Pregnant that hurts. Pain in the abdomen during pregnancy at different times

With the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy, the expectant mother begins to listen carefully to the slightest changes in the body and many causes for concern cause various pain sensations:

  • - in the initial stages are caused by hormonal changes occurring in the body, for more later dates indicate the descent of the fetal head into the small pelvis and the imminent upcoming birth;
  • - may be due to an increased load on the lumbar spine or signal the onset of an inflammatory process in the kidneys, which requires immediate medical attention;
  • - during pregnancy, they can be caused by compression of the growing uterus of the organs of the digestive canal and the slow movement of food through the body;
  • Pain in the pelvic region most often occurs from the second trimester of pregnancy and is due to the divergence of the pelvic bones;
  • - in the early stages of pregnancy, they arise as a result of hormonal changes in the body, in the later stages they can signal the development of preeclampsia;
  • - during pregnancy, they are the first symptom of a cold, which requires immediate treatment.

It is important to remember that during pregnancy, many are contraindicated for expectant mothers. It is strongly not recommended to use any medications in the early stages of pregnancy, when the main organs of the fetus are laid.

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In this article, we will look at the causes of abdominal pain in pregnant women. If you are pregnant, it is very important to identify the cause in time and seek help in order to protect yourself and not harm the baby.

Very often, women complain of pain in the lower back and abdomen when they become pregnant. Such pains, in general, occur for a variety of reasons. They are completely harmless and quite dangerous for both the baby and the mother herself. Therefore, you should not engage in self-treatment. It is advisable to consult a doctor at the first symptoms.

Often, during pregnancy, such a phenomenon is considered normal, since the female body is being restructured from changing circumstances. If the pain is short-term, not very strong, and happens periodically, then there is no reason to worry.

Almost every pregnant woman complains about pulling or tingling pains, feeling in addition an unpleasant, severe discomfort. It's natural when it's born new life The female body is being rebuilt. Such pains occur in the first 3 months. Pain also appears in those representatives who previously suffered from painful menstruation.

Be that as it may, pain is not only the result of changes in the body. The occurrence of any kind of pain alarms a woman, as it can be the cause of a threat to the baby. You should not worry in advance, you first need to find out the nature of the pains that have arisen, their strength and the reason for which they appeared. Therefore, it is important to visit a doctor even with minimal abdominal discomfort.

Causes of pain lots of. Consider the most common:

  • Wrong diet. Pain can also appear in healthy women. Often, due to malnutrition, spasms appear in the gastrointestinal tract, which, as a rule, cause aching pain in the abdomen.
  • Pregnancy is the main cause of restructuring in the female body. A woman's tastes change against this background. She can eat those dishes that cause a failure in metabolic processes. Take, for example, the use of spicy foods - they irritate the walls of the stomach, and sweet foods that provoke fermentation in the intestine and the occurrence of dysbacteriosis, bloating.
  • Irritation of ligaments and muscle tissue. Often, pulling pain appears after the ligaments and muscles that support the uterus begin to stretch. When the fetus grows inside the uterus, pressure increases on the ligaments, which means that pain appears. Therefore, from a sudden movement, sneezing or coughing, a pregnant woman feels sharp pains. They don't need treatment. A woman just needs to have a good rest.
  • Pain occurs due to uterus enlargement. It presses the organs, the result is a malfunction of the gallbladder.

  • The threat of abortion. Pain may appear for this reason. Aching pain, similar to contractions, radiating to the back, can last for a long time. In addition, such pains, in general, can be accompanied by secretions of different consistency and color. A pregnant woman with similar pains is admitted to the hospital for examination.
  • Placental abruption. This phenomenon also very often causes spasms. This happens for several reasons. In such a situation, blood vessels rupture, blood flows into the uterine cavity and pain occurs. The reason is considered serious enough to call a doctor, since the only solution is a rapid delivery with stopping bleeding.
  • surgical disease. Very often, pain occurs from appendicitis. Inflammation of the pancreas may also be present.

Stomach pain in early pregnancy

Some time after conception, oddly enough, a woman may feel a slight tingling sensation in her stomach. However, as a rule, women do not pay attention to such pain, because at that time they do not yet know about their own pregnancy.

Symptoms such a joyful phenomenon are considered:

  • Absence of a menstrual cycle
  • Breast pain
  • Constant sleepiness
  • Irritability
  • Vomiting in the morning

It is from this period that a woman with a special perception reacts to any pain. Experiences should be thrown away. Pain with tingling in the first weeks of pregnancy is a natural phenomenon. After all, a woman's uterus is growing rapidly.

There are certain physiological changes that do not manifest themselves outwardly. If you felt a slight, aching pain in the abdomen during pregnancy, then there is nothing dangerous in this manifestation.

Similar pains appear from an unexpected turn of the body, movement. If they bring you a lot of discomfort, talk to your own doctor. Surely, he will recommend that you drink a relieving, harmless drug.

Stomach pain in second trimester

In the middle of pregnancy, stabbing pain can appear for completely different reasons.

  • Each of us knows that starting from the 4th month, the uterus of a pregnant woman begins to grow at a rapid pace. But, despite this, she does not exert strong pressure on the woman's organs. Although there are such representatives who complain of unpleasant pain.
  • Doctors associate them with the fact that there is a stretching of the muscles in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe uterus. This phenomenon does not pose a risk of pregnancy. In the middle of pregnancy, the threat of a breakdown decreases, pain may occur due to nervous or physical overstrain.
  • Very often, expectant mothers complain that they have problems directly related to the gastrointestinal tract.

  • A malfunction of the stomach can lead to constipation and an increase in gas formation, therefore, all pregnant women must pay special attention to their own diet.
  • You can include fruits and vegetables in your diet in large numbers because they contain a lot of fiber, plus a lot of liquid.
  • For the period of pregnancy, it is advisable to abandon spicy and smoked foods, buns, as they provoke fermentation in the intestine.

Acute pain, which is accompanied by an increase in body temperature and dizziness, may indicate appendicitis.

Stomach pain in third trimester

This stage is considered the most important for a pregnant woman, because very soon she will see her baby. So I want the birth to be easy, without complications. But when there are pains in the abdomen, they start to frighten and make you think only about the worst.

  • Doctors say that pain at this time is associated with the following: a violation occurs in the gastrointestinal tract, since a huge load is placed on the system.
  • The child puts pressure on the digestive tract, the movement of food slows down. As a result, expectant mothers complain of pain.

  • With acute pain, similar to contractions, you can get a little worried. Since this is a sign of placental abruption and the onset of early labor. If there are additional discharges in the form of blood, then you should immediately call an ambulance team.
  • If the stomach hurts tolerably and sometimes, then you can call the usual local doctor.
  • If you are in the third trimester, you must know that you may experience false contractions a couple of weeks before giving birth. They happen for a short time, intermittently. But when the contractions become frequent, then you have to go to the hospital.

The most important thing is not to worry and be calm. Maybe it's time for you to see your baby.

Menstrual pain during pregnancy

A woman in position has pain, like during menstruation? Such a state of affairs should not be taken lightly.

  • But for a short period of time, such pains are no exception, since they directly relate to the process of transferring the egg after fertilization to the uterine environment. As a rule, pains are aching or pulling.
  • However, if a woman complains of dizziness, fainting and discharge similar to menstruation, then you should be wary.

  • AT similar situation proceed as follows: be sure to call ambulance, since pain can be caused by an ectopic pregnancy or a threatened abortion. Therefore, you will need medical attention.
  • Due to abdominal trauma, certain diseases, and a number of other reasons, placental abruption occurs. During this process, you may experience pain, as during menstruation and discharge in the form of blood. Having found such symptoms, urgently call an ambulance, because such a condition is considered formidable and one cannot do without the intervention of doctors.

If short-term pain appeared in the middle of pregnancy, then this is only due to an increase in the uterus. But such pain at the end of pregnancy suggests that the abdominal muscle tissue is constantly in tension. In order to eliminate such pain, you need to relax, rest, sleep.

Pain in the right side of the abdomen during pregnancy

Only a professional doctor can name the exact cause of pain. If the pain syndrome is repeated repeatedly, then the woman must visit the clinic to undergo a comprehensive examination.

Among main reasons note the following:

  • Appendicitis. An insidious and dangerous disease. The pains during it are aching, sharp, with a constant character. Pain spreads from the groin - through the abdomen and to the back. Pain in this case from the very beginning appear in the lower abdomen, however, over time, the pain captures the entire surface of the abdomen. The pains are cutting, sharp, intensify if a person tries to change the position of his body.
  • Cholecystitis or cholangitis. The reason is located in the liver. The gallbladder ducts and the gallbladder itself begin to become inflamed, causing pain. The pain decreases after the pregnant woman rolls over to the left side.

  • Inflammation of the pancreas. There is a sharp pain in the side of the right side. In rare cases, the pain is girdle, radiating to the back or spine.
  • Stones in the kidneys. When stones appear in the kidneys, there is a malfunction of the bile streams. Bile is not excreted human body in the right amount. The disease is accompanied by severe spasmodic pain. The disease does not pose a danger to the life of the expectant mother and her baby.
  • Problems Bladder. The uterus begins to press hard on the bladder. As a result, a woman is constantly in need. Sometimes this desire can cause severe pain.

Pain in the left side of the abdomen during pregnancy

Pain that occurs in the left side appear very often for several reasons:

  • On the short term may exacerbate gastritis. Pain is not often acute, mostly dull, of varying intensity, accompanied by nausea and even vomiting.
  • In the third trimester, the enlarging uterus presses and displaces some organs. As a result, it can provoke a malfunction of the stomach and pancreas.

  • Bowel problems cause bouts of pain that increase or decrease. As a rule, accompanied by the release of cool sweat, in addition - weakness of the whole body.
  • Pain caused by diaphragmatic hernia increases after eating. If a woman complains of pain and frequent urination, then the problem lies in the left kidney.
  • The left side hurts due to a lack of progesterone and stress, as a result of which the uterus contracts.

Lower back pain during pregnancy

The period when a woman carries a child in her stomach is characterized by the formation of relaxin. This hormone relaxes the hip joints and ligaments. This phenomenon is due to the fact that it is easier for the baby to come out during birth.

An increase in body weight and growth of the tummy causes an imbalance. Consequently, the woman takes her shoulders back and bends a little. As a result, the vertebrae of a woman begin to take on a curved appearance, the muscle tissue tenses, which leads to pain in the lower back plus discomfort.

Pain in the lower back also appears due to:

  • Congenital curvature of the spine
  • Osteochondrosis of the lower back
  • Weakly developed muscle tissue

Pulling, stomach ache during pregnancy

Pulling pains are not always considered a reason to panic and worry a lot. For a short time, such pains mean the following - a fertilized egg moves to the endometrium of the uterus. The uterus itself is growing rapidly, accepting the embryo into its own womb, therefore, these pains appear.

IMPORTANT: Many women claim that the sensations during this condition are more like discomfort than pain.

If the cause is solely in the implantation of the egg, then the pain is irregular. Since the egg has already attached to the wall of the uterus, the pain disappears over time. If the pains increase, appear from time to time, do not stop for several days, then this is a sign of a serious pathology. Therefore, it is imperative to consult a doctor.

Sharp abdominal pain during pregnancy

  • If there is a sharp pain in the early stages, which is accompanied by bleeding, then it is urgent to call an ambulance. Such phenomena speak of a miscarriage.
  • An ectopic pregnancy is accompanied by severe pain. In this case, pain is felt either on the left side of the abdomen or on the right.
  • Infectious disease of the kidneys or urinary tract. Symptoms are pain, vomiting, blood found in the urine.

Pain in the belly button during pregnancy

The main reasons are:

  • At 13 weeks, pain often occurs due to stretching of the skin. This condition does not require medical attention.
  • Hernia. In addition to pain, a dense, rounded or elongated neoplasm can be felt in the navel area under skin. Such a deviation needs urgent medical attention.

  • Infectious disease in the intestines. Pain may be accompanied by an increase in body temperature, diarrhea, in rare cases, vomiting. With such deviations, there is a huge threat that is dangerous for the baby. That is why doctors, together with treatment, carry out the prevention of early childbirth.

Pregnant woman has stomach pain while walking

Have you experienced pain while walking? Don't worry. There are a lot of reasons for such pains, but most of them do not pose a big threat to your unborn baby. Try to listen to our recommendations and then your pregnancy will go well.

  • If you want to eliminate the pain - just lie down. Bend your legs at the joints, press them to the tummy. You can also take a warm bath.
  • You can reduce pain or eliminate them altogether as follows: accustom yourself to the correct gait, try to take your shoulders back, shift the center of gravity from the toe to the heel.
  • wear bandage intended for pregnant women. This belt will allow you to reduce the load on the muscle tissue of the abdomen and relieve tension from the ridge. Wear it from the second trimester. But do not use it all the time - a maximum of 3 hours, then a break for half an hour, and you can put it on again.

  • Walk more, go in for swimming, therapeutic exercises - all these physical activities will strengthen the muscle mass of the abdomen, make your back stronger. There is one prohibition - do not make very sudden movements, try not to lift heavy loads during pregnancy.
  • Include foods rich in calcium in your diet. For example: milk, cheese, nuts, meat products, greens, eggs and so on.

If you find severe pain during movement or pain that has arisen for no reason and is only getting worse, contact your doctor immediately. Do not wait, take care of your health and the health of the future little one.

Pregnancy is a natural process, conceived by nature itself. This is one of the most important and exciting events in the life of every woman. Like any other process in the body, pregnancy makes itself felt in various ways. How to determine which symptoms to pay special attention to? What hurts during pregnancy?

Stomach ache

To begin with, let's look at different types of pain in the area where it is most disturbing - in the abdomen, because any pain in the abdomen instinctively makes you worry about the unborn child. The main thing to remember is that it is better to once again disturb the observing doctor than to delay getting medical help, because in most cases a woman is not able to determine the causes of pain on her own.

Let's make a reservation right away that pain during pregnancy is a completely natural manifestation, so it is important to listen to your body and not panic in advance. Fortunately, not all pain in the abdomen carries a risk for pregnancy. Often, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy, the stomach can hurt due to malnutrition. Thus, if you normalize the diet, then pain in the stomach and intestines can be avoided.


One of common problems expectant mothers are constipated. This is due to the fact that during pregnancy, digested food moves through the intestines much more slowly than normal, in addition, the growing fetus will also put pressure on the intestines. To avoid constipation, pregnant women are advised to eat vegetables, dried fruits and bran, and also try to drink more water. Let's add that physical activity and small physical activity normalize digestion.

Ligament pain

Another common cause of pain during pregnancy in the abdomen is the tension and sprain of the ligaments that support the uterus in the correct position. As the fetus develops, the ligaments will stretch more and more. Most often, such pain can accompany a change in body position or when sneezing and coughing. Pain in the ligaments can be sharp, but short-lived. Therefore, if a woman feels such severe pain during pregnancy, you should first sit down and rest for a few minutes. Similar pain may occur with physical activity on the abdominal muscles. In this case, you also need to relax.

Acute diseases

Quite rare, but acute organ diseases occur abdominal cavity. For example, it could be appendicitis or pancreatitis. The general condition worsens with nausea, diarrhea, fever and general weakness of the body. In such cases, you should immediately seek medical help.


It is time to consider situations where pain during pregnancy in the abdomen refers to gynecological problems. First of all, it is a threat of miscarriage. In this case, the pains are constant pulling or cramping in the lower abdomen or lower back, and also do not subside without taking medication. Such pain may be accompanied by bleeding of varying intensity, as during menstruation. If these symptoms occur, seek immediate medical attention medical assistance. With the help of special equipment and various tests in a hospital, the causes that led to the violation of the course of pregnancy should be identified.

Another very common cause of pain in early pregnancy is an ectopic pregnancy. It can occur when a fertilized egg attaches itself outside the uterus. This pregnancy is diagnosed positive tests for pregnancy, but with a negative ultrasound result. In such cases, the pregnancy does not last long (about 6 weeks), and then is interrupted, accompanied by profuse intra-abdominal bleeding and sharp pains in the abdomen. Nausea, dizziness and fainting are also possible. This situation is very serious and can be dangerous to the health and life of a woman, and therefore requires immediate medical attention.

Lower back pain

In addition to the abdominal area, a woman can feel pain in other parts of the body. Often abdominal pain is accompanied by lower back pain. This may be due to the proximity of the nerve endings. More than half of women experience lower back pain after 5 months of pregnancy. The reason is quite clear: the baby grows and gains weight, which increases the load on the spine. Also, during pregnancy, chronic diseases of the spine can worsen. To reduce lower back pain, it is recommended to wear a support belt, as well as to take the most comfortable sitting or lying position.

If low back pain is accompanied by fever or blood pressure, painful or frequent urination, or a change in the color of urine, you should see a doctor as soon as possible, as such symptoms may indicate kidney disease. Also, problems with urination can be caused not only by fetal pressure on the bladder (which is normal), but can also indicate inflammation of the urinary tract (for example, cystitis). In such cases, medical advice is also important.

Chest pain

In preparation for the birth of a child, the entire body is rebuilt, this also applies to the breast, which will feed the unborn baby. Therefore, it is the female breast that can become another sore spot during pregnancy. This may be due to increased levels of hormones that lead to breast enlargement. You can reduce pain, for example, by choosing the right bra, as well as doing light massage movements and physical exercises to strengthen the pectoral muscles.

It should be noted once again that pregnancy is a huge stress for the whole body, so problems with the functioning of many organs may inevitably appear. Headaches or toothaches, pain and swelling in the legs, sore throat and other ailments are quite likely. In the event of such pain, you should never forget that not only the health of a woman, but also her unborn baby, may be at risk. Therefore, to find out what hurts during pregnancy, you need to see a doctor. It is worth remembering the ancient principle "Forewarned is forearmed", that is, even if the suspicions of any symptom are not confirmed, then in any case, it is better than letting it pass by. It is important to understand that you should not take any medications without the advice of a doctor, since many medications are contraindicated during pregnancy and can lead to a mutation of the fetus or to its loss.

Pain during pregnancy is always a serious "bell" for expectant mother that there is a problem in the body, the organs work with tension and give signals of trouble. A woman needs to be very attentive to such pains, although not all of them indicate serious illnesses, many are associated with physiological changes in the body of the expectant mother. Although not all pain during pregnancy is dangerous, but unpleasant and painful sensations are experiences, stress and discomfort for the expectant mother, which may not have a very good effect on the tone of the uterus and the condition of the fetus. Therefore, if your tooth, back or stomach hurts, go to the doctor immediately!

Pregnancy problems: abdominal pain

During pregnancy, abdominal pain should alert a woman. They can have different localization and various causes, but the most serious will be those associated with the threat of miscarriage, complications of pregnancy and acute surgical pathology of the abdominal organs. Naturally, the cause of any abdominal pain that is detected during gestation should be determined by the doctor. But the woman herself must distinguish certain pain sensations according to certain characteristics in order to know what is needed - to go to the doctor or immediately call an ambulance.

The nature of abdominal pain during pregnancy complications is usually cramping. At the same time, the sensations are localized in the lower abdomen, in the groin, perineum, can be given to the sacrum, coccyx, spread throughout the lower back. They resemble painful menstruation, with them spasmolytics and painkillers are of little help. It is especially dangerous if, against the background of pain in the abdomen, spotting appears - in the early stages these may be signs of the onset of a miscarriage, in the later stages - placental abruption or premature birth.

Another kind of abdominal pain occurs with digestive pathologies or acute surgical pathology. Pregnancy is a kind of stress for the body, an increased load on all systems. Therefore, many of the chronic pathologies, including those from digestion, can become aggravated. If a woman before pregnancy had problems with the intestines, suffered from a violation of the microbial flora, problems with the stool - latent (hidden) or sluggish pathologies tend to become more active. This gives pain in the abdomen, constipation, discomfort, bloating.

Against the background of early toxicosis, if there is vomiting, it can worsen. Then there is pain associated with eating or fasting, belching, sour taste in the mouth. To cope with such problems, a doctor will help, who will prescribe a special diet and safe means to reduce the production or binding of excess stomach acid.

Pain on the sides of the abdomen or below, looking like spasms, pulling or pressing, speak of problems with the large intestine. Often they occur against the background of constipation. To reduce their manifestations or completely get rid of them will help good nutrition, rich in fiber and fresh foods, sufficient fluid intake. The intestines often suffer due to the growth of the uterus and its compression. To help in facilitating the work of the intestines, gymnastics will help, unloading the abdominal cavity by taking a knee-elbow position several times a day.

If there are sharp sharp pains in the abdomen, they are accompanied by fever, diarrhea, vomiting, the general condition is sharply disturbed, you should immediately call an ambulance. Similar pains are typical for intestinal infections or acute surgical diseases of the abdominal cavity. Only a doctor in a hospital will be able to identify their true causes and prescribe adequate treatment. It is strictly forbidden to take drugs at home and ignore, endure pain!

If a woman was calcium deficient before pregnancy, pregnancy can bring her to the dentist's chair with a toothache. During pregnancy, due to the active growth of the fetus and the consumption of large amounts of this mineral, the mother actively gives calcium from her own teeth and bones to the fetus, since the calcium reserves are used up. This can lead to the development of caries, increased enamel sensitivity and tooth decay. Due to this, toothache is provoked.

Enamel during pregnancy becomes thin and reacts with pain to temperature, sour, sweet foods, and even wind. Often found and carious cavities, lesions of the gums. Besides the fact that it gives pain, foci of infection in the mouth can threaten the transfer of germs to the internal organs, leading to serious illness. With acute toothache, you should not self-medicate, take painkillers - all this can harm the fetus. Go to the dentist immediately, today for pregnant women, dental treatment is carried out with special anesthesia. It does not harm the baby and gives mom the opportunity to heal all bad teeth without stress.

What to do with a sore throat

Pregnancy colds often lead to sore throat, fever, runny nose, and general malaise. So that a cold does not harm the fetus, a sore throat must be properly treated. First of all, you need to see a doctor - a sore throat can also give a sore throat, and it is doubly dangerous when carrying a baby. The doctor, having established the exact causes of the pathology, will prescribe a treatment that is acceptable for your gestational age. If it is a sore throat with purulent raids, antibiotics will be needed in a short course, while the safest for the fetus are selected.

In milder cases, you can get by with decoctions of herbs for gargling and ingesting them orally to maintain strength and strengthen immunity, abundant fluid intake, bed rest and vitamins. For severe discomfort, your doctor may prescribe safe lozenges, sprays, and topical tablets. They will quickly eliminate pain and relieve inflammation.

This problem usually occurs with the growth of the abdomen and a change in the center of gravity of the body. The load on the spine increases, which can lead to back pain. During pregnancy, in addition to this, a woman puts on weight, which adds stress to the back, especially in the lumbar region. Do not forget that calcium is actively washed out of the bones for the needs of the fetus, which can lead to an exacerbation of back problems that occurred before pregnancy. Can make itself felt osteochondrosis, sciatica. With these problems, you need to contact a neurologist. To prevent back pain due to the growth of the abdomen, wearing a bandage and taking calcium-containing foods is useful.

But back pain, in which the temperature rises, nausea, malaise and urination disorders occur - this is a reason for immediate hospitalization. This is how you can show yourself acute pyelonephritis, serious pathology kidneys. It can only be treated in a hospital, under the strict supervision of a doctor.

The condition of a woman during pregnancy changes in an unpredictable way. Girls in position can experience a lot of unusual sensations, and quite often the lower abdomen hurts in pregnant women. Do not be afraid and panic, this will only aggravate the condition of the expectant mother and baby.

It is worth remembering that in most cases this condition is physiological in nature and does not pose a danger. But sometimes such pain can warn of the development of pathologies during pregnancy, so a young mother should know all the subtleties of this unpleasant sensation. And it is very important not to hide this condition from the specialist who leads the pregnancy, since it can indicate very serious violations and even indicate the possibility of losing a child.

First, there are different types pain, secondly, the week of pregnancy in which the girl encountered this sensation is important. This is what the doctor evaluates during consultation in cases of such complaints.

When pain in the lower abdomen is a safe symptom

Since from the very beginning of the conception of a baby in the body of a woman there are many changes that are imperceptible at first glance, pain can be observed, which should not be considered a pathology at all.

Thus, the body simply signals an unusual state.

Harmless causes of pain may include:

  1. In the early stages, this sensation may be a sign that a fertilized egg is being introduced into the tissues of the uterus. This process is called implantation of the fetal egg, and after a few days the pain disappears.
  2. Unstable operation digestive system arising from pregnancy. In this case, the girl often experiences a feeling of bloating in the abdomen and difficulty defecation (constipation). The consistency and color of the stool also change. These symptoms also go away without treatment after the body gets used to the presence of the embryo.
  3. At the end of the first trimester, the uterus becomes larger and changes its position. This is what causes pain. Stretching of the muscle tissue can cause this condition.
  4. Increased production of the hormone progesterone, which helps form the birth canal during pregnancy, can also cause abdominal pain because it makes the ligaments and joints more elastic. The action of the hormone extends to the uterus, which causes characteristic pain.
  5. At a later stage of pregnancy, somewhere in the third trimester, the cause of this phenomenon may be the impact of the baby's legs or arms. When the baby has grown up, his movements can cause pain if he sharply pressed on any internal organ. This happens especially often when the mother's bladder is full.

Only a specialist after examination and examinations can affirmatively say that the cause is harmless. A woman should not wait and hope that everything will pass by itself. If you remain silent at the first sign of violations, you can provoke a lot of complications that are unsafe for the health of the mother and child. Therefore, it is better to immediately tell the doctor about unpleasant sensations rather than ignore the problems and bring the situation to a critical one.

Abdominal pain during pregnancy as a signal for the development of pathologies

Carrying a baby is a rather long and difficult process for the body of any woman. And, unfortunately, not everyone goes through it without pain and various deviations. If a pregnant woman has a pain in the lower abdomen, then you should immediately assess the possibility of the presence of such disorders as:

  1. Uterine hypertonicity is the most common cause. This condition is quite dangerous, it requires monitoring by doctors and treatment. The uterus becomes inelastic, which makes it difficult for the baby to fit properly in the womb and can lead to miscarriage. Pain in the abdomen in this case is also accompanied by a pulling pain in the lumbar region.
  2. Frozen pregnancy, when the baby loses viability in the womb. Often in this case, there is an increase in body temperature, nausea and vomiting, and the symptoms that accompany pregnancy disappear.
  3. An ectopic pregnancy is also accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. This means that the embryo does not develop within the uterus and in the tubes. If you do not see a doctor in a timely manner, this can lead to rupture of the tubes, which has quite serious consequences for the woman's body and can greatly complicate further attempts to become pregnant.

Such conditions are often accompanied by smearing discharge of various colors and consistency, this is a sure sign that you need to immediately contact a specialist. Such conditions can lead to irreversible consequences, so you can not hesitate, you must immediately fix the problem under the strict supervision of doctors.

Exacerbation of chronic diseases

In the first stages of pregnancy, a woman's immunity decreases so that the body does not reject the embryo. This can lead to an exacerbation of chronic diseases. Also, this phenomenon may occur as a result of an increased load on all organs and systems, since during this period a woman needs to cope with ensuring the vital activity of two organisms.

In this case, the intensity and type of pain can be very diverse. Despite the fact that these conditions do not directly affect the girl’s ability to bear a child, they can indirectly cause a violation of the development of the baby or a sharp deterioration in the mother’s condition and her inability to fully spend the period of pregnancy and childbirth.

Conditions that can cause abdominal pain during pregnancy include:

  1. Cholecystitis is a disease of the gallbladder, which is accompanied by sharp pains in the right side of the abdomen. Also, the girl's body temperature rises sharply and vomiting appears. In addition, bitterness in the mouth may occur.
  2. Gastritis can also worsen during pregnancy, since squeezing the stomach during the birth of a new life in the uterus can make it difficult to remove gastric juice, which provokes a relapse of the disease. In this case, in most situations, the pain spreads to the upper abdomen, and only sometimes it is transferred to its lower part.
  3. Pyelonephritis, inflammation in the kidneys, often occurs due to the fact that the excretion of metabolic products from the organs is difficult. The condition is characterized by aching pains, as during menstruation, which are given to the lower back. Inflammation can pass without an increase in temperature, but simple tests will immediately show the presence of this pathology.
  4. Cystitis is a disease of the bladder, dangerous for the spread of infection through the reproductive tract, which can lead harmful microorganisms directly to the child. This disease is accompanied by painful and frequent urination. Blood impurities in the urine may also be observed.
  5. Acute appendicitis. The situation occurs when the organ is inflamed, and it requires urgent care doctors, often surgery. In a woman, such an ailment is accompanied by a prolonged attack of pain, which changes intensity, while the temperature rises and vomiting begins.

All these diseases are considered severe and dangerous for both the mother and the baby. They need serious attentive therapy, which is mainly carried out in a hospital. Often doctors have to use drugs that are strong enough to keep a woman's ability to bear a baby. But it is not worth hoping that it will be possible to recover from these diseases on your own.

Without the attention of a doctor, ailments will develop and provoke new deviations.

At the time of bearing a baby, the proper functioning of each organ is important, so it is necessary to monitor the general state of health. In preparation for pregnancy, a woman needs to be examined qualitatively and, if possible, solve health problems.

These tips can only be used after consultation with a doctor and a clear understanding that there are no pathologies and chronic diseases, since if there are any, the doctor prescribes a certain treatment and gives specific recommendations on nutrition and lifestyle. In some cases, for example, it is necessary to minimize movements throughout the pregnancy and follow a strict diet in order not to provoke an exacerbation of diseases.

But if abdominal pain appeared due to non-dangerous physiological causes, then several important recommendations should be remembered:

  1. You shouldn't overeat.
  2. You need to spend at least 4 hours a day outside.
  3. It is important not to forget about measured walking in the morning and evening.
  4. It is necessary to eat light foods that reduce the burden on the digestive organs, kidneys and liver.
  5. No need to take any drugs, even vitamin complexes, without a doctor's prescription.

All this will help strengthen the body and give it the resources to cope with such a difficult task as bearing a child. If there are no pathological factors at the heart of the pain, then it will pass within a few weeks.

After giving birth, a woman can completely forget about these unpleasant sensations. The main thing is to carefully monitor your health and changes in the body. It is worth listening to your body, and it will tell you what violations it has. Modern gynecology and obstetrics, in turn, have a large arsenal of tools to make pregnancy as comfortable and painless as possible.
