Pregnant 8 weeks. Eighth obstetric week of pregnancy: what happens in the body of the mother and fetus? Necessary studies and analyzes

8 obstetric week pregnancy is unlikely to bring many positive emotions for the mother. This week is considered the most unpleasant for a woman. At this time, the body adapts to its new state.

This week, a woman may be accompanied by severe toxicosis (up to 10 times a day), lower back pain, weakness and malaise. Meanwhile, the baby is experiencing a developmental leap.

Fetal size and development at 8 weeks of gestation

During the 8th week the embryo actively growing and developing. Outwardly, he does not yet look like a little man. His body is elongated, and his proportions are far from ideal.

Baby size can be compared to the size of a strawberry or grape (about 8-12 mm). And it already weighs 2-3 grams. But, despite such small sizes, the embryo’s body becomes every minute more and more like a small person.

How does the fetus change at this stage?

  • gills and tail are rejected;
  • long fingers appear, connected by a membranous film;
  • The face develops: nostrils, eyes, upper lip are formed. The face takes on a more familiar appearance;
  • the formation of the eyelids is completed;
  • the jaws acquire a normal shape;
  • the inner ear and auricles are formed;
  • the child's heart develops;
  • the bronchi finish their formation;
  • the reproductive system is formed. In girls, the ovaries begin to develop, and in boys, the first signs of testicles appear;
  • the development of sweat glands begins;
  • bone tissue becomes denser.

At 8 weeks in the embryo all the organs are already there, but is still in its infancy. For this reason, starting from this period, official medicine stops calling the child an embryo and assigns it the proud title of a fetus.

At the 8th obstetric week, the baby is in amniotic fluid. He took a comfortable position in which he would spend the remaining time in his mother’s belly. In the fetus intrauterine reflexes appear. He is already moving his arms and legs. Although this can rather be called involuntary twitching. A lot of free space in the uterus gives the baby room for swimming, somersaults and rollovers.

What happens to mom at 8 weeks

The uterus is actively growing during this period of time and reaches the size of an average orange. But if you look at the belly of a pregnant woman at 8 weeks, no one will even suspect that the woman is expecting a child. By the 8th week, the future, and many even drop it if they are tormented by toxicosis. Above you can see in the photo what mothers' bellies look like at 8 weeks of pregnancy.

Unpleasant sensations, pain and weakness are characteristic features 8 weeks. Due to the active enlargement of the uterus in the abdomen, there may be sharp spasms which lead to muscle strain.

Weakness and malaise along with vomiting - constant companions for 8 weeks. Normally, nausea can occur about 2-3 times a day; if it occurs more often, it is better to consult a doctor. Too much toxicosis can adversely affect the development of the fetus.

Strongly breasts become larger and heavier. It becomes more sensitive and veins may appear on it. Although there is no need to think about changing clothes yet, it is worth worrying about buying a new bra. Also, some mothers experience.

Despite the fact that during this period the fetus leads active life in the mother's womb, it is too early to talk about his movements. No matter how hard the mother tries to listen to her body, she will not feel the baby’s movements.

Often appears at this time varicose veins veins. If a woman has a tendency to, then, most likely, at the 8th week of pregnancy it will make itself felt, as the load on the legs increases.

A woman may experience pain in the pelvis and hips. This is caused by the growing uterus irritating the sciatic nerve. Choosing a comfortable body position will help you get rid of these unpleasant sensations. If the pain radiates to the left side, it is better to lie on the right. And vice versa.

A growing uterus at 8 weeks can also cause frequent urination. This process should not cause any discomfort or pain. If pain and burning occur when visiting the toilet, you should consult a specialist. Unpleasant sensations can be caused by pyelonephritis.

Due to indigestion, it can make itself felt heartburn.

Normal discharge at the 8th week of pregnancy is uniform in consistency, has a whitish color and a faint sour-milk odor. Their number may increase slightly due to the growing level of hormones in a woman’s body.

Changes in color, odor, and the appearance of copious discharge, pus, and mucus indicate an infection of the genitourinary system. These symptoms may be accompanied by itching, burning and pain. Necessary consult a gynecologist to get rid of this problem. Untreated infections, in addition to discomfort for the woman, pose a danger to the fetus. More information about allocations on early stages pregnancy can be found out.

Brown or bloody discharge should be a serious concern. Especially if they are accompanied by severe pain. In such situation - consult a doctor immediately!

Tests, examinations and ultrasound in the 8th week of pregnancy

Eighth obstetric week of pregnancy - registration time to the antenatal clinic. During the appointment, the gynecologist will examine the woman on the chair. Check the condition of the uterus and cervix. And based on the examination, he will give a conclusion about the presence of pregnancy.

Afterwards, the obstetrician will measure the pressure, as well as the woman’s weight and volume. Then he will give directions to a number of mandatory tests:

In addition to directing tests, the obstetrician will conduct a small survey. A woman must be prepared to answer a number of questions. For example:

  • date of last menstruation;
  • cycle length;
  • Availability bad habits from a woman and her husband;
  • what kind of pregnancy was there and whether there were any miscarriages or abortions;
  • are there any hereditary diseases in the family;
  • whether the woman and husband had serious illnesses.

Pregnancy is not best time for starting sports, as well as for heavy physical activity. You need to exercise until you break into a light sweat.

Some people are concerned about the issue during pregnancy. Many people believe that after this event occurs, you can forget about sex with your beloved man for 9 months. But that's not true.

If there is no threat of termination of pregnancy or other contraindications, and there is also desire and good health, then intimate intimacy is not only not contraindicated, but also useful.

True, you shouldn’t be overly active during this period. Choose comfortable positions and listen to your body. Excessive zeal in this process can lead to miscarriage.

Week 8 is a difficult time for a mother and her baby. Now it’s worth taking care of yourself and being positive. Our recommendations for the expectant mother will help you with this:

  1. Try to stay calm, sleep more and walk in the fresh air.
  2. Eliminate alcohol and try to get rid of bad habits.
  3. Avoid heels.
  4. Register with the LCD and follow all recommendations of the obstetrician-gynecologist.
  5. Eat right.
  6. If you need to take medications, do not self-medicate.
  7. Consult a specialist who will select medications approved for pregnant women.
  8. Exercise.

Video about 8 weeks of pregnancy

You can find out what exercises are useful for the expectant mother in the first trimester from this video guide. The obstetrician-gynecologist will give his recommendations regarding physical activity during pregnancy. He will tell you what is best for already trained women and those who showed no interest in sports before conception. And the fitness center instructor will show exercises for expectant mothers.

Toxicosis at 8 weeks is very common. You can find a lot of advice on the Internet on how to deal with morning sickness. But everyone’s body is different, and therefore there are simply no universal methods. Tell me, please, How did you deal with the manifestations of toxicosis?. Maybe this will help other moms.

The embryonic stage of development has come to an end, and from the 8th week the embryo is called a fetus. By the end of this week its size will be 3 cm, and its weight will be about 4 g.

The period of the most intense processes is already behind us. All the main organs and systems have been laid down; their development and improvement will continue.

The musculoskeletal system of the fetus is already sufficiently formed, but the process of replacing cartilage tissue with bone tissue will still continue.

At the 8th week, the formation of the ears, fingers, elbow joints, heart is completed, and the diaphragm appears. The male fetus begins to produce testosterone.

During this period, the fetus is already freely “floating” in the amniotic fluid. Changes occur in the fetal blood that determine the blood type of the unborn child.

What's happening to mom

The load on cardiovascular system future mother. The heart rate reaches 100 beats per minute, with the norm being 80-90 beats before pregnancy.

Most likely, at the 8th week a pregnant woman will feel better. Symptoms of toxicosis will gradually begin to subside and after 1-2 weeks should completely disappear. The frequency of the urge to urinate may decrease during this period.

During this period, weight gain is possible, but this has nothing to do with fetal growth.

At week 8, the sweat glands on the nipple areolas may become enlarged. This is normal and should not cause concern.

What is important to know

Gradually, the risk of spontaneous abortion decreases. Many doctors consider the 8th week to be the end of this dangerous period.

A woman’s weight gain in the 8th week may be due to the normalization of the expectant mother’s diet after a period of toxicosis. At this time, you should especially carefully monitor your diet so as not to gain extra pounds. In this case, weight loss should be a reason for an additional visit to the doctor.

It is necessary to organize frequent meals in small portions. The body should be provided with sufficient amounts of calcium and other elements and vitamins.

By the 8th week, a woman may notice difficulties with bowel movements. In this case, dietary fiber (grains, bran, vegetables and fruits) should be introduced into the diet. Doing enemas on your own initiative is strictly not recommended.

What tests and examinations are needed?

At the 8th week, you can already do the first of three mandatory ultrasounds of the fetus. In most cases, the doctor will be able to count the fingers of the fetus, make the necessary measurements of its size and clarify the gestational age.

If the expectant mother is seriously concerned about constipation, she should consult a gastroenterologist. A crowded intestine puts pressure on the uterus, and a growing uterus puts pressure on the blood vessels of the intestine. Both are equally undesirable during pregnancy, so timely consultation with a doctor is necessary in this case.

The duration of walking should be increased. In the absence of contraindications, you can gradually return to physical activity, including visiting the pool.

To normalize stool, light exercises will be useful. You can increase the amount of prunes and dried apricots in your diet. It is also recommended to sleep on your side rather than your back - this will help relieve stress on the intestinal area.

In general, the 8th week is a time to remember that pregnancy is not a disease and return to an active, full life.

All organ systems are already established, and some are even functioning successfully. Theoretically, it is only now that the term “fetus” can be applied to an embryo. We can already distinguish a human being from an animal embryo - the face is becoming more clearly visible, the phalanges of the fingers are developing.

The eighth week of pregnancy is characterized by the formation of sweat and salivary glands, and the digestive and excretory systems begin to function.

The baby's length is 14-20 mm, weight is about 1.5 g. The mother's sensations may intensify by this time. Due to the growing uterus, pain in the bladder area may occur. Often pregnant women experience burning pain in the pelvis and hips, which occurs due to irritation of the sciatic nerve. This does not pose a danger to the child, but the feeling is very unpleasant.

The onset of taste perversions is typical, and the condition of the skin may worsen. The belly has not yet grown, but the trousers have difficulty meeting at the waist. The breasts become heavier and increase in size.

At this time, there is a danger of developing varicose veins; vomiting should not occur more than twice a day; we monitor the discharge. If the consistency, color, or smell changes, we run to the doctor.

In the photo, the child is no larger than a raspberry. On the monitor you can see how the baby moves and how fast his heart beats.

The development of the embryo proceeds very rapidly: by this moment many organs have not only formed, but have also begun to function; it is already so different from the animal embryo that it can now be called a human fetus.

The heart has already become more complex and has become four-chambered, the walls of the atria have strengthened, which means it can perform its assigned functions. It actively pumps blood through large vessels, the connection with which has become better. Large vessels are also almost formed; valves have already appeared and are functioning.

Let's see and remember

The face becomes more and more like the face of an adult. The nose protrudes forward, and olfactory receptors are formed in its cavity. The auricles are almost completely formed, and the inner ear continues to develop. The upper lip is already prominent and clearly visible. The eyes are still located far from each other, but the eyelids with eyelashes can already be distinguished. Taste buds develop on the tongue.

The digestive system has almost completed its formation. The stomach and intestines have fully formed and taken their places in the baby’s body. And the stomach is already secreting gastric juice. The salivary glands began to form.

The nervous system also continues to develop. During this period, the genital organs continue to develop – the ovaries in girls and the testes in boys. The kidneys have also already formed and are beginning to perform their functions. IN respiratory system Important changes are also taking place - the bronchial tree is already quite large, the diaphragm has begun to form - a muscle that takes an active part in the breathing process.

Further development of arms and legs occurs. Joints and muscles develop, arms can bend at the elbow joint, and legs at the knee joint. The phalanges of the fingers are drawn. Thumb already opposed to the other four. Sweat glands appear on the palms and feet. The process of ossification of the arms, legs and skull begins.

At 7-8 weeks, the mucus plug has completely formed, which began its formation at the beginning of pregnancy, now the uterus, and therefore the fetus, is safe, because no infection from the vagina will penetrate here.


Usually by the 8th week the baby makes itself known: all the signs of pregnancy appear most strongly. Toxicosis may increase; it is important to remember that vomiting more than 2 times a day is a reason to visit a doctor. Increased irritability and drowsiness. Appetite may increase and become distorted. Another unpleasant complication that a woman may encounter is varicose veins. Therefore, a woman should give up high heels, rest more, it is advisable to elevate her legs so that the blood actively flows away from them, if possible, avoid standing on her feet for a long time; as a preventive option, you can wear compression tights or stockings. Another unpleasant moment that can await a woman is compression of the sciatic nerve by the growing uterus. It does not pose any danger to the fetus, but it brings great discomfort to the woman. Usually in such situations it is recommended to lie on the opposite side and thereby relieve the pressure of the uterus on the nerve. Also, the growing uterus puts pressure on bladder, due to which urination increases not only during the day, but also at night.

Also during this period, a woman may notice changes in her skin, both better and worse skin. Some women cannot get enough of smooth, clean, elastic skin, while others cannot cope with the sudden appearance of acne and oily sheen, and this is, of course, to blame for hormones that force the body to rebuild itself, for which the latter is not always ready. But the expectant mother should not buy all the skin products in pharmacies; many of them are not recommended for pregnant women; it is best to consult a doctor about this.


Early toxicosis remains a concern, which is manifested by severe weight loss, fainting and frequent vomiting, as already mentioned, more than 2 times a day. There is no need to wait for everything to go away on its own; you need to see a doctor for help.

It is also worth paying attention to the discharge, because the risk of miscarriage is still high. It is necessary to monitor the nature of the discharge - cheesy, dirty discharge with an odor can indicate an infection, and brownish spotting discharge - a fading pregnancy.

You should also be wary of bacterial and viral diseases that occur with increasing temperature. How shorter term pregnancy, the greater the consequences. A banal ARVI can affect the course of pregnancy and lead to pathology of the organ that is formed during the illness. Therefore, a woman should take her health very seriously and begin treatment at the first signs of a developing cold, and in no case should she endure the disease “on her feet.” Pregnant women are usually given sick leave at the first symptoms of the disease. Pregnant women should especially be wary of rubella. It has been established that of all acute infectious diseases, only rubella is of decisive importance for a pregnant woman. Because the rubella virus causes multiple malformations of the fetus: from organ pathology to external deformities. Therefore, it is recommended to terminate pregnancy in the early stages.

Stomach ache

Pain on this period possible for several reasons and they must be clearly distinguished; pain is possible due to stretching of the uterus and disturbances in the digestive system, and perhaps these are harbingers of a miscarriage. As mentioned earlier, pain on the sides of the abdomen can occur due to tension in the ligaments of the uterus associated with its growth. Abdominal pain, accompanied by constipation or diarrhea, heartburn, bloating, is most likely associated with decreased intestinal motility. This does not mean that you need to exhale and endure further; it is also best to consult a doctor about this. Pain accompanied by bloody discharge of a cramping, acute nature is a reason to urgently consult a doctor in order to maintain the pregnancy. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate and wait for everything to pass; you risk losing your child.

Fetus and belly size.

The fetus grows and develops, and at week 8 the length of the fetus is already 14-20 mm, and its weight is about 1.5 g. On an ultrasound, you can already see how the baby moves its tiny arms and legs. The expectant mother, however, does not yet feel these movements, because the fetus is still too small and does not reach the uterus. The belly has not yet increased, but the waist has smoothed out a little, at least in old jeans she will not feel as comfortable as before.


Meals should be regular, nutritious and varied. At this stage, it is very important to obtain all the necessary vitamins and elements, because during pregnancy the mother’s body is the only source of nutrients for the fetus. For pregnant women, the recommended intake of vitamins is approximately 25% higher than for non-pregnant women.

Meat and meat products are essential sources of B vitamins, iron and proteins, so vegetarianism is unacceptable during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is best to choose lean meats and eat them boiled. Everyone knows that milk and dairy products are an excellent source of calcium, and it is also a storehouse of vitamin B2, vegetable oils rich in vitamin E. Fresh vegetables and fruits are an important source of vitamins C, K, carotenes and folic acid, as well as fiber. Eating fresh vegetables and fruits will help improve intestinal motility and relieve constipation. Vitamins are usually found in various combinations in foods. However, correction of hypovitaminosis by introducing frequently used products containing essential vitamins, as a rule, leads to an increase in the consumption of nutrients and energy, which is undesirable, since it leads to an excessive increase in body weight of the pregnant woman and the fetus. And this, in turn, can cause complications during pregnancy and childbirth, not to mention the dangers of overeating for your figure. Therefore, pregnant women need additional vitamins and microelements. Nowadays, pharmacy windows are literally littered with various multivitamin complexes for pregnant women. Many of them also contain macronutrients. Taking such a complex drug, selected taking into account the body's daily need for these substances and their digestibility, is more convenient and effective than taking vitamins separately. The idea that industrially produced vitamins are absorbed worse than natural ones is incorrect.

What to do

If you have not yet registered with the antenatal clinic, then you urgently need to go there, even if nothing bothers you. In the antenatal clinic, in addition to typical tests such as a general and biochemical blood test, a blood test to determine the Rh factor, antibody titer, examination for toxoplasmosis, rubella, herpes and cytomegalovirus infection, it is necessary to give urine for protein, and a stool test. The gynecologist must also take a scraping from the uterus - this is an integral part of the oncological examination of all women.

Also, week 8 is the optimal time to conduct a study of the level of thyroid-stimulating hormone, which evaluates the function of the thyroid gland, which is very important for maintaining pregnancy and affects the development of the fetal nervous system.

At week 8, you should start visiting other specialists, such as a therapist, ophthalmologist, dentist, endocrinologist, they will help detect health problems and minimize their impact on the pregnancy.

At week 8, women are not recommended to wear high heels, to avoid varicose veins, they need to rest more, walk, exercise moderately, eat right, and avoid stress. And their family should surround the expectant mother with care, endure all her whims and antics, and give only positive emotions.

Belly photo

The eighth week of pregnancy is also called the sixth embryonic week. If you count in non-obstetric weeks, then the eighth week of excellent position means the end of the second month of pregnancy. In most cases, at this time, almost all women already know about the birth of another new life in them. And those women who have not yet been notified of their pregnancy begin to suspect it, because during this period the symptoms and signs become increasingly intensified.

On the psychological side, future parents are beginning to become increasingly aware that they will soon have another tiny family member.

Signs and symptoms of pregnancy at 8 weeks

Symptoms that a woman may not have previously noticed are now becoming more and more noticeable. This:

  • Constant mood swings
  • Tearfulness
  • Drowsiness
  • More frequent urination
  • Constipation
  • The appearance of discharge that was not there before.

One of the most unpleasant symptoms of pregnancy in the eighth week is toxicosis. The eighth week of pregnancy is the time for its appearance.

What happens to the mother at 8 weeks of pregnancy? Feel

During this period, you may notice increased salivation and aversion to certain foods and smells. All this can lead to you not being able to eat normally for some time. Do not despair, because this process is normal and natural, but if vomiting does not allow you to eat at all and continues up to 5 times a day, then be sure to inform your doctor as soon as possible, because due to constant vomiting there may be dehydration and weakening of the body. But this is of no use to you or your future baby. Normal indicator toxicosis is considered to be nausea or vomiting 1-2 times a day.

In addition to toxicosis, another unpleasant sensation may appear - heartburn. It is caused by a disorder of the digestive tract. To get rid of it, eat less fatty, smoked and fried foods.

Body change

The average weight gain by the eighth week of pregnancy should be approximately 0.5-1 kg. Not every woman can immediately notice it, so those around you will not yet be able to guess about your interesting position.

If the expectant mother does not yet know about her interesting situation, then her breasts are already on the way to being fully ready for the feeding process. Breast enlargement can give away pregnancy. Buy yourself a comfortable and natural bra in a larger size so that your breasts can fit comfortably in it and not be squeezed.

Uterus and pain

A gradual lifting of the uterus upward can bring a woman moderate (!) painful sensations, contractions or spasms. Such sensations indicate a normal pregnancy. But remember, if such sensations constantly remind you and prevent you from resting or working normally, then be sure to notify your doctor about them.

A growing uterus can irritate the sciatic nerve, often leading to pain in the hips and pelvis. To reduce the pressure of the uterus on this nerve, try to rest on your side and spend less time sitting.

The growth of the uterus also leads to pressure on the bladder, which causes the expectant mother to go to the toilet more often. During urination, there should be no pain or impurities in the urine (blood, etc.).

False (in other words, training) contractions may appear. They are characterized by periodic mild pain in the lower abdomen. They should not be accompanied by suspicious discharge. Otherwise, immediately inform your doctor or call an ambulance.


Now mommy may notice that her facial skin has become oilier. This is explained by the intensive production of hormones that are necessary for the full course of pregnancy and the growth of the baby. Do not purchase a variety of “anti-acne” products. Firstly, not all of them are indicated for use during pregnancy, and secondly, they simply will not help. Cleanse your skin more often and everything will pass.

Some expectant mothers may notice that their skin tends to become dry and flaky. Here, too, no special anti-flaking cream will help. Use regular baby oil to moisturize the surface of the skin.

Discharge at 8 weeks of pregnancy

In the eighth week of pregnancy, the discharge should be clear or milky in color. In some cases they are also brown. If this color of discharge is not accompanied by itching and pain in the lower back, then everything is in order, but your obstetrician-gynecologist should still be notified about this.

Observations, analyzes and examinations

If you have not yet visited a doctor, now is the time to make a trip. You will undergo a wide range of necessary tests, the results of which will be very important to your doctor. They will tell you about the health of the expectant mother and the state of the pregnancy. Don’t be afraid of the number of tests, it only seems like a lot at first glance:

  • Biochemical analysis of arterial blood. Its results will provide information about the condition of the internal organs of the expectant mother, and will also help determine which essential microelements are insufficient.
  • Urinalysis (general for sugar). It will provide an opportunity to learn about the condition and intensity of kidney function.
  • According to Nechiporenko. Hidden inflammation can be identified using this analysis.
  • Blood test (for sugar). Its results will show the glucose level.
  • HIV and RW. This analysis is needed to exclude the possibility of being a carrier of HIV and AIDS.
  • Vaginal smears. They are done to detect infections in the vagina.

When you visit a doctor, he will definitely weigh your body, measure your pelvic circumference and give you directions to visit other doctors, such as:

  • Dentist
  • Venereologist
  • Oculist
  • Therapist.

Every doctor's visit should be mandatory, because they separately assess the health status of certain organs and systems. If, for example, you do not visit an ophthalmologist and you have high eye pressure, then during childbirth the health of your eyes may worsen significantly. Very often, with increased eye pressure, a cesarean section is prescribed.

Flora smear analysis is one of the methods for examining women, which is used in gynecology. What is it?

Sex at 8 weeks pregnant

Intimacy during pregnancy, provided you feel well, is not contraindicated, unless the mother has:

  • Threats of miscarriage
  • Bloody, purulent, mucous and other foul-smelling discharges
  • Multiple pregnancy.

The eighth week is a very important and crucial moment in the formation of the embryo. It is also called the “critical period”. During this period it happens very often spontaneous miscarriages or there is a threat of termination of pregnancy. Considering this, try not to enter into intimacy for several weeks.


Toxicosis can persistently prevent a woman from eating normally. Therefore, in the eighth week, you can brew yourself tea with ginger in the morning, which should ease toxicosis. You can make breakfast from this tea and walnuts.

It is very important to review the foods you have eaten before. Replace coffee with green or herbal tea, chocolate candies with hematogen, fried and other unhealthy foods with boiled and steamed meat, eliminate alcohol and cigarettes altogether.

Try to minimize your consumption of the following foods:

  • Bakery
  • Flour products
  • Candies
  • Allergenic products (citrus fruits).

Eating unhealthy or unsafe foods can affect the mother's health and pregnancy.

What happens to the baby at 8 weeks of pregnancy?

At this stage of pregnancy, the baby is very busy with the most important things - he gradually “gets comfortable” and continues to grow at a rapid pace. For this to happen at the proper level, the mother should provide her future baby with all the best necessary conditions.

External development of the baby. Fetus 8 weeks

The dimensions of your unborn baby are now approximately 13-19 mm, and its weight reaches approximately 3 grams. If you undergo an ultrasound procedure this week, you can see your future baby on the monitor, which now, at least a little, resembles a person. Also with this procedure you can see his small arms and legs, which are now three times shorter than his arms. And also a face that is now just beginning to take shape.

The embryo is now beginning to develop nostrils, eyes, ears, and already has lips and a tongue. By the end of the week, facial features will begin to form. Taste buds appear and form on the tongue. Now olfactory receptors continue to form in the nose.

Internal development

Since the expectant mother’s placenta is now intensively developing, the baby will begin to receive the necessary nutrients and vitamins through the umbilical cord from this week. Internal organs gradually become more and more perfect, the heart acquires the necessary appearance and shape (becomes four-chambered), bronchial branches develop in the lungs, kidneys begin to develop, the brain is divided into halves and convolutions appear in large parts of it. The salivary glands are already beginning to form.

In the eighth week of pregnancy, the unborn child’s genital organs begin to develop – boys have testicles, and girls, respectively, have ovaries. They are now generating eggs.

The nervous system is developing and improving at a rapid pace. It ensures that the future baby can now actively move, swim in the surrounding amniotic fluid and reflexively squeeze its arms. Mommy cannot feel this yet, but it can be seen on an ultrasound examination.

The knee and elbow joints are laid. Gradual ossification occurs in the limbs, body and skull.

  • Habitual way of life. If the expectant mother feels well, does not feel any discomfort or weakness, then she can continue to do her usual activities - work, play sports, etc.
  • Fresh air helps relieve fatigue. Since most expectant mothers very often feel quickly tired and drowsy at the beginning of their pregnancy, they are recommended to spend more time walking. They will help to avoid or alleviate such symptoms as much as possible.
  • Treat yourself with care. This primarily applies to the use of alcohol, nicotine and weight lifting. Now is the time to get rid of all negative habits that can harm not only your health, but also your future baby.
  • Support your body. Fatigue, drowsiness and other symptoms of pregnancy occur due to decreased immunity. The body lowers it so as not to reject the emerging life. Therefore, a healthy diet filled with vitamins is very important.
  • Taking medications correctly. If you are taking any hormonal medications as prescribed by your doctor, remember that you need to take them hourly. This will ensure an even supply of hormones to your body.

At 8 weeks of pregnancy, a woman comes to the realization that a small life has arisen inside her. This is a wonderful feeling, like some kind of sacrament - after all external manifestations almost none yet. Meanwhile, the baby is growing by leaps and bounds!

At the 8th obstetric week, the fetus is still very small - its weight is only 3 grams, and its length is 15-20 mm. The body of the embryo, which is in a bent state until the 7th week, begins to straighten. The size of the head remains disproportionate to the size of the body, but the fetus is already beginning to resemble a person, the “tail” disappears. The elbow and knee joints and shoulders become visible, the fingers and toes appear, but they remain connected to each other by a membrane of skin.

By the end of the 8th week, the baby’s face becomes familiar to a person: eyes with eyelids, nose, ears are already visible, lips are formed.

All internal organs the fetus is actively developing:

  • The nervous system is improved, the development of the brain and network of neurons continues.
  • The baby's four-chambered heart actively pumps blood. Heart rate is 140-160 beats. per minute
  • The respiratory organs and gastrointestinal tract continue to form. It is surprising that by the 8th week of pregnancy the baby’s tongue taste buds have formed.
  • This is an important stage in the development of the reproductive system. Ovaries are formed and follicles are laid to form future eggs in girls, while testicles are formed in boys.

State expectant mother


By the 8th week of pregnancy, hormonal levels are still unbalanced. This leads to new sensations in the mother’s body, to which she will now need to adapt. In this case it is observed:

  • Chest pain. The mammary gland of the expectant mother is preparing for breastfeeding, the sensations resemble the state of the breasts on the eve of menstruation. The breasts swell, a feeling of heaviness and tolerable pain appear. The sensitivity of the nipples increases, touching them becomes unpleasant. This is a temporary phenomenon and very soon the mammary glands will adapt to the new condition.
  • Fatigue. Increased fatigue, drowsiness, fatigue are the eternal companions of a pregnant woman, resulting from changes in hormonal levels body. The pregnant woman's relatives will have to get used to frequent mood swings, which is also to blame for the raging hormones in the body of the expectant mother.
  • Changes in food and smell preferences. At the 8th week of pregnancy, women's food preferences change and their appetite increases. A previously favorite product may become tasteless or even cause an attack of nausea, but addictions to food that previously caused disgust may appear. Sensitivity to odors increases, so women should avoid rooms with sources of strong odors.
  • Frequent urination. This is not common to all women, but it still applies to frequent pregnancy companions. The increasing size of the uterus puts pressure on the bladder, causing a frequent urge to urinate.
  • Headache. It may occur due to overwork, which is provoked by hormonal instability and weakening of the mother’s body. To avoid headaches, you should avoid stress and not get nervous over trifles.
  • Edema. The mother’s urinary system now works for two and in some cases the load on it is too great, the fluid does not have time to be removed from the body in a timely manner. All this manifests itself as swelling, which is most often localized on the lower extremities, as well as on the face.
  • Change in body temperature. Minor symptoms often accompany pregnancy in the early stages. This is explained by the work of hormones, heat transfer slows down and the temperature rises. A woman may confuse this condition with, so before starting treatment, consult your doctor. During a normal pregnancy, the temperature may rise to 37.5.
  • . With an increase in appetite, the weight of the expectant mother may increase. At week 8, the belly is not yet growing and pregnancy is not visible. If a woman notices a weight gain of more than 1 kilogram, then her diet should be adjusted, because... excess weight There is no need for it during pregnancy; it can complicate its course.


By this time, the uterus has already doubled in size, but this does not yet affect the size of the abdomen. associated with an increase in the size of the uterus. If the nature of the pain is periodic, without the addition of other signs, then there is no need to worry.

The pregnant belly at 8 weeks does not stand out at all, only the expectant mother can feel the changes. She will want to wear loose clothes; her favorite skinny jeans will suddenly become terribly uncomfortable.


During pregnancy, discharge is normally translucent or milky white in color, without a strong odor. If the nature of the discharge has changed, it has become yellow-green or brown mixed with blood or pus, then you should immediately consult a doctor. This may indicate an infectious disease or a threat of miscarriage.

Difficulties gestation

At 8 weeks of pregnancy, women may encounter certain difficulties in bearing a fetus. The main rule is not to panic and consult a doctor in time.


In most cases, it is more unpleasant than dangerous. However, some pregnant women are susceptible to severe toxicosis. This condition is fraught with severe dehydration due to vomiting, the frequency of which sometimes reaches 20 times per day. A pregnant woman should be under the supervision of a doctor.

Abortion of pregnancy at 8 weeks can be provoked by:

  • genetic pathologies of the fetus incompatible with life,
  • rejection from the uterine cavity due to immune incompatibility,
  • serious illness of the expectant mother,
  • suffered stress,
  • bad habits.

If you experience cramping pain in the lower abdomen, in the lumbar region, or bloody discharge, you should immediately contact a gynecologist to maintain pregnancy.

Ectopic pregnancy

Unfortunately, the fertilized egg does not always attach where it should. Sometimes it can get lost, attach and begin to develop in the fallopian tubes, ovaries or abdominal cavity instead of the uterus. If the doctor suspects, he will send the woman for an ultrasound. If this diagnosis is confirmed, it is necessary to terminate the pregnancy, since this condition threatens the life of the mother.

Placental abruption

Starting bleeding may be a sign of placental abruption. The expectant mother should not ignore this condition. A favorable outcome is possible with timely provision of medical care.

Medical examination

Visit to the gynecologist

At 8 weeks of pregnancy, a woman can already register with the antenatal clinic. It is recommended to do this before the 12th week in order to be able to receive additional payments when going on maternity leave.

When registering with a gynecologist:

  • will measure the height, weight and blood pressure of the expectant mother,
  • will conduct a bimanual vaginal examination and take a vaginal smear test for flora,
  • will create a pregnancy card.

After this, he will give you a maternal passport, which you will always need to carry with you. The doctor will also give you a bypass sheet to see the necessary specialists, such as an ophthalmologist, dentist, otolaryngologist, therapist and other specialists if necessary. In addition, the gynecologist will set a date for the next visit, by which the following tests will need to be taken:

  • blood tests: clinical and biochemical, coagulogram, hCG level, Rh factor, TORCH infections, HIV, RW and hepatitis,
  • general analysis urine.


The first ultrasound of a pregnant woman is prescribed at 11-13 weeks. Assessment of fetal development using ultrasound before this period is considered unreliable, and prescribe ultrasonography can confirm the fact of pregnancy and clarify its duration, identify an ectopic or frozen pregnancy, and eliminate the threat of miscarriage.

At the 8th obstetric week of pregnancy, a woman should give up bad habits and minimize the effect of adverse factors, such as:

  • smoking,
  • stress at work or at home,
  • taking medications without a doctor's prescription,
  • undergoing an x-ray examination,
  • contacts with sick people,

For the expectant mother it is necessary to take care of your health, if possible, spend at least 1 hour in the fresh air, ventilate the room at least 2 times a day, and do not deny yourself daytime sleep if the body requires it.


A pregnant woman’s body needs vitamins and minerals now more than ever, because some of them go to the baby. At the 8th week of pregnancy, you should pay attention to folic acid, tocopherol, as well as microelements - magnesium, iodine, iron, phosphorus, potassium. Multivitamin complexes can be taken only after consultation and prescription by a gynecologist.


The expectant mother needs to remember that everything she eats will go to the baby. Therefore, you need to take a responsible approach to creating your own diet. You should eat small portions every 2-3 hours, and avoid starvation.

Physical activity

Not only are they not contraindicated for a pregnant woman, but they are also recommended. physical exercise. To avoid the risk of harming the unborn child, active training and professional sports should be replaced by yoga, fitness for pregnant women, exercise balls, and a swimming pool.

A pregnant woman should not experience physical overload and fatigue.

It is best to work with a trainer who will create an optimal set of exercises to maintain the health of the mother and without harm to the baby.

Exercising helps:

  • eliminate lower back pain,
  • normalize intestinal function,
  • get rid of stress,
  • Gain less weight and make pregnancy and childbirth easier.

Intimate life

If there are no contraindications from the doctor, the pregnant woman can continue. In some conditions ( multiple pregnancy, threat of miscarriage) it is still better to abstain from intimate life at 8 weeks of pregnancy. The period up to 12 weeks is considered very unpredictable, so it is better not to risk it and wait it out.

For an expectant mother at 8 weeks of pregnancy, there is a main rule - do no harm.

It is important for a pregnant woman to learn to think for two when making any decisions regarding her body. It may not be visible yet, but life inside is actively developing and it is the mother who bears the lion's share of responsibility for the health of the unborn child.
