Which moles can be removed and which cannot? The best ways to remove moles Is it possible to remove a mole yourself.

Moles can be seen on the surface of the body and face of each person. What's this? And are they harmful to health?

Moles (nevi) are usually called small benign formations on the skin of a round or oval shape. They often appear darker than the surrounding epidermis. The melanin pigment gives them their color.

Usually, moles do not cause any trouble to their owners, but if they are large or there are a lot of them, others begin to pay attention to them, then this circumstance can even cause psychological disorders.


Moles are divided according to the following parameters:

  • depth of location in the skin;
  • by sight;
  • form;
  • size;
  • coloring;
  • and danger.

In appearance, such neoplasms can be:

  • flat;
  • convex;
  • round or oval with a smooth or rough surface.

vary in color:

  • from light to various shades of brown;
  • blue to blue;
  • from red to purple.

Sizes vary from millimeter to very large. Most moles are harmless, and they never degenerate into cancerous tumors.

However, basaliomas can also be found among them - these are precancerous conditions and malignant melanomas.

Most often on the body or face you can see the following types of nevi:

  1. Flat moles or epidermal, located in the upper layers of the skin. Their color can vary from beige to black. Sizes 1–3 mm.
  2. Border nevi have the same shape and color. They arise from melanocytes in deeper layers, between the epidermis and dermis. The outlines can take on a different shape - round or oval.

    Hair doesn't grow on them. Under the influence of hormones or other adverse factors, they can acquire a slightly convex shape.

  3. Blue moles are a type of epidermal nevi. They acquire this color due to the fact that they are colored in different shades of blue or black pigment, which is produced by melanocytes. They look like dense nodules, 1-3 cm in size.
  4. Vascular moles are convex in appearance and are colored in various shades of red. Such a shade is inherent in them because they have in their structure small vessels of the circulatory system.


Most moles, of course, do not need to be removed if they are located in places where they are not injured and do not spoil the appearance. But sometimes it is desirable or even necessary.

  • for cosmetic reasons;
  • if they are located in the places of hair growth on the face or head and are injured when shaving or combing;
  • when changing their shape or size;
  • when uneven edges or growths appear;
  • if sores, crusts, vesicles or blood smudges appear on the surface;
  • the mole itself or the skin around it began to itch or there was a burning sensation or numbness;
  • the skin on it acquired a glossy sheen;
  • nodularity appeared;
  • you should be concerned if a lot of new nevi appear on the face, it is necessary to identify the cause of the appearance of such neoplasms. It is not aesthetically pleasing and inconvenient, it is better to get rid of them.
  • blue or blue moles are also subject to immediate removal, since, having appeared, they continue to gradually slowly grow, and the percentage of their degeneration into malignant tumors is high.

The chance of rebirth increases with genetic predisposition and with frequent and long exposure to the sun or in solariums.

Any of these signs should be a cause for concern, as it may be the first sign of a malignant process. It is better not to delay and seek the advice of a specialist as soon as possible.


There are no direct contraindications for removal, each such case is considered separately, and besides, different methods of such intervention have their own contraindications.

But, there are some health conditions of patients that may be an obstacle to the implementation of this manipulation.

It is forbidden to remove moles if the patient during the preoperative examination is found to have:

  • suspicion of malignancy of the skin. Surgical intervention can be an impetus to stimulate tumor growth and metastasis. Oncologists should deal with such a patient;
  • inflammatory disease or exacerbation of a chronic;
  • infection;
  • herpes;
  • during menstruation. During this period, the hormonal background is disturbed, and the operation will not give the desired result, blood clotting is also disturbed;
  • any chronic disease in the stage of decompensation;
  • severe cardiovascular pathology;
  • diabetes. With this disease, the healing process slows down.

Restrictions for pregnant women

There are several ways to remove moles, all of them are gentle and safe, but women in pregnancy should not rush into this operation.

Pregnancy causes serious hormonal changes in the body, and any surgical intervention at this time can manifest itself in a completely unexpected way.

Pregnant women should turn to the removal procedure only in the most extreme cases, if some visible change has begun in a birthmark or mole.

For aesthetic reasons, it is not worth dealing with the elimination of a visual defect in such a crucial period of life.

Traditional Methods

Specialists in cosmetology have developed and successfully used several safe methods for removing various neoplasms on the skin in the form of moles, nodules and age spots, including on the face.

All of them are applicable and each has its pros and cons:

  1. surgical method. Doctors have been using this method for a long time. This method has worked well. The operation proceeds quickly, complications are extremely rare, most often due to violation of asepsis rules during manipulation or in the postoperative period.

    The disadvantage is that after the intervention, scars remain at the site of the mole after healing. Subsequently, they have to be excised or removed in another way.

  2. laser way. One of the modern methods With this method, the mole is cut off in layers to the very root, the surrounding tissues are not affected. There are no scars left.

    As practice has shown, it is better to use this method when removing small nevi, after the elimination of large formations, light spots may remain on the skin.

  3. Radio excision. With this method, a device called a radiocoagulator is used. The operation takes little time, patients do not feel pain. The tissues around the mole are not injured.

    The wound does not become infected and heals quickly, leaving no marks on the skin (scars, spots). Experts and patients evaluate it as the most optimal method. The only downside is the high price.

  4. Electrocoagulation. When choosing this method, the neoplasm is affected by a high-frequency electric current. A burn wound remains at the place where the current is applied. After healing, noticeable scars or scars often remain.
  5. Cryodestruction. This procedure is lengthy. The mechanism of action is as follows: a mole, using a special apparatus, is treated with liquid nitrogen. Its upper layers freeze, then they fall off on their own.

    It often happens that such sessions have to be repeated several times, since at one time the desired result may not be obtained. The procedure is stretched over time, so few choose this method.

See the video for the removal of moles on the face with a laser.


Wound care is simple, no special measures are required. You just need to take a few precautions:

  • do not tear off the crust formed on the surface;
  • do not subject to mechanical stress;
  • protect from exposure to ultraviolet rays;
  • do not apply cosmetics to the wound.

It is advisable to follow all the rules until the wound surface is completely healed. It is only permissible to use the antiseptic agent recommended by the clinic doctor.


Traditional medicine for the removal of moles is now used much less frequently. It is noticed that self-treatment is dangerous.

Such neoplasms on the surface of the skin should be treated with extreme caution and should not be touched unnecessarily. If their size or appearance began to change, or they are located where they are constantly injured, it is better not to delay, contact a medical institution.

Only qualified specialists will be able to conduct the necessary examination and choose the right method of removal. Do not use any cauterizing agents on your own!


  1. A pineapple. A good result of clarification gives natural pineapple juice. It is used to wipe moles several times during the day.
  2. Garlic ointment. Garlic take 2-3 cloves, turn into a homogeneous mass. Butter - about one tablespoon, honey - about 50 g.

    Mix everything thoroughly, apply ointment on the mole, close with a patch for 4 hours. After this time, rinse with warm water. Duration of application is at least one month.

  3. cherry pits. Cherry kernels (100 g) should be finely chopped, half a liter of vegetable oil. Combine crushed kernels with oil and insist in a dark place for two weeks.

    Lubricate moles with this mixture for 20 minutes, then rinse with water. The tool is recommended to be used several times daily, approximately one month.

  4. Chalk - 1 part and hemp oil - 4 parts. Connect. Insist. Lubricate moles several times a day, for a month.

Choice of method

It is not safe to make a choice between ways to get rid of moles on your own, this can lead to unexpected consequences.

You definitely need to consult a specialist. What method to remove a particular neoplasm can only be decided by a dermatologist or oncologist.

With the onset of degeneration, doctors choose only the excision of the mole by the surgical method, while also capturing healthy tissues.

If at least a few atypical cells remain, this will soon lead to a relapse of the malignant process, that is, skin cancer.

If there is no suspicion of cancer, specialists choose other, modern and less traumatic methods.

Signs of rebirth

The fact that the process of rebirth is already underway, the patient often does not even know, and meanwhile the tumor has already metastasized.

Most of all, you should be afraid of melanoma, the signs of malignancy of which are not immediately visible.

Obvious signs in which a visit to a medical institution should not be postponed:

  • there was pain;
  • began to disturb the itching;
  • there was a burning sensation.

Disturbing changes:

  • appeared asymmetry with a change in proportions;
  • the edges have become fuzzy;
  • bleeding or fluid discharge;
  • when probing, the heterogeneity of the mole is determined;
  • the appearance of areas of increased pigmentation, or, conversely, depigmentation, on the mole itself or next to it.
  • resizing;
  • constant positive dynamics of changes.

In the video, see which moles are dangerous to health.


The final price is made up of the following:

  • mole size;
  • applied methodology;
  • regional location of the clinic;
  • histological examination;
  • class of equipment used.

The average price in Russia for this procedure starts from 650 rubles.

With different methods, the price is also different:

Removing one element up to one centimeter in size:

  • Electrocoagulation method- 400 rubles.
  • With laser exposure- from 300 to 1000 rubles.
  • Surgical excision- from 1000 rubles.
  • Cryodestruction- 200 - 300 rubles.
  • When using a radio knife- 800 - 3500 rubles.

All of us have moles on our bodies. Big and ugly, or, conversely, small and inconspicuous, they are always with us. The term "mole" in medicine does not exist, it is a congenital or acquired pigmented formation on the skin, which are benign and malignant. More often they are called neurons. Most often, moles are referred to as seborrheic keratosis. In aesthetic medicine mole removal a fairly popular and quite affordable service, on a par with services such as, or electrical stimulation on the device.

Do I need to remove a mole

If the mole interferes, it is removed. Quite a logical statement. And they are removed at home using flour and vinegar or scissors, or any other "folk methods". Which, of course, you can't do! Home removal of neoplasms can lead to negative consequences, therefore, if a problem occurs, it is imperative to contact a specialist. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation or mechanical damage, neurons can turn into melanoma, one of the most dangerous types of malignant tumors, with a high mortality rate.

There are several signs of a "bad" mole:

  1. if she changed color to darker or, conversely, became lighter;
  2. if she got bigger;
  3. if changes begin to appear, for example, cracks or peeling, as well as crusts, etc.;
  4. touching the nevus became painful or itching and burning are drained;
  5. if new formations appear around the main mole;
  6. blood or fluid appears on the surface of the nevus;
  7. heterogeneity of the nevus, the appearance of bumps, spots;
  8. if the hairs on the nevus began to fall out (this is one of the signs of malignancy).
An indication for the removal of a nevus may be:
  1. mechanical or chemical damage;
  2. unaesthetic appearance or huge size;
  3. malignancy (transition of a nevus into a malignant state).
Moles that are in places where they are easily damaged by shaving, scratching or rubbing (face, head, neck) have a high risk of developing into melanoma. Especially if you try to remove hairs from them or try to get rid of them yourself. It should be remembered that if there are a large number of moles on the skin, you should not stay in the sun from 11:00 to 17:00, since at this time solar radiation is especially active. You should also not visit the solarium if the body has a large number of pigmented formations.

Classification of nevi (moles)

The size of the nevi can be:
  1. huge (completely or almost completely covering some part of the body);
  2. large (more than 10 cm);
  3. medium (less than 10 cm);
  4. small (no more than 15mm).
In addition, nevi are divided into epidermal, intradermal and borderline. Epidermal nevi- This is a cluster of melanocyte cells on the upper layer of the skin (epidermis). Intradermal nevi are deeper than the epidermis. Borderline nevi- located on the border of the epidermis and dermis.
According to the totality of parameters (color, location on the skin, shape, etc.), nevi are divided into:
  1. hemangiomas- bluish, pinkish or red nevi, consisting of involuting endothelial cells;
  2. anemic nevus- a light area of ​​the skin where the blood vessels are underdeveloped;
  3. non-vascular- grouped or single plaques with a rough surface, of various shapes and colors (from grayish to black);
  4. nevi of Setton- formations of a benign nature, located in the circle of depigmented epidermis;
  5. nevi of Ota- a single spot or several merging spots that have a dark blue color, such a nevus often forms in the area of ​​​​the cheek, eyelid and upper jaw;
  6. Nevus Ito- looks about the same as the nevus of Ota, but is usually located in the supraclavicular and scapular region;
  7. blue- nevi slightly rising above the epidermis, having a blue or bluish color and a smooth surface;
  8. dysplastic- pigmented moles, 4-12 mm in size, usually indistinct and brownish or brown in color;
  9. Nevus Becker- a hyperpigmented area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin with many hairs (more common in the male half of the population).
Dermato-oncologists classify moles into melanoma-dangerous (which can later turn into a cancerous tumor) and melanoma-dangerous (which do not threaten health).

In addition to moles, there are also warts and papillomas. Some confuse them (and given the variety of types of moles, this is not surprising) and believe that they are one and the same, but this is fundamentally wrong.

A mole is a pigmented area of ​​the skin. Papilloma is a manifestation of the human papillomavirus. There are more than a hundred varieties of HPV, some of which are transmitted not only through sexual contact, but also through contact with an HPV carrier. According to statistics, more than 60% of people are carriers of HPV. A wart is a type of papilloma, mostly harmless, but rather unaesthetic in appearance. Usually, not only a specialist, but also an ordinary person can distinguish a wart from a nevus. Despite the availability of wart removal products in pharmacies, it is still better to visit a doctor, because an incompletely removed wart can behave completely unpredictably. With self-removal, the likelihood of inflammation or development of skin cancer is too great to risk.

Before getting rid of the nevus, you should also consult a doctor and do a histological examination of the neoplasm. You should not contact beauty parlors, this is associated with a great risk, since cosmetologists have neither knowledge of skin oncology nor experience in diagnostics. It is best to contact a mole removal center that exists in any major city.

What to do if accidental damage to the nevus occurs

If an accidental injury to the nevus occurs, first of all, it is necessary to moisten the cotton wool with hydrogen peroxide and stop the bleeding, and then consult a doctor. When the mole is completely torn off, it should be saved and shown to specialists so that they can conduct a study to detect cancer cells in the nevus.

Signs that the injured nevus was malignant:

  1. a mole or the place where it was, itches, hurts or burns;
  2. the skin around the mole is inflamed;
  3. hairs from the damaged nevus began to fall out;
  4. nodules appear in place of the nevus;
  5. the spot begins to increase in diameter;
  6. the skin where the mole was located changed shade;
  7. bleeding in the nevus area does not stop or resumes.

How is the procedure for removing tumors

First, the impact site is treated with an antiseptic (rubbing alcohol, etc.). Next, a local anesthetic (lidocaine) is used. Then, depending on the method of removing the mole, it is either cut out with a scalpel or laser, cauterized with electric waves or liquid nitrogen. Then the place of removal of the mole is treated with ointment or potassium permanganate. If a surgical method was used, then sutures are applied. After a certain time from 7 to 20 days, everything heals and new skin is formed.

What mole removal procedures exist in modern medicine

After conducting a study of education, you need to choose which way to eliminate the nevus. At the moment, medicine provides the following methods for removing moles:
  1. surgical removal of a mole;
  2. removing moles with nitrogen cryodestruction);
  3. mole removal electrocoagulation;
  4. laser mole removal laser therapy;
  5. radio wave excision- getting rid of neoplasms with the help of high-frequency waves.
Let us consider in more detail the advantages and disadvantages of the above methods.

Surgical removal

It is one of the most reliable methods for removing neoplasms on the skin. The surgeon cuts off the mole with a scalpel at the level of the skin or slightly deeper and cauterizes the wound. Then an antibiotic and bandage is applied. Or the surgeon removes the mole and its surrounding surface. The size of the area to be removed depends on the surgeon's opinion of the possibility of cancer. After cutting out a large area, sutures are applied. After some time, the doctor will remove the stitches on the surface of the skin.

  1. subject to precise technology - no likelihood of relapse;
  2. cutting occurs with partial removal of the surrounding skin, which also prevents the risk of re-growth;
  3. it is possible to analyze the material remaining after removal for histology;
  4. acceptable price of the procedure;
  5. there are practically no contraindications.
  1. scar after mole removal;
  2. long period of healing and recovery.


This method is mainly used for small formations. Removal of moles of papillomas is also carried out using this method. This procedure is suitable for the removal of moles in prominent places.

With the help of an applicator, liquid nitrogen is applied to the neoplasm, while it thickens and turns white. Then a bubble appears at the site of cauterization, which subsequently decreases and turns into a crust. In 14 days, the crust falls off in place of the mole, pink skin remains.

  1. 100% painless;
  2. scars and scars do not remain on the skin;
  3. inexpensive;
  4. quick removal;
  5. minimal risk of infection.
  1. it is difficult to predict the distribution area of ​​liquid nitrogen and there is a possibility of damage to healthy tissues by cold;
  2. for the same reason (unpredictability of the spread of liquid nitrogen), the nevus may not be completely removed, which means that repeated removal will be required;
  3. the inability to conduct a histological examination of the removed material, which increases the risk of not learning about melanoma or skin cancer in time.
The disadvantages of cryodestruction are quite significant, so before removing this method, you should carefully weigh the pros and cons.

Removal with an electrocoagulator

Electrocoagulation successfully fights against interfering moles, HPV, warts complicated by acne and many more ailments. When removing moles with an electrocoagulator, the doctor selects the power of the device, which, using a loop-tip, acts on the mole with an electric current. This method takes about 20 minutes, sometimes less, depending on the diameter of the nevus.

  1. lack of blood and the risk of infection;
  2. painlessness (inject local anesthetic);
  3. the ability to give the material remaining from the removal for histological analysis;
  4. the ability to control the depth of removal of the epidermis and dermis.
  1. a crust forms at the site of removal, which disappears after a week or less, but may leave a white speck (therefore, the procedure is not always suitable for particularly noticeable places).

Laser therapy

Laser therapy is excellent for removing small neoplasms. Now, laser therapy is recognized as the most popular and effective method for removing moles on the face. The essence of the procedure, as with the surgical method, is the complete elimination of the mole. In order to remove a mole without damaging the skin around, a beam with a certain wavelength is selected. The action of the beam is directed exclusively at the melanin contained in moles and birthmarks.

  1. painlessness of the procedure;
  2. no chance of relapse;
  3. high accuracy of beam directionality, which helps to avoid damage to adjacent skin areas;
  4. the operation lasts several minutes;
  5. due to the stimulation of cells with a laser, healing occurs in the shortest possible time;
  6. the ability to eliminate several nevi in ​​one session;
  7. no bleeding;
  8. no special care is required after the operation;
  9. a short rehabilitation period, during which you can play sports and swim, you just need to avoid direct sunlight on the operated area.
  1. the inability to send the removed material for histological examination. Therefore, the decision to remove a mole with a laser is made only when it is confirmed that the mole is non-cancerous.

radio wave excision

It is carried out using a special apparatus that reproduces high-frequency radio waves. It can be used to remove formations of any size and in any quantity. This method includes the same advantages as laser therapy, but in addition it allows you to take material for histological examination. It can rightfully be recognized as the safest and most effective way to remove moles in modern medicine.

Contraindications for removal of moles

Removal of moles is prohibited if the patient has an exacerbation of a chronic disease, diseases of the cardiovascular system, or the operated part of the skin looks unhealthy. In addition, there are contraindications for certain methods of removing a nevus. For example, surgical removal will not be performed if the patient has:
  1. herpes;
Removal with liquid nitrogen is also prohibited for the above problems, as well as for the detection of malignancy of a mole or individual intolerance to cold in a patient.

Contraindications for laser removal:

  1. photodermatosis (allergic reaction to solar ultraviolet);
  2. suspicion of malignancy;
  3. activation of herpes;
  4. pregnancy;
  5. menstruation on the day of removal;
  6. change in body temperature (even slight);
  7. infectious or inflammatory disease.
radio wave removal moles are excluded if:
  1. have herpes;
  2. malignancy of the skin occurs;
  3. the patient is pregnant or breastfeeding;
  4. the presence of a pacemaker in the patient;
  5. diabetes;
  6. pulmonary heart failure at the stage of decompensation.

Consequences of removing moles

Often there are no adverse effects of mole removal. Any mole removal oncology center will take care of their patient (and their reputation) and the nevus will be removed without any problems. In part, the consequences depend on the human body itself and its age. If the procedure for removing a nevus included subsequent care for it, then you should definitely follow the doctor's recommendations on this matter. Improper care of the mole during the recovery period can affect the future. The treatment and healing time of a mole depend mainly on the method of removal. If a crust has formed at the site of the mole, in no case should it be torn off, as this will slow down the healing process and create the possibility of infection in the body.

Most often, after removing the neoplasm, you can not take a bath, go to the bath or sauna, swim in the pool. Do not apply decorative cosmetics to the place where the nevus was. You can use sunscreen, but only with the permission of a doctor and if necessary.

The trace of a removed mole should be protected from the sun until the skin there acquires the same color as the adjacent area.

If scars remain after the procedure, you can consult a doctor about scar healing products. You can also try to lubricate this place with cocoa butter, which promotes accelerated regeneration and healing. If the mole was not removed for aesthetic reasons, it is advisable to regularly inspect the remaining moles for changes and monitor the appearance of new nevi.

mole removal cost

The price of mole removal depends, first of all, on the chosen method of removal. The second important factor is the size of the operated nevus.

Naturally, the prices for the same procedure will vary, depending on the chosen clinic. Below are the approximate prices for the removal of moles.

  1. Laser removal of a nevus up to 1 cm in diameter - from 1300 rubles
  2. Laser removal of a nevus larger than 1 cm - from 2300 rubles
  3. Laser removal of small multiple rashes (up to 5 pieces) - from 2800 rubles
  4. Laser removal of small multiple rashes (from 5 to 10 pieces) - from 3400 rubles
  5. Laser removal of small multiple rashes (more than 10 pieces) - from 4500 rubles
  6. The price for removing a mole with liquid nitrogen ranges from 300 to 2000 rubles
  7. Removal of a neoplasm by electrocoagulation costs from 2000 rubles
  8. Surgical removal of a nevus up to 0.5 cm costs from 1,500 to 3,000 rubles
  9. Surgical removal of a nevus larger than 0.5 cm costs, respectively, from 3,000 to 5,000-6,000 rubles
In addition to the cost of the procedure itself, it is worth considering the cost of a doctor's consultation and the cost of preliminary studies and analyzes, which, in general, will amount to at least 1,500 rubles.

If you find yourself with a large number of incomprehensible neoplasms or modifications, you should immediately consult a doctor. Any skin formation can cause skin cancer, so do not brush aside any discomfort associated with nevi. The sooner the problem is revealed, the easier it will be to solve it, so do not neglect your health and do not spare time for it.

The above pros and cons of each removal method will help you decide which one is right for a particular person. But do not forget that they all have contraindications, and only a qualified specialist can approve a particular method after the examination. It is worth recalling once again that it is worth taking any actions and measures in relation to moles only in special oncological centers for mole removal, and not in beauty parlors. Take care of yourself, value your health, and your body will repay you in kind.

For one person, a mole is an element of individuality and difference, while for another it brings discomfort and problems. Can moles be removed to get rid of this problem? What are the conditions for removal? These are far from all the questions that arise before making an important decision that need to be answered.

The expediency of removing moles lies in the clear or possible threat from its presence on the skin.

Is it dangerous to remove moles?

Going to a beautician is the first thought that many women have when it comes to removing nevi. This service is provided by beauty salons, but you cannot trust them in this matter. The question of the need to eliminate the disturbing nevus is decided on the basis of a medical clinic. Experts identify 2 indications for the removal procedure:

  • Medical. The mole is in a traumatic place (it rubs and touches clothes), the color or contours have changed.
  • Aesthetic. The location looks ugly on the outside, a person wants to improve the appearance.

Removing moles is not safe. But if the need arises, do not resolve the issue on your own, it is better to contact medical staff with the necessary knowledge and skills.

Before removing a mole, it is worth understanding whether it is dangerous or not. To do this, its histological study is carried out, which helps to determine the benignity or malignancy of the neoplasm. It is important to know that if the procedure is unsuccessful, malignancy of skin cells can occur.

Signs of dangerous moles

The emergence of new neoplasms on the body should not be feared, this is normal. But the potential danger emanating from them must be controlled. The usual pigment spot is a benign formation. It becomes dangerous in case of degeneration into malignant. At an early stage of transformation, it is difficult to see the difference, so it is important to carefully monitor the appearance of your pigment formations.

The signs that signal a violation are described in the table:

Violation Criteria
signa brief description of
Rapid (sudden) growthThe increase in education parallel to the growth of a person is natural. All deviations are pathological
color changeAny change to a dark or light shade is a signal of pathological changes
Density changeThe place of compaction plays an important role. The most dangerous is the seal in the center of education
Building damagePeeling, cracks.
BleedingStopped with hydrogen peroxide and cotton wool. For safety, this place is protected with a bandage. But you need to seek medical advice immediately.
InflammationInflammatory process around the formation

Pros and cons

The opinion of doctors is unequivocal: all formations that cause suspicion must be removed. The decision to carry out the removal procedure is made only by a specialist; it is not recommended to get rid of pigmented formations on your own. The opinion that after removal there are complications is incorrect. It is enough to follow the advice of doctors, not to deviate from the usual rules of hygiene, and there will be no complications:

  • handle the operation site;
  • do not wet the place for 5 days;
  • do not break the crust;
  • keep away from ultraviolet rays.

There is a variety of moles that are removed for preventive purposes.

Is it possible for nursing mothers and pregnant women to remove a mole?

Eliminate nevi for women “in position” or during lactation only with a clear threat to health.

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes global changes. If at this time the expectant mother noticed a growing old mole, the main thing is not to worry. As a rule, this is normal and does not bring negative consequences. But you need to consult a doctor, and only if the specialist confirms the precancerous condition of the cells, the nevus will have to be removed. True, it is removed after childbirth. Only in the most hopeless case, the doctor recommends getting rid of the pigment formation immediately.

As for the solution of an aesthetic reason during pregnancy or breastfeeding, doctors do not recommend doing this. It is strictly forbidden for a nursing or expectant mother to resolve the issue of removal on their own. If the mole is on the chest and interferes with breastfeeding, resolve the issue only with a dermatologist.

What moles can be removed?

The fact that a “calm” neoplasm does not grow, has a clear color and boundaries, has already been found out. Now let's figure out what moles can be removed. First of all, you need to pay attention to convex nevi. They are subject to excision, especially if they are in a traumatic place. Unsuccessful disruption of education is dangerous by transformation into malignant cells.

The following group includes moles to be removed:

  • formations growing on the head are injured when combing the hair;
  • nevi located on the face (on the lip), which aesthetically look ugly.
  • amenable to removal of formations that grow under the armpits, in the intimate area (there is a high probability of injury when shaving);
  • nevi located on the neck, in the décolleté area, can also be removed so as not to injure them with jewelry;
  • all moles that change in color grow rapidly and lose their symmetry of the edges.

Is it possible to remove moles - this is a question of interest to many people. The answer to it lies in the level of discomfort, and the symptoms that the nevus gives. A mole is a congenital or benign pigment spot on any part of the skin. With a combination of adverse factors (trauma, high insolation), a cancerous change is possible. Such formations are subject to removal with subsequent histology.

The destruction of skin formations always pursues a dual goal: overcoming a cosmetic defect and preventing the degeneration of a mole into skin cancer. Experts assure that moles can and should be removed when they are located on the face, neck, shoulders, back, on areas of the body that are exposed to frequent ultraviolet radiation, artificial tanning (hands, lips). On the scalp, formations that are regularly injured with a comb, tweezers when plucking eyebrows, and a tool for curling eyelashes are subject to removal if the mole is on the eyelid. In men, you can consider the removal of nevi, which can be cut, damaged by shaving.

It is necessary to get rid of nevi:

  • exposed to friction straps, fasteners, straps of clothing, jewelry;
  • on which the weight of the body presses or rubs the shoes (with a foot arrangement).

Removal is possible without obvious indications if the formation causes a cosmetic defect.

Nevuses that are rapidly increasing in size should be alerted - by more than two millimeters per year. It is worth paying attention, the spots grow with age as the body grows. Unchanged large (more than 6 mm) brightly pigmented moles are subject to prophylactic removal. It would be useful to see a doctor if the formation of the skin decreases in size, disappears on its own. In the latter condition, the differential diagnosis of a nevus with papilloma is important, which normally tends to dry out and move away from the skin.

The appearance on the area of ​​formation of blotches of red, black, without pigmented areas should alert, especially if the formation has lost its clear boundaries, has become asymmetric.

You can not ignore the redness of the skin around the formation, if there was no case of injury or increased insolation. Swelling, hyperemia often signal a cancerous degeneration. Signs are peeling, cracks, glossy surface, spot bleeding, suppuration.

It is necessary to contact a dermatologist-oncologist if the mole has:

  • tingling;
  • burning;
  • pain;
  • hair fell out.

What moles can not be removed

It is not necessary not to touch the spots that do not bring discomfort, do not interfere, are not injured and do not increase.

It is impossible to remove those moles that do not cause any suspicion in the patient and the doctor about their poor quality, without a histological examination of the material. It is not recommended to remove nevi by cosmetologists in beauty parlors, especially without a preliminary examination by an oncologist.

Postpone deletion:

  • during menstruation;
  • pregnant women;
  • with lactation;
  • during the period of exacerbation of chronic (infectious) diseases;
  • with burns (including solar);
  • with active herpes.

It must be understood that an exception is possible from each position. If a suspiciously altered birthmark is found in a nursing woman, it should be removed without waiting for the completion of breastfeeding.

Moles are not removed at home by cutting, pulling with a thread, tearing off the skin.

Removal Methods

Removal of stains occurs after examination and qualified diagnosis (using epiluminescent microscopy). The nevus is covered with a small amount of vegetable oil to create a luminescence effect. A dermatoscope is brought closer to the focus of the study. The method does not damage the formation and shows its structure.

Laser removal

Applied and effective method of removal. The benefits include:

  • verified depth of impact;
  • small area of ​​damage;
  • preservation of nearby tissues.

The crust, due to intervention, protects the wound from the introduction of infectious agents and the formation of a scar. After the destruction of small formations, no traces remain; with large-scale formations, a fragment of depigmentation is rarely observed.


Supercold liquid nitrogen can be used to remove flat moles that do not protrude above the skin level. As a result of low temperatures, the nevus shrinks, a scab forms over it, which protects the wound from infection. Soon, normal tissue forms under it.


With the help of a radioknife, benign and malignant formations are removed without contact. Surgitron dissects tissues, at the same time stopping bleeding, providing a disinfectant effect. After the operation, radio waves do not form scars, scars.

Surgical method

The traditional method for the destruction of a deep or large-scale nevus. The main disadvantage is the trace after the operation, since the mole has to be cut out together with a wide skin fragment. If the intervention is performed according to oncological indications, the diameter of the excised surface reaches three to five centimeters, depending on the area where the growth is located.

Precautionary measures

When excising nevi, an examination by a dermatologist-oncologist, testing, and postoperative examination of the material are mandatory. Removal of spots with a laser is contraindicated in cases of suspected oncological nature of the formation. The standard surgical method is used.

Without an examination and permission from a doctor, it is forbidden to use home remedies in the treatment. It is unacceptable to remove stains with super cleaner, vinegar, hydrogen peroxide.

Means that are not used without the consent of the doctor:

  • laundry soap;
  • a liquid nitrogen;
  • Castor oil.

They will not have the proper effect on an extensive deep nevus, especially already malignant or in a transitional state. A chemical burn can cause dermatitis, which makes it difficult to assess and treat the pigmented spot.

It is not recommended to independently evaluate the nature of education and prescribe treatment at home. There are cases when a formation, taken for a simple wart and removed with the help of traditional medicine, turned out to be achromatic melanoma. As a result, the patient was admitted to the oncology center for treatment with metastases to regional lymph nodes or internal organs.

In the absence of medical indications, the decision to destroy the formation is made exclusively by the patient. It must be remembered that the removal of nevi acts as a preventive measure that prevents the development of skin cancer. For primary diagnosis, you can contact the regional ATC (dermal and venereal dispensary) or the clinic to the oncologist-surgeon. It is possible to draw up a so-called map of moles with an annual assessment of changes in each of them.

In some cases, the presence of a mole can be much more dangerous than the procedure to remove it. Despite the fact that the nature of the origin of such nevi can be benign, with the appearance of provoking factors, it can easily degenerate into melanoma.

But of course, it cannot be argued that absolutely all formations on the body must certainly be removed, even if they are very large. You need to get rid of only those that are potentially dangerous:

  1. First of all, you need to remove large moles, especially if they are subject to frequent injury.
  2. Periodically, formations bother you, hurt, itch, and so on.

Many people worry about the fact that the operation is a kind of push for new moles to appear on the body, but in reality this is not the case.

What is really dangerous is trying to remove nevi yourself at home. A person without special education simply cannot do it correctly and without consequences.

Preparing for the operation

If a large mole is removed only for aesthetic reasons, then as a rule, no special preparation is required for this. Initially, the doctor will examine what the formation looks like, assess its condition, and only after that decide which method for removal can be used.

If the nevus is removed because there are suspicions of its malignancy, then the preparation for the procedure will be slightly different, and before removing the formation, the necessary tests will be taken and other studies will be carried out.

It is difficult to talk about which tests to take, because everything depends on the individual patient. As a rule, the following diagnostic methods are required:

  1. Blood is taken for a general analysis.
  2. Blood clotting is checked.

If anesthesia is required for the procedure, then you will first need to conduct a test for a drug reaction, thanks to which it will be possible to avoid the appearance of allergies.

How to remove a large mole?

How to get rid of a large mole on the body is decided solely by the doctor. To date, there are a large number of different methods, each of them has both its indications and contraindications. So, here are some common methods used for treatment:

  1. Laser exposure. This method is considered the most efficient and fastest. In order to get rid of a large nevus, several treatment sessions may be required. Healthy skin remains completely untouched, bleeding does not occur, as the vessels will be sealed during the treatment. A few months after such treatment, a barely noticeable speck remains on the skin.
  2. Cryodestruction is actually not a very popular method, but nevertheless it is still used. After such treatment, a scar may remain on the body. The recovery period takes a long time.
  3. Surgical excision. Can large moles be removed with a scalpel? This is perhaps the only method by which large formations localized deep in the skin can be excised. Since after such an operation a scar remains, the operation is performed only on those areas of the skin that are hidden under clothing.
  4. Electrocoagulation - with the help of a high-frequency current, they act directly on the formations. The scar after the procedure remains in extreme cases.

It is impossible to remove large moles at home. Many, of course, carry out such treatment and perhaps it gives a visible result, but the consequences in the end can be much worse.

Removal technique

As mentioned above, only a doctor should deal with treatment, there can be no talk of any self-treatment. Self-treatment can lead to the fact that the nevus will begin to degenerate into melanoma.

Any procedure that is listed above must be carried out under local anesthesia - either an external gel with an anesthetic effect or any anesthetic is used. As for large moles on the face, they are most often removed with a laser, as this is the only way that does not leave a scar. The duration of the procedure is only a few minutes.

If the mole is very large, then you can get rid of it exclusively by the surgical method. An operation is performed using local anesthesia, and then the doctor sends all the removed tissues for a histological examination, in which the nature of the origin of the nevus can be revealed. At the time of the operation, not only the nevus is removed, but also a small part of the healthy tissue, this will avoid the recurrence of the spot in the future. A suture is subsequently applied to the affected area, which will be removed in about seven to ten days.

Removal of education with a histological examination is a mandatory measure, especially if oncology is suspected. However, in order for the tissue to be sent for this study, it must not be damaged.

How to remove large moles video

Contraindications for removal

There are certain points in the presence of which in no case should removal be carried out and include the following:

  1. Women who are currently on their period.
  2. In the place where the formation is localized, infectious diseases develop.
  3. The patient has diseases in which blood clotting is impaired.
  4. Have severe heart disease.

It is impossible to remove small children without a complete examination. Many doctors recommend waiting until the baby grows up a little and only after that you can engage in treatment.


The consequences after treatment depend primarily on the characteristics of education, as well as on the professionalism of the attending physician. In addition, the individual characteristics of the patient, the state of his immunity, the presence of diseases, and so on are taken into account.

Equally important is the extent to which the care of the affected area is carried out correctly. If you follow all the recommendations of your doctor, then the rehabilitation process will pass quickly enough and without any consequences.

And yet, sometimes the consequences after the removal of a large mole can be and include the following:

  1. The larger the nevus, the longer the wound will heal. Improper care of the wound will lead to the fact that the tissues will begin to become inflamed, as a result, an ugly scar will remain on the skin. However, if the care is carried out correctly, then complications are extremely rare.
  2. The crust formed after removal is quite normal, thanks to which the wound will be protected from microbes. In no case should you try to tear it off yourself, the time will come, and it will fall off on its own. If you tear it off, bleeding starts, an infection gets in, an inflammatory process begins to develop. In this case, it is simply impossible to avoid the appearance of a scar.
  3. If the nevus was removed using the surgical method, then the remaining scar is normal. Moreover, the larger the size of the nevus, the larger the scar will remain.

In some cases, the scar may remain only because the patient neglected the rules of wound care. There are other symptoms that may be present during the rehabilitation period:

  1. After removing a mole, a red spot may remain on the skin - this is the first sign that healing is taking place. After some time, the redness will pass on its own, after which a barely noticeable mark should remain on the skin. However, if the reddened place is accompanied by pain, then this is the first sign that an inflammatory process is developing.
  2. Pain present after removal is the norm, but only if a surgical method has been used. However, swelling and pain of a throbbing nature is not normal, if such symptoms occur, you should immediately visit a doctor.

A small seal may remain in the place where the mole was localized, in principle, this is a normal process that will pass on its own after some time.

rehabilitation period

Thanks to the observance of simple rules during the rehabilitation period, many unpleasant complications can be avoided. In order to understand what can and cannot be done during this period, you can consider the frequent questions of patients.

How does a mole heal?

With surgical removal, the longest rehabilitation period is observed. Initially, there is pain and redness. After some time, the blood clots are resorbed, the wound self-cleansing. As a result, a scar is formed.

The duration of healing will depend on the depth and size of the wound, as well as how strong the patient's immunity is.

What can not be done after removal?

After you have removed the mole, you will have to slightly change your usual lifestyle, because there are certain points that you need to adhere to:

  1. Protect the damaged area from sun exposure.
  2. You can't swim.
  3. Do not scratch or injure the injury site.
  4. Do not use any cosmetics in this place.

By following these simple rules, complications can be avoided.

Can I take alcohol?

The ban on alcohol can actually be and is due to the following factors:

  1. If the doctor has prescribed antibiotics for you, then drinking alcohol is strictly prohibited.
  2. There are some types of anesthesia that simply do not combine with alcohol.
  3. Many drinks can slow down the recovery process.

In addition, alcohol can cause accidental damage to the seam.

Do large moles need to be removed? If you want to get an answer to this question, you must definitely visit a medical institution and undergo an examination. With timely removal, you can quickly forget about the problem.
