Nesting in pregnant women at what time. Nesting syndrome in pregnant women: save yourself, who can! Repair and new furniture

Pregnancy Nesting Syndrome is the first step to transforming your home. What is this syndrome? Every woman has basic instincts that are unique to her. One of them is to protect your offspring with all possible ways. That is, every mother, worrying about the future of her baby, tries to make her home as suitable as possible for the life of a child.

This instinct does not always affect housing issues. Sometimes the expectant mother tries to change her lifestyle. She brings more creative moments into it, refuses bad habits, pulls herself together and mentally prepares for childbirth.

At what time does the nesting period begin in pregnant women?

Nesting syndrome in pregnant women begins to appear at 30 weeks. A woman suddenly wants to spend her strength and skills on some important matter. It turns out that just before the birth, mom loads herself with exorbitant work: either she arranges repairs, or she moves furniture. Close people should carefully monitor the girl, stop her from rash acts in time.

In fact, nesting syndrome in pregnant women was noticed in antiquity. Then the expectant mother had to secretly prepare everything necessary for childbirth and the baby. She was not allowed to show her dowry. Therefore, now there is a sign according to which it is forbidden to buy things for the baby until the woman gives birth. Don't believe it. Feel free to choose a crib or undershirts. Just don't tell anyone about it.

The nesting period in pregnant women - a necessity or a tribute to fashion?

Of course, not all pregnant women suffer from thoughts of home improvement. Some even believe that nesting is just a whim of spoiled girls. But is it really so? Psychologists can answer this question.

Just before giving birth, women come in such a special period - the time of preparation for the birth of a child. Not everyone understands immediately what awaits them. Some are worried, others are happy to wait for the X moment. The mood with which you will prepare for the most crucial moment can predetermine your condition in the birth itself. When you meet the last weeks of pregnancy with a smile on your face, then contractions become less painful.

It turns out that the nesting period in pregnant women must be mandatory. But how many days before the birth it will appear, nature will decide. Each person has his own "hours of maturity", that is, the time when you have to accept the surrounding reality as it is. Of course, this acceptance is also influenced by the emotional coloring of a person. For a woman at this moment, only positive feelings are important. The happy onset of the nesting period depends on them.

Nesting as such contributes to the production of hormones of joy in the body of the mother. They are important in pain relief during childbirth, so before going to the hospital, it is extremely important for mom to experience as much joy as possible.

Psychologists have also noticed that there is a direct link between nesting and accepting a baby after childbirth. If a woman was preparing for childbirth, ironing diapers, buying clothes and diapers, then contact with the baby will be joyful and pleasant.

The nesting syndrome in pregnant women ends with the girl's acceptance of motherhood. Therefore, such an unusual psychological state of the mother plays a big role for the woman and the child.

Nesting syndrome in pregnant women: general cleaning before childbirth

Well, what kind of nesting syndrome in pregnant women goes away without general cleaning? How many days before giving birth do desperate ladies start scrubbing floors and wiping windows? Just before leaving for the hospital. Of course, all pregnant women understand that they cannot do many household chores, but what can you do if there is no one to clean the house and wash all the dishes? Everything falls on the fragile shoulders of a pregnant woman.

Before you start cleaning, remember one rule! Do not pour a full bucket of water, do not make sudden movements, especially leaning forward. You are also prohibited from bending, jumping and other hard-to-reach body movements.

Some exercise stress allowed for pregnant women. But this rate is set by the doctor. If you're only allowed to lie down, don't clean up! Always think about the baby!

If you are allowed a lot, do the cleaning, observing the following rules:

  1. Do not move heavy furniture or other objects yourself. Try to rearrange with your family members.
  2. Don't press on your stomach. Cleaning situations can be different. In ordinary life, we do not notice how many times we strain the press. But being pregnant, it is better for a woman to watch her movements.
  3. It is better not to work at height. Because you might get dizzy and fall over. Let your husband hang the curtains and wash the windows. Perhaps a friend can help you.
  4. Watch your hand movements. Don't lift them high. This can provoke uterine tone.
  5. If you are tired, and the cleaning is not yet completed, transfer it to another day. In general, try to plan such events in advance and, if possible, break them into several parts. For example, today you took care of the floors, tomorrow you will wipe off the dust, etc. If someone helps you with cleaning, shift the most difficult moments of cleaning to your assistant.
By the way! Sometimes a pregnant woman may be allergic to dust. Hormonal adjustment can cause its most terrible symptoms. Monitor your well-being. Also, be careful when using household chemicals. Wear a mask! Do not put yourself or your child in danger.

Nesting syndrome in pregnant women: we arrange repairs

Repair is the most sensitive moment in the entire period of pregnancy. When a woman begins to furnish her home, she does not miss a single detail. Since it is forbidden for the expectant mother to participate in the repair itself (even if you are a painter, wallpaper paster, etc.), then the dirtiest part of the work should be done by workers or close people.

Remember: do not get annoyed over trifles. Make a detailed repair plan, explain to your assistants exactly what you want from them. Don't be discouraged if you can't participate in wallpapering. But you can choose them yourself. It's much nicer than sniffing construction adhesive.

Also be careful with paint. It has long been noticed that its smell causes severe headaches in all people. Why is this happening? The composition of any paint includes PVC (vinyl, polyvinyl), which, under the influence of solar or room heat, begins to evaporate and penetrate into blood cells through breathing and skin. PVC can cause terrible allergies and kidney disease. Therefore, try not to use paint, even if it is odorless.

Approximately the same effect on the body and varnish. Try not to be in a room where there is a strong stink of building coatings.

What repair does without dust? Probably none. Any building dust is very insidious. First, it settles very slowly. Secondly, it easily penetrates the lungs of a person. Even special masks do not give one hundred percent result. The result of being in a dusted room is laryngitis, bronchitis, heat and various unpleasant procedures. In addition, the child himself suffers from these diseases. It is best to trust dusty questions to men.

Do not be discouraged because you will not be able to participate in the repair. But you can take control of the whole process. Believe me, choosing furniture and wallpaper in a room is much more pleasant than breathing chemicals.

Nesting syndrome in pregnant women: unstoppable shopaholics

Nesting syndrome in pregnant women can also manifest itself in shopping craze. Of course, the number of useful purchases made during pregnancy is very much.

Here is a sample list of what every mom gets:

  1. Crib for a child and its components (mattresses, bed linen, toys for the crib).
  2. Disposable diapers and oilcloths.
  3. Blanket, blankets, canopy.
  4. Night light, awnings, baby monitor.
  5. Nursery furniture (changing table, wardrobes, chests of drawers).

This list can be expanded without limit. Many thrifty moms stock up on all sorts of useful accessories like different sets of nipples and bottles, breast pumps, and so on. But sometimes women get a lot of unnecessary things, which, although they are made specifically for babies, but not every child or mother will need them. For example, not everyone uses nipple holders. It is convenient for someone to attach a beautiful bright chain to a children's blouse, while someone is used to coping without it.

Remember that not every accessory that is actively promoted in the current consumer market is needed by parents like air. Think about your budget. It is better to buy something after the birth of the baby.

Still, shopaholism takes over women, then pregnant women begin to buy everything they see. There is another sign that works: pregnant women cannot be denied. Dear mothers! Have pity on your loved ones who are going to spend a thousand on you!

Here is a list of some things bought by pregnant women that are not needed at all:

  1. Mittens-scratches. Seems interesting and useful thing. But in fact, you will never put them on your child, because he will take them off. In addition, they are needed only before the first haircut of nails. And if you like to swaddle your baby, then this accessory is clearly not useful to you.
  2. All kinds of creams for diaper rash. It has long been proven that the cream base does not remove redness on children's skin, but, on the contrary, contributes to its further spread. Use ordinary powders, which, by the way, are much cheaper than creams.
  3. Do not buy all kinds of diapers. Which will suit your baby, time will tell. Even from the most expensive diapers on a delicate ass, a rash can appear. It is also very difficult to guess the size of diapers. Did you buy zero? And your baby was born large, and he needs bigger diapers.
  4. Never buy walkers and jumpers. These are very harmful inventions. The surgeon will tell you more about this when he examines your child in a year.
  5. Do not buy clothes for the future. It is possible that you will not get fat, so do not stock up on all kinds of overalls with loose tunics. Clothes for pregnant women are very expensive, and you will wear them for a relatively short time. The same applies to children's things. Babies are growing every month. It makes no sense to buy ten vests and sliders for one month.

Nesting syndrome in pregnant women sometimes works wonders. But set limits for what is permitted, especially when it comes to money. After the birth of the baby, new expenses will begin. Therefore, your savings will not gather dust for a long time in a secluded place.

During the preparation for childbirth, many women awaken a craving for art and needlework. If such pleasant desires have befallen you, by all means take advantage of the moment and create something pleasant for your long-awaited child!

The nesting syndrome in pregnant women is the most pleasant thing in all 9 months. During this period, a woman calms down, gains strength and does things that are pleasant for herself. Try to enjoy this moment after childbirth. After all, this syndrome does not go away immediately, and you will still have time to treat yourself and your baby to amenities.

During pregnancy, some women have a strong desire to make major repairs in the house so that everything is new by the time the baby is born! But it turns out that such a syndrome can also appear in future dads! Letidor offers readers real stories, told by a woman and a man - two views on the "nesting syndrome". A psychologist and an obstetrician-gynecologist comment on the issue.

1. Syndrome through the eyes of a pregnant woman

It happens abruptly! I’m walking down the street, the snow crunches under my feet, it’s getting dark and I would rather get home, but suddenly I see bright pink artificial peonies in the window of a flower shop. Why do I need them?! Yes, you just need to! I'll stick it in the battery, plug it behind the closet, put it in a vase, in the end, or they will show off right at the head of our bed! Rather, I buy this beautiful artificial bouquet and run home! Suddenly, pictures pop up in my head of what and how to urgently rearrange the house, urgently change everything! We have everything wrong and ugly!

I run home, my husband has not returned yet, I cannot wait for him, I begin a major rearrangement! On the wave of inspiration, you don’t notice that there is a big belly of 6-7 kilograms ahead! And finally, the bed in the other corner of the room, the tulle hated before flaunts on my windows, the closet, with difficulty, but also rearranged! My new peonies, I don’t know where to put them, and yet I plug them into the battery, let them be here! I calm down and go to bed in the hope that tomorrow will not cover me! Toward the end of pregnancy, I want to create comfort at home! The soul is torn to IKEA and it is impossible to pass by the "everything for the home" store. On this insanity, great things are accomplished - grandiose rearrangements or even repairs! You go to bed with the thought that everything is set perfectly, and then you wake up with the thought that you need to rearrange everything again! Then suddenly everything passes, the house becomes cozier, warmer and better.

2. Syndrome through the eyes of the future dad

“At first everything was fine with us. They wanted a child for a long time, it didn’t work out, and then - here it is a joy - it will be! We live in our own apartment, but not much money. The whole year was postponed for vacation and now we decided to go, we even bought tickets. In general, in anticipation. Were. One day, Alena calls me from work and says that we just urgently need it, then only words-emotions followed: by all means, today, leave work early, look on the Internet, there is no time to think, if not us, then who will help us and etc. In short, it was about repair. I was stunned, of course, you understand, now rest, then the child will be born soon, well, we are not up to repairs now. And in our apartment, objectively, it’s good and cozy, and “cosmetics” were done two years ago. Normally, everything is shorter. That day she called me three times and finished me off. I thought I would come home, discuss it and ... somehow calm down, she is pregnant, so the roof went off.

I didn’t know what “nesting” was, I never thought at all that this could happen to people, and at the moment when I opened the door to the apartment, I didn’t imagine that everything had gone so far ... in our bedroom there was already partially no wallpaper. From under a pile of paper torn from the walls, arguments rushed: we’ll borrow money, we’ll hand over tickets, we’ll save on food, we won’t buy an expensive stroller, and in general everything can be done on Avito, the main thing is to make repairs.

And one more thing: we don’t need it, the child needs it! I'm saying, did he invent you from the inside? Breeeed is simple. That evening, I honestly admitted to myself that I was not in control of the situation and that I myself could not cope with my wife, whose brains were choked with hormones. Yes, I was weak! The next day, he called his father-in-law and complained, or rather, asked to find convincing arguments for his daughter. He supported me, maybe he also experienced it once, I don’t know, in short, the repairs were postponed until next summer, they went to rest, however, the wallpaper had to be re-pasted, and even before the birth he trained to move cabinets. I'm honestly not ready for this anymore! Here my sister is in her fifth month now, so far it seems quiet with them, but who knows when their pregnant women are covered, right away or at the end, in short, I already warned her husband.

Comments by Olga Sergeevna Plekhanova, Candidate of Medical Sciences, psychologist, psychotherapist of the European Register

In the third trimester of pregnancy (and sometimes before), many women have unexpected new impulses. They clean, throw away and stockpile things, often going berserk.

This hard-to-control need to clean and tidy up during pregnancy, called the "nesting syndrome", according to an international study in 2013, has become entrenched in us during the course of evolution and is genetically determined. Just as birds are programmed to build nests to protect their young, we humans strive to create a safe environment for our offspring.

The "nesting syndrome" has obvious positive practical aspects:

  • The expectant mother really prepares the house for the arrival of the baby. Removes dust, bacteria, unnecessary, old and potentially dangerous items;
  • buys household items necessary for caring for a newborn, prepares a small first-aid kit, first clothes, diapers and diapers;
  • prepares a cozy clean room with comfortable furniture.

In addition, there are positive psychological aspects:

  • the joint organization of the space for the birth of the baby, the discussion of the details of preparing at home further strengthen the bond between the parents, enhance the feeling of family unity and are a kind of preparation for joint care of the child.
  • For many pregnant women, "nesting syndrome" helps to cope with anxiety about the upcoming event. By preparing a protected space, they themselves begin to feel more secure.
  • the desire to put things in order mobilizes a woman and instead of focusing on a possible decrease in working capacity, a feeling of fatigue, the expectant mother, doing housework, is distracted from such manifestations of the third trimester of pregnancy and feels the joy of doing simple and at the same time important things.

Important to remember:

1) Of course, it is good to rid the house of excess dirt before the child arrives, however, make sure you do this safely for you and your baby!

  • Do not use any toxic cleaners, detergents, paints or adhesives!
  • Always wear gloves!
  • Ventilate the room!
  • Don't do anything while standing on the stairs!
  • Do not lift or move anything heavy!
  • Get Helpers!

2) Treat shopping reasonable!

  • Feel free to ask advice from more experienced mothers so as not to buy too many unnecessary things.
  • If you really like the item, give yourself time to consider the purchase.
  • Make a list of things you like and might need, but not right away. Bookmark the online store, print it out, but don't buy it yet. You will still have time to make a decision and quickly place an order, and you will be able to avoid unnecessary expenses, because no matter what they say in the advertisement, this thing may not be suitable for you and your baby personally.

3) take care About Me!

  • Don't overwork. As important as a clean and safe home is, your well-being should not suffer. Make sure you get enough rest.
  • If "nesting syndrome" bothers you, if you're crying because there's a stain on the glass, or because you didn't get to do it as planned, if you don't sleep well thinking about cleaning, be sure to seek help. Turn to relatives and friends, to more experienced mothers, to friends, if their support was not effective enough, be sure to seek help from a psychologist.

4) If you don't have "nesting syndrome" ”?

  • Do not get upset in any way. First, it does not appear in about a third of pregnant women. Secondly, this instinct has a certain dependence on the season. If the third trimester of pregnancy coincides with the spring or summer months, the "nesting syndrome" is more pronounced, if the third trimester occurs in autumn or winter, it is less pronounced. And third, if a woman's occupation allows her to work in the third trimester, "nesting syndrome" is also less common.
  • Think rationally about what the unborn child may need, make your own list based on information that you can read, hear from specialists or experienced mothers, and prepare the necessary minimum. Think about who you can rely on after the baby is born so that someone can help you buy the necessary things. And don't worry! Online stores and pharmacies will still be at your fingertips!

The whole pregnancy flew by like one day, I had no toxicosis, no special fads in nutrition, no edema. The only reminder of my pregnancy was my belly, which had greatly increased in size. But in recent weeks there has been a terrible need to rearrange the furniture in the house, change the curtains and all that, they say this is called nesting syndrome in pregnant women. I never thought this could happen to me. It got to the point of absurdity - my husband comes home from work, and I sit with a roller and covered in paint, exhausted, tired, but satisfied.

Here he is one day and could not stand it. Well, since the repair in the nursery had been completed long ago, and the room was waiting for the baby to appear, he suggested that I make repairs in the kitchen. And so that I would not strain myself once again and not climb to the top, they decided to order a kitchen design in the Diz-Kitchen.Ru studio, and entrust the repairs to specialists. I got the honorary role of following all this, like it or not, a little to the right - a little to the left, and nothing more.

At what time does nesting syndrome appear in pregnant women?

Shortly before childbirth, many women begin to feel their approach - the first harbingers. Among which:

  • Dropping of the abdomen. As a rule, this can happen starting at 34 weeks.
  • The appearance of training contractions, they are also called false, or Braxton Hicks contractions.
  • And of course instinct or nesting syndrome.

Nesting syndrome in pregnant women appears in the third trimester, at a period of 32-37 weeks, and is considered one of the first harbingers of an approaching birth.

This syndrome is one of the manifestations of maternal instinct. And this happens not only in humans, even animals, preparing for the appearance of offspring, try to the best way equip your home, whether it be a hole, a hollow or a nest. Apparently this is where the name came from - nesting syndrome.

Unfortunately, many of the things started by the future mother are simply beyond her power to do alone. After all, a pregnant woman is strictly forbidden to lift heavy things, rearrange furniture, breathe dust from peeled plaster and paint fumes. And even more so at the end of pregnancy, because it can lead to irreversible consequences and cause premature birth. Therefore, try to do without fanaticism, and do not refuse help, no one doubts that you can do everything yourself, but now is not the time to be a hero.

How does nesting syndrome manifest in pregnant women

According to statistics, nesting syndrome in pregnant women in one way or another affects from 80 to 90% of all women in an interesting position.

But this does not mean that almost all expectant mothers spend the last weeks of their pregnancy immersed in repairs, glueing wallpaper and peeling off old plaster. There are also milder forms of nesting syndrome in pregnant women, and repair is only one of these options:

Moving. The end of pregnancy is not the best best time for this. However, not a few women, despite their position, in search of more comfortable conditions, decide to take such a step.

Repair. Many mothers, on the eve of an early birth, are trying to equip their lives and make their environment as comfortable as possible. Most often, the repair concerns the children's room, because a new, small family member is given special attention and care, but in our case, it was the kitchen.

Spring-cleaning. This manifestation of the nesting syndrome applies to almost all pregnant women. Almost a third of the stories about the beginning of childbirth begin with the words - I climbed onto the scullery and began to wash the window ...

Shopping. This is not the most striking manifestation of this syndrome, and is often perceived as ordinary shopping. But do not forget that it can become very costly, in addition, buying things for an unborn child also takes a lot of time and effort from a pregnant woman, so be careful.

Now we meet with our supervising doctor once a week, listen to the baby's heart, pass a general urine test, control weight, blood pressure. Conclusion after the last visit: my baby is in no hurry, she is quite comfortable and well in her tummy, so we have a week left, and then we will agree with the baby about our soon meeting. I like coming to the clinic during maternity leave, already being just a future mother being observed at the CIR. There is a reason not only to confirm that my daughter does not need anything, but also to visit colleagues and friends who every week note that we are becoming more and more beautiful, which makes me very happy. Very soon we will change places and will be waiting for guests with my little daughter at home.
In general, when I ended up on maternity leave, I didn’t really understand why such a long rest before giving birth was needed. I was full of energy and seemed to work up to and including 36 weeks. And only now I understand why the decree starts at 30 weeks with a singleton pregnancy. Initially, going to maternity leave from her workplace, the expectant mother enters a period of rest, physical and psychological preparation for childbirth. During this period, the physiological processes in the body of mommy and baby are activated and gain momentum. This requires the pregnant woman to have an even more sparing diet, sleep, as well as stable emotional peace. If you remain able to work and attend work, then it is practically impossible to recreate such conditions.
It's time to bask in the morning in a warm bed, enjoy walks in the fresh air, take classes for pregnant women, and, most importantly, communicate with your baby.
In our case, it was also a great opportunity to equip a small nest for our daughter. Back in August, I began to worry that my husband and I wouldn’t have time for a lot, that the baby was already born, and we didn’t even buy a crib ...
Therefore, going on maternity leave gave us an excellent opportunity to get acquainted with the "nesting syndrome". Many people come across it and even make friends, but this period did not give me much pleasure.

The "nesting syndrome" of pregnant women is nothing more than an exacerbation of maternal instincts. The expectant mother in the last trimester of pregnancy begins to feel an urgent need to prepare her home for the appearance of the baby, to provide the baby with everything necessary. Here there is a desire to urgently make repairs in the entire apartment, buy new furniture and new textiles, carry out a general cleaning, buy a dowry for the long-awaited baby. Someone opens up new talents in embroidery, sewing and creating new culinary masterpieces.
In our family, the serious guardianship of my husband did not give me and my daughter the opportunity to lift, hang, nail, rearrange anything. However, in secret from our dad, I still tried to assemble a bedside table for our princess on my own. Naturally, the attempt did not bring any result, except for scattered screwdrivers and screws, and ended in my tears. My husband, seeing my impulse, even offered to go to furniture assemblers ...
Therefore, in a small repair of our apartment, I began to take part, like a real boss, in a foreman's helmet, with a loudspeaker in my hands and clear instructions where, what and how to put it. Our dad threw himself into the process, buying up furniture stores and spending all his free time adjusting our home. I tried on the role of a decorator, cutting butterflies out of cardboard, gluing them to the wall, ironing children's things and choosing photos for our first album. My husband and I had another tandem, and already now, after a month and a half of the attack of the "nesting syndrome", four eyes of our daughter's new plush friends are looking at us from the crib, and without words they ask only one question: "When?"
What my husband and I are quietly shrugging our hands at...

According to statistics, 80% of pregnant women make repairs - and 8 out of 10 women console themselves with this fact, climbing onto a ladder with paint and a brush or chugging on the mezzanine. They were taken by surprise by a rather complex socio-psychological phenomenon - the “nesting syndrome”.

Causes far and near

There are two reasons why a pregnant woman develops nesting syndrome. Firstly, natural instinct: All animals and birds, preparing a hole (nest, hollow ...) for the appearance of cubs, try by all means to increase the survival rate of offspring. They clean, insulate, soften, - in a word, they do everything possible to make the newborn as comfortable as possible. The same thing happens with a woman at the end of her pregnancy - she looks around her house with her mother's eyes, assessing whether everything she needs is in place? Are there any dangers, problem areas?

Secondly, having received maternity leave, the expectant mother suddenly finds herself alone with a large amount of free (yet ...) time, which is simply impossible to oversleep and rest. Involuntarily, she is looking for where to direct her activity, and then all the unfinished tasks pop up. And they can be very different! And the problems caused by the nesting syndrome can be different ...

Crazy Repair

Repairing or rearranging furniture are the most common signs of nesting syndrome. There is nothing strange in the very desire of home improvement - it's time to allocate a corner for a new family member and equip it. The bad thing is that emotional imbalance does not allow many expectant mothers to deal with it deliberately and systematically.

Problem #1: "I'm so fickle!"

Repainting the walls three times, dragging cupboards around the corners, fifth curtains and a third bedspread... No, no, and no - this crazy activity will not benefit anyone. Relax and make repairs on paper first. Draw, work with computer programs, consult with a designer - remember that first the project, and then the repair or rearrangement.

Problem number 2: "I myself!"

In a fit of enthusiasm, not every woman realizes that lifting weights and a couple of paint and glue are not the most favorable factors for the course of pregnancy. Before you start batting old tiles, evaluate your physical resources and ... invite a team of specialists or friends and relatives for this exciting activity! And go for a walk...


The desire to wash, clean and scrub everything is the most natural thing for expectant mother. Many do this almost to the very attempts and go to the hospital, looking up from the doormat. However, by and large, in this activity you need to include your “pregnant brain” and do it wisely. Think about what is more important: sorting out the buttons to size or washing the curtains in the nursery? Remove the far corners of the closet or sort out your "pre-pregnant" clothes, finding something. What will you need after giving birth? There is very little time left for them!

Problem number 1: “And we are high-rise assemblers, yes!”

Many pregnant women, fascinated by the prospects of super-cleaning, cannot properly calculate their strength. Courageously stepladders climb the stairs to, balancing on the top step, wash the chandelier shades or unhook the cornice from the curtains. Believe me, there are many types of work that are best entrusted to a husband or relatives. Think about the plan, make a list of what you want to do and coordinate it with loved ones. Everyone will be better and calmer.

Problem #2: Toxic Purity

Not all household chemicals are useful for pregnant women. Let's be honest - no household chemicals are useful to them. In order not to take unnecessary risks, figuring out whether it is possible to inhale vapors from a blue (green, yellow) bottle, limit yourself to simple household reagents: soda, mustard, soap and alcohol.

Problem #3: Mild Inconvenience

No matter how much you want to make the house perfectly cozy, look at it through the eyes of a mother of a spitting, pooping, pissing baby. Instead of cleaning carpets, plush bedspreads and curtains, think about how to get rid of all the things that are difficult to wash, wash and get rid of dust.

Shopping till you drop

Try to find a pregnant woman who doesn't like going to baby stores! You really want to spend maternity payments on vests, sliders and rattles ... Of course, now is the time for pleasant purchases, but you should make sure that they do not bring you and your family inconvenience ...

Problem #1: Pregnant shopaholism

The desire to buy everything-everything-everything can be a serious problem for the expectant mother. Babies grow up very fast, there is nowhere to dress them up, by the way - so it is possible that when the child is six months old, you will look in amazement at the piles of unused sliders and bonnets with labels and think about what to do with all this stuff. It is better to make a list of what the newborn will definitely need, and allocate a reasonable amount for purchases “for fun”.

Problem #2: Shopaholism is contagious

Do you think you're the only one who hangs over counters with vests? No, your mother and mother-in-law, your sister, sister-in-law, all your friends, and sometimes colleagues do the same. Show your organizational skills, especially if you yourself do not make purchases out of superstitious precaution. Make a list of what you need to buy and invite your friends to choose a gift for you from this list. Or hint that a children's goods store certificate is a very practical and useful thing: you can use it then. When you really have a need for some things for a child.

Pregnant fads

Sometimes nesting syndrome stimulates pregnant women to exotic labor feats. It can be


Even those pregnant women, whose needlework abilities are limited to sewing on buttons, before giving birth, they begin to sew undershirts, knit booties, hem diapers ...

Remember that even this useful and enjoyable activity cannot be spent all day long; sitting for a long time is not good for you, do not forget about walking or at least a little warm-up!


Some, rejoicing that the nausea of ​​the first trimester is a thing of the distant past, get up to the stove and begin to cook surprisingly complex and unusual dishes: jams from three types of berries, half a meter high soufflé and other creme brulee with caramel crusts ...

As passionate as you are about it, remember that standing for long periods of time will increase the risk of varicose veins. Be careful with raw meat, fish, eggs - the more carefully you follow the rules of hygiene during your culinary exploits, the less likely you are to contract listeriosis or salmonellosis.


Planting, weeding and loosening for many pregnant women suddenly begin to seem the most an exciting activity in life.

Outdoor work will certainly benefit you if you choose the right posture: do not constantly work in a bend or kneel on damp ground. In addition, think about what will happen to the numerous landings when the baby appears? Who will take care of all this? If no one at home wants to spend the summer in the garden, consider organizing a large tidy lawn where you will have picnics in the summer with your baby in your arms.

And remember, dear nest-building birds, the main thing is you and your chicks; a nest is just a nest, it will never be perfect!
