The problem of attitude to the fate of the native language. The fate of the native language depends on each of us (composition-reasoning). The problem of attitude to the native language (Arguments of the Unified State Examination)

In any country, in every corner of the Earth, different peoples have their own unique and unique language. We are born, grow and develop in an environment where you need to be able to communicate with others. Not only gestures help us in this, but also the basis of interaction with society - the native language, which unites everyone.

The Russian language is changing, filled with neologisms, foreign words and phrases, becoming easier to understand in some places, and more difficult in others. The structures of speech and sentences are changing, in letters people try to simplify the text so as not to waste their precious time on long and complex words and constructions. Anyone can think to themselves, “How can I change my language? I am one of a million, and my attitude towards him will in no way affect the Russian language as a whole. But almost the majority of the population thinks so. And what happens? No one will take a share of their responsibility for the beautiful and powerful Russian language, which was drawn with a pen by the classics of our country - Pushkin, Lermontov, Dostoevsky?

Therefore, it is important to think about this issue. An error in an individual's normative grammar in no way reflects his cognitive abilities; demonstrates only that there is a purely prescriptive drift, from a grammatical system imposed from top to bottom as a mechanism of political control.

More important than the prescriptive dogmatic teaching is what is really far from many Brazilians - access to all without distinction, social Security including housing, health care, education, decent sanitation, etc. It would be a very important method of social transformation. able to create a plural and just society. Obviously, the plan of action is predominantly in the hands of the government, which should allocate and direct resources to the areas that really matter, but reflecting what we spread and what we cultivate in relation to prejudice is fair for a radical transformation for the better.

One person is not able to implement a large-scale idea to strengthen the native language in all sectors of society, a special attitude towards it and respect. But if thousands think about it, considering themselves the only implementers of this plan, then the fate of the language will begin to change for the better. Perhaps this is not visible, but after all, not so long ago, no one could have imagined what “slang” or “jazz funk” was. Mankind, improving technologically and creating new scientific terms, making discoveries in various spheres of life, discovers new colloquial and professional words, simplifies common speech if someone, having arrived from another region or region, cannot correctly understand his interlocutor.

As regards the General Delegation of the French Language and Languages ​​of France, its mandate is limited to terminology in governmental, professional and scientific relations. The Linguistic Watch provides several hundred volunteers who observe language use in their area and report on Anglicisms. Terminologists are responsible for finding French equivalents, which must be approved by the Académie française. We are not fighting the English, but the French, says Benedict Madinier.

Our goal is to equip the French language to give it a future! Anglicisms are not new in France. Sandwich, steak, club, football, clown, dumping, cockpit, shows have long been accepted. Doping has been confirmed in doping. “But the vast majority of anglicisms, thanks to the effect of fashion, are only once,” says linguist Bernard Serchiglini, rector of the Francophonie University and historian of the French language. Living room, cocoons are almost gone, and noise and geek may soon follow. As Cocteau said, fashion is what goes out of fashion.

The 20 m2 room is littered with papers and books, where two large offices take up the entire space and where we “lost” on chairs. "We're low on funds," apologizes Arno Dunlux-Dumsniels, a retired journalist and administrator who will do part of the interview to pester a defective printer. Typical at home, this lack of resources makes the fifty or so French defense associations of this language especially disarmed at a time when France is going through a strong wave of Anglomania.

Everyone invites you to make attractive purchases! The French love to use English. The government does not keep statistics, but for 10 years English has been used much more, especially in the world of economics and finance, technology and the Internet, says Benedict Madinier, head of mission. development and enrichment of the French language in the General Delegation to the French language and the languages ​​of France. There is more English in advertising than ever. We used to say "lipstick". Now we say "lipstick"!

Changes in language begin as a result of ongoing events in the world around us. The more crime and ill-mannered people, the lower the culture of the language, no matter how diverse it may seem. The problems of the native language are a mirror image of the "diseases" of modern society - whether it is alcohol addiction, lack of intelligence, a bad attitude towards loved ones and excessive aggression. All this gives rise to obscene language, which does not decorate the Russian language at all. However, like any other.

We notice the Anglicisms that come in, not those who come out. The fashion effect also generates many "Anglo" terms or expressions that have the appearance of English without being Anglicisms, or have taken on an entirely new meaning in French in English. None of these names make sense in English. When an Anglophone needs to speak French to understand "Anglicism", can we talk about Anglicism?

Its scope has been greatly reduced, with the Constitutional Council - the equivalent of the Supreme Court - arguing that several articles violate freedom of expression and individual freedoms. While the General Delegation of French and the Languages ​​of France is responsible for terminology, oversight rests with the Director General of Competition, Consumer Affairs and Anti-Fraud, the Supreme Audiovisual Council and the Advertising Regulatory Authority.

Minister of Higher Education and Science Genevieve Fiorao suggested that universities teach in English to attract more international students. The Académie française has accused the government of "marginalizing" the French language, and linguist Claude Hagege, professor at the Collège de France and author of books on the fight for the French language, has described his country as a "bad example" for the Francophonie. But the protests were quiet quickly and the French managers returned to their runs and marched between the two events.

"Our case is not popular," agrees Marc Favre d'Echallens, administrator for the defense of the French language and general secretary of the right to understand the group of associations. English is seen as the language of the future, and the French do not believe their danger.

Not being able to write and speak correctly in one's native language is a sign of supreme ignorance. Without knowing your own language, you can lose your homeland. And a person without a homeland is a person who has nothing close, dear, desirable, and he is always alone. One famous writer once answered his comrades: “The fate of every nation is organically intertwined with the fate of its language. Only native speakers can preserve and cherish their native language. After all, each nation is a unique culture, history and traditions. And, of course, language.

Public complaints must go through one of four accredited bodies: the future of the French language, the defense of the French language, the association for the protection and extension of the French language, and the right to understand. Only they can file a formal complaint. And only the right to understanding can bring the case to court.

Attitude of Francophones towards the French in Quebec

This short text formally establishes the dominant position of the international Frenchman. in writing, but also in speech, where it is proposed to correct all the "features" down to the smallest phonetic details. First of all, this norm is already codified, it is eminently available in all French grammars, and it is this variety of French that closely follows the practice of written language and is said to be more logical. clearer, more beautiful, more sonorous, more universal than other varieties of French or even the language.

But the French are asking for more: parent meeting At the beginning of the school year at the school in Paris where my 10-year-old twins study, the parents asked the teacher how many hours of instruction would be devoted to English. "You can't get a job if you don't speak English," slipped one of them.

If the government has a rather ambiguous attitude towards the English language, the defenders of the French have found an ally in the trade unions, where they fear that English is undermining the gains of the workers. He said. He replied that he "organizes his working meetings in French" and raised the opportunity to "create a commission to control the quality of the use of French in the company."

Respectfully treating the Russian language, developing and protecting it, one can not only preserve the true form of the native language for many centuries. But then it will be possible to improve his wonderful vocabulary, improve grammar and make his own unique share in what we can use to express our thoughts and emotions, managing the reserves of a ton of phrases in good intentions. The fate of the native language depends on each of us, and just each of us creates a small part of it, turning it into an invaluable treasure of Russia.

It is by raising the level of the international Frenchman that Quebec can officially show that it is suitable for those countries that respect, that are part of modern world. The proposed exchange can be summarized as follows: the entire population was asked, without any distinction, to make great efforts to harmonize their French, not only written, but also spoken, according to the so-called international standard at all levels, that is, lexical, In exchange on these sacrifices and punishments, we expect that we will respect ourselves, we will have better prospects for employment and social development, and the Quebecers' international reputation will improve, because at last we will be able to communicate freely with all French-speaking people around the world.

The idea is good, because confusion reigns over the degree of presence in English and its consequences. What are we talking about, exactly? Defenders of France often confuse anglicisms, anglicizations, and abuses. The French of all social classes participate in the English language, and their attitude towards the defenders of the language fluctuates between indifference, irritation and hostility. In a society marked by linguistic purism, "English represents modernity, openness to the world," says Marc Favre d'Echalens, A Defense of the French Language.

If advocacy groups tend to rise in public opinion, their actions will have no effect. They launched sometimes ingenious communications operations, such as the American Carpet Academy Award. This prize annually rewards individuals, companies or organizations that stand out for their linguistic "civil immunity". Official actions, they remain inconclusive.

In any country, in every corner of the Earth, different peoples have their own unique and unique language. We are born, grow and develop in an environment where you need to be able to communicate with others. Not only gestures help us in this, but also the basis of interaction with society - the native language, which unites everyone.

The Russian language is changing, filled with neologisms, foreign words and phrases, becoming easier to understand in some places, and more difficult in others. The structures of speech and sentences are changing, in letters people try to simplify the text so as not to waste their precious time on long and complex words and constructions. Anyone can think to themselves, “How can I change my language? I am one of a million, and my attitude towards him will in no way affect the Russian language as a whole. But almost the majority of the population thinks so. And what happens? No one will take a share of their responsibility for the beautiful and powerful Russian language, which was drawn with a pen by the classics of our country - Pushkin, Lermontov, Dostoevsky?

“Public services such as railways, the post office, the telephone provide the worst example,” says Jacques Toubon, former minister of culture and francophonie and father of the law on the use of the French language. We lack mandatory provisions.

The Advertising Regulatory Authority, which enforces the law in its sector, has few problems. "English is a commercial language," says ethics officer Katherine Greller-Lenen, according to which the real "barriers" for the French are declining. There is an obstacle when an English term is not rendered in the current language or if it is not translated. Thus, the slogan of the Sofitel chain "Life is great" respects the law. “It signals advertiser franchising,” says Catherine Grelier-Lenin.

One person is not able to implement a large-scale idea to strengthen the native language in all sectors of society, a special attitude towards it and respect. But if thousands think about it, considering themselves the only implementers of this plan, then the fate of the language will begin to change for the better. Perhaps this is not visible, but after all, not so long ago, no one could have imagined what “slang” or “jazz funk” was. Mankind, improving technologically and creating new scientific terms, making discoveries in various spheres of life, discovers new colloquial and professional words, simplifies common speech if someone, having arrived from another region or region, cannot correctly understand his interlocutor.

As regards the General Delegation of the French Language and Languages ​​of France, its mandate is limited to terminology in governmental, professional and scientific relations. The Linguistic Watch provides several hundred volunteers who observe language use in their area and report on Anglicisms. Terminologists are responsible for finding French equivalents, which must be approved by the Académie française. We are not fighting the English, but the French, says Benedict Madinier.

Our goal is to equip the French language to give it a future! Anglicisms are not new in France. Sandwich, steak, club, football, clown, dumping, cockpit, shows have long been accepted. Doping has been confirmed in doping. “But the vast majority of anglicisms, thanks to the effect of fashion, are only once,” says linguist Bernard Serchiglini, rector of the Francophonie University and historian of the French language. Living room, cocoons are almost gone, and noise and geek may soon follow. As Cocteau said, fashion is what goes out of fashion.

The 20 m2 room is littered with papers and books, where two large offices take up the entire space and where we “lost” on chairs. "We're low on funds," apologizes Arno Dunlux-Dumsniels, a retired journalist and administrator who will do part of the interview to pester a defective printer. Typical at home, this lack of resources makes the fifty or so French defense associations of this language especially disarmed at a time when France is going through a strong wave of Anglomania.

Everyone invites you to make attractive purchases! The French love to use English. The government does not keep statistics, but for 10 years English has been used much more, especially in the world of economics and finance, technology and the Internet, says Benedict Madinier, head of mission. development and enrichment of the French language in the General Delegation to the French language and the languages ​​of France. There is more English in advertising than ever. We used to say "lipstick". Now we say "lipstick"!

Changes in language begin as a result of ongoing events in the world around us. The more crime and ill-mannered people, the lower the culture of the language, no matter how diverse it may seem. The problems of the native language are a mirror image of the "diseases" of modern society - whether it is alcohol addiction, lack of intelligence, a bad attitude towards loved ones and excessive aggression. All this gives rise to obscene language, which does not decorate the Russian language at all. However, like any other.

We notice the Anglicisms that come in, not those who come out. The fashion effect also generates many "Anglo" terms or expressions that have the appearance of English without being Anglicisms, or have taken on an entirely new meaning in French in English. None of these names make sense in English. When an Anglophone needs to speak French to understand "Anglicism", can we talk about Anglicism?

Its scope has been greatly reduced, with the Constitutional Council - the equivalent of the Supreme Court - arguing that several articles violate freedom of expression and individual freedoms. While the General Delegation of French and the Languages ​​of France is responsible for terminology, oversight rests with the Director General of Competition, Consumer Affairs and Anti-Fraud, the Supreme Audiovisual Council and the Advertising Regulatory Authority.

Minister of Higher Education and Science Genevieve Fiorao suggested that universities teach in English to attract more international students. The Académie française has accused the government of "marginalizing" the French language, and linguist Claude Hagege, professor at the Collège de France and author of books on the fight for the French language, has described his country as a "bad example" for the Francophonie. But the protests were quiet quickly and the French managers returned to their runs and marched between the two events.

"Our case is not popular," agrees Marc Favre d'Echallens, administrator for the defense of the French language and general secretary of the right to understand the group of associations. English is seen as the language of the future, and the French do not believe their danger.

Not being able to write and speak correctly in one's native language is a sign of supreme ignorance. Without knowing your own language, you can lose your homeland. And a person without a homeland is a person who has nothing close, dear, desirable, and he is always alone. One famous writer once answered his comrades: “The fate of every nation is organically intertwined with the fate of its language. Only native speakers can preserve and cherish their native language. After all, each nation is a unique culture, history and traditions. And, of course, language.

Public complaints must go through one of four accredited bodies: the future of the French language, the defense of the French language, the association for the protection and extension of the French language, and the right to understand. Only they can file a formal complaint. And only the right to understanding can bring the case to court.

Attitude of Francophones towards the French in Quebec

This short text officially establishes the dominant position of the international Frenchman. in writing, but also in speech, where it is proposed to correct all the "features" down to the smallest phonetic details. First of all, this norm is already codified, it is eminently available in all French grammars, and it is this variety of French that closely follows the practice of written language and is said to be more logical. clearer, more beautiful, more sonorous, more universal than other varieties of French or even the language.

But the French are asking for more: at the parent-teacher meeting at the beginning of the school year at the school in Paris where my 10-year-old twins study, the parents asked the teacher how many hours of instruction would be devoted to English. "You can't get a job if you don't speak English," slipped one of them.

If the government has a rather ambiguous attitude towards the English language, the defenders of the French have found an ally in the trade unions, where they fear that English is undermining the gains of the workers. He said. He replied that he "organizes his working meetings in French" and raised the opportunity to "create a commission to control the quality of the use of French in the company."

Respectfully treating the Russian language, developing and protecting it, one can not only preserve the true form of the native language for many centuries. But then it will be possible to improve his wonderful vocabulary, improve grammar and make his own unique share in what we can use to express our thoughts and emotions, managing the reserves of a ton of phrases in good intentions. The fate of the native language depends on each of us, and just each of us creates a small part of it, turning it into an invaluable treasure of Russia.

It is by raising the level of the international Frenchman that Quebec can officially show that it is suitable for those countries that are respected, that are part of the modern world. The proposed exchange can be summarized as follows: the entire population was asked, without any distinction, to make great efforts to harmonize their French, not only written, but also spoken, according to the so-called international standard at all levels, that is, lexical, In exchange on these sacrifices and punishments, we expect that we will respect ourselves, we will have better prospects for employment and social development, and the Quebecers' international reputation will improve, because at last we will be able to communicate freely with all French-speaking people around the world.

The idea is good, because confusion reigns over the extent of the presence of the English language and its consequences. What are we talking about, exactly? Defenders of France often confuse anglicisms, anglicizations, and abuses. The French of all social classes participate in the English language, and their attitude towards the defenders of the language fluctuates between indifference, irritation and hostility. In a society marked by linguistic purism, "English represents modernity, openness to the world," says Marc Favre d'Echalens, A Defense of the French Language.

If advocacy groups tend to rise in public opinion, their actions will have no effect. They launched sometimes ingenious communications operations, such as the American Carpet Academy Award. This prize annually rewards individuals, companies or organizations that stand out for their linguistic "civil immunity". Official actions, they remain inconclusive.

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