A poem about the adaptation of children in kindergarten. Once again about adaptation ... mother's adaptation to kindergarten How is adaptation in kindergarten

Badigova Oktyabrina
A poem about the adaptation of children in kindergarten


Your child grew up in a family

No worries and no hassle

And now their mouths are full!

It's all gone now So:

Gotta get up early in the morning

And get dressed and wash

Maybe even refresh

And then go somewhere

Where all the guys play

Where there are rules

You must comply with them.

How is everything here unfamiliar,

Everything is new for a child.

"Where is mom?" he will ask,

"And when I go to the house,

Where are my toys?

Both bed and pillow

Table and chair, and everything is familiar,

Where everything is not so unusual,

There all the faces are familiar to me,

I know how to behave

I was born and raised here.”

There is a question in his eyes:

“Will they pick up and when?

Maybe I don't need

And so here

Have they brought me in the morning?”

And at this very moment,

It is important to let the child know

Of course he needs

And he is loved by the whole family,

He just got older

Mom should help -

visit kindergarten,

To mom at this time

I decided all my affairs

And hurried to the child!

But not only baby

Everything is scary and unusual,

Mom is important for everyone to understand

After all, give the baby

Her going to kindergarten,

Where it's full of strangers

Will they offend, feed,

How is he, but without her.

My head is spinning from thoughts

She's used to being around.

But don't worry

Your baby is warm, fed,

He will find friends

Will go with pleasure

To your favorite Kindergarten,

See other guys!

It is very important to try

From protect children's fears,

Show - there are no enemies here!

Stress will pass quickly

And it won't last a year!

All efforts should be put together

For peace of mind children,

Their fathers and mothers!

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Have you decided to send your child to kindergarten or nursery? But the question is - how will he himself perceive the fact that his mother, who used to be constantly nearby, will now appear only in the evening, and instead of her, she will have to be with the teacher and a dozen other children all day, each of whom claims her attention? How does this very adaptation take place in general, and what, in fact, is it?

Adaptation is the adaptation of the body to a new environment, and for a child, a kindergarten is undoubtedly a new, still unknown space, with a new environment and new relationships. Adaptation includes a wide range of individual reactions, the nature of which depends on the psychophysiological and personal characteristics of the child, on the prevailing family relations, from the conditions of stay in a preschool institution. That is, as you already understood, each child gets used in his own way. However, there are some patterns that I would like to tell parents about.

First, we must remember that up to 2-3 years the child does not feel the need to communicate with peers, it has not yet formed. At this age, an adult acts for the child as a partner in the game, a role model and satisfies the child's need for benevolent attention and cooperation. Peers cannot give this, because they themselves need the same.

Therefore, a normal child cannot quickly adapt to a nursery, because it is strongly attached to the mother (we have already discussed attachment in detail earlier), and her disappearance causes a violent protest of the child, especially if he is impressionable and emotionally sensitive.

Children 2-3 years of age are afraid of strangers and new situations of communication, which is exactly what is fully manifested in the manger. These fears are one of the reasons for the difficult adaptation of the child to the nursery. Often, the fear of new people and situations in the nursery leads to the fact that the child becomes more excitable, vulnerable, touchy, tearful, he gets sick more often, because stress depletes the body's defenses.

By the way, boys of 3-5 years old are more vulnerable in terms of adaptation than girls, since during this period they are more attached to their mother and react more painfully to separation from her.

For emotionally undeveloped children, adaptation, on the contrary, is easy - they do not have a formed attachment to their mother. Psychologists point to the following paradox: what earlier child will be given to a preschool institution (for example, up to 1 year), the more he will be collectivist in the future. Such a child will establish primary emotional contact not with his mother, but with his peers, which is not in the best way will affect the development of his emotional sphere - in the future, such a child may not experience a deep feeling of love, affection, compassion.

Thus, the more developed the emotional connection with the mother, the more difficult it will be for adaptation.. Unfortunately, not all children can overcome adaptation problems, which can lead to the development of neurosis in a child.

If adaptation to the nursery or kindergarten has not occurred for 1 year or more, then this is a signal to parents that the child is not all right and you need to contact a specialist. According to the observations of psychologists, the average period of adaptation in the norm is: in a nursery - 7-10 days, in a kindergarten at 3 years old - 2-3 weeks, in a senior preschool age- 1 month. Of course, each child reacts differently to a new situation, however, there are common features.

It is always difficult for the only children in the family to get used to a kindergarten or a nursery, especially those who are overprotected, dependent on their mother, accustomed to exclusive attention, unsure of themselves.

Children with a phlegmatic temperament feel worse than others in preschool institutions. They do not keep up with the pace of kindergarten life: they cannot quickly get dressed, get ready for a walk, eat. And if the teacher does not understand the problems of such a child, then he begins to spur him on even more, while emotional stress acts in such a way that the child slows down even more, becomes even more lethargic, indifferent.

If you notice that your child is having trouble adjusting, try talking to the teacher. Your child needs constant attention and support from his side, because other children tend to tease and offend the weaker and more dependent. At the same time, of course, the excessive exactingness and adherence to principles of the educator will be a serious brake.

A complicating factor in adaptation will be conflicts in the family, uncommunicativeness of parents. Children involuntarily learn the negative traits of their parents' behavior, which complicates their relationships with peers. They behave insecurely and indecisively, worry a lot, doubt, therefore they cannot be accepted in the group. What can be recommended here?

If a child suffers from a nervous disorder, then it is necessary to send him to kindergarten no earlier than 3 years old - a girl and 3.5 years old - a boy.

If the child is the only one in the family, often gets sick, experiences fears, then his entry into the kindergarten should be gradual. First, you need to bring him to the group, introduce him to the teacher and the guys, look at the toys together, arouse interest in the new environment and: return home. Then a few days you can bring the child to the garden and pick up before the start of daytime sleep. Depending on the behavior of the child, the time of stay should be gradually increased. At home, you should play more mobile games with him. emotional games, because in kindergarten the child feels constrained, tense, and if this tension is not deflated, it can cause neurosis.

Modern education makes the mistake of interchanging the period of "strictness" and the period of "everything is possible."

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When you get home, put your children in front of you and look into their faces, you will read the whole history of your marital relationship.

Shinichi Suzuki

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Masaru Ibuka

Raising a child means educating yourself all the time.

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The eyes or nose are passed down to your child, and the expression on his face is the mirror that reflects the relationships in the family.

Masaru Ibuka

World peace no longer depends on us today's adults, it depends on the generation that is still in diapers today.

Masaru Ibuka

The upbringing of a child begins with the upbringing of the parents.

Masaru Ibuka

…primary goal early development is to prevent the appearance of unhappy children. A child is not allowed to listen to good music and taught to play the violin in order to grow an outstanding musician out of him. He is taught a foreign language not in order to bring up a brilliant linguist, and not even in order to prepare him for a “good” kindergarten and primary school. The main thing is to develop in the child his boundless potentialities, so that there will be more joy in his life and in the world.

Masaru Ibuka

Smart or not, it's not heredity. Everything depends on your own efforts.

Masaru Ibuka

What adults think is a trifle, a trifle, can leave a deep imprint in the soul of a child.

Masaru Ibuka

Everything that a child does with his hands - draws, scatters toys, tears paper - develops his intellect and creative inclinations. The sooner you give your child pencils, the better the results will be.

Masaru Ibuka

It is extremely difficult to teach a child to roller skate after he has learned to walk, but at about the same time when he learns to walk, it is possible, and in a couple of months he will turn out to be an excellent skater.

Masaru Ibuka

Most the best upbringing for a child, it is motherly love. The most important thing for parents is raising children.

Masaru Ibuka

... the child's brain, like a sponge, quickly absorbs knowledge, but when it feels that it is full, it turns off and ceases to perceive new information. We should be concerned not that we give the child too much information, but that it is often too little to fully develop the child.

Masaru Ibuka

In my opinion, in the development of a child, education and environment play a greater role than heredity.

Masaru Ibuka

Curiosity is an important condition for the knowledge of the world and is absolutely necessary for the child for his mental and intellectual development.

Masaru Ibuka

The student must transcend the teacher, otherwise progress will be impossible.

Masaru Ibuka

"The student has surpassed the teacher" - this should be the main goal of education.

Masaru Ibuka

All people, if they do not have physical defects, are born approximately the same. The responsibility for dividing children into smart and stupid, downtrodden and aggressive lies with education. Any child, if given what he needs and when he needs it, should grow up to be intelligent and with a strong character.

Masaru Ibuka

To this day, we make life difficult for children, believing that it is too early to instill certain skills in them, and thus we miss the “best time”.

Masaru Ibuka

... mothers who talk a lot with a child have a huge impact on his intellectual development.

Masaru Ibuka

No lack of time or fatigue after work should prevent dads from communicating with their children as much as possible.

Masaru Ibuka

Talented people born into poor families, where there are usually many children, have achieved outstanding success, in particular because it is easier for a child to develop extraordinary abilities and character if he grows up in a house where there are many children and where, thanks to this, the development of everyone is stimulated.

Masaru Ibuka

... the baby will benefit even more if he has physical contact not only with his mother, but also with his father, brothers and sisters or with other children. This stimulates his mind, develops a sense of competition, sociability, the desire to be the first.

Masaru Ibuka

If, instead of finding out the cause of anger, you scold him or simply ignore him, this will only make the child more selfish and stubborn.

Masaru Ibuka

No child is born a genius, and no one is born a fool. It all depends on the stimulation and development of the brain during the critical years of a child's life.

Masaru Ibuka

The main thing is to develop in the child his boundless potentialities, so that there will be more joy in his life and in the world.

Masaru Ibuka

And if the brain of any animal cub is practically formed by the time of birth, then the brain of a newborn child is like a blank sheet of paper. From what will be written on this sheet, it depends on how gifted the child will become.

Masaru Ibuka

Non-intervention at an early age, and then pressure on the child at a later age, can only destroy his talent and cause resistance.

Masaru Ibuka

At one of the enterprises of the Sony company, a kindergarten was organized. They conducted a study to find out what kind of music children like. The results were unexpected. The most exciting music for kids was Beethoven's 5th symphony! Popular songs, which are broadcast from morning to evening on TV, took 2nd place, and in the very last place were children's songs.

Masaru Ibuka

Every year at the beginning of the summer holidays, the parents of different countries bring their children to Dr. Suzuki's violin class. No need to explain that none of them know a word of Japanese. The youngest begin to speak first. Then the children from the lower and middle grades. The most hopeless are their parents. And if many children speak Japanese perfectly in a month, then parents need years, they have to use the services of children as interpreters.

Masaru Ibuka

In Japan, a number of experiments were conducted with twins who were raised in different families from birth. Studies have shown that even twins, if they grow up in different conditions and are brought up by different people, will be very different from each other both in character and in abilities.

Masaru Ibuka

Common sense proves that the communication of a child with his mother, and especially tactile communication, is very important for his mental development.

Masaru Ibuka

Early development is often reduced to stuffing the child with information or teaching to read and write at an early age. But what is much more important is to develop the ability to reason, evaluate, perceive. There are no special programs for this, and only how parents behave, what they do and feel, how they talk to the baby, can form the personality of the child.

Masaru Ibuka

Arousing the interest of the child in the subject of education is the best pedagogical method.

Masaru Ibuka

An adult draws a teapot, and a child sees a fish with an open mouth in the drawing.

Masaru Ibuka

By imitating, the child is not just monkeying - these are acts of real creativity. Therefore, do not scold him and do not take it too seriously, so as not to kill the creative personality in the bud, which, of course, is not your intention.

Masaru Ibuka

The child touches and feels objects, and sometimes knocks over or tears them apart, and this is evidence of his growing curiosity and creativity.

Masaru Ibuka

In infancy, a child's brain does not develop separately from the body. Mental development occurs in parallel with physical and sensory development. For example, swimming develops not only muscles, but also reflexes.

Masaru Ibuka

Let your child work as much as he can, but on one condition that the result of his work is not important to you. For a child, it is not the result of his activity that is important, but the process itself. We, adults, want every job to be completed. And this is the difference between work and entertainment.

Masaru Ibuka

Japanese folk proverbs

  • If the problem can be solved, then there is no need to worry about it; if it cannot be solved, then it is useless to worry about it.
  • The sea is large because it does not disdain small rivers.
  • One kind word can warm three winter months.
  • Happiness comes to a house where they laugh.
  • An arrow is not fired at a smiling face.
  • It happens that the leaf sinks, and the stone floats.
  • Cause and patch can be pasted anywhere.
  • Don't be afraid to bend a little, straighten up straighter.
  • He who loves people lives long.
  • Near smart children and not learning to read.

Books about kindergarten for children, parents and teachers are a useful section of literature around children.

The first trip of a child to kindergarten is a real test for caring parents and kids. Some mothers even seek the advice of a psychologist to facilitate the adaptation period of the baby.

But in most cases, you can do without the help of a professional if you prepare in advance. Properly selected books can be of invaluable help here.

Books for parents about kindergarten

The most popular books about kindergarten psychologists

An excellent book with valuable advice on facilitating the period of adaptation in kindergarten, parting with your mother and getting used to strangers - " My child enjoys going to kindergarten» psychologist and teacher Anna Bykova. The author is not only a theorist, but also a practitioner preschool education, has two "Sadovsky" children and in his book evaluates the problem from different points of view. Easy to read.

“If a mother is next to the child not twenty-four hours, but twelve, but at the same time she is completely involved in the child and enjoys communication and worries, then this is better than all twenty-four, but tired, irritated and dissatisfied with life from inability to realize their desires.

A popular psychologist touches on the topic of kindergarten Ludmila Petranovskaya in particular in the book Secret support. Attachment in a child's life».

“If you treat the kindergarten as a service for parents, and not as an institution designed to educate and shape your children, a lot falls into place (...) There is no other, higher pedagogical, meaning in the history of the kindergarten. And if you don't need it, or the child really doesn't want it, or it's enough good garden not found - he will not lose anything important for development. Only a very problematic family, in which parents do not take care of their children at all, can give them less than a standard kindergarten.”

The book of the publishing house Karapuz "Paramonova, Hovsepyan, Arnautova" is popular: I went to kindergarten myself. Choice problems: family, nanny, tutor, kindergarten“.How to protect a dear child from the “bad” influence of an unpredictable environment and at the same time not make him a “mamsik”. Experienced professionals who have dedicated their lives to educating preschool children give “ helpful tips"and game" tips, using which you better "know" your child, and together with the chosen form of education, help him to maintain childish cheerfulness, spontaneity and become a comprehensively developed personality.

“Following the orders of experienced teachers, start a conversation with the baby in a day or two, prepare him for coming to the group. Tell him that you dream of showing him a kindergarten, where all children have an interesting life, where kind, affectionate teachers ... play with children, sing, dance ... "

Very useful book Olga Gromova: Bunny goes to kindergarten. Problems of adaptation. It includes tips for moms and a fictional text about Bunny going to kindergarten for the first time.

A similar book about kindergarten from the Karapuz publishing house: Karina Hovsepyan: « I'm going to kindergarten. Problems of adaptation”.

“Sooner or later, every child has to “socialize”, i.e. become able to live among other people. This is a necessary step for everyone. This means that the only question is when and under what conditions it is desirable to carry out the socialization of the child. In kindergarten, a little man, getting into the team of his peers, enters into life interactions with them. Here he gains the experience of communication, understanding of other people, the habit of not getting lost.»

More books for parents and teachers about kindergarten
