Synopsis of directly educational activities in the middle group. Summary of directly educational activities in the middle group on the topic "Professions" (educational area "Communication")

Direction of activity: cognitive-speech.

Age: middle group.

Topic of the lesson: "What are the needles?"

Cognitive tasks:

1. introduce children to a variety of objects that can be called in one word;

2. name the features common to all these items.

Speech tasks:

1. introduce different values the words "needle";

2. expand children's ideas about polysemantic words;

3. sound culture of speech - the sound "z";

4. coherent speech - continue to teach children to describe objects;

5. dictionary - expand the dictionary of adjectives - "spruce", "pine".

Educational tasks:

1. continue to teach children how to treat adults and each other politely;

2. to teach children to listen to each other, not to interrupt when talking;

3. fix elementary safety rules.

The teacher shows the children a mosquito (toy): Z-z-z-z-z-z! Oh, guys, look who flew to us?

Children: It's a mosquito.

Educator: How did you recognize him?

Children: He rings "z-z-z-z-z-z", he is small, flies, he has a long nose.

caregiver: What does a mosquito's nose look like?

Children: On a needle.

Educator: Let's say hello to the mosquito and invite him to play. How can we say hello, what words to say?

Children greet.

Educator: I will now turn you into mosquitoes, but for this, let's say the magic words (pure tongue - the sound "z"): for-zo-zu, az-oz-uz.

Children say magic words (2-3 times).

They turned into mosquitoes: to the music, children easily run around the group and ring: “z-z-z-z-z-z-z”. As soon as the music ends, the children approach the teacher.

caregiver: Now close your eyes (the teacher removes the mosquito).

Open your eyes. Look, the mosquito flew away, and left us a chest. Do you want to know what is in it? Let's quietly sit on the chairs and see what's in it. I will make riddles, and you try to guess.

Beyond the river they grew

They brought them to the party.

Needles on branches

Who is this ... (Christmas trees)

Good-natured, businesslike

All covered with needles.

Hear the clatter of nimble feet,

This is our friend ... (hedgehog)

Pictures depicting spruce and hedgehog are exhibited on the easel.

caregiver: Well done, you guessed correctly. What needles was the first riddle about?

Children: About needles on spruce.

Educator: And what kind of needles on spruce (by color, size, etc.)

Children's answers.

Educator: And what kind of needles is the second riddle about?

Children: About the hedgehog's needles.

Educator: And what kind of needles does the hedgehog have (by color, size, etc.)

Children's answers.

Educator: Guys, why do we need hedgehog needles?

Children: To defend against enemies.

caregiver: And which other animal defends itself with needles from the enemy? (In case of difficulty, a hint is given - “The hedgehog has grown 10 times, it turned out ...” - Porcupine).

caregiver: Some plants may also have needles. Think and name these plants for me.

Children: Burdock, blackberry, cactus.

caregiver: If we touch the needles with you, what do they feel like?

Children: Prickly, sharp.

Educator: What do you think the word "spread" means?

Children: Sharp, can hurt.

caregiver: Guys, a balloon I forgot that a needle can prick. Let's remember with you a poem about this sad story.

Physical education minute(performing movements as shown by an adult):

Played with a balloon needle

And here he lies, breathing a little.

The toy is even clear

Playing with a needle is dangerous!

caregiver: And what needles do you still know? What else can prick you?

Children: A sewing needle, a pine needle, a needle on a syringe, a needle on a cactus.

caregiver: We have branches of spruce and pine in our chest (branches of pine and spruce are taken out of the chest). See how pine and spruce needles differ?

Children: Pine needles are long, while spruce needles are short.

caregiver: And how are these needles similar?

Children: They are green, sharp, smooth, thin.

caregiver: Needles on a pine branch can be called “pine”, and needles on a spruce branch ...

Children: Spruce.

caregiver: Guys, I suggest you play the game "Needle and Thread". I will be the needle, and all of you will be the thread.

The game "Needle and thread » : children line up behind an adult and follow him in a group (according to the principle of the Snake game)

caregiver: Well done. I know another game, it's called Describe and we'll guess. Do you want to play? Then quietly sit down on the chairs, and our chest will help us again. It will be necessary to tell, describe some kind of needle (what size it is, what it is for, what you can do with it, what color it is, etc.). And the rest will guess which needle is the riddle.

For example (the teacher takes one card from the chest with the image of a needle and, without showing it to the children, describes it), “this needle is steel, it is very strong, thin, you can see it in a pharmacy, in a hospital, in a medical office.” What needle is the riddle about?

Children: About medical.

A medical needle or a picture with its image is exposed from the chest.

Children make up descriptive riddles, and if they find it difficult, they ask leading questions.

Educator: Well done. Today we talked about how different needles are, and also about the fact that many objects can be called one word “needle”.

Recommendation: to attract the attention of children, you can make a mosquito like this - the body and head are made of black plasticine, the wings are made of a transparent plastic bag, the nose is a toothpick. Such a mosquito is attached with a thread about 30-40 cm long to the end of the pointer (like a fish on a fishing rod). Move a little pointer - and the mosquito "flies" in the air

Abstract directly- educational activities in middle group"Where is the air hiding?"

Target: to develop the cognitive ability of children in the process of experimentation.
Developing: to develop observation, curiosity, thinking, memory, speech, cognitive activity.
- area "Knowledge": to expand the horizons of children about the air and its properties, using experiments and experiments;
- area "Communication": to develop free communication with adults and peers in the process of conducting experiments. Enrich children's vocabulary (transparent, invisible, experiences);
- area "Socialization": to consolidate the skills of interaction in a team, in groups;
- area "Health": to form initial knowledge about healthy way life.
Educational: to cultivate a positive attitude towards the world, interest in cognitive activity, independence.
Preliminary work:
- play activity"Inflated glasses", "Balloons";
- reading fiction: “Wind, windy” by I. Tok makova, “Wind, breeze, windy wind” by Ya. Akim;
- making boats, fans.
Materials and equipment: plastic bags according to the number of children; cups of water, straws according to the number of children; toys, jars and other solid and hollow objects (empty inside); two trays; a chest of parsley; toy Parsley; screen; foam boats with paper sails; vessel - "sea for boats"; fans; garlic; balloons according to the number of children, rescue sleeves;

The course of direct educational activities:

Organizing time
Stand up children
Stand up circle
You are my friend, I am your friend
Let's hold hands together and smile at each other.
caregiver: Guys, today I invite you to act as scientists and do research. But what we will explore, you will learn by guessing my riddle:
Passes through the nose to the chest
And the reverse is on its way.
He's invisible, but still
We cannot live without it.
Children: Air!
Educator: That's right, it's air! Today we will talk about air, we will do experiments like real scientists.
Parsley, appearing from behind the screen: Hello guys! What are you going to do here?
caregiver: Oh, children, look who came to us? This is Petrushka. Let's say hello to him.
Educator: The guys and I want to talk about air.
Parsley: About the air? And who saw it, this air? Maybe it doesn't exist at all? Personally, I have never seen air! What about you guys?
Educator: Tell me guys, do you see the air around us?
Children: No, we don't.
Educator: Since we do not see it, then what kind of air?
Children: The air is invisible.
Parsley: Here it is! Invisible! So it doesn't exist at all!
Educator: Wait, wait, Petrushka! I haven’t seen the air either, but I know that it is always around us!
Parsley: Oh, you know everything! And I don't believe you! Prove that this same air exists!
caregiver: Guys, let's prove to Petrushka that there is still air! To see the air, you have to catch it. Do you want me to teach you how to catch air?
Children: Yes.
Experience 1. With a plastic bag

Teacher: Take plastic bag. What's in it?
Children: It's empty.
Educator: It can be folded several times. Look how thin he is. Now we draw air into the bag and twist it. The bag is full of air, it is like a pillow. Air took up all the space in the bag. Now untie the bag and let the air out of it. The package is thin again. Why?
Children: There is no air in it.
Educator: Look, Petrushka! Conclusion: the air is transparent, in order to see it, it must be caught. And we were able to do it! We caught the air and locked it in a bag and then let it out.
Educator: Guys, you can still lock the air. Who knows in which objects there is trapped air? (ball, ball, air mattresses, arm ruffles.)
Educator: But I have children's rescue sleeves. Let's get the air out of them. Air is lighter than water! And if there is air inside the mattress, then, of course, it floats.
Parsley: So if there is air inside something, it will float? Guys, help me sort out the toys: which ones will float and which ones won't? Where is the air hidden? (Pulls out a chest).
Didactic game "Where is the air hidden?". Children take turns taking out toys from the chest and laying them out on two trays.
Educator: Guys, how can you check if you have disassembled the toys correctly? Let's conduct an experiment, lower the toys into the water.
Experience2. "Sinking does not sink."
Teacher: Well done guys. Now you know, Petrushka, that objects with air inside will float.
Parsley: So you think that there is air in every object, but I don’t believe you! Prove it!
Experience 3. Stone.
Teacher: And now we will check it. (Takes out a stone and lowers it into the water.) What do we see in the water?
Children: Bubbles come out of the stone.
Educator: And if there are bubbles, then there is something?
Children: Air!
Educator: Well done, now let's rest a little.
If we are dealing with water, (show - we pour water from one cam to another)
Let's roll up our sleeves boldly (roll up our sleeves)
Spilled water - it doesn't matter (hands on the belt, shake your head)
A rag is always at hand (showing palms connected by an edge to each other)
An apron is a friend. He helped us (run your palms from the neck to the knees)
And no one got wet here (hands on the belt, head turns to the sides)
Have you completed the work? Did you put everything in place? (step in place)
Educator: We rested, and now I ask everyone to the tables (there are glasses of water and straws on the tables).
Parsley: Yes, yes, yes! Now I know that in objects where it seems empty, air is actually hidden. Is there air inside people?
Teacher: What do you guys think? Is there air inside us? Let's check?
Experience 3. Air in a person.
Blow into a tube dipped in a glass of water.
Educator: Blow into a tube lowered into a glass of water. What's happening?
Children: Bubbles come out.
Teacher: You see! Conclusion: it means that there is air inside us. We blow into the tube and it comes out. But in order to blow more, we first inhale new air, and then exhale through a tube and bubbles are obtained.
Parsley: Understood. You exhale air. So it is within you.
Educator: Children, how do you think, how does he get to us?
Children: Through the nose?
Educator: Of course! All people breathe through their nose. Guys, let's show how our noses breathe. When we simply inhale and exhale air, do we see it?
Children: No.
Educator: But we can feel it with our nose. I'll take the garlic and crush it.
Parsley: Oh! What a smell of garlic! I don't want that smell! I'd rather close my nose and not breathe.
Educator: What are you, Petrushka! Without air, you will suffocate. All life on earth needs air: people, animals, and plants! Without air, they will die.
Experience 4. “I don’t breathe”
He puts an hourglass, and the guys pinch their noses and try not to breathe.
Educator: Who else needs air?
Children: Animals, birds, plants, people, insects.
Educator: Children, can you do without air?
Children say their guesses.
Teacher: Let's check! We close our mouth, pinch our nose, and try not to breathe for as long as we can stand it.
Teacher: Oh, I can't take it anymore!
Educator: well, guys, can a person, animal or plant do without air?
Children: No. Without air, we cannot breathe.

Educator: You see, you could not live even one minute without air!
Educator: Parsley, if you don't like the smell of garlic, we'll help you. Guys, do you want to arrange the wind?
Children: Yes.
Educator: Guys, let's try to arrange the wind with a fan! Wave the fan first at yourself, then at each other. What do you feel?
Children: A breeze blows in the face.
Parsley: Oh, thank you. So when air moves, wind is produced.
Conclusion: Wind is the movement of air.
Educator: Guys, what do you think the air smells like? Smell. But how is it that when pies are baked, we smell? It turns out that the air moves and brings these smells to our noses, although the air itself has no smell.
Parsley: Thank you! How much I learned about air today!
Educator: Parsley, my children and I decided to give you a present. We will draw fancy balloons for you.
unconventional drawing.
Parsley: Thanks guys!
- Guys What did we learn about air today?
- that the air constantly surrounds us;
- that the way to detect air is to “lock” the air, “catch” it in the shell;
- that air is lighter than water;
- that there is air inside objects;
- that there is air inside people;
- that life is not possible without air;
- that the air is odorless, but can transmit an odor;
- that the wind is the movement of air.
Educator: Petrushka where did you disappear to? What are you doing over there?
Parsley: I'm here! (blowing). I lock the air in beautiful elegant balloons. I want to give these balloons to all the guys who helped me understand what air is. Thanks guys! I'll go now and tell my friends everything I've learned today. Goodbye!
Children: Goodbye!
Educator: And it's time for us guys to say goodbye. Let's get dressed and go outside - breathe fresh air!

Synopsis of directly educational activities in the middle group on the topic "Professions" ( educational area"Communication")

Educator of the first qualification category

Popova Anna Fedorovna

Synopsis of directly educational activities (GCD)

in the middle group on the topic: "Professions"

(educational area "Communication").

Target: Summarize knowledge on the topic "Professions".



· Expand and enrich children's ideas about professions, tools, labor activities ("Knowledge").

· To form the ability to classify, compare, analyze ("Knowledge").

Form an active dictionary in accordance with lexical topic"Professions" ("Communication").

· To form the ability to express one's intention by means of a drawing, to consolidate the techniques for creating an image with pencils ("Artistic creativity").

· To consolidate the development work to clearly follow the rules of the game; follow the instructions and instructions of the educator in order to avoid injuries (“Socialization”, “Safety”).


Develop the ability to build complete answers, the ability to listen carefully (“Communication”).

Develop memory, attention, logical thinking("Knowledge").

Develop initiative, the ability to act in a team (“Socialization”).


· To cultivate respect for people of different professions.

Cultivate feelings of responsiveness, mutual assistance.

Integration of educational areas: "Communication", "Cognition", "Socialization", "Reading fiction", "Safety", "Artistic creativity", "Health", "Music".

Form of activity: joint activities of the educator and children.

Types of children's activities: playful, communicative, cognitive, productive.

Preliminary work:

Reading works of art.

Examination of illustrations, albums on the topic "Professions"


Articulation and finger gymnastics (use of health-saving technologies), attention exercises.

Conversations about people of different professions; who the parents work.

Role-playing games.

Didactic games "To whom what?", "What is superfluous", "Who to be?", cut lotto "Professions", "Collect a picture".

Planned results: children have elementary representations about people of different professions; use nouns denoting professions in their speech; verbs characterizing labor actions; can classify, compare, analyze; actively and benevolently interact with the teacher and peers.

Materials and equipment: pictures depicting representatives of different professions; items they need at work; ball, colored pencils, sheets of white paper with the image of a car, multimedia equipment, attributes for the outdoor game "Driver".

1. Organizational moment, the names of professions.

What is a profession? (this is who the person works for)

In autumn, birds fly south, bear insects hibernate for the winter, And people work. In rain and cold they go to work. What professions of people do you know? (children call)

I show pictures of people of different professions, the children name them.

2. Reading poems about different professions

The janitor will rise at dawn,

Thinking about kids.

Janitor picks up trash

And sand will cover the ice.

Good chef in a cap

With a ladle in hand

He cooks for dinner

Porridge, cabbage soup and vinaigrette.

All diseases are treated by a doctor,

He pricks - do not cry.

Have fun look around

A children's doctor is a friend to the guys!

He drives skillfully

After all, not the first year behind the wheel!

Slightly rustling tight tires,

He takes us around the city.

Finger gymnastics "Cook"

3.Speech games:

"Name words - actions"

I name the profession, and the children say words - actions that people of this profession perform

The doctor listens, writes a prescription, looks at the throat, measures the temperature, prescribes medicines.

The seller weighs, shows, cuts, wraps, counts.

Cook - cuts, cleans, cooks, fries, bakes, tastes, salts.

Hairdresser - combs, cuts, washes hair, does hairstyles, shaves beard and mustache.

Physical education "Pilot":

It’s good to be a driver (they run in circles, “rule”),

A pilot is better (run in a circle, arms to the sides).

I would go to the pilots

Let me be taught.

I pour gasoline into the tank (stop, "pour"),

I start the propeller ( circular motions right hand),

“Take the motor to heaven (run in a circle, hands to the sides),

For the birds to sing."

"Who Needs These Items"

Scales, goods, counter (for the seller).

Scissors, fabric, sewing machine (for a dressmaker).

Ladle, saucepan, products (for the cook).

Tires, bus, steering wheel (for the driver).

Syringe, cotton wool, bandage (for a doctor).

Bricks, cement, trowel (for the builder).

Paint, brush, bucket (for the painter).

4. Exercise for the development of logic.

"Who needs this item?"

(On the carpet are a helmet, a wand, a sewing machine, a syringe, a hammer, a wrench, a colander, a comb, a newspaper, a molar brush, a notebook, a planer).

Children move in a circle to the music, the music stops - the children take objects and say:

What is the name of this item?

What profession do they need?

What does a person in this profession do?

5. "What are the items for?"

Children stand in a circle, throw the ball and name the object. The child who has the ball must quickly say what is being done with this object.

Knife - cut

Broom - sweep

Saw - sawing

With an ax - chop

Ladle - pour

Shovel - digging

Needle - sew

Scissors - cut

Thermometer - measure temperature

Comb - combed

brush - paint

In a saucepan - boil

In a frying pan - fried

On the scales - weighed

6. "What is extra?"

Kettle, helmet, fire extinguisher, fire engine.

Shovel, rake, broom, steering wheel.

Threads, scissors, sewing machine, newspaper.

7. "Who needs what?"

I choose four children and give them pictures of a hairdresser, a doctor, a cook, a salesman. The rest of the children take a card with the image of an object needed by one of the professions. Children run around the room to the music. As soon as the music stops, the children combine the pictures into pairs: a representative of the profession and the item he needs.

8. "Find the mistake"

The doctor is making soup.

The chef is driving.

The teacher cuts his hair.

The dressmaker heals people.

The policeman weighs the products.

The hairdresser treats people.

Mobile game: "Driver"(conducted by the head of physical education).

9. "Drawing a plot composition"

Road for the car. Children draw a plot composition (calm music sounds). Near the road they can draw trees, houses, grass with flowers, etc.

10. Reflection:

What were they talking about today?

What did you like about the lesson?

What did you experience difficulty?

The teacher praises the children.

Place of work: MADOU "Kurmanaevsky Kindergarten No. 1 "Teremok" of a general developmental type with priority implementation of artistic and aesthetic development" p. Kurmanaevka, Orenburg region

Target: systematize children's knowledge.

Program content:

Educational tasks:

To consolidate in children knowledge of migratory birds, the ability to count objects within 5; correlate the number with the number of objects; consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes, color; the ability to compose words with a given sound.

Evolving tasks:

Develop cognitive and play interest in children;

develop oral speech, balance, creative imagination, attention;

develop observation.

Educational tasks:

Cultivate respect for nature;

educate children correct behavior in the forest.

Dictionary work: enrich the vocabulary of preschoolers with the words: anthill,

ant, orderly, portrait.

Creating an environment for organizing and conducting GCD: projector, illustrations of migratory birds, an envelope with geometric shapes, a checkbox with a riddle, a slide with an anthill, numbers, pebbles cut out of colored cardboard, a bench, album sheets for each child, pencils, 2 Christmas trees, a door leading to a fairy tale, a cassette with bird voices, portraits of Lesovik sad and cheerful by the number of children.

Preliminary work: Guessing riddles, learn poems: "forest rules", "Hello forest."

Techniques for guiding children's activities:

1. Verbal: Artistic word, riddle, conversation.

2. Practical: children's creativity, imitation movements (do not fall into the stream), play.

3. Visual: Show illustrations, poster, numbers, geometric shapes.

4. Game: Game situation.

Forms of organizing joint activities:

Children's activities

Forms and methods of organizing joint activities


Crossing the stream

game situation




game "Each figure has its own home"

think of a word with an "M" sound


Playing with music


Drawing a portrait of Lesovik

Perception of fiction and folklore

poetry reading

Reading a riddle

NOD plan.

1. Introduction ( surprise moment"On a visit to Lesovik.") 5 minutes.
2. Main part. 13 minutes.

Crossing the stream

The game "Each figure has its own home."

Guessing a riddle

Think of a word with an "M" sound

Drawing a portrait of Lesovik.

3. Final part. 2 minutes. Farewell to Lesovik; return to kindergarten; introspection.

GCD progress

The children are sitting on the floor.

Educator: Children, do you want to get into a fairy tale? (Sounds of birds singing.)
Guys, whose voices are these? Where can they be heard? (in the forest)

Guys, it turns out that we are in a forest clearing! Look what beauty is around!

Educator: On a magical path

We can enter the fairy tale.

The music is playing now

We will be able to get into the fairy tale.

(They go through the door leading to the fairy tale.)

Children: Hello, forest,

Dense forest,

Full of fairy tales and wonders.

What are you making noise about?

Dark, stormy night?

What are you whispering to us at dawn,

All in dew, as in silver?

Who lurks in your wilderness

What kind of animal? What bird?

Open everything, do not hide,

You see, we are ours.

(Lesovik enters)

Teacher: Oh, who is this?

Lesovik: It's me - a gray-haired old man,

My name is Lesovik.

I keep order.

Educator: Lesovik, our children love nature, they know how to take care of plants and animals, they know the forest rules. (The child reads the forest rules).

Lesovik: Well, okay, they persuaded me, let me go. But with the condition: you will have to fulfill my tasks. Do you agree?

Well, then let's go for a walk in the woods. (They approach the Christmas tree, the birds are sitting on the Christmas tree.) Well, here is the first task: What birds are sitting on the Christmas tree?

How can you call these birds in one word? (migratory) Why do you think they are called migratory birds? (Because they fly away to warmer climes in the fall and come back in the spring.)

How many birds are on the top branch? Count Nina. find and show

a figure that will correspond to this number of birds.

How many birds are on the lower branch? Count Sasha. Find and show the number that will correspond to this number of birds.

How many birds perch on the middle branches?

Lesovik: Well done. Did a good job on the first one. Come on.

Children, together with the teacher and Lesovik, approach the river.

Educator: Guys, look, the river is blocking our way. How can we get to the other side of the river?

Lesovik: There are two ways to get to the other side of the river. 1. Method: You can go through that's why the bridge, or you can go through these pebbles. Just be careful not to fall into the river. Guys, choose for yourself how you will cross the river. I'll go for the stones.

Educator: And I will go along the bridge.

Children themselves choose how they will cross the river. Some of the children follow Lesovik, and the other follows the teacher.

Lesovik: Oh, tired! He takes out a handkerchief and wipes his forehead. (At this time, an envelope falls from the pocket to the floor.) What kind of envelope fell out of me. Let's see! (He looks at the envelope, takes out geometric shapes from the envelope.) Guys, do you want to play an interesting game? The game is called "Each figure has its own home." To the music, the figures play in the clearing, as the music stops sounding, the figures occupy their home. Tanya, what are you geometric figure. What color is she. (Ask 2-3 children.)

Program content: To deepen children's understanding of kindness as a valuable, inalienable quality of a person; to teach children to reflect on the moral essence of actions; to form in children a positive attitude towards themselves and towards others; improve communication skills.

  • OO "Communication": to develop in children connected speech, the ability to compose the simplest sentence.
  • NGO "Socialization": to develop social feelings; develop inter-age communication skills; to cultivate a fair attitude towards each other and the desire not to offend each other.
  • NGO "Music": to introduce children through musical works to get acquainted with the concept of "friendship"

Material: doll "Mashenka", hare, hedgehog, split pictures, s / c, d / and "Emotions", paper, gouache, tape recorder, songs by V. Shainsky.

Preliminary work: conversations about friendship, analysis of situations on moral topics, games, memorization of proverbs and analysis of their concepts, singing songs, listening to songs about friendship, reading poems and works about friendship.

GCD progress

Children enter the group, stand in a semicircle around the teacher.

Educator: Look, guys, I have in my hands an envelope that a carrier pigeon brought to our kindergarten. What is there? (Letter). Let's open it and read it.

Educator: Masha writes to us from the fairy tale “Masha and the Bear”: “I went into the forest to pick mushrooms and berries, but got lost. Please help me find my way back home to my grandparents.”

Educator: Children, will we help find Masha's way out of the forest?

But how can we do it? Here I see arrows that tell us which way Mashenka walked through the forest. Let's hit the road.

(The music of V. Shainsky sounds - “When my friends are with me”).


The road to the forest will make us all friends,
Learn to value friendship
We are happy to help friends in trouble
And surround with care.

The teacher leads the children to the first task, which is located on the table. So that we can help Mashenka, we need to complete the task, which is on the details, which we will collect at the end of the path and see what we get.

1 task: D / and "Define your mood." The children were left alone in the forest. What is their mood? (cut pictures: "Emotions"). Children put cut pictures on the table. We take the part and set off on the path along the arrows.

2 task: D / and "Good and bad deeds."

Educator: "Well done, but the road will take us further." So we came to a forest clearing and it is called "Glade of good and kind deeds."

The teacher offers plot pictures with different situations. Children should mark with rifled chips, where good deeds are indicated in the pictures and vice versa (red chips are good deeds, gray chips are bad deeds). We take the next part and hit the road along the arrows. And then the arrow led us to the next clearing.

3 task: We came to a clearing of kind words.

D / and "Say kind words to a friend"(children say kind words to each other: kind, affectionate, good, attentive, smart, friendly, loving, caring.) We take the next detail and go along the arrow to the clearing.

4 task. "Polyanka - Think about it." The word "Friendship" is written on the detail. What did Mashenka mean? But I guessed, only friendly guys can help out of trouble.

We are happy to be friends with everyone
It's more fun with friends
We will be one team
And we will come to help.

Teacher: Why do we need friends?

What do you like to do with friends?

Do you miss your friends?

Educator: “Friendship is when people want to be together, when they play together and do not quarrel. Friends are people with whom we feel good and interesting. Guys, do you know what real friends should be like? Now we will check it. I will ask questions, and you will answer “yes-yes” or “no-no”.

The game: Will we be strong friends? - "Yes Yes"

To value our friendship? - "Yes Yes"

Will we learn to play? - "Yes Yes"

Shall we help a friend? - "Yes Yes"

Do you need to annoy a friend? - “No, no”

And give a smile? - "Yes Yes"

Is it worth hurting a friend? - "no no"

Will we value friendship? - "Yes Yes"

Fizminutka: And here is the clearing where Mashenka was resting, and I suggest you take a rest too.

P / and "Find yourself a friend."

To the melody, children walk one after another, and when the melody stops, they find a couple and give each other their hands, giving each other friendship. And now we will find out how friendly our team is. You need to keep the ball on the canvas. Well done, you showed that we have a friendly team. Now, we're on our way.

5 task. Look, guys, our journey has come to an end, and there is only one arrow left, soon we will find Masha and help her return home and we have collected almost all the details and soon we will find out what we can do.

D / and "Colored friendship"

Various animals, insects and birds live in the forest. They are all friends with each other. There a bee and a flower are friends, a leaf and a moth are friends, there birds are friends in the heights, fishes are friends in the depths. And then, one day, this ugly story happened (a theatrical display of the situation - the children sit in a semicircle on the chairs). Two friends Hedgehog and a hare met in a clearing and

swing found. The hedgehog stepped towards the swing and the hare pulled the swing towards him. The hedgehog says: “I am the first!” And the hare: “No, I am! So you, Hedgehog, are not at all good for me as a comrade! Let's make friends guys. Children offer ways to do the right thing to friends in this situation. (let's hedgehog, I'll shake you, we're friends with you). At the end, the hare gives the last detail.

Educator: Children, look, and here Masha was found. Before we return home from the forest, let's show Masha what a difficult path we have overcome, and what united us on the road. Having collected the details, we will see a strong friendly heart. Let's all go home together.

And now, in honor of our friendship, we will depict colored fireworks. The teacher drips huge drops of gouache onto the canvas of paper, and the children use straws to inflate them, receiving a salute (a calm melody plays). Educator: “Let's stand in a circle, holding hands tightly, and thereby let us feel the warmth of our friendship and say the proverb: “No, look for a friend, but found - take care!”
