What does the appearance of nails say? Diseases of the nails on the legs and hands, photo, description, symptoms

Diseases of the nails, in which their shape and size change, always cause great discomfort in a person and significantly reduce the quality of his life. Nails are a mirror reflecting the state of human health, and are often the first to indicate serious diseases of the body. Half of all cases of diseases is. At different stages of the development of this disease, changes in the nails are expressed in one form or another and often have a great similarity with a number of other diseases. Nails are often affected in lichen planus, psoriasis, and eczema.

Diseases of the nails in some common diseases

Fungal infection (onychomycosis)

With onychomycosis, the color changes, shine is lost, stripes and spots appear, the thickness of the nail plates increases. Over time, the nails become deformed, crumble, break down, or break away from the nail bed.

Rice. 1. The photo shows onychomycosis.

Lichen planus

Thinning of the nail plates, discoloration, delamination at the free edge, separation from the nail bed and damage to the nail folds are the main signs of lichen planus. Nails are reduced in size. Often cracks and ribbing appear on their surface. The causes of lichen planus have not yet been established. Many factors influence the development of the pathological process.

Rice. 2. In the photo, lichen planus.


The causes of psoriasis have not yet been established. The disease is considered multifactorial. Undoubtedly, changes in the immune system play a large role in the development of the disease. Nail plates in psoriasis change long before the appearance of the main manifestations of the disease - psoriatic plaques on the skin. The more the matrix is ​​involved in the pathological process, the more pronounced.

The main manifestations of psoriatic lesions in primary psoriasis: punctate depressions and pitting, separation from the nail bed, the appearance of smoky lines, increasing dryness of the nails, their fragility, the development of subungual keratosis.
In the secondary form of the disease, the nail plates change shape, scales, deep furrows appear on their surface, color changes, delamination and peeling are often noted.

Rice. 3. In the photo, nails with psoriasis.


Eczema, like lichen planus and psoriasis, is a multifactorial disease. The nail plate during the disease changes its shape and exfoliates. Its surface is dull and rough, striated with transverse furrows. The degree of damage to the nail matrix affects the thickness of the nail itself. Frequent inflammation leads to the fact that the nail skin disappears, cracks and wounds appear.

Rice. 4. The photo shows eczema.

Changes in the shape, size and appearance of nails

Fragile nails, crumbling and brittle

Brittle, crumbling, and brittle nails are more likely to result from exposure to chemicals, water, and nail polish. They appear when the thyroid gland malfunctions. Old age is a sign of aging. The chronic course of psoriasis also leads to fragility and crumbling. Sometimes the disease is congenital.

Rice. 5. Nail diseases - onychomycosis and psoriasis.

Rough and flaky nails (trachnonychia)

Trachnonychia is most commonly seen in eczema, psoriatic lesions, neurodermatitis, and lichen planus. Such nails look dry, dull, flaky, sometimes with punctate impressions. The free edge is serrated, with a large number of cracks.

Rice. 6. In the photo of nail disease - psoriasis and eczema.

Brittle, split, and flaky nails (onychorrhexis and onychoshisis)

Splitting of the nail plates and fragility can be in the longitudinal (onychorrhexis) and transverse (onychoshisis) directions.

A common cause of this pathology is the permanent injuries that occur to musicians while playing stringed instruments and performing cosmetic procedures(manicure). The cause of splitting can be eczema and red lichen. Lamellar splitting is most often a congenital pathology. Onychorrhexis is most often a sign of aging.

Rice. 7. In the photo, splitting of nails in the transverse (onychoshisis) and longitudinal direction (onychorrhexis).

Longitudinal furrows

This pathology is often found in people in old age. The cause of the appearance of longitudinal furrows can be lichen planus, stress and metabolic disorders. Longitudinal furrows are found in completely healthy people. Each groove and ridge corresponds to protrusions located on the lower surface of the nail plate.

Rice. 8. The photo shows longitudinal furrows.

Longitudinal canal dystrophy

This type of change affects the nail plates of the thumbs. The phenomenon is characterized by the appearance of a furrow (wide channel) more often in the center, less often closer to the outer edge of the nail plate. Often furrows appear after injury and disorders of the autonomic nervous system. The familial nature of the pathology is noted.

Rice. 9. The photo shows longitudinal channel-like dystrophy.

Transverse furrows

Transverse furrows are found in severe somatic diseases and exposure to a number of environmental factors. The deeper the groove, the more affected the nail matrix. Furrows often appear with a number of skin diseases, myocardial infarction, after chemotherapy, Raynaud's disease and exposure to low temperatures.

Rice. 10. In the photo transverse furrows(furrows Beau-Reilly).

Lateral lesion

The cause of the lateral lesion is most often a fungal infection and subungual fibromas.

Rice. 11. In the photo of nail diseases, in which there is a lateral lesion of the nail plates - onychomycosis and subungual fibromas.


Cracks always appear on healthy nail plates suddenly. The phenomenon is associated with the use of significant efforts during the processing procedure (manicure) with sharp instruments.

Rice. 12. The photo shows a cracked nail.

Thickening of nails

The most common cause of thickened nails is fungus and psoriasis. A little less often, pathology is detected with eczema, warts of the nail bed and lichen planus.

Rice. 13. In the photo of nail diseases, in which their significant thickening is noted - onychomycosis and psoriasis.

Ingrown (pincer) nail

The nail plates become pincer-shaped when their edges grow into the tissues of the nail fold, which becomes inflamed and covered with bloody crusts. The damaged surface is easily vulnerable and often bleeds. Growing granulations - "wild meat". Pus is constantly released. There is a heavy smell near the patient. The disease is accompanied by severe pain, due to which the patient begins to limp. The disease is most often recorded in young people.

The main cause of the disease is a hereditary factor, when there is a pronounced longitudinal curvature of the nail plate. Its growth takes on an oblique direction. The nail fold itself is significantly enlarged, and the nail bed is narrow.
Contributes to the disease wearing narrow shoes, improper cutting of nails, change in the direction of growth thumb feet and injuries. The disease is often recorded in persons of certain professions - ballerinas, dancers, basketball players, boxers and football players.

Rice. 14. But the photo is an ingrown nail (pincer). The roller is inflamed, covered with bloody crusts and bleeds. An increase in granulation (“wild meat”) is visible.

Claw nails (onychogryphosis)

Thickening and curvature of the nail plates occurs with injuries, wearing uncomfortable shoes, frostbite, circulatory disorders in the lower extremities and in senile people.

Often the disease is congenital in nature, when the cause of onychogryphosis is a malnutrition of the tissues of the nail bed. One or all nails are affected. They have a stony density and longitudinal furrows of yellow-brown or brown color. Sometimes their length reaches 3 - 3.5 cm. They can twist, resembling a ram's horn.

Rice. 15. In the photo, claw-like nails (onychogryphosis).

Partial detachment of nails (onycholysis)

With onycholysis, the nail plates separate from the nail bed. Fungal infection (rubromycosis) and psoriasis are the main causes of this pathology.

Thyrotoxicosis, severe intoxication, trauma and eczema also sometimes cause nail detachment. The separation begins from the side of the free edge, which acquires a white color.

Rice. 16. The photo shows a partial separation of the nail plates on the hands with rubromycosis.

Rice. 17. In the photo of nail disease - fungus and psoriasis.

Complete separation (onychomadesis)

Complete separation of the nail plate begins at the proximal edge. The process develops very quickly and is mainly recorded on the thumbs of the hands and feet. The reason for separation of the nail plate is not clear today, but it is known that the function of the matrix is ​​significantly impaired during separation.

Sometimes the separation is preceded by trauma, sometimes by a manicure, using sharp instruments. The cause of detachment can be a fungus, psoriasis, sarcoidosis and eczema. A similar pathology is noted with a congenital disease - epidermolysis.

Rice. 18. In the photo, the complete separation of the nail plates: on the left with psoriasis, on the right with trauma.

Flat nails (platonychia)

Platonychia most often represents a congenital anomaly. Diseases such as cirrhosis of the liver and psoriasis lead to the appearance of this pathology during life. Changes always affect all nail plates.

Rice. 19. In the photo, platonychia.

Spoon nails (koilonychia)

Koilonychia is often a symptom of iron deficiency anemia. The shape of the nail plates changes with trauma, prolonged exposure to acids and alkalis, with Addison's disease, fungal infection, psoriasis, Raynaud's disease and lupus erythematosus. The family nature of this type of pathology is noted.

Rice. 20. The photo shows koilonychia.

Pinholes and dents

Pinpoint depressions and dents primarily indicate the manifestation of psoriasis and often appear long before the main symptoms of the disease. A little less often, such changes are recorded with eczema. Sometimes punctate depressions are found in perfectly healthy people.

Rice. 21. Damage to the nails in psoriasis - dotted depressions.

Rice. 22. In the photo, nail damage in psoriasis is punctate indentations.

Nail injury

Injuries to the nail plates often result in a significant cosmetic defect - deformation, destruction and hemorrhage. Bacterial endocarditis and rheumatoid arthritis can sometimes cause hemorrhages at the base of the nail.

Rice. 23. The photo shows a nail injury.

Hippocratic nails ("drum fingers")

The nails, together with the phalanges of the fingers, become domed and increase significantly in size, resembling watch glasses. Most often, this pathology occurs in patients with chronic lung diseases - tuberculosis, emphysema, neoplasms in the lungs, etc. In some patients, "drum fingers" are found in diseases cardiovascular system and leukemia. Often this pathology is familial.

Rice. 24. In the photo, the nails are “drumsticks”.

Absence of nail plates (anonychia)

Lichen planus, pemphigus, congenital epidermolysis bullosa are diseases in which anonychia is noted. Often the disease is familial and is a congenital pathology.

Rice. 25. In the photo, the complete absence of nail plates (anonychia).

Small nails (micronychia)

Small nails on the hands and feet and hands are a congenital pathology. The habit of biting nails, epilepsy, scleroderma, trophoneurosis are the main causes of acquired micronichia.

Rice. 26. Micronichia.

Rice. 27. In the photo, micronichia.

Pachyonychia congenita (Jadasson-Lewandowski syndrome)

Articles of the section "Fungal diseases (mycoses)"Most popular

Short flat nail - characteristic of people with organic heart disease, which is expressed in sensitivity to "stuffiness", heat rejection, physical fatigue

According to Tibetan medicine, nails are a by-product of bones. Look at the size, shape, surface and outline of your nails. See also if they are flexible, soft, delicate, or brittle, easily broken.

If the nails are dry, hooked, rough, easily broken, then the body is dominated by the wind.

When the nails are soft, pink, tender, easily bent and slightly shiny, then bile predominates in the body.

If the nails are thick, strong, soft, very shiny, with the same contour, then mucus predominates.

Long lines on the nails indicate poor absorption of food in the digestive system. Cross grooves on the nails indicate poor nutrition or advanced diseases.

Sometimes the nails are protruding, convex, bulbous, similar to drumsticks. This condition of the nails indicates weakness of the heart and lungs.

When the nail is spoon-shaped and concave so that it can hold a drop of water, it indicates an iron deficiency.

White spots on the nail indicate a lack of zinc or calcium.

Nail coloration may indicate specific disorders.

If the moon is a crescent at the base of the nail (blue means liver disorders; red is a sign of heart failure).

Pale nails indicate anemia. Excessive redness of the nails indicates an excess of red blood cells. Yellow nails indicate liver weakness or jaundice. Blue nails indicate a weak heart and lungs.

White dots on the ring finger indicate calcium deposits in the kidneys. If there are white dots on the index finger, this indicates an accumulation of calcium in the lungs.

Each finger has a connection with a specific organ. The thumb is associated with the brain and skull, and the index finger with the lungs. The middle finger is associated with the small intestine, the ring finger with the kidneys, and the little finger with the heart.

In ancient China, the primary diagnosis was made by the condition of the nails and points on the body.

Currently, this method has become very popular, as it can be done independently.

You yourself can diagnose yourself and your loved ones and identify the disorders that have begun in the body.

Look closely at your nails. You will see that the holes have become much thinner than before, or even completely disappeared. Only on the thumbs the holes are still large and light.

In heavy smokers or people who have lung problems, the holes will be small and thin. Oriental medicine, by the way, believes that if a person does not have a hole on his thumb, then he is not all right with his head. The majority of people still have a hole on their thumb, but what about others?

It is believed that the index finger reflects the condition of the large intestine. If the hole on it is significantly reduced or even absent, you need to pay special attention to the condition of the intestines, liver and pancreas. Inflammatory processes and gynecological diseases are also reflected in the holes of the nails of the index fingers.

The nails of the middle finger are responsible for the circulatory and vascular systems. If the hole on the nail of the middle finger is missing, the person has problems with blood pressure, veins and capillaries.

The hole on the nail of the ring finger reflects the work of the endocrine system. The absence of a hole on the nail of this finger indicates a metabolic disorder and problems with the lymphatic system.

The holes on the nails of the smallest finger are responsible for the condition of the heart and small intestine. That is why with age, it is the little finger hole that disappears first. The small intestine is slagged and as a result, the hole disappears. All this leads to disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system (the hole of the ring finger becomes thinner), the heart cannot withstand negative changes (the hole on the nail of the middle finger disappears), and the large intestine is the last to surrender.

Healthy nails are not only beautiful, but also considered a sign of a healthy body. Unfortunately, more and more problems arise with nails, many of which cannot be solved without a qualified specialist.

All diseases of the nails on the hands and feet can be divided into two main groups: fungal and non-fungal. But before proceeding with their definition, it is necessary to understand not only the causes and factors contributing to the violation of the nail plate, but also the structure and growth of a healthy nail.

The structure of the nail

Nails act as a protective shell for our fingertips. They have three main components:

The root is located under the skin, the body is the nail plate, and the edge is the regrown part of the nail. Growth begins with the root, which gradually lengthens and forms the nail plate. The cuticle, or nail skin, helps hold the nail against the skin. Many people probably know that cutting the cuticle is harmful, but, nevertheless, this does not stop anyone. But in vain, because it plays an important role in the development of the nail.

The reverse side, which connects the nail plate to the fingertip, is called the nail bed. The upper part ( white color) is called the nail socket. The nails themselves should be transparent, but this hole creates a visual effect of white.

Nail growth

Nails grow one centimeter every hundred days. Hand nails grow faster than toe nails. That is, in order to completely change the nail plate, it will take about six months. But given that toenails grow 50% slower, they will need a whole year. In general, the figures given are approximate, because everything depends on a number of factors:

    the man himself,

    his age

  • physical activity,


It will take time for you to grow long healthy nails.

Causes of non-fungal diseases

Skin and nails are a mirror reflecting the state of the human body. What are the causes of nail diseases?

    not proper care;

  • unhealthy diet;

    infectious diseases;

  • heredity;


  • disease of the heart, nervous system, thyroid gland.

Most of the causes are created by ourselves, so we should seriously think about eliminating them.

Also, if deep grooves suddenly appeared on the nails, it means that a yeast infection has occurred. The appearance of yellowness, delamination, breakage are the consequences of serious diseases, impaired metabolism, contact with chemicals, which adversely affect nails, low-quality varnishes and other cosmetics, bad shoes.

A healthy nail is...?

A healthy nail should look like this:

    Have a pinkish color

    smooth surface,

    Must be unsealed.

These are three important criteria for healthy nails. As soon as the deformation of the nail plate (yellowing, for example) begins, this is the first signal that something wrong is happening in the body. It is important to respond to the disease in time, because if you do not start treatment, then a simple disease can develop into something more.

The relationship between health and human nails

As already mentioned, nails are a kind of indicator indicating health or “malfunctions” in the body. And this is good, because thanks to their function, it is possible to detect the disease early and start its treatment in time.

So, white spots indicate liver disorders. If the nail is white and pink at the same time, then there are problems with the kidneys. Red nail bed? It is worth checking the heart. Yellowish color of the nails and at the same time their compaction is observed? Possible lung problems. A pale nail bed is characteristic of anemia. If the nails are not only yellow, but also have a bluish base, then this indicates diabetes.

Diseases of the body can be reflected on the nail plate

Less serious signs also indicate human health:

    white spots: a common problem. Causes are trauma or impact. Specialized treatment is not required, as everything will pass by itself;

    thickening of the nails: the causes can be either psoriasis or a fungal infection, or age-related changes or injury;

    vertical cracks: the reason is too frequent interaction with water, so you should pay attention to foods rich in zinc and iron;

    exfoliation of the nail: the main reason is frequent interaction with chemicals and substances, in this regard, you need to protect your hands with gloves.

Now you can move on to the main diseases of the nails.

Non-fungal nail diseases

There are many such diseases, but the most common are the following types.


The nail becomes cloudy white. And the main reason for this is psoriasis. Also, long-term use of low-quality varnish.


The nail first becomes white, and then the nail plate exfoliates from the nail bed. Causes: psoriasis, trauma.


Nails blacken. A disease appears due to injuries or swelling of the nail bed.


The nail bed gradually thickens, due to the development of psoriasis, lichen planus, eczema and dermatitis.


Nails turn yellow. Occurs due to age, drugs, poor circulation, smoking, cheap nail polish, liver disease, poor quality detergents.


Its causes are allergies or infections, and at the same time, the periungual roller becomes inflamed.

Grooves on the nails

The grooves can be transverse and longitudinal. They arise due to malnutrition, lack of vitamins, anemia, stomach problems, as well as poor-quality manicure and pedicure and nail injuries.

Delamination of nails

There are many reasons: lack of calcium, diseases of the heart and endocrine system, the use of very hard nail files and improper processing of the nail.

Other nail diseases

Other diseases include those associated with an unhealthy lifestyle, that is, mainly household injuries and non-serious diseases.

Nail discoloration

Causes: anemia, smoking, general deterioration in health, cheap varnish. What to do? Wait until the nail grows back and continue to avoid cheap varnishes from unknown manufacturers that are absorbed into the nail plate and do not come out.

bitten nails

It's not a disease, it's just a bad habit. But it also leads to the destruction of the nail plate. To get rid of addiction, you can smear your fingertips with pepper and do a manicure as often as possible.

Yellow nails in smokers

Nails are even not just yellow, but brown. They can be bleached with hydrogen peroxide or contact a specialist for help.

grooved nails

Cause: injury. But the defect is covered with varnish or polished with pumice powder.


This is a thickening of the nail, which can hardly be called a normal phenomenon. The cause is usually a local infection.


On the contrary, it is an abnormal thinning of the nail. It becomes not only thin, but also white, easily bending. The nail plate is bent, separated from the nail bed. Reason: chronic disease.


Reason: injury, illness. Consequences: disappearance of shine, flaking of nails.


In this case, the cuticle is attached to the nail and grows forward. It must be carefully removed and lubricated with almond oil.

Hanging nail

The nail just cracks at the base. Reasons: dryness of the cuticle, deep cutting, sloppy manicure. Possible consequences: infections.

bruised nail

Dark purple or almost black spots are characteristic. The reason for its appearance: injury and bleeding in the nail bed. The blood dries up and does not detach. You should try to avoid excessive pressure, as the nail can peel off.

Ingrown nail

A fairly popular problem that occurs due to improperly done manicure. For example, if the nails did not have time to grow and they were cut off on the sides. As a result, it turns out that the nail grows into the side ridges, instead of growing straight. This leads to inflammation. If the case is severe and neglected, then it is necessary to resort to an operation performed under local anesthesia. If this is seen in initial stage then finger massage can help.


Burrs appear as a result of careless attitude to your hands and improper care. They cannot be torn off and chewed. You can get an infection. You need to carefully cut them with small scissors, lubricate the place with iodine. Burrs are not a disease of the nails, but, nevertheless, you should not leave them unattended. This is a kind of tear of the cornea. Causes of appearance: the use of irritants and poor hygiene. Their danger lies in the fact that they are conductors of infection, which leads to inflammation of the periungual roller. It is for this reason that they must be removed, but in no case should they be cut off so as not to form open wounds, which become the site of infection.

fungal diseases

These are more serious infectious diseases that should be treated immediately.

Getting rid of a fungal disease is not too easy.

Candidiasis of the nail folds

How to understand? Red, sore and swollen skin around the nails. Causes: cuts during the manicure process. What's happening? A fungus gets under the back nail roller and begins its reproduction.


This fungal infection affects not only the nails, but also the skin. Skin covering becomes inflamed, begins to peel off and itch. You can’t do without a dermatologist here, because the use of conventional ointments and creams is unlikely to be limited. Treatment involves not only external influence, but also internal. The obvious signs include: compaction of the nail plate, the presence of tuberosity, loosening and lamination of the nail, a change in shape and color.


Also called a fungus. It is characterized by the appearance of white spots that are removed from the surface. Sometimes the signs are different: yellow and white stripes appear. The infection moves from the edge of the nail to its root. The infected part becomes thick and colorless.


Pyogenic microbes get into small cracks and wounds, thereby causing inflammation of the finger and nails. This disease can be deep (bone, subcutaneous, articular and tendon) and superficial (subungual, periungual and skin).

To keep nails healthy, all they need is just the right care. So, what can be done, and what is strictly not recommended to do.

    Don't file your nails too often. And it's better to do it in one direction to avoid delamination.

    Manicure is best done on steamed hands, so as not to get inflammation.

    If the nails are brittle, then magnesium, iodine and calcium should be included in the diet.

    Of the products you need to eat fruits, pork, vegetables and fish more often.

    After washing the feet, they must be thoroughly wiped so as not to leave a chance for the spread of fungal infections.

    No bad habits of nail biting!

    Do not use acetone based nail polish remover.

Treatment of sick nails: traditional medicine

There are many ways that it offers ethnoscience, but the most effective are exactly those presented below.

    Infusion: parsley, celery, dill are cut, poured with oil, everything is infused for two days, taken in a tablespoon once a day.

    1. Moisture spreads fungal infections, so hands, feet, and fingernails should be kept dry at all times.

      Let's go back to this bad habit how to bite your nails. Not only will this not add aesthetics to the hands, but rather the opposite, dangerous microbes in the gastrointestinal tract will then not be counted. By the way, this habit is a symptom of nervous diseases. It may be worth contacting a specialist.

      Try to moisturize your cuticles and nail plate every day with a lotion that is designed for this purpose and contains vitamin E, which is an antioxidant.

      And again: avoid using acetone to remove nail polish. Or at least keep it to a minimum.

      Eat right, lead a healthy and active lifestyle. Maximum vegetables, fruits, vitamins, liquids (about 1.5-2 liters per day).

      Do not self-medicate if the nails have begun to grow.

      Do manicures and pedicures only in trusted salons.

    The tips are simple, but following them will help keep your nails healthy, strong, well-groomed and beautiful!

Healthy hand skin and beautiful smooth nails can only indicate one thing - a person is healthy or does not have significant problems with internal organs. But if the skin of the hands peels off, has an unpleasant color, and the nails begin to exfoliate, break and become stained, then the person is seriously ill. In this article, we will explain in detail, how to determine the state of health by nails.

At the end of the 19th century, doctors learned to determine by the appearance of the nails, the state of health person. They came to the conclusion that the lack of important trace elements in the human body is reflected not only in internal organs but also on the nails.

It turns out that check the health status of the nails you can do it yourself without medical care. To do this, you need to understand what changes with the nail plates and skin of the hands can indicate health problems, and what is the norm:

  1. If the skin on your hands starts to peel, crack, or become very dry and yellowish, you may be developing a serious liver or bowel disease.

Important! If you notice that the skin of the hands unnatural color(gray, pale, cyanotic), consult a rheumatologist and cardiologist, as this is a sign of heart problems. In addition, short, flat nails and a large hole at their base will tell you about congenital heart diseases.

By the way, white spots on the nails can be due to a hereditary factor. This medical condition is called leukonychia.

  1. If the nail plate of the ring finger has changed its shape - it has become a semicircle, this is a reason to contact a nephrologist who should examine your kidneys.
  2. If all your nails are in the shape of a triangle, then most likely you have some kind of bone disease, mainly associated with the spine.
  3. What do nails say about health? if their grooves have become longitudinal? Experts say that this is a sign of diseased teeth and nasopharynx.
  4. If the thumbnail has a convex shape, then a person has begun to develop pulmonary tuberculosis.
  5. flat curved nails speak of such congenital health problems:
  • asthma
  • bronchitis
  1. Tubular elongated fingernails indicate extremely poor health person. Most often, cancerous tumors on the internal organs lead to such changes in the nail plate.
  2. People whose nails have a rounded convex shape are emotionally unbalanced - they are very aggressive, quick-tempered and nervous.
  3. If the nails of the hands and feet have acquired a flattened appearance, and besides, their upper edges have become fragmented, it means that helminths are wandering around the human body.
  4. White plaque on the nail plates indicates severe health and nail health generally. If you are faced with such a problem, then you should visit a therapist who will refer you to clinical studies to determine the condition of the digestive tract organs. For example:
  • If the nails are too embossed or "perforated" (exfoliate), this indicates a disease of the spleen;
  • Fragility of nails indicates developing gastritis and duodenal ulcer.

  1. If the nails grow very slowly, this indicates a clear beriberi. A person needs to eat as many vitamins as possible.
  2. Modified health toe nails they won't say anything. Most often, they suffer from a fungus (onychomycosis), which must be treated effectively and quickly so that the infection does not affect the skin.

Nail health status: photo

Nail color and organ health

If your nails have a pinkish tint, you can be sure that no serious pathologies you do not have. Another thing is when the nail plates have acquired a different color:

  • If the nails turn yellow, it means that bilirubin (yellow pigment) has increased in the human blood. This occurs in diseases of the liver, gallbladder, spleen and pancreas.
  • If the nails are blue or even purple, then this is an indicator that you spend a lot of time in a poorly ventilated room, which in turn led to hypoxia (oxygen starvation of the brain). This is very dangerous symptom, which can provoke lung failure or some kind of disease associated with the heart and blood vessels.
  • When the nail plates turn black, this means that they are injured (blood has dried under them due to a blow or thrombosis).
  • If your nails are no longer pink, but have acquired a pronounced scarlet color, then your blood has an increased content of red blood cells (red cells).
  • People with pale or white nails have either anemia or kidney disease.

Hand nails health: table

Pay more attention not only to the beauty of your manicure and pedicure. Pay close attention to the color of the nails, what shape and structure they are in order to avoid numerous health problems.

Video: "Diseases in the nails"

Vertical striations or white spots on the nails are usually harmless. If the nails are curved upwards and look like spoons, this may be due to iron deficiency anemia, hemochromatosis (excess iron absorption), heart disease, or hypothyroidism.

Nails are often viewed solely from an aesthetic point of view, but they are not just a platform for bright colors and artful manicures. The shape, texture, and color of nails is a window into the body, and while some nail symptoms are harmless, there are others that indicate chronic disease, including cancer.

  • Simple nail care tips

As noted by the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD):

"Nails often reflect our overall health. Nail changes such as discoloration or thickening can signal health problems, including liver and kidney disease, heart and lung disease, anemia and diabetes."

If you notice any significant changes in your nails, including swelling, discoloration, or changes in shape or thickness, see a dermatologist right away. It may be nothing to worry about, or it may be caused by a deeper problem (for example, nail problems are common in diabetics).

Below we will talk about 10 symptoms on the nails that you may notice in yourself at one time or another in your life, and what they say about your health.

10 nail symptoms and what they say about your health

1. Yellow nails

Nails can turn yellow with age or due to the use of acrylic nails or polish. Smoking can also cause yellow nails. If the nails are yellow, thickened, and crumbly, a fungal infection may be the culprit.

Less commonly, yellow nails may be associated with thyroid disease, diabetes, psoriasis, or respiratory conditions (such as chronic bronchitis).

2. Dry, cracked or brittle nails

Lifestyle can play a role here, for example, if hands are constantly in the water (washing dishes, swimming, etc.), frequent use of nail polish remover, exposure to chemicals (such as cleaning products), or living in an area with low humidity .

Cracks and delamination can also be caused by a fungal infection or thyroid disease, especially hypothyroidism. Brittle nails can also be caused by a lack of vitamins A and C or vitamin B biotin.

3. Thickening of the terminal phalanges

In this case, the fingertips increase, and the nail bends down. This can be a sign of low blood oxygen levels and is associated with lung disease. Thickening can also be associated with liver or kidney disease, heart disease, inflammatory bowel disease, and AIDS.

4. White spots

Small white spots on the nails are usually the result of an injury to the nails. This is not a cause for concern - they will disappear or grow back on their own. Less commonly, white patches that don't go away can be caused by a fungal infection.

5. Horizontal grooves

Horizontal grooves can also be caused by injury or a serious medical condition. high temperature(for example, scarlet fever or pneumonia). John Anthony, M.D., a dermatologist at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio, explained it to TIME magazine this way:

“This is usually the result of a direct injury to the nail or a more serious disease - in this case they appear on several nails at the same time ... The body literally says:“ I have better things to do than do nails, ”and stops their growth.”

Horizontal grooves, also known as Beau-Reil's grooves or Beau's lines, can also be caused by psoriasis, untreated diabetes, diseases of the circulatory system, or severe zinc deficiency. The other type of horizontal lines are Messa stripes - these are horizontal bands of discoloration that can be caused by arsenic poisoning, Hodgkin's disease, malaria, leprosy, or carbon monoxide poisoning.

6. Vertical grooves

Vertical striations are usually a common sign of aging and are not a cause for concern. As we age, they may become more noticeable. In some cases, striated nails can be caused by a lack of nutrients, including vitamin B12 and magnesium.

7 Spoon Nails

Nails that curve up at the edges and look like a spoon can be a sign of iron deficiency anemia, hemochromatosis (excess iron absorption), cardiovascular disease, or hypothyroidism.

8. Indentations on the nails

If there are pinpoint depressions or pits on the nails, this is often a sign of psoriasis. Nail dimples can also be caused by connective tissue disorders (including Reiter's syndrome) or alopecia areata, an autoimmune disease that causes hair loss.

9. Darkening of the nails

Black streaks or painful growths on the nails require immediate medical attention as they can be caused by melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer.

10. White nails with pink stripes

If the nails are mostly white with a narrow pink streak on top (Terry's nails), it could be a sign of liver disease, congestive heart failure, kidney failure, or diabetes. Sometimes Terry's nails can also be caused by aging.

Biting your nails? This can lead to infection.

Most nail symptoms are due to systemic problems, trauma, or lifestyle factors, such as nail biting. Those who bite their nails experience paronychia, a skin infection around the nails.

When you chew on your nails, bacteria, yeast, and other microorganisms can enter through tiny cuts or abrasions, leading to swelling, redness, and pus around the nail.

Sometimes you have to resort to surgery. Bacterial infections due to nail biting are, in fact, one of the most common nail problems, according to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD).

Nail biting typically begins in childhood, peaks during adolescence, and then slowly (or suddenly) stops. If you're an adult who can't kick the habit, or you're the parent of a child or teenager who bites your nails, offer simple ways that effectively help stop biting your nails:

  • Keep a diary to understand what makes you bite your nails, like boredom or watching TV, and then try to avoid those triggers as much as possible.
  • Wrap your fingertips with plaster or duct tape
  • Keep your nails short
  • Let your hands be busy, for example, knitting
  • Consider behavioral therapy, such as habit change training or the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
  • Apply something unpleasant to your fingertips (vinegar, hot sauce, or special means sold in stores)

Proper nutrition is the way to healthy nails

If you eat a balanced whole food diet, you are likely giving your body more than enough of the vitamins and minerals it needs to function.

If not, then there is a good chance that the body lacks important nutrients. Not only can this lead to chronic diseases, but nails (as well as hair and skin) will also suffer from it.

Healthy protein sources are important, such as whey protein, grass-fed eggs, and grass-fed meat (beef is also a good source of zinc, which is needed to make proteins like those found in fingernails).

Antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, found in leafy greens, berries, and other whole foods are also good for nail health. One example is biotin, vitamin B7.

The body needs biotin for the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and amino acids, but most of all it is known for its role in strengthening hair and nails.

Biotin may play a role in the accumulation of keratin, which is what nails are made of. One of the best sources of biotin is organic egg yolks from pastured chickens. Omega-3 fats of animal origin are also important.

Most people eat too many inflammatory omega-6 fats (think vegetable oil) and too little anti-inflammatory omega-3 fats, which can lead to health problems like depression, heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and diabetes, to name a few. Inflammation can also interfere with nail development.

The ideal ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 is 1:1, but in a typical Western diet, it is between 1:20 and 1:50. Brittle or soft nails are common signs of an omega-3 to omega-6 imbalance. Try cutting down on vegetable oils and eating more animal-based omega-3s with krill, sardine, or anchovy oils.

Take care of your nails from the inside out with the right nutrition While, as described above, it is important, it is equally important to protect the nails from excessive exposure to water or chemicals.

When washing dishes, wear rubber gloves with a cotton lining, for example, and minimize the use of nail polish, nail polish remover, and avoid artificial nails. A simple buff will give your nails a nice smooth shine without any polish.

An added bonus is that your nails will grow stronger due to increased blood circulation, and you won't have to worry about chipping nail polish.

It's good to cut your nails relatively short., using nail scissors or tweezers. Trim them straight and slightly rounded towards the center to help keep them strong.

Your nails will also help with additional moisture (as well as your skin), so try rubbing coconut oil into them regularly. Also, try not to trim the cuticle as this can damage the nail bed, and the burrs should be trimmed, not torn off, so as not to damage living tissue.

Finally, if you notice any unusual or anxiety symptoms on nails, refrain from covering them with varnish or artificial nails. Instead, see a holistic medicine specialist who can help you figure out if there's a problem behind it.published .

The materials are for informational purposes only. Remember, self-medication is life-threatening, consult a doctor for advice on the use of any medications and treatments.

© Joseph Mercola

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness - together we change the world! © econet
