Polynesian style tattoo sketch. Polynesia

Polynesian tattoos, which appeared in the Pacific Islands, did not originally serve as body decoration. The Indians used wearable drawings to indicate their status in the environment, to talk about their exploits and spiritual state. Tattoos meant a lot to people: some of the drawings were able to attract the gods themselves to their side. It was impossible to throw out one detail from the general drawing, all of them concealed a deep meaning behind them. The more a person's body was decorated, the more successful and influential he was considered.

A tattoo in the Polynesian style differs from others in its unusual energy, which can attract the eye of any person. The drawings are powerful, strong, somewhere even frightening. This is not surprising, because in many of them aggressiveness is visible.

This style is done in black, but there is also a feminine version. Modern people pigment their skin more because of beauty and aesthetics, less often - with a semantic load. Therefore, girls are allowed to dilute the roughness of sketches with bright colors before getting a Polynesian tattoo on their shoulder.

By the way, Polynesian women were also tattooed, but mostly they were lips and chin.

Men are more accustomed to getting a Polynesian tattoo on their sleeve. This direction needs space, only then it will look decent on the body.

Tattoos in the Polynesian style among Europeans gained popularity relatively recently, in the first half of the twentieth century. Of course, they came into fashion, thanks to their complex, bizarre and unusually beautiful ornament, consisting of spirals, waves, zigzags, geometric shapes. Even modern world celebrities (for example, John Duane) were seduced by such tattoos.

But few people think about their true, original, purpose. In the archaic Polynesian culture, tattoos served not just to decorate the body, but they had a deep sacred meaning. With their help, contact was established with the transcendent upper world.

The very process of tattooing was a sacred sacrament, a rite that only a priest could perform. Each drawing had its own meaning, influencing the fate of the wearer. Such a perception of body painting in the Polynesian picture of the world goes back to the ideas and rituals of the ancient Maori tribe.

A tattoo in Polynesia was a kind of business card or, more precisely, played the role of an identity document. She reported on what kind, and at the same time, the tribe, a person belongs to, what social status he has, what feats and worthy deeds he performed in life, what he became famous for.

Sketches of Polynesian tattoos, captured in the photo, are reminiscent of ancient artistic woodcarving, which not only performs an aesthetic function, but is endowed with great sacred loading. The tree in the primitive, especially totemic consciousness was also deified, spiritualized, identified with the human body.

The human body in mythological representations was likened to the world, the Universe and in the astral understanding was divided into zones of intersection of various energy flows. It was on these areas that drawings were applied in order to block the influence of, for example, negativity, bring good into life, correct character, change or improve fate, as if rewriting what was destined by it. The result directly depended on the image and the symbolism associated with it.

  • in the ancient Polynesian sense, it personifies protection, an impenetrable energy shell that will not let any evil forces into life. It also brings health, family strength, longevity.
  • means eternity, interconnection and continuity of life, as well as death. Attracts life-giving warmth, Happiness, kindness, success in planned enterprises.
  • considered a powerful amulet. Protects from negativity. Gives inner freedom, sophistication and attractiveness.
  • gives power, power, willpower and perseverance. Protects from enemies and all harm.
  • (and at the same time - gecko, iguana) reveals higher knowledge, the gift of clairvoyance, enhances supernatural abilities.

And today, in our technogenic and civilized age, tattoos on some Polynesian islands have not lost their sacred meaning and are used to communicate with higher deities.

Polynesian style tattoo video

Polynesian tattoos originated in the Pacific Islands, united by the name Polynesia. These are the most beautiful complex patterns of lines and geometric shapes that form a complex symbolic composition. Today, Polynesian tattoos no longer have a strictly sacred meaning and are designed to decorate the body, but this was not always the case.

History of Polynesian tattoos

In the culture of the ancient island tribes, Polynesian tattoos were not an ornament, but part of beliefs, a cult, reflecting a connection with the divine upper world, and had a deep religious meaning. The patterns were applied to the body in a strict order and to the desired areas, determined by the energy flows in the human body. The symbols depicted in Polynesian tattoos had the meaning of amulets, spoke of tribal and tribal affiliation, the social status of a man (most often a high status). By the tattoo one could find out - the hunter or warrior its owner, what actions he did and what he achieved, what qualities he possesses.

The tattoo itself was a ritual act that only shamans could perform. Drawings were applied with a sharp shark tooth or a boar's fang, as well as a needle made of bird bones. Surviving a tattoo was already a feat that only a real man is capable of.

Polynesian tattoos in the modern world

Today, Polynesian style tattoos are very common. They are beautiful, original, spectacular. You can choose the symbol that best suits your spirit. True connoisseurs even go to the islands of the archipelago to get real Polynesian tattoos, because only a bearer of culture has the necessary knowledge and will do everything according to the canon.

The main motifs in the Polynesian tattoo were determined by the surrounding world, nature, animals and plants of the islands - what people saw around them. Depicted heavenly bodies, totem animals worshiped by the islanders, and many other symbols that are incomprehensible to the modern city dweller.

To date, the following patterns and their combinations are common:

  • shark;
  • turtle;
  • slope;
  • lizard;
  • ritual masks;
  • spiral;
  • Sun and moon.

Historically, only men had the right to wear tattoos in the Polynesian archipelago. Now all over the world, tattoos, including Polynesian ones, are also popular among women. Anyone can choose suitable images and get a tattoo. It can be either a very small ornament, or a huge image, consisting of many interconnected elements. The applied Polynesian tattoo on the shoulder looks spectacular, with the transition to the neck, chest, descending to the arm. Among men, this design is especially popular.

Polynesian tattoos are often performed on the leg, for example, sharks were originally depicted on the legs - calves or thighs. Often a tattoo is performed on the stomach, back, neck, sometimes covers a large area of ​​the body. A Polynesian tattoo on the arm can be in the form of a linear single ornament or. It will look good on the wrist and hands.

Meaning of Polynesian Tattoos

To select suitable thumbnails, you need to have an idea what their meaning is. It stems from the way of life of the tribes that created the Polynesian tattoos, their surrounding world and beliefs.

  • Shark - a symbol of power, strength, forward movement. Such tattoos have a protective meaning - they protect from enemies and dangers. Could be used to protect against marine predators, because the inhabitants of the islands spent a lot of time in the ocean.
  • Tiki (masks) - had the meaning of a talisman against evil spirits and hostile otherworldly forces. Usually several masks were depicted, looking into different sides, as a sign that they protect the owner from all sides.
  • Polynesian turtle tattoos meant wisdom, longevity, stamina, protection from troubles (associations with the tortoise shell).
  • The sun is a symbol of life, cyclicity, an endless cycle. Since ancient times, Polynesian tattoos have depicted the sun, as people began to worship him earlier than other gods. The sun is a symbol of light and warmth, it illuminates the path and brings good.
  • The moon is a night luminary, revered on a par with the sun. The ornament depicting the moon meant great strength of character and spirit, purposefulness and perseverance in one's craft. The moon patronized hunters and promised good luck.
  • Iguana (lizard) - a symbol of physical strength, speed, endurance. It was believed that the owner of a Polynesian lizard tattoo was endowed with supernatural powers. It was a tattoo of the chosen ones.
  • The stingray is one of the most revered totemic animals of the tribes. Polynesia tattoo in the form of a stingray means restraint, wisdom, calmness and reasonableness, behind which, however, strength, swiftness and danger can be hidden.
  • The spiral symbolizes infinity, cyclicity, renewal and development.

The listed images can exist both separately and combined with each other, intertwined. In different combinations, they acquire new meanings. For example, the connection in the drawing of the sun and the moon represents the possibility of the impossible. Almost any patterns include spiral elements, signs of the sun.

Performing a tattoo in the style of Polynesia requires great skill from the master, a sense of composition. After all, you need to symmetrically and accurately arrange the parts of the pattern, draw a lot of straight and curved lines flowing one into another. High-quality sketches of tattoos amaze with complexity and beauty.

Polynesian tattoos have been popular lately and are attracting the attention of more and more people. Even some movie stars prefer them. Black and white geometric ornaments, reminiscent of wood carvings, really look stylish and mysterious!

Video: Creating a Polynesian tattoo on the arm

The Polynesian tattoo is deeply symbolic and seems a bit rough. In the article we will talk about the meaning and features of images, as well as provide an original selection of photos with thumbnails.

The first wearable drawings appeared in the Pacific Islands. For the Indians, they were like memoirs: they talked about the status in society, exploits, physical and spiritual development. It was believed that the image connected a person with the gods and significantly influenced his fate. The Polynesian tattoo was filled exclusively by priests for several months. Procedure accompanied by special rituals and songs to support the man. The priest attached a stencil with an image to the body, cut out the elements with the help of a hammer and a sharpened tooth and covered them with dye. The pigment was made from the resin of coniferous trees. The blood was constantly wiped away - not a single drop should fall on the ground. After the procedure, the juice of tropical plants was rubbed into the skin so that it turned pale, and a contrast of black lines and a white body was obtained. Men were expelled from society if the drawing was not completed.

The nobility had more wearable designs than people of low status. Men most often stuffed Polynesian tattoos on the face (especially the leaders), in the area from the waist to the knees. Large spirals were applied to the buttocks (closed meant infinity and perfection, expanded meant renewal and restoration). According to the patterns on the chest and wrist, the position of a person in society was determined. The ornament on the forehead meant success in battles, on the cheeks - a profession, on the chin - origin. Women had fewer drawings, mostly they were applied to the lips and chin.

Sketches of Polynesian tattoos were brought to the West by an assistant to James Cook in the late 18th century. Navigator introduced in English language the word "tatu", which in translation from the dialect of the tribe meant either "beating" or "drawing".

Features of Polynesian tattoos

Tattoo in Polynesian style looks rough and massive, hidden aggressiveness is visible. A drawing or pattern consists of thin, wide and short lines, zigzags and waves that add up to geometric figures. There is no play of color palette and shadows, abstraction and blurry contours. The pictures are symmetrical and clear, made with black pigment, although now you can add a little color or complement the image with bright colors. Such a tattoo looks gentle and feminine, common among girls.

Each element has a deep meaning and carries a large energy charge that can change the fate of the owner. Lines in the form of fish scales protect him from warning danger and enemies. The element of bonito or tuna means energy, resourcefulness and skill, it can be part of a pattern or an animal. It is depicted in the form of teeth arranged in two rows so that white rhombuses are obtained in the middle. Shark teeth (several black triangles connected by one line) - protection in the water, fearlessness, strength, the ability to adapt in any situation. The legend says that while swimming, one girl was bitten by a shark. In response, she did not lose her head, but shouted her name. The predator apologized and swam away. Left teeth marks - a mark that the girl is her friend. Since then, shark teeth (niho mano) have been applied to the ankle.

Polynesian drawing is quite complex, so many go to Tahiti, Easter Island, Samoa or Haiti to be applied by a skilled craftsman. However, after the Spanish conquerors, many sources were destroyed and the meaning of some symbols is unknown. You also need to consider that Polynesian tattoos are divided into several subspecies, each island has its own motives and methods of application. In Hawaii, ornaments, images of skulls, wreaths and flowers predominate; on the island of Samoa, tattoos are applied in the old fashioned way: not with a needle, but with a pig or shark tooth.

A tattoo in the Polynesian style must be carefully selected in terms of meaning, volume and location. Lines and small figures can get lost in the curves of the body, the drawing will turn out to be cropped, so it is necessary to take into account the relief of muscles and muscles.

Legends and meaning of symbols

Each image has a deep symbolism, saturated with legends and beliefs.
It is believed that the tattoo of the sun in the Polynesian style appeared on the body of the Indians the very first. It illuminates the path of life, and after death does not allow you to go into darkness. The drawing denotes life and immensity, good luck in undertakings, brings positive and happiness. The rising luminary is a symbol of new life and wisdom, the awakening of energy, and the sunset is the rebirth of all life.

The Polynesian moon is often used in female images. She personifies femininity, spiritual strength and greatness, devotion to the chosen cause. Drawing is often found among businessmen, as it helps to achieve their goals. If he is depicted with a dolphin, he will be interpreted as a wise leader. The moon is always depicted as a resident month and patronizes hunters. Together with the sun, it gives a chance to make impossible plans possible, supports ambitious and purposeful people.

The Polynesian turtle tattoo is also revered among beautiful ladies. She represents family, fertility and longevity. Helps to find harmony of spirit with the body, is a talisman of the hearth and protection from misfortunes. Turtle and sunrise denotes diligence. Polynesian warriors used her shell as a shield, so the drawing has another meaning: strength of body and spirit, stamina and balance. According to legend, the turtle carries souls to the realm of the dead, therefore, after death, the Polynesians put on the body the sign of a person walking next to or sitting on a shell.

The image of a shark means perseverance and power, protection from enemies and troubles. Among the Polynesian people, she was a sacred animal, they worshiped her power and strength. A picture of a fish in the form of a triangle - resistance to troubles, if depicted under a luminary - imperishable strength and power, together with a dolphin - strong and true friendship.

Pectoral drawing of a lizard - connection with the gods and access to other worlds. According to legend, the gods come to a person exclusively in the form of a gecko, so the image personifies a supernatural power that passes to the owner. For warriors, a tattoo meant physical strength, hardness, endurance and speed. If a lizard was stuffed with a turtle, then the person is responsible for his words and deeds.

Warriors and hunters put on the mask of the deity Tiki to protect themselves from evil spirits and death. The image is suitable for temperamental and courageous men. The picture can be supplemented with various elements: shark teeth, tuna, birds, waves, men.
Polynesian stingray tattoo means grace, spiritual beauty, grace and freedom, is a powerful defense. Often this image includes hooks symbolizing good luck, tiki masks - protection from all evil, a hibiscus flower - beauty, a cross - harmony and balance, shark teeth. Each drawing can be supplemented with other details. The stingray was revered by the Polynesians, as it was considered one of the most dangerous inhabitants of the oceans, therefore it can mean dexterity and cunning. They make such a Polynesian tattoo on the shoulder or back, it is possible on the ankle and foot, it looks good on the girls on the lower back.

Polynesian tattoos for men - physical and spiritual strength

The underwear pattern gives masculinity and brutality, if applied on the back or forearm, capturing part of the chest. The sleeve looks good at full length or from the shoulder to the elbow, from the elbow to the neck.

Often men apply similar work on the leg to the knees, on the calves, on the side of the lower leg, or from the foot to the thigh. The composition may consist of several drawings or a thin strip of ornament descending along the abdomen or back.

Female Polynesian tattoos - mystery and grace

Pictures look too massive for the female body, but you can pick up beautiful images so that they seem light and delicate, not overloaded with wide lines. Polynesian-style tattoos are applied to the leg, arm and shoulder, but they look more feminine and luxurious on the shoulder blade, back, lower back. Pictures of lizards or a stingray look more elegant when the tail is depicted as a flexible or twisted ring. The composition can be supplemented with flowers or fern (calm and peace), butterflies and dragonflies (spiritual transformation), birds (freedom and control over the situation from above).

Polynesian tattoos do not go well with bright and voluminous images of other styles. You should not stuff too small pictures: each picture consists of a large number of different details, they can visually merge into a black and white spot. The beauty and grandeur of the wearable picture will be lost.

Photo tattoo in Polynesia



The sun



On the foot

On the chest




On the back


For many centuries, people from all over the world have been decorating their bodies with tattoos. The word "tatu" comes from the Polynesian language and means "drawing". In addition to the term, Polynesia gave the world a special style of underwear that cannot be confused with any other. The Polynesian tattoo was formed from an ancient ritual art form that spread to the island of Tahiti, Hawaii and others.

History and meaning

The custom of drawing special patterns on the body originated on the islands of Polynesia in ancient times. At first it was not an ornament, but a sacred act. Only a priest had the right to apply a Polynesian tattoo. He was the most respected member of his tribe.

There were several ways to apply a pattern to the skin. It all depended on which island the community was on. Therefore, despite the general similarity, there are several subgroups that are combined into Polynesian tattoos.

The meaning of the ritual in antiquity is associated with knowledge about the owner of the drawing. The tattoo was made up of the main information:

  • family;
  • community;
  • position in the community;
  • main occupation;
  • personal qualities;
  • major actions in life.

Some images had to be earned by showing strength, dexterity, endurance in hunting. Each fragment of the picture has its own name and carries a certain meaning. In general, a tattoo is like a skillful wood carving. However, the tribes of the Polynesian islands were also famous for this.

Only men who had reached a certain age could apply an image to themselves. For women, such a ritual was prohibited. The procedure itself was painful, since the role of the needle was performed by a shark or wild boar tooth. The paint was made from plant sap. The drawing ceremony took several days. It was impossible to interrupt it, otherwise the family would face disgrace and expulsion from the tribe.

The emergence of Polynesian tattoos in Europe

The Polynesian tattoo has always fascinated European sailors. But it was applied only to representatives of the tribe as a sacred drawing. Outsiders for a long time could not get the desired patterns.

It is not known for certain how the tattoo appeared among the Europeans. There is a version that the sailors paid one of the leaders, and he provided them with a sample of Polynesian culture.

Places of application

Polynesian patterns (tattoo) were applied to the body of men in strictly defined areas. The place on the body on which the tattoo was made depended on the social status of the man. It was possible to meet images all over the body.

Tattoos covered the following areas:

  • head;
  • wrist;
  • breast;
  • intimate parts of the body.


Polynesian tattoo in the form of a mask was applied to warriors and hunters. It was believed that it is able to protect from evil spirits and protect in difficult times. Masks are also called tics. There are many variations of them. They are applied over the body in such a way that the eyes of the masks look in different directions. This will protect their owner from all sides. No matter how threatening the mask may be, it does not carry evil in itself. Her task is to frighten the evil that is everywhere.


The image of a lizard on the body looks very beautiful, even flawless. Most often it is an iguana and a gecko. First of all, they mean physical strength, body power, stamina, speed, determination.

The presence of a lizard and a turtle on the body testified that its bearer was true to his word and always ready to prove what was said with deed. This was the secret of his prosperity.


The stingray tattoo in the culture of the Polynesian islands was a powerful symbol of protection. Many tribes sang this animal, which they perceived as beautiful, wise and not showing aggression towards humans. However, it is very poisonous.

It expresses a calmness and deliberation on the body, which border on dangerous grace and (if necessary) poisonous beauty.


A Polynesian tortoise (tattoo) on a human body meant that its owner was calm and wise. It was applied to balanced and persistent representatives of the tribe, who are strong in body and spirit. Exist a large number of shell samples for the image of this animal.

The image of a turtle against the backdrop of a sunny dawn meant that the person was hardworking and thrifty. In addition, the animal on the body became a real amulet, the main task of which is to extend the life of the owner.


The tribes of Polynesia have well studied the phases of the star. They knew very well how celestial bodies affect the weather. Polynesians gave their names to many stars and their clusters. The moon denoted strength of character and mental stamina.

The month symbolized the owner's commitment to his own business, meant assertiveness in achieving the goal. The image, consisting of the moon and a dolphin, meant that its bearer is a wise leader who is always successful. The moon could be depicted in all sorts of variations, each of which carried its own unique meaning.


The spiral symbol traditionally means new life and hope. If the spiral (bark) is unfolded, it symbolizes renewal, restoration and life. If it is closed, it is a sign of constancy, infinity, improvement.

The sun

The Polynesian sun (tattoo), as elsewhere, symbolizes light, life and eternity. In ancient times, this image was applied one of the first. The sun was a talisman that accompanies life.

The sun can be depicted in two ways. The first is sunrise, which symbolizes the awakening of energy, the second is sunset, which is a sign of the rebirth of all living things.


This animal traditionally symbolizes perseverance, stamina, strength. The shark was applied to the chest, shins and thighs. They made images of these predatory animals to fishermen from sea monsters. Shark tribe men were protected from enemies and other threats.

The drawing on the body in the form of a shark under the sun symbolized eternal strength and power, and the combination of a dolphin and a shark meant strong friendship.

In the modern world, Polynesian tattoos have already lost the meaning that they originally had. Their popularity is related to how impressive they look on the body. Patterns that consist of many intricacies, small items, waves, spirals, ribbons, amaze the imagination and attract tattoo lovers from all over the world.
