What is karma? How to know the karma of a person? What is human karma? The law of karma and karmic connection What is called karma.

Karma is your soul's desire to achieve balance in life experience. You should not perceive karma as some kind of punishment for the known or secret actions of your current or past life. "Up there" there is no divine being who can watch over you, recording your current score. Karma is independent and independent. Each soul grows and develops, living its life in a new way, considering it from the position of its next incarnation.

How can karma affect your current life?

The main reason why we continue to appear on Earth in more and more incarnations immediately after death is that when we find ourselves in a world full of trials prepared for us by fate, we do not understand that we are the creators of our reality.

Karma is not created to deprive us of strength and opportunities. Karma is meant to be our guiding light. Every time we face a problem, we appeal to our own karma, but we do not notice it and do not understand all the power and strength that it can give us.

How can we work with karmic energy?

Karmic patterns are meant to let you know that you have deviated from your core, divine and soul essence. Whenever you face major challenges in life or cannot get off the ground, examine your karmic patterns by allowing the knowledge of your soul essence to fill your mind. You can gain this knowledge using past life regression or any other healing technique more familiar to you. After that, you will be able to find balance with your true essence. Karma is designed to give you that life-giving force that will help you understand your problems, heal them and continue your spiritual growth, allowing your divine essence to fill every moment of your daily life.

By what signs can one determine the presence of a karmic connection with other people? What should be done to detect these signs?

The paths of our souls always pass side by side, passing through many incarnations. Feelings of instant love, amazing devotion, or sudden dislike are sure signs that you have met the owner of a soul that you loved deeply or hated fiercely in your past life.

Why are we inextricably entangled in karmic bonds? What role do they play in our life?

Before moving on to our new incarnation, we independently plan what problems and questions we want to face. In addition, we choose souls who can help us to understand the essence of the problem more deeply or give us the strength necessary to solve them.

It turns out that we are forever united with the souls with whom we have karmic connections? In other words, will we meet the same souls in each new life, or are they only called to help us solve our problems?

In order to more accurately answer this question, let me tell you about my understanding of fate and free will.

I perceive fate as a set of topics and lessons that we ourselves prepare for ourselves before plunging into the world of a new reincarnation. We are creating a set of challenges that will allow us to achieve mastery and move to the next level. Such life lessons are aimed at self-development. Such lessons have no specific goals, except for our personal growth and mastery, which will expand our ability to create a new reality for ourselves. That is why, even the process of creating our own destiny, is entirely based on free will.

After we dive into the world of our new reincarnation, we continue to exercise free will. We get the opportunity to use any method available to us to work with a set of pre-selected topics and problems. Some of us show amazing zeal in this process, passionately following the light at the end of the tunnel, choosing for ourselves a path full of challenges. Others prefer not to get involved in the trials of a new life, refusing any competition because of the fears that prevent us from moving on.

Even before being born on Earth, we can choose the people who will meet on our new life path, however, the free will inherent in each of us forces us to choose completely different life paths. That is why our original plan is undergoing a serious adjustment. Plunging into our dreams, we constantly communicate with our higher essence, our guardians, angels and the souls of other people, constantly changing the course of our lives in order to receive as much knowledge as possible that is provided to us in this world.

If karmic connections can have a negative impact on our current life, then how can we break this vicious circle and avoid repeating negative situations in the next life?

We can do this by fully learning the lesson of life, by forgiving such souls and generously letting them go. If you try to simply run away from the problem without knowing forgiveness and generosity, then another soul will appear in your life who will try to teach you a similar lesson. Sooner or later, we will be able to learn about the existence of a karmic pattern that needs to be resolved. We can dedicate ourselves to resolving this pattern and rebalancing with our true selves.

Finally, do you have a specific technique that you can recommend to our readers for dealing with their negative karmic connections?

Below are a few steps you can follow:

  1. Try to perceive karma as a real possibility that will allow you to achieve balance with your natural, divine and true essence.
  2. Examine your karmic pattern. Understanding the problem is the first step towards solving it.
  3. Open your notebook and write down the answer to the following question: What information about this problem do I find clear and unambiguous? Your beliefs are your own understanding of the reality in which you live several incarnations. Your beliefs allow you to create and perfect this reality.
  4. Use the past life regression technique. You can use one of my step by step instructions, which you can find on the site or contact me to arrange a personal meeting. Regression will allow you to get deeper and more complete understanding of the essence of the problem and find ways to heal such negative karmic patterns.
  5. Open your list of beliefs and create a new list full of positive and encouraging messages about the issue. Try to strengthen your beliefs by all means possible, putting them into your actions, thoughts and words.
  6. Constantly remind yourself of the following - you create every piece of your reality. Only you have the power to achieve a happy, fun, and fulfilling life.

Upload your free gift for meditation at www.mirakelley.com/gift.

Mira Kelly is a world-renowned past life diver and author of the best-selling book Beyond Past Lives and the critically acclaimed CD recordings Healing Through Past Life Regression and Beyond. She teaches seminars, one-on-one sessions, and meetings around the world on healing and the possibilities that come with past life immersion. Stories from Mira's workshops are included in Wishes Fulfilled by Dyer Wayne and Miracles Happen by Brian L. Weiss; they are also featured on Oprah.com. Learn more about Mira and how to contact her at www.mirakelley.com.

Greetings, Oksana Manoilo is with you and the topic of karma - what is it in simple words.

"Karma" each of us heard at least once in his life. It is found in many religions of the world. But few people think about what it is, what kind of karma is and why this karma is given to us. Let's try to figure it out in the article below.

What does the concept of karma mean in life

Our actions in the past and present entail certain consequences that affect the course of events in.

However, not only actions affect our lives, but also our emotional state. And also what we think about. Nothing goes unnoticed. "Like attracts like."

That is, karma is the universal and absolute law of the Universe, according to which everything has its cause and effect.

Deeds, actions tend to accumulate on the rise and influence the future incarnations of a person (next lives).

Take a look at what surrounds you. If you are constantly haunted by problems, illnesses, failures, and other troubles, then in past lives you sinned, harmed others. And in the current one - you are responsible for this, work out what you did earlier. Simply put, karma is the result of past actions.

Can karma be changed?

Trying to change our karma for the better, we evolve, develop. We step higher on the steps of our spiritual development.

Themis is a symbolic image of the law of Karma.- the ancient Greek Goddess of law, law, order. Blindfolded, she holds a sword in one hand and a scale in the other. The law, like Themis, is blind. Has no feelings, no heart. You can't pity him.

Karma what is it in simple words? We ourselves create our karma every day, every second, no matter what we do, whatever we do. Whether we sleep, breathe, have fun, work on ourselves or be inactive, lazy. The quality of EVERYTHING that we do depends on whether it is good or bad.

How is Karma created?

Each of us is initially given free will. That is, we are free to do as we see fit. But in addition to the well-known laws of the physical world, there are also spiritual ones. They are obscure, for some even unknown. This is where the human will is revealed: to do it or not.

And it is the lack of knowledge and understanding of spiritual laws that is the cause of human suffering. With each of our actions, thoughts, desires, we change our attitude towards, and Her - towards us.

Where does karma start?

What is karma in simple words? Therefore, Karma begins with a person's thoughts. This is what I focus on in my studies.

With ours, we either lighten it or make it heavier. Scientifically proven fact that thoughts are material. It is they, as well as motives and intentions, that create Karma. And already actions and deeds are secondary.

If a person is very attached to the material, earthly. Or he does good deeds for his own benefit - this slows down his spiritual development and aggravates Karma. Certainly, financial situation, social status, career, play a big role in our life. But you don't have to focus on just that. After all, there are things much more important and weightier than the material world. For example, soul.

Double 666 can hit right away, or hang over a person in the head area for years, and then “fall”.

Each double from the curser is consciously or unconsciously programmed by him for a certain type of action in relation to another person, depending on the situation. Such strong household negativity can lead to mental illness. In this case, great harm is done to the health of the one who was cursed.

Entire generations and families suffer from curses. People wither, get sick, “melt before our eyes”, are prone to depression, stress, chronic bad luck. Diseases provoked by curses are strokes, heart attacks, infertility (male and female), epilepsy, oncology. Medicine in these cases is powerless, because the cause of the disease cannot be cut out with a scalpel. Once it has arisen, it will manifest itself as an effect again.

We live in a world of energies. Any actions of a person, his thoughts, deeds produce vibration-resonant frequencies recorded by the biofield of the person with the preservation of spatio-temporal coordinates in the present and past. A causal relationship is created between a person's actions in the past and a consequence in the present, thereby giving rise to a causal logical system that forms the future of a person and acts on his present. The cause is realized by the effect.

Consequences and their manifestations have different chronality of influence, there is no stable chronal constant in their manifestation. It is on this feature of the personality aura - to be a bioenergetic carrier of information about a person, his actions, thoughts, intentions - that the diagnosis of karma is based. Like any information recording system, a person's bioinformation field has a certain individual capacity.

Overloading the system beyond the standard capacity leads to a nervous breakdown. In situations of severe stress, grief, passing exams and related experiences, an explosion of the human biofield occurs - partially or completely. After a certain period of time, the biofield is restored, but as a result of a severe and complete defeat - no.

A complete and severe defeat of the human biofield with no mechanism for its recovery is the cause of such a disease as AIDS. This disease is not infectious.

Karmic programs of a person, as information-energy clots, are located inside the aura. A thought, action, scene produced by a person leaves a vibrational record in the karmic body and is immediately duplicated in the energy-information field of the earth (Akasha Chronicles).

All total accumulations of karma form a karmic account of a person, and this account is stored with all records of the life path of its owner under a certain number in the energy-information field of the earth. The ability to penetrate the Akashic Records is not given to every healer or psychologist.

This requires a large amount of psychic energy and appropriate dedication. It is not available to ordinary clairvoyance.

Not always information relating to a particular person is open to access. The mechanism of karma works as follows: once it has arisen, the cause cannot disappear by itself. Either it must manifest itself as a certain consequence in the form of an earthly act, or it must be discharged through cognition and elaboration.

When a diagnostician is introduced into an altered state of consciousness (ASC), the necessary information of the individual is seen and read with the chronology of each event, since any cause is associated with an energy binding to the effect and vice versa. With an accurate approach to the cause of a negative effect, a resonant coincidence of the frequencies of the cause and the operating frequency of the diagnostician occurs, which creates the necessary conditions for the subsequent correction of the personality. This makes it possible to detect any diseases at an early stage with great certainty, to predict any social events in the present and future. If the cause, due to its resonance-vibration characteristics, is higher than the operating frequency of the diagnostician, then it is blocked from reading.

So, karma is special types of super-subtle energies that have unusual qualities and features.
It has weight, color, shape, is divided into male and female karma, and it also has a certain seasonal transformation.

Example from practice:

The author of this book, at the request of one of the listeners of his lecture in 1999, had to measure the weight of the negative energy of karma in the city of Berlin. After the end of the lecture, as always, the answers to the questions of the public began. One of the lecturers, a German named Mark, asked me a question through an interpreter:

Russian, you said that negative energy has weight, and you can weigh it!

Yes, I replied.

-And what do you need for this?

Three raw chicken eggs and an analytical balance.

The hall is silent. Mark went to the podium, opened the case and "solemnly" took out of it a plastic plate with three eggs and an analytical balance. Apparently he listened to me before and prepared in advance, I thought.

Work with me,” Mark asked.

I performed an elementary healing technique with him - rolling out an egg. I have never weighed eggs after rolling out before. Intuitively, I felt that they were heavier compared to the original weight. I have hundreds of eyes sitting in the hall: ironic, kind, malicious ...

I was sweating from the stress. Working with eggs, I did not pay attention to the fact that each of them was indicated with a simple pencil the initial weight.

The German weighed each egg in turn, the audience froze tensely. One egg turned out to be 5 grams more, the other 7 grams, and the third 4 grams less than the original weight. My theory was completely confirmed.

Mark read the result out loud. The hall burst into applause. The lucky bettors counted the marks.

This situation was a certain lesson and edification for me. Do not go out in public with lengthy arguments. And always with proven results.

Diagnosis of karma is a complex psycho-physiological and spiritual process that occurs in the body of a diagnostician against the background of true spiritual enlightenment.

The first level of karma diagnostics is atomic. The work at this level is divided into two stages:

I stage. Login mode.

In the entry mode, there is an intensive intake of space energy by the bioactive points of the left side of the diagnostician's body and the channels of the fingers of the left hand. Part of the energy is used to create a protective shell - the atomic shield of the spinal column. In this case, there is a rapid activation of the spinal substance of the body and the entire bone marrow. The energy intensity of the activated medulla of the body increases several hundred times compared to the norm of the biofield. An activated atomic shield more intensively draws the energy of space. An energy-radiating contour is formed, where the left side of the body is energy-intake, and the right side is radiant. There is a soft bioradioactive radiation of the energy circuit, fixed by dosimetric control sensors. At the output - long-wave radiation, and when passing through the biofield shell - short-wave.

The cerebral cortex is not involved in the first stage of the process. In the first stage of the process, only the pineal gland (third eye) is involved.

II stage.

The work of the right and left fields of consciousness and the right and left hemispheres of the cerebral cortex directly connected with it are activated. Both hemispheres enter the full operating mode of perception. Powerful mechanisms of generic and gene memory are activated, and the mechanism of inclusion in the information field of the Earth (Akasha Chronicles) is triggered. The immune background and metabolic processes of the body are enhanced several hundred times. All chakras are open and working in full force. At the place of work there is a large concentration of energy, which leads to an acceleration of time. The bioradioactive background in the workplace is slightly increased. Blood taken for analysis during the session will show a mild form of leukemia.

This process is dangerous for the organism of the diagnostician. Special bioradioactive radiation from the activated spinal column, passing through the blood and muscle tissues, ionizes and changes the biochemistry of body fluids. There is a state of mild euphoria, elation and clearing in the eyes. The sense of perception of the environment is aggravated, the sense of danger disappears, self-confidence appears, the awareness of omnipotence seizes the mind. The air in the room is slightly ionized, there is confidence in strong security.

The second level of karma diagnostics is tantalum(metal level in residual reactions). Upon mastering it, the body is rebuilt, an atomic-chemical reactor is formed, using tantalum metal synthesized by the diagnostician's body as a working raw material (see figure). In a chemical reactor, the collected and accumulated household negative is burned with the release of ultraviolet and infrared radiation. There are also two stages here.

I stage.

Space energy intake with the formation of a protective atomic shield, in parallel, a buffer storage is created between the atomic shield and the biofield. The result is a second atomic shield around the spinal column. There is an internal accumulation of a large amount of energy in the region of the head, lungs and torso, starting from the waist.

II stage.

Radiate. In parallel with the increase in the intensity of the biofield, the egregor of the genus is connected, accompanied by strong high-frequency electromagnetic radiation of 300-400 thousand Hertz along the biofield contour of the diagnostician. The accumulated energy is radiated and condensed in a diameter of 2 - 3.5 meters from the diagnostician's body around the circumference. Any electronic equipment is turned off.

Compared to the atomic level, this level is completely safe. Since the working process of radiation occurs along the contour of the biofield, and not in the spinal column, as at the atomic level. This level allows you to take any information from the information field of the Earth (Akasha Records). There is practically no forbidden material. But at the same time, its owner must have a high level of initiation and good health, have a green-silver aura. Entering the state of the tantalum level is not always possible. No matter what level you work at, the very process of working with a person's karma is extremely complex, dangerous and interesting. The diagnostician is a miner in a minefield. His life depends on his professionalism in the first case.

In the second case of diagnosing karma, the inability of the healer can turn into a big problem for the person who comes for help. The cause of the situation or illness will not be found, but the “investigation” (mine) will be awakened, and when it explodes, this is already a matter of chance and time.

Diagnosis of karma is a secret and exact science that has an explanation for everything. A well-trained diagnostician in good health sees at the atomic and molecular level. He can, if necessary, see the crystal lattice of a metal, a mineral, as well as microbes and viruses (see figure).

A significant role in correction is played by the ability to understand negative Karma. Often people come across who have obviously unearthly genetics and their karma is specific. On many diagnostic cards, I had to meet the abbreviation LLL. Their presence in the map indicates the presence in a person of obvious unearthly genetics with clearly expressed unusual features of the body and psyche, sometimes with an innate gift of clairvoyance, healing, etc.

On diagnostic maps, the karma of earthly and extraterrestrial parents is visible. Diagnosis of extraterrestrial parents showed their much more efficient body constitution. The creator has thought of everything to the smallest detail. For example, the nipples in women are spatulate; when sucking the breast, the nipple does not fall out of the baby's mouth. In the genital area, too, specific design features. The life expectancy of representatives of the civilization of Saturn is very high, about 2 thousand years. One of the representatives of this planet named Bera said: "I am 170 years old, but by your earthly standards - 20."

The read seen information is transferred to a special phantom form of the person being examined. Even the millimetric accuracy of the location of karmic structures on the human body plays a role here. It is impossible to memorize many karmic structures without writing them down on a special phantom form. Even the millimetric location of the karmic structure on the body plays a role here. After compiling the karmic atlas of the personality, the diagnostician reads, analyzes the cause of the negative situation of his client, whether serious disease, oncology, a failed personal life, or just elementary bad luck in life. The diagnostician works only on the problem with which the person came to him, although he sees many other details. The subsequent process of karmic treatment or correction of karma is a creative process. If a band of burdened tribal Karma passes through a certain human organ, then metabolic processes, blood circulation are disturbed in the zone of its passage, organs become sluggish, muscle tissue loses elasticity. Always remember that karma is not a punishment. It is just the energy of pain and trauma that needs to be removed. The experience of suffering carries with it the lesson that such a thing should not happen again.

Karma is a process of learning and spiritual growth in which people become aware of the consequences of their actions.. Always with a karmic birth burden, two chronal matrices are transmitted to a person, one of them is active, the second is passive.

If this is a woman, then the paternal matrix is ​​active in her, and vice versa. Matrix "X" carries information about the life path of a person and his death. It can also be called a bioclock. The clock stops, another person goes into the world. Mastering the "X" matrix is ​​the real path to immortality. This idea sunk into my soul, but given that there are two X matrices and which one is active, i.e. carries a program of life realization, I did not know. It was dangerous to take risks. Experimenting blindly - I put myself and the person at risk. With a successful outcome of the experiment, a person could be made immortal, deprived of all diseases. Worst case, kill. This did not suit me. The case helped. Word of mouth brought me the address of a super-clairvoyant living in the city of Astrakhan. I arrived in the city. I met with a clairvoyant and explained my request: “View two matrices - which is active, which is passive; the device of their mechanism, is it possible to slow it down or stop it. I was disappointed. My request did not fit in the understanding of the clairvoyant. She just didn't understand me.

She could not see what was not allowed to her, what was higher than her energy level. This is the prerogative of the G-3 system. But something was stopping me. I realized that this program is protected with an inaccessibility code that prevents the Creator's program from being hacked. In the future, it is possible to “open it” if there is a reasonable risk. In many cases, the burdened karmic heredity is passed on by the father to his daughter in an active form, and to his son in a passive form. The mother passes heredity on to her son in an active form, and to her daughter in a passive form. But the life scenario of the father is repeated by the son, and the daughter by the mother. As you can see, there is a cross here. Often everything is repeated, up to the number of divorces and individual life situations. If a child was born unwanted, for example, from the side of the father, and the child is a girl, here is an active form of heredity from the father, then 80% of cases there is an absolute dissimilarity to the father, but a complete copy of the mother. The negative karmic program is enhanced if the blood type of the parents and the child matches the Rh factor.

In difficult cases, heavy karmic heredity, reinforced by everyday negativity and deliberate influence (spoilage), the technique of pair work is used. This is when one of the healers works with the client according to a premeditated scheme, the second one writes down his work on a special phantom twelve-position form, every 5 minutes for an hour. In this case, the recording process leads the healer, his right to stop the work process, if he sees that the transformation of karma in one of the 12 positions, becomes negatively dynamic. Or a picture of a negative situation in one of the positions was recorded, requiring its analysis and knowledge.

Example from practice:

“A young woman came to the reception, named Lyudmila. She complained of severe pain in her legs, starting from her knees, and personal problems. “Men don’t stay near me, for no apparent reason - they leave. Sometimes it doesn’t even reach the bed, and then there are the legs!” The karmic diagnosis of her condition gave a striking result (see the pictures above). The woman was a carrier of two active negative forms of hereditary karma from her father and mother.

On the right side, in the form of a green snake, there is a burdened ancestral heredity on the father - an alcoholic form. On the left side in the form of a red stripe with influxes - burdened ancestral heredity on the mother - a suicidal form. There were three suicides in the family. The focus of the disease is in the form of a trident symbol in a circle on the head, which gives a hereditary tendency to mental illness. Where the hereditary line of tribal karma passes through the body, metabolic processes are reduced by 40-50%.

In men and women, the right side is considered masculine ( masculinity), and the left - feminine (feminine beginning). In a woman, the right male side is affected by a negative generic heredity in the form of a snake, with a focus of the disease on the genital area. The left female side is also strongly affected, i.e. in a woman, a woman is affected, which gives her, on a personal level, psychological incompatibility with men.

When correcting karma in the third position at number three, a picture surfaced: a skeleton lying in a coffin, at the feet of which there is a photograph of a woman. The process was immediately stopped by the manager, the situation clearly needed clarification.

The woman said that on the advice of a friend, she buried a photograph of her rival at the feet of the deceased in the cemetery, in the hope that she would die and not interfere with her. Not knowing how to do it correctly, she, through negligence and incorrect ritual actions, "locked" her legs to the legs of the deceased, this was the cause of the pain in her legs. But the diagnostician did not see this initially, because. a stronger hereditary streak of karma covered the easier attachment to the photograph at the feet of the deceased. And it was revealed only during the correction and recording of the process.

The woman was advised to dig up the photograph of her rival from the grave back, to atone for her sin by church repentance. And come back in six months. When Lyudmila came, the correctional process was continued after she had fulfilled all the recommendations.”

Not everything in the diagnosis of karma is subject to correction and removal. Bands of ancestral heredity can only be transferred from an active form to a passive one, they can be moved away from the body to the area of ​​the biofield. The focus of the disease is transferred from the genital area to a safer place on the body.

The philistine concepts of karma can be formulated as follows: "an automatic, fixing system of control over the vital activity of a person as a biological object." Its creator is the Absolute - God, and he does not interfere in his creation. But God left secret knowledge to man how to block the destructive action of negative karma without destroying the system itself. One of the proverbs says: "What you sow, you will reap", the second German: "Everyone is the blacksmith of his own happiness." The person himself reaps the fruits of your actions and deeds.

Example from practice:

At the reception, a young woman, Elvira. She wanted to find out the cause of her frequently broken marriages. “So the fifth marriage ended in divorce, four children, and I don’t know what to do! Whatever the husband, the damned alcoholic, ”she says. From her diagnostic card, it turned out the following:

A sinuous stripe in the form of a snake - paternal karmic burden with alcohol symptoms in an active form;

The right side of the body is affected by a strip of ancestral karmic burden. All metabolic processes in the body along the contour of the field of the heredity band are slowed down. Violation of cerebral circulation, scoliosis, diabetes mellitus, frigidity, varicose veins, tachycardia - this is a far from complete list of her diseases. If in a woman the right half of the body is affected by the birth burden, then the masculine principle is affected, a symptom of psychological incompatibility with men sets in. For such a woman, all husbands will be similar to her, in terms of karmic burden. According to the laws of fate, like tends to like. Two X-matrices for father and mother can be located in various places of the body, but there is a certain pattern; so if the X-matrix is ​​on the head, and the second is on the genital area, i.e. the bottom and top are affected, then this is a clear sign of a predisposition to drugs in active and passive forms.

Two types of karma in active and passive forms intersect - this is one of the varieties of karma, the extinction of a kind;

If a woman has had an abortion, the physical fetus is surgically removed, but the astral shell remains, grows and develops, let's call it conditionally the abortion field.

In many cases, this is the cause of persistent infertility, caesarean sections, manic-depressive psychoses, etc. In everyday life, negative tribal karma is worked off by various troubles, illnesses, and sufferings.

After the correction, the person is given certain recommendations and instructions. He is under observation for 3 to 6 months. Throughout this period, he must work to improve his spiritual and scientific level, health. In the work on the correction of karma, the factor of religious affiliation is also taken into account. And here there is no such thing as a religious division into Muslims and Orthodox. Help is outside religious dogmas. Separate recommendations for working with the karma of a person, and especially women in the presence of abortions, occur through a church rite - these are the functions of a priest. It is difficult to understand and understand the mechanism of karma with a rational mind. It is multifaceted and versatile. We are all accustomed to its primitive book description, vulgar advice on working it out. Materials on karma, as the highest informational knowledge and technologies, are given only to specially trained initiates.

The fabric of human destiny is worked out by man himself from countless threads interwoven into patterns of complexities that are elusive to us. Karma is action; there is done, making active effect, three articulations, three threads, three plexus Sanhi. This is a complex mental, moral and physical action, because for the laws of karma the moral and mental effect is no less true than the physical for the being that performs it. Our consciousness is not able to discern the complexity of the threads of Sanha. The reason for this is our ignorance of the laws spiritual world. Until we recognize them, we will stand before the phenomena of our life, like a savage before the unknown forces of nature, perplexed, blaming fate, indignant, not understanding where the phenomena of our life come from. We give them the name of fate, chance, miracle.

Each of us creates our own destiny in three areas of life: mental, sensual and physical. Karma can, if you know how, change, improve, push back indefinitely the negative aspects of its development. But there is also fatal karma, fate, hopelessness. You can't change it, you can't work it out. This is the verdict. Even the Gods don't interfere with rock. Man in the process of life creates new forces, which qualitatively and quantitatively represent the results of his previous actions, they are at the same time the causes of his future.

Thought forms created by man, and, as you know, thought is material, modify both him and the environment. The situation in which we find ourselves at every moment is determined by the strict law of justice and never depends on chance. The human body, the psyche is a complex, multi-level analytical system. With the accumulation in the system of a certain type of household negative ( negative energy), the system puts a person in the framework of working off, according to the severity of the accumulated negative.

Diagnosis drawing of karma. Allah.
1.Symbol of Death
2. Negative impact
3.4. Suicidal loop
5.666 - household curse
6.7. Symbol of oncological predisposition by father and mother 8. Active negative karma by father (with alcohol symptoms)

9. Passive mother's karma
10. Local focus of possession

Karma - what is it? A mysterious entity that mercilessly decides our destinies? Or a cosmic force that rewards everyone according to their deserts? Let's find out more about this interesting phenomenon.

Have you ever asked yourself why some people are born healthy and happy, they are lucky in life, they are surrounded by loving and benevolent people, while others have physical disabilities, their lives are full of difficulties and failures, they suffer from loneliness and fail? Could this be a consequence of actions that were committed by a person in the distant past, or even in his previous incarnations?

The word karma is translated from Sanskrit as "action". This concept also includes words, thoughts, feelings and experiences of a person. We can say that any act or thought, even the most insignificant, leads to certain consequences in the future. These consequences may happen tomorrow or in a few lifetimes, but they will definitely happen.

Types of karma

Karma can be manifested and unmanifested. Manifested karma is everything that has manifested in our destiny at the moment. This is our physical condition, financial situation, place of residence, people around us. This type of karma is very difficult to change, it often has to be endured for a lifetime, without being able to do anything.

But not all seeds of karma could germinate in a person's life at the moment. Many unresolved problems and unlearned lessons await their implementation. In the meantime, they are in our subtle karmic body. This is unmanifested karma.

Fortunately, a person has the ability to change unmanifested karma. But for this it is necessary to reach a very high level of consciousness, when we can realize and analyze our actions, correct mistakes. No healer or spiritual teacher can save you from negative karma. This can only be done by the soul that created the karma.

Why does a person need karma?

Every person comes into this world in order to learn and develop. He has a certain scenario of life - destiny, as well as many lessons that he must learn in this life. All people have different levels of soul development, but everyone has one common goal - spiritual evolution.

And the law of karma helps the soul to improve and rise to a new level of spiritual development. Thanks to karma, we can experience various life situations, experience all kinds of feelings and emotions, until, finally, we realize ourselves as a divine and immortal part of the Universe.

Find out karmic debt by date of birth

Your date of birth:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 25 Jan 29 January 31 January 31, JUNE JULY JUNE 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1981 1981 1984 1984 1985 1992 1998 1999 1995 1996 1992 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019


Can karma be cleansed?

The soul in the process of endless reincarnations accumulates a huge amount of dirt in its karmic shell. These are serious crimes, and various misconduct, and broken promises, and that have not been returned. Words and deeds for which we should be ashamed. All this places a heavy burden on the shoulders of people in their subsequent incarnations in the form of various diseases and physical disabilities, experiences and mental disorders, material difficulties and obstacles.

A person cannot avoid responsibility for what he has done until he realizes that he was wrong. And the best way to realize guilt is to feel the situation on your own “skin”. That is why people experience pain, suffering, suffer defeats and failures, face meanness and betrayal, try to break through the wall of difficulties and obstacles. This continues until the soul realizes its mistakes.

In order to correct his karma, a person, first of all, needs to embark on the path of spiritual development. He needs to free himself from vices and negative qualities, learn to love and understand others and act for the common good, and not just for the sake of his own interests.

Only in this case it becomes possible. Opening best qualities of his soul and having eliminated all weaknesses and vices, a person becomes invulnerable to any evil.

To completely cleanse karma, you need to actively work on yourself for several lifetimes. This is also facilitated by certain esoteric practices that help to lift the veil of secrecy over previous incarnations. Unfortunately, this knowledge is currently not available to most people.

It is also often difficult to distinguish real practices from charlatanism. For example, today many "spiritual mentors" offer to quickly cleanse karma by reading a magic mantra or perform a ritual of burning bad karma. A lot of money is paid for such rituals, but, unfortunately, there is no result.

KARMA - (Sanskrit - action). In a broad sense - the total amount of actions committed by any living being and their consequences, which determines the nature of his new birth, reincarnation. In a narrow sense, the influence of actions taken on the nature of the present and subsequent existence.

The concept of karma is related to the idea of ​​reincarnation, according to which the thoughts and actions of a past life affect the present. Thus, some philosophies believe that our destiny is the result of the work of karma. The action of karma in the Eastern tradition is carried out by the universe. In the Western tradition, sin is punished by God, that is, a similar pattern is obtained - cause / effect.

Man can rise above the laws of karma. By working on oneself, a person can become a Buddha, i.e. become illuminated (informed / trained) - free. Buddhists do not pray to the Buddha-man, but to the concept of "illumination". Buddha for them is illumination, enlightenment.

The Universe gives a person everything necessary (soul, life, body, food). She also controls the execution of her plans. Imagine such a picture. The human fetus develops in the mother's uterus. The due date is approaching, but he realizes that, having been born, he must take care of himself. He needs food, shelter, clothing, protection, care, etc. Will he get it in "the next world"? Having reasoned this way, the little man decides to stay and live in it further. He is afraid of that other world in which you need to take care of yourself. So he lives on full provision, being in bliss, calmness and affection. Meanwhile, the mother's body ages, and she dies. Naturally, the child in her womb also dies. No process can go on forever.

To ensure normal life in the human body, large and small physiological processes take place.

In the same way, various Forces operate in the entire Universe, exercising control. There is a special supervision, which, like the immune system, monitors the observance of integrity, harmony and the right direction of development. The forces that control the order on the planet and human activities are controlled by the lords of karma. Any activity of each person is recorded on the "thin" structures of outer space. The lords of karma correct the evolution of each particular person. To many, these corrections seem too harsh, but in fact they are all done only for the good.

Health, Communication and Destiny

Everything related to human health is concentrated in the physical body and 60 cm around it. This is a personal, intimate space of a person. The sphere of communication extends from a person to about 60 m. Its quality determines character traits. The area in which the fate of a person is decided can cover a significant part of the universal field. The fate of some people is decided in different parts of the world, among other peoples, and can affect the interests of huge masses of people.

The directing efforts of karma, first of all, try to affect the field responsible for human health, so that the disease makes a person think, change his mind and change in the right direction.

The soul of a person is protected by a small misfortune - the deterioration of health and the occurrence of diseases. If a person ignores these signals and continues a vicious life, then the structures of the soul are destroyed and there is a more serious punishment along the line of communication and fate. And here it is important to emphasize this feature. Someone “cured” a person, but if the person himself did not realize the causes of his ailments and illnesses, did not wish to eliminate them and change, then the information of diseases, ousted from the line (structure) of health, will be transferred to the line (structure) of fate. A person will begin to suffer according to fate: the disease is only transferred to the future, passed on to the field structures of relatives and children.

The structure of man. The place of karma in the body

A person has two components: physical body and consciousness. Both the physical body and consciousness have a very complex, but harmoniously balanced structure. Ordinary consciousness is a life experience acquired in one human life, plus the usual mental activity of a person in communication and work. Superconsciousness is life experience acquired in all previous lives of a person, plus special mental activity. At ordinary person it is blocked and manifests itself in dreams and some other special states.

With the subconscious, the situation is somewhat more complicated. This is the sum of information and energy programs that were formed either by the person himself in his ordinary consciousness, or by other people, and forgotten, unconscious "settled" in the structures of the field life form. Ordinary consciousness does not perceive them, but they nevertheless influence it. Strong emotional experiences “fall through” into the subconscious, the programs formed by the parents are postponed.

From here they can rise back into consciousness and interfere with its work. They are activated by similar thoughts, emotions, moods, pushing a person to evil deeds.

Resonance and lightning effect

Vibrations and thought-forms have the property of amplification from association with the like (resonance effect). They resonate with similar "records" in the causal body of a person, push him to perform an action and are remembered through this action in the three-dimensional, physical world. This is how they are discharged. Often it turns out that a specific thought is realized in a certain action not through the person who produced it, but through another, whose cup overflowed from such thoughts. It is important to understand that vibrations and thought forms cannot be realized by themselves - they need a conductor. And this guide to the physical world can only be a person.

In order to consolidate their superiority, to protect their material interests, people create more and more powerful technology. They earn their living, feed their families. Everything seems to be good. But, on the other hand, there is an accumulation of karma, which over time is realized in the corresponding events. Everything turns against the creators and producers. Murders. Terrorist attacks, accidents industrial enterprises, accidents with “innocent” people are the fruits of previously “sown” causes. Mankind does not understand the hidden perniciousness of scientific and technological progress, so the lesson is repeated in an increasingly terrible and mass form.

Footprints in the sand and a sleeping boomerang

Karmic information “settles” well and is transmitted through objects and things. And it is not known whether the thing will accept the new owner or not. If he accepts, or a person remakes it for himself, everything is fine. If not, then you can expect trouble. Worn items that previously belonged to another can convey to the new owner the painful condition and fate of the old one. Furniture, rooms, buildings, places, and especially works of culture and art have a similar property. Animals and plants are also included in the cycle of the karma of their owners. If the inner world of a person is not visible to us, then its external reflection can be seen and judged about a person, and even about his fate.

individual karma consists of acquired in past lives and accumulated in the current life. The karma acquired in past lives “lies” and “dozes” in the field form of life, waiting for “its own” karmic situation, which will activate and put it into action. The karma accumulated in the current life is formed from one source - the consciousness of a person, and depends on the traits of his character. Manifesting his character traits in one or another karmic, domestic, family and other situations, a person either extinguishes or accumulates karma in the current life.

A person committed a misdeed in relation to the Space, but later, by his good deeds, he aroused a benevolent attitude towards himself, and the karmic response for this misconduct weakened. This kind of karma is called “weakened”. The most typical variant of a karmic response is when a person, after committing a misdeed, after some time feels its reverse effect in the form of bad luck, poor health, etc. This kind of karma is called "fully unfolded." And, finally, there is a variant of the karmic response, when the process of the reverse influence is postponed due to the prevailing (karmic) circumstances. This kind of karma is called "interrupted."

Relay race of good and evil through the birth canal

How can karma be passed down the lineage? Ancient sources, as well as Agni Yoga, state that the life experience accumulated by a person during his life does not disappear after the death of a person. In the post-mortem existence (between death and a new birth), the soul processes it for the purpose of its spiritual growth. Depending on the quality of the accumulated experience, the Lords of Karma prepare the field of activity for the soul so that it can more fully realize it, open it, and work it out. Therefore, many components must be taken into account: the era, the country, the surrounding people, the family, etc.

The process of childbirth is an unusually powerful experience for both mother and child. They should be carried out very correctly, as naturally and without violence as possible. There should be no anxiety among those taking birth, there is no need to frighten the woman in labor: all this will lay pathological programs in the subconscious of the child. Statements by the expectant mother like: “I can’t do anything! I'm scared! How hard it is for me What are we going to do!” etc. - they will manifest themselves in a child, and even in an adult, with unmotivated fears, inability to achieve the goal, to win an everyday victory, self-doubt, giving in to difficulties and many other “psychological things”, disorders and diseases.

As we know, due to karmic predestination, a person is born to those parents whose karma corresponds to his own. The parents through whom we emerge are the “exit place” that continues into subsequent generations. This is the concept of gender. Previously, the clan was conducted along the maternal line, because the maternal womb is the “exit place” of each person. The main thing here is a continuous chain of succession: a child, an adult, an old man. An old man dies, an adult becomes an old man, a child becomes an adult who has children, and so on. So, the “exit place” “remembers” information about seven generations of people. And if someone has violated moral laws, then information about this along the chain of succession will be transmitted to subsequent generations.

The girl had a very severe karma, she was left an orphan early. She got married, hated her husband (here the karmic program of evil played a role here), but gave birth to ten children from him! Not one abortion. Husband washed down so that he laid hands on himself. One child died in childhood. All other children have a bad fate: men drink too much, family life does not add up. Their life expectancy is short and, as a rule, life ends tragically. Grandchildren suffer - girls, as it were, in passing, but boys (who have reached puberty) “get” directly. They suffer from an unknown, rare disease. But the grandmother herself, although forgotten by everyone and in poor conditions, lives for the ninth decade! She dumped everything on the kids!

Change of karma - every second healing with the Name

The choice of a name for a person will largely affect his fate. When parents choose a name for a child, it is fixed in the field form of a person's life in the form of a certain program (a kind of code). A name may suit and favor a person in life, it may be neutral, or it may not correspond and distort the fate of a person. Especially carefully it is necessary to give a name to a child in honor of someone (relative, friend, etc.). By naming a child in someone's honor, you are doing two things: you karmically connect your child with the person after whom he is named, and connect him to the egregor of this name. It is best to name the child in honor of the saints who have shown themselves on this day of the calendar.

Resentment is a mental and emotional activity in the ordinary consciousness of a person, which forms a certain package of programs. The resentment program package can be passed down the lineage. The strength of resentment is determined by the energy level of the offended person. The higher it is, the stronger the thoughts and emotions “fold” the vital energy of the field life form into a program of resentment. It is not recommended to allow thoughts and emotions of resentment during an emotional upsurge: a birthday, a wedding celebration, etc. In this state, ordinary consciousness forms the strongest (and therefore harmful to health, character and fate) programs of resentment.

If a person, being married, before the birth of a child, takes offense at his spouse, and even more so hates him, then a separation program is formed. Further, the spouses can make up and forget about the disagreements, but the program remains and is passed on to their children. Children become adults, create their own families. And here an interesting pattern emerges. If a suitable life situation is created, or if there are appropriate character traits that can “hook” and activate the separation program, the family breaks up. If they are not there, then the “dormant” program goes further and further until it works for someone. This is true for any other program. Some children pass it, while others fall into it.

Hatred is a conscious and purposeful thought-emotional process designed to harm and destroy a specific object (person and others). This process forms in the field form the most powerful programs of destruction, which spread through the family tree for several generations to come. If a spouse feels hatred for her husband, mentally and verbally wishes him harm, then a program for destruction will be formed in her field form of life. This program, due to the binding, begins to destroy the one against whom it was created. At the same time, it begins to destroy the structures of the field form of life of the creator himself, if he is not protected or cannot protect himself.

The hate program works sluggishly, imperceptibly. Outwardly manifests itself in a bleak attitude to life. It is the cause of addiction to alcohol and drugs, makes family life faded. A person who has a program of hatred, destruction in his subconscious, unconsciously and unmotivated by it, is pushed by it to commit an act dangerous to himself (for example, a fight, stabbing on a domestic basis), does not value his life and the lives of other people. He can harm a large number people, especially those who depend on him. In the end, he himself may be struck by some kind of disease associated with a decline in energy, atrophy, tightening of the tendons.

Thoughts of suicide create a program of self-destruction in the field form of life, to the formation of which thoughts about not wanting to have children can also lead. "Settling" in the subconscious, it undermines the health and fate of many generations. The subconscious program of self-destruction outwardly breaks through in situations that provoke it and leads to unmotivated crimes, murders and suicides. This program is not only preserved in the field of the clan, but is also gaining strength, fueled by the energy of thoughts about the suicide of children and grandchildren. It often happens that in the family, one by one, people die of their own free will due to a problem that is easily solved.

Thoughts of suicide most often visit a person at a young age due to resentment on love grounds. Girls - teenagers and young women, as more sensual and emotional natures, suffer from this the most. They flare up, form a program of self-destruction, and then move away and live on. But the program remains and deforms the field structures in the head or lower abdomen. So the woman herself forms future headaches and gynecological diseases. The program of self-destruction will “smolder” until the woman feeds it with a new similar process. This may manifest itself in normal family after resentment against her husband, termination of an unwanted pregnancy.

Coded for [un]happiness

Now various coding is widely used to rid a person of addiction to alcohol, drug addiction, smoking, and overeating. They began to use training under hypnosis, introduce weight loss programs, and so on.

What is the harm of such interference? Any information must be entered through ordinary consciousness and in the form of memory be in its place. If information is brought in, pushed in, driven out, bypassing the ordinary consciousness, it deforms the structures of the field life form, distorts the general circulation of energy in it. In a person, after a certain time, health can be upset, and then a disease appears.

The main mistake of a person lies in the fact that he identifies himself with desire and feeling. Spirit, soul is one thing, but feelings and desires are quite another. To serve a desire, you need to give it vital energy, let it into your consciousness, allow it to “pass” through the body. If all this is done unconsciously, then the program of desire, sensual pleasure becomes so powerful that a person does nothing but serve it: he becomes its slave. If the soul of a person is sufficiently developed and exalted, the person owns his desires, feelings and things, but not vice versa.

Unconscious resentment program to a previously loved person (girlfriend to girlfriend, to each other), inherited, can lead to lesbianism or homosexuality. The subconscious is trying to suppress the program of resentment by increasing the degree of attachment of a woman to a woman, a man to a man. Homosexuality can also arise as an attempt to replenish the dying feeling of love and affection of one person for another. By and large, a person should love the whole world around him, all people, without making any special distinction between them. The feeling of intimacy is a very small part of this great love. If the subconscious feeling of universal Great love is dulled or extinguished, then same-sex love can arise as an attempt to compensate for it.

Renunciation from a born child, mental unwillingness to have a child and be pregnant, as well as termination of pregnancy, especially for long periods; the urge to terminate pregnancy not only in deeds, words, but even in thoughts - aggravates karma. This applies equally to both women and men, regardless of their age. For example, a woman after an abortion (or after advice to do it) may experience an ovarian cyst. A man who insists on an abortion gets "weakness" in the lumbar region. “Weakness” is expressed in lumbar pain, and maybe in early impotence, prostatitis or adenoma. A verbal, emotional, mental desire to destroy a future person is a violation of the main law of life, for which a person pays with his health and fate.

Secrets of "weak" places

Knowing the "weakness" of a person - the evil program embedded in him, life will create such situations so that this program can manifest itself, "open up" and be either eliminated or even more aggravated. If a person is able to accept, resist, endure and not succumb - karma will be removed, the trials will end, the lesson has been worked out. The problem is removed, it is the turn of another karmic lesson. What it will be, only the Lords of Karma know, but it will have to be humbly accepted, comprehended and worked out. Then the turn of other lessons will come, and everything will be repeated all over again. Only when there are no karmic knots left in your field form of life - you are ripe for the Kingdom of Heaven, you will be able to go “through the eye of a needle”, incarnating into a conscious field, the home of which is the entire Universe.

What does it mean to repent, to repent? Many people confuse the meaning of the word "repent" with words such as "remorse", "self-flagellation", "regret" for the past and the like. If a person regrets something for a long time, worries, reproaches himself, this means one thing - he mentally creates a harmful program and feeds it with his experiences, emotions, and in the future it will interfere with his life and will pass on to his descendants.

Repentance means the process of realizing the harmfulness of past actions and the desire to make amends for them, to correct them. A repentant person ceases to commit harmful deeds, lives in a different way. In addition, he seeks to compensate for the previously caused damage and by his work corrects the harm caused to someone or something.

Write down all your weaknesses and problems on paper and start working slowly. First, decide on the main question: what do you want, what do you expect from life? Start changing your habits. First of all, get rid of destructive and bad habits. Further, it is necessary to begin to work out communication by changing the attitude to the surrounding people, nature, events. Be more tolerant, softer, more understanding and quick-witted. Develop in yourself love for loved ones, try to justify and forgive your enemies. And most importantly, try to constantly feel yourself surrounded by life, the love of a large organism - the Cosmos. Answer him the same. Arrange in everything the unity of life and justice. Feel this love physically and respond to it with the same feeling.

Love, responsibility, calmness and work will grind everything

First of all, it is necessary to increase self-awareness and responsibility for one's own health. Accept the state of health that you have without any grumbling. Since most of the problems (about 90%) with health arise from lifestyle characteristics, analyze it first. Start with the simplest: do you have bad habits, what is your mindset, daily routine, how, what and when you eat. After doing a similar analysis and finding errors, eliminate them. It is highly desirable to cleanse your body. If you continue to correctly adhere to the "technology of health", then most diseases and health problems disappear, because they were generated by an unhealthy lifestyle.

Calmness and equanimity of human consciousness were valued at all times. This quality allowed a person to intelligently and intelligently navigate in any environment and act with the greatest efficiency. The informational action of the sense organs, the logical action of the mind and memory without the connection of emotions do not allow the formation of destructive programs and their introduction into the subconscious. This is a great prevention from bad karma. A person can and should intervene in the course of events, resist them, based on their personal interests, but only without connecting emotions. Analyze events, look for ways to resolve, ways to overcome obstacles. But just don't get emotional. Act calmly in any situation.

Working with karma requires realizing yourself as a spiritual being and taking responsibility for yourself.

For your thoughts and actions. Acceptance of life and life situations as they are. Reflection on life, life situation and making decisions for positive work. Conscious, purposeful work.
Evaluation of the work done and the necessary changes. Then the last process is repeated until the result is obtained.

>If you deny fate and resist its blows and the prevailing unpleasant situations, thereby you deny God's justice, sent to your benefit.

>If you do not realize yourself as a spiritual being and do not take responsibility, then there can be no talk of any karmic work.
