Synopsis of ood on logic for children of the senior group "Escapees from the zoo" for children of the senior group. We develop logical thinking How to develop the logical thinking of a student

Municipal preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 55 of a general developmental type"



MDOU "Kindergarten No. 55"

A.Yu. Luferenko

Work program of additional education

for the development of logical thinking

"Entertaining Logic"

Age of children 5-7 years

The duration of the program is 2 years

Compiled by:


Shurshalina S.N.



1. Explanatory note .

1.1. Purpose and objectives of the program

1.2.Distinctive features of the program

1.3.Principles of building a program

1.4. Methods and techniques of work

1.5. Terms of the program implementation

1.6. Types, forms and methods of working with children

1.7. Practice mode

1.9. Approximate lesson structure

1.10. Expected results and ways to measure their effectiveness

1.11. Forms for summing up the results of the program implementation

2. Educational and thematic plan

2.1. Syllabus

2.2. Thematic planning (2 years)

2.3. Tasks methods and techniques of interaction between a teacher and children in the curriculum (1 year of study)

3. Program content

3.1. Sections of the program 3.1.1.Entertaining mathematics

3.1.2. Educational games

3.1.3. Logic tasks, labyrinths, puzzles

3.2. Organization of work on the program

4. Methodological support of the program

4.1. Equipment and materials

5. List of used literature

  1. Explanatory note

Preschool age is the most favorable period for the intensive development of the physical and mental functions of the child's body, including for mathematical development. The skills and abilities acquired in the preschool period serve as the foundation for obtaining knowledge and developing abilities at an older age - school.

The mathematical development of a child is not only the ability of a preschooler to count and solve arithmetic problems, it is also the development of the ability to see relationships, dependencies in the surrounding world, to operate with objects, signs, symbols.

The mathematical development of children is a long and very laborious process for preschoolers, since the formation of the basic methods of logical cognition requires not only high activity of mental activity, but also generalized knowledge about the general and essential features of objects and phenomena of reality.

Working in a circle allows you to introduce the child to the game interaction, intellectually develop the preschooler.

This can be achieved by including tasks related to concepts that are outside the scope of the program material. Logic problems are often characterized by unexpected solutions.

The formation of a creative personality is facilitated by tasks that involve both different ways of solving, and which make it possible, based on the analysis of available data, to put forward hypotheses and subsequently subject them to verification. Tasks with missing data contribute to the formation of critical thinking and the ability to conduct a mini-research. Completing tasks will allow preschoolers to improve their knowledge and skills.

Material circle lessons has a wide thematic range, allowing preschoolers to expand their knowledge in the field of cognitive development. To satisfy the natural needs of children in the knowledge and study of the world around them, their indefatigable curiosity is helped by research games. One of the means of mental development of the child are educational games. They are important and interesting for children, diverse in content, very dynamic and include manipulations with play material that are loved by children, which is able to satisfy the child in motor activity, movement, helps children use the score, and controls the correctness of actions.

The principles underlying these games - interest - knowledge - creativity - become as effective as possible, since the game addresses the child directly with a kind, original, cheerful and sad language of a fairy tale, intrigue, a funny character or an invitation to adventure. In each game, the child always achieves some kind of “objective” result. The constant and gradual complication of games ("in a spiral") allows you to maintain children's activities in the zone of optimal difficulty. Developing games create conditions for the manifestation of creativity, stimulate the development of the mental abilities of the child. An adult can only use this natural need to gradually involve children in more complex forms of play activity.

The importance of educational games for the development of preschoolers, their diversity and age-appropriateness allows them to be used to solve this problem - the mental development of preschoolers.

In the developed games and exercises, the kids develop the elementary skills of the algorithmic culture of thinking, the ability to perform actions in the mind. With the help of logical operations, children train attention, memory, perception.

1. 1. The purpose and objectives of the program

Program goal:

The development of logical thinking, speech and ingenuity in children, the ability to think independently, argue their statements, build the simplest conclusions, broaden their horizons mathematical representations in preschool children.

Program objectives:


The development of the child's logical thinking.

The development of cognitive abilities and mental operations in preschoolers, the development of memory, attention, creative imagination.


Activate cognitive interest;

Fformation of methods of mental actions (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, classification, analogy).

Formation of general educational skills and abilities (the ability to think and plan one's actions, make a decision in accordance with the given rules, check the result of one's actions, etc.)

Acquaintance with the number series and the composition of numbers, obtaining a representation of the problem, the ability to isolate its parts, solve and compose problems, form individual creative abilities of the individual.


Raising children's interest in entertaining mathematics, the formation of the ability to work in a team. Cultivate perseverance, patience, the ability to self-regulate.

To cultivate the skills of elementary self-control and self-regulation of their actions, relationships with others (peers and adults).

1.2. Distinctive features of this program.

The activity represents a system of educational games, exercises, including electronic didactic aids of mathematical content, which help to improve counting skills, consolidate understanding of the relationship between the numbers of the natural series, form a steady interest in mathematical knowledge, develop attention, memory, logical forms of thinking.

Children are directly attached to the material that gives food to the imagination, affecting not only the purely intellectual, but also emotional sphere child.

The program assumes the possibility of an individual path of self-development of preschoolers at their own pace through the choice of tasks that correspond to the level of training and cognitive motivation of children.

1.3. Program construction principles:

The principle of systematic and consistent involves the relationship of knowledge, skills and abilities.

The principle of repetition of skills and abilities - one of the most important, since as a result of repeated repetitions, dynamic stereotypes are developed.

Principle of active learning obliges to build a learning process using active forms and teaching methods that contribute to the development of independence, initiative and creativity in children (game technologies, work in pairs, subgroups, individually, organization of research activities, etc.).

The principle of communication helps to develop in children the need for communication,

Performance principle involves obtaining a positive result of health-improving work, regardless of age and level physical development

The principle of individualization - development of personal qualities through solving problems of different levels of education

Problematic principle - the child receives knowledge not in finished form, but in the process of his own activity

The principle of psychological comfort - creating a calm, friendly environment, faith in the strength of the child

The principle of creativity - formation of the ability to find non-standard solutions

Principles of interaction with children:

the child himself is well done, everything works out for him, the difficulties that arise are surmountable; constant encouragement of all the efforts of the child, his desire to learn something new and learn new things; exclusion of a negative assessment of the child and the results of his actions; comparing all the results of the child only with his own, and not with the results of other children; each child must move forward at his own pace and with constant success.

1.4. Working methods and techniques:

Search (modeling, experiments, experiments)

Gaming (educational games, competitions, competitions)

Information and computer technologies (electronic manuals, presentations)

Practical (exercises)

Integrated method (project activity)

The use of entertaining material (rebuses, labyrinths, logical tasks, didactic material

1.5. The timing of the program.

The duration of the program is 2 years.

1.6. Types, forms, methods of work.

Classes include various types of children's activities:






During the course, variousforms :




    Games, contests

Forms of work with children.

    A game

    situational conversation




    Integrative activity

    Problem situation

Methods of working with children

verbal - learning (explanation, conversation, oral presentation, dialogue, story)

Practical - (exercises, performance of work on a given topic, according to instructions)

Visual - (using visual materials: pictures, drawings, posters, photographs, electronic presentations

Search engine - (simulation, experiments, experiments)

Information - computer technologies (electronic manuals, presentations, display of multimedia materials)

Integrated method (project activity)

Game method (didactic games, educational games, puzzles, labyrinths, logical tasks,) for the development of attention, memory, Gyenesh blocks, Kuzener's sticks, competition games, competitions

    1. Practice mode.

Group and individual forms are used, as well as work with small subgroups.

Forms of conducting classes: training session, open class, conversation, game, entertainment.

The program involves one lesson per week, in the afternoon.

The program is designed for 36 lessons per year.

Classes are held once a week.

The duration of the lessons is 25-30 minutes.

The sequence of classes and the number of hours on each topic may vary depending on the interest of the children and the results of the teacher's observations.

The composition of groups and the duration of classes depends on the age category of children.

Lesson time


25 minutes


30 minutes

The program is designed for 2 years of study and consists of two stages. The content of the stages is compiled taking into account age features and in accordance with SanPiN (requirements for the organization of the daily routine and training sessions).

First step designed for children 5-6 years old,second phase - for children 6-7 years old.

1.8. Approximate lesson structure.

Classes are developmental in nature and usually take place in game form, with interesting content, creative, problem-search tasks.

Structurally, the lessons are presented from 4 - 6 interconnected in content, but of varying degrees of complexity, games that are familiar and new to children.

Approximate lesson structure:

1 part.

Purpose: To arouse interest in the lesson, activate the processes of perception and thinking, the development of coherent speech.

2 part.

Purpose: To train children in the ability to carry out visual-cogitative analysis. Develop combinatorial abilities with the help of didactic material and educational games. To form the ability to express the conjectural course of the decision, to check it through targeted search actions.


3 part.

Purpose: To develop the ability to reason, speed of thinking, a combination of visual and mental analysis.

4th part.


The lessons include:

Working with entertaining material

Working with developers didactic games

Physical education minutes.

Work with electronic didactic aids.

To create a positive emotional mood in this type of activity, favorite cartoon and fairy-tale characters and stories are used.

Great importance is attached to creating a relaxed atmosphere: children perform classes at the table, on the carpet, at the easel.

1.9. Expected results and ways to measure their effectiveness.

Expected results correlated with the objectives and content of the program:

Identification of preschoolers with mathematical, logical thinking

Desire to engage in mathematical activities.

The ability of children to compare, classify, generalize, systematize objects of the surrounding reality.

The ability of children to work in pairs, microgroups;

The manifestation of a benevolent attitude towards a peer, the ability to listen to him, to help if necessary.

Efficiency programs are monitored during the pedagogicaldiagnostics , which provides for the identification of the level of development of the following cognitive processes:

1. Development of attention

2. Development of memory.

3. Development of perception.

4. Development of the imagination.

5. Development of thinking.

This diagnosis is advisory in nature, allows you to assess the overall level of development of cognitive processes in preschoolers.

All results are entered into a summary table at the beginning and at the end of the year. Comparison of the initial and final results makes it possible to assess the level of assimilation of the program material at each stage of the program implementation.

Criteria program learning assessments:

High level :

The child owns the basic logical operations.

Able to mentally establish the similarities and differences of objects according to essential features.

Able to combine and distribute items into groups.

Freely operates with generalizing concepts.

He knows how to mentally divide the whole into parts and form a whole from the parts, establishing a connection between them.

The child finds patterns in phenomena, knows how to describe them.

Can use judgment to make inferences.

The child has a fairly large vocabulary, a wide range of everyday knowledge. He is observant, attentive, assiduous, interested in the results of his work.

Possesses the skills of cooperation, knows how to work in pairs and microgroups.
Average level :

The child owns such logical operations as comparison, generalization, classification, systematization.

He is able to mentally establish the similarities and differences of objects, but does not always see all their essential features.

Knows how to combine objects into groups, but has difficulty in independently distributing them into groups, because. does not always operate in general terms. Dividing the whole into parts and vice versa causes difficulties, but with the help of an adult, he copes with tasks.

The child does not always see patterns in phenomena, but is able to compose a descriptive story about them. Difficulty making inferences. The child has a sufficient vocabulary.

Able to navigate in space and on a sheet of paper.

The child is most often attentive, observant, but not assiduous.

Able to work in pairs, but has difficulty working in small groups.
Monitoring held twice a year (September, May).

Tracking the level of development of children is carried out in the form of diagnostics (beginning of the year, in the form of final game lessons (end of the year).

1.10.Formy summarizing the implementation of the program.

Participation in intellectual competitions contributes to the development of the child's personality, the identification of his individual achievements at an early age level.

The volume of circle classes and types of educational work.



Integrated lessons

    Thematic planning




1 year of study

Pedagogical diagnostics


Entertaining mathematics

October December

1. Mysterious country - Mathematics

2. Solving entertaining problems in verse

3. Games for erudition

4. Journey to the country of Igralia

5. In the realm of ingenuity.

6. Fun score

7. Time machine

8. Fairytale math

Educational games

January March

1. Solving logical problems using Kuizener's sticks

2. Games and activities with colored sticks.

3. Development of logical thinking with the help of Gyenes blocks.

4.Pick up and compare

5. Logic chains of Gyenesh blocks.

6. Arrange by color

7. Snake sticks Kuizener

8. Two hoop blocks of Gyenes.

April May

1.Magic steps.

2. "Visiting Smeshariki".

3. Journey through a magical land.

4. Think and decide.

5. Mathematical maze.

6. Mathematical puzzles.

7. Funny figures.

8. Final lesson: mathematical KVN.




2nd year of study

Pedagogical diagnostics


Identification of the initial level of development of cognitive processes in children, adjustment of the content of the program.

Entertaining mathematics

October December

1. What did mathematics give people? Why study it? When was she born, and what was the cause of her appearance?

2. Positive and negative concepts.

3. Intellectual games.

4. Solving entertaining problems in riddles

5. Fun geometry

6. Mathematical KVN

7. Games with numbers. Entertaining tasks

8. Solving problem situations in mathematics

Educational games

January March

1. Collect the figure.

2. Development of logical thinking with the help of Gyenes blocks.

3. Development of mathematical representations of the Gyenesh blocks.

4. Make a figure

Kuisener's sticks

5. Magic paths of Kuizener's sticks


Cusener's sticks

7. Solving logical problems with Kuizener's sticks

Logic tasks, labyrinths, puzzles.

April May

1. Formation of complex judgments from simple ones.

2. What does not happen in the world

3. Mathematical path

4.We are nerdy

5. Space travel.

6. Mysterious labyrinth

7. In the realm of ingenuity

8. Final lesson:

Tournament "Connoisseurs and Erudites"

2.1. Tasks, methods and techniques of interaction between a teacher and children.

1 year of study.


Practical activity, construction, conversation, individual and group forms of work

Development of cognitive processes; the formation of ideas about the size, color and numbers; formation of initial counting skills.


Development of cognitive processes; mastery of mental operations and actions: identification of properties, their abstraction, comparison, classification, generalization; the formation of an elementary algorithmic culture of thinking, the development of the ability to act in the mind, to master ideas about geometric shapes, spatial orientation.

Practical activity, construction, conversation, individual and group forms of work

Development of cognitive processes; development of analysis and synthesis, the ability to combine; reinforcing ideas about color and shape.

Development of cognitive processes; the formation of ideas about the size, color and numbers; formation of initial counting skills.


Development of cognitive processes; mastery of mental operations and actions: identification of properties, their abstraction, comparison, classification, generalization; the formation of an elementary algorithmic culture of thinking, the development of the ability to act in the mind, to master ideas about geometric shapes, spatial orientation.

Practical activity, construction, conversation, individual and group forms of work

Development of cognitive processes; development of sensory and cognitive abilities; development of constructive skills and abilities; consolidation of ideas about the form, color; formation of skills of orientation in space; the formation of initial ideas about letters and numbers; development of fine motor skills.


Development of cognitive processes; mastery of mental operations and actions: identification of properties, their abstraction, comparison, classification, generalization; the formation of an elementary algorithmic culture of thinking, the development of the ability to act in the mind, to master ideas about geometric shapes, spatial orientation.

Practical activity, construction, conversation, individual and group forms of work

Development of cognitive processes; development of sensory and cognitive abilities; development of constructive skills and abilities; consolidation of ideas about the form, color; formation of skills of orientation in space; the formation of initial ideas about letters and numbers; development of fine motor skills.

Development of cognitive processes; development of orientation in space; development of clarity, attentiveness, accuracy; development of analytical skills.

Development of cognitive processes; the formation of ideas about the size, color and numbers; formation of initial counting skills.


Development of cognitive processes; mastery of mental operations and actions: identification of properties, their abstraction, comparison, classification, generalization; the formation of an elementary algorithmic culture of thinking, the development of the ability to act in the mind, to master ideas about geometric shapes, spatial orientation.

Practical activity, construction, conversation, individual and group forms of work

Development of cognitive processes; development of color, spatial arrangement; formation of initial counting skills.

Development of cognitive processes; development of analysis and synthesis, the ability to combine; reinforcing ideas about color and shape.

Development of cognitive processes; the formation of ideas about the size, color and numbers; formation of initial counting skills.


Development of cognitive processes; mastery of mental operations and actions: identification of properties, their abstraction, comparison, classification, generalization; the formation of an elementary algorithmic culture of thinking, the development of the ability to act in the mind, to master ideas about geometric shapes, spatial orientation.

Practical activity, construction, conversation, individual and group forms of work

Development of cognitive processes; development of fine motor skills; acquaintance with color; development of the ability to navigate on the plane; formation of skills in measuring activity.

Development of cognitive processes; development of orientation in space; development of clarity, attentiveness, accuracy; development of analytical skills.

Development of cognitive processes; the formation of ideas about the size, color and numbers; formation of initial counting skills.


2nd year of study

Practical activity, construction, conversation, individual and group forms of work

Development of cognitive processes; development of analysis and synthesis, the ability to combine; reinforcing ideas about color and shape.


Practical activity, construction, conversation, individual and group forms of work

Development of cognitive processes; development of sensory, cognitive and creativity; familiarization with the standards of form and size; learn to relate the whole and the part; development of spatial representations and orientation in space; familiarity with properties - transparency and flexibility.

Development of cognitive processes; development of analysis and synthesis, the ability to combine; formation of design skills; reinforcing ideas about color and shape.

Development of cognitive processes; development of spatial representations; development of constructive and combinatorial abilities; development of ingenuity, ingenuity, resourcefulness.


Development of cognitive processes; mastery of mental operations and actions: identification of properties, their abstraction, comparison, classification, generalization; the formation of an elementary algorithmic culture of thinking, the development of the ability to act in the mind, to master ideas about geometric shapes, spatial orientation.

Practical activity, construction, conversation, individual and group forms of work

Development of cognitive processes; the formation of ideas about the size, color and numbers; formation of counting skills; formation of the order of the account; development of measuring skills.

Development of cognitive processes; development of fine motor skills of the hand; development of spatial thinking and creative imagination; development of skills to compare, analyze, compare; mastering the standards of form and size.


Practical activity, construction, conversation, individual and group forms of work

Development of cognitive processes; development of fine motor skills; acquaintance with color; development of the ability to navigate on the plane; formation of skills in measuring activity; familiarization with numbers and figures.


Development of cognitive processes; mastery of mental operations and actions: identification of properties, their abstraction, comparison, classification, generalization; the formation of an elementary algorithmic culture of thinking, the development of the ability to act in the mind, to master ideas about geometric shapes, spatial orientation.

Practical activity, construction, conversation, individual and group forms of work

Development of cognitive processes; the formation of ideas about the size, color and numbers; formation of counting skills; formation of the order of the account; development of measuring skills.

Development of cognitive processes; familiarization with sensory standards of shapes, colors and sizes; development of the eye; development of fine motor skills; mastering the concepts of "part" and "whole".

Development of cognitive processes; development of communicative and constructive skills; familiarization with numbers, their form; mastering the concepts of "part" and "whole"; development of spatial representations and orientation in space; familiarity with the properties - "transparency" and "flexibility".


Development of cognitive processes; development of sensory and cognitive abilities; development of constructive skills and abilities; consolidation of ideas about the form, color; formation of skills of orientation in space; formation of ideas about letters and numbers; development of fine motor skills.

Practical activity, construction, conversation, individual and group forms of work

Development of cognitive processes; development of sensory and cognitive abilities; development of constructive skills and abilities; consolidation of ideas about the form, color; formation of skills of orientation in space; formation of ideas about letters and numbers; development of fine motor skills.

Development of cognitive processes; development of analysis and synthesis, the ability to combine; reinforcing ideas about color and shape.

Development of cognitive processes; development of spatial representations; development of ingenuity, ingenuity, resourcefulness.


Development of cognitive processes; mastery of mental operations and actions: identification of properties, their abstraction, comparison, classification, generalization; the formation of an elementary algorithmic culture of thinking, the development of the ability to act in the mind, to master ideas about geometric shapes, spatial orientation.

Practical activity, construction, conversation, individual and group forms of work

Development of cognitive processes; the formation of ideas about the size, color and numbers; formation of counting skills; formation of the order of the account; development of measuring skills.

Development of cognitive processes; development of analysis and synthesis, the ability to combine; development of constructive abilities; development of ingenuity, ingenuity.

Development of cognitive processes; development of mathematical concepts; development of coordination of movements; preparation of the hand for writing.


Identification of the final level of development of cognitive processes in children; analysis of activities for the year.

Individual work on the implementation of diagnostic tasks

3. Program content .

The content of the program is focused on the development of the motivational sphere, intellectual and creative abilities and personality traits.

3.1 Sections of the program.

The classes of the circle are compiled according to the principle “from simple to complex” and are built using rebuses, colorful illustrations, individual tasks, and multimedia support. It is supposed not only to develop the erudition of a preschooler, but also to create conditions for stimulating creative thinking, speech development. The emphasis is not on what to study, but on how to study.

3.1.1 Entertaining mathematics.

( Analysis - synthesis. Systematization)

development of logical thinking and basic mental operations;

development of mathematical abilities and inclinations;

preparing the child for school;

to teach mentally to establish the similarities and differences of objects according to essential features; develop attention,

improve orientation in space.

development of personal qualities and skills of self-control and self-esteem;

Development of cognitive processes; mastery of mental operations and actions: identification of properties, their abstraction, comparison, classification, generalization;

learn to mentally combine objects into a group according to their properties. Contribute to the enrichment of vocabulary, expand everyday knowledge of children.

Games and exercises : consolidation of concepts: big - small, long - short, low - high, narrow - wide, higher - lower, further - closer, etc. Operating with the concepts "same", "most". Search for similarities and differences in 2 similar pictures. Finding a logical pair (cat - kitten, dog - ? (puppy)).

3.1.2. Educational games.

(Comparison. Classification. Restriction.)

The development of cognitive processes, mental activity (analysis, comparison, classification, generalization), logical thinking and ingenuity.

to teach children to divide the whole into parts, to establish a connection between them; to learn to mentally combine parts of an object into a single whole,develop fine motor skills, the ability to navigate on the plane, the formation of skills in

learn to distribute objects into groups according to their essential characteristics. Consolidation of generalizing concepts, free operation with them.

Games and exercises : Working with puzzles of varying complexity, Kuizener sticks, Gyenes blocks, laying out pictures from counting sticks and geometric shapes, etc.

3.1.3. Logic tasks, labyrinths, puzzles.

(Conclusions. Generalization.)

Develop independence, activity, exercise in solving simple problems of addition and subtraction, consolidate understanding of the relationship between numbers, develop mental processes: attention, memory, logical forms of thinking.

the formation of an elementary algorithmic culture of thinking, the development of the ability to act in the mind, to master ideas about geometric shapes, spatial orientation.

learn to identify patterns;

expand the vocabulary of children;

learn to tell from a picture, retell.

learn to single out one or more objects from a group according to certain characteristics.

Develop children's observation skills.

Search for opposites (light - heavy, cold - hot). Games and exercises : magic squares (pick up the missing part, picture). Drawing up a story based on a series of pictures, arranging pictures in a logical sequence to operate with generalizing concepts: furniture, dishes, transport, vegetables, fruits, etc., “circle only red flags with one line”, “find all non-circular objects”, etc. , the exception of the fourth superfluous. Complementing the picture (pick up a patch, draw a pocket to the dress).

3.2. Organization of work on the program.

The material under consideration goes beyond the traditional program.

Tasks can be complex in nature, and their solution involves the use of material from several topics. There are many ways to give children the opportunity to independently discover the cause of what is happening, get to the bottom of the truth, understand the principle, the logic of solving the problem and act in accordance with the proposed situation.

The development and implementation in practice of effective didactic tools, developmental methods allows teachers to diversify interaction with children, introduce them to complex, abstract mathematical concepts in an accessible form for kids.

The tasks are selected so as to cover the main sections as much as possible, and among them there are necessarily those that are available to all preschoolers.

Travel activity.

It is built on the sequential "movement" of children from one destination to another.

The material that is widely used in “travels” (maps of a fictional country, a familiar microdistrict, a playground; arrows, pointers, diagrams) directs the child’s attention, develops the ability to navigate in space, on a plane, to designate spatial relationships on a plan, diagram. This form of employment requires organization from children, and from an adult - the ability to maintain the interest of children, to stimulate activity.

Lesson in the form of a conversation.

It involves the organization of cognitive communication between the teacher and children and children among themselves. It is very important for the teacher to create conditions for the development of the child's speech activity - to select questions that do not require an answer "yes" or "no", visual material. Cognitive communication involves the exchange of information, observations, impressions, expressing one's attitude to what is being discussed. In the process of such an activity, children learn dialogue.

Lesson - conversation helps to acquire the ability to defend one's point of view, argue statements, forms a culture of communication.

When organizing classes, it is important to have a pedagogically justified combination of plot, game and educational-cognitive lines.

You can not get carried away with one form of organizing classes, for example, classes - a game or travel.

At the same time, in whatever form the lesson takes, it is important to teach the child overcome difficulties, not be afraid of mistakes, strive to reason and find an independent way to solve cognitive problems, these skills will be useful to him not only in mathematics lessons, but also in everyday life.

4. Methodological support of the program.

4.1. Equipment and materials

Didactic material:

Geometric shapes and bodies.

Sets of split pictures.

Scene pictures depicting parts of the day and seasons.

Stripes, ribbons different lengths and width.





A wonderful bag.


Plastic and wood building material.

Geometric mosaic.

Counting sticks.

subject pictures.

Gyenes blocks,

cuizener sticks,


Didactic and educational games.

5. List of used literature.

"Developing Logic" Alexander Lekomtsev, ed. "Phoenix" Rostov-on-Don, 2014

"Mathematical development of children 4-7 years old" L.V. Kolesnikov, ed. "Teacher" Volgograd 2014

"We study the figures" T.V. Sorokina, S.V. Pyatak, ed. "Eksmo" Moscow 2011

"Mathematics simulator for children 6-7 years old" V.G. Golub, ed. "Method" Voronezh 2014

"Everything is on the shelves" A.V. Goryachev, N.V. Key, ed. OOO "Balass" Moscow 2004

"Logic games for preschoolers" ed. LLC "Ranok" Kharkiv 2010

"The development of spatial thinking and speech" ed. Hatrer-press LLC Moscow 2013

Complex classes M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbovoy, T.S. Komarova, ed. "Teacher" Volgograd 2010

"What in the world does not happen?" O.M.Dyachenko, E.L. Agayeva, publishing house "Enlightenment" Moscow 1991.

"Summaries of classes in mathematics" Volchkova V.N., Stepanova N.V., ed. Shopping center "Teacher" Voronezh 2009

"Mathematics in kindergarten senior preschool age". V. P. Novikov. ed. "Mosaic-Sintez" Moscow 2009

"Logic puzzles" O.A. Reutskaya. ed. "Phoenix" Rostov-on-Don 2012

"Developing games for preschool children" Yu.V. Shcherbakova, S.G. Zubanova Moscow OOO Globus

« The big Book assignments and exercises for children, ed. CJSC "OLMA MEDIA GROUP" Moscow 2011

"Game entertaining tasks for preschoolers" Z.A. Mikhailova ed. "Enlightenment" Moscow 1985

Electronic resources:

Rutracker. orq

http:// Bank of abstracts

Electronic resources:

"Educational games for children" "Educational games and activities with Kuisener's sticks»V. P. Novikova, L. I. Tikhonova

Job albums. Gyenes blocks. Cusener sticks

Rutracker. orq

Gyenes blocks - a methodological guide for kindergarten teachers

http:// Education of preschool children in kindergarten and family

At the senior preschool and junior school age, the child has a peak of cognitive activity, verbal and logical thinking moves to a new level.

Imagine your child:

  • sincere interest in logical and mathematical problems;
  • amazing cognitive abilities;
  • he knows how to quickly work with information, easily singles out and remembers the essence;
  • reasoning logically correctly;
  • makes informed decisions.

Peak cognitive activity (5-10 years) - best time to develop logic and teach your child to think!

It is important for parents to remember: the methods of thinking are not formed in the head of the child by themselves. It is necessary to purposefully teach the child and it is important not to miss the moment.

How to develop the logical thinking of a student?

After entering the 1st grade, many parents breathe a sigh of relief and shift the education of their children to the shoulders of the school. But is it worth counting on the curriculum and school teachers in the development of logic?

A capable child comes to school and ... learns to count and solve typical problems.

Practicing teachers know that primary school students, and often teenagers, do not know how to think, reason and draw reasonable conclusions on their own. Often schoolchildren have difficulties in applying comparison methods, determining causes and deriving consequences.

Logical analysis skills, the ability to reason correctly, to find non-standard solutions - this is what distinguishes truly gifted, talented children from exemplary excellent students.

School programs direct primary school teachers to use mainly training-type tasks, which are based on imitation, are performed by analogy, and therefore do not fully involve thinking. And the ability to express judgments, build logical chains and perform other logical actions must be developed and trained.

Teachers would be happy to diversify the learning process with puzzles for the development of logical thinking or puzzles with matches. In preschools, this is a popular way to warm up the mind. But in most schools, the question of “warm-ups” boils down to this: how can I do it with exercises for the eyes and hands?

We draw conclusions!

  • It is unreasonable to shift the responsibility to school teachers.
  • It is important to explain to the child: at school, he receives fundamental knowledge that will help him develop further.
  • The development of logic at home (outside of school) is an excellent addition to the main school curriculum.

What is especially important for preschoolers and first graders?

The thinking of a preschooler initially has a visual-figurative character and only in the course of the educational process gradually develops into a conceptual, verbal-logical one. Any visual educational materials for preschoolers and schoolchildren will be easier to perceive and understand, with great interest and pleasure to complete tasks and solve problems.

We figured out how to help parents and teachers, and most importantly - children!

Especially for preschoolers and younger students, we have created an online educational platform LogicLike. The site includes everything necessary for the development of logical and critical thinking in children. The platform can be used for self-training (usually from 7-8 years old) and for the whole family.

One of the essential indicators of the intellectual development of the child and its age-appropriateness is logical thinking. It develops in stages, starting from the simplest to the most complex. And thanks to modern developing technologies and unusual tasks, from boring and monotonous training, it can be turned into exciting game which is sure to please both parents and children.

The development of logic is one of the most important aspects of intellectual development.

Patterns of development of thinking in preschool age

In general, the thinking of preschoolers goes through three basic stages in its development:

  1. Visual-effective thinking allows you to solve the problems that arise before the child by manipulating the objects around him.
  2. Visual-figurative thinking begins to develop in the preschool period. It already allows the child to solve some problems in the mind with the help of the images in his memory.
  3. Verbal-logical thinking enables the child to think with the help of not the objects themselves, but their verbal designations. This type of thinking manifests itself already in the older preschool age.

Board games - The best way development of logical thinking

Logic is one of the highest stages in the development of thinking.

General rules for the development of logic in a child

Play is the main activity in preschool age. However, despite this, logic plays an important role for preschoolers. Imagination during this period is still not well developed, and in order to make learning easier and more efficient, it is necessary to use a maximum of visual material in the process of classes: toys, pictures, puzzles, counting sticks, etc. Bright didactic material will turn any lesson into an exciting game in which the child will be happy to take part.

Geometric shapes - the development of logic in a playful way

As the child grows older, he will need less and less demonstration material. And the solution of an increasing number of tasks will occur in the mind, by connecting already verbal-logical thinking.

Logical thinking in early preschool age

The younger preschool age covers the period from 2 to 4 years. At this time, the child learns to compare objects, classify according to such elementary features as color, shape, size.

Developing classes at this age are best done using bright toys or didactic cards. It is desirable that the images are as simple as possible and contain a minimum of distracting details.

Classes with the baby teaches him to think logically

Logic tasks for younger preschoolers are varied. Typical exercises for the development of logic at this age can be:

"Put it in order"

The game helps the child understand cause and effect relationships, and also improves his perception of time.

For this exercise, you will need cards with pictures of animals and their babies. Children can be offered to pick up a pair for each card, having previously laid out adult animals in front of him and giving him cubs. After all the cards have taken their places, it will be possible to explain to the child that a chicken or a rooster grows out of a tiny chicken, a dog grows out of a puppy, etc. Over time, this task can be made more difficult by offering the child pictures of scenes from his favorite fairy tales. And offer to put them in order, restoring the plot.

Matching game

"Finish the chain"

The child is offered logical chains of objects or pictures belonging to a certain class: these can be flowers, trees, animals or birds. And next to it is a group of different pictures, among which there should be one belonging to the items in the chain. The task of the child is to complete the chain with a suitable element.

This task, despite its simplicity, well develops the ability to generalize and analyze, compare and classify.

"Whose subject?"

In this task for preschoolers, you can invite the child to name:

  • items used by representatives of various professions;
  • details of certain machines or devices;
  • parts of the human body, animals, birds;
  • house elements.

Online game Find exactly the same cat - the kid can play on the Internet

"Remove the excess"

A group of pictures depicting various objects or toys is laid out in front of the child, among which there should be one extra that does not fall under the general category. The task of the child is to find and remove this object with the help of logical thinking. It is very desirable that the child could also explain his choice, telling why this or that object turned out to be superfluous.

Game Choose the smallest object

Over time, the task can be somewhat complicated by adding natural phenomena, flowers, etc. to specific items. The logical connections between them are somewhat more complicated, and in order to cope with this task, the child will need to try very hard.

Classes for the development of logic in senior preschool age

The senior preschool period is marked by the intensive development of many mental processes. In particular, by the age of four, children begin to manifest verbal-logical thinking, which allows them not only to solve certain tasks, but also to clearly argue their position.

Joint games develop logic in older preschoolers

The child is no longer in need of visualization due to a fairly well-developed imagination and an increase in memory capacity. And although it is still desirable to use all kinds of didactic material in the classroom, as early as 4 years old, you can offer your child to solve some problems in his mind.

Here are just some logic tasks for older preschoolers.


The development of thinking processes of preschoolers is very well facilitated by ranking (for example, by size, color, and later - the degree of severity of a particular feature). It is imperative to clarify to the child what exactly serves as the basis for ranking.

Spot the Difference game is one of the varieties of ranking games. Logic maze is a favorite pastime for preschoolers.

Games for the formation of ideas about the general and the particular are quite simple. It is enough just to lay out objects in front of the child, or cards with objects of the same type and invite the child to determine the logical connections between them, naming them in one word. Just like in previous games, here you need to move from simple to complex, first using the simplest categories, where the common feature will lie on the surface. And over time - to complicate the task, expanding the number of groups used.

If in the process of completing tasks preschoolers will have any difficulties, be sure to talk to them about it. And solve problems together.

The thought processes, in particular, logic, of preschool children develop at a fairly intensive pace and by the time they enter school they are already at a good level, which allows them to master the school curriculum as efficiently as possible.

Synopsis of OOD on logic for children of the senior group "Runaways from the zoo" for children of the senior group

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten combined type No. 6, Lebedyan, Lipetsk region

Prepared by: Krasnikova N.V. - educator MBDOU d / s No. 6, Lebedyan, 2016

Integration of educational areas: « cognitive development» , "Social and communicative development" , "Artistic and aesthetic development" .

Purpose: the formation of the foundations of logical thinking in older preschoolers in the process of developing elementary mathematical concepts.

Educational: exercise in the ability to make a silhouette figure, focusing on a sample; learn to compare and organize objects by size (height, width); consolidate knowledge about predators and herbivores; fix animal names in the active dictionary.

Educational: to cultivate a caring attitude towards wildlife, friendliness, the ability to work in a team; to form in children an emotionally positive response to joint activities.

Developing: to develop logical thinking, quick wit, attention, eye, fine motor skills of hands; learn to navigate on a sheet of paper, place the necessary parts of the image in the right place in the figure.

Preliminary work: reading fiction: S.Ya. Marshak "Children in a Cage" , K.O. Dmitriev "Zoo on the Table" , A. Klykov "Fox" , T. Skrebitsky "Hare" , "Squirrel" ; reviewing the album "Wild animals" ; guessing riddles about wild animals.

Materials and equipment: multimedia presentation, laptop, TV, game sets "Tangram" , "Columbus egg" , "Vietnamese Game" , "Fold the Pattern" , "Math Tablet" , contour images of animals (1 per table), Kuizener sticks (according to the number of children), Stuffed Toys– wild animals, small plastic toys – wild animals (according to the number of children), sheets of paper in a box, blanks of unfinished drawings of animals (per child), simple pencils, a stand for drawings, an envelope with a letter, coloring pages with animals of the north and hot countries.

Lesson progress

I. Introduction

Organizing time

Guys, look how many guests we have today. Let's say hello.

Today we have an exciting activity. We must show our knowledge, skills and ingenuity. But first, let's put our thoughts in order, express our wishes and do self-massage.

training game "Cheerfulness"

I want my ears to hear everything (stroking the ears).

I want my eyes to see everything (eye stroking).

I want my mouth to speak correctly and beautifully.

I wish that my head thought right and not wrong (stroking head).

I want my hands to work confidently (stroking hands).

I want my body to be healthy.

Well done boys! Now you are ready to see everything, hear everything, and feel everything.

I suggest you do a workout. "It happens - it doesn't happen" . If this happens, we smile and clap our hands; if not, we frown and stamp our feet.

There is a circle with corners. - There is spring after winter.

There is a rooster with 4 legs. - Sometimes a dog has 4 paws.

Happens after Monday Saturday. - There is night after morning.

Sometimes a person has 3 eyes. - Sometimes the number two is greater than three.

There is green grass. - Sometimes the number five comes after seven.

Well done boys! You were very attentive and smart. Sit down at the tables.

II part. Main.

Guys, today an unusual guest from a distant hot country has arrived to us. Guess who it is.

I'm used to living in the south.
I can speak!
Day by day I can fly
imitate different sounds.

Who am I? Guess!
multicolored -
Children: - Parrot!

(Click - the sound of a parrot's cry is heard, a parrot appears on the screen, a click - the cry stops)

That's right, it's a parrot, his name is Jacques, and he's very anxious. Jacques gave me this letter. (Reading). "Help! The zoo is in trouble! At night, someone opened the cages where the animals were. And all the animals fled. They need to be found immediately and returned to the zoo. Help us please!" .

So, can we help?

Children: - Yes!

In an envelope "identikit" fugitives to be found. Now we will consider them. Who is it? (Bear, hare, fox, squirrel...). I suggest stacking the images of these beasts using games of choice.

Children are presented with a choice of didactic material.

  1. "Columbus egg" , "Vietnamese Game" , "Tangram" .
  2. "Fold the Pattern" .
  3. "Math Tablet" .
  4. "Snake" .

Well done! Completed the task. Now we know the fugitives to be found.

The teacher invites the children to go on a journey in search of animals from the zoo.

Take simple pencils and checkered paper: we will mark our route. I will dictate to you the direction of movement, and you will draw.

Didactic exercise "Drawing by cells" .

Children, starting from the dot, "draw" your route.

Count 1 cell to the right and draw a straight line. Count up 1 cell and draw a straight line. Further so: 1 cell to the right; 2 cells down; 1 cell to the right; 1 cell up; 1 cell to the right.

Children move in the indicated direction, find toy animals: a hare, a squirrel, a fox, a deer, a lion, a tiger, etc.

Fizkultminutka. Video clip "The giraffe has spots, spots..." .

Children sit at tables.

Didactic exercise "Who eats what" .

You have found the runaways from the zoo and now you need to feed them. And different animals eat differently. Which of them eats what, we will find out when we connect the lines in the picture with the animal placed below and its food - it is at the top.

The children complete the tasks.

When feeding animals, you noticed that some of them eat plants, and therefore they are called herbivores. Other animals eat meat, and these are predators, as they prey on other animals.

The teacher invites the children to take their animals and stand like this: predators are to his left, and herbivores are to his right.

Didactic exercise "Animal Enclosures" (using Kuisener sticks).

There are sticks on the tables in front of you, these are parts of the cage, and animals (for each child 2-3 animals). Build a cage for each animal. See which of them is larger and which is smaller, pick up the sticks according to the height and size of the animal. For example, our bunny is small, and the cage for it will be small (the teacher shows an example of completing the task).

Productive activities with children "Unfinished Drawing" .

This is where our journey comes to an end. Let's make their portraits in memory of our new friends. Look, I have drawings, but they are not finished: the animals are not completely drawn. Finish the drawings and draw those parts of the animal that are missing (elephant - trunk, zebra - stripes, monkey - tail, parrot - wings, giraffe - spots, hare - ears, etc.).

But first, let's prepare our fingers for work.

slide 6. (Music plays and stops on click)

Finger gymnastics "Zoo"

Let's go to the zoo soon

There are many different animals

("pass the" on the table with the index and middle fingers of both hands)

And prickly hedgehogs

(spread fingers like hedgehog needles)

And fanged walruses

(lower the little finger and forefinger down, and all the rest

clench your fingers in a fist)

Hares are cowardly

(put out the index and middle fingers of both hands,

the rest in the fist)

Birds are beautiful

(wave hands crossed)

There are even crocodiles!

However, do not count them all!

(connect the bases of the palms, close and open the tips

slightly bent fingers "crocodile mouth" ).

Children get to work, finish drawings. At the end of the work, the teacher puts the drawings on the stand.

III. Final part

Here comes the evening
Our zoo falls asleep,
Falls asleep until the morning
It's time for us to go home.

Children, who are we looking for today? What tasks were easy for you to complete? What caused the difficulty?

Thanks! I had a lot of fun with you!

Everyone is just great!
The journey is over.
Be friends with math
Accumulate your knowledge.

Let your efforts help you

Memory, logic, attention!

Surprise moment. - I want to give you coloring pages with animals of the north and hot countries. You can color them whenever you want and show them to other children.

Sections: Working with preschoolers

On the development of elements of logical thinking in children of senior preschool age (preparatory group for school). (Program “Development”, leader L.A. Wenger).

Program content:

  • the formation of the ability to make the simplest conclusions;
  • mastering actions to use the meaningful features of a concept to include new concepts in a category (a story about a wigwam);
  • mastering the actions of independent construction of a model in the form of a classic tree “under dictation”;
  • educating the ability to listen to each other, accept someone else's point of view, educating endurance.

Material: subject pictures on the theme “Houses”, “Animals”, sheets of paper, simple pencils, a “home-made” book (in the form of a clamshell folder).

Lesson progress

1. Today I suggest you go on a journey through a book that we will make ourselves, during the journey and creativity we have to solve several problems. And in order to successfully cope with this, we need to exercise the mind.

So tell me which is "true" and which is "false".

a) Some boys like ice cream.

b) Girls sometimes wear dresses.

c) Butterflies can fly.

d) All green are frogs.

e) All boys can play hockey.

e) All girls like to play with dolls.

2. And now let's check if you can reason:

a) All plants feed, grow, die, a tree is a plant, which means ... (reasoning of children)

(answer: the tree feeds, grows, dies).

b) All birches are trees, all trees are plants, so ...

(answer: birch - tree).

c) Wooden objects do not sink in water, a stone sinks in water, which means ...

(answer: stone is not wooden).

d) All fish breathe with gills, the whale breathes with lungs, which means ...

(answer: a whale is not a fish).

II. Main part

Great, now you can go on a trip. Today I invite you to travel through a book that knows everything. What is the name of such a book?

Answers, reasoning of children.

Yes, such a book is called Encyclopedia. Here is this book (we are considering a homemade book in the form of a clamshell folder).

Let's take a look at it. (We leaf through, some sheets are blank, others have pictures).

Do you like this book? Can anything be learned from such a book?

I suggest you make your own encyclopedia, and then give it to the kids.

Children's answers.

Where does every book start?

Children's answers.

Yes, from the title. Our encyclopedia also has it, but only you have to find out which one. I will read an excerpt from the fairy tale "Mowgli", and then you choose the correct answer:

“... In the wild forests of India, a human cub grew up in one of the wolf packs. His name was Mowgli.

He loved his wolf brothers very much. But he had many enemies in the forest.

Once this current upset him, that he burst into tears and asked his teacher, the panther: “Why don’t they like me?”

They don’t like you because you pull splinters out of your paws, because you are a person ... ”

Picture 1

Choose the correct answer:

a) "I am a man";

b) “I am a child”;

c) I am an adult.

The children's answers prove their choice.

After the answer, I show the cover, on which the name of the encyclopedia “I am a man” and a drawing of a man.

Figure 2

Well done. This task was completed. I am human. Who are you? And who are you? etc. And together we are who? And who more? People or children? Adults or women? People or adults? Children or boys?

Let's open the second page.

Figure 3

Figure 4

Who and what is on it? Why is it all on one page?

Answers of children (Everything is alive).

Here indoor plant <Рисунок 3>. Solve the problem about him: a plant lives, grows, eats, a flower is a plant, which means ... (reasoning of children).

(answer: flower - lives, grows, breathes, eats).

Now, let's compare an animal with a human.<Рисунок 3>

Children's answers.

How are they similar, how are they different? Is it possible to say that a person is an animal? So the conclusion - a person is ... (the conclusion is made by children. The conclusion is made on the basis of a comparison of the signs of animals and humans: after all, an animal, like a person, grows, breathes, eats, moves, multiplies, plays, dies, is born. When reasoning, you need to bring children not only to the comparison of external features).

And they completed this task. Let's go on a journey. Here we are on the next page. (Look at the drawing on it).

Figure 5

Where does a person live?

Children's answers.

But the ancient man lived in dark cold caves. He liked living like this. Is this true or false?

Children's answers.

Of course not. The man decided to build houses. Let's see what houses he built. (We are looking at pictures - old houses: wooden, huts, huts, yurts, tents, barracks).

How can all these pictures be called in one word? (Houses). What do these pictures have in common? (This is housing).

What groups can these pictures be divided into? Why is that? Explain.

Children's answers. (According to the material from which they are made).

Now try to sketch what we talked about - let's build a model. (We build the model under the “direct dictation”. I dictate, and the children mark the words with dots).

Text: all these are houses, they can be divided into two groups (according to the material from which they are made), two types of wooden houses: barracks (B) and one-story houses (D). Matter (M) - three types: tent (P), yurt (Yu), mud hut (M).

Figure 6

I draw my model, “I’m wrong”, the children compare the teacher’s model with their own, correct inaccuracies.

But the ancient Indians lived in North America, they were engaged in agriculture, they had wigwams. (Next comes the teacher’s story about the wigwam, from which the children must understand that the wigwam is housing, a house, but the words “housing”, “house” should not be in the teacher’s story. Children must guess what a “wigwam” is, only then show the picture with the image of the “wigwam”).

So what is a wigwam?

Children's answers.

How did you find out that a wigwam is a house, you can live in it?

Children's answers.

Since this is housing, it means that it can find a place in our model. Mark the wigwam (B). (Independent work of children).

Figure 7

Children explain why.

The conclusion that the children draw is: no matter what the house is, no matter what it is made of, a person will live in it, and not on the street.

Here is another page completed. Let's see what we have already done: we compiled an encyclopedia, talked about who a person is, how a person differs from an animal, filled out a page about a person's dwelling, and we still have many blank pages in our encyclopedia, what can we fill them with, what else can be written in a book called “I am a man”. Probably about food, clothes, transport, professions, hobbies, people, etc. This is what we will do next time. And I am glad that, filling out the encyclopedia, we learned to reason, draw conclusions, draw simple conclusions, solve logical problems and be writers: we began to write our own encyclopedia “I am a man”.

Thanks to all.

The lesson is over.
