What does a ghost need from a person. The usual ritual of summoning a ghost. A simple rite of summoning a ghost

Many people believe in other worlds. First, people face them in everyday life. Secondly, it's just interesting. And how to get the attention of the local residents, get their support? Let's see how to summon ghosts, and is it even possible?

Who are ghosts?

It is impossible to study the methodology without defining the concepts. Do you agree? Before we figure out how to summon ghosts, let's understand who we'll be waiting for. After all, there are different opinions about entities, formed not only by the relevant sources of information, but also by the experimenters' own worldview. To make it clearer, let's take an example. Those who love horror movies believe that spirits are the souls of dead people. Religious people are sure that these are the messengers of God or Hell. There are those who see them as angels or demons, ghosts or aliens. None of the versions should be denied. Why argue if you can't prove you're right? Moreover, the essence comes from the energy world, it is pointless to argue with this. And it has its own laws. What happens there, we do not know for sure. It is possible that the energy of departed people and angels, ghosts and creatures from other worlds is mixed up and creates something new. In principle, everything depends on the imagination and worldview, as mentioned above. But if you want to understand exactly how to summon ghosts, then specify your intention. That is, decide who you will contact.

To see the otherworldly spirit is a way of half-asleep

It's good to have high quality for analysis later. The quality of the phone's camera may not be very suitable. You should consider using the camera's night vision feature, or using natural light from a flash or other lighting to capture more realistic shots. Who will try to ask questions and communicate?

  • You decide.
  • You should separate different tasks for each member of your group.
  • If you are taking pictures, who will take the pictures?
  • Who will record events in a notebook?
Take some photos.

How to summon ghosts at home

Surely everyone knows that séances were popular in past centuries. The event, it must be said, is massive. It's hard to do it alone. But people did not know then how to call ghosts at home. So they sat at the table in silence, keeping their fingers on a saucer and watching the arrow. Today everything is completely different. Each person has such questions, the answers to which he does not want to share even with loved ones. People are interested in individual methods of working with otherworldly forces. Those, do not worry, there are. For example, you can use a pendulum. It's extremely simple, but effective. Yes, and not scary at all. You need to prepare a circle with letters and numbers. Take a regular sheet of paper. Draw an oval on it with a compass. And along its contour, randomly arrange letters and numbers. To a thread with a length of at least fifteen centimeters, tie a ring without a stone or an ordinary nut. The pendulum is ready. Now we proceed directly to the creation of conditions conducive to the creation of a connection with that world. This is the second stage of work.

Where do ghosts come from?

You should always take pictures with a camera good quality. Again, especially in the dark, there are many opportunities to lose things because you might get emotional or distracted while looking for ghosts. The camera also has the ability to give you the hard evidence you are looking for.

Candle is a powerful way to see the otherworldly spirit

When you're done, look carefully at the photos, look for anomalies, shadows, or spheres floating in the photos that you don't remember at the time. Give different tasks to each member and tell each family where you went and what you do if you have problems. This may sound funny, especially if you are skeptical, but it will help ease the tension and allow you to experience a much larger phenomenon if you are relaxed and at ease. Tell any human spirit that you find that you have come in peace and harmony, and that they remain in this place after you leave and do not follow you home. Do short prayer, if you like, or another type of short ritual you can do with your group to keep everyone quiet and confirm their good intentions to the spirits.

  • Never go ghost hunting.
  • Gather a group of hunters with the same mentality.
  • Prepare yourself mentally and spiritually.
  • Start and end the game by introducing yourself to the ghosts.
Prohibited entry signs.

Important preparations

Those who really want to understand how to summon ghosts are all the more advised to read the following lines carefully. After all, they are part of the success. No wonder we started with an attempt to determine what a ghost is. After all, the essence should create comfortable conditions. And they are for everyone. For example, you want to contact the soul of a deceased relative. Then you need to find at home such things that he loved, or buy similar ones. Often, a photo of the one who is called is used. This is true if you want to communicate with the ghost of a famous person. It is also necessary to have his portrait and things corresponding to the era. Yes, and it is desirable to arrange the room in such a way that it does not frighten the essence. After all, you see, it is difficult to immediately accept a modern interior. During his lifetime, he saw something different, other things, he was accompanied by other smells and sounds. Everything must be reproduced as accurately as possible. And this means:

Incense will help to see the otherworldly spirit

Do not roam on anyone's private property and do not contradict evil spirits. The last thing you want on your patrol is from an angry owner with a gun on his ear. Just try to answer responsibly. If you are trying to communicate with the ghosts you encounter, be extremely careful and have an intellectual curiosity and innocence. Spiritual world will see outside, so your intentions must be good if you try to talk to the dead.

Playing with the things of life and death is wrong, even if you are a little skeptical. Many immature ghost hunters have masked their initial fear by joking.

  • If you're going ghost hunting, take it seriously.
  • Don't let these fake hunters influence you.
Consider joining an official ghost hunting organization. If you want to take this hobby seriously and have access to more advanced techniques and equipment, join some pros.

  • turn off TVs, computers, radios, and so on;
  • ventilate the room, getting rid of aromas of artificial origin;
  • light candles so as not to frighten the entity with electric lighting;
  • place around things familiar to the departed.

The described rules should be observed very strictly. The effectiveness of the experiment depends on this. By the way, those who will call the demons should create an environment close to what in our imagination is considered hell. And angels are dearer than icons, light colors, church candles.

With serious groups like the Atlantic Paranormal Society, you'll have to sign up and go through a trial period to evaluate your skills and your dedication. Find a local group that hosts events regularly and asks for membership. If you don't believe in the supernatural, and if you don't want to see a ghost, then chances are you won't. What you are most likely to see are signs and traits, visual phenomena that everyone experiences. Don't hurt your eyes trying to see ghosts. . Have you ever thought that your home might be haunted?

Key words

So far, we have not yet come to how to summon ghosts and ghosts. real inhabitants underworld impossible to get without a special spell. Here it is: “With all the forces, earthly and heavenly, now known luminaries, names that cannot be called in vain, love that only a mother gives a child, I call a ghost into the world! Show up immediately! Wear shadow! Keep the answer. Say what you want!" The spell should be pronounced seriously, with emphasis on each word, clearly without stammering. It is desirable to learn it. You have to speak to the world. If the ceremony is performed indoors, then these are candles, while on the street they are concentrated on the sun or moon. It is important. It is the energy of light that is in this case the gates of the portal of transition.

Have you ever heard strange sounds or sensed a presence while you were at home? It is time to carefully examine this situation. Ghosts are cunning creatures, but with strong insight and some methods, it should be possible to find evidence of spirits present in your home and figure out what their intentions are.

If you believe that your home is home to a being from another dimension, be direct and try to talk to him. Once the ghost does not directly answer the question, it is easy to ask, as it can begin to manipulate the environment by opening or closing doors, for example, to give hints of its intentions. Some good questions to ask yourself are: "What's your name?", "Why are you here?", "What do you want?" and "How did you die?". Obviously prepare yourself mentally for the answer before you start asking questions.

  • Ask the ghost what his intention is.
  • Ask who he was in the past, what he wants and why he is stuck in his house.
As silly as the toy is or how stupid it is, many people believe that the board is capable of tapping into the unknown.

Ritual with scissors

The ceremony is held in the company. At least two people are required. It is necessary to prepare a scarlet ribbon and a book of spiritual content. It is clear that it must correspond to the ideology of the ghost. That is, the angelic essence will not come when a tome on black magic is applied and vice versa. Place the scissors between the pages. Tie the volume tightly with ribbon. Then two participants should take the little fingers of their left hands on the rings of scissors. Now you can cast the spell. After a while, ask: "Ghost, are you there?". If the book swings, you can ask questions. Moving the volume to the left is a positive response. In the opposite direction - negative.

Terrible facts of rituals to summon a ghost

Call a friend in your house and try contacting the ghost. First, place your hands on the wooden board. Then ask questions and wait for the ghost to answer. If you feel the pointer moving, it's a sign that the ghost means something. The ghost may answer "yes" or "no" or indicate individual letters on the board to spell out more complex answers. Don't cheat by moving the pointer yourself and ask your friend to do the same.

  • Take advice seriously!
  • By deception, you will not be able to know if there is even an entity in the house.
Connect with spirit.

How to call ghosts on the street

Some experimental magicians believe that it is better not to invite the entity into the house. They are right. The call may attract not the one you wanted to see. Then the leapfrog will go through the rooms, the poltergeist will start up or the brownie will be offended. In nature, you can also talk with representatives of the other world. But it's more difficult.

If you think the house is haunting, the next step is to create a contact session. At the ceremony, the dead are invited to speak with the living. It is necessary to gather people who believe in the presence of ghosts and are receptive to spiritual energies. A session is a more formal technique for communicating with spirits, and is most effective when used by an experienced host.

Turn off some lights, hold your hands and sit still while you wait for the ghost to appear. Spiritualists claim that negativity acts as a distraction and reduces the chances of spirits interacting. For the ceremony of work, all skeptics must leave the room. . Interpret your dreams. Sometimes ghosts visit the living through dreams, in which, according to some people, the wall separating our world from our neighbor is more penetrable. When you have vivid and unpleasant dreams, write down what you saw and felt.

Such a ritual is proposed to start mastering. Light a fire. It should be thrown into it at the same time seven logs from different trees. When they burn brightly, cast the spell. Follow the smoke. He will come out from there. As soon as it appears, start asking. The ghost, of course, will answer not in a voice, but in pictures in a flame. Here everything depends on the imagination. You will be able to decipher, get the most valuable information. By the way, if you want to know how to call ghosts on the street during the day, then do not leaf through volumes on magic. This fire ritual is suitable for any time of the day. Even after midnight spend it, even in broad daylight. The result does not really depend on this.

Important preparations

Search strangers or receiving secret messages in dreams may be a way for spirits to try to contact you. Watch all the bizarre things that happen around you, no matter what sudden movement in the corner of your eye or what you hear when no one is in the house. When looking for ghost activity, the first thing to do is to sharpen your senses and intuition. Investigate the event as soon as you come, hear or feel you are more likely to capture a paranormal event in the act. The explanation could be a free floor, a draft, a pet, or even your imagination.

  • If you do not know what your dream means, consult a medium.
  • These specialists are trained in dream analysis as well as many other talents.
  • Don't think that some little thing is a ghost.
Take pictures of different parts of the house.

When people are interested in how to call ghosts at home, they do not always take the process seriously. And that's what causes failure. Then criticism begins, doubts about the truth of the existence of entities. But you just need to be imbued with the topic, to understand what exactly you are going to do. To connect with the other world requires concentration and focus. They must be complete. Therefore, everything superfluous must be removed: electrical appliances and any shiny jewelry, mirrors and books that are contrary to the ideology of the ghost. Everything in this experiment is important, there are no trifles. Pay special attention to external paraphernalia. Cover or remove mirrors. In them, a ghost can get lost and stay forever. This is a terrible fate for him. Then do not be surprised that he will take revenge. And in general, communicate with the entity respectfully. Ghosts are as touchy as babies. A little something is wrong, they will fly away, and no one else will come to your call. In that world, information is transmitted instantly to all its corners. Good luck!

From time to time take pictures of each of the rooms. Photo frame to see as much space as possible. Some theories claim that ghosts exist as residual energy that can be captured under certain conditions. Turn on the camera to capture the motions of the ghosts. As with the photos, the ghosts are believed to appear in the video. Connect the camera in places where you feel the ghostly presence the most. In the video, you will be taking several frames per second, which increases the chances of capturing a ghost.

How to summon a ghost with a needle?

To make sure you saw what you think you saw, pause the video and try to advance it frame by frame.

  • Try to find anything unusual in the video, especially strange footsteps.
  • A ghost can appear in a millisecond in a movie.
Record unheard voices. When in doubt about a possible ghost, turn on your audio recorder. Listen to the recordings later and try to find sounds you didn't hear right away. There are many instances where you hear ghostly voices in the background of audio recordings at extremely low frequencies.

It is customary to call ghosts invisible spirits that, for some reason, did not go to another world. These can be dead people who are not buried according to the rules, suicides, etc. They sometimes appear in photographs and are visible on TV screens. There are several ways to call a ghost and find out a lot of important information from him. Many people often turn to psychics to communicate with the dead, but you can also perform a similar ritual at home.

Play the audio on your computer and process it a bit to find the voices. Because of the low frequencies, the recorder must be turned on as sensitive as possible. Write the words or phrases you hear if you can interpret the voice. With luck, it will be possible to decipher the message and find the cause of the ghost's anxiety. If you think the situation is too big for you, contact the Paranormal Investigation Group. The members of such groups are usually occult enthusiasts with a good knowledge of ghost history, folklore, science, and myth.

How can you summon a ghost?

Initially, it should be said that you do not need to use it for the sake of entertainment, since the consequences can be very serious. Most often, relatives who could not say goodbye normally or did not say everything during their lifetime try to contact ghosts.

Before calling a good ghost, a relative must go to church and pray for the dead. If there are grievances, then try to let go and forgive everything. To conduct the ceremony, you must have a thick church candle, a thermometer and a photograph. It is best to call the ghost of the house on the new moon, as these are the days of Hekate, the goddess of the underworld. As for the day of the week, the best option is Saturday. The room should be dark, the only light is a lit candle. Place it in front of the mirror, and lean the photo on the candle so that the image is reflected. First, read any prayer to turn to Higher powers and ask them for help. Looking at the candle flame in the mirror, call the deceased relative by name and ask to get in touch. Do this until you make contact. This will be indicated by a breath of wind or a drop in temperature, which can be seen on a thermometer. Then say these words:

They will be able to offer knowledge, equipment and other useful resources. Describe in detail the phenomenon you found at home so that the paranormal expert can determine if you can help or not. Working with a specialist can alleviate your fear a bit when trying to contact a ghost. A good investigator will also know better ways fighting a spirit that doesn't want to move forward. With this in mind, one can live with a ghostly presence in the house without feeling the need to get rid of it. The spirit may believe that the house still belongs to him - the actions that frighten him may simply be the essence of the deceased, rethinking the events of his daily life. There are very few cases where ghosts hurt people. The observed halos activities are usually small manifestations. If you believe in ghosts, you know they can be anywhere. So there is no reason to be surprised to find one or two in your home.

  • It is very unlikely that a ghost wants to hurt you.
  • In life, they are ordinary people, just like you.
It is believed that burning the leaves of the sage purifies the air in the house, ridding it of negative and malignant influences.

“Peace be with you (name)! Please answer my questions."

It is important to formulate everything in such a way that the answers are monosyllabic, that is, “yes” or “no”. This will be manifested by some kind of physical sensations, noise, etc. Be sure to make sure that it was the same ghost that got in touch.

How to summon a ghost during the day?

You can contact dead people using the Ouija board, but if it is not there, then a piece of paper and a needle will do. If possible, use things that a person has touched in life. It is recommended to perform the ritual in a place where a ghost lived or often visited. On paper, draw letters in a circle and place it on a new, clean tablecloth. Close the curtains and light some candles. Close your eyes and mentally imagine the dead person. Holding the thread, place the needle in the center of the circle and start asking questions. Write down all the letters that the needle points to, this will allow you to get the desired answer.
