Useful tips for child development. Useful tips for younger students "Learning to be successful!" Useful tips for children

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Helpful Hints for child development

Helpful Hints teachers and psychologists.

I. Today's market is replete with a variety of toys for children different ages. However, the attention of parents should be attracted not only by high-quality, but also toys useful for child development.

II. In a toy farm for both a boy and a girl, it is desirable to have at least one or two toys for each. kind:

For movement development(ball, hoop, etc.);

Two or three board games (pyramid, constructor, split pictures);

One or two cars, dolls with "dowry" and a set of dishes, toy animals;

Fun toy;

Musical toy

III. It is better to buy toys in advance, you should not take your baby to shops for shopping (especially if it is a large store with an abundance of goods). He is still small in order to choose among the many toys what he really needs. Child asks to buy the first toy that caught his eye, does not understand why he is refused. New toy after a long search no longer brings joy.

IV. AT child's field of vision there should not be many toys at the same time, he simply will not notice them, two or four are enough to an interesting game unfolded. The rest of the toys are stored in a certain place. The board game after classes with it should not be left on the table, let the baby carefully fold it and put it in the closet, and only after that take another toy. Some of the toys with which the child does not play, you need to take it out of the children's room, and then show some as a surprise.

V. It is necessary to periodically wash, clean and repair toys. Broken, non-repairable toys should not be stored, otherwise they litter the room, bring up negligence.

VI. In order to child learned how to clean up toys on their own, you must observe the following conditions:

Make cleaning up toys an event in itself. Take a special time for this, 5-10 minutes, not allowing yourself to rush child or clean up for him;

Decide on a place to store your toys. In no case should they be collected in one common box, in a bunch;

Make it so to kid cleaning toys was not a burden, do it with him. It doesn’t matter how many toys he puts away and how many you, the main thing is to make you feel to kid that he is a participant in an important matter;

Show by your behavior a warm, kind attitude towards toys;

The kid should certainly be praised for the work done. List what he did, admire room: “Oh, how beautiful, what order!”

VII. Adults should be able to to kid play independently, but also must organize educational games, which can only be carried out under the guidance of an adult. Now we will try to play such games.

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Being good parents is not an easy task, which is why millions of couples study various books and manuals on how to properly handle their child. By applying 12 parenting tips, many moms and dads have already achieved success. So what is their secret? What rules do they follow to create a harmonious relationship with their children?

1. Patience at the limit is normal.

How often does it happen that children do not pay attention to the comments of their parents, and sometimes even violently resist their instructions. When the critical moment comes, moms and dads give up - give in to the child. By doing so, they want to keep the peace, by being patient, they want to be "good parents." But thus parents lose their authority- if the children press hard, then under pressure they will get what they want.

It is important to remember that everyone can lose patience, we are all human and everyone can lose their temper, there is nothing wrong with that. It is actually difficult to contain anger and irritation, especially if children do everything as if for evil. The child must understand that you do not like this behavior, you cannot follow the lead of your son or daughter. Allow your emotions to come out rather than hiding them inside yourself, let the child and yourself understand that you do not agree with the situation. The accumulated negativity will subsequently find a way out, only then can all family members suffer, and children most of all.

2. Teach your child to enjoy a toy, not to count its price.

When purchasing an expensive toy for a baby, parents often ask to treat it with special trepidation, constantly reminding them of how much it costs. But for a child, this does not matter, because he still cannot evaluate things and objects based on their monetary costs.

Understanding the value of money will come to him later, and when children are small, they are equally interested in playing with both simple trinkets and expensive toys. Even playing with a simple sheet of paper or a package sometimes seems more exciting to them than with a radio-controlled helicopter.

3. Punishment is a manifestation of love

Do you consider yourself a bad parent if you have to punish your children? When a son or daughter does stupid things, you have the right to be angry with them, and therefore punish them. Reprimand is a loving measure, without it the child will not learn to see the boundaries of what is permitted.

Thanks to timely punishment, children begin to understand that each of their actions has its own consequences. they grow up to be responsible for their actions. Remember that being good parents does not mean that you need to turn a blind eye to bad behavior your child and allow him everything.

4. Don't be afraid to say no

How nice it is to answer in the affirmative to all the requests of the kids, because they are so sincerely happy! But a constant “yes” can lead to relationship problems years later. A child who is not accustomed to rejection will eventually begin to demand more and more, then what should parents do? Will they be able to fulfill all the whims and requests of a teenager?

Don't be afraid to say no to young children, be firm when needed by saying your firm "no". Having refused a child for the first time, you may meet with a rebuff in the form of tears, whims, tantrums, but do not give in, if the decision is made, stick to your word. Once having yielded to the baby under the influence of whims, it will subsequently become even more difficult to refuse him something else.

5. Raise your children to be self-reliant.

By not trusting children to do small tasks around the house, doing all the work for them, you will achieve only one thing - when they grow up, they will not be able to do basic things, such as heat their own food or wash the dishes. It is necessary to teach a child to be independent from an early age. Contact them with a request to help collect toys, wipe the dust.

If the daughter wants to wash the plate, let her, even if the result is not the best, still praise the girl for her initiative and diligence. Never tell a child that he will not succeed, do not do the work for him. Such words will discourage you from taking on any business at all in the future. By doing this, parents do not give the kids the opportunity to develop independence.

Moms take note!

Hello girls! Today I will tell you how I managed to get in shape, lose 20 kilograms, and finally get rid of terrible complexes. fat people. I hope the information is useful to you!

6. Do not deprive yourself of the right to rest

The responsibility of raising children is a job that requires constant effort and attention, and besides, it is around the clock. You can’t quit her job, you can’t get a vacation either. But moms and dads still need to rest to recuperate. Sometimes it’s worth taking a so-called day off.

Teach your child to understand your sleep and rest needs. Explain that while mom is lying down, children can do something interesting - draw, make a plasticine figure, or just watch cartoons. Teach them to play quietly and not to make numerous requests to mom when she is resting. However, observe the measure - kids should not be left unattended by adults for a long time, you will be rested, but the child will be left to himself.

7. Form the habit of eating right from an early age

Wholesome and proper nutrition early age- what you need to teach your children, because human health depends on it. If you choose healthy foods yourself, let your child adopt this habit from you. It is a mistake to believe that while children are small, they can eat everything - both sweets and chips. This does not mean that babies should only eat cereals and vegetables, but fast food or other unhealthy foods should not be included in their daily diet.

Grandmothers pose the greatest danger here - they constantly think that their grandchildren are hungry, offering them either pies or pancakes. Tactfully, but strictly explain to elderly relatives that, by showing excessive care and love for babies, they harm their health.

8. Having children is not the end of life.

Being a parent does not mean giving up your own interests and entertainment. Of course, moms and dads don't have as much time to meet friends and go to the movies as they used to before the kids were born. But you can’t completely deprive yourself of some kind of emotional relief. It is important to learn how to combine parental responsibilities with your interests, to find a middle ground.

9. Take an interest in the child's life

By showing interest in what your baby is doing and enjoying, you are building a solid foundation for a good relationship in the future. In early childhood, a child can enthusiastically tell you about Pokemon, Peppa Pig and other favorite characters, new toys and cartoons.

Delving into the words of children, getting to know their world, you become close friends. When the baby grows up, he will begin to share with you already more adult problems and hobbies, knowing that you will not dismiss him, but support and listen.

10. Parents need to be able to ask for forgiveness

Basing your upbringing on the principle “mother is always right” and stubbornly not admitting your mistakes is fundamentally wrong. Everyone makes mistakes - both children and adults. And since you are teaching your child to ask for forgiveness for his misdeeds, be so kind as to follow your own rules and also admit your guilt.

Yes, it can be difficult, but there is nothing to be ashamed of. Such objective observance of the rules in your family will allow you to build harmonious and warm relations with your child on an equal footing.

11. The limit has come - take a time out

There are situations when the atmosphere heats up almost to the limit, when emotions, replacing each other, overwhelm and are ready to splash out. In this case, it is worth taking a time out - ask your grandmother or a friend to take the children for at least an hour or two to give yourself the opportunity to restore calm.

You feel that the peak of emotional overexcitation is coming, stop, go to another room at least for 20 minutes, take a shower, think about the upcoming trip to the sea. So you will avoid many conflict situations and learn to remain calm.

12. Your children are the best in the world

For parents, their child, even an adult (namely, a child for you, he will be both at 5 and at 45) will always be the best, beautiful, smart, sweet and kind. Do not be afraid of your feelings, but show them as often as possible. Some mothers and fathers believe that excessive love and care will only spoil their children, so they begin to criticize them. Do not deprive the child of support and tenderness, because they are more effective than any educational measures.

Before giving the child independence, you need to take care of his safety.

Today we will tell you how to teach your child to behave properly with strangers.

You can show these pictures to your child and discuss any dangerous situations with him.

Hide first and last name

Do not write the name and surname of the child on his things, do not hang personalized key rings on a child's backpack, do not sign a lunch box or thermos. So his name can be recognized by someone else. If a stranger addresses the child by name, he immediately inspires confidence in him and can further manipulate the baby.

It is better to write your phone number on the tag - in case the item gets lost.

Run away from cars in the opposite direction

We teach kids not to get into cars with strangers - that's the right thing to do. Let the child learn one more rule: if a car has braked near him or she is following him, and someone from the car wants to attract his attention, you need to quickly run away in the opposite direction of the car. This will help the child buy time and ask for help.

Create a family password

If a stranger invites a child to go where mom or dad is waiting for him, have the child ask him for the names of the parents and the password. Come up with your child passphrase for an emergency, if you suddenly ask someone you know to pick up your child from kindergarten or school. The password should be unexpected so that it is impossible to guess: for example, "fluffy orange".

Install tracking apps

Thanks to the GPS sensor, the application shows the coordinates of your child and the battery level of his phone.

  • Life360 Locator iOS | Android
  • GPS Phone Tracker iOS |

Wear a watch with a panic button

Panic button gadgets come in the form of watches, key chains, bracelets or medallions. Parents through a special mobile application can constantly monitor the location of the child, and if he presses the button, the signal is received by the parents or the security service.

Screaming "I don't know him!"

Tell your child that if a stranger grabs him, then you can and should be “bad”: bite, kick, scratch and attract attention at any cost, even if it is very scary. You need to shout out loud: “I don’t know him! He wants to take me away!”

Stop talking and keep your distance

The child should know that strangers can chat not only children, but also adults, so it is important to quickly leave for a safe place within 5-7 seconds after the start of the conversation. You should stand at a distance of 2–2.5 meters from a stranger; if he approaches, you need to take a step back. Rehearse this situation with your child, show a distance of 2 meters and warn that during the conversation it must be maintained.

Do not enter the elevator with strangers

Teach your child to wait for the elevator with his back to the wall so that he can see everyone who comes up to him. And if this is a stranger or someone unfamiliar, under any pretext do not go into the elevator with him: pretend that you forgot something, or go to mailbox. If someone invites you in, the best way- politely answer that parents are allowed to ride in the elevator only one or with neighbors. If a stranger tries to drag you into an elevator or cover your mouth, you need to fight, scream and bite.

Warn the child that modern world criminals can find their victim via the Internet, and not always "Misha from the next house" is really a 10-year-old boy from the neighbor's house. Harmless correspondence can be conducted by a dangerous person. Explain what can't be reported strangers, even children, your phone number, address, last name, send photos and tell when and where you like to walk. And even more so, you can’t agree to a walk with a stranger.

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Each person takes on a huge responsibility, becoming a parent. And of course, everyone wants their child to grow up kind, sympathetic, honest and courageous. But all these qualities are not taken from the air. Proper upbringing and personal example is the key to success.

We are in website collected 10 things that are best introduced to a child under 10 years old.

1. Girls and boys are equal, both need to be respected

Respect is a quality that should definitely be instilled in a child. Including respect for peers, regardless of their gender.

2. Don't be afraid to make mistakes

Learning from the mistakes of others is a talent that is not given to everyone. It is important to be able to benefit from your defeats. Teach your child not to be afraid to lose and make mistakes.

3. Grades are not the main thing. The main thing is knowledge

How many parents scold their children for every grade that does not meet their expectations. But the assessment is not always an indicator of knowledge. Maybe your child is just good at copying. Instill in him from childhood the idea that knowledge is much more important than grades in a diary.

4. Parents are not enemies, you can always turn to them for help

Not everyone can be a friend to their child, especially since he already has friends. And all it takes is good parents who know the measure in everything. Show your child that you can be trusted. A didactic tone or shouting is not the best way to do this.

5. Do not let yourself be offended by a bully, or a teacher, or anyone

Often parents show that friends, a teacher, or just other people are more authoritative than a child. Because of this, a lot of complexes are born and the inability to defend one's opinion. Explain that respect is important, but standing up for your point of view and in some situations fighting back is also necessary. The main thing is to do it right.

6. Don't do things you don't like to earn the approval of others.

The child does not always understand that popularity is not the main thing in life, and strives to get it with all his might. Show by your example that it is more important to be honest and decent than to win the favor of other people by stepping over your principles.

7. Don't be afraid to ask if you don't understand something.

Asking questions is okay. And even more so than sitting with a smart look, really not understanding anything. It's good if your child learns this as a child.

8. Always say if you feel bad

The information materials contain brief tips for raising a child: whether to attend Kindergarten, the development of the vocabulary of a preschool child, children's egoism, family conflicts, aggressive behavior of children.



Useful and interesting tips

What does kindergarten give a child?

  1. Communication lessons are a very important part of a child's development. Through the prism of communication, he will encounter an "other" who will have his own character. Perhaps this "other" baby will become his best friend, and, perhaps, you will have to go through conflicts that will be resolved by educators. Either way, it will good lesson for the child in the future.
  2. In addition to communication, he will learn many important things: daily routine, joint games, participation in matinees. The kid will develop both mentally: draw, count, read (in older groups), and physically: do gymnastics, run, perform various exercises.
  3. It must be remembered that kindergarten is a stage in the preparation of school life. So you should pay attention to the first artistic masterpieces of the child, to how much time it takes him to learn a song or rhyme. These are all signs of a child's development.

What should he say?

  1. Healthy child by one year must at least say one word other than the names of family members. A little later, he will already use a few words, usually nouns. He will also be able to understand many simple "give me" errands and can show many items when requested.
  2. By the time the child reaches two years , he must be able to speak in phrases consisting of 2-3 words and follow commands consisting of two steps, or steps, for example: "Give me this toy, and then take it to dad." The child should be able to ask the question: “What is this?” and use negative phrases like “I won’t go”, “I don’t want to” and have about 300 words in my dictionary.
  3. Between two and three yearsthe child must learn to speak in short sentences like "I'll go find my mother." By the age of three, a child should be able to freely use present tense verbs in his speech, as well as build sentences in 3-4 words and have about 1000 words, including abstract concepts.
  4. four year old the child asks "why" and "who" and asks many other questions. His sentences are 4-5 words long and he uses past tense verbs correctly. His vocabulary expands to about 1500 words and he is able to pronounce most of the consonants correctly.
  5. At the age of five a child's sentence length is 5-6 words, and in his vocabulary he uses about 2000 words. He uses in his speech all types of sentences that require the future, past and present tenses. Children who have these speech skills delayed by more than six months should be examined by a doctor.

How not to grow an egoist?

As a rule, in a family with an only child, parents give everything to him alone. This not only applies to material values, but, above all, to care and love. They do everything for him, whatever he asks, fulfill all his desires. Parents really want to indulge their child in everything - well, this is their only treasure. But do not forget that by doing this you can harm the baby. After talking among themselves, parents should establish their own limits for raising a child and try not to go beyond them. Your child should communicate more with peers - let it be a kindergarten or a company of cousins. The main thing is that he should know that he is the only child in the family, but not the only one in the world. You must instill in him such simple norms as sharing a candy, a book, a toy with other children. This simple method will help him not to become selfish.

The child is not a robot!

Very often, parents of an only child try to instill in him all the abilities that they can, giving him to all circles and sections. They want to make a child prodigy out of their only child, and in the end he will study everywhere at an average level, because he himself has not yet understood and decided what he would really like to do. Give him a choice. Let him visit several sections at once, if you so desire, and he himself will understand what he likes best. A child is not a robot, he cannot do well everywhere. Whom should you consider the preferences of the child. In no case do not put pressure on him, demanding the realization of your hopes and aspirations.

Family conflicts - stress for the baby

Conflicts, whatever they may be, in any case, will adversely affect your baby. There are three main types of conflicts:

  1. A stormy showdown. This option is the most difficult for the child. Everything happens before his eyes - your quarrels, insults, curses. And even if all this is said in the heat of the moment, so to speak, in the heat of the moment, everything that is seen and said by the child for a long time, if not forever, will be deposited in the memory. Perhaps he will become secretive, or maybe, on the contrary, more nervous and impressionable.
  2. "Quiet" showdown. This option, of course, is easier for the baby, but still you risk putting him before a choice. As a rule, quarreling parents “quietly” play silent, and, communicating only with the child, try to win him over to their side. Thus, the baby finds himself between two fires and does not know what to do - after all, he loves both mom and dad equally. The child is trying his best to reconcile his parents, and on the other hand, mom and dad began to show even more care and awe towards him, so why change something? In the mind of the child, it is postponed that the quarrel of the parents can be beneficial.
  3. Pretend that "everything is fine."This is probably the most common variant of quarrels, which most seriously affects the child. Spouses often pretend to be a "good family" different reasons: someone thinks that it is better for a baby to live in a full-fledged family than with one of the parents, someone maintains status for the sake of a career, someone simply has nowhere to go after a divorce. This is how they live, creating an illusion, and meanwhile the child suffers. The little man has the feeling that he is simply being deceived. And who can you trust if not your own parents?

Little aggressor

Aggressive behavior in a child may include actions such as biting, hitting, pinching, knocking other children down. At about a year old, it's normal for a child to drag things towards him, bite, or otherwise explore the outside world with his teeth and fingers. Usually in this case there is no talk of hostility. By the age of two or three, biting a child is a way to attract attention or an act of displeasure. After three years bites and that similar actions are already an expression of aggression due to irritation. Sometimes such actions are a way of obtaining an item that another child has. With age, however, over-aggressive behavior must be controlled in order for the child to develop into a socially acceptable individual.

Actions of parents. Do not reward your baby with laughter if he has bitten someone. Give him something to chew on. If he can speak or understand you, then tell him: "We don't bite" ... Always look at the child when you teach him, and make him answer you with a look. Establish peaceful interpersonal relationships in your family, let them be the rule. Use "time out" to raise a child. When he is over-aggressive, put him in an isolated, uninteresting place in the calculation - one minute for every year of his life. Calm also his victim. If the incident happened on the playground, take the child home. Praise and reward your child for good behavior. Teach him to use words, not physical actions, to express his anger and irritation. And finally, show him an example of self-control in your own behavior.

Little stubborn.

Child younger age(one to three years) sometimes refuses to fulfill the requests and orders of adults in time, he may constantly say “no” or even ignore any appeal to him. Children generally tend to express their individuality through the denial of everything and everyone. They begin to discover from an early age that they can control many events: refusing to do something is a kind of way to assert their independence. On the other hand, negativism or a bad mood can be associated with painful symptoms, such as fever, onset of illness, fatigue, or boredom. Therefore, it is important to assess the general condition of the child, before attributing stubbornness or unwillingness to contact at the expense of the mental characteristics of the child's development. Don't take your child's erratic behavior personally. Stubbornness or unwillingness to obey does not reflect his real attitude towards you. Most likely, the unwillingness to obey is just a new expression of the physical and mental strengths and capabilities that the child has discovered in himself. Parents should be well aware of what a child can and what not. Don't set too many rules and restrictions. If a moment comes that requires the child to obey, for example, he needs to stop playing and go shopping with you, prepare him for this in advance. Warn him that you have to leave in a few minutes, so let him finish the game. When the time comes for the child to obey, be firm in sticking to your decision. Praise him if he quickly and positively accepts your demands. Tell him how glad you are that he is coming with you.
