New Year's poster for school - ideas and ways to implement them! Poster for the New Year - three-dimensional, die-cut, with stickers, coloring and other options Poster for wishes for the New Year.

The New Year holidays, which are so adored by adults and children, are just around the corner. Not far off are letters addressed to Santa Claus, the choice of gifts and their presentation. Not far off is the purchase of outfits and development. And, of course, plans to decorate the premises where this big and fun holiday is to take place are not far off. Most of all, educational institutions, especially schools, prepare for the event, because their main contingent is children, and children, as you know, are waiting for this event for a whole year. They dress up corridors and classrooms, decorate stands and ceilings, create various toys and New Year's posters. The creation of the latter will be discussed in our article.

How to decorate a New Year's poster for school

Despite the fact that today there are a lot of beautiful posters for school on sale, a congratulatory project created by yourself will not leave anyone indifferent. Pupils, young and old, take part in such activities with pleasure. You can prepare it long before the expected event.

Beading and knitting

Many children are engaged in creativity, the results of which can be quite successfully placed on posters. For example, girls weave beaded crafts, and the New Year theme can be taken as a basis. Children can start creating snowflakes, Christmas trees, or even New Year's characters - Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.

Attaching such products to whatman paper is difficult, but possible. Crafts can be clamped with a stapler, but the grip will be only from the edge of the sheet. Or you can sew a hand-made craft with a thread in any planned place.

Girls who are engaged in knitting can knit openwork snowflakes. They can be glued with PVA glue.


If a targeted project, for example, is donated from a class to a teacher, school, then it can be decorated with bright photographs. For each photo, come up with different frames, drawn, woven from the same beads. If a surprise is being prepared for someone, photos can easily be found on a social page. Retro-style posters look great, with non-color photographs, which are also easy to print on a simple printer.

Different ones can be attached to the New Year's poster at school. As a basis, you can take colored or corrugated paper, leather, shreds of fabric.

For example, the whole class can cut out on a mitten, place their photo in its center and sign, then stick it to the paper. To make the mitten look festive, it should be decorated with sequins, ribbons and sequins. Or, for example, in the center of the sheet you can place beautiful Christmas tree handmade from green paper. Cut out the balls, paste your small photographs in their center, only the face, and decorate the Christmas tree with them. Each child can make such balls-portraits at a technology lesson together with a teacher.

Congratulatory inscription on the poster

The letters on the New Year's poster can be drawn, pasted and voluminous. Everything can be used, except broken Christmas decorations, today this material is strictly prohibited in working with children, but beautiful and shiny sequins can easily replace it. To create letters that are easy to stick on, you can use either colored paper and glue or self-adhesive material.

To create three-dimensional letters, you will need corrugated paper, brush and PVA glue.

Volumetric letters are made as follows. The desired inscription is preliminarily created with a pencil, corrugated paper is taken and cut into strips, which are then carefully twisted into flagella. Next, dip the brush in PVA glue and moisten the paper strip with plenty of it, applying it to the stencil of letters. Top with glue again. This must be done carefully, as the paper is dyed under the influence of glue.

If, nevertheless, the paint has spread beyond the letter frame, you can cover this place with a crumbly sheen that will stick to the glue. Shiny sequins should be attached to wet material in different places, slightly pressing them with the back of the brush. To ensure that the paper is well attached, gently press it against the sheet throughout the inscription. At the end of the work, the letters should be allowed to dry completely.

Using the same technology, three-dimensional letters can also be made using cotton wool, and then covered with watercolors and sparkles.

Project competition

To make it more interesting for children to prepare a New Year's poster for the school, the school management needs to announce a competition with the availability of places and final prizes. Let every class strive to be the best. As a prize, you can organize a trip to the cinema by connecting parents or a parent committee to this event. They will help with the organization of prize production.

Be sure to include diplomas in the competition, today this is relevant. In addition, they will decorate any portfolio of students or class teacher. Moreover, you can submit an idea to the district administration, so that a competition of New Year's posters for schools is announced on their serious face.

A few poster organization ideas

Posters do not have to be the standard size of whatman paper, they can be made more creative. New Year's poster at school can be in the form of:

  • a large felt boots or mittens, from which various gifts and candies are visible;
  • a Christmas tree cut out according to a stencil or created using parts glued together;
  • a large, beautiful snowflake that contains both an inscription of a congratulatory nature and various pictures of the New Year theme;
  • windows behind which everyone will see a room with New Year's preparations: ;
  • Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, congratulatory inscriptions can be placed around the entire perimeter of the white hem of the heroes' coats. On the fur coat itself, various patterns or plots of a festive theme will look great;
  • voluminous hours, the area of ​​​​which will accommodate both congratulations and applications. And in place of the dial, photos of children will look great.
  • Snowman and Snow Woman, on whose tummies everything fits!

Your imagination is your friend! Do not be afraid to fantasize and come up with whatever you want. New Year's holiday at school is a time of joint creativity, parents and teachers should not forget about it.

In schools and kindergartens, one cannot do without such decoration as a wall newspaper, and even more so for the New Year. Teachers and parents help the younger grades to make a festive attribute, grades 5-6 already draw themselves, high school students prefer to print ready-made posters. For these guys, the article has a photo with several templates.

But still, the made wall newspaper is much more interesting and lively. The symbol of 2019 is the yellow earthen Pig. Drawn on a poster, it can solve the design problem. Surely among the students there will be a talent to prepare a drawing with a simple pencil, and there will always be hunters to decorate such a work.

Print Templates

If there is absolutely no time, there are sketch drawings for this. It will be easy for gifted children to redraw such posters. When there are no such talents, templates can simply be printed out and schoolchildren can be added to pleasant work.

Collaboration while coloring drawings will unite many children. These wall newspaper samples are suitable for all ages of children from kindergarten to high school students.

Wall newspaper for primary school children

The Year of the Pig falls on New 2019, which means we draw a wall newspaper with the symbol of this year. This will amuse little schoolchildren, and will give guests and visitors a sense of humor. To begin with, we sketch the drawing with a simple pencil, this will facilitate the work.


  • a large piece of drawing paper;
  • simple pencil;
  • eraser;
  • brushes and paints.

How we do:

  1. We unfold a piece of paper, and with a simple pencil we mark where the heroine of the picture will be located.
  2. Depending on its size, we take a round object to outline it.
  3. We draw two circles on whatman paper, one at the top for the head, the other a little lower.
  4. We connect them with smooth lines, erase the rest of the already unnecessary strokes with an eraser (see photo with sketches).
  5. We paint the cheeks on the upper circle, we also remove the extra contours.
  6. Now with the help of a pencil we add pig ears to the formed head.
  7. Somewhere from the middle of the body, lowering down, we draw a leg with a hoof, we show the other a little because of the body. We try to horizontally equalize the level of both front legs.
  8. We draw the hind limbs divorced to the sides, we get a Pig-gymnast sitting on a twine.
  9. On the muzzle we make sketches of a patch and eyes.
  10. We finish the pupils, make a few strokes under the eyes, nostrils on the penny and a smiling mouth.
  11. Draw a spiral tail on the back.
  12. We paint the symbol with paints.
  13. Near it we draw and draw several frames for inscriptions and wishes.
  14. At the top, in large letters, in festive colors, we write “Happy New Year 2019” through the entire newspaper.
  15. We hang the finished poster on the wall. This design will add mood to children, teachers and parents who come to the celebration.

Wall newspaper for middle school students

This design of the poster is suitable for children in grades 5-8. They will already be able, without the help of adults, to make a festive wall newspaper with their own hands, step-by-step drawings will be a hint. In the middle we depict everyone's beloved, he sits in a sleigh and holds a horse by the bridle, which rushes this simple but fabulous transport carrying a New Year's character and a bag of gifts.


  • whatman;
  • ruler;
  • simple pencil;
  • eraser;
  • paints or colored pencils.

How we do:

  1. With a simple pencil, we divide a sheet of paper into four parts.
  2. On the left, in the lower square, we draw the runners of the sleigh (see photo), we install the frame of the transport itself on them, if desired, we change the shape at our discretion.
  3. On the next lower part, according to the size of the animal, we mark the circles where the horse and its head will be depicted.
  4. With the same pencil, we denote the shape and location of the legs with a thin broken line.
  5. With smooth bends we connect the upper body, moving to the hind legs.
  6. Since the horse is visible only from the side, we draw one ear, below the eyes and a nostril. Gradually we select the whole head, how and where to place it, we are guided by the laid lines that separate the sheet of drawing paper.
  7. Now we cling to her magnificent tail and mane, outline the front and back legs, end them with hooves. We remove the extra lines with an eraser.
  8. On the bottom of the square, which is located above the sleigh, we make two vertical lines, location and size of Father Frost. Carefully draw out the shape of his head, hats and fur coat collar.
  9. We lower the smooth line of the back into the sled, and hide the hand in the mitten in the wide sleeve of the clothes.
  10. Select the face with the beard of a fabulous old man.
  11. Now we finish drawing the second hand, which is in the background, the fur descending from the collar, and the belt.
  12. We outline the parts of the harness around the neck and head of the horse, lower the sticks to which it is attached to the sleigh. We put the reins into the hands of Santa Claus.
  13. Draw a saddle on the back of the animal. We attach small details and various designs to the transport, and most importantly, we put a bag with in the middle of the sleigh.
  14. Then at the top we make a large inscription New Year's greetings, below along the edges we draw frames for wishes, their shape does not matter.
  15. Just right to use paints or pencils.

The poster will turn out very beautiful. Working together will bring children together and give them a festive mood.

Wall newspaper for high school students

For New Year's wall newspaper high school students in 2019, consider several holiday templates, they are for every taste.

Such posters can be printed, designed in your own way and made inscriptions:

  1. In the middle of the poster, beloved Santa Claus, he holds a frame in which we write holiday greetings and wishes. Around the edge of the leaf, the paws of a coniferous tree flaunt with a wreath, snowflakes are clearly visible on them. In the upper part of the picture, a clock peeps through the branches, and below, in bright red hats with pompoms, two cute little animals.
  2. Gentle poster in a blue tone that gives a cheerful mood. Its top is filled with large openwork snowflakes, under them in multi-colored balls is a congratulatory inscription "Happy New Year!". Below on both sides are cartoon Santa Claus with a bag of gifts and a Snow Maiden. They stand on the snow-covered ground, and near the fairy-tale heroes there is a cheerful snowman.
  3. The following template depicts a snowman holding out branch arms to a gift brought to him by a boy in a New Year's costume. A cheerful puppy runs after him.
  4. The leaf along the edge is painted over in a gentle tone, then a frame of snowflakes goes on almost the entire poster, the entire middle is free for writing. Down in the foreground, on one side, is a teddy bear in New Year's costume, holding a colorful toy in its paw. On the other side of the tree, dressed up with colorful balls, gifts are laid out around it. In the top corner there is a pinned sock with surprises.
  5. The poster is visually divided into two parts. On one side, a knotted colorful bag is depicted in the entire background. Santa Claus is sitting on the snow in the foreground. The other part is filled with a template sheet lined with stripes for notes, at the bottom in the form of a stamp, the same only a reduced fairy-tale old man.
  6. Against the backdrop of the winter night sky and snow-covered hills with fir trees, Santa Claus flies in a sleigh with a red nose and cheeks, behind him is a huge bag with gifts. He holds the bridle of animals invisible behind the poster and merrily chases them.
  7. In the upper corner of the sheet there is a cuckoo clock, parallel to the other part, a congratulatory inscription. Below, on both sides, on the snow-covered ground, there are Christmas trees decorated with toys, gifts laid out under the trees. In the center in the foreground is a cartoon Santa Claus, next to him sits a puppy in a red hat with a pompom. There is enough space for congratulations, let's show imagination.
  8. The whole poster has a clear winter night sky. In the background, almost across the entire template, there is a huge bright moon. On its upper part, you can see the silhouettes of a sleigh harnessed by reindeer, in which Santa Claus sits. The night luminary illuminates snow-covered firs and endless hills of fields. A snowman stands in the foreground, he escorts the wagon and waves a branch-arm to it.

With the help of photos and videos, you can make voluminous thematic drawings. Prepare a wall newspaper for school with the help of the children themselves, this will involve them in working together, and stimulate the accumulation of a festive mood.

On the doorstep new year holidays so it's time to start. What is included in the preparation? Do not count everything! The main thing is to have time, buy or, worry about, and. Also in schools and kindergartens, assembly halls. One of the main attributes is a do-it-yourself wall newspaper for the New Year 2020, the templates of which can be downloaded for free on the net. The task of parents is to help the child arrange it and print the necessary elements on the printer.

By, 2020 will be held under the auspices, so it is advisable to depict this animal in the central place of the newspaper. It can be a drawing, an appliqué or a special template. If you or your child do not have drawing skills, then we suggest downloading and printing ready-made images of mice on a printer. All you have to do is cut out the shapes and glue them on. Also in the gallery there are several hand-painted stencils to make the wall newspaper look more natural.

Cartoon mice to school

Such images are more suitable for lower grades. Funny mice will be together with fairy-tale characters - Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Snowman, Santa Claus or other little animals. As an example, see the following figure.

Watch until the end! - EASTER in 2020

chinese style rat for office

Regardless of the field of activity, many are trying to decorate the office or workplace. Some bring all kinds of Christmas decorations to work: miniature Christmas trees, toys, tinsel, rain, etc. Others want to make something special, memorable and interesting with their own hands. For this purpose, a wall newspaper is excellent. It can contain all necessary information: the results of the past year, the successes of employees, congratulations for colleagues and leaders. Since this is a festive version of the newspaper, appropriate design is necessary.

New Year's characters for the wall newspaper

This collection includes several coloring pages and color images for the printer. It includes traditional fairy tale characters: Ded Moroz, Snegurochka, Santa Claus and the Snowman. Also, to create a wall newspaper with your own hands, holiday paraphernalia is useful:, twigs, wreaths.

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka

What is the New Year without all the favorite characters? Did you know that they became popular back in the 30s of the last century. The image was formed in 1840 by the Russian writer Odoevsky in the fairy tale Moroz Ivanovich. Unlike modern Santa Claus, he is a pagan master of cold and winter cold, lives in an icy country, which can be reached through a well. He does not bestow gifts, but gives a handful of silver coins for a job well done. In Slavic mythology, Treskunets is a magical assistant and giver for exemplary behavior.

Snowman Pictures

The snowman is the most beloved character among Russians. He gained immense popularity back in the days of the USSR. In many Soviet cartoons, he acted as an assistant to Santa Claus. He was depicted on greeting cards as a herald of the New Year with forest animals. AT ancient Russia Snowmen were revered as the spirits of winter and asked for warm weather. The Snow Woman and the Snow Maiden were considered female spirits of nature. In modern times, not only children like to sculpt snowmen. AT different countries festivals are held. Every year in Moscow, the Snowmen Parade is held in Kuzminsky Park.

holiday attributes

To create a wall newspaper, you will need various details from New Year's paraphernalia: Christmas trees, toys, candles, etc. Do you know that every holiday accessory is a symbol?

  • The tree is a symbol of life.
  • Toy balls - heavenly apples of Adam and Eve.
  • The star in the USSR is the personification of the Kremlin star.
  • A candle is a light in the darkness, life, illumination, the life-giving power of the Sun.
  • Wreath - eternal life and rebirth.
  • Star of Bethlehem - eternity, immutability, the gate to paradise.

Ready-made templates for large format printing

If you have the opportunity to order printing on a large sheet in the studio, then you can use ready-made templates. This option is not suitable for A4. Large format materials must be used. It remains only to add text and decorate pictures.

In contact with -

But still, a hand-made wall newspaper is much more interesting and lively. The symbol of 2019 is the yellow earthen Pig. Drawn on a poster, it can solve the design problem. Surely among the students there will be a talent to prepare a drawing with a simple pencil, and there will always be hunters to decorate such a work.

Print Templates

If there is absolutely no time, there are sketch drawings for this. It will be easy for gifted children to redraw such posters. When there are no such talents, templates can simply be printed out and schoolchildren can be added to pleasant work.

Collaboration while coloring drawings will unite many children. These wall newspaper samples are suitable for all ages of children from kindergarten to high school students.

Wall newspaper for primary school children

The Year of the Pig falls on New 2019, which means we draw a wall newspaper with the symbol of this year. This will amuse little schoolchildren, and will give guests and visitors a sense of humor. To begin with, we sketch the drawing with a simple pencil, this will facilitate the work.


  • a large piece of drawing paper;
  • simple pencil;
  • eraser;
  • brushes and paints.

How we do:

  • We unfold a piece of paper, and with a simple pencil we mark where the heroine of the picture will be located.
  • Depending on its size, we take a round object to outline it.
  • We draw two circles on whatman paper, one at the top for the head, the other a little lower.
  • We connect them with smooth lines, erase the rest of the already unnecessary strokes with an eraser (see photo with sketches).
  • We paint the cheeks on the upper circle, we also remove the extra contours.
  • Now with the help of a pencil we add pig ears to the formed head.
  • Somewhere from the middle of the body, lowering down, we draw a leg with a hoof, we show the other a little because of the body. We try to horizontally equalize the level of both front legs.
  • We draw the hind limbs divorced to the sides, we get a Pig-gymnast sitting on a twine.
  • On the muzzle we make sketches of a patch and eyes.
  • We finish the pupils, make a few strokes under the eyes, nostrils on the penny and a smiling mouth.
  • Draw a spiral tail on the back.
  • We paint the symbol with paints.
  • Near it we draw and draw several frames for inscriptions and wishes.
  • At the top, in large letters, in festive colors, we write “Happy New Year 2019” through the entire newspaper.
  • We hang the finished poster on the wall. This design will add mood to children, teachers and parents who come to the celebration.

Wall newspaper for middle school students

This design of the poster is suitable for children in grades 5-8. They will already be able, without the help of adults, to make a festive wall newspaper with their own hands, step-by-step drawings will be a hint. In the middle we depict everyone's favorite Santa Claus, he sits in a sleigh and holds a horse by the bridle, which rushes this simple but fabulous transport carrying a New Year's character and a bag of gifts.


  • whatman;
  • ruler;
  • simple pencil;
  • eraser;
  • paints or colored pencils.
  • Do you love making DIY Christmas decorations?

How we do:

  • With a simple pencil, we divide a sheet of paper into four parts.
  • On the left, in the lower square, we draw the runners of the sleigh (see photo), we install the frame of the transport itself on them, if desired, we change the shape at our discretion.
  • On the next lower part, according to the size of the animal, we mark the circles where the horse and its head will be depicted.
  • With the same pencil, we denote the shape and location of the legs with a thin broken line.
  • With smooth bends we connect the upper body, moving to the hind legs.
  • Since the horse is visible only from the side, we draw one ear, below the eyes and a nostril. Gradually we select the whole head, how and where to place it, we are guided by the laid lines that separate the sheet of drawing paper.
  • Now we cling to her magnificent tail and mane, outline the front and back legs, end them with hooves. We remove the extra lines with an eraser.
  • On the bottom of the square, which is located above the sleigh, we make two vertical lines, the location and size of Santa Claus. Carefully draw out the shape of his head, hats and fur coat collar.
  • We lower the smooth line of the back into the sled, and hide the hand in the mitten in the wide sleeve of the clothes.
  • Select the face with the beard of a fabulous old man.
  • Now we finish drawing the second hand, which is in the background, the fur descending from the collar, and the belt.
  • We outline the parts of the harness around the neck and head of the horse, lower the sticks to which it is attached to the sleigh. We put the reins into the hands of Santa Claus.
  • Draw a saddle on the back of the animal. We attach small details and various designs to the transport, and most importantly, we put a bag with gifts in the middle of the sleigh.
  • Then at the top we make a large inscription of New Year's greetings, below along the edges we draw frames for wishes, their shape does not matter.
  • Just right to use paints or pencils.

The poster for the New Year 2019 will be very beautiful. Working together will bring children together and give them a festive mood.

Wall newspaper for high school students

For the New Year's wall newspaper of high school students in 2019, we will consider several holiday templates, they are for every taste.

Such posters can be printed, designed in your own way and made inscriptions:

  • In the middle of the poster, beloved Santa Claus is holding a frame in which we write holiday greetings and wishes. Around the edge of the leaf, the paws of a coniferous tree flaunt with a wreath, snowflakes are clearly visible on them. In the upper part of the picture, a clock peeps through the branches, and below, in bright red hats with pompoms, two cute little animals.
  • Gentle poster in a blue tone that gives a cheerful mood. Its top is filled with large openwork snowflakes, under them in multi-colored balls is a congratulatory inscription "Happy New Year!". Below on both sides are cartoon Santa Claus with a bag of gifts and a Snow Maiden. They stand on the snow-covered ground, and near the fairy-tale heroes there is a cheerful snowman.
  • The following template depicts a snowman holding out branch arms to a gift brought to him by a boy in a New Year's costume. A cheerful puppy runs after him.
  • The leaf along the edge is painted over in a gentle tone, then a frame of snowflakes goes on almost the entire poster, the entire middle is free for writing. Down in the foreground, on one side, is a teddy bear in New Year's costume, holding a colorful toy in its paw. On the other side of the tree, dressed up with colorful balls, gifts are laid out around it. In the top corner there is a pinned sock with surprises.
  • The poster is visually divided into two parts. On one side, a knotted colorful bag is depicted in the entire background. Santa Claus is sitting on the snow in the foreground. The other part is filled with a template sheet lined with stripes for notes, at the bottom in the form of a stamp, the same only a reduced fairy-tale old man.
  • Against the backdrop of the winter night sky and snow-covered hills with fir trees, Santa Claus flies in a sleigh with a red nose and cheeks, behind him is a huge bag with gifts. He holds the bridle of animals invisible behind the poster and merrily chases them.
  • In the upper corner of the sheet there is a cuckoo clock, parallel to the other part, a congratulatory inscription. Below, on both sides, on the snow-covered ground, there are Christmas trees decorated with toys, gifts laid out under the trees. In the center in the foreground is a cartoon Santa Claus, next to him sits a puppy in a red hat with a pompom. There is enough space for congratulations, let's show imagination.
  • The whole poster has a clear winter night sky. In the background, almost across the entire template, there is a huge bright moon. On its upper part, you can see the silhouettes of a sleigh harnessed by reindeer, in which Santa Claus sits. The night luminary illuminates snow-covered firs and endless hills of fields. A snowman stands in the foreground, he escorts the wagon and waves a branch-arm to it.

A wall newspaper is a well-known decor, which is most often made for some major holiday. Her "great-grandfather" can be considered an advertising poster, printed for the first time in 1482. Both in the past and now, the task of the wall newspaper has not changed: to present any information in a catchy way. People passing by should notice the poster from afar and be interested enough to come up and read it. Let's learn how to make just such a noticeable and useful for readers wall newspaper for the New Year 2020 with our own hands and collect a whole collection of templates for its design.

Professional tips for creating a great do-it-yourself wall newspaper

It is clear that the poster, especially on new year theme, should not be lost among other information stands. The product should “strike out” as soon as a person enters the room, whether it be an office, a corridor or a classroom. It should be made so conspicuous that incoming people are noticed even at a great distance. Artists who professionally specialize in creating such posters have their own secrets for creating such catchy products. We reveal the most important of them:

  • simple plots so that you don’t have to guess the meaning;
  • more bright colors;
  • simple compositions.

How to make a wall newspaper. All important points

Well, if in the past you were on the editorial board and know exactly what to do and in what sequence. But what about the people who were entrusted with such a responsible task for the first time? Learn the guidelines and follow the rules!


generally accepted norms


Wall newspaper size Paper sheet of format A 0, A1, A2. Connect several paper sheets to make a large-scale poster
Margins or frame You can draw or do without them.

Standard indent 1.5-2-3 cm, line width from 1 to 5 mm

Dotted line, frames in the form of patterns, ornaments
header Top center.

Font width no more than 15 cm

Diagonally from left to right in the upper left corner, highlighting letters, flourish, ornament. Letters can be alternated with emoticons, patterns, drawings
Publishing material Paints, felt-tip pens, pencils Gels, glitters, you can stick pockets, pouches, envelopes. You can decorate with laces, balusters, rhinestones, decorate with vytynanka, appliqués, origami.
Signature Placed in the lower right corner, to the frame

How to start creating a wall newspaper

So, you have a blank sheet of drawing paper in front of you and you are considering where to start? Of course, with a plan. Decide where all the large elements will be located: inscriptions, columns with information, applications, drawings, photographs. If the plan is ready, then proceed to create the background. How to tint paper:

  • spray paint using a toothbrush;
  • put “stamps” over the entire surface, dipping a piece of foam rubber into the paint;
  • leave "snow" marks, making strokes in one direction with a brush dipped in paint (do not wet with water).

Watch until the end! - LIVING MINIMUM IN 2020 IN RUSSIA

All these techniques can be combined with each other to make the texture more interesting, but it is important that the colors are combined with each other.

What images will be the most popular in the year of the Rat

A festive wall newspaper should be actively decorated with images, especially if its purpose is to decorate a wall in a children's institution. Choose what will show off in the central part of the poster, it is better if the drawing is big size, for example, A4 format. A great idea is to place the symbol of the year here, and a Christmas tree next to it.

If your artistic talents are still sleeping, then our selection of pictures will come in handy. Any copy you like can be downloaded by clicking on it with the left mouse button and selecting the line "save as" in the menu that opens. Next, you need a printer. After printing, the picture can be transferred to whatman paper in several ways:

  • under a carbon copy;
  • cut along the contour and glue, and then colorize if the printer was black and white.

If the wall newspaper is focused on kids of kindergarten and primary school age, then choose cute cartoon mice. If for adults, then Chinese-style rodents and more “serious” ones are quite suitable. To make the composition look interesting, add some convex elements to it. For example:

  • glue a light plastic bell on a ribbon around the rat's neck;
  • add sparkle to the look of the hostess of the year with rhinestones;
  • decorate the plane under the paws with voluminous snow from cotton wool or artificial from a balloon;
  • decorate with spikelets, cereal grains, dried flowers, herbs, twigs, fruits, cones.

The main characters of the New Year: Christmas trees, Santa Claus, Snegurochka

Be sure to find a place on your wall newspaper for the Christmas tree, Santa Claus and his granddaughter. If the Christmas tree is large, then it can be placed on it Christmas balls, and inside there are photos of employees who distinguished themselves this year or the most successful schoolchildren. The Snow Maiden or Santa Claus, or maybe two heroes together at once, can hold posters, signs, frames where it will be convenient to enter various information, for example, congratulations for all students and teachers on the New Year.

In an adult team, the characters can be playfully erotic, and for children, choose animated ones.

Any image, even if it is bright in itself, is better to decorate with some elements, because this is a shining holiday! What can be used:

  • contour paints with sparkles;
  • ordinary paint, where finely chopped rain is added;
  • cosmetic glitter;
  • rhinestones, sequins, sequins from departments for needlewomen;
  • paper cutouts.

Ready-made wall newspaper templates. Option for the lazy

If creating a wall newspaper from scratch is too time-consuming and troublesome for you, then you can always use ready-made templates. There are black and white posters, where all the elements will need to be painted on their own, which is useful for educational purposes for children. This process can be easily entrusted even to first-graders, which will help instill an understanding that you need to work hard to get something beautiful and worthy of attention. Colored wall newspapers are also suitable, especially for busy people. Here's what you need to do to fully prepare such a poster:

  • download and print (it is better to order the latter at a printing house or a printing company and on a regular, non-glossy, sheet of drawing paper);
  • enter information on clouds, houses, frames, etc.;
  • paste pictures of people;
  • show the makings of a designer and decorate a wall newspaper (it is advisable not to stand out from the general color scheme).

Get creative! Ideas for creating an unusual wall newspaper

If you want to surprise colleagues or please schoolchildren and teachers, then boldly connect your imagination! We will push it a little in the right direction and offer a few original ideas.

For a cool wall newspaper

Everyone wants to hear good wishes for the New Year and also assurances that wishes will come true. Classmates can congratulate each other in writing, because. at the age of middle and junior school, not everyone is still getting over the shyness and doing it verbally. How to organize it? With the help of a wall newspaper!

First, ask all the guys to bring their best portrait photos, or just take a picture of them in turn on class hour and then print (you can also use a printer). Glue a photo of each child onto the mini paper pockets. These blanks need to be beautifully distributed on the poster, for example, like this:

  • "hang" to the Christmas tree, instead of toys;
  • arrange in the form of a round dance;
  • place inside the balls that the snowman juggles;
  • “settle” in houses and let them look out the windows;
  • glue on snowflakes.

In these envelopes, the guys during the last week before the New Year will add notes with wishes and comic predictions to each other.

Don't forget to find a place for a photo on the mini-envelope for the class teacher!

The idea for a wall newspaper in the office, company, organization

To implement this idea, you need to organize a photo shoot for the whole team. One important condition is to photograph each employee and commanding staff in a masquerade mask. You need to stick photos again on mini-envelopes. When introducing your work to all colleagues, ask colleagues to find out who is who in the photographs, then write their opinion in a note, without disclosing it to the rest of the team, and put it in an envelope. In the central part of the poster, be sure to indicate which year is coming by choosing the numbers 2020 among the proposed templates, and highlight the window where you print or write by hand congratulations for all colleagues in a large and beautiful font.

This idea can be transformed one way or another, leaving the need to guess all the members of the team as a basis.

Idea for a home wall newspaper

A beautifully designed poster can be a great decoration in an apartment or house. Imagine how surprised the household will be if on December 31 they see such a spectacular surprise on the wall in the living room or kitchen, where the whole family most often gathers. The most, probably best idea for a home wall newspaper - a retrospective of the past year in photographs. Scroll through the pictures on your computer or take a home photo album, remember what important and joyful things have happened in your family over the past 365 days. Suitable photos from birthdays, of course, wedding, from Christening, from trips, extracts from the hospital, school, student, etc. You can decorate a wall newspaper with full-size mittens, or with stockings or bags for each family member. Sign them with the names of household members and put some small present in each.

For children, a great option is sweets in a wrapper. You can put your husband a gym membership, a ticket to a concert of your favorite artist, or a note with tips on where to find a gift. The envelope addressed to the mother, who is meant to be the executor of this idea, must be filled in by the grateful children and spouse themselves.
