Prayer for a wish soon. Prayer for the fulfillment of desire in the near future: an ambulance divine help.

The Savior said "Ask, and it will be given to you." These words of Christ often encourage us to think that God is a kind of sorcerer and wizard who will fulfill all our desires: now we will only read a holy prayer for the fulfillment of a desire in the near future. However, a situation often happens to us when we set ourselves, we try to do everything to achieve it, we pray that the desire will come true in the near future, but there is no result. Why does this happen? There may be several reasons. The first and most obvious is that we ourselves do not know what we are asking for. How often a person asks for wealth, and only the Lord knows that a lot of money will harm him. He asks for a soul mate, but he himself is not yet ready for serious relationship, repels all potential brides / grooms with his behavior, and blames others for this. He asks for children, but not because he is ripe for the great mission of fatherhood / motherhood, but to be "like everyone else." And there are many such examples. That is why you should not grumble, you can read a strong prayer to God asking for the fulfillment of desire in one day, but do not forget to always add “Thy will be done” at the end.

When reading a prayer for the fulfillment of a cherished desire, specify it

The second reason is that you yourself don’t know exactly what to ask in a prayer for the fulfillment of a desire. For example, the prayer “Lord, let everything be fine” is incorrect. What is “everything” and how is it “good”? Ask for a specific need. For example, about health, about the successful resolution of childbirth, about profit in business, about the successful sale of a house, etc.

It should be noted that there is no Orthodox prayer that guarantees you the fulfillment of a desire. Prayer differs from a conspiracy in that we ask in it, not knowing in advance whether we will be given what we ask for, and the conspiracy, as it were, sets up a positive result in advance.

But is it possible to force God to fulfill a desire with a strong prayer? Practices of this kind have nothing to do with Orthodoxy; they are occult actions, from which, as a result, great harm is obtained to the soul. It is very simple to distinguish conspiracies from prayers - there is no petition in them, but there is an installation, almost an order, besides, conspiracies often need to be combined with different actions (buy ten candles and light it on a full moon, read a prayer forty times and send forty people and that similar).

How to pray for the fulfillment of desire?

The Orthodox Church teaches us that the most important thing in prayer to the saints is repentance and humility. If your request is pleasing to God and does not harm you and others, then God will certainly fulfill it, although perhaps not as quickly as you would like. In addition, do not forget to contribute to the speedy fulfillment of your desire yourself, do not expect obvious miracles from a strong prayer to God (remember the gospel parable about buried talents): for example, when asking for a well-paid job, strive to improve your qualifications, learn languages, be active in sending resumes.

Listen on video Orthodox prayer for the fulfillment of the desire of St. Martha

Read the text of a very strong prayer to St. Martha for the quick fulfillment of your desire

“Oh Holy Martha, You are Miraculous!

I turn to you for help! And completely in my needs, and you will be my helper in my trials! I promise you with gratitude that I will spread this prayer everywhere! I humbly, tearfully ask, comfort me in my worries and hardships! Humbly, for the sake of the great joy that filled your heart, tearfully - take care of me and my family, so that we save our God in our hearts and thereby deserve the Saved Almighty Mediation, first of all with the care that now burdens me, (further exactly speak your will). I tearfully ask you, Helper in every need, conquer hardships the way you defeated the snake, until you lay at your feet!

The text of the prayer to the Lord God so that wishes come true soon

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Fulfill my cherished desires and do not refuse their sinless achievement. Bring good luck to wise actions and avert success in sinful ambitions. May all good desires be fulfilled without fail, and bad deeds be dismissed by a ban. Let it be so. Amen.

Listen on video Orthodox prayer for the fulfillment of a wish to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

Orthodox prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for the quick fulfillment of desire

Wonderworker Nikolai, help me in my mortal desires. Do not be angry at a bold request, but do not leave me in vain affairs. What I wish for good, fulfill. If I want dashing, avert adversity. May all righteous desires be fulfilled, and my life be filled with happiness. May your will be done. Amen.

Strong prayer for the fulfillment of the desire of the Holy Matrona of Moscow

Blessed Staritsa, Matrona of Moscow. Help me to fulfill all the desires of light - secret and cherished. Save me from vain desires that destroy the soul and injure the body. Ask the Lord God for and protect me from filthy rottenness. May your will be done. Amen.

Many desires, but do not know how to fulfill them? A powerful prayer for the fulfillment of a wish can work wonders!

This is a very ancient prayer, the reading of which will help fulfill your cherished desires, get out of depression, overcome stress and bad mood, increase self-esteem¹ and improve well-being.

The peculiarity of this prayer for desire is that it does not have a direct appeal to a specific God, therefore it can be used by any person, regardless of religion.

So, we make wishes and write them down on a piece of paper. Then we read a prayer.

A prayer for the fulfillment of a wish is read at about three in the afternoon (3 p.m.) on Sunday

Before reading the prayer, you must first relax; it is advisable to fast a few days before prayer, not to drink alcohol and not to swear.

You can say a prayer both out loud and silently. But still best effect achieved by reading aloud. The room in which the prayer session will be held should be quiet, it is better to close the curtains, creating twilight.

Prayer for the fulfillment of desires

Monday with Tuesday, Wednesday with Thursday, Friday with Saturday, Sunday - the Crown of all Creation! I create and I create, on this day, this time, here and now. Command of the Word! Dela's creation! Retreat the hour of doubt! Reign the hour of Accomplishment!

Reign and do according to my word, according to my work: (here it is necessary to say all desires) The Word is the Crown! Crown of the Creator! Come true all that said (a), Word for word, deed to deed. Hour of Accomplishment - Crown my petition. Reign!

What I said (a), all so come true! On this day, this time. Here and now.

It is categorically impossible to abuse strong prayers, so add to your list of desires what you really need and important. You can cover any area of ​​your life - the main thing is that desires are really significant for you.

You need to pray only for an emergency, and no more than three times a year! So that prayer does not lose its power, you should not tell anyone about your desires.

Rosalie Pettigrew

Read and apply video prayer for the fulfillment of desires

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Prayers for the fulfillment of desires to the Saints April 2, 16:58

Every person at least once in his life dreamed of a magic wand and other unusual methods of achieving goals.

Unfortunately, these do not exist in our world. Life is so arranged that everyone should achieve everything on their own.

And there's nothing you can do about it. Only occasionally does luck turn to face someone, but everyone without exception is waiting for this moment.

Man is so constituted that when it is hard for him, he comes to God. Who else but God can help us?
Unfortunately, with our wrong thoughts and actions, we separate ourselves from God, and at some point the Lord stops hearing us and answering our requests. Then all sorts of troubles begin to happen in our life. In this case, it is possible to convey our prayer only through “intermediaries” - the Mother of God, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, John the Theologian, Guardian Angel and other Saints.

At the same time, there should be a burning fire on the table. church candle, and in the room where the prayer for the fulfillment of a wish is said, there is complete silence so that you can fully concentrate on the words. The time of day when reading is unimportant. The main thing is that the reader has a good mood, and there are no negative thoughts.
It is recommended to take a shower and put on clean clothes before reading a prayer for the fulfillment of desires.

After reading the prayer for the fulfillment of desires, you must let the candle burn out to the end. It is better to rewrite the text first, and then read it. Before the cherished words, you must indicate the desire on paper, so that later on you pronounce it clearly and without hesitation.

Prayer for the fulfillment of desires to the holy apostle John the Theologian

Ask for help and mediation in the fulfillment of your dream of John the Theologian. Here is a prayer for the fulfillment of the desires of St. Apostle John the Theologian:

“O great and incomprehensible God! Behold, we offer you St. John in supplication,
Thou hast vouchsafed him unspeakable revelations, accept intercession for us, grant us the fulfillment of our petitions to Your glory,
moreover, complete us with spiritual perfection for enjoyment, endless life in Your heavenly abodes!
O Heavenly Father, who created the whole Lord, the Almighty King! Touch the grace of our hearts,
yes, melted like wax, they will be shed before you and the mortal spiritual creature will be created in honor and glory of yours, and your Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Strong prayer for the fulfillment of the desire of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

Nicholas the Wonderworker is one of the most revered saints, he always comes to the rescue in the most difficult situations. This is a very strong prayer for the fulfillment of desires:

“Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, the saint of the Lord! During your life, you did not refuse people their requests, and now you help all those who suffer.
Bless me, servant of the Lord (name), for the speedy fulfillment of my innermost desire. Ask Our Lord to send His mercy and grace.
May He not leave my desired request.
In the name of Our Lord, amen"

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for the fulfillment of a wish

“Wonderworker Nikolai, help me in my mortal desires. Do not be angry at a bold request, but do not leave me in vain affairs.
What I desire for good, fulfill with your mercy. If I want dashing, avert adversity.
May all righteous desires be fulfilled, and my life be filled with happiness.
May your will be done. Amen".

Prayer for the fulfillment of the desire of Saint Martha (Martha)

This prayer for the fulfillment of desire is very strong. It helps to achieve goals and resolve difficult life situations:
“Oh Holy Martha, You are Miraculous! I turn to you for help!
And completely in my needs, and you will be my helper in my trials!
I humbly, tearfully ask - comfort me in my worries and hardships! I humbly, for the sake of the great joy that filled your heart, I tearfully ask you to take care of me and my family so that we save our God in our hearts and thereby deserve the Saved Almighty Mediation, first of all with the care that now burdens me (desire ).
Tearfully I ask you, Helper in every need, conquer hardships so
how You conquered the serpent until it lay at Your feet! Amen"

Prayer for the fulfillment of the desire of the Matrona of Moscow

If you want sorrows to recede, then it is best to turn to the Blessed Matrona with a prayer.
And she will definitely listen to you.

“Blessed Staritsa, Matrona of Moscow. Help me to fulfill all the desires of light, secret and cherished.
Save me from vain desires that destroy the soul and injure the body.
Ask the Lord God for generous mercy and protect me from filthy rottenness.
May your will be done. Amen".

To help prayer to the saints for the fulfillment of desires, complete your words with phrases: “Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. And now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen" and "Holy (name of Saint or Saint) ask Jesus for us!”

It is more effective if the petition to the Saints is read in the temple in front of the corresponding icon.

As you can see, there are a huge number Orthodox prayers to fulfill a wish. The main thing is to read them from the heart. Even the most powerful wish fulfillment prayer will not be heard if it is uttered without faith in the heart. Do not ask for money in your prayers, ask for success in your endeavors, help in discovering your talents.
And if it is the will of God, then you will definitely achieve your goal. Remember that prayers for the fulfillment of desires are powerful, and if they are aimed at harming someone, then you can not expect help from the Saints.

Good luck to you!

Dream of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Prayer of the Most Pure and Most Blessed, Glorious Lady of Our Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary

There are many ways to write this prayer. It is often known as the “Dream of the Most Holy Theotokos”, although its true name is “The Prayer of the Most Pure and Most Blessed, Glorious Lady of Our Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary”.
We publish the earliest known spelling of this prayer - 1890.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Thou didst rest Holy Mother of God, Virgin Mary, in the holy city of Jerusalem the Jews in the month of March. And the Lord [...], Jesus Christ, Her beloved only-begotten Son, the Savior of the whole world, came to Her, and said to her: “Oh, Mother, My Beloved, Most Holy Theotokos, Virgin Mary, are you sleeping, or are you not sleeping, or what do you see in your dream?"
And the Most Holy Theotokos, Virgin Mary, said to Him: “I do not sleep, Son, my beloved, but about You in my dream I saw a very wonderful and terrible dream:
for the six days of Your resurrection, O Lord, Peter the Apostle in the city of Rome [...] and Paul the Apostle in the city of Damascus beheaded with a sword, and You, My beloved Son, Jesus Christ, in the city of Jerusalem, caught by the accursed [Jews] and bound by them with darts, and he was brought into the court of the priest Caiaphas, and he was killed.
Your holy body, tormenting and spitting on your face, and brought to Pontius Pilate, [...], [...] brought. And Pilate began to judge and judge You, our Lord, Jesus Christ, although not finding fault, lead to crucifixion on Mount Golgotha, and crucified You, our Lord, Jesus Christ, on three trees: on the first Cypress, on the second cedar and the third thorn, between two thieves. On your holy head you put a crown of thorns and drink it with bile with vinegar, and on the head of the cane of bisha, your hand and nose with a nail, and in your ribs with a spear of a probodosha, from which blood and water will flow for the healing of Orthodox Christians and for the salvation of our sinful souls.
This Thy mother is standing at the cross with Thy dear disciple - John the Theologian, standing, weeping and sobbing bitterly.
And our Lord, Jesus Christ, and her beloved Son, and the only begotten Savior of the whole world, spoke to her: I will be taken down from the cross and laid in a tomb, and on the third day I will be resurrected. I will live from the tomb and resurrect the original Adam, and I will resurrect all the living prophets, and My Mother Himself, the Most Holy Theotokos, the Virgin Mary, I will ascend to heaven with [...] cherubim and Seraphim. And you, Mother of My Beloved Most Holy Theotokos, Virgin Mary, I will glorify, exalt and exalt, more than all heavenly powers.
And our Lord Jesus Christ, her beloved Son and only-begotten Savior of the whole world, said to her: “Oh, My Mother, the Most Holy Theotokos, Virgin Mary, truly your dream is righteous and not false, and it will come true: I will be betrayed in the hands of sinful people and suffer from of them accursed, all the above-mentioned passions that you saw in your dream, and I will perceive all of them, [...] until the very death and your words are more than honey and sweet to my lips.
The end of the dream of the Most Holy Lady of Our Mother of God and everlasting Virgin Mary. Amen.

The words of the holy [...] of our Lord Jesus Christ himself, exiled to Leo, the Pope of Rome. He, having hidden, took and sent to his brother, his king, who stands against the enemy, and received happiness and profit for himself through this scripture, and defeated that enemy to the end, also to the end of the age. Who else wants to know or read, or listen with attention, then that person is forgiven for forty days of sins. This leaf is written in cast letters and each speech cannot be harmed, and in which this leaf resides in the house, neither fire, nor water, nor sorcery, nor any evil speech will fall to that house. And in which house a woman happens to be pregnant and will be tormented before birth, and she will have this leaf with her, then the Lord God will give her a speedy birth and give birth to a baby easily, and our Lord, Jesus Christ, guards her through his holy torment, which he endured for us, your sinful servants, the prophet of God and the Forerunner of Christ John, who baptizes the Lord on the river, guard us, your sinful servants, from fire and the sword, vain death and a deadly wound, and an arrow flying, so that no evil power could harm us .
This leaf was found in the land of Greece, on the Mount of Olives, before the wedding, the archangel Michael the Archangel, and whoever wants to read or copy it, that person will return to living torment. Christ, the Son of God, wrote that the weekly days would be holy in houses with the power of His Divinity, they would not work, they would not dig roots in the waters, and they would not wish food for their souls from anyone, and they would not deny God, they believed and prayed. Jesus God the Son of God wrote, the power of His Divinity, so that My people celebrate useful things in this world, I will give you six days to work, and the seventh not to work. The Resurrection of Christ would be hallowed in houses, they would show up for the veneration of the Lord, but if you, My people, live and do not do good according to your law, then I will reproach you, I will send violent winds on you, great plagues, I will reduce the flowing river and I will still unleash a great war: king against king, king against king, pan against pan, son against father, daughter against mother, brother against brother, friend against friend. [...] And it will be, between you, great bloodshed on the earth, and for that I [offend] everyone, and I will reproach everyone [...] so that they know the wrath of God, they go to the church of God, but do not do evil deeds. And I also invite you: the Resurrection of Christ and the feasts of the Lord, every person, old and small, go to the church of God and remember God about their sins that they sinned during that week. And I also confirm to you that on Saturday evenings do not work for My mother, the Most Holy Theotokos, and your guardian angels. And if there were my mother, the Most Holy Theotokos, and the angel and your guardians did not pray for you, then long ago you would have died of starvation from man to cattle. I am also writing to you, My people, if you don’t honor the Resurrection of Christ and the feasts of the Lord and do the truth, then I will reproach you, I will let black iron noses fly at you, which will bite, scream, from which [...] come. I also command you not to swear in vain by heaven or earth; Hearing this, testify to our God, do not disdain, especially your father and mother, read what is said in the fifth commandment. For the last time, I command you to believe and pray according to this sheet. And also, whoever does not believe, that person is not worthy of repentance for his sins and will die a brazen death. And if a person believes this sheet and has it with him, and distributes it from house to house to read or copy, then that person, although very sinful, is like sand in the sea or grass on earth, or stars in heaven, or a sheet on tree, then the one who repented here on earth will have the Kingdom of Heaven and the remission of sins. To Him befits honor and glory, and worship of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

I draw the attention of all my readers. The text written in bold type was indeed written by Mary Magdalene from the words of the Virgin. For some time he was kept secret, and then ended up in Rome.
Explanations to the scroll are indeed written - those words that are written further, after the letter. But these are not the words of Jesus or the Mother of God. Those are the words of a mortal man.
However, for the completeness of your knowledge, I give the text of all the scrolls of explanations for the "Dream". The first paragraph after “sleep” is the earliest explanation and was made by a holy man.
Since then, many explanations for the “sleep” have appeared, including “The Scripture of the Lord, called the Jerusalem Scroll”, which is based on “sleep”. It is also written at the instigation of the Lord. It lists commandments for man and rules.

When it comes to the fulfillment of desires, prayer or a conspiracy can help. It is best to make a request to your guardian angel. With it, your wish will come true faster. But before reading a prayer for desire, it is important to feel contact with it.

In order for your guardian angel to hear you and help you make your dream come true, it is important to remember: in order to get something, you need to give something. This does not mean that you need to expose yourself to deprivation, sacrifice something or take risks in order to fulfill your desire. Not! To receive the blessing of your heavenly protector, you must tune in to communicate with him through good deeds and gratuitous assistance.

Just do good to people, help those in need, don't get angry or swear, don't discuss or judge. Do everything from the heart and be open. With good intentions and deeds, you will set yourself up for contact with your guardian angel. Only after your mind and heart are freed from anger and negativity, you can turn to your intercessor.

Strong prayer for desire

Prayer for the fulfillment of desires is best read in solitude. It is important to direct your words and look at a certain subject. The most suitable object for this is a burning candle. Her flame will help you focus on words and direct your thoughts correctly.
“I turn to you, my intercessor, guardian angel. You alone know how I want my wish to be fulfilled. I wish that (say briefly what you want). Help me to realize my plans, guide me on the true path, save me from troubles and envious people, clear the way for me for my actions! From myself I promise that I will accept and use all your gifts. For the good of me and the whole world. Let it be so!"
After these words, put out the candle and spend some time in silence. This prayer for the fulfillment of desires will help you not only attract your guardian angel to help, but also set you up for active actions to implement your plans. Good luck!
