Bitterness in the mouth: why does an unpleasant aftertaste occur in early pregnancy - during or after eating? Unusual signs of pregnancy Iron taste in pregnancy.

The long 9 months of pregnancy bring a woman such a flurry of emotions and sensations that she remembers this time for the rest of her life. During gestation, the body future mother undergoes drastic changes and this is immediately reflected in her well-being. Women who have given birth remember perfectly well what morning sickness, lightning-fast mood swings and completely crazy gastronomic addictions are. Pay attention to the most complex processes that occur in organs and systems during the bearing of a child, such strange, at first glance, metamorphoses are absolutely normal. Today we will talk about bad taste in the mouth during pregnancy. What is it - a symptom of any disease or physiological side effect due to gestation?

We are accustomed to the stereotypical judgment that nausea is considered the main sign of an undiagnosed pregnancy. In fact, a specific taste in the mouth is the first thing that the vast majority of women feel some time after conception. He may disappear for early dates pregnancy, and sometimes persists until the very birth. The symptom does not cause any particular inconvenience, but naturally curious or suspicious mothers still wonder, what could this mean? Women's concern is justified to some extent: an inexplicable aftertaste may indeed indicate some internal problems in the body. Let's see when a strange taste in the mouth during pregnancy requires detailed diagnosis and further treatment.

Why there is a taste in the mouth during pregnancy

According to scientists, an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth of expectant mothers may be the result of various factors. Let's consider each of them separately.

Taste in the mouth during pregnancy - internal physiological changes

Pregnancy "reshapes" the hormonal system of the body at its discretion, and this is the main reason for the development of such symptoms in expectant mothers, which non-pregnant women. You may not yet guess about your "interesting" position, but the body will hint to you about this by a change in taste. Taste in the mouth in early pregnancy is considered mainly as an addition to early toxicosis.

As pregnancy progresses, in the 2nd and 3rd trimester, the taste may increase. This happens for purely physiological reasons: the baby is actively developing and gaining weight, and the uterus is crowding nearby organs and supporting the diaphragm. Pressure in abdominal cavity increases, gastric sphincters lose their tone and weaken, passing gastric juice into the esophageal cavity, which leads to the appearance of a sour taste in the mouth during pregnancy. Heartburn and soreness, especially on later dates, is considered a variant of the norm.

After childbirth, the sour taste disappears, and while the fetus is growing, doctors recommend that women simply put up with this minor inconvenience. You can partially get rid of the problem with the help of fractional nutrition and the use of products that reduce the level of acidity.

In addition to "sourness", women during pregnancy are often annoyed by a bitter taste in their mouths. Experts have found an explanation for this condition: the reason lies in the functional impairment of the liver, gallbladder and bile ducts. Usually, bile from the liver is sent to the intestines, where it takes part in the digestion of food. If the route of the bitter substance is disturbed, and this is precisely what happens due to the increased content of progesterone in pregnant women, it is thrown into the digestive organs - first into the stomach, and then into the esophagus.

penetration of bile into middle department digestive system the horizontal position of the body contributes, so the expectant mother feels bitterness in the mouth mostly immediately after waking up. The condition does not need special or symptomatic treatment, since it is completely safe for the mother and child. To get rid of the bitter taste, just rinse your mouth with water.

Another non-specific sign of pregnancy is iodine taste in the mouth. This is not a consequence of any disease or pathology - just changes in the hormonal background in the female body are so grandiose that they cause a radical change in taste preferences and the appearance of an unusual taste of iodine in the mouth during pregnancy. Everything will return to normal as soon as the baby is born.

Taste in the mouth during pregnancy - indigestion

An unpleasant taste in the mouth during pregnancy can also be the result of various pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, especially if a woman has encountered such a problem even before conception. And since in pregnant women all chronic diseases tend to turn into an acute form, a change in taste will not take long.

Sour taste in the mouth during pregnancy, caused not by physiological factors, but by the pathological state of the woman's health, indicates the following diseases:

  • gastritis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • gastroesophageal reflux disease.

In addition to acid in the mouth, a pregnant woman often encounters other signs of abnormalities in the digestive tract:

  • painful discomfort, feeling of a stone in the stomach and abdomen;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • heartburn;
  • sour belching;
  • constipation.

If bitterness in the mouth regularly appears during pregnancy, the expectant mother should be examined for the presence of certain diseases:

  • obstruction of the bile ducts;
  • cholecystitis;
  • cholelithiasis.

In the event of an exacerbation of a particular disease, pain in the right hypochondrium, jaundice is added to the bitter taste in the mouth. skin and diarrhea. Whatever pathology of the gastrointestinal tract is discussed, the expectant mother needs timely adequate treatment. And only a doctor can determine the cause of her malaise.

Taste in the mouth during pregnancy - metabolic disorders

Women with diabetes may complain about the appearance of a sweet taste in the mouth during pregnancy. This condition develops on the basis of high blood sugar levels. Note, however, that sweet notes in the mouth are a rather rare symptom of the disease. Basically, the pathology is indicated by the following series of signs:

  • dry mouth, constant desire to drink water;
  • itching of the skin;
  • blurred vision;
  • a set of extra pounds or rapid exhaustion;
  • excretion of large volumes of urine.

Diabetes mellitus is detected after a blood test and a glucose tolerance test.

In some cases, a sweet taste in the mouth during pregnancy indicates the development of hepatitis or cirrhosis.

Diabetes can also be the basis for the taste of acetone in the mouth during pregnancy. By the 15th - 17th week of gestation, the level of ketone bodies in the woman's blood rises. This change is also caused by other factors that have an impact on the expectant mother:

  • heredity;
  • weakened general immunity;
  • features of the daily diet;
  • the presence of bad habits;
  • high levels of stress;
  • severe chronic diseases (including diabetes mellitus).

If a woman in position has at least one of the listed factors, the taste of acetone in the oral cavity is considered a reasonable phenomenon, but only on condition that it persists for no more than 2-3 days. With the systematic appearance and long-term preservation of the symptom, it is advisable for the expectant mother to consult a specialist. Special care is recommended for women with diabetes. In this case, you need to constantly monitor the level of insulin and blood sugar. At the slightest sign of malaise, the doctor will select a new optimal dosage for the administration of the hormone.

Taste in the mouth during pregnancy - diseases of the oral cavity

strange taste and bad smell from the mouth almost always appear when a person is diagnosed with an ENT disease or a dental disorder. Caries, stomatitis, tonsillitis and other diseases provoke the development of an inflammatory reaction and disrupt the receptor susceptibility of the tongue. The nature of the taste also varies depending on the disease. So, a sweet taste indicates the presence of a purulent focus in the oral cavity or upper respiratory tract, and if a sour or salty taste appears on the tongue, inflammation of the salivary glands can be suspected.

Taste in the mouth during pregnancy - lack of nutrients in the body

In the early stages of pregnancy, a woman may be disturbed by a pronounced taste of iron in her mouth. There are several reasons for this, according to doctors:

  1. A sharp decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood. If the laboratory analysis confirms that the body of the expectant mother is indeed experiencing an acute iron deficiency, she will be prescribed special preparations with the necessary trace element and recommended to supplement the diet with iron-rich foods.
  2. A persistent metallic taste during pregnancy is mainly associated with the intake of complex vitamins, which are usually prescribed to expectant mothers to prevent hypovitaminosis. The active components of such drugs can cause a well-perceived metallic taste on the tongue.
  3. We must not forget about the increased production of hormones during pregnancy, which provokes a strong change in the taste of a woman.

If the matter is only in the increased activity of hormones, the metallic taste that appeared in the early stages of pregnancy usually disappears without a trace by 12-14 weeks of gestation. However, when the taste of iron arose due to the lack of this trace element, the condition of the expectant mother will gradually worsen. Over time, other signs of chronic anemia will appear:

  • weakness, chronic fatigue;
  • pale skin and mucous membranes;
  • brittle and brittle hair and nails;
  • atrophy of the surface of the tongue and organs of the middle part of the digestive system.

A metallic taste of blood in the mouth during pregnancy often appears due to a serious deficiency of ascorbic acid in the body, as well as due to particularly sensitive gums in the expectant mother, who tend to bleed.

Features of the treatment of unpleasant taste in the mouth during pregnancy

To understand how to get rid of sour or any other notes on the tongue during pregnancy, you need to know the cause of this phenomenon, which is usually found out after a detailed diagnosis. Treatment is based on a mandatory diet and the use of drugs (if a strange taste is the cause of any disease).

Diet with an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth during pregnancy

Regular food intake and a varied diet contribute to the successful course of pregnancy and is a reliable prevention of various diseases that affect the change in the taste of the expectant mother. Nutritionists suggest: in such a situation, it is good to satisfy hunger with slimy soups, mashed potatoes, oatmeal and rice porridge. Dairy products (milk, cream), as well as home-made, moderately sweetened compotes and jelly, must certainly be present in the diet. But it is better to refuse sweets, bread, various spices, sour and pickled foods, radishes and fatty first courses.

Recall the general principles healthy eating during pregnancy:

  1. Smoked meats and fried foods only harm, so their presence in the diet during pregnancy is unacceptable.
  2. Cabbage and legumes can only be eaten in very modest portions.
  3. On the plate of the expectant mother should always be vegetables, herbs and fresh fruits.
  4. Lean meats and fish are a priority.
  5. You can not refuse buckwheat, apples, seaweed, pomegranate seeds and liver. These are rich sources of iron.

Medicines for bad taste in the mouth during pregnancy

Depending on what disease caused the change in taste in the mouth of the expectant mother, the doctor may decide on the use of medicines of the following groups:

  • vitamins;
  • antiseptics;
  • antibiotics;
  • iron-containing preparations;
  • enzymes;
  • antisecretory drugs;
  • prokinetics;
  • drugs that regulate blood sugar levels;
  • anti-inflammatory.

It is possible to understand what caused the appearance of an unusual taste in the mouth only after a comprehensive examination of the pregnant patient. Practice shows that this condition is not always the result of any pathology. Thus, the female body reacts to bearing a child, and after childbirth, the well-being of the newly-made mother quickly improves.

When you try to get pregnant, you begin to believe in all signs. Even before the appearance of two strips on the test, many girls are trying to find many symptoms in themselves that a pregnancy has come. A metallic taste in the mouth is one of grandmother's signs.

Pregnancy is determined by the first medical signs and by many folk omens. Oddly enough, the reliability of both methods is the same. A metallic taste is one of the grandmother's signs that is not scientifically based, but has good results. Why does it come out like this? Is a metallic taste considered proof that a woman is pregnant?

A metallic taste appears in various diseases. Its connection with pregnancy has not yet been proven. However, many women at the beginning of pregnancy feel a similar aftertaste. This makes me believe in the connection between pregnancy and metallic taste. It lasts only during the first trimester - up to 12-14 weeks. In most pregnant women in late pregnancy, it disappears.

At strong desire getting pregnant is easy to succumb to the temptation to mistake a metallic taste for the first symptom of pregnancy. If a number of diseases are absent and provided proper nutrition, then the taste of metal in the mouth can be considered the first evidence of pregnancy.

Causes of a metallic taste during pregnancy

Changes in hormonal balance. During pregnancy, the amount of estrogen and progesterone increases dramatically. They can influence taste sensations. This explains the different sense of taste while eating. Many taste buds on the tongue are also exacerbated. Some spices or ingredients in small quantities can leave a metallic taste in the mouth.

Exacerbations of smell. The organs of taste and smell in humans are strongly interconnected. A heightened sense of smell can change the taste of food. Often there may be an aversion to many of your pre-pregnancy favorite foods.

The diet of a pregnant woman lacks nutrients.

There are dental problems in the oral cavity or the gums have begun to bleed.

Prenatal vitamins. They can leave a metallic taste in the mouth. Prenatal vitamins contain minerals and other ingredients with similar abilities. Taking prenatal vitamins for a long time, a woman may not notice the taste of metal on her tongue. It is only during pregnancy that she notices this taste.

Acid reflux. During pregnancy, hormones periodically interfere with the digestive process. Pregnant women suffer from a number of troubles: constipation, acid reflux, indigestion. Acid reflux causes regurgitation of food, which causes a metallic taste on the tongue.

How to remove metallic taste in mouth?

The taste of metal in the mouth is not a serious problem. However, its prolonged presence can cause discomfort during pregnancy. Most women try to eat something to get rid of the metallic taste. Acidic and spicy foods help well.

The best and safest way can be mint candy, which is absorbed.

Second good ways is a glass of water with lemon. Drinking this drink is optional. It is enough to rinse the mouth cavity so that the unpleasant aftertaste disappears.

You can observe and identify those foods that cause a metallic taste in your mouth. Then it is enough to remove them from your diet to make the course of pregnancy more comfortable.

However, all changes in the diet should be agreed with the attending physician, especially if the fact of pregnancy has already been established.

To summarize: a metallic taste in the mouth is associated with pregnancy, but cannot be considered one hundred percent proof of its onset. At the first appearance of the taste of metal in the mouth, you need to monitor other symptoms that indicate pregnancy. If they are absent, then you should visit a doctor so as not to miss the development of other diseases. A complete examination of the body and a series of tests will help the doctor make the correct diagnosis.

Bitter taste in the mouth in pregnant women is a common problem, this phenomenon does not occur until the twentieth week and continues until the moment the baby is born. If this symptom appears, you should immediately consult a doctor, but often the symptom disappears on its own. In the presence of a disease, treatment is carried out, a timely examination will help establish the diagnosis.

Symptoms of bitterness in the mouth in pregnant women

A detailed consideration of the problem takes into account all its aspects - an important role is played by the diet and lifestyle of a woman. Unpleasant taste in the first trimester may change over time, appear constantly or periodically, and the degree of its severity also differs.

The determining factor is the condition and characteristics of the woman's body. To establish the cause of any symptom allows differential diagnosis.

Bitterness in the mouth is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • discomfort in the abdomen;
  • belching;
  • heartburn.

Causes of bitterness in the early stages

Hormonal changes in the body

Pregnancy is accompanied by a change in the hormonal background, a restructuring of the functioning of many systems - often against this background there are uncomfortable sensations. Often, an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth in the 1st trimester is considered as a manifestation of toxicosis, accompanied by vomiting and nausea.

An important role in this case is played by increased production of the hormone progesterone, resulting in relaxation of the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract. Its main action is aimed at reducing the tension of the uterus and improving the conditions for bearing the fetus. The hormone weakens the valves that are responsible for the activity of the esophagus and stomach - as a result, a feeling of bitterness appears in the mouth.

In the second and third trimesters, active growth of the fetus begins, the uterus rises and presses on internal organs. Belching, heartburn, and a feeling of overeating are associated with increased abdominal pressure and relaxation of the sphincter muscles. The sensation of bitterness in the mouth occurs due to the reverse flow of bile into the stomach, which has a bitter taste (normally, its action is aimed at digesting fats).

Problems with the gastrointestinal tract

This symptom in the early stages can also occur in the presence of the following diseases:

In the presence of such pathologies, problems with the gastrointestinal tract most often appear after eating food with increased spice, fat content and spiciness. The symptom is accompanied by painful sensations in the right hypochondrium or in the epigastric region. Sometimes an unpleasant aftertaste persists for another 2-4 hours after eating - in this case, a gastroenterological examination is indicated.

Liver disorders

During pregnancy, a serious load falls on the liver; diseases of the organs of the hepatobiliary system can also aggravate the situation. Bitterness in the mouth also occurs against the background of the chronic form of cholecystitis, the pathology is accompanied by a feeling of heaviness and dull pain in the right hypochondrium. If symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Diseases of the oral cavity

During pregnancy, it is important to monitor the condition of the oral cavity: bitterness in the mouth can occur due to inflammation and gum disease. Stomatitis, periodontal disease, gingivitis and metal crowns can also cause problems. The symptom also appears after dental procedures during pregnancy.

How to get rid of bad taste?

Folk ways

What to do? Help get rid of the problem folk methods, however, care must be taken, as some herbs during pregnancy can be dangerous for the expectant mother and child.

  • One of effective recipes: squeeze juice from 200 g of carrots, 60 g of parsley, 150 g of celery and drink 3 times a day during the day throughout the entire pregnancy.
  • Potato juice will also help get rid of an unpleasant sign, chewing calamus helps some.
  • Water with a small amount of baking soda also helps eliminate bitterness in the mouth - some people use this recipe throughout their entire pregnancy.


An important role in getting rid of the problem is played by the diet, during this period it should be adjusted. The diet involves the rejection of smoked, spicy, fatty foods, canned foods.

After eating, it is not recommended to lie down, you should stay upright for some time. Otherwise, the esophagus and stomach will be at the same level, the valve will open, bile will flow in the opposite direction.

An important role is also played by the choice of clothing - it should not squeeze the stomach, otherwise a bitter taste appears in the mouth.

Oral hygiene

If, after visiting the dentist, diseases of the oral cavity were detected, it is necessary to undergo treatment. During this period, it is recommended to pay special attention to hygiene: brush your teeth in the morning and evening, use dental floss, a spatula to clean your tongue. It is very important to follow these recommendations and periodically undergo preventive examinations at the dentist.

Drinking regime

Compliance plays an important role in problem solving. drinking regime- immediately drink food is contraindicated, you must wait 20 minutes. In addition to pure water, it is recommended to drink juices and fresh juices, in order to avoid the appearance of puffiness, moderation in drinking should be observed.

Examination by specialists

If bitterness appears in the mouth, you should seek medical advice, the doctor will make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

  • The following drugs will help get rid of pathologies of the liver or bile ducts: Gepabene, Hofitol, Allochol - the use of drugs is possible only as prescribed by the therapist.
  • Talcid, Gaviscon, Rennie and other drugs that are allowed to be taken during this period also help with bitterness in the mouth.

Prevention of bitterness in the mouth

Prevention measures:

Pregnancy is a peculiar condition that is accompanied by serious changes in the hormonal background. The causes of symptoms are very different: changes in hormonal levels, diseases of the digestive tract, dental problems.

An examination by a doctor who will diagnose and prescribe treatment will help to identify the cause. If the bitterness in the mouth is associated with the activation of hormones, the symptom will disappear on its own, following a proper diet, maintaining healthy lifestyle life.

The taste of iron in the mouth, as if you had just licked the battery, is a rather unpleasant feeling that can appear sometimes or bother you all the time. In addition, many diseases of the digestive system can manifest as such a symptom, so it is impossible to ignore such a signal from the body.

In this topic, we want to tell you why there is a taste of iron in your mouth, what to do in this case and which specialists to contact. But first, let's look at what taste is, how it is formed and which organ is responsible for taste perception.

The tongue not only takes part in the formation of sounds, but is also responsible for the perception of taste. How does this happen?

There are more than 2,000 taste buds on the tongue, which contain taste buds. The papillae of the tongue are distinguished by their shape, as well as by purpose. There are filiform, fungiform, foliate, and grooved taste buds.

Various substances that enter the oral cavity, and, accordingly, on the tongue, penetrating deep into the taste bud, irritate the nerve endings located there. The signal received by the receptor is sent to the brain, where, after processing, it provides information about the taste of this substance.

It should also be noted that different parts of the tongue are responsible for the perception of a certain taste: the tip is responsible for the perception of a sweet taste, middle part- sour, the edges of the tongue - salty and sour, and the root - bitter.

The taste depends on the following factors:

  • the concentration of the main substance in food;
  • the area of ​​​​the tongue on which food has fallen;
  • food temperature.

The taste of iron in the mouth is not always the result of any disease, since this is how the body can react to external stimuli. It all depends on how often such a sensation appears, what symptoms accompany it, and in what situation it occurs.

In the mouth, the taste of iron may appear due to the following non-pathological factors:

  • mineral water enriched with iron ions. Such waters are prescribed for the treatment of iron deficiency conditions;
  • poor quality tap water. In an old plumbing system, the pipes of which have rusted, the water is saturated with iron ions;
  • metal dentures or implants. If a person who has metal prostheses or implants eats sour food or drinks an sour drink, then iron ions will react with organic acids, which will cause an unpleasant taste of metal in the mouth. Also, a similar feeling may appear if dentures are made of different metals, which can also react with each other;
  • using aluminum or cast iron cookware when cooking. Organic acids of products enter into a chemical reaction with metal ions from which the dishes are made;
  • the presence of piercings on the tongue, lips. The metal from which the jewelry is made reacts with acidic foods or drinks, resulting in a sensation of a metallic taste in the mouth;
  • poor oral hygiene. Plaque on the tongue, caries and tartar can also provoke a similar sensation;
  • massive jewelry on the body, watches and metal bracelets.

metallic taste in mouth during pregnancy

In women, a metallic taste is often observed during pregnancy, the appearance of which is explained by the following:

  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • iron deficiency;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals in the female body;
  • a change in the perception of taste receptors against the background of hormonal changes in the body.

Most often, the taste of metal in women in the mouth occurs due to hormonal changes in the female body caused by pregnancy.

The appearance of such a taste in the mouth may be accompanied by bouts of nausea, especially in the morning or when in contact with certain flavors or foods. Also, pregnant women may notice changes in taste, increased sensitivity and enlargement of the mammary glands.

Other symptoms, such as abdominal pain, runny nose, cough, bitter taste in the mouth or impaired sensitivity, are absent in this case.

These symptoms are considered normal in the first and second trimesters, but their appearance in the third trimester may be a sign of pathology. Therefore, if you are concerned about such symptoms, inform your gynecologist about this in order to exclude diseases or start treatment at the time.

Metallic taste in the mouth in women who are in menopause

During menopause, significant changes in the hormonal background occur in the body of a woman, which affect the activity of almost all organs and systems. Therefore, very often ladies complain about a constant or periodic taste of metal in their mouths.

Also, menopause can provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases, one of the symptoms of which is the taste of metal in the mouth. Also, such sensations can cause anemia, which often appears during menopause.

Metal taste in mouth during period

For a few days and during menstruation hormonal background women also varies greatly, which can distort the susceptibility of taste buds.

Metal taste in mouth after running

Not only men, but also women after intense running, especially long distances, notice an unpleasant taste of metal in their mouths. This phenomenon can be explained by two reasons, namely:

  • due to excessive physical activity the capillaries of the upper respiratory tract and lungs are injured;
  • due to strong physical exertion, they can break the capillaries of the gums, causing them to bleed.

The taste of iron in the mouth, as a symptom of the disease

Often the taste of metal in the mouth means that a substance has entered the body, which led to its poisoning. A similar symptom may be accompanied by intoxication with mercury, lead, arsenic, copper or zinc.

Poisoning by the listed substances is most often observed in people working in industrial enterprises.

Persons who have been poisoned by one of the mentioned metals, in addition to an unpleasant taste in the mouth, will also have other signs of intoxication, for example, abdominal pain, dry mouth, thirst, headaches, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and in severe cases it is even possible disturbance of consciousness.

If these symptoms appear, you need to urgently run to the phone and call ambulance, since heavy metal poisoning threatens not only with serious health consequences, but also with a fatal outcome.

Also, the appearance of an iron taste in the mouth can be one of the manifestations of the following diseases:

  • periodontitis or inflammation of the gums. This disease is also characterized by bleeding gums, thickening of saliva, bad breath, loose teeth;
  • anemia with a lack of iron, vitamin B12 or folic acid in the body. With anemia, patients also complain of general weakness, fatigue, taste perversion, dryness and pallor of the skin, brittle hair and nails, bleeding gums, dizziness, palpitations and other symptoms.
  • liver disease. Hepatitis, hepatocellular carcinoma, liver cysts can provoke a sensation of metal in the mouth;
  • pathology of the biliary tract. Most often, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis and biliary dyskinesia lead to a metallic taste in the mouth. Also, patients may feel pain in the right hypochondrium, heartburn, nausea, vomiting and other unpleasant symptoms;
  • diabetes. The taste of metal in the mouth in diabetes mellitus is associated with the active breakdown of fats, resulting in the formation of a large number of ketone bodies that enter the blood;
  • stomach diseases. Gastritis and peptic ulcers can cause a metallic taste in the mouth. In addition, there are symptoms such as epigastric pain after eating or "hungry" pain in the stomach, flatulence, stool disturbance, nausea and vomiting;
  • tongue inflammation. This disease can be viral, bacterial, fungal, thermal or chemical in nature. Patients note pain in the tongue, change in taste, increased salivation, redness and swelling of the tongue;
  • inflammation of the oral mucosa. It is characterized by the appearance of erosions, ulcers, aphthae or areas of necrosis on the oral mucosa, which occurs due to a bacterial, viral or fungal infection;
  • otolaryngological diseases. Most often, the taste of metal in the mouth is provoked by a fungal infection of the sinuses, larynx, throat, or external auditory canal;
  • diseases of the central nervous system. Experts note that this symptom can often be observed in patients with Alzheimer's disease, brain cancer and multiple sclerosis. In addition to the taste of metal in the mouth, neurological symptoms will necessarily be present (swallowing disorder, hand trembling, amnesia, memory loss, change in coordination of movements, etc.);
  • lung diseases. Inflammation, tuberculosis and lung cancer are diseases that can lead to an unpleasant taste of metal in the mouth, because when coughing, sputum of a different nature comes out, which irritates the taste buds. These diseases are also accompanied by cough, symptoms of intoxication, hemoptysis and shortness of breath.

The taste of metal in the mouth, as a side effect of drugs

There are a number of medications that can cause a mild or strong metallic taste in the mouth, including:

  • antimicrobials (Metrogil, Tetracycline, Ornidazole and others;
  • glucocorticosteroid drugs (Prednisolone, Metipred, Prednisolone);
  • oral hormonal contraceptives (Yarina, Femoden, Zhannina);
  • antacids (Omez, Nolpaza, Epicurus);
  • cholesterol-lowering drugs (Atoris, Simvastatin);
  • antiallergic drugs (Suprastinex, Diazolin, Tavegil);
  • medicines for the treatment of diabetes mellitus (Glycon, Diaformin);
  • antihypertensive drugs (Enap, Ednit, Kaptopress);
  • biological supplements that are aimed at reducing body weight.

Thus, we have analyzed what the taste of iron in the mouth means and why it occurs. Therefore, if you are worried about the taste of metal in your mouth for a long time, do not hesitate to visit a specialist. First of all, you need to seek advice from a general practitioner or gastroenterologist, who, after conducting a comprehensive examination of your body, will determine the cause of such a sensation and prescribe treatment. If necessary, the doctor will refer you to related specialists: an otolaryngologist, an endocrinologist, a neurologist, a dentist, etc.

Many women feel a strange “metallic”, “bitter” or “chemical” (somehow describes) taste in their mouth during pregnancy, which causes some of them some anxiety. At first, this feeling may seem incomprehensible and unpleasant, and it is even difficult to describe it. But it's actually a real problem, and in fact, it's common enough that this deviation from the norm has its own name - dysgeusia, or distortion of taste.

Fortunately, this symptom usually only occurs in the first trimester and disappears once you reach the second. This is due to the fact that your body gradually adapts to pregnancy and the hormonal background stabilizes. But some women are less lucky, and the unpleasant aftertaste persists throughout their pregnancy.

Metallic taste in the mouth during pregnancy: normal or not?

In fact, dysgeusia is a fairly common symptom of pregnancy, usually occurring in the first trimester. This medical term means changes in taste perception, which, in particular, causes a sensation of a metallic, bitter or sour taste in the mouth during pregnancy. This taste is usually present even when you are not eating.

Dysgeusia is most common during the first trimester of pregnancy and usually resolves later in pregnancy. Although this disorder is usually described as a slight change in taste perception, it can also be characterized by a strong off-flavour that extends to the taste of everything you eat and is present in your mouth even when there is nothing in it.

Dysgeusia and toxicosis are most often observed in the same period of pregnancy. In some cases, the way you successfully manage morning sickness can also help with bad taste in your mouth. But this should not be considered a pattern, since many women do not notice the connection between these two symptoms.

Causes of a metallic taste during pregnancy

1. Hormones of pregnancy

The most common cause of dysgeusia is considered to be hormonal changes, in particular an increase in estrogen. During pregnancy, these hormones reach high levels and affect the perception of taste itself, as well as the choice of food that can give pleasure.

This reason is especially true during the first trimester while your body adjusts to hormonal changes.

2. Taste and smell

In some cases, the cause of dysgeusia is the relationship between taste and smell. Most pregnant women have a heightened sense of smell, which increases the interaction with taste. If you smell a very strong, stale, or simply unpleasant smell, then it is very likely that you will feel an increase in bad taste in your mouth due to the close relationship between taste and olfactory receptors.

3. Fluid retention in the body

Also, dysgeusia can occur on the basis of fluid retention in the body of a pregnant woman. When it comes to such a phenomenon, most people imagine that the fluid accumulates in some specific area of ​​​​the body. But this can affect anything: both cells and human organs, including taste buds, which are largely concentrated on the tongue.

4. Other theories

Some believe that dysgeusia helps keep pregnant women from eating foods that could harm the baby or themselves. While this does explain the avoidance of certain foods due to a taste disorder, it does not answer the question of why expectant mothers experience an unpleasant metallic taste while eating safe food or not eating at all.

There is also a hypothesis that dysgeusia protects the pregnant woman by ensuring that she consumes a sufficient amount of micronutrients, such as sodium and calcium. Although reliable sources confirming this opinion could not be found.

At the same time, some websites, such as Huggies, mention that this physiological origin of the metallic taste in the mouth during pregnancy can be caused by toxins produced by the lymph nodes. Their defense mechanisms serve to protect the fetus from potential harm. But a more reliable confirmation of the existence of this theory among scientists could not be found either.

5. Reasons not related to pregnancy

There are many medical explanations for dysgeusia other than pregnancy. They may include:

  • taking vitamins or nutritional supplements;
  • over-the-counter and prescription drugs;
  • a cold or infection in the mouth;
  • dry mouth;
  • diabetes;
  • gingivitis;
  • kidney or liver disease;
  • cancer or its treatment;
  • exposure to heavy metals or chemicals while using certain dental instruments or fillings.

If you do not have any of the above health problems, then dysgeusia is most likely benign. However, this should be evaluated by a doctor, especially if you have other unpleasant or new symptoms besides the metallic taste.

Dysgeusia alone does not directly affect changes in food preferences or aversion to food. But it can make some foods taste bitter or unpleasant. This applies to those that leave an aftertaste, such as those with artificial sweeteners. Mineral water can also enhance the taste of metal in the mouth.

How to get rid of the taste in the mouth?

1. See a doctor

Unfortunately, the only way to really get rid of the metallic taste associated with pregnancy is to try and neutralize it. You should always tell your doctor about any symptoms you notice while pregnant, including the taste of iron in your mouth. This will allow the specialist to track if the taste deviations are caused by an illness or disorder that can lead to a change in the functioning of the taste buds. In some cases this problem can be caused by taking vitamins, and then it will be enough to prescribe other drugs to solve it. In other cases, you need to look for alternative methods.

2. Try home remedies

When it comes to eliminating metallic taste, some women may find the following foods and drinks helpful:

  • baking soda solution;
  • saline solution;
  • spicy food;
  • acidic foods and drinks (oranges, lemons, orange juice and lemonade);
  • foods prepared with vinegar (like pickles);
  • dishes and drinks with ginger;
  • green apples;
  • homemade potato chips with salt marinated in vinegar;
  • sour candy.

Ginger is quite a popular food during pregnancy as it helps to relieve the symptoms of nausea and regulate the sense of smell and taste. Sour foods help reduce metallic taste and increase saliva production by neutralizing discomfort in the mouth. The baking soda solution and saline solution will help neutralize the pH level in the mouth, they are prepared in the following ratio: a quarter teaspoon to a glass of water. Note that most sauces and foods that increase salivation will be helpful as they wash away bad tastes.

3. Drink water

Not all women want to stimulate the production of saliva and therefore resort to other means that have not yet been mentioned. You can try drinking plain water throughout the day, or with a little fresh lime or lemon juice. You can even sip ice water, suck on ice cubes, or take a small amount of frozen sour juice, one of those mentioned earlier.

4. Maintain good oral hygiene

Some women find relief by brushing their teeth (and focusing on the surface of the tongue) or chewing sugar-free gum. Daily flossing can also help, especially in areas largest concentration food debris and bacteria. In addition, use a mouthwash throughout the day between brushing (but check with your dentist before choosing a mouthwash to make sure it's safe for your unborn child).
