All about cosmetic procedure Thermage. Thermage - another opportunity to cheat time Facial Thermage at home

Table of contents §1. What is Thermage? 1.1 - What is Thermage cosmetic procedure? 1.2 - How effective is this procedure? When are the first results visible? 1.3 - How much does Thermage procedure cost? 1.4 - How will I feel during the procedure? 1.5 - Thermage history 1.6 - What will I look like immediately after the treatment? How long will it take to recover? §2. How safe is Thermage procedure? 2.1 - Are there any contraindications for Thermage? 2.2 - Are there possible side effects? §3. Q&A (You ask, we answer)
What is Thermage?

Thermage is a non-surgical skin tightening. This procedure is most effective in the following areas:

    Face (and especially the chin area)

    Eyelids (more about this problem)

    back of hands

    Neck and decollete (the effect is less pronounced, but still)

With the help of this procedure, you can also tighten the skin on the cheeks, remove nasolabial folds, tighten the eyebrows (and thereby make the look more open).

But as for all other parts of the body, some cosmetologists would not recommend Thermage, since there it practically does not give a result. We dare to assume that you have already seen enough photos on the Internet that show patients before and after the procedure (for example, after thermage of the abdomen or buttocks), and the results there are very, very stunning. But we do not advise you to trust these photos so boldly, since the information is not verified, and professionals know how to take a sensational photo and convince potential patients of the effectiveness of Thermage!

What is Thermage cosmetic procedure?

Thermage procedure is based on the use of radio frequency radiation. The lifting effect is achieved due to the compression and compaction of collagen fibers. Radiofrequency radiation, getting into the depths of the skin, begins to act on collagen. Heated collagen fibers become more resilient and elastic, in addition, the body begins to produce its own collagen. At the end of the procedure, the face looks fresher and younger, wrinkles and folds disappear, the skin on the chin and cheeks is tightened.

How effective is this procedure? When are the first results visible?

In 2007, a study was conducted, in which 5,700 people took part - patients of several specialized clinics. So, in 87% of patients an immediate effect was noted, positive dynamics over the next 6 months after the procedure was noted in 92% of patients, 94% of patients were satisfied with the results of the procedure. Clinical studies have shown that an increase in collagen levels was noted in absolutely all patients, even if no visible changes occurred. If in some cases, with the help of Thermage, it was still not possible to tighten the skin, but the procedure was still able to slow down its aging.

Yes, in many patients the changes are visible immediately after the end of the procedure, but the final result can still be seen only after 1-6 months (and the peak in 80-90% of cases falls on the sixth month).

Why does it sometimes happen that Thermage does not work?

This simply cannot be. Yes, there are cases when no improvement is visible outwardly, but there is scientific evidence that confirms the fact that after the Thermage procedure, the body always (!) starts to produce collagen. Yes, and many patients have too high expectations for this procedure, and only a qualified specialist can assess the real situation and predict the result of the procedure.

And with the help of Thermage, only minor problems can be corrected, but if time is lost, then Thermage will still not be able to cope with serious age-related skin changes.

Scientific data also show that in 90% of cases the final result can be seen only 6 months after the procedure. Many patients see results almost immediately after the end of Thermage. As for those 10% of patients who did not see any external changes, they still should not despair and slander about the procedure, since radio frequency radiation did its job anyway: collagen began to be produced, which means that subsequent skin aging slowed down (at least for one or two years). To stop skin aging is, you see, also a result.

How long does the effect last after Thermage treatment?

Two years, but laboratory studies show that changes in the deeper layers of the skin take a little longer. The results of this procedure (as well as all other cosmetic procedures) are not eternal, since aging is still inevitable, plus external factors intervene (for example, solar ultraviolet radiation).

Is Thermage effective on other parts of the body?

Many experienced specialists believe only in facial thermage (including in the area under the chin) and eyelid thermage. Sometimes neck thermage gives good results. As for the back of the hands, cosmetologists recommend complex therapy (Thermage + injections with Juvederm or Restylane).

But with the help of this procedure, we do not recommend adjusting the arms, hips, stomach. You will spend a lot of effort and money, but you will not get the result. Every year more and more new equipment appears, so let's hope that soon we will have a good device at our disposal, with the help of which Thermage on the body will bring specific benefits.

How much does the Thermage procedure cost?

Each country, and indeed each clinic, offers its own rates, but we can say that thermage of the entire face will cost you somewhere between 70,000-115,000 rubles. If you want to correct some other part of the body, then the procedure, of course, will cost you a little more.

What will I feel during the procedure?

You will not feel much pain, but you need to be prepared for unpleasant sensations, as you may not like the alternation of hot and cold streams. If you feel any discomfort, tell your doctor immediately and he will lower the power of the device a little. Some centers offer some kind of local anesthetic cream.

Depending on the area of ​​the working surface, the procedure can last 1-2 hours.

This is how the procedure itself will take place: first, you will remove makeup from your face. Then they will put a small rubber plate on your stomach (it plays the role of a grounding conductor), and the doctor will begin his work. He will process each section several times. Once you have one side treated, you can look in the mirror to see the difference between treated and untreated areas.

Thermage history

This technology was first used in the United States of America at the beginning of the 21st century, but it must be said that progress does not stand still, new devices are constantly being developed and old devices are being improved, new techniques are being invented.

As soon as Thermage appeared, they immediately began to talk about it in absolutely all media. Journalists praised this procedure as much as they could. But still, it cannot be said that then the results were somehow supernatural, and besides, the procedure itself was very painful. But the worst thing was that dermatologists were extremely inexperienced in this matter, so sometimes they set the devices to maximum power, which caused the skin to be very injured in patients.

Then came the second generation of thermage devices. The procedures were still painful, but their effectiveness increased significantly (as large nozzles began to be used).

And only with the advent of the third generation of devices (which we, in fact, use to this day), thermage procedure reached a new level. The nozzles have become even larger, and the devices have more functions, now the skin is cooled already during the procedure itself (due to which the patient practically does not feel any pain).

Cosmetologists who have managed to work with all three generations of devices can say that right now they work more comfortably, the result is always visible, and there are practically no complaints from patients. Also, one cannot but rejoice at the fact that literally immediately after the end of the procedure, patients can go to work and return to their usual way of life.

How will I look immediately after the procedure is over? How long will it take to recover?

Literally immediately after the end of the procedure, you can return to normal life. There is simply nothing to recover from! Even make-up can be applied. Some patients experience mild redness, but this usually subsides within a few hours. There may also be some discomfort and slight swelling, but this goes away on its own in two to three days.

How many sessions will I need?

If you are between 30 and 50, then it is likely that one session will be enough for you. If you are over 50, then tune in for two sessions (with an interval of 6 months). In the future, the procedure will need to be repeated every two years (or a little more often).

How long will it take for me to have a second procedure?

No studies have been done on this yet, but it is generally recommended to wait at least three months.

Will support procedures be needed?

Necessarily. Once every two years, but if you are over 50, then it is advisable to reduce the interval between maintenance procedures.

Can Thermage be combined with filler injections?

Yes, you can, but still you need to do it not at the same time. So, the formation of bumps is inevitable if you undergo Thermage literally immediately after Sculptra injections.

  • Restylane and Juvederm: first make injections, and only after a month undergo thermage. Hyaluronic cosmetic fillers: what and how.
  • Sculptra: Thermage procedure is possible only 6 months after the injections. Cosmetic filler Sculptra.
  • Permanent fillers such as silicone and Artecoll: for patients with permanent fillers under the skin, thermage procedure is contraindicated (at least, those areas in which these fillers are located cannot be treated).

Is there any way to prepare for this procedure? And do you need a special regime after it?

No. Unlike plastic surgery, after thermage, the face looks quite natural. People return to their usual way of life on the day of the procedure. There is also no need to stop taking any medications. Some patients experience slight redness, but this disappears spontaneously within the first few hours, bruising and swelling do not form.

§2. How safe is Thermage procedure?

Radio frequency radiation has been used in medicine for over 30 years. IN currently it is widely used in aesthetic cosmetology. Studies show that radio frequency radiation almost never causes side effects(and if they appear, they pass very quickly), and they only appear when the doctor turns on the high power on the apparatus.

Are there any contraindications for Thermage procedure?

This procedure is contraindicated in people with electrical implants (such as pacemakers and defibrillators); people with a skin disease (if the area on which the procedure is to be performed is affected); pregnant women.

Are side effects possible?

Despite the fact that Thermage is a safe procedure, negative consequences are still possible.

Redness. But it is usually not strong, and passes within one to two hours after the end of the procedure.

Bubbles. They are easily treated and pass quickly, they do not leave scars.

Swelling. It occurs most often on the face, but this phenomenon is temporary, since everything disappears after 2-5 days.

Pits. They usually go away in a few days, but they can stay for life. This side effect occurs in 0.14% of cases.

Tingling. They happen very rarely, and pass within one week.

Bruises are practically not fixed.

§3. Q&A (You ask, we answer)

I have an important event scheduled in two months. When is the best time for me to have Thermage?

The effect after Thermage can be seen immediately after the end of the procedure, but the full result can be observed only after six months. Try to get to the dermatologist as soon as possible, so that at least a little effect can appear before your event.

I lead a socially active lifestyle, so I don’t have the opportunity to “go into the shadows” at least for a few days. Is Thermage right for me?

Yes. This procedure seems to be created especially for people like you. Literally immediately after the end of the procedure, you will be able to appear in society, and no one will see a bruise or bump on your face. A slight swelling is possible, but I assure you, only you will know about it!

I want to be beautiful, but I don't have the slightest desire to go under the scalpel. Will I be able to lose at least a few years with Thermage?

Many other patients over 60 also do not agree to surgery (or have some medical contraindications for this), but all problems can be solved. You will need somewhere between two or three sessions with an interval of 6 months. You can get a full-fledged face lifting without surgical intervention if you add Sculptra injections to the Thermage procedure. And the result is wonderful, and there is no risk.

Will I be able to straighten my neck with Thermage?

Practice shows that correcting the skin of the neck (namely the neck, and not the lower part of the chin) is very problematic. It is not known why this happens, but it is possible that the skin on the neck is much thinner than on the face. Perhaps a more delicate apparatus is needed to work with the neck. But there are times when Thermage can still solve such a problem.

I went through the Thermage procedure, but the result is still not visible. Why?

There may be several reasons for this:

    The power of the device was too low.

    Your doctor was not qualified enough, since the result of this procedure largely depends on the experience and skill of the person who performed it. Each area should be treated five to six times.

    Perhaps you are just one of those 10% on whose face changes after Thermage do not begin to occur.

Complete collection and description: how is facial thermage performed in the salon and at home? for readers of our site.

The outer beauty of women becomes important in comparison with the inner beauty and soul. Elderly ladies or girls with flaws on their faces resort to minimally invasive cosmetic procedures that can make their faces flawless in a few sessions: eliminate wrinkles and uneven facial skin, as well as tighten the oval and visually make the girl slimmer. The most common procedures today include facial thermage - one of the methods of rejuvenation without the use of a surgical procedure. What is the benefit of Thermage, and who is allowed to use the rejuvenation procedure? The answers to these questions are provided below.

The Thermage rejuvenation procedure received a similar name due to the use of Thermage apparatus for the treatment of the face and body. The device was assembled by US scientists and patented in 2002 after successful testing, as a result of which it gained popularity in European countries. Today, thermage is offered in Russia, but only in high-level beauty salons and medical centers. The procedure is exclusive, so its cost is too high and not everyone can afford it.

Thermage is a modern treatment of the skin for rejuvenation with radio frequency radiation. In the process of exposure, the tissues are heated and strengthened from the inside due to increased production of collagen - a natural and basic substance for maintaining youthful skin. In the process of several procedures, a lifting effect is obtained.

Facial Thermage Benefits

The new anti-aging procedure has certain advantages, which include the following facts:

  • the result is noted already after one procedure - 30% of clients notice the achievement of their plan immediately after exposure, while the rest have to wait for the full effect within six months;
  • exposure to the device activates the synthesis of collagen and elastane - this gives the skin elasticity and former density;
  • short rehabilitation period - the client will return to the previous rhythm of life in 1-2 days;
  • the procedure is allowed to be performed by women and men under 70 years of age, if there are no relevant contraindications.

It is important to highlight the negative aspects of the procedure, since in most cases clients get upset without noticing the desired result. Thermage cannot be compared with surgery, so the results will be significantly lower. It is impossible to hope for the complete elimination of deep wrinkles after Thermage - it is only able to partially smooth them out, but it cannot eliminate them. It is impossible to pin hopes on the procedure under consideration, as on the usual deep lifting.

In addition, the Thermage device will not help to achieve the effect of exfoliating the skin of the face. You can not use the device for rejuvenation in the presence of vitiligo disease - you can provoke the formation of scars and scars.


Thermage of the face is allowed by cosmetologists only in the following indications:

  • overhanging eyelids - eyelid thermage is in demand more often, and the clientele is somewhat younger;
  • the presence of "crow's feet" - they are formed in young age due to the characteristics of the skin (lack of normal elasticity);
  • bags under the eyes - Thermage prevents the formation of bags by preventing the accumulation of lacrimal glands under the eyes;
  • gravitational ptosis of soft tissues - a characteristic sagging of the skin under the influence of the natural gravity of the Earth;
  • the presence of a second chin - sagging of the skin is often formed due to the anatomical features of the structure of the skull and its location to the spine;
  • elimination of fatty deposits - thermage is used to reduce the second chin, "cheek" zones.

Thermage often acts as an auxiliary or restorative procedure after cosmetic surgery. Thus, you can achieve a quick result and eliminate the flaws remaining after the operation.


Despite the certain safety of the procedure and the patented apparatus, Thermage has contraindications for use, where it is distinguished:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding period – heat should not be risked skin;
  • wounds and skin lesions in the treated area - if possible, the lesions should be pre-treated;
  • implantation of a pacemaker - a mandatory consultation of the attending physician is required;
  • elevated body temperature - with colds and viral diseases, you can not resort to the procedure even in the absence of temperature;
  • connective tissue pathology - an additional examination is required to identify the stage of pathology;
  • diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2;
  • the presence of oncological diseases;
  • various mental disorders and diseases of the central nervous system.

Even if you have not found any contraindications to the procedure, you should definitely undergo an examination in order to avoid complications.

How to distinguish a fake?

Women who have undergone facial thermage often note that their result has not manifested itself in full. Of course, this is possible due to the non-professionalism of the master or by ignoring contraindications for implementation. But women note the lack of a corresponding effect even when using the service in a highly qualified medical center. What is the reason? The reason is fake!

Yes, it sounds strange and ridiculous, but not all beauty salons have a Thermage device, so they offer their clients a conventional radiofrequency lifting under the guise of a Thermage procedure. The presented facial skin treatment is offered to those who wish at a lower cost, which attracts most customers. But this does not bring that cherished result, so you can stay with the problems that came to the salon even after several procedures.

For the procedure in question, only a device called Therma Cool from Thermage manufacturers is used. This manufacturer cares about customers and checks the devices immediately before using them for their intended purpose. The constant improvement of the patented device is also noted, innovations are offered.

It is easy to distinguish a fake from a real Thermage procedure. Firstly, it is enough to consider the device itself - the name or brand will be written in large letters on it. Secondly, now they began to use a more advanced model of the device with a cooling effect and the presence of a vibrating tip, which is used to process the skin of the face.

It turns out that every client who decides to use this Thermage service, before the procedure, must ask to demonstrate the device, talk about its functions and other features. If the client does not find the corresponding mark on the device, and the cosmetologist persistently offers Thermage as effective and painless way rejuvenation, anything but thermage should be expected.

Also, you should not trust the words of a cosmetologist who offers to do the procedure at home - this is simply impossible. The device costs big money, therefore, a simple beautician is simply not able to purchase it on his own. Moreover, the device is sold by manufacturers only under a license granted with permission to carry out cosmetic procedures. A cosmetologist will not be able to obtain a license to conduct thermage, and only a qualified specialist can work on it.

And finally: if the beautician talks about the possible need to go through several sessions, then this is not Thermage. The presented procedure is carried out only once - the effect can be seen immediately or after a few months. You can resort to a repeated procedure no earlier than a year later only after an examination and consultation with a cosmetologist.

How is thermage performed?

Like all cosmetic procedures, Thermage is carried out in several stages - preparation, the procedure itself, recovery.

Preparatory stage

The preparatory stage includes the last week before the procedure. At this time, you should refuse:

  • solarium;
  • exposure to ultraviolet rays - stay out of the sun less, and use sunscreen before leaving the house;
  • eating fatty foods;
  • the use of salts and spices;
  • alcohol and smoking.

It is important to prevent the formation of edema on the face and rashes of an infectious nature (abscesses and other acne). Therefore, you should resort to standard actions for the prevention of edema and rashes - give up salt, drink more water, try to eat plant and cereal foods.


Before and after photos of thermage amaze with their results from the procedure, but every client undergoes this sometimes unpleasant treatment to rejuvenate the skin of the face, in accordance with the standards. Here beauticians refer to the sequence:

  1. The cosmetologist preliminarily examines the skin of the client's face and verbally notes further treatment areas. At the preliminary stage, clients are told about the device and the principle of the device’s impact, as well as about the possible result in the future.
  2. The cosmetologist starts preparing the device - selects suitable nozzles for facial skin treatment. There are only 5 nozzles that differ in type and diameter. If only the area around the eyes is required, the smallest nozzles are used. To work with the forehead, the largest ones are used.
  3. During the preparation period, the beautician must determine the client's skin type in order to choose further tactics.
  4. After all the preparatory stages, they begin to process the skin of the face. All cosmetics are removed beforehand - it is important to completely cleanse the face of previously used creams and decorative cosmetics.
  5. The skin is treated with an alcohol-containing composition - a natural disinfection of the “working surface” is performed. Depending on the type of skin, a composition is selected, which, if necessary, can be replaced with a softer product.
  6. For convenience, contour markings are applied to the face, which allows you to more accurately mark problem areas and adjust the processing lines in the future. Marking is applied with paper with a wash marker.
  7. The preparations are completed, the device turns on and heats up to the temperature required for operation.
  8. The cosmetologist gets to work, using different depths of exposure depending on the problem areas. During the work of the beautician, the client feels hot and cold impulses - this is not painful, but noticeable.
  9. Depending on the number of wrinkles and other age-related problems, the session time can vary from 30 minutes to several hours. Time can also be reduced or increased due to the existing skill of the beautician.

During such treatment, collagen fibers thicken and the nutrients of the epidermis are activated. The process of skin rejuvenation begins immediately, so in the presence of minor defects and age-related changes, the result can be seen immediately. In other cases, within a few months, a natural tightening of the skin of the face occurs - the outlines become more expressive, youth gradually returns.


Recovery after thermage lasts no more than 2 days, but the time can increase significantly due to the increased number of age-related flaws - this can be understood independently by the time of the procedure. After the procedure, after 2-3 days, you can return to the previous rhythm of life, but since the skin of the face is still sensitive, the following rules should be followed:

  • do not stay in the sun - you should not use sunscreen, just refuse to tan under the sun or in a solarium;
  • do not visit saunas and baths - this will provoke inflammation of the skin;
  • refuse to eat salty and spicy foods - this will provoke swelling;
  • refuse to use decorative cosmetics for 2 weeks - this will provoke an allergic reaction;
  • it is forbidden to use creams and lotions containing alcohol;
  • completely abandon the use of harsh soap.

Depending on the condition of the skin after Thermage, recovery may be delayed. It is also important to exclude sports at first, otherwise the desired effect may not be achieved. About the recovery period, you should consult with a cosmetologist who conducts thermage - this specialist is more aware of the condition of the skin after the procedure.


Due to neglect of contraindications and recovery rules, the risk of developing complications increases, which include:

  • edema;
  • hyperemia - accumulation of blood in the blood vessels;
  • itching and irritation.

If the beautician was not properly qualified or made a mistake, superficial burns, blistering and scarring can often be seen on the skin.

If swelling, itching or irritation occurs, the following steps should be taken:

  • gently apply Panthenol cream to the affected areas - it will soothe the skin;
  • limit fluid and salt intake - perhaps even a previously reduced amount may not be enough;
  • contact the beautician who performed thermage.

Often, clients from one negligent cosmetologist run to another, in their opinion, more qualified. It is strictly forbidden to do this, since redness and swelling can be eliminated on your own, but burns should be eliminated by the former cosmetologist who is aware of the possibility of the onset of the presented complications. Scars and scars can be removed by other procedures, but this should be done in a medical center with outpatient treatment.

Reviews and prices

Feedback from clients who have undergone Thermage is only positive. A larger number of them report a high result a few months after the procedure, and only a few people notice the effect immediately. Most likely, full recovery occurs after a while, but partial elimination of deep wrinkles can be noticed immediately.

Also, salon clients complain about the high prices for Thermage, if this is really that cherished procedure. The eye area can be rejuvenated for a cost of 50 to 80 thousand rubles. Processing the entire face will require amounts from 130 to 200 thousand rubles. Prices for the procedure differ depending on the regional location and standard of living, as well as on the type, service and specialization of the salon or medical facility.

Often the cost of Thermage includes a full examination to identify contraindications and a further stay in the hospital to determine the condition of the skin. This is offered by medical centers, which additionally require payment for the provision of a room and food, a preliminary examination and further consultations. This turns out to be more expensive by 50-60 thousand rubles, but in order to avoid consequences, customers prefer large cash costs. After all, the face is a “visiting card”, identification of a person, the embodiment of the inner world, therefore it is simply impossible to allow burns and scars.

Thermage is a modern method of cosmetic rejuvenation, which gives an effect no worse than after surgical plastic surgery. In favor of the presented method of rejuvenation, the absence of pain, as well as the rapid restoration of the skin, should be attributed. It is these facts that increase the popularity of the procedure every day.

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Thermage is a cosmetic hardware procedure aimed at skin rejuvenation, which is based on the effect on the body of radiofrequency waves that warm up the tissues. Local tissue heating during the Thermage procedure can reach 60°C. Hence the name.

This is a patented technology that involves the use of certain equipment and special training of specialists who can work on this equipment.

And yet - this is a wide field for various frauds on the part of beauty salons, which often give out the radiofrequency lifting procedure for thermage procedure, which differs both in the way it affects tissues, and in price, and in the number of procedures per course.

The procedure was first tested and approved in 2002 by the American Medical Institute.

Currently, there is a Thermage company, which produces devices for carrying out ThermaCool NXT procedures of the same name. In addition to the production of equipment, the company is also engaged in the development and implementation of technological innovations that make the Thermage procedure even more effective and safe. One of the latest developments is the patented CPT technology (Comfort Pulse Technology).

The meaning of the innovation is to increase the comfort and safety of the procedure. This is achieved by tip vibration and a special, more advanced tissue cooling system. Therefore, the device is called ThermaCool NXT, and the technology used, implemented on this device, is ThermaCool CPT.

The exclusive distributor of the company in Moscow is Valeks M LLC. The representative of the company in Saratov is Exclusive LLC.

Training of specialists is carried out in California, the USA or in Moscow. Thermage is part of the Solta Medical holding, which owns patents and manufactures equipment for a number of other high-tech hardware procedures, such as Fraxel, Isolaz, CLARO.

The word Termage is currently used in the names of a number of devices for performing radio wave therapy procedures. But do not confuse the patented name of the procedure and marketing moves, the purpose of which is to increase the sale of devices of our own production.

So, how can information about patents and manufacturers be useful to you if you decide to do this procedure.


In the salon where you are going for the procedure, there should be exactly the Thermacool En X Ti device. Do not be shy before giving money to the cashier, go into the office and look at the device itself and at its name, which should be on its body. If it's not Tarmacul EN XT, then you won't get Thermage.

Technologies and abbreviations

NXT is a device. CPT is a technology implemented in the working head of the apparatus (vibration + cooling). It may be difficult for you to remember all this. But if the specialist who offers you the procedure is confused in the abbreviations and their meanings, then the specialist is at least not serious and you should not trust him.

Data validation

In online mode, using this link, you can always check if the salon has the equipment for it, and if there are specialists in this salon who have undergone the necessary training. It is impossible to work on the device without special courses! If the salon offers you Thermage, but it is not in the list at the link above, then at best you will be given a radiofrequency lifting, which is many times cheaper and is designed to solve completely different tasks than Thermage.

How the device works Photo: attachment for the device

It is based on the warming and stimulating effect of radio waves. To eliminate discomfort from exposure and the risk of burns, intensive cooling of the site of exposure is carried out.

The tip of the working attachment (handle) is designed in such a way as to focus radio waves at a certain depth in the tissues. The depth can be adjusted by the doctor performing the procedure and depends on the area to be treated.

The minimum wave penetration depth is 0.5 mm, the maximum depth is 4.3 mm. In tissues, the energy of radio waves is converted into heat. Due to the reverse gradient, the tissues in the depth are heated, but cannot give off heat to the surface due to intensive cooling.

Warming up leads to the fact that the old collagen in the tissues, which no longer provides the necessary level of skin elasticity, is damaged. This leads to an intensive synthesis of new collagen molecules instead of the destroyed one.

It is a monopolar technique. There is only one working electrode in the Thermage apparatus. The second electrode is inactive and is located on the area of ​​the skin that is not exposed. Electrical current passes from the active to the passive electrode through the entire body. A large power of 250-300 W and a frequency of 6 MHz is used.

How is the procedure

For each patient, their own nozzle is selected for the device, based on the condition of the skin and the expected results.

A complete cycle of point impact of the ThermaCool NXT nozzle consists of four successive steps:

  1. Cooling the skin to prepare tissues for exposure to microwaves. Simultaneously with cooling, the vibration of the nozzle head begins to act on the tissue.
  2. The special tip comes into contact with the skin. The effect of radio waves on the tissue begins. The vibration continues.
  3. Radio waves penetrate to the calculated depth into the tissues and heat them up. Remodeling (change in structure) of collagen begins. The vibration continues. Cooling starts gradually.
  4. Final cooling of the skin area exposed to radio waves.

No special preparation for the procedure is required. The time of the procedure is not standardized, since the duration of the treatment of the declared area will depend on the patient's sensations. Subjective sensations, just like the condition of the skin, are the criteria for setting the device settings. Therefore, we can only talk about the minimum procedure time. For the face it is from 45 minutes to one and a half hours, for the body from two to three hours per selected area.

If the procedure is performed on the correct apparatus, performed by a trained specialist, and all settings are set correctly, then there should be no pain during the procedure. The patient should feel alternating cold and warm. The sensations of warmth can be very intense, but not so intense that they are difficult to bear.

No anesthesia is used for the procedure. On the websites of some salons, local anesthesia, the effect of which lasts about 2 hours, is listed as one of the bonuses for clients who decide to undergo the Thermage procedure.

But here you need to understand that if the procedure is carried out correctly, anesthesia is not necessary, but on the contrary, it can lead to burns.

After the procedure is completed, the client must be under the supervision of a salon specialist for some time.

Differences between Thermage and RF lifting

There are several reasons why these two procedures are often confused.

  • Salon clients.

It is clear that it is very, very nice to get a procedure that costs from 140 to 300 thousand Russian rubles for 2500-3000. The fact that a ten times cheaper procedure is “just some” RF-lifting is not at all pleasant to think. Meanwhile, RF-lifting also has a beneficial effect on the skin and is worth the money spent on the procedure.

  • Salon specialists.
There can be two main reasons for this: competition and personal interest of salon workers. Competition forces salons to give information on their websites that they have a real Thermage for 2000 rubles per zone. But if you read carefully, it turns out that we are talking about RF-lifting. But this is if you read carefully and know what aspects to pay attention to (this will also be discussed below) .... The personal interest of employees is that, as a rule, the employee receives a percentage of sales and procedures.

Therefore, it is quite natural that selling it for 300 thousand is much more profitable than RF-lifting for 3 thousand. In this case, the salon plays into the hands of the fact that rarely any of the patients asks questions about the device and the training of a specialist.

Thermage RF lifting
executed only once number of procedures per course from 6 to 10, repeated courses or supporting procedures are possible
temperature reached in tissues, 60°C the temperature does not rise above 39-47 ° C
can be discomfort intense heat on the skin at the site of exposure The procedure is practically painless.
cooling required in most modern devices, the temperature does not rise above 45 ° C, therefore cooling is not required
lengthy procedure: at least 45 minutes the duration of the procedure is short and usually ranges from 20 to 35 minutes
the procedure is very expensive, its cost is comparable to the cost of plastic surgery almost every woman can afford the procedure at its cost

Legends and myths

  • The more intense the impact, the more painful it should be.

This is usually seen in negative reviews. Salon clients indicate that during the procedure it was very painful and uncomfortable. At the same time, rarely does anyone indicate in which salon the procedure was performed, which of the doctors did it, on which apparatus. None of the survivors of the traumatic procedure indicated that the specialist who performed the procedure asked them about their feelings. Most often, the case ended in burns. The thing is that it cannot be absolutely comfortable and relaxing effect. But there should not be intense pain during the procedure.

  • Thermage without burns - money down the drain.

As planned by the developers of this technology, it should be better than plastic surgery, not only because there is no need to make incisions and worry about scars, but also because after the procedure the patient can immediately return to his daily life.

Therefore, after the procedure, there should be no burns. If burns appear, then you can safely demand a refund, based on the fact that an illiterate specialist who did not know how to work with the device performed the procedure for you.

So, what information about the features of Thermage and its differences from radio wave lifting can be useful for you:

  • Number of procedures. If the number of procedures per course is more than one, then this is not Thermage.
  • The duration of the procedure. If the duration of the procedure is short (about 20-30 minutes), then this is either not Thermage, or the declared procedure is carried out in violation of the technology.
  • Painlessness. Or you will be offered anesthesia with drugs, which in itself is not very good and is fraught with burns, or this is not Thermage. If a girlfriend says that she came to Thermage, completely relaxed and enjoyed it, then this is also not Thermage.
  • effective temperature. At present, a number of salon websites are claiming that the salon has bought the newest of the Thermage machines, which heats the tissues up to only 42-45-47oC.

Know right away that the device that appears in the description is intended for radio wave lifting, but it is not suitable for Thermage. And that means. that it is impossible to carry out a full-fledged Thermage procedure on such a device.

What areas of the body is it intended for?

Eyelids and eye area

The skin around the eyes is the most vulnerable for three reasons:

  • it is thinner and has practically no subcutaneous fat layer;
  • a large number of blood vessels and frequent stagnation of blood in the eyelid area provokes the appearance of edema, which eventually becomes permanent;
  • the skin of the eyelids is constantly in motion.

Hence, more gentle care for the area around the eyes, and lighter textures of creams, and special sparing procedures that act gently and do not provoke swelling.

Thermage for mobile eyelids and the area around the eyes can solve the following problems:

  • reduction of the overhang of the upper eyelid;
  • smoothing the area of ​​\u200b\u200b"crow's feet";
  • reduction of puffiness of the skin and bags under the eyes.


In addition to the eyelid area, there is another area on the face that needs attention. This is the nasolabial region. And if earlier young women did not pay close attention to the appearance of clear nasolabial folds, now it is customary to deal not only with the elimination, but also with the prevention of this first sign of facial skin sagging.

In addition, Thermage allows you to:

  • get a clearer chin contour;
  • eliminate the second chin;
  • tighten the cheek area;
  • smooth out the first wrinkles and increase the elasticity of the skin around the mouth, on the forehead, in the eye area;
  • refresh the face and improve its color.


Most often, these are the hands, the skin on which becomes thinner and loses the subcutaneous fat layer. As a result, the skin that has lost its elasticity gathers in small folds in the area of ​​​​the joints, blood vessels begin to shine through it.

Thermage procedure helps to make the skin of the hands more dense and elastic, which visually makes the hands look younger. Flabbiness of the skin of the body and cellulite. Thermage will not help with cellulite if it is pronounced. The depth of exposure to radio waves is only 4.3 mm. This is too small for the adipose tissue to be affected. But it perfectly tightens the skin and eliminates stretch marks by stimulating the formation of new collagen.

Video: Rejuvenation of the skin of the face and body

Watch the video and find out what facial microcurrents do to the skin?

What is Fractional Laser Rejuvenation? Read the link.

The optimal age for

Usually it is not done to clients under 35 years old. In order to prescribe the procedure to younger patients, the cosmetologist must have sufficiently serious reasons. But jade in this case, the procedure is not assigned to persons under 30 years of age.

It should be understood that Thermage can also be done at 20. But in this case, you should not be upset if there is no effect. The point of application of the Thermage procedure is collagen fibers that have lost their original structure. And at the age of 20, Thermage will start the process of replacing damaged fibers with new ones. But this may not give a visible effect.

Effect duration

The effect of the procedure increases gradually. For most clients, an initial improvement in appearance can be observed in the first days after the procedure. But the maximum effect appears after 4-6 months. The result of the procedure is preserved for 5-7 years.

Video: Thermolifting on the buttocks and thighs


Like any other intensive treatment, Thermage has its contraindications. These include:

  • pregnancy;
  • the presence of a pacemaker or any other implanted electrical device;
  • the presence of metal objects in the affected area (for example, an intrauterine device in case of Thermage of the abdomen or buttocks, or dental pins or gold threads in case of Thermage of the face and neck);
  • bright fresh tan;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • taking anticoagulants or immunosuppressants;
  • a sharp weakening of the immune system;
  • skin cancer in history, degeneration of moles;
  • psoriasis, eczema at the site of exposure;
  • diabetes;
  • chronic diseases of the cardiovascular, respiratory system and internal organs in cases where insufficiency of any of the organs has developed;
  • infectious diseases, especially such as exacerbation of herpes;
  • systemic connective tissue diseases (systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma);
  • tendency to form keloid and hypertrophic scars.

Find out if it is possible to carry out the procedure of electrolipolysis at home?

Interested in how to remove vertical wrinkles under the eyes? Read here.

Recovery period

The necessary restrictions apply to the first day after the procedure:

  • refusal of thermal procedures: sauna, hot bath, solarium, sun exposure;
  • sports and physical activity should be limited.

Side effects

Currently, there is no official information on side effects. And it is difficult to navigate the reviews on the Internet, since in most cases it is not possible to find out whether the side effects were the result of the Thermage procedure or another procedure that was sold to the client as Thermage.

  • No effect.

The procedure may not give the desired effect, both subjectively and objectively. In the first case, the effect may increase gradually and not be as pronounced as expected. In the second, the effect may not actually be, including in the photo taken before and after the procedure.

  • Burns.

As a rule, they are the result of a violation of the rules for performing the procedure.

  • Fibrosis.

The most serious of all side effects.

In response to exposure to radio waves and local heating, an intense reaction of fibroblasts occurs, which are responsible for restoring the skin after any damaging effect. An overly pronounced reaction leads to the growth of connective tissue and intensive synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers.

And instead of skin tightening and rejuvenation, subcutaneous scars appear, which are defined under the skin as numerous local seals.


Basically, no serious consequences of the procedure should be expected, since in the long term no serious problems associated with the transferred procedures have been described.

According to a number of sources that express an opinion that has not been confirmed by scientific research, Thermage's harm may manifest itself in the fact that the client may have difficulty with plastic surgery at the site of exposure to radio waves.

This may be due to an overgrowth of connective tissue that will change the normal elasticity of the skin. Therefore, during a plastic surgery, which will involve giving the tissues a stretched state, the surgeon may experience difficulties, and the result of the operation itself may be far from ideal.

Video: Body rejuvenation

Is Altera more efficient?

Currently, there is another procedure besides Thermage, which is advertised as high-tech and very effective. This is Altera, which is based on ultrasonic effects on tissues. It is not worth arguing about what is more effective, since these are completely different effects on completely different structures.

Thermage acts on the skin to a depth of 4.3 mm. Altera, on the other hand, acts with ultrasound on deeper connective tissue structures, which are muscle aponeuroses and fascia.

Photo: ultrasonic lifting Ulthera System

If we talk about the face, then Thermage acts on the outer layers of tissues, and Altera tightens the deep layers, namely the muscular-aponeurotic layer, which is located under the layer of skin and subcutaneous fat. This layer, along with the skin, also loses elasticity with age and can no longer provide support for facial tissues.

During the Altera procedure, ultrasound passes through the skin and fat layer without any effect on them, reaches the level of fascia and aponeuroses, heats them locally and causes their local contraction. The effect of the procedure is noticeable immediately and increases for another 3-4 months.

Photo: Ulthera System - eye area

From the foregoing, we can conclude that one and the other are not mutually exclusive procedures, but on the contrary, they can significantly enhance the effect of each other, since they provide a lifting effect at different levels.

Altera can be used in cases where Thermage is contraindicated (presence of a defibrillator or gold threads, for example).


Price in Moscow

Thermage of the face and eyelids is performed most often, since it is the face that first attracts attention and requires care in the first place.

Also performed on the abdomen, buttocks, thighs. But the demand in these areas is still small, so prices will need to be clarified in the salon where you are going to do it.

Currently, there are not so many devices for its implementation in Russia. It is hoped that gradually there will be more clinics and salons providing the Thermage service, and accordingly, prices will become more democratic.

In this article, you can familiarize yourself with the contraindications for cryomassage of the face with liquid nitrogen.

What are the known indications and contraindications for the introduction of Botox, read the link.

Is it possible to do laser hair removal during menstruation, find out here.

Your feedback

Older girls and women are happy to use hardware cosmetology. Professional masters suggest how to cope with skin defects, visually rejuvenate it and restore sleeping functions. In hardware cosmetology, novelties appear every year that can prevent aging due to the hidden internal resources of the body. A fresh and clean face causes more sympathy from the opposite sex, and a well-groomed appearance plays an important role in his career. Looking at price lists in beauty salons, women are faced with new names. For example, facial thermage, reviews of which are only positive from both doctors and cosmetologists themselves. Grateful clients who have undergone the procedure also do not lag behind in positive reviews. What it is, when it is advisable to use the procedure and what result you can hope for - we will tell about all this right now.

Unique features of the procedure

The American company "Thermage" is engaged in the production of devices for the procedure, as well as their technological improvement. The principle of action is the heating of the inner layers of the skin and the activation of the production of collagen and elastin. It is impossible to carry out the procedure on another device. This is the first rule to identify a fake offer from a specialist or salon. Only specially trained professionals can work on the device, and not cosmetologists of different ranks and levels. Radio waves penetrate the skin, while a special nozzle cools the surface to prevent burns.

Thermage procedure is performed only once, in contrast to the radiofrequency lifting prescribed by the course.

Therefore, before agreeing to the procedure, check the availability of the original device and specify the cost, which a priori cannot be low. At home, such a procedure is not done, since the cost of the original equipment is too high for private use, especially since it is necessary to undergo special training from Thermage employees.

There are five nozzles in total, but only those that will affect a specific area are used. By heating the deep layers and activating cellular processes, the procedure does not bring painful or uncomfortable sensations. The maximum that the client feels is the alternation of cold and heat on the surface of the skin.

How Thermage Happens

The sequence of manipulations is simple, all the quality depends on the apparatus itself and the correctly selected nozzle. Before the session, a special marking is applied to the face or the area chosen for thermage. It is similar to the markup of plastic surgeons. Then they work according to a four-step algorithm:

  • The surface to be treated is cooled. At the same time, the nozzle begins to vibrate to activate the cells of the epidermis (the first outer layer of the skin);
  • During the ongoing vibration, the tip begins to conduct radio waves, heating the second layer (dermis) of the skin;
  • After a short period of time, radio waves reach the required and controlled by a specialist depth. The structural component of collagen changes, that is, its compaction or destruction;
  • The process is completed by cooling the skin area exposed to radiofrequency waves.

Before the procedure itself, you must definitely undergo an examination and get advice from a specialist about the condition of your skin. Complete cleaning of the selected area is mandatory. Many second-rate salons offer pain relief before the procedure, sometimes even presenting it as a special bonus. Do not respond to marketing "lure".

  • Firstly, there should be no anesthesia, since the whole procedure relies on the client's sense of self;
  • Secondly, insensitivity can lead to burns;
  • Thirdly, the procedure should not be relaxingly pleasant, since the tissues are heated quite intensively. However, the sensations must be tolerable, and not blocked with anesthetic gels.

Indications, contraindications and unique photos

It is possible to carry out manipulations with internal heating not only on the face. List of exposure sites, as well as before and after photos:

  • Thermage of the face;
  • Thermage of the eyelids;
  • Thermage of the abdomen;
  • Thermage of the forearms and thighs;
  • Thermage of hands and wrists.

Even eyelid thermage is completely safe, since not only the device itself and the original nozzle from the manufacturer are used, but also specially designed “screens”. They are fixed under the upper eyelid and protect the white and iris from high intensity RF waves. The penetration depth varies, it is less near the eyes, and more on the body. Of course, not the last role is played by the condition of the skin before the procedure. Naturally, as for every cosmetic procedure, there are also prohibitions and special conditions for its implementation. The conditions have already been made public, but the contraindications are listed in the list below:

  1. Oncological tumors and growths of unknown origin;
  2. Implants, including those made of silicone, cannot be exposed to heat;
  3. Pregnancy and the presence of a pacemaker excludes the possibility of the procedure;
  4. A disease diagnosed as diabetes mellitus;
  5. Open lesions of the skin.

Performance and pricing policy of salons

Thermage procedure is necessary in order to strengthen the skin around the eyes, get rid of crow's feet, and remove wrinkles of different depths. A complete renewal of the subcutaneous layers will not occur immediately; it will take from 14 to 30 days to restore the collagen framework. What else can be solved with the procedure?

  • Relieve puffiness under the eyes;
  • Prevent or reduce nasolabial folds;
  • Get a clear oval face;
  • Eliminate the "spare" chin;
  • Improve complexion and visual elasticity of the skin;
  • To slightly change the outlines of the face by lifting the cheeks or eyelids, and also change the shape of the lips.

Naturally, Thermage is effective for all parts of the body. On the hands, it will allow you to hide the venous mesh or wrinkling of the skin. In the abdominal area, it will effectively remove stretch marks and, over time, will lighten postoperative scars. Skin renewal after the procedure deserves the most positive reviews cosmetologists. It is worth paying attention to such nuances:

  1. At the age of twenty, there will be no effect from thermage, since the processes of the organism itself are still strong. An exception is only for skin lesions requiring the intervention of plastic surgeons;
  2. Cellulite cannot be reduced with the procedure. it all depends on the depth of exposure to radio frequency waves, and they simply do not get to the places of formation and accumulation of cellulite.

Salon prices are quite high. The manufacturing company positions itself in the cosmetology market quite powerfully. The essence of innovative developments is the avoidance of surgical intervention. The effect of hardware cosmetology "Thermage" is equivalent to plastic surgery, only it does without puffiness and scarring, inevitable with incisions and surgical lifts.

Prices in the capital start at 150 thousand rubles, on the periphery, a lower price may be indicated in the price list of the salon, but most likely this is not Thermage. You can repeat the procedure after a year, but usually the result is stable for five years. It all depends on the age and background of the client. You can read reviews about Thermage on the website of the chosen salon. But still make sure you have the original device. No swelling or puffiness should appear, and decorative cosmetics can be used after a couple of hours.

For many years, various facial rejuvenation procedures have been painful and uncomfortable. In 2002, the first facial Thermage treatment was performed in the United States of America. It was a kind of breakthrough that opened new era in the field of rejuvenation. If we compare it with most similar procedures, then it has many advantages over them.

Video - Thermage: effective rejuvenation faces

What is Facial Thermage?

Thermage of the face is a non-surgical facelift performed by a special device that acts on the epidermis with high temperatures. After the procedure, in the before and after photos, the lifting effect and improvement in the general condition of the skin of the face are perfectly noticeable. Thermage restores turgor, nourishes and improves blood supply to the skin.

If earlier the procedure was carried out exclusively in Europe and the USA, now you can contact many large salons in our country, which are ready to offer facial thermage to their clients. The procedure is used both for the face as a whole and for its individual parts: chin, forehead, cheeks, etc.

Thermage is an exclusive procedure and its cost is not the cheapest.

The average price for a total facial rejuvenation is $2,200. And thermage of individual parts of the face, for example, the chin, will cost an average of 800 dollars. However, cosmetologists say that one session is quite enough to ensure a stable and long-term effect that will last for about 5 years.

Thermage: remove chubby cheeks

Advantages of the procedure

  1. This facelift has an almost instant effect. 40% of those who have gone through the procedure do not notice the result immediately after the session. In other cases, the effect appears after six months of Thermage.
  2. Short recovery time.
  3. The procedure helps to activate the fibers of elastane and collagen, making them elastic and dense.
  4. Thermage for the face can be done at any age - up to 80 years.

However, Thermage sessions can only be used as an auxiliary or preventive method, because they cannot replace traditional surgical facelifts. The procedure can correct the face, but remove deep wrinkles or tighten sagging cheeks, she is unable to.

See the article - Botox and Dysport from wrinkles on the forehead

Thermage technology is similar to laser lifting, but definitely different from biorevitalization. It cannot be used for vitiligo and is not a substitute for deep lifting. Also, after a Thermage session, there is no scrub effect.

Thermage results:

  • removes circles and sagging in the eyelid area;
  • improves the general condition of the skin;
  • helps to get rid of sagging and small wrinkles;
  • prevents facial aging;
  • helps to get rid of scars.

Thermage: wrinkle removal

How to avoid cheating

Not all ladies are ready to part with such an impressive amount of money that will have to be paid for Thermage. Based on this, some beauty salons begin to sin by passing off radiofrequency lifting as this procedure, which is much cheaper. Unfortunately, after such a procedure, the expected effect will not be observed.

It must always be remembered that real thermage is done exclusively with ThermaCool, which is manufactured by the American company Thermage. She is also engaged in the development and implementation of various innovations for this device. For example, CRT technology has appeared, which increases comfort during the session.

When a girl visits a beauty salon, she doesn't have to be shy about asking the staff to show them the equipment they use for the procedure. If this is ThermaCool, then everything is in order, and no one here will deceive her. Another nuance: if a specialist declares that he is ready to serve a client at his home, then this is a hoax. The device is very expensive, and no one will simply install it at home, because it is impractical.

Moreover, only a specialist who has studied at special courses and received a diploma can service this device. It is also necessary to take into account that thermage is performed only once, and radiofrequency lifting must be done several times, otherwise there will be no effect.

Facial Thermage - An Obvious Improvement

How is facial thermage performed?

For the procedure, a special apparatus with various nozzles is used. There are only five of the latter, they differ in their diameter. Large ones are used to treat the forehead, and small ones are used for the cheeks.

How the process works:

  1. A person comes to a specialist and passes the necessary tests. The beautician carefully examines the results and determines the type of skin.
  2. Cosmetics are removed from the face, and the epidermis is treated with a lotion that contains alcohol.
  3. Contour markings are applied to the face, which corrects problem areas. For marking, special paper with a washable marker is used.
  4. This completes the preparatory steps and turns on the laser. The latter must be heated to a certain level. During penetration, the patient feels impulses of different temperatures, alternating with each other. They thicken collagen fibers, activating the nourishment of the epidermis.
  5. Thermage session can last from 30 minutes to 3-4 hours. It depends on the treatment area and the complexity of the procedure.

Thermage of the face is almost completely safe for health, however, some negative consequences may occur after it. Cosmetologists say that the probability of their appearance is five percent out of a hundred. The most common consequence is swelling of the areas that have been treated.

If after thermage there is redness on the face and the body temperature rises, then the following should be done:

  • apply Panthenol to the skin of the face (has an anti-inflammatory effect);
  • do not drink water for some time and do not eat salty foods (they retain moisture and do not allow puffiness to disappear);
  • immediately contact the specialist who did thermage.

Facial thermage at home or in untrustworthy clinics is highly discouraged. There is a high risk of burns and other unpleasant complications. As a rule, getting rid of them in the future will not be easy.

After thermage, you can not stay in the sun for a long time, visit baths and saunas and use cosmetics for about 15 days.

Although it goes well with face masks, you need to be careful in the first 30 days, because the epidermis is very sensitive to many external stimuli. First of all, do not use lotions containing alcohol and harsh soaps.

Thermage face - effect

Indications and contraindications

Thermage is indicated for women who observe swelling of the skin on their faces, bags under the eyes, crow's feet. Also, it will not be superfluous in the presence of a second chin, flabby cheeks, wrinkles, loss of skin elasticity. Usually procedures are performed after 35 years. At a younger age, there will be no effect from it, because the collagen fibers are updated on their own.

Main contraindications:

  • pregnancy and the first year after childbirth;
  • use of certain medicines;
  • recent tan;
  • pacemaker;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • diabetes;
  • oncology;
  • diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems;
  • weak immunity;
  • natural tendency to form keloid scars;
  • various infections.

It must be remembered that the effect of "before and after" often does not appear immediately. Sometimes it manifests itself after 3 or even 6 months. It depends on the condition of the skin of the face, the age of the woman and many other factors.

Many women who have crossed a certain age line dream of healthy and young skin. In search of a second youth, they turn to the latest achievements of cosmetology.

Among the many proposed procedures, such a method of hardware cosmetology as facial thermage stands apart. What this procedure is and how effective it is - these are the main points that interest women who have discovered this technique.

Thermage is a hardware cosmetic procedure during which radiofrequency waves act on the cells of the dermis.

As a result of radiation, local tissue heating occurs, which leads to the activation of collagen synthesis and the strengthening of the facial skin. In other words, this method of non-surgical correction visibly tightens and rejuvenates the skin.


Thermage procedure has several advantages:

  • collagen synthesis is activated, while the upper layers of the dermis remain intact;
  • there is a noticeable lifting effect;
  • the result is noticeable after 1 session;
  • the effect of a facelift lasts from 3 to 5 years;
  • patients do not require a rehabilitation period;
  • the application of the method does not depend on the season and weather conditions.

This type of anti-aging procedure has a minimum of contraindications and can be used by both women and men who have not reached the age threshold of 70 years.

Disadvantages compared to similar methods

The main disadvantage of this method is its high cost. Compared to other anti-aging procedures, the prices for Thermage are several times higher. However, the result will not keep you waiting.

Patients with hypersensitivity also note a small pain syndrome during the procedure, which is a disadvantage compared to many other rejuvenation methods.

Summarizing, we can identify the following disadvantages of Thermage in comparison with other methods of rejuvenation:

  • high price;
  • soreness (in patients with increased sensory sensitivity);
  • the possibility of thermal burns of the skin;
  • longer procedure time (minimum 45 minutes).


Like any cosmetic procedure, Thermage requires a number of indications for its implementation.

  • loss of tone of the facial skin;
  • violation of the smooth contours of the face (second chin);
  • overhanging upper and lower eyelids (bags under the eyes);
  • the presence of facial wrinkles around the eyes (crow's feet);
  • the appearance of other first signs of aging.

In some cases, thermolifting is prescribed as one of the auxiliary procedures included in the list of rehabilitation therapy after plastic surgery.


Thermage of the face (what kind of procedure it is, its advantages and possible side effects are discussed with the client at the initial stage of the examination) is actively used in most large cosmetology clinics in their practice.

This type of radiofrequency rejuvenation has a number of contraindications common to this type of technique. Among them are absolute and relative.

Absolute contraindications include:

  • the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • the presence of wounds in the zone of exposure to radio frequencies;
  • eczema, psoriasis;
  • diseases accompanied by hyperthermia;
  • diabetes mellitus type I and II;
  • oncology;
  • diseases associated with mental disorders or pathologies of the central nervous system.

Relative contraindications are:

  • the presence of a pacemaker (consultation and permission for the procedure by the attending physician is required);
  • connective tissue dysplasia and other types of pathologies that require additional examination and identification of the stage of the disease;
  • tendency to scar formation (consultation of an observing dermatologist is necessary);
  • fresh tan.

At what age can the procedure be done?

The thermolifting procedure, as a prevention of age-related skin changes, is recommended from the age of 35. The upper bar is 70 years. Patients older than this age tend to have too many absolute contraindications.

For what parts of the body is it used?

The thermolifting method can be used both for the face and for the body.. The most frequently required correction of the skin in the eye area is to remove crow's feet, reduce puffiness under the eyes and drooping of the upper eyelids.

The second most frequently corrected area is the nose and lips. Thermage can eliminate deep wrinkles that give the face a displeased expression.

After 35 years, thermolifting is often used as part of preventive measures to prevent the appearance of such folds.

This method allows you to correct and sharpen the contour of the face, remove the second chin. Also, during the procedure, shallow mimic wrinkles are smoothed out, the dermis of the cheeks is tightened. The very first visible result is the general fresh appearance of the patient.

Eyelids and eye area

The skin of the eyelids and the area around the eyes is the most sensitive and thin. He is in constant motion. The dermis does not have a subcutaneous fat layer, but it has many blood vessels, which, in case of blood stagnation, cause the development of edema.

Photos before and after thermage around the eyes.

Therefore, the implementation of the Thermage procedure here has a number of its own characteristics:

  • the markup used during the preparatory phase is much smaller;
  • nozzles used during the procedure are smaller in size;
  • special eye drops with an anesthetic and protective effect are used;
  • the eyes are necessarily protected by dark lenses that prevent radiation.

The result of this method of radiofrequency rejuvenation can last for 2-5 years, depending on the characteristics of the patient's skin structure. To prolong the effect, cosmetologists recommend repeating the procedure after 1-1.5 years.


Facial Thermage is applicable to various areas. Lips, nasolabial area, cheekbones, forehead and cheeks - any of these areas can be rejuvenated using this method.

The nozzle used for thermolifting in the area of ​​the cheeks or cheekbones is larger than the one used for treating the eyes and the area around them. The size of the special markup applied to the patient's skin also changes.

Thermage of the face is not only a method of dealing with the consequences, but also a means of prevention, which is confirmed by cosmetologists. A striking example is the prevention of the formation of deep nasolabial folds as a result of the preventive treatment of this area with a thermolifting device.

Preparatory stage. Analyzes and preliminary examination

Like any serious cosmetic procedure, thermage of the face has several stages: preparatory, main and restorative.

The preparatory phase begins 2 weeks before the main procedure. It includes a mandatory initial consultation with a cosmetologist who will assess the condition of the skin and issue a referral for a medical examination. It may include not only a laboratory blood test, but also an additional consultation with a dermatologist if a skin disease is suspected.

Thermage of the face - what kind of procedure it is, how it is performed, what are the contraindications and whether it is recommended for the patient - the specialist should give detailed answers to all these questions during the initial consultation.

A week before the thermolifting procedure, the patient must refuse:

Thermage is performed only on condition of clean skin, without pustules, wounds and acne. Refusal of salt, a large amount of water drunk per day, an increase in cereal and plant foods in the diet will solve the problem with infectious rashes.

Only after passing all the tests and passing the necessary consultations, the cosmetologist will set the date of the procedure.

Performing a procedure

Thermage procedure itself is a series of sequential operations:

Fake difference

Many patients who underwent thermage procedure were not satisfied with the result, as the effect was not fully manifested. The most common reason for this is the use of radio frequency lifting devices, a method similar to facial thermage, but with less noticeable results and cheaper financially.

Before and after the Thermage procedure with a high-quality apparatus.

It is very easy to spot a fake. It is enough to look at the Thermage apparatus itself. Thermolifting devices are produced by the American company Thermage Inc (California, USA). The name of the Therma Cool device must be marked on the body of the device.

An additional guarantee of the authenticity of the procedure is a detailed explanation of the specialist what the method is and a demonstration of the device with all attachments.

It is also necessary to remember that the result of Thermage is achieved by a single procedure. If a specialist recommends a course at intervals of less than a year, it is worth doubting the authenticity of the device and the method itself.

Thermage device at home

Thermage of the face (what kind of procedure is described in detail above) until 2013 was performed only in clinics and specialized salons. However, in the same year, Swiss specialists released the Thermage Mini device, with which you can carry out lifting at home.

Apparatus for the procedure is on sale, so you can carry out thermage of the face at home.

The device is more compact and convenient for independent use. The price for this type of devices varies from 67 to 77 thousand.

detailed instructions to the device allows you to carry out the procedure at home on your own. However, the best result can be achieved only when working with professional equipment and an experienced specialist.

Recovery and rehabilitation

The recovery period lasts no more than 2 days. The lack of rehabilitation is one of the benefits of Thermage. You can return to your normal lifestyle almost immediately.

Due to the increased sensitivity of the facial skin, a number of requirements must be observed in order to maintain the long-term effect of the procedure:

The cosmetologist should warn the patient about all these rules. In all other activities, there are no strict restrictions.

Differences from RF-lifting

Facial Thermage is an analogue of RF lifting. Many people think they are one and the same. Indeed, these techniques are distinguished by a general principle based on exposure to the dermis with radiofrequency radiation. However, there are also significant differences.

First of all, we are talking about the temperature of heating the skin. For Thermage, this figure is 60°C, and for RF lifting - 40°C. Therefore, in the first case, there is a greater chance of getting a thermal burn.

You can also note the following differences:

  • the difference in the monopolar radiation frequency (it is more powerful in thermage);
  • complete denaturation of collagen during thermal lifting and partial denaturation during RF lifting;
  • the number of necessary procedures (1 for Thermage and a course for RF-lifting).

Is Altera more efficient?

The principle of operation of the Altera apparatus is based on ultrasonic action on subcutaneous tissues located at a depth of 3-8 mm.

There are a number of differences between Thermage and Altera treatments:

  • a longer recovery period (about 2 weeks), often accompanied by redness and slight swelling, after the Altera procedure;
  • less noticeable result in comparison with thermage;
  • temporary increase in the sensitivity of the skin;
  • lower price for a single procedure using the Altera apparatus.

Effect duration

Thermage results appear almost immediately, but the greatest effect is achieved 5-6 months after the procedure. With proper care, the result “remains on the face” for 4-6 years.

Side effects and consequences

One of the advantages of the procedure is the almost complete absence of side effects.

However, in case of violation of the rules of the recovery period or in case of mistakes made by the cosmetologist, the following "cons" may be observed:

  • lack of visible results;
  • thermal burns;
  • fibrosis.

The last point is a particularly strong side effect that occurs when fibroblasts overreact to radiation. As a result, the proliferation of connective tissue and the formation of subcutaneous scars occur.

What procedures are often combined with?

Thermage procedure is often combined with a method called Fraxel. This is laser stimulation of cellular regeneration as a result of which active recovery processes begin on the micro-sections of the dermis.

Where to get Thermage and how much does it cost?

The second question that is often asked after explaining the methodology is the cost of the procedure. Many are scared off by the high price, but given the instant result and the long term of the effect, it's worth it.

The average price for facial thermage varies within the following limits:

  • eyelids - from 70 to 100 thousand rubles;
  • neck - from 100 to 120 thousand rubles;
  • the middle region - from 100 thousand rubles.

In regional centers of cosmetology, prices are on average 15-20% lower.

When choosing a clinic for the procedure, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • availability of original equipment of an American manufacturer;
  • experienced professional cosmetologists with certificates confirming their qualifications;
  • single procedure.

At the consultation, the specialist is obliged not only to explain what facial thermage is, but also to give an opportunity to get acquainted with the equipment and warn about all possible side effects and contraindications. Only such a responsible approach will allow you to get a guaranteed, and most importantly, safe result.

Useful videos about facial thermage

Thermage. Facial rejuvenation in the salon:

Comparison of the most popular procedures for skin rejuvenation:

Non-invasive anti-aging techniques are the most popular modern procedures for restoring skin turgor and restoring its beauty and youthful appearance. Reviews of cosmetologists claim that facial thermage is the easiest and safest way to restore the oval and eliminate mimic wrinkles.

What it is

Thermage is a non-surgical facelift by exposing the epidermis to high temperatures, the before and after photos clearly show not only an excellent lifting effect, but also a general improvement in the skin. The procedure is unique in its principle of action, because in addition to the pronounced processes of turgor restoration, it is able to improve nutrition and blood supply to the integument.

Advantages of Thermage:

  1. This non-surgical facelift has an immediate effect. In more than 30% of patients, results are noticeable immediately after the session. In other cases, the effect becomes most visible after 6 months of thermage;
  2. With the help of electric lifting, collagen and elastane fibers are activated. They become more elastic and dense;
  3. Short recovery time. You can return to the usual rhythm of life almost immediately after the procedure;
  4. The procedure for correcting the skin can be carried out up to any age (up to 70 years).

But at the same time, thermage cannot replace the traditional methods of surgical lifting, it is used only as an auxiliary or preventive method. For example, he will be able to slightly correct the oval of the face, but he cannot tighten sagging cheeks or completely eliminate deep wrinkles.

According to the principle of operation, the technology is very similar to laser-lifting, but at the same time, thermage has certain differences from biorevitalization. Firstly, it cannot replace deep lifting, secondly, it cannot be used for vitiligo (unlike laser lifting), and thirdly, there is no scrub effect after Thermage.

Indications for facial thermage:

  1. Flabbiness and the appearance of the first signs of aging;
  2. The presence of acne, comedones, acne and other signs of a skin problem;
  3. Lack of shine and brightness of the color of the epidermis;
  4. Wrinkles around the eyes and nasolabial folds;
  5. Lowered eyelids, eyebrows, change in facial contours;
  6. Asymmetry of individual parts of the face, which manifested itself as a result of aging of the body. The most common drooping of one eyelid or cheek;
  7. The presence of scars.

This plastic is considered to be quite safe, but any electrical or laser effect on the body has contraindications. In particular, the procedure is not recommended for blood diseases, the presence of individual contraindications, as well as during active chronic skin diseases. Extremely harmful session during pregnancy and lactation.

Photo - Thermage device

Still Thermage, Elos and ultrasonic liposuction, are categorically contraindicated in the presence of a pacemaker in the body - electrical impulses can provoke a malfunction of this device.

How is the procedure carried out

For the session, a special apparatus for thermage is used. Depending on the area of ​​treatment, a nozzle is selected by a specialist right size. There are 5 nozzles in total, which differ in type and diameter. For the treatment of the area around the eyes (lower and upper eyelids), the smallest ones are used, while for the forehead - the largest ones.

How Fractional Thermage Works:

  1. The patient gets acquainted with the doctor's office and passes certain tests. Based on the results, the cosmetologist determines the client's skin type - this is one of the most important stages of the procedure;
  2. After that, all cosmetics are removed from the face and the epidermis is additionally treated with an alcohol-containing lotion (depending on the type of skin, it can be replaced with more gentle products of a similar type of action);
  3. Next, contour markings are applied to the sections. It allows you to accurately correct the desired problem areas. It is applied to the face using paper with a washable marker - as during plastic surgery of the body;
  4. After the preparatory stages, the laser turns on and heats up to the desired level. Depending on the problems, the depth of penetration may vary. During exposure, the patient feels periodic cold and hot impulses that alternate with each other. It is during their occurrence that thickening of collagen fibers and activation of enhanced nutrition of the epidermis occur, and, consequently, skin rejuvenation;
  5. In time, the procedure can be carried out from half an hour to several hours, depending on the specific area.

Photo - Before and after the procedure

Despite the safety of the session, there may be some negative consequences after thermage of the face. Doctors note that the likelihood of their occurrence is extremely small - in 5 patients out of 100. The most common swelling of the treated areas. If, after the operation, an increased body temperature and redness of the treated areas are noticed, then you need to:

  1. Apply Panthenol to the epidermis, which will soothe the integument;
  2. Seek help from the doctor who performed the procedure;
  3. Temporarily limit water and salty foods - they retain moisture in the body, contributing to the appearance of puffiness.

If thermage is carried out at home or in non-professional conditions, then there is also a risk of facial skin burns. Because of this, we do not recommend doing such procedures on your own, otherwise it will be very difficult to get rid of complications.

After the procedure, prolonged exposure to the sun or in the sauna is not recommended, it is also necessary to limit the use of cosmetics for two weeks. Please note, despite the fact that Thermage has good compatibility with various face masks, you should be very careful, because in the first month after the session, the epidermis is very sensitive to various influences. Do not use alcohol-based lotions and harsh soaps.

Video: face thermage

Of course, to save money, you can buy a device for self-conducting thermal lifting, for example, Pelleve. But, in this case, no one guarantees a good result and the absence of side effects and complications.

Unfortunately, the female age is short. If at the age of 20 we do not notice wrinkles, then at the age of 30 and 40 they become the cause of frustration for many women. Individual features of the skin, even with timely and high-quality care, can lead to premature aging of the skin. That is why modern women are ready to undergo severe surgical operations, with the help of which they hope to regain their youth. Trichology, cosmetology - those areas that today give good results. In particular, modern cosmetology works real miracles, so do not rush to go to the plastic surgery clinic. Pay your attention to thermage- a cosmetic procedure that allows you to rejuvenate the face without surgery.

All kinds of non-surgical methods of facial rejuvenation have found themselves and have become incredibly in demand, because not every woman wants and can afford facial plastic surgery. Suffice it to recall at least the Fraxel laser, which has become a revolutionary development of scientists. Thermage of the face is based on the principle of exposing the cells of the epidermis to radio frequencies that have a low power, but a rather high frequency. Due to this, it is possible to heat the collagen fibers and achieve their tone.

A similar technique was developed by American cosmetologists in 2002, after which it became widespread not only in America, but also in Europe. It is noteworthy that now Russian women will also be able to try the procedure in many salons of the country.

For the procedure, you will need the Thermage device, with the help of which it will carry out radiofrequency effects on skin cells. As a result of the procedure, a woman should notice a slight lifting effect. Thermage is performed not only on the face, but also on the neck, décolleté area, as well as certain areas of the face, such as the eyelids. Currently, with the help of patented technology, body thermage is also carried out.

The procedure involves the treatment of the skin with one of five special nozzles. Each of them differs in diameter, type and force of impact on the skin, which is why they are used for different parts of the face and body. There are usually several steps involved:

  1. consultation- within the framework of it, the specialist examines the condition of the skin, makes sure that there are no contraindications;
  2. make-up remover- with the help of special cosmetics make-up residues are removed, pores are cleansed;
  3. markup- at this stage, the treated area is covered with a special composition, after which a marking is made, similar to that carried out by plastic surgeons. The lines are applied with a water-based marker and allow you to highlight the most problematic areas;
  4. hardware impact- with the help of a special apparatus, the specialist builds the optimal temperature of exposure and its depth, individual in each case. The minimum wave penetration depth is 0.5 mm, the maximum depth is 4.3 mm.
The essence of this procedure is the effect of waves on collagen fibers, which over the years loses its tone and activity. After a course of procedures, old fibers, after changing their structure, begin to actively synthesize new collagen fibers, due to which the skin oval is noticeably tightened. On average, the procedure lasts 1.5-2 hours, during which the patient will not experience any unpleasant, let alone painful sensations.

Indications for carrying out

Surely, many women think about the need for Thermage, and all because not all problems can be solved with its help. So in what cases does it make sense to carry out this procedure?

Thermage of the eyes will help get rid of the hated "crow's feet", bags under the eyes, swelling of the eyelids. If we talk about the procedure in the facial area, it tightens the oval, fights against the “second” chin, fine and deep nasolabial wrinkles, and generally evens out the surface and tone of the face.

Most often, women decide on skin thermage after 35 years. It is clear that 20-year-old young ladies will not notice any effect on their face even after a whole course.

Benefits of the procedure

Speaking about the positive results of the procedure on the Thermage device, I would like to note first of all:
  1. smoothing wrinkles;
  2. alignment of complexion;
  3. painlessness;
  4. quick results - only one procedure is required to obtain the expected effect;
  5. the duration of the effect - experts assure that the duration is 2-3 years.


Despite the effectiveness of the procedure, there are a number of contraindications that prohibit the exposure of radiofrequency waves to the skin of a woman of any age:

Moreover, after the procedure, each woman must refrain from visiting the solarium or being in direct sunlight for at least a day. It is strongly not recommended to engage in active activities for the next 2-3 days. physical activity, visit a bath or sauna, eat salty and fatty foods.

Cost of the procedure

At the moment, the Thermage cosmetic procedure is considered exclusive, which, of course, is reflected in the cost of its implementation. On average, the cost of processing the face and décolleté area is 2000 US dollars. The impact on the eyelids will cost $ 700. But, according to experts, one procedure will give an amazing and rather long-lasting effect.

Thermage at home

A full-fledged Thermage at home is possible only if you purchase a special device. In 2013, the Swiss company provided the entire cosmetic world with its novelty - Thermage Mini for use at home. By following the instructions, you can achieve good results. The only thing is if you do not understand anything in cosmetology. You should not take on an independent effect on your skin cells, it is advisable to first consult with a cosmetologist and find out about possible contraindications.

Facial Thermage is a unique procedure that helps to solve the problems of age-related skin changes quite quickly and without surgical intervention. Be sure to consult with a beautician regarding the need for it.
