Depressive states in pregnant women. Symptoms of depression during pregnancy: what to do and how to help yourself and your unborn baby Depression in pregnant women in the second trimester

The question of how to go to the toilet with a tampon worries many. It is worth considering the advantages and disadvantages of this personal hygiene product, as well as the features of visiting the bathroom during menstruation.

Can you pee with a tampon?

Tampons are used during menstruation for comfort and protection of linen. Unlike pads, they do not interfere with active movement and sports. The hygiene product is placed inside the vagina to absorb blood. In this case, the tampon does not close the urethra and anus.

How to go to the toilet with a tampon without getting it wet

The reproductive system is separated from the excretory system. Urine and natural bowel movements do not fall on the tampon inside the vagina. Only menstrual flow remains on it. Rare exceptions occur in the presence of defects in the structure of the genitourinary system. In other cases, the tampon does not interfere with going to the toilet and you do not need to get it.

How to visit the bathroom during menstruation

To avoid discomfort and not harm your health, you need to follow the rules of hygiene:

  • If the tampon still gets wet during urination, it means that it was inserted incorrectly. It needs to be changed. If this is not done, microbes will begin to multiply on it. Possible toxic shock.
  • You don't need to take out a tampon. But if the tampon has fallen out, it cannot be inserted back. Bacteria remain on it, which can cause inflammation of the genital organs.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly before and after going to the bathroom. Pollution on the palms is an accumulation of harmful microbes.
  • With abundant discharge, the tampon is changed once every 3 hours. If menstruation is scarce, you can walk with one product up to 8 hours.
  • Replacement of the tampon is accompanied by microtrauma of the vaginal mucosa. Inconspicuous wounds appear where bacteria enter. Therefore, frequent unreasonable replacement is not needed and is even harmful to women's health.
  • To find out how full the tampon is, you need to lightly pull on the thread. If it slips out easily, it's time to replace it. The resistance indicates that the tampon is not completely saturated, which means that it is too early to change it.

How to write so that the thread does not get wet

The tampons are equipped with a strong thread for easy removal. She must stay outside. In no case should you put the thread into the vagina. When visiting the toilet, it is wrapped with a napkin or paper to protect it from pollution. Before urination, the thread is tilted back and held by hand. When hiking "in a big way", on the contrary, they raise it in front. It is important to keep the thread dry and clean so that dirt, moisture and germs do not penetrate further into the tampon. To prevent bacteria from entering the genital tract along with particles of feces, they are wiped with toilet paper in the direction from front to back.

When a girl shouldn't use tampons

It is undesirable to insert tampons if you have:

  • inflammatory processes in the genital tract;
  • allergic reaction to the components of the product;
  • symptoms of severe intoxication;
  • deviations in the structure of the genital organs.

Discomfort when going to the toilet indicates the wrong insertion of a tampon. The same is true when a hygiene product interferes with walking or sitting. In such a situation, it is better to pull it out and temporarily change it to a gasket. An improperly positioned product irritates and damages the mucous membrane, which must be allowed to recover. Among other reasons:

  • wrong size tampon;
  • drying of the mucous membrane of the vagina;
  • chronic and acute gynecological diseases.

If the use of tampons consistently causes pain and discomfort, you need to contact a gynecologist for examination. The doctor will identify the cause of discomfort and prescribe treatment.

Depression during pregnancy is a fairly common occurrence these days. No one is immune from this condition. future mom. This is not surprising, because even a desired, planned pregnancy becomes a difficult test for the female psyche. Not everyone can pass such a “strength test”.

Causes of depression in a pregnant woman

The body of a woman carrying a child undergoes significant hormonal changes. This biological process affects many aspects, including the ratio of chemicals circulating in the brain. Prenatal depression is not just a bad mood. It is a disease, a clinical condition, caused by an imbalance in this chemical balance.

Is it possible to know in advance if the expectant mother has a predisposition to prenatal depression? Experts were unable to establish a relationship between the condition and the age of women or the gestational age of each of them at the time of the onset of the disorder. Nevertheless, it is already known that the development of depressive conditions in expectant mothers is often due to the following reasons:

  • heredity;
  • past traumatic brain injury;
  • periodic cases of intoxication of the body (for example, alcohol);
  • the presence of complications during pregnancy (severe toxicosis, eclampsia, etc.).

Less commonly, the biochemistry of the brain is disturbed for psychological reasons. Factors that influenced the development of the disorder may be:

  • Stress. If the pregnancy came at the wrong time, when a woman is preoccupied with solving current problems, two strips on the test will probably make her feel hopeless.
  • Uncertainty in loved ones. Tensions with relatives and the father of the child make the woman feel fear. Not feeling the support of others, the pregnant woman understands that the responsibility for the baby will fall entirely on her shoulders, and she is afraid not to cope.
  • Bad experience in the past. If a woman had a history of miscarriages, missed pregnancies or long-term treatment for infertility, the entire period of gestation for her will be accompanied by anxiety.

Associated symptoms

Experts distinguish 2 types of depressive states. Women are equally susceptible to any of them. Depending on the warehouse of her character and some external factors, the expectant mother may suffer from:

  1. Depressed state. This type of depressive disorder is characterized by apathy and loss of energy. The patient may not even have a desire to take care of himself (eat food, maintain hygiene, etc.).
  2. Attacks of aggression. The behavior of patients with an active type of depression can be antisocial and dangerous to others. Aggressors often do not realize the severity of the problem and refuse medical attention.

Moderate anxiety, irritability, and sudden changes in emotions in expectant mothers are not in themselves signs of a particular type of depression. All these are normal reactions of the central nervous system to hormonal and physiological changes in the body.

You need to be wary if pregnant:

  • is in an apathetic, depressed state for a long period of time;
  • suffers from a pronounced decline in strength, accompanied by a loss of sexual desire and inhibition of reactions;
  • feels helpless or useless;
  • avoids contact with loved ones;
  • refuses food or actively “eats” stress;
  • sleeps badly;
  • ignores the needs of his own body, including the need to take care of health;
  • complains of pain of unknown origin;
  • is in a suicidal mood.

If any of these symptoms is constantly observed in a woman for 2 or more weeks in a row, this is a clear reason to seek help from specialists. However, it should be borne in mind that the severity of signs of depression in the first, second and third trimesters of pregnancy can vary greatly.

Features of the flow at different times

Experts believe that the severity and order of appearance of symptoms of prenatal depression in a particular trimester of pregnancy are associated with psychological factors that affect the expectant mother. The self-awareness of a pregnant woman goes through several stages of change.

I trimester

In the first weeks of pregnancy, a woman experiences a state of "total denial". On the early dates most expectant mothers do not seem to want to take into account their position when planning their leisure time, easily agreeing to long trips, extreme entertainment, etc.

For 2-3 months, the brain still does not have time to get used to the idea that pregnant women have to give up many pleasant and familiar activities for the safety and health of the baby. As soon as this realization comes, a woman can fall into real despondency.

Symptoms of impending depression will only intensify if conception was not planned. The situation is complicated by fear due to the threat of miscarriage in early pregnancy. As a result, no psyche is able to cope with this state.

II trimester

At 3-4 months of gestation, there comes a moment when the expectant mother experiences a new psychological state called "search for the lost object." The woman has already realized that with the advent of the baby her life will change dramatically, and now she is worried about the sacrifices that she will have to make.

The need to postpone education, suspend a career, give up favorite activities and, in general, somehow limit oneself is perceived by the brain as a loss that needs to be compensated for with new interesting experiences (professional courses, acquaintances, interest clubs, etc. will help). Otherwise, the expectant mother is captured by a feeling of isolation, unfulfillment and depression.

III trimester

The state that occurs on later dates pregnancy, experts call "prenatal apathy." It is characterized by a feeling of helplessness and impotence, alternating with panic attacks. Almost no one manages to avoid this, and there are 2 main reasons for this:

  1. Fear of childbirth. The literature contains many stories about how painful and dangerous the process of giving birth to a baby can be for a woman. If someone in the immediate environment of a pregnant woman was injured in childbirth, her horror only intensifies.
  2. Physiological changes. In the last weeks of pregnancy, the belly becomes so large that it is difficult for the expectant mother to even move around without outside help.

How to treat depression in a pregnant woman?

In the beginning, you need to understand that the considered pathological state of the psyche is a disease. Trying to cope with depression on your own, without the help of specialists, can be dangerous not only for the expectant mother, but also for her unborn baby.

You need to start with regular psychotherapeutic sessions with a specialist. In the absence of a positive effect from the procedures, medications are taken.

Medical approach

To combat anxiety in pregnant women, specialists use drugs from the group of tricyclic antidepressants. Such drugs have been carefully studied for effects on intrauterine development of children and are recognized as safe. However, before prescribing an antidepressant to a future mother, the doctor must make sure that there are serious indications:

  • suicidal thoughts;
  • prolonged insomnia;
  • loss of appetite;
  • chronic pain of a psychosomatic nature.

In the absence of especially anxiety symptoms Mental illnesses during pregnancy are trying to be treated with non-drug methods. The best results are given by individual sessions with a psychologist. However, a pregnant woman can take some steps on the road to recovery on her own.

Psychotherapeutic methods of treatment

Regular sessions with specialists are necessary, but it is important for a pregnant woman to learn to take care of her emotional state. There are several proven ways to do this:

  1. Take enough time to rest. Healthy sleep and walks in the fresh air will help reduce feelings of fatigue and make possible mood swings not so abrupt.
  2. Do sport. Regular trips to the pool or even regular daily exercises will help the expectant mother feel in good shape. In addition, self-discipline gives a sense of self-satisfaction.
  3. Follow a diet. Caffeine, sugar, preservatives, and high-calorie foods have a negative effect on well-being. Expectant mothers are advised to adhere to the principles of fractional nutrition and add more milk and fruits to the diet.

Traditional medicine

Homemade recipes will help speed up the treatment of depression and improve well-being during pregnancy. The following remedies relieve emotional stress well:

  1. Fresh carrots. You can use the vegetable in the form of juice, fresh juice or salad.
  2. Chinese Lemongrass. An infusion of these berries is drunk instead of tea, adding sugar or honey to the drink for taste.
  3. Passionflower. The herb is consumed in the form of an infusion (for preparation, take 1 tsp of the plant in a glass of water), which can be drunk in unlimited quantities throughout the day.

Prevention of depression

Expecting a baby is a very exciting moment. In order for this event to have a positive emotional connotation for the pregnant woman, she must feel the full support of her loved ones. Compliance with this condition and the absence of a lack of communication is the best prevention of depression and anxiety disorders for the expectant mother.

Pregnancy is the happiest time in every woman's life. The expectant mother is looking forward to the appearance of the baby, prepares undershirts, makes repairs in the apartment, arranges “photo shoots” and many other pleasant things. Unfortunately, according to various studies, from 10 to 15 percent of pregnant women are in a state of depression of varying severity.

Depression (from the Latin word for "suppress") is a mental disorder characterized by the "depressive triad":

  1. Decreased mood and loss of the ability to experience joy.
  2. Thinking disorders (negative judgments, a pessimistic view of what is happening).
  3. Motor retardation.

Depression is recognized as the "plague of the twentieth century". At the same time, women are prone to depressive disorders 2-3 times more often than men.

Information During pregnancy, the symptoms of depression are less pronounced, but the consequences can be more serious, because not only the condition of the mother, but also the unborn child is at risk. The "hormonal storm" in the mother's body provides fertile ground for the development of depression.

Risk factors

There are several risk factors for depression in a pregnant woman:

  • Tendency to experiences, emotional instability, character traits.
  • The presence of depressive disorders, mental illness in close relatives.
  • Presence of depression before pregnancy.
  • Refusal of previous treatment due to fear of negative effects on the baby.
  • Unwanted pregnancy, doubts about one's strengths and capabilities.
  • Severe pregnancy - threatening miscarriage, severe toxicosis, pathological weight gain.
  • An unfavorable situation in the family is a difficult relationship with the father of the child, parents, older children.
  • Lack of fulfillment at work, the negative influence of colleagues and superiors.
  • Fear of upcoming changes and difficulties.
  • Fear of pain, fear of childbirth.

Anxiety manifestations

Everyone knows that the mood and emotional state of a pregnant woman is changeable. The systems of the female body are reorganized to bear the child, ensure its successful course, the setting of the mother's body for the upcoming birth. The nervous system is also completely rebuilt, the so-called "dominant of pregnancy" is formed.

But there are a number of signs that are alarm bells for the expectant mother and her loved ones:

  • feeling of sadness, emptiness, apathy;
  • previously enjoyable activities and hobbies do not bring the same joy;
  • loss of strength, drowsiness, lethargy;
  • inability to concentrate, remember, make a decision;
  • lack of appetite;
  • excessive appetite, "jamming" of experiences;
  • lack of sexual desire;
  • sleep disturbance (night awakenings, excessive sleepiness, nightmares);
  • feeling of uselessness, helplessness;
  • unwillingness to communicate with relatives, colleagues, desire for loneliness;
  • thoughts of death or suicide;
  • tearfulness, aggression, irritability;
  • vague pain, not amenable to treatment.

Additionally Depression is suspected if five or more of these symptoms persist for more than two weeks.

In addition to this simple method, there are a huge number of tables and tests:

  • Beck scale;
  • Zung scale;
  • Hamilton scale;
  • Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Scale;
  • Self-rating scale of depression and others.

A pregnant woman can pass all these tests on her own, but it is better if a specialist psychologist or psychotherapist helps to do this.

Treatment for depression - do it yourself

Important First of all, a pregnant woman needs the warm and friendly support of family and friends. Do not be afraid to tell your beloved husband, best friend or mother about their worries, ask for help and encouragement.

To cope with the manifestations of depression in a pregnant woman, you can start on your own:

  1. Normalize the daily routine - try to rest as much as possible, allow yourself an hour and a half daytime sleep, go to bed earlier.
  2. Start pleasant changes in your home - re-paste the wallpaper, plant flowers, order new curtains. Repair and cleaning in the apartment should be a joy, not a burdensome everyday duty.
  3. It is very useful to diversify your life easy physical activity- Sign up for yoga, swimming or Pilates courses. These types of loads are completely safe for the expectant mother and child.
  4. Do not forget about yourself - watch your manicure, hair, visit a hairdresser or spa.
  5. Be sure to eat well, even if there is no appetite at all. Fresh vegetables, fruits, must be in the diet of a pregnant woman every day. Do not forget about natural antidepressants:
    • chocolate;
    • bananas;
    • almonds;
    • seafood;
    • green tea.

Non-drug treatments for depression

The next step in the fight against depression in pregnant women may be attending group or individual psychotherapy courses. As practice shows, classes in a group are more effective. Throughout the course, group members support each other, give advice, share their successes.

  • chronic pain syndrome.
  • There is a list of drugs that are relatively safe for the fetus:

    • tricyclic antidepressants: amitriptyline, anafranil;
    • serotonin reuptake inhibitors: fluoxetine, zoloft, paxil.

    Unfortunately, newborns may experience undesirable consequences of taking any antidepressants by a pregnant woman:

    • respiratory distress syndrome;
    • convulsive seizures;
    • temperature instability;
    • feeding difficulties;
    • vomit;
    • shiver;
    • nervous excitability;
    • constant crying;
    • drowsiness and others.

    It is possible and necessary to fight depression not only for yourself, but also for your unborn child.

    Waiting time for a baby is usually associated with feelings of joy and delight. Therefore, many women are completely discouraged when, contrary to expectations, they experience sadness and melancholy. Depression during pregnancy is quite common. Although she makes this difficult period in the life of a future mother even more difficult, we hasten to reassure you - you can successfully fight depression. There are many ways to help deal with this problem. You can choose the one that's right for you, or try a combination of all of these tips. Whatever you choose, it's best to get started right away.


    Part 1

    Changing the daily routine

      Plan and organize your day. Don't let depression interfere with your schedule. When this happens, you start avoiding work and socializing, and it becomes increasingly difficult for you to get out of it. vicious circle. Plan and organize your daily schedule. Try to fill your day with useful and productive activities and tasks that will inspire you. Stay active and energetic The best way deal with depression

      • Daily activities help too. Any person wants to feel calm and know what will happen in the future, and everyday activities help to achieve this feeling. Create rules for yourself that you can rely on and make sure these events happen, whether it's dinner with friends, yoga classes, cooking dinner or an evening bath. You will know what events will happen at a certain time, so the brain will feel calmer.
    1. Find time for things that bring you joy. As you make plans for a day full of activities, don't forget to set aside time for your favorite activities. This will increase your activity and cheer you up. Don't feel guilty about watching your favorite movie again. Now, more than ever, you deserve to take the time to be happy.

      • If you find yourself feeling guilty about a salon pedicure or an hour in the bathroom, remind yourself that being a mom is hard work around the clock. Then you will no longer have time for yourself. That is why you are now doing all these nice things for yourself while you have the opportunity.
    2. Include regular exercise in your day. Like bright lights, exercise and sex release two hormones - dopamine and endorphins - that make you feel happy. These hormones are responsible for such emotions as happiness, energy and an optimistic view of the future. That is why it is important that sports exercises are always in your life, and especially during pregnancy. Of course, you don't have to exhaust yourself with heavy workouts. Pilates, yoga and more similar classes very good for pregnant women.

      • In addition to helping your body produce "happy hormones" and fight depression, exercise can help you stay fit. Very often, pregnant women experience depression because their body is changing and they no longer feel attractive. Exercising, even the simplest, helps you feel lean and strong, and it reduces feelings of depression.
      • However, before incorporating regular exercise into your daily routine, discuss it with your doctor, who will recommend sports activities that are right for you.
    3. Rest is the most important thing for you now. Pregnancy is a very stressful period of life with a lot of excitement and anxiety. It makes you feel depressed, especially if you think you just have to shine with happiness, but in fact you don’t feel any of that. What two things do you think will help you deal with stress? Meditation and daytime sleep.

      • Meditation will help lower the levels of cortisol in your body, which will reduce your stress levels, help you sleep better, and feel much happier. If you do not have the opportunity to go to a cafe with your friends, spend your free time meditating. Fifteen minutes of meditation exercises are enough, and you will feel the difference.
      • Daytime naps, on the other hand, help you feel calmer and more energized. Most importantly, sleep no more than an hour so that daytime sleep does not disrupt your normal sleep pattern.
    4. Attend a psychological support group. Many women experience depression during pregnancy; this is a fairly common occurrence. Most of the women you know have either experienced the same feelings themselves or know someone who has had a similar problem. Of course, it is important that your friends and family support you, but at the same time, being in a psychological group with women who themselves have had similar experiences will let you know that you are not alone.

      • Ask friends, family, colleagues, and even your doctor about centers and organizations where you can get psychological help. The antenatal clinic may suggest that you participate in their special program, or suggest women's organizations that offer this kind of help. If you are currently working with a psychotherapist, he can tell you where such groups are held. In addition, you can search for information on the Internet.

      Part 2

      Take control of your emotions
        • Depression during pregnancy is often due to relationship problems, worries about the future, and worries about the arrival of a long-awaited baby. In addition, it is a well-known fact that due to changes in hormone levels, pregnant women often take everything too personally. Of course, the support of loved ones is important for a person at any period of life, but it is especially necessary during pregnancy.
      1. Be honest about how you feel. It is very important to know that there are people you can rely on. However, it is even more important to be able to accept their help yourself. Very often, depression makes you feel lonely. Asking for help when you really need it will help you feel better.

        • Having a baby causes a lot of changes in your body, and sometimes you feel that no one can understand you, that you are scared and you are completely alone in this world. That is why support loving people is a key factor that helps you deal with depression. When you ask for the help you need, then a loved one will come to the rescue and the feeling of despair will leave you. The support of a mother, sister, cousin or friend can also be of invaluable help.
        • Even if you don’t feel much support from your loved ones right now, it’s still very important to explain to them that you need it. Keep in mind that people cannot read minds, so they need to be told what is happening to you and what help you need.
      2. Try to forgive and forget more often. Often, during depression, we cannot forgive ourselves or others for even minor mistakes. Sometimes we are cruel to ourselves and others for no reason. Try to accept things with an open heart. No one is perfect, and constantly thinking about unpleasant things will not benefit anyone. When you forget and forgive, it becomes easier for you.

        • Often pregnant women themselves believe that they are naughty and annoyed for no reason. They think that in the eyes of others they look like moody whiners, and suffer because they cannot cope with the action of hormones. We assure you, people around you are well aware of the causes of mood swings in pregnancy, so do not blame yourself. And others too!
      3. Try to understand which negative thoughts are the source of the problem. Deep negative thoughts (also known as automatic negative thoughts) often elude our understanding. This is critical because it is these thoughts that often cause depression. Try to identify what those thoughts are and learn how to change them into positive ones.

        • If you catch yourself thinking, "There is nothing good in my life," stop for a moment. After that, tell yourself: "No, it's not true! Although now I'm worried difficult period However, there are still many pleasant and joyful events in my life.
        • Try to avoid excessive demands and obligations. Do not demand too much from yourself, loved ones and the environment. This will make your life a little easier.
      4. Make a set of cards to help you deal with the problem. Make a set that consists of small cards with life-affirming statements written on them. Here are some helpful ideas:

        • You can make cards out of colored paper, cardboard, or whatever material you like. Cut the sheets into small cards and write on each one a positive and compelling statement that will help you deal with negative emotions. For example: "I have always been able to cope with troubles, I will cope with them this time!"
        • Signal cards can be laid out in different places of the apartment. Any time you get depressed or have bad thoughts, these cards will help you stop. They are very useful when you need to stop or reduce the flow of negative thoughts.
        • Make a schedule of the things you plan to do during the day. Write it on a sheet of A4 or make up from separate cards. Pin the schedule to a closet or somewhere else. During the day, mark the things that you have already done. This is very helpful in your fight against depression. Such a schedule clearly shows you how much progress you have made and gives you additional motivation for further actions.
      5. Don't forget to live in the present. If you live in memories, constantly re-experiencing unpleasant events that happened in the past, then it is difficult for you to focus on events. today. Rejoice in all the good things that are now in your life, pay more attention to everything that makes you happy, live here and now. Soon you will bring new life into this world!

        • You don't have to think about the future. Constant worries about how everything will end, and what kind of mother you can become, will not lead to anything good. The fact that you are experiencing means that you care - and this is the first step. Try to focus on what you can improve now, which in turn will improve your future.

      Part 3

      Changing sleep patterns
      1. Change your sleep pattern, make a detailed schedule. One of the most common symptoms of depression is sleep disturbance - a person sleeps either too little or too much. Good dream- this is one of the important factors in mental health, when sleep patterns are disturbed, it causes mood changes and often leads to depression. To avoid these negative effects, develop a sleep routine.

        • Start by determining how many hours of sleep you need - some people need to sleep longer than usual. However, if you are worried about depression during pregnancy, it is usually recommended to sleep at least 9 hours a night, as well as to lie down to sleep twice a day (each daytime sleep should be about an hour).
      2. Set a specific time for going to bed and getting up in the morning, and stick to that schedule. In order for your sleep schedule to be beneficial, you need to learn how to go to bed and wake up in the morning at a certain time. If you stick to your schedule, your body will get used to the fact that you go to bed at a certain time, and you will fall asleep faster.

        • Of course, this will require some effort from you. If you decide to go to bed at 10 p.m., you must adhere to this rule on weekends as well. Of course, there are exceptions to any rule, and sometimes you can go to bed later (or sleep longer in the morning), but in general, try to stick to your routine.
      3. Try to stick to your sleep schedule. Of course, it will be difficult at first, and you will probably lie in bed and toss and turn from side to side, trying to sleep. However, it will take a few days for your body to get used to the new schedule, and you will fall asleep almost as soon as your head hits the pillow.

        • Depression can also affect your sleep. It is very difficult in this case to determine what is the cause and what is the effect. In order to avoid this trap, sleep better and feel better, try to convince yourself that the idea of ​​a sleep routine is worth it and stick to it. A calm environment and a stable daily routine are your best helpers in the fight against depression.
      4. If you don't get enough sleep at night, sleep during the day. Proper sleep is very important if you are suffering from depression during pregnancy because sleep allows your brain to fully rest and recover. Since the brain is the organ that controls emotions, and therefore depression, depriving the brain of the amount of sleep it needs causes enormous harm to the body. If you've been tossing and turning all night, try to make up for the lack of sleep during the day.

        • If you decide to sleep during the day, then two hour breaks for sleep will be enough to make up for the lack of night sleep. However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that daytime sleep does not prevent you from falling asleep on time in the evening, and the next morning you wake up at the usual time.

      Part 4

      Treating depression with psychotherapy
      1. Cognitive behavioral therapy can help you change the way you think. Cognitive behavioral therapy is a type of psychotherapy that has a positive effect on conditions such as depression. However, if we are talking about pregnancy, then such psychotherapy will benefit you, even if you do not suffer from depression. Therapy will help you better understand and accept your new condition and can prepare you for the arrival of a new joy in your life - a baby.

        • This psychological approach is based on the theory that our thoughts influence our actions, and thus negative thoughts lead to wrong actions.
        • However, this therapy does not just declare "Think positively!" It goes much deeper. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy explores your habitual thought patterns and allows you to develop an optimistic mindset.
        • Negative thoughts such as "Why does this always happen to me?" lead you to expect nothing but trouble from life and behave accordingly. The goal of cognitive behavioral therapy is to turn negative thoughts into positive and more realistic thoughts, such as: "Yes, it's a difficult situation right now, but instead of giving up, what can I do to feel happy?"
      2. Psychotherapy will help you prepare for the birth of your baby. Cognitive behavioral therapy can be very helpful in helping you prepare for the arrival of your baby. This event, no matter how joyful it may be, brings a lot of excitement and worries into a woman's life, and can in itself be a cause of depression. In this case, the therapist will help you learn to see what is behind your anxious thoughts, such as: "I'm afraid I won't be able to be a good mother," and transform them into healthier reasoning, such as: "Everyone can make mistakes, and I can probably make mistakes about my baby too But he will be all right because I will do everything in my power to be a good mother."

        • As we have already mentioned, depression during pregnancy is often caused by relationship problems or an inability to understand and accept a new state of affairs. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is very helpful in this case because it allows you to understand the root causes of problems and helps you find a way to change things.
      3. Try light therapy. This is a relatively new way to fight depression, but it has been proven effective and is completely safe for pregnant and breastfeeding women. This method is especially useful in winter or any other time when your condition does not allow you to spend a lot of time outdoors.

        • Light therapy usually refers to prolonged exposure to very bright light. Usually, special lamps are used for this (the usual lamp that we use at home is not enough) with a brightness of 10,000 lux, under which a person stays for 30-40 minutes.
        • This therapy is based on the amazing quality human body- when we are in very bright light, the body begins to produce hormones that cause a feeling of happiness and even euphoria.
      4. Alternatively, spend more time outdoors. If possible, you can choose the natural way - spend more time in the sun, and in general, in nature. Scientists explain this phenomenon by the fact that people are adapted to live in daylight and are affected by the heat of the sun. For this reason, the human brain is designed to look for conditions in which the body is longer in the light. In order for a person to be in the sun more, the body has evolved so that we feel joy at the sight of sunlight. Constant fatigue and lack of energy

      5. Tearfulness
      6. Weak attachment to the unborn baby
      7. Lack of feeling of joy
      8. Irritability
      9. Thoughts of suicide
      10. Feelings of inadequacy
    5. Identify risk factors. There are factors that increase the risk of depression, and if you pay attention to them in time, you can avoid depression. These factors include:

      • Dysfunctional thinking and inability to cope with everyday stressors
      • Relationship problems in the family
      • Difficult and stressful life events
      • Physical, sexual or emotional abuse experienced in the past.
      • Miscarriages or stillbirths in the past.
      • Stress associated with childbirth.
      • Predisposition to depression or anxiety.
        • If these factors were present before pregnancy, then the pregnant woman is more likely to experience depression and need the help of a psychologist to cope with the problem.
    6. Know that you are not alone. Depression during pregnancy can be very severe and unbearable. Most women expect their entire pregnancy to be simply filled with happiness and delight, but, unfortunately, this happens very rarely. Remember that this is a challenging time for both your body and your psyche, and the best way to deal with problems is to seek help and support if you feel like you are being overwhelmed by depressive thoughts.

    • Your doctor can recommend a good psychologist who practices cognitive behavioral therapy.
    • If you are experiencing a bout of depression, try to let your loved ones know as soon as possible that you need their presence around. Tell us what you think now and how you feel. Sometimes, to feel better, it is enough to have a person nearby who will listen to a story about what is bothering you.

    Reading time 8 minutes

    Expecting a child is an event full of happiness, joy and indescribable emotions. But there are rare situations in which depression is observed during pregnancy, when the expectant mother, who is prone to dull states and has an unstable psyche, does not react to this news in a completely standard way. Depression during pregnancy is very dangerous and requires immediate treatment. How to identify manifestations of pathology in time and cope with depression during pregnancy, and how to get out of depression on your own during pregnancy?

    Causes of depression

    What is depression during pregnancy? Depression of a pregnant woman is a number of psychological disorders, accompanied by causeless depression, depressed emotional state and melancholic outlook on life, a complete lack of life aspirations.

    Also, with depression, there is a decrease in self-esteem, the appearance of unreasonable irritability and complete indifference to the surrounding reality. Often, if the problem is not diagnosed in time, alcohol dependence can develop and thoughts of suicide appear. It is for this reason that a huge role in the future life of a woman and her child is played by the prevention of this pathology and the timely treatment of depression during pregnancy.

    The period of pregnancy should be harmonious and calm. However, the fast rhythm of modern life makes its own adjustments, causing the emergence of fears, which are the cause of depression in pregnant women.

    A woman's inner mood has a great influence on the appearance of depression. A string of negative thoughts about the course of pregnancy, inner awareness of the upcoming birth of the mother and many other factors chain a woman into a captivity of experiences. If at such a responsible and stressful moment stress resistance falls, then the risk of succumbing to despondency increases at lightning speed.

    In the absence of proper moral support from close people, depression during pregnancy is guaranteed to a woman.

    The main causes of depression in women during gestation:

    1. Stress due to unplanned conception;
    2. Lack of normal social and living conditions - morally unbalanced situation at home, no permanent place of residence, no support from the spouse, etc.
    3. Financial insecurity - lack of work, credit.
    4. Disinterest in the birth of a child on the part of close relatives or husband;
    5. Complications of the course of pregnancy - acute toxicosis, the risk of diseases in the fetus;
    6. Genetically determined tendency to depression. Depression during pregnancy can develop in a woman whose relatives suffered from this disease;
    7. Long-term infertility treatment;
    8. Having a history of miscarriage. If a woman has already ended her pregnancy with the loss of a child, then in the future, conception can cause fear, which will lead to depression during pregnancy;
    9. The occurrence of a stressful state against the background of hormonal changes. A decrease in the functioning of the thyroid gland may be accompanied by blues and panic attacks;
    10. Severe psychological shock, such as relocation against the will, death loved one;
    11. Treatment for a long time with psychotropic drugs.

    Depression during pregnancy can occur due to bad heredity, psychological imbalance or physical abuse, as well as due to many emotional factors. Each case is individual in nature and can be corrected and treated.

    Depression during pregnancy: symptoms of the disease

    Unreasonable mood swings, insomnia, tearfulness and panic attacks before childbirth are all the first symptoms of depression during pregnancy. When these signals appear, a sharp deterioration in the health of a pregnant woman occurs, and soon the following symptoms are added to these symptoms:

    • Chronic irritability and fatigue.
    • Disorder of appetite. It can be observed as a complete absence of it, and a frequent feeling of hunger.
    • Lack of joy from various events, loss of all interest in the world.
    • Reluctance to communicate with people.
    • Agoraphobia. The woman is afraid to leave the walls of her apartment.
    • Uncertainty in one's own abilities, a sense of guilt for everything that happens.
    • Apathy and drowsiness.
    • Decreased self-esteem and the appearance of suspiciousness.
    • Feeling of worthlessness and helplessness. Sometimes there is a desire to commit suicide.

    Of course, some symptoms of depression during pregnancy appear separately. This is due to the presence of the interaction of the neuroendocrine system with the psycho-emotional background. But these phenomena appear for a certain time, then disappear. But if a woman is faced with annoying factors every day, then you need to visit a psychologist.

    Depression during pregnancy is a common occurrence. Often a woman who did not plan a pregnancy, becoming pregnant, succumbs to panic attacks. This happens if, in the presence severe consequences after the birth of the first child, or if the family cannot afford to have a second child. As a rule, after a few days, the woman adapts to the situation, and the signs of depression go away on their own.

    Features of depression in different trimesters of pregnancy

    The female consciousness goes through several stages during pregnancy. During pregnancy, she accepts her new unusual position, prepares for the upcoming birth and plans a life together with the baby. During this time, a woman's body undergoes a lot of changes, both physical and psycho-emotional. She may succumb to panic attacks and the development of a state of despondency, often contributing to the development of depression. We will give examples of manifestations of depression in different trimesters of pregnancy and determine what to do if depression occurs during pregnancy.

    Depression in the first trimester of pregnancy

    How can a woman get out of depression on her own? Psychologists have described the first trimester of pregnancy as a stage of "complete denial" of the new situation. At the moment of the beginning of the growth of the embryo, the woman continues to plan her life, not including the future baby in these plans. For example, the nearest plans may include a trip that is scheduled for the dates when it will be necessary to prepare for childbirth. This behavior is normal, because planning still occurs unconsciously, however, if the onset of pregnancy is not overshadowed by toxicosis and other complications. But with the onset of the second trimester the world begins to be perceived by a woman in a completely different way.

    Under the influence of hormones, a change in the psycho-emotional background occurs. A woman needs some time to cope with the rhinestones and feelings that have arisen. In addition, she must now deny herself some activities, such as going to the baths, saunas, horseback riding. If not very good relationships with her husband are added to the prohibitions that have arisen, then depression during pregnancy is guaranteed to almost every woman.

    But you need to be able to distinguish where the usual mood swings due to changes hormonal background, and where serious psychological problems. Often, conception changes a woman beyond recognition - she can cry for no reason, become hysterical, suffer from sleep disorders, or close herself. But as soon as she accepts her position, everything will return to its usual normal state.

    If this behavior continues for more than a month, then the mood will worsen further. Pessimistic views will turn into thoughts about the terrible future ahead, which is a wake-up call for a growing depression. It is important to carefully refer a woman to a specialist who can help manage depression during pregnancy.

    Important! A severe form of depression needs to be corrected with the use of antidepressants, which is not desirable in the first weeks of pregnancy. But with a timely appeal to a psychologist, you can correct the condition with physiotherapy.

    Depression in the second trimester of pregnancy

    Psychologists call the second trimester "the search for the lost object", where this object denotes your favorite work, study, entertainment, or even friends. A woman understands that her life will soon change dramatically when she first feels the movements of a tiny man inside herself.
    Important! With the existing tendency to apathy, the risk of depression in late pregnancy increases dramatically. The condition may worsen with concomitant pain in the back, the presence of preeclampsia and other complications.

    During this period, a pregnant woman can either engage in self-realization, or expose herself to an emotional storm, the consequence of which is a deep depression. The reaction of a woman largely depends on the people around her.

    Depression in the third trimester of pregnancy

    The period preceding childbirth was designated by psychologists as " prenatal depression". Uncontrolled panic attacks can occur even in calm and balanced women. There are many reasons for this.

    1. The very process of childbirth causes anxiety in a woman, especially if there are cases in the family with a sad outcome of childbirth.
    2. helplessness due to large sizes abdomen, back pain and weakness.

    All this can cause a feeling of uselessness and worsen mood.

    Depression in late pregnancy is a safe disease that you can cure on your own. But, according to doctors, anxiety and stress before childbirth adversely affect the well-being of the child. And if you do not hold back the negative, then there is a high probability of sleep disturbance and slow development of the baby after his birth.

    Diagnosis of depression in early pregnancy and its treatment

    If you have the following symptoms, you should consult a specialist:

    1. Invariably gloomy mood, the duration of which is more than 14 days.
    2. Indifference to the surrounding reality for more than 14 days.

    Of course, other symptoms may raise doubts, but along with them, the above two signs will always be observed.

    The psychologist will assess the emotional state of the woman and conduct genetic tests to identify a tendency to depression. For these purposes, psychologists use different tests, the results of which are compared with the Hamilton Scale and the Hospital Anxiety Scale. Having established the degree of the disease, taking into account the duration of pregnancy, the necessary therapy is prescribed. Overcoming mild forms of depression occurs through the use of a hypnotic session or an individual study of the problem.

    If a woman objectively recognizes her fears, then this contributes to a rational-positive perception, because of which the pregnant woman comes to her senses and begins to pay attention to the surrounding reality.

    Antidepressants help manage severe depression. Their use is prescribed by a doctor in case of impossibility of remission or if a woman does not recognize an existing problem, as well as if the expectant mother is thinking about suicide.

    Only a specialist can prescribe the desired drug and its dosage. It is strictly forbidden to take medications on your own, because the wrong intake of antidepressants can provoke heart disease in a baby, as well as the occurrence of a hernia and severe complications after childbirth.

    What to do about depression during pregnancy?

    If a woman is aware that her mood provokes the emergence of dangerous thoughts, it is in her power to prevent further deterioration of this condition. The most correct solution would be a conversation with a gynecologist, and, if necessary, with a psychotherapist. From specialists, a woman will be able to get accurate recommendations regarding a particular situation.

    • normalize the daily routine;
    • spend a lot of time outdoors and in the pleasant company of loved ones;
    • review your diet: exclude tonic drinks from the menu, provide the body with vitamins, fatty acids and carbohydrates.
    • go in for swimming and other light sports. During the lungs physical activity the hubbub of happiness is synthesized;
    • find a hobby for yourself and devote more time to your favorite activities;
    • get a pet. By caring for an animal, you will prepare for the upcoming care of a child;
    • set your thoughts to positive;
    • open up to emotions. In the absence of support from loved ones, you can always find it with a psychologist.

    Changeable mood during pregnancy is a common phenomenon that is observed, perhaps, in every woman. Therefore, if you find some individual symptoms, do not think that you develop depression during pregnancy. But when you realize that your condition is deteriorating every day, when it seems that life is not happy, you should not put off seeing a specialist.
