Medical phraseological units Stokes collar. Meaning of Stokes Collar in Medical Terms


swelling of the neck, and often also of the head and upper limbs, resulting from compression of the superior vena cava. If only the right or left brachiocephalic is compressed, then the edema is expressed mainly on the side of the lesion.

As a symptom of compression of the superior vena cava S. century. often combined with puffiness and cyanosis of the face, sometimes marked swelling of the veins of the neck and chest. This symptom may be accompanied by signs of compression of other organs of the mediastinum, such as Dysphagia, hoarseness, silent, stridor (see Stridor), Anisocoria.

The cause of compression of the superior vena cava can be mediastinitis, benign mediastinum (dermoid cysts, fibroids, fibroids, etc.), retrosternal, thymus tumors, lung cancer, enlarged lymph nodes with tumor metastases, lymphogranulomatosis, lymphosarcoma, etc. directed to the main.

II Stokes collar (W. Stokes, 1804-1878, Irish doctor; Stokes symptom)

swelling of the neck, and sometimes of the face, arms, upper chest and shoulder blades, accompanied by swelling of the skin veins; sign of compression of the superior vena cava.

1. Small medical encyclopedia. - M.: Medical Encyclopedia. 1991-96 2. First aid. - M.: Great Russian Encyclopedia. 1994 3. Encyclopedic dictionary of medical terms. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. - 1982-1984.

See what the "Stokes collar" is in other dictionaries:

    STOKES COLLAR- (Stokes; 1804 78), a symptom described by Stokes in tumors of the mediastinum, consisting in a sharp swelling of the neck, shoulder blades, head and upper limbs (shoulders). Used ones have characteristic appearance: the head seems to be planted directly on the body, ... ... Big Medical Encyclopedia

    - (W. Stokes, 1804 1878, Irish doctor; synonym Stokes symptom) swelling of the neck, and sometimes of the face, arms, upper chest and shoulder blades, accompanied by swelling of the skin veins; sign of compression of the superior vena cava... Big Medical Dictionary

    STOKES COLLAR- (named after the Irish doctor W. Stokes, 1804-1878) - local swelling of the face, neck, shoulder girdle and swelling of the cervical veins due to compression of the superior vena cava by enlarged lymph nodes in lung cancer, less often - aortic aneurysm, even less often - with ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

    Big Medical Dictionary

    Or Stokes collar swelling of the neck, and sometimes of the face, arms, upper chest and shoulder blades, accompanied by swelling of the skin veins; a sign of compression of the superior vena cava with a tumor of the mediastinum. Patients have a characteristic appearance: the head seems to be ... Wikipedia

    I Pericarditis (pericarditis; anat. pericardium pericardial sac + itis) inflammation of the serous membrane of the heart. In clinical practice, P. often includes such lesions of the Pericardium, in particular, with blood diseases and tumors, which in ... ... Medical Encyclopedia

    I Vascular insufficiency is a pathological condition characterized by disorders of the general or local circulation, the basis of which is the insufficiency of the hemodynamic function of blood vessels due to violations of their tone, ... ... Medical Encyclopedia

    I Blood pressure Blood pressure blood pressure on the walls of blood vessels and chambers of the heart; the most important energy parameter of the circulatory system, which ensures the continuity of blood flow in the blood vessels, diffusion of gases and filtration ... Medical Encyclopedia

    - (W. Stokes) see Stokes collar... Medical Encyclopedia

    - (1804-1878), Irish physician. He described seizures (convulsions, loss of consciousness, etc.) in violation of the rhythm and conduction of the heart (Stokes syndrome, or Morgagni-Adams-Stokes syndrome, 1846), swelling of the neck due to compression of the superior vena cava (so ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

STOKES COLLAR(Stokes; 1804-78), a symptom described by Stokes in tumors of the mediastinum, consisting in a sharp swelling of the neck, shoulder blades, head and upper limbs (shoulders). B-nye have a characteristic appearance: the head seems to be planted directly on the body, a sharp cyanosis of the face and swelling of the jugular veins, sometimes pronounced superficial veins of the chest. This symptom of tumors of the mediastinum of various origins is also observed in pericardial mediastinitis and depends on the compression of v. anonymae, and the symptoms are often more pronounced on one side when the collateral circulation becomes insufficient. S. v. observed sometimes, and with a sharp insufficiency of the heart (right) and tricuspid insufficiency due to retrograde stagnation in the jugular veins. Differential diagnosis of these conditions is possible on the basis of anamnesis and other objective symptoms caused by damage to certain organs of the mediastinum, especially through fluoroscopy and auscultation of the heart, etc. Lit.: Stotes W., Diseases of the heart and the aorta, Philadelphia, 1894. ^ STOKES REACTIVE(Stokes), is a 2% solution of ferrous sulphate in 2-3% tartaric acid; before use, ammonia is added to it until the precipitate that appears first dissolves. The Stokes reagent is used to restore oxyhemoglobin with Hb and is the most gently and quickly acting of the other used reducing agents: 0.1 h 3 freshly prepared Stokes reagent, added to 10 cm 3 a hundred times diluted blood, restores oxyhemoglobin instantly.

See also:

  • TETANUS(tetanus), an infectious disease caused by Nicolier's bacillus. S. has been known for a long time, but only in 1884 it was established by Nikolayer that the garden soil injected under the skin of mice causes a typical disease of S. ...
  • DINING, premises for eating, and in a broader sense - institutions Catering where food is not only consumed but also produced. These primarily include kitchen factories with their huge ...
  • STOMATA(from the Greek stoma-mouth, hole) - stomata and stigmata-points, pinholes, holes located between the endothelial cells of the serous cavities, lymph, and blood vessels. The question of S. is closely related to the question of suction from...
  • STOMATITIS(from the Greek stoma-mouth). inflammation of the oral mucosa. Stomatitis in relation to infection is divided into two groups: vulgar C, in which the infection is secondary (nonspecific), and C, caused by specific pathogens. Clinically both...
  • DENTISTRY(from the Greek stoma - mouth and logos - science), the science of diseases of the organs of the oral cavity, jaws and areas bordering them and the connection of these organs with each other and with the whole organism. AT...

"Stokes' collar" is a type of local edema in the disease of cardio-vascular system, which develops when the superior vena cava is compressed by effusion pericarditis, aneurysm of the aortic arch, and is characterized by swelling of the face, neck, and shoulder girdle in the form of a cape.

List the characteristic changes in the face of a patient with heart disease.

In diseases of the cardiovascular system, it is possible following changes face and skin.

1. Facies mitralis (mitral face) - the face of patients with mitral stenosis, characterized by pallor of the skin of the face with cyanosis of the cheeks, lips, youthfulness (the patient looks younger than his age).

2. Facies Сorwisarii - with severe heart failure, the face is icteric-pale with cyanosis, puffy, flabby with dull eyes, half-open mouth.

3. Acrocyanosis: bluish coloration of the acral parts of the body (lips, nose, auricles, fingers and toes), characteristic of heart failure stage II and III. It is caused by a slowdown in blood flow and an increase in the concentration of reduced hemoglobin in the venous blood of the systemic circulation.

4. Pallor of the skin is constant characteristic of aortic heart disease, arterial hypertension (pallor is due to a decrease in the capillary blood flow of the skin).

5. Temporary pallor of the skin - with symptoms of acute vascular insufficiency, due to a temporary decrease in the capillary blood flow of the skin.

6. Hyperemia of the skin - with arterial hypertension in the initial stages and with neurocirculatory asthenia, due to a reflex increase in the capillary blood flow of the skin.

7. Jaundice (icterus) or scleral icterus - icterus of the sclera, caused by impaired bilirubin metabolism, due to congestive changes in the liver and degeneration of hepatocytes.

8. Skin color "coffee with milk" - with infective endocarditis, characterized by pallor and jaundice skin caused by anemia and liver damage.

9. Xanthelasma - slightly raised whitish or yellow spots on the skin of the eyelids associated with the deposition of cholesterol and impaired lipid metabolism.

Name the types of forced position of the patient with heart failure, angina pectoris, pericarditis.

1. Orthopedic - the forced position of the patient reclining with a high headboard or sitting with his legs down; this position is taken by patients with acute heart failure of the left ventricular type or with chronic heart failure stage II B - III; shortness of breath in this position decreases due to the deposition of blood in the lower extremities and a decrease in its return to the heart.

Increased shortness of breath in a horizontal position is due to an increase in blood flow to the heart, an increase in congestion in the pulmonary circulation through the following mechanisms:

a) excitation of the Hering-Breuer reflex due to stagnation of blood in the pulmonary circulation;

b) a decrease in the vital capacity of the lungs due to their edema and deterioration of pulmonary ventilation;

c) deterioration of gas exchange in the "alveolus-pulmonary capillary" system;

d) in the supine position, the level of standing of the diaphragm rises, which reduces the vital capacity of the lungs and makes it difficult to pulmonary ventilation.

2. The position of the patient sitting, leaning forward or knee-elbow posture (pose of a praying Mohammedan) - a forced position in patients with dry or exudative pericarditis; with dry pericarditis in this position, the intensity of pain behind the sternum decreases, since the sheets of the anterior sections of the pericardium are more densely pressed against each other by the weight of the heart and their mutual displacements during the work of the heart and irritation of the pain receptors of the pericardium decrease; with effusion pericarditis, this position reduces shortness of breath, since the exudate moves anteriorly, the heart “floats” backwards, its compression decreases and the outflow of blood to the heart is facilitated.

3. Forced standing position - with obliterating atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities or obliterating atherosclerosis of the aortic bifurcation - a forced stop of the patient due to pain in the calf muscles.

4. Symptom "windows" - a forced standing position with angina pectoris. While doing physical activity(walking) develops a discrepancy between myocardial oxygen demand and its supply, myocardial ischemia and pain syndrome appears, due to which the patient is forced to immediately stop physical activity.

5. Forced change in body position or forced lying position - with myocardial infarction, which is accompanied by the appearance of an intense pain syndrome. Patients rush about in pain, cannot find a comfortable position of the body or take a prone position (usually this happens with a less intense pain syndrome, and with an increase in the intensity of the pain syndrome, patients try to change their position in bed, sit down, restlessly walk around the room).

I Stokes collar (W. Stokes, Irish physician, 1804-1878; synonymous with Stokes' symptom)

swelling of the neck, and often also of the head and upper limbs, resulting from compression of the superior vena cava. If only the right or left brachiocephalic vein is compressed, then the edema is expressed mainly on the side of the lesion.

As a symptom of compression of the superior vena cava S. century. often combined with puffiness and cyanosis of the face, sometimes marked swelling of the veins of the neck and chest. This symptom may be accompanied by signs of compression of other organs of the mediastinum, such as dysphagia, hoarseness, silent cough, stridor breathing (see Stridor), anisocoria.

The cause of compression of the superior vena cava can be mediastinitis, benign tumors of the mediastinum (dermoid cysts, fibromas, fibroids, etc.), retrosternal goiter, thymus tumors, bronchogenic lung cancer, swollen lymph nodes with tumor metastases, lymphogranulomatosis, lymphosarcoma, etc. Treatment is directed for the underlying disease.

See also Mediastinal Syndrome.

II Stokes collar (W. Stokes, 1804-1878, Irish doctor; syn. Stokes symptom)

swelling of the neck, and sometimes of the face, arms, upper chest and shoulder blades, accompanied by swelling of the skin veins; sign of compression of the superior vena cava.

  • - , the law that determines the resistance force F experienced by TV. ball at its slow flow. movement in unlimited viscous liquid: F=6pmirv, where m is the coefficient. dynamic...

    Physical Encyclopedia

  • - parameters used to describe the state of the polarization of the el.-mag. waves. Introduced by J. G. Stokes in 1852. Ideal flat monochromatic. The wave is generally polarized elliptically...

    Physical Encyclopedia

  • - , states that the wavelength of photoluminescence is greater than the wavelength of the excitation light. Established by J. G. Stokes in 1852...

    Physical Encyclopedia

  • - in fluid mechanics, a formula that specifies the maximum rate at which solid particles are deposited in a fluid ...

    Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary

  • - swelling of the neck, and sometimes of the face, arms, upper chest and shoulder blades, accompanied by swelling of the skin veins ...

    Big Medical Dictionary

  • - see Stokes collar...

    Big Medical Dictionary

  • - see Morgagni-Adams-...

    Big Medical Dictionary

  • - complete atrioventricular heart block - ed.; attacks of temporary loss of consciousness that develop as a result of the cessation of blood flow during ventricular fibrillation or asystole ...

    medical terms

  • - Stokes, 1851, - determining the resistance force experienced by a solid ball when moving slowly in an infinitely viscous fluid: ||F = 6p m ru, where F is the resistance force, m ...

    Geological Encyclopedia

  • - see Stokes' Law...

    Geological Encyclopedia

  • - the law of hydrodynamics, which determines the force of resistance, which acts on a solid ball during its slow postulate, movement in an unlimited. viscous liquid. According to S. h. resistance force F \u003d 6PInrv, where n is dynamic ...

    Big encyclopedic polytechnic dictionary

  • - the law that determines the resistance force F experienced by a solid ball during its slow translational motion in an unlimited viscous fluid: , where μ is the viscosity of the fluid, r is the radius of the ball and υ -...
  • - Stokes' law, states that the wavelength of photoluminescence is greater than the wavelength of the exciting light. Established by J. G. Stokes in 1852...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - the problem of determining the external gravitational field of the planet by its external level surface S, the mass inside S and the angular velocity of rotation about a certain axis. J. G. Stokes proved the solvability of this...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - : resistance force - experienced by a solid ball during its slow translational motion in an unlimitedly viscous liquid, F=6pmru, where r is the radius of the ball, m is the viscosity of the liquid, u is the speed of the ball....
  • - states that the wavelength of photoluminescence is greater than the wavelength of the light that excites luminescence. Established by J. G. Stokes in 1852...

    Big encyclopedic dictionary

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