-term

Project participants: children of the middle group "Naughty Rays", parents, educator, employees of the district children's library.

Relevance :

The significance of fiction in the upbringing of children is determined by its social and educational role in the life of our entire people.

The art of the word helps the child to learn life, forms his attitude to the environment. Artistic works, revealing the inner world of heroes, make children worry, experience, as their own, the joys and sorrows of heroes.

Acquaintance with literature for each child begins precisely with fairy tales that accompany all his childhood and remain with him for life.

Unfortunately, at present there is a problem - children do not really like to listen and read fiction, they are passionate about computer games.

Therefore, I decided to combine the problem with my passion by developing the project “Introducing children to fiction through reading fairy tales.”


1. To develop a steady interest in fiction as a source of knowledge.

2. Create conditions for the active introduction of literary experience into the creative activity of children.

3. Contribute to the formation of a sustainable interest in the book through the creation of a unified system of work between MADOU "Solnyshko", the children's district library and parents .

Project implementation tasks:

Work with children: 1. Contribute to the accumulation of aesthetic experience by reading and discussing literary works.

2. to cultivate a culture of speech, to teach children to reason, to develop the ability to apply their knowledge in conversation, to achieve coherent statements;

enrich and expand the vocabulary of children.

3. To encourage creative manifestations in role-playing games based on the plots of works, in dramatizations.

4. to form the ability to expressively read poetry, stage episodes of fairy tales;

5. develop artistic abilities;

6. to develop imaginative thinking, imagination, creativity in children;

7. To bring up a careful attitude of preschoolers to the book as a result of the work of many people.

8. Ensure the expansion of social ties between families and the staff of the children's library, develop communication skills and the ability to communicate with adults in different situations.

Methodical work with personnel:

1. to form the need for the study of children's literature, motivation for self-education in matters of literary education for preschool children;

2. to improve the professional level in the field of methods of introducing preschoolers to fiction;

3. to develop the ability to introspection of one's own pedagogical activity;

4. introduce new forms of organizing children's activities, build the educational process on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Interaction with parents:

1. to introduce children to the history of the creation of the book, types of books, ways to find the necessary information,

2. to participate in the creation of handwritten books, the preparation of an exhibition of handwritten books in a group, the development of projects for book corners;

3. to assist the preschool institution in organizing the celebration of the opening of the corner of the book, excursions to the library.

4. Contribute to the birth of the tradition of family reading.

The main forms of project implementation:

with kids: conversations, targeted walks, excursions, reading fiction, role-playing, didactic, desktop-printing, dramatization games, leisure and entertainment, exhibitions, album design, presentations;

with teachers: consultations, seminars, pedagogical readings, recommendations;

with parents: questioning, consultations, oral journal, parent meeting, participation in exhibitions, excursions;

with society: t thematic excursions, exhibitions, children's interactive programs.

Object-spatial environment: a screen, a projector, a library of fairy tales, children's fiction, a book corner, didactic and educational aids, various types of puppet theaters, a hall of the regional children's library.

Stages of project implementation

  • 1.Preparatory stage
  • Setting a goal, determining the relevance and significance of the project
  • Conclusion of an agreement with the district library
  • R development of an interaction planTsRR d / s "Sun"with the staff of the children's library
  • Organization of the development environment in the group.
  • Drawing up a long-term work plan for the project.

Perspective work plan


1. Survey of children on the topics "My favorite fairy tale" and "My favorite fairy tale hero"

2. Questioning of parents "Reading fiction at home"

3 Viewing books with fairy tales with children in a group. Conversation on the topic "Careful storage of books." Conducting the game "Book Hospital".


1. Acquaintance with the history of the creation of fairy tales "Aunty storyteller"

2. Reading fairy tales: Russian folk "Teremok", "Wolf and seven kids"

3. Conclusion of an agreement with the district library.


1. Consultation for parents "The role of fairy tales in the life of a child"

2. Dramatization of the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids"

3. Reading fairy tales: Russian folk “Hare Bouncer”, Ukrainian folk “Mitten”, German fairy tales “Three Little Pigs”, “Hare and Hedgehog” by the Brothers Grimm, “Little Baba Yaga” by O. Preusler

4. Making a book corner in the group.


1. Development and approval of a plan for interaction between the Chernyansk regional library and the MADOU CRR D / S "Solnyshko".

2. Master class for preschool teachers on the topic "Development of speech and familiarization of children with fiction through a fairy tale."

3. Reading fairy tales: Russian folk "Turnip", "Zayushkina's hut", English fairy tale "Three Little Pigs", "Thumbelina" H.-K. Andersen


1. "Christmas gatherings" - entertainment (together with the library staff)

2. Acquaintance with the work of K.I. Chukovsky (selection of literature, illustrations)

3. Didactic games based on fairy tales.


1.Consultation for educators.

2. Leisure "Journey through fairy tales"

3. Making by parents "Books-babies with fairy tales"


1. Literary lounge "Creativity S. Mikhalkov"

2. Holding a competition and designing an exhibition of a joint drawing of children and parents “My favorite fairy-tale hero”

3. Creation of the "Knizhkina Hospital"


1. Literary lounge “Let's get acquainted with the fairy tale of A.S. Pushkin"

2. Quiz "My favorite fairy tales"

3. Creation of homemade books.


1. Participation in the competition of dramatizations of fairy tales.

3. Report-presentation on the project "Journey through fairy tales"

2. Main stage

1. Reading different fairy tales.

2. Drawing by children of heroes of fairy tales.

3. Learning sayings, sayings, proverbs about fairy tales, fairy-tale heroes.

4.R looking at pictures, talking about their content.

5.Excursion to the children's library

6. Riddles about fairy tales, heroes of fairy tales.

7. Retelling of read stories.

8. Consideration of illustrations of different artists for fairy tales.

9. Organization exhibitions of works by children's writers together with employees of the district library.

10..Performance of independent and jointly with parents of creative works.

11. Staging of fairy tales.

12. Parent survey

13. Conversation with parents "Introduction to the project."

14. Homework for parents and children (drawing illustrations for fairy tales).

15. Reading fairy tales with children.

16. Making folders-movers on the topic of the project. Sample directions: “What did we read today”, “Learn with us”

17. Help in replenishing the book corner with fairy tales.

18. Making baby books.

19. Consultations: memo "Educate the future reader";

Interaction with teachers of the Center for Children's Resources "Solnyshko", with employees of the district children's library.

1. Pedagogical Council "Development of children's speech»- master class "Introducing children to fiction through reading fairy tales"

  1. Consultation for educators on the teaching hour "Designing a book corner in a group"
  2. Presentation of the project "Introducing children to fiction through reading fairy tales" within the framework of the teachers' council.

4. Plan of work with the staff of the children's library.

3. Final stage:

  1. Analysis of project results, generalization.
  2. Exhibition of creative works of parents and children: baby books, drawings based on fairy tales.

3. Dramatization of a fairy tale.

4. Presentation of the project within the framework of the teachers' council.

Expected results:

  1. 1.Equipment of the developing environment in the group: selection of a record library of fairy tales, design of a corner of books and a library; exhibition of creative drawings based on fairy tales.

2. Formation of the ability to perceive the book not only as entertainment, but also as a source of knowledge.

3. Active participation of parents in the implementation of the project.

4. Popularization of family reading.

5. Development of interest in literature, creativity of Russian writers.

6. Formation of the ability to expressively read by heart and stage a work or an excerpt from it.

7. Development of children's communication skills, the ability to negotiate, help each other.

8. Formation of a system of work to familiarize children with fiction.

Fri, 04/21/2017 - 21:31 | admincgmiideia

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 30" Shatursky municipal district, Moscow region

Project "Child and book"

on introducing preschool children to fiction

through interaction with the children's library

Andreeva Natalya Petrovna

senior educator

Project type : practice-oriented

Project duration: long term. (1 year)

Project participants:

Children of preparatory groups for school,


Parents of pupils

senior teacher,

Library staff.

Project relevance:

The process of communication of a preschool child with a book is the process of becoming a personality in him. The most important role of the book in the formation of man was discussed as early as the time of Yaroslav the Wise. The book should enter the child's world as early as possible, enrich this world, make it interesting, full of extraordinary discoveries. The child should love the book, reach for it.

But, as you know, modern children are increasingly spending their time playing computer games, watching TV shows and reading books less and less.

In conditions when entire electronic libraries are being created, it is difficult to force a child to pick up a book, especially a child who is a preschooler, because. he is a kind of reader. The word "reader" in relation to preschool age is conditional. In reality, this is a listener whose encounter with a book is completely determined by an adult, from the choice of text for reading to the duration of communication with the book. Taste, interest in the work, its interpretation, the ability to navigate in the circle of children's reading, the creation of a reading system - all this is in the power of an adult. It also depends on the adult to a greater extent whether the child will become a real, enthusiastic reader or whether a meeting with a book in preschool childhood will flash by a random, meaningless episode in his life.

The attitude of the child to the process of reading and to literature also depends on the attitudes of the adult.

Today, the relevance of solving this problem is obvious, because reading is associated not only with literacy and education. It forms ideals, broadens horizons, enriches the inner world of a person. Books have a special charm: books give us pleasure, they talk to us, they give us good advice, they become living friends for us.

In the kindergarten, a survey of children and parents was conducted to determine the degree of influence of books on the formation of children's moral ideas, which showed that 80% of children and parents prefer watching TV and playing games on the computer. Modern children have a TV and a computer as the background of life, they are perceived as family members, many eat, play and even fall asleep to its sounds. Only 20% of the respondents preferred reading books. All these facts contributed to the development of this project.

We need to find effective forms of work to introduce children to reading, thus captivating preschoolers and their parents.


Contribute to the formation of a child's sustainable interest in literature as an art form. Attract children to the book, consolidate interest in reading, including family reading.


  1. Introduce children to book culture, educate a competent reader.
  2. To increase the efficiency of work on introducing children to the book in the interaction of all participants in the educational process: teachers, children, parents.
  3. To improve the style of partnerships with the family, cultural and public organizations that contribute to educating children's interest in fiction.
  4. Contribute to the maintenance of family reading traditions.
  5. To improve the culture of speech of teachers, parents and children.
  6. To cultivate a careful attitude to the book as the result of the work of many people.

Project Implementation Plan

This work assumes three stages each of which includes certain tasks and an algorithm of actions:

  1. Preparatory.
  2. Basic
  3. Final.




  1. Preparatory stage

1. Drawing up a plan for the implementation of the project.

2. The study of methodological literature on the topic.

3. Questioning of parents "The place of the book in your family."

4. Conversation with children "My favorite book"

5. Drawing up a plan of joint events with the children's library

6. Development of regulations on the review - competition "Book Corner in Kindergarten".

7. Consultation for educators "Book corner in kindergarten."

To acquaint the participants of the educational process (teachers and parents) with the project;

To study the opinion of all participants in the educational process on the problem;

Select the methodological support of the project;

Develop long-term plans, a plan for joint work with the children's library, summaries of events, consultations, the position of the competition;

Analyze the content of book corners in groups

Aug. Sept

senior teacher,

educators of preparatory groups

  1. main stage

1.Decoration of reading corners in groups in accordance with modern requirements.

2. Conducting a review competition of book corners (Analysis of the content of book corners in groups in accordance with the age of children, the specifics of work).

3.Decoration of thematic exhibitions dedicated to the work of writers.

4. Exhibitions of children's drawings based on the works read.

5. Drawing up a memo for parents: “An indicative list of children's fiction.

6. Open views of directly educational activities for familiarization with fiction.

7. Pedagogical Council with the participation of parents on the topic: "Development of children through works of fiction"

8. Consultations for parents "Developing functions of fiction".

Visiting events organized on the basis of the children's library in accordance with the theme of the week. (Plan of joint work of the preschool educational institution and the library)

9. Conducting entertainment for children together with parents "Visiting the Queen of the Book."

10. KVN "Evening of fairy tales and riddles."

Replenish the fund of fiction in the preschool educational institution.

Systematize the material on the topic in the methodical office.

Activate all participants in the educational process in the implementation of the project.


senior teacher,

preparatory group teachers

Head Service Department of MCU "RBS GPSH"

III Final

1. Conducting repeated surveys, surveys, conversations with all participants in the educational process.

2. Summing up the results of the project implementation at the teachers' council

To study the attitude of all participants in the educational process to the project.

Identification of satisfaction of all participants in the educational process with the results of the implemented project.

Analysis of project implementation efficiency.

To generalize and disseminate the accumulated experience in the formation of a sustainable interest in children in books.

senior caregiver

Expected result:

  • Increasing children's interest in fiction.
  • Development of a book management system.
  • Improving the competence of family members in the education of a competent reader, the speech development of the child.
  • Revival of home reading.
  • Positive changes in children's speech.

Project management:

  • Project leader - senior educator
  • The participants of the project are teachers, parents, children.

Application No. 1


Director of MKU "CBS GPSh" Head of MBDOU

T.P. Rozov "Kindergarten No. 30"

"_____" _________2016 __________ N.N. Prikazchikov

"_____" ___________2016

Plan of joint work of MKU "TsBS GPSH" and MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 30" of the Shatursky municipal district of the Moscow region

on the continuity of the educational process

for the 2016/2017 academic year.


Attract children to the book, consolidate interest in reading, including family reading.

Forms of work: reading aloud, quizzes, competitions, literary matinees, creative activities.

Theme of the week

Event topics, content


library hour

Tour of the library. A story about children's subscription books, a review of children's magazines, literary reading

senior educator

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 30"


"Autumn, autumn, we ask you to visit ..."

Autumn in literature and art

Head Service Department of MCU "CBS GPSH"

senior educator

"Day of national unity"

"Day of National Unity".

history of the holiday

Head Service Department of MCU "CBS GPSH"

senior educator

"Pets and their cubs"

“115 years since the birth of the writer and illustrator E.I. Charushin"

Literary and musical hour

Head Service Department of MCU "CBS GPSH"

senior caregiver

"Miscellaneous materials and products from them"

"Basket of riddles."

Riddles, quizzes, crossword, games

senior educator

"New Year"

"On Guard for Peace and Tranquility", Heroes of the Fatherland Day, dedicated to the heroes of the battle near Moscow.

Literary and musical hour

Head service department of MCU "CBS GPSH";

senior educator

"New Year"

New Year's Express.

New Year around the world .

Head service department of MCU "CBS GPSH";

senior educator

Reserved places of Russia.

By the day of the reserves.

Head service department of MCU "CBS GPSH";

senior educator

"Folk Culture and Traditions"

"Wonderful wonder, marvelous marvel."

Khokhloma, Gorodets, Gzhel painting

Head service department of MCU "CBS GPSH";

senior educator

"Defender of the Fatherland Day"

“To the day of the native language “Our priceless gift is speech”

Head service department of MCU "CBS GPSH";

senior educator

"Dangerous Situations"

“Fundamentals of safe life. Every citizen knows the important number 01.”

S. Marshak "The Story of an Unknown Hero". life safety fundamentals

Head service department of MCU "CBS GPSH";

senior educator

"Spring is coming to visit us!"

Spring in stories, poetry, painting, music.

Head service department of MCU "CBS GPSH";

senior educator

Children's Book Week. Favorite books and writers of childhood

Head service department of MCU "CBS GPSH";

senior educator

MBDOU d / s No. 30

Cosmonautics Day.

"Cosmonautics Day"

The first conquerors of space. History of flight development

Head service department of MCU "CBS GPSH";

senior educator

MBDOU d / s No. 30

"Health is the main value"

"The entry of sluts is forbidden!"

Talking to children about health. Reading a fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky "Moydodyr"

Head service department of MCU "CBS GPSH";

senior educator

MBDOU d / s No. 30

Goodbye kindergarten! Hello school!

"Creative Workshop".

Making bookmarks for books

Head service department of MCU "CBS GPSH";

senior educator

MBDOU d / s No. 30

Children's literary project "Golden Key"

Project presented: children of the preparatory group for school No. 6, educator Chasovskikh S.O.
Informative. Creative. Short.

The power of art in the upbringing of children is enormous, in particular, fiction, which opens and explains to the child the life of society and nature, the world of human feelings and relationships. Fiction develops the child's thinking and imagination, generalizes his emotions, and provides excellent examples of the Russian literary language.
Works of art make you feel excited, empathize with characters and events, and in the process of this empathy, certain relationships and moral assessments are created that have an incomparably greater coercive force than assessments that are simply communicated and assimilated. They introduce the child to a special, exceptional world of feelings, deep experiences and emotional discoveries.
How can a small child comprehend the height of a grateful deed and the baseness of deceit, malice and betrayal, experience the joy of love and the power of hatred? Of course, from works of art. Children understand an idea only when it is embodied in vivid images. Impressions received in childhood are the most vivid, stable and memorable.

1 To acquaint children with the phenomena of the surrounding reality through art (fiction).
2 To form the ability to actively use their knowledge and skills in various activities, develop imagination, the ability to form an idea and find a form for its implementation.
3 To develop a dialogic and monologue form of speech, a culture of speech communication in various situations of communication.
4 To cultivate emotional responsiveness, moral feelings (empathy, compassion, justice).
5 Development of interest in fiction, books.
6 Develop creativity.
7 Awaken in preschoolers the desire to independently turn to the book as a source of meaningful and entertaining leisure activities

Project plan.
1. Reading a fairy tale by A.N. Tolstoy "The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio"
2. Independent artistic activity based on the read chapters of the fairy tale.
3. Making albums "Pinocchio"
4. Conversation with parents on the topic "Educational project" (help, cooperation, participation).
5. Retelling the tale to children's drawings.
6. Consultation for parents “The way to the land of books. From listener to reader.
7. Making the folder “Quiz in verses based on the fairy tale by A.N. Tolstoy. We draw a fairy tale. Literature and applied art»

Results achieved.
In the course of work on the project, the expected results were achieved: the children's interest in fiction increased, the desire to independently examine books, to transfer knowledge gained from books in independent artistic activity. Parents listened to the retelling of the fairy tale based on the children's drawings.
