Abstract of the nodes of a healthy lifestyle. Summary of nodes on the formation of a healthy lifestyle for children of the senior group "health lesson"

Target: to form in preschoolers an idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle, to introduce the concept of a healthy lifestyle; to develop the cognitive activity of children, to teach to reason, to draw conclusions, to educate the will and character.

Materials and equipment: posters depicting microbes, food products containing vitamins A, B, C. Posters depicting people brushing their teeth, playing sports, taking a bath, sunbathing on the shore of a reservoir, etc.

Toys : bear, hedgehog, puppy, kitten, children's table, toy dishes, ball.

Working process:

Health is happiness! This is when you are cheerful and everything works out for you. Everyone needs health - children, adults, and even animals. What should be done to be healthy? You need to want and be able to take care of your health. If you do not take care of your health, you can lose it.

- Guys, how to understand this expression "Look after your health?" (children's answers)

- Correctly! This is, firstly, the observance of the regime of the day. Secondly, you need to keep your body clean. Thirdly, it is gymnastics, physical education, hardening and outdoor games. Fourth, you need to eat right. So, let's talk about the daily routine.

Daily regime

The teacher discusses with the children the main points of the regimen for home and kindergarten. Explains why it is so important to observe such a regime, which is established in kindergarten.


Wash soap! Do not be lazy!

Don't slip, don't get angry!

Why did you fall again?

I'll wash you first!

- What hygiene rules do you guys follow at home and in kindergarten? (We wash our faces in the mornings and evenings, brush our teeth, etc.)

– Why should this be done? (To be clean, to look good, to be pleasant and healthy, to be hardened to wash away germs.)

- Microbes are in the air, water, on the ground, on our body. The word "microbe" comes from two Greek words "micros", which means "small", "bios" - "life". Not all microbes are harmful. Many useful ones, for example, with the help of lactic acid bacteria, you can cook kefir, fermented baked milk. And harmful pathogenic microbes, getting into the human body, multiply releasing poisons. They cause various diseases.

How do microbes enter the body? (When sneezing, coughing without covering your mouth, if you do not wash your hands before eating, after using the toilet, do not wash vegetables and fruits.)

What should be done to protect yourself from them? (Children's answers.)

Together with the children, the teacher draws a conclusion that the children should learn well: do not eat or drink on the street, always wash your hands before eating, after using the toilet, eat only washed vegetables and fruits, cover your nose and mouth with a handkerchief when sneezing or coughing, eat only from clean dishes.

Then the teacher asks the children to count how many times a day they have to wash their hands.


A microbe is a terribly harmful animal,

Insidious and most importantly ticklish.

Such an animal in the stomach

A varmint will climb in, and where he wants

Walks on the patient and tickles.

He is proud that so much trouble comes from him:

And runny nose, and sneezing, and sweat.

Did you kids wash your hands before dinner?

Oh, brother fox, you look like a cold

Wait a minute your forehead is hot

You must have a germ in you!

Gymnastics, physical education, hardening and outdoor games.

If a person goes in for sports, he will live longer. Be sure to do gymnastics after daytime sleep and breathing exercises. It is useful to gargle, wipe yourself with a towel, do gymnastics, play outdoor games more often.

- Children, there is such a proverb "Take care of your health from a young age." Why do they say so? (Children's answers.)

Exercise in the morning

You will be strong

You will be brave.

I'll drive away the remnants of sleep

Blanket aside

I need gymnastics

Helps great.

So that we don't get sick

And don't catch a cold

We are charging with you

We'll be doing.

– Something you and I, guys, sat up too long. Let's play!

Mobile game "Statues"

This game is best played with a big ball. Players stand in a circle and throw the ball to each other. Whoever did not catch the ball continues the game while standing on one leg. If he manages to catch the ball in this position, then he returns to his original position (on both feet), but if not, he gets on one knee and continues to play in this position. At the next mistake, the player sits on the floor.

food culture

Scene "On a visit to the bear." Possible situations of animal behavior are discussed (on the way to visit, before a festive dinner, during dinner, etc.) The children, together with the teacher, draw conclusions:


Try everything;

Eat and drink outside;

There is unwashed;

Eating with dirty hands

Give a bite;

Petting animals while eating;

There are many sweets.

You need to eat more vegetables and fruits. They contain a lot of vitamins A, B, C, D. They are also contained in other products.

Vitamin A - carrots, fish, sweet peppers, eggs, parsley. This vitamin is important for vision.

Vitamin B - meat, milk, nuts, bread, chicken, peas. (For heart.)

Vitamin C - citrus fruits, cabbage, onions, radishes, currants. (From a cold.)

Vitamin D - sun, fish oil. (For the bones.)

For better memorization, the teacher uses an artistic word.

I never get discouraged

And a smile on your face

Because I accept

Vitamins A, B, C.

Very important early

Target: To give children an idea about the preservation and strengthening of their health.


  • formation of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle;
  • develop the cognitive activity of children, teach to reason, draw conclusions;
  • education of cultural and hygienic skills; teach habits for a healthy lifestyle.

Materials and equipment using ICT:

Video recording (the child reads the poem "Influenza" by S. Mikhalkov); tape recorder with audio recording; fabric path with traces of red; clearing (paper flowers, insects are laid out on the carpet); a barrel of honey; colour pencils; sheets with a developing task for each child; maps (snowflake circled in blue and sun circled in red); umbrella; two buckets with fruits and vegetables (models); natural pieces of fruit; skewers for stringing; aprons, hats, wet wipes.

Integration educational areas:

Communication: to form the ability of children to express their opinions, assumptions, guess riddles.

Physical culture: to develop motor activity of children, fine motor skills hands ( finger gymnastics with elements of self-massage).

Cognition: the development of ideas about seasonal changes, the benefits of insects.

Socialization: develop a sense of sympathy, empathy towards others.

Safety: the formation of careful handling of sharp objects (skewers).

Labor: the formation of the necessary skills in different types labor, education of independence (cooking fruit skewers).

Reading fiction: the formation of the ability to carefully listen to poems, riddles (S. Marshak's poem "Flu"), riddles about fruits and vegetables)

Music: to develop the ability to rhythmically perform the necessary movements to the music.


Motor: children walk in place to musical accompaniment, walk along the path (foot massage), finger gymnastics with elements of self-massage "And a booger crawls over me ...", breathing exercises;

Communicative: free communication of the teacher with children on the topics - “What benefits do insects bring”, “Teach Kutalka to dress according to the weather”;

Game: didactic games "Dress the doll", "Collect fruits and vegetables";

Labor: stringing pieces of fruit on skewers; motivation is to help.

Musical and artistic: rhythmic performance of various movements to the music.

Productive: cooking "fruit skewers";

Reading: listening to the poem "Flu" by S. Marshak, guessing riddles about fruits and vegetables.

Progress of joint activities:

The children enter the room.

Educator: Hello guys! Let's get to know you. My name is Natalya Alexandrovna, but I will get to know you during our journey. Guys, look what a beautiful day today! I see that everyone is in a good, joyful mood. You are all cheerful and healthy (the teacher pretends to listen). Oh what is it? You hear ... (a girl appears on the screen and reads the poem "Influenza" by S. Mikhalkov).

Educator: Who are you girl and what happened to you?

And that makes me feel bad and sad. Help me please.

A cold runs through the hall and giggles maliciously.

Educator: Poor Masha. Have you guys been sick?

Children's answers

Educator: How did you feel during your illness?

Children's answers

Educator: When a person is sick, he is sad. I think that we should help Masha with you. Do you agree?

Children's answers

Educator: Well, let's go then... (children, together with the teacher, walk in place to the music)

The teacher and the children come to a path with red marks, around which crumpled napkins, nasal drop bottles, etc. are scattered.)

Educator: What a strange path ... I wonder who could leave such traces?

Children's answers

The Cold is giggling from behind the screen.

Educator: Why did you decide so?

Children's answers

Educator: I agree with you, but there is no other way, and we will have to go along these paths. And in order not to catch a cold, what should we be?

Children's answers

Educator: And for this, what needs to be done?

Children's answers

Educator: Do you exercise in the morning?

Children's answers:

Educator: Well, then we are not afraid of the cold.

Children walk along the path and go out to the clearing (phonogram sounds).

Educator: Ouch! Where did we get to?

Children's answers

Educator: This is a clearing. Here, among the grass, different insects live.

What beneficial insects do you know? What benefits do they bring to humans?

Children's answers

For example, bees pollinate plants, collect nectar and produce honey from it.

Educator: And the insects that live in this clearing know how to massage. Break up into pairs, please.

Finger gymnastics with elements of massage "And a goat is crawling over me ..."(children in pairs perform massage).

And a goat crawls over me, as if I, what kind of grass (touch fingers from fingertips to shoulders).

And the moth sits down, like me, what a flower (pats on the head).

And the grasshoppers jump on the shirt, as if on the lawn (tapping on the back from top to bottom).

And bumblebees fly to me, as if they want to find honey (pats on the back).

Educator: The bees have prepared a gift for Masha - a barrel of honey and ask us to give it to her. Let's thank them for the gift and move on.

Children's answers

A girl wrapped in warm clothes appears on the screen.

Educator: Who are you?

Kutalka: Hello guys! Ouch! I'm cold, I'm hot. I am Kutalka! Educator: What a strange name. Guys, why do you think our guest is called that?

Children's answers

Educator: Kutalka, from dressing too warmly, wrapping up, dressing inappropriately for the weather.

Kutalka: I always dress warmly, but for some reason I get sick all the time, I'm cold. Educator: Why do you think?

Children's answers

Kutalka: Please teach me how to dress properly.

Educator: Well, guys, let's help Kutalka?

Children's answers

Trays with colored pencils (red and blue), sheets of paper with a task are laid out on the tables.

caregiver: Listen to the task : Please circle the clothes for the warm season with a red pencil, and the clothes for the cold season with a blue pencil.

Two chart cards are posted on the magnetic board (a snowflake circled in blue and a sun circled in red). Children perform the task to calm music.

Educator: Please tell Kutalka how to dress in the warm season?

Children's answers

Educator: How should you dress in the cold season?

Educator: Well, Kutalka, now you understand how to dress properly so as not to get sick?

Kutalka: Yes. Thank you guys and give Masha a small gift from me - an umbrella. I think it will definitely come in handy in rainy weather.

Educator: All right, Kutalka, dress for the weather and don't get sick. And we will go further.

A picture of a forest appears on the screen, relaxation music sounds.

Educator: Look, we got into the forest with you. The air is fresh and clean here. To be strong, strong, not to get sick, you also need to breathe properly. You need to breathe through your nose, because we have small hairs in our nose that purify the air and warm it. Therefore, the person does not catch a cold.
Let's inhale air through the nose, and exhale through the mouth .... (several times, while not puffing out our cheeks and not raising our shoulders).

Children approach scattered vegetables and fruits (models)

Educator: Who did it? (From behind a screen, a Cold appears and grimaces).

Children's answers

Educator: We need to fix this. Let's collect all this in different baskets and take it to Masha.

Children collect fruits and vegetables to the music.

Educator: Well done, but tell me, please, what are the benefits of fruits and vegetables?

Children's answers

Educator: That's right, there are even sayings, proverbs and riddles about this. Do you know any riddles about fruits and vegetables?

Children's answers

Educator: And can you guess them?

Children's answers

Educator: And I also want to make riddles for you: listen here:

round, ruddy,

I grow on a branch.

Adults love me

And little kids.


Broken cramped house

For two halves.

And poured out from there

Pellet beads.


Educator: Well done! All fruits and vegetables contain many vitamins. All of them help us to protect ourselves from the evil spell of the Cold. Therefore, now we will prepare a delicious and healthy “fruit skewers” ​​with you.

The teacher asks the children to put on aprons and hats.

Educator: Well, before you start cooking kebabs, what needs to be done?

Children's answers:

Educator: We need to wash our hands. We can't do that right now, but we have wet wipes.

Preparation of "fruit skewers".

On the tables are plates with pieces of different fruits.

Educator: What fruits are here? Try a piece.

Educator: what does it taste like? (apple, orange, banana…)

Children's answers:

Then, together with the teacher, the children string pieces of fruit onto skewers and decorate the halves of apples with them. Lay them out on a tray.

The girl Masha reappears on the screen.

Educator: Hello Masha.

Educator: We came to help you get rid of the Cold and brought gifts.

The cold peeks out from behind the screen

Cold: So I let her go...

Educator: Let's tell Masha about whom we met during the trip and what we learned. What have insects taught us? What did they give for Masha?

What did Kutalka ask you to convey to Masha? What did we teach her?

Why is it important to be able to breathe properly?

What are the benefits of fruits and vegetables?

Children's answers:

Educator: And you also need to do exercises every day and play sports. Then no cold is terrible!

Masha: Thank you for your gifts and help.

Cold: I saw such smart people. I don't need your Masha.

The cold is running away

Educator: Run Run! It seems to me guys that Masha will remember all this, and will never get to the Cold again. Well, it's time for us to go back to kindergarten. Let's wish Masha good health and say goodbye to her.

Prepared by: teacher I -th qualification category Smirnova Natalya Alexandrovna and educator Muravyova Maria Alexandrovna MBDOU " Kindergarten combined type No. 22 "Golden spikelet",

Leningrad region, Vyborg, Russia

Abstract directly - educational activities on the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle "Being healthy is great!"

Target: To form the basics of a healthy lifestyle in children.
Consolidate children's knowledge of the impact on health motor activity, hardening, nutrition, fresh air, mood.
To develop cognitive interest, mental activity, creative imagination, to form even breathing, a caring attitude towards one's health.
Cultivate a desire to be healthy, take care of yourself and others.
Methods and techniques:
cognitive activity with a health-improving orientation, breathing and motor exercises, games, research activities.

Ball, model of the sun, presentation "Foodstuffs", "Rules of personal hygiene", tree layout, telephone, poems for a word game, pointer, aeroball, vitamin caps.
surprise moment- arrival of a bunny
Preliminary work:
1. Conversation with children about hygiene, a healthy lifestyle.
2. Considering with children a demonstration material on the topic: “Keep personal hygiene”
3. Reading fiction to children: “Moydodyr”, “Fedorino grief” (Chukovsky K.I.), “Bad advice” (B. Zakhoder).
4. Performing physical exercises in the process of physical education and morning exercises.
5. Performing breathing exercises
6. Memorizing poems about vitamins with children.
7. Preparing attributes for the lesson

Lesson progress:

Educator. Today we are here to talk about health. What is the word for "health"? That's right, the word health is similar to the word hello. When we greet each other, we wish each other good health. Let's say hello to each other and do it in the game "Hello"
(communication game with the sun))
A bunny enters the room, upset about something.

Educator. Guys, look, a bunny came to visit us, let's say hello to him. But he is very sad.
(referring to the bunny): What happened to you, bunny, why are you so sad?
Bunny. Guys, I came to you for help. Something I am completely exhausted, it seems to me that I have lost my health and do not know where to find it. Will you help me?
caregiver. Guys, what do you think, who can help the bunny, who knows everything about health and what needs to be done so as not to lose it. (Doctor)
Where can you find a doctor? (In the hospital)
How can I call a doctor here? (By phone)
What is the phone number for a doctor? (03)
That's right, to call the doctor, ambulance you only need to dial 2 digits 03
(the teacher shows this phone number and calls)
Educator: Hello, is this a hospital?
Doctor: Yes, we are listening.
Educator. we would like to call a doctor to our orphanage "Solnyshko". We seem to have a bunny. Can you come?
Doctor. Yes, of course, I'll be there soon.
Educator: Well, bunny, the doctor will come soon and tell you how you can help.
Doctor enters
- Hello guys. I came on a call. What happened to you? Did someone get sick?
Educator: no, our children are healthy, but a bunny came to visit us, who feels unwell and is afraid that he has lost his health. He does not know how to find his health.
Doctor. I will open for you little secret. Our health can be compared to the sun, which has many rays. These rays live in every cell of our body.
Educator:(points to the sun without rays) And our sun has no rays, they are lost. To help the bunny, we must find them, we set off on the road to the sun.

Musical-rhythmic gymnastics "Road to the sun"
To find out what the first ray of our health sun is called, I suggest you play a game called "Correct, correct, absolutely correct."
I will tell you small poems, if they say what is right, then you all say together: “Correct, correct, absolutely correct,” and if the poem says what not to do, then you are silent. Did you understand?
1. To grow and temper
Gotta play sports

2. Let you not be lazy
Brush your teeth 2 times a day

3. To keep your teeth from hurting
Eat caramel candies

4. If you go out for a walk in winter
Leave your hat and scarf at home

5. Fruits and vegetables before meals
Carefully, very diligently my.

6. Go to bed on time, get up
Do you follow the daily routine?

7. Here is another simple tip
my hands before eating

8. You quickly run away from your mother
Don't let her cut your nails.

9. Handkerchief, comb should be your own
Remember this and do not use strangers.

10. If there is a puddle or dirt on the street
You have to fall down there.

How can you name in one word all those actions that must be performed and to which you unanimously answered “correct, correct, absolutely correct”? (Hygiene)
This is what our first ray of health is called. To be healthy, you need to maintain personal hygiene.
I open the first ray of the sun of health.
And now I suggest you do a little experiment.
Try to take a deep breath, and then cover your nose and mouth with your palm. What do you feel? And what do we breathe?
That's right, we breathe fresh air, which is why we go out every day for a walk.
The second ray of our sun of health is fresh air.
I open the 2nd ray.
Let's remember together what breathing exercises we know.
Aeroball game
Bunny. It turns out to be so interesting to breathe correctly. I love these exercises so much. Now I will do them every day.
Doctor. I also have a special recipe for you. Here listen.
I never get discouraged
And a smile on your face
Because I accept
Vitamins A, B, C.
If you don't take enough vitamins, you won't grow well. You will not run, jump, play, because you simply will not have the strength. And therefore, all sorts of ill-sores will stick to you and it will be difficult to deal with them.
Where do you think you can get vitamins?
Where else can vitamins be found?
That's right, there are a lot of vitamins in vegetables and fruits.
And I invite you all to listen to poems about vitamins.

I am vitamin A
Easy to remember me
Find me in a carrot
I am the growth vitamin.

Vitamin B is called
Strictly said:
Live in nuts, cucumbers,
Bread, sorrel, mushrooms.

Though I taste sour
Smile Sony...
I'm called Vitamin C
And I live in a lemon.

We lay in the sun
Vitamin D was taken.
Who are we guys now?
Or just chocolates?

And now I suggest you grow a miracle tree on which only useful products will grow. Here are pictures of various food items. Each of you will come, take one card with the image of a useful product and hang it on a tree. And then he quietly sits down in his place.
What products were not taken to the tree? Why?
And how can you name the products whose images you hung on a tree in one word? What are they?
So, to be healthy, you need to take ... (vitamins), eat healthy foods that have a lot of vitamins.
That's right, vitamin food is called our next ray: vitamin food.
I open the 3rd ray of the sun of health.
We have already opened 3 beams of our sun.
Now let's check if there is a lot of power in your hands. Show off your muscles.
Guys, what do you think gives strength to our hands?
Do you like to exercise?
Let us now show the guests how we can do exercises.

Complex of rhythmic gymnastics to music.
"Happy Charging"
Let's see how much power is in your hands. Added strength?
Why do you think a person should be strong?
Strength improves human health. To be strong, you need to do exercises, play sports. And the next, 4th ray of our sun is called physical. exercises.
I open the beam.

Bunny. I understood everything, in order to find my health and not lose it, you need to eat well, walk in the fresh air, do exercises every day and do not forget to wash your hands.

Doctor: It's all right, bunny. But our sun has another ray. Look at our guys: they are smiling cheerfully, what do you think, what mood are they in?
Good mood - that's the name of the last, fifth ray.
I open the 5th ray.
Look how the sun smiles, it rejoices that we have learned together how to find and maintain our health. And we are all very happy that we were able to help you. Is it true guys? Now you know how to find and save your health? And now we will be little suns.
Musical-rhythmic gymnastics with suns
"The sun shines for everyone!"

Bunny. And now I will run, tell all the other animals how great it is to never get sick and be healthy. Goodbye!
Bunny leaves happy.
Doctor: Guys, did you like our sun of health? Let's name which rays of the sun we have discovered.
1st ray - hygiene
2nd ray - fresh air
3rd ray - vitamin food
4th ray - physical exercises
5th ray - good mood.

If you follow all this, you will certainly be healthy, and being healthy is so great!
Now I can be sure that the guys from the orphanage "Solnyshko" will always be healthy and will teach all their loved ones to take care of their health. Because you are so smart, active, kind, I brought you a treat. Then eat in a group. Well, it's time for me to say goodbye. Goodbye, guys.
The doctor leaves.
caregiver: Let's remember the name of all the rays of our sun of health. (called).
If you do all this, you will certainly be healthy!

GCD in middle group on the topic: "Journey to the Land of Health"

Integrated tasks:
- to promote the formation of healthy lifestyle values ​​in children; about the daily routine, its components
- to teach to draw conclusions on the basis of experimental work about the need to wash vegetables and fruits, to continue telling children about the benefits of the magical smells of "phytoionization"; which foods are good for health, which are harmful.
- to consolidate children's knowledge about the benefits of vitamins, their significance, the relationship between nutrition and health;
- to develop in children the idea of ​​​​usefulness physical activity and personal hygiene;
- educate respect for your health

Expected Result: the formation of healthy lifestyle values ​​in children

Material and equipment:
humidifier with herbal infusion, TV, VCR, tape recorder, Carlson toy, material for didactic game, posters, illustrations for fairy tales, microscopes, handouts for experimental work, an alarm clock, a layout of the daily routine.

Methodical methods:
1. Organizational moment.
2. Surprise moment - Carlson comes to the children
3. Communication - conversation about health
4. Game
5. Motor physical minute
6. Game - guess the taste
7. Game
8. Reading the rules on health Children enter the group, Carlson sits on a chair.
- Guys, Carlson flew to visit us, but for some reason he is not cheerful. Hello Carlson, what happened to you, are you sick?
-Hello guys! I have been in a bad mood for the second day already, yesterday I spent the whole day at home, did not play, did not play pranks.
- Guys, let's help Carlson become cheerful and cheerful again! And for this we will go to the wonderful Land of Health. And how do the inhabitants of the Country of Health behave? (Move a lot, go in for sports, walk, run).

So we will go on foot with a cheerful song to the Country of Health! (children with a teacher and Carlson walk around the group and sing a funny song. They stop near the humidifier, designed as a flower bed, the teacher turns on the humidifier).

Here we are in the Land of Health! Listen, what a pleasant aroma. He is healing, smells like roses. This aroma calms, causes good mood. Breathe deeply, calmly. Carlson, breathe too (children breathe).
- Children, how did you breathe at this station? How can you call the station - the first in the Land of Health? (children offer options - for example, a breathing station).
The teacher draws the children's attention to a poster where a person's nose and objects are drawn: a vacuum cleaner, an oven, a dog, it is necessary to determine what these objects have in common with the nose.
- Why do you think these objects are drawn next to the nose? (children's answers)
- Carlson, you realized that our noses are not only for beauty, but also for health.
-Let's move on to the Land of Health. This station is motor (children approach the poster, where cheerful athletes are drawn). What kind of people do you think live at this station? (cheerful, cheerful, joyful)
- And what should be done to have a good, cheerful mood in the morning? (children's answers). Let's show Carlson how we can do exercises (rhythmic pause under sound recording).
- Cheerfully and cheerfully, we are going to the next station (children are looking at a poster where products are drawn) What can we call this station? (children's options). Let's call it the Feeding Station.

Guys, why do you think Carlson is so plump? (answers) How to eat to be slim and healthy?
- let's see what happened to the teddy bear (staging)
- Why did the bear cub's teeth hurt?
- Carlson, you understand how harmful it is to eat a lot of sweets. And now we will show you how the guys, even with their eyes closed, can identify useful and not very products.
D \ and "Guess the taste"
- children with their eyes closed identify the product and talk about the content of vitamins in it, about its health benefits or harm).
- Guys, when vegetables and fruits can harm our body?
(answers). Why do they need to be washed?
- In the Land of Health there is a laboratory where you can see how much dirt gets into the body if you eat an unwashed apple.
Children come to the tables with the material.
- Seryozha, please wash this apple in a basin.
- Katya, take a pipette and draw a few drops of water from the basin into it and place a drop on the glass.
- Let's put the glass under the microscope and examine it. What do you see? (children's answers). What conclusion can be drawn from what you saw? Why do you need to wash fruits and vegetables? What needs to be washed and when?
-Carlson, did you remember that you need to wash well? Why? (children with a teacher approach the illustration of the fairy tale "The Cockerel and the Bean Seed").
- Guys, do you remember what fairy tale this cockerel is from? What happened to him? What rule should be remembered while eating? How did the fairy tale end? Are you happy that the fairy tale has a happy ending?
- Let's show our joy. Let's rejoice with the cockerel and the hen:
We rejoice in the sun (hands up)
We rejoice in the grain (sit down)
We rejoice in the leaves (circle)
And also to all friends (hug, smile)

What funny and kind faces you have! How interesting at the Feeding Station, but it's time for us to go further to the Television Station. What do you think the residents of this station are doing?
- And you, Carlson, do you like to watch TV?
- Do you guys watch TV? Let's tell Carlson whether it's good or bad to watch TV
D / and "Good - bad"
- Yes, the Television station says that children can watch children's programs on TV for a short time, and after the Good Night Kids program, they should go to bed.
(Alarm clock rings. A boy enters with a model of the regime on his chest).

Boy: I am the most important in the Land of Health. I know when to sleep, when to get up, when to start work. Those who do not fulfill me often get sick.
Guys, guess who it is? (the boy gives the children a layout). Guys, let's tell Carlson what people should do to be cheerful and healthy.
Children from the pictures on the layout of the daily routine tell:
- wash your face and brush your teeth;
- do exercises every day;
- eat right and on time;
- to walk outside;
- engage in physical education and sports;
- temper;
- go to bed on time.
- Thank you, Daily Mode. Now both Carlson and the guys will always remember you and follow all your rules, the clock will help them with this.
- Guys, unfortunately, our trip to the Land of Health is over. What new and interesting things did you learn today? And you Carlson, what did you learn today? I hope that you follow all the necessary rules and never get sick. And you Carlson will always be in a good mood!

Synopsis of GCD in the senior group on the formation of a healthy lifestyle for children "We will save health!"

Recommendation. The material will be of interest to educators.
Integration of educational areas:"Cognition", "Socio-communicative", "Speech", "Physical".
Age group: senior group
Target: to educate preschoolers respect for their health and the health of others.
To form the idea of ​​children about health as one of the main values ​​of human life.
To instill the need for a healthy lifestyle, respect for physical exercise and sports.
To form in children an idea of ​​\u200b\u200buseful foods that contain vitamins.
To consolidate the basic concepts: daily routine, personal hygiene, vitamins, healthy foods, healthy lifestyle.
To develop the ability to isolate the components of human health and establish their relationship.
develop attention, logical thinking memory, curiosity.
To educate children in the skills and need for a healthy lifestyle.
Raise the desire to take care of your health. Educator. Children, I invite you to the circle of joy. Let's greet each other! Repeat after me:
Hello World! (children raise their hands up)
Hello World! (hands to the side)
Hello, a kind person! (children hold out their hands)
Yes, guys, when meeting with other people, a person says a wonderful word - “Hello!”. So he wishes health and peace to his relatives, friends and strangers, mother nature.
We did not just say hello, but wished each other good health.

Educator:- Children, I received an e-mail today, come closer and let's read it. (Opens laptop, a photo of Matroskin's cat appears). You recognized him.

Educator. Cat Matroskin writes: “Uncle Fyodor fell ill in Prostokvashino. He has a sore throat and head and a fever. Please help us! Sharik and I don't know what to do."
Educator:- “Guys, can we help Matroskin and Sharik? Tell our friends what to do if someone gets sick?
(Children's answers.)
Educator:- That's right, if someone is sick, you need to stay at home and call a doctor from the clinic. And if it's really bad, very heat, then call an ambulance at "03". What do you think should be done in order not to get sick? (Children's answers.)
Educator:“Yes, children, you need to take care of your health. What is health? Health is when good morning, good day, cheerful mood. It is necessary for all living beings: adults, children, animals and birds. You need to be able and willing to take care of your health. It's so easy to lose him.
I suggest you go on a journey, to the land of Health, where we can tell our friends what to do in order not to lose health. To do this, we need to stand in a circle, hold hands, close our eyes and say the magic words "The sun, air and water are our best friends!".
Educator:- Open your eyes, children, yes, we are in the city of "Vitamin". Look at the houses. You know, vitamins live here.

- Guys, what are vitamins for? ( To strengthen our body, there was good health).
Educator: That's right, vitamins strengthen our entire body, it is easier for the body to fight diseases. You need to eat more vegetables and fruits.
Vitamin A is very important for vision. Look at the pictures and tell what foods contain vitamin A. (Answers of children).

Educator. That's right - carrots, fish, sweet peppers, eggs, parsley. Vitamin A is very important for vision.
Vitamin B helps the heart work well, gives energy to our body. Look at the pictures and name the foods that contain vitamin B. (Answers of children).
Educator: That's right - meat, milk, nuts, bread, chicken, peas.
Vitamin C strengthens the entire body, protects against colds. If you still caught a cold, then with its help you can recover faster. Consider pictures. List the foods that contain vitamin C. (Answers of children).
Educator: True citrus fruits, cabbage, onions, radishes, currants.
Educator: Vitamin D strengthens our bones. List the foods that contain vitamin D. (Answers of children).
Educator: That's right, the sun, fish oil, milk, cheese, cottage cheese, eggs, fish.
[Educator: Now you understand how useful these products are. Then let's test your knowledge. I suggest you play game "Absolutely!" I read quatrains about products. If they talk about useful things, you all together say: "That's right, right, absolutely right!" And if about what is harmful to health, you are silent.
1. Eat more oranges, drink delicious carrot juice,
And then you will definitely be very slim and tall.
2. If you want to be slim, you need to love sweets
Eat candy, chew taffy, get fit, become like a cypress.
3. To eat right, you will remember the advice:
Eat fruits, porridge with butter, fish, honey and grapes.
4. There are no healthier foods - delicious vegetables and fruits.
Both Serezha and Irina benefit from vitamins.
5. Our Lyuba ate rolls and got terribly fat.
He wants to visit us, but he can't crawl through the door.
6. If you want to be healthy, eat right,
Eat more vitamins, do not know about diseases.
caregiver: - Well done guys, you did a great job, and now it's time for us to continue our journey. The next street is waiting for us, but we can get to it by crossing the bridge. (Children walk along the gymnastic bench with a side step.)

- We ended up in the city of "Physical culture"
Exercise can replace many drugs, but no medicine in the world can replace exercise. Let's think about the benefits of exercise?
They strengthen muscles, harden the body, give us a cheerful, good mood, drive away fatigue.
Educator: What physical exercises do you do? (children's answers)
Educator:- Correctly morning exercises, outdoor games, attend karate classes, a sports section, a dance club.
And now we'll do it to the music self-massage "Look at your hands."

It's time for us to continue our journey. But in order to get to the next city, which is called the city of Purity, we need to crawl through the tunnel. (Children crawl through a sports pipe).

Educator. Well, here we are in the city of Purity. Being healthy is not just about eating right and exercising. You also need to follow the rules of personal hygiene.
Educator: What hygiene rules do you follow? Why do you need to do this? (Children's answers.)
Educator:- One of the most important rules personal hygiene, especially when someone is sick properly, use a handkerchief. Do you know how a scarf protects our body from germs? Let's do an experiment."
Experience with a handkerchief.
Each child takes a napkin from the table and puts it in the palm of his hand. The teacher sprinkles water on the napkin. The napkin soaked up the water, and the hand remained dry.
The children remove the napkin from their hands and the teacher splashes again. The hand got wet. Drops of water are germs, and a napkin is a handkerchief.

Together with the children, the teacher concludes: “In order to maintain and strengthen your health, you must follow the rules of personal hygiene: when you cough or sneeze, cover your nose and mouth with a handkerchief, wash your hands with soap, eat clean and fresh food, do not forget to brush your teeth and wash your face. do exercises in the morning.
Educator: Children, but it's time for us to go back. We learned a lot of interesting and useful things. But we have not visited all the streets, so we will continue to travel around this wonderful country. I think that the cat Matroskin and Sharik understood what to do in order not to get sick, and they no longer have to go to the pharmacy for pills.
We close our eyes, hold hands, close our eyes and say the words: “The sun, air and water are our best friends!”.
Well, here we are back, did you enjoy our trip? And I suggest you draw drawings at home about what you remember most in the country of "Health".