Traditional recipes for cracked hands. Cracks on the hands and fingers: how to cure with pharmaceutical and folk remedies

To successfully combat cracks in the fingers, it is necessary to identify the causes and select the correct treatment, because this phenomenon is very painful, causing not only discomfort, but also significant limitations affecting fine motor skills of the hands. A photo of diseased skin can help you get an online consultation with a specialist.

Questions such as cracks in the fingers, causes and treatment, photos of affected skin are relevant for a wide mass of readers. Provocateurs of the painful condition can be the environmental situation, heredity, the use of household chemicals, and malfunctions in the body itself. The most common diagnoses of dermatitis are eczema and psoriasis.

The symptoms of these skin diseases are somewhat similar:

  • Peeling of the skin.
  • Dryness.
  • Loss of elasticity and appearance of cracks.
  • Itching, redness of the skin.
  • In some cases, thickening of the epidermis and increased temperature.

The differences are appearance: a rash in the form of small blisters that burst quite quickly - the initial manifestation of eczema; small round pustules, plaques with scales, and then with a glossy surface - psoriasis. To alleviate the condition, doctors recommend starting treatment by cleansing the body of toxins and stabilizing the psychological background.

Exposure to household chemicals

The use of chemicals in everyday life or in production, be it dyes, glue, house cleaning products or specific substances, can provoke skin allergic reactions. Most often, inflammation of the skin of the fingers occurs during hand washing, washing dishes with liquids containing surfactants, and treating surfaces with chlorine-containing products.

The longer the skin has been in direct contact with such irritants, the stronger the reaction will be., the elasticity of the skin disappears, cracks form in more delicate areas. The development of dermatitis can be localized by excluding direct exposure to the skin and using both hand protection (gloves, special creams) and drug treatment.

Improper or insufficient hand care

Uncomfortable air temperatures (frost or heat), hard water, incorrectly selected hand cream, poor hygiene standards - factors that can lead to dry skin on the fingers and, in the absence of proper care, aggravated by cracks and infection.

The bend areas in the phalangeal area are especially susceptible to adverse factors.

Unpleasant consequences can also occur if you wash your hands incorrectly. Dermatologists advise carefully selecting soap, taking into account your skin type, and always dry your hands. Simply shaking off excess water can cause dry skin.

In order to prevent and alleviate the condition, experts recommend periodically using fatty creams from healing agents - Bepanten, Pantheol-D, and in case of deep cracks - Solcoseryl.

Contact dermatitis

There are 2 forms of contact dermatitis: acute and chronic.

Provoked by the following factors:

  • Unprotected contact of the skin of the fingers with substances such as acid, alkaline media, gasoline.
  • Allergens contained in products containing chlorine washing powders, paints, some types of soap and even hand care products.
  • Radiation or radiation exposure leading to damage to the skin.
  • The influence of substances associated with human professional activities (hairdresser, chemist, doctor).

Upon contact with the skin, they first cause a response from the body (redness, slight itching), which passes relatively quickly. With repeated and longer exposure, the disease becomes chronic with inflammation of the skin, local swelling, itching, and the formation of weeping areas and cracks.

Photos of cracks on the fingers will help you initially understand the causes and treatment of this disease. Next, you need to consult a dermatologist.

Fungal diseases

Fungal diseases - candidiasis or dermatophyte - can create a big problem for humans. The reasons for their appearance may be infection from an already sick person, reduced immunity, improper use of antibiotics and frequent use of antibacterial and disinfectants, mechanical thinning of the skin and, as a result, weakening of the protective barrier of the epidermis.

Candidiasis manifests itself as redness, diaper rash, cracks, and in more advanced cases - thickening with severe itching. It occurs in the interdigital space in women who have constant contact with household chemicals, hard water and other agents that reduce the skin’s resistance to various infections.

Dermatophytosis can affect not only the area of ​​the hands, but also the feet. In addition to rashes in the form of blisters and itching, the disease manifests itself in keratinization of the palmar and digital folds, ulcerations and cracks on the sides of the phalanges. The duration of the disease can range from several weeks to several years.

Mycoses are effectively treated with medication after tests have been carried out and a specific type of fungus has been identified. The most commonly prescribed are Fluconazole, Candide, Nizoral.

Lack of vitamins

Lack of vitamins (hypovitaminosis, vitamin deficiency) are prerequisites for the occurrence of skin diseases:

  • Lack of vitamin A – thinning of the epidermis, a greater degree of vulnerability. The picture may improve with fish oil supplementation.
  • Lack of B12 - metabolic disorders in the skin layers, loss of elasticity, as a result - the appearance of cracks at the places where the fingers are bent.
  • Nicotinic acid deficiency is an indirect effect on the condition of the skin due to dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract and nervous system. Poor blood supply to the skin layers leads to disruption of its functions.
  • Insufficient amount of vitamin D – dryness, flaking, possible bursting in areas of skin tension.

Ichthyosis and Reiter's syndrome

Keratinization, loss of elasticity, transformation of areas of the epidermis into scale-like formations that can crack even with little effort are symptoms of ichthyosis, a disease transmitted at the genetic level or acquired during life (symptomatic, discoid). The exacerbation occurs during the cold season.

Treatment is aimed at alleviating the patient’s condition - moisturizing ointments, retinoids, immunostimulating drugs, ultraviolet irradiation, and the administration of vitamin complexes.

Reiter's syndrome is another disease that, along with its main symptoms,(damage to joints, genitourinary system, mucous membranes) It also manifests itself in skin problems:

  • spots on the inner surface of the fingers and palms,
  • thickening of individual areas, their keratinization,
  • risk of cracking of the affected surface.

Thyroid dysfunction

One of the most life-determining glands in humans is the thyroid. Even its partial dysfunction leads to a malfunction of the entire body, including a deterioration in the condition of the skin due to hypothyroidism (a decrease in the production of hormones by this organ). A slowdown in metabolism disrupts the nutrition of the skin, which becomes swollen, dry and fragile, especially on the palms and fingers.

One of the causes of cracks in the fingers is problems with the thyroid gland, so treatment varies depending on the root cause.

Such problems will exist until the amount of hormones in the blood stabilizes during the treatment prescribed by the endocrinologist. As a local effect on the affected skin, moisturizing creams with a complex of vitamins D, A, B 12, and products with pantheol should be used.


The presence of diabetes mellitus in a person leads to impaired blood supply and accumulation of toxins, which cannot but affect the condition of the skin. High glucose levels disrupt metabolism and lead to partial dysfunction of the sebaceous and sweat glands, and skin elasticity decreases.

The lack of necessary hydration and nutrition leads to drying of the epidermis, its cracking, and long-healing ulcers of a trophic nature.

Symptoms such as thickening of the nail plates, icteric skin tint, and roughening of some areas are also observed.

Diseases of the epidermis in diabetes mellitus are divided into primary (depending on metabolic disorders and vascular changes), secondary (infection with fungi, bacteria), and others (allergic reaction to medications). Treatment is carried out comprehensively with local application of moisturizing and nourishing creams.

Sjögren's syndrome

Sjögren's syndrome (or Sicca syndrome) is a systemic disease of the body. There is suppressed functioning of almost all external secretion glands: sweat, salivary, lacrimal.

Insufficient hydration of the skin can cause dryness and cracking. The disease is not completely curable, so its skin manifestations are alleviated with local treatment with ointments recommended by dermatologists, and fatty creams.

Treatment of cracks with folk remedies

The problem of cracks in the fingers, determining their causes and treatment, without photos and reference books, only based on the experience of generations, is handled well by traditional medicine.

Cedar oil

Cedar oil is an excellent remedy for healing cracks. Used as an ointment, applied to problem areas several times a day until complete recovery, or as oil lotions. In the latter case, linen napkins are soaked in warm oil and applied to the affected areas.

The procedure is carried out only on clean skin for half an hour. Excess oil is removed by blotting or simply with warm water using gentle hand detergents (soap, milk).

Ointment with lemon and honey

For cracks, an ointment is effective as a healing and antimicrobial, the main ingredients of which are 1 tbsp. lemon and 2 tbsp. honey Add 1 yolk and 50 grams of flaxseed oil to them. The ingredients are mixed well - the ointment is ready. It is recommended to use this remedy several times a day. The shelf life of the ointment is no more than a day.

Milk-glycerin solution

The product is easy to make at home and is used to heal cracks in the fingers. You need to take an incomplete glass of warm water and the same amount of milk, mix, drop 6 drops of glycerin into the mixture and add 2 tablespoons of corn starch. Mix everything well. Make a finger bath with the resulting solution for 10 minutes.

Therapeutic baths with olive oil

Baths with olive oil used as a means to increase the firmness, softness and elasticity of the skin. Take warm olive oil and dip your fingers in it for about 15 minutes. The procedure is carried out 2 times a week.

To increase turgor and softness of the epidermis, you can also use 15-minute baths of olive oil and milk (50 ml each).

Sour cream with egg yolk

As a nourishing cream, you can use a mixture of ½ cup of sour cream (preferably homemade), 1 yolk and no more than 2 tbsp. lemon juice:

  • The resulting composition is applied to a piece of bandage and applied to the affected area.
  • If the areas between the fingers are problematic, you can use thin cotton gloves soaked in cream.
  • Next, the hands are wrapped in polyethylene and a towel.
  • After a quarter of an hour, remove the remaining cream from your hands with a damp cloth.

Treatment is carried out once a day.

Milk and potato compress

Puree several small boiled potatoes, add 4 tbsp. milk. When the mass has cooled slightly, it should be applied to the affected areas and wrapped in polyethylene. After 30 minutes, the product can be washed off, dry your hands thoroughly and apply nutritious cream.

Banana, sea buckthorn oil and honey mask

To nourish and heal wounds, use a mask of 1/3 banana, 1 tbsp. warm honey and sea buckthorn oil. The ingredients are mixed well and applied to the skin for 15-20 minutes. It is not recommended to store the product for a long time; it is better to use everything in one procedure. You can use the mask every other day.

Hand bath with flaxseed

To restore the skin of your hands with an “enveloping effect”, a decoction of flax seeds (3-4 tbsp) is useful. raw materials and half a liter of water. Place your hands in the liquid, cooled to a warm temperature, for 15-20 minutes.

You can also use a recipe adding chamomile decoction to this decoction (1:1). The conditions for the procedure are the same. After taking the bath, it is recommended to use a light moisturizing or nourishing cream.

Propolis ointment

Propolis is an effective natural substance produced by bees and used by them as an adhesive with antibiotic properties. To get the ointment, you need to mix 10 grams of bee glue and 50-60 grams of Vaseline, let the composition boil for 8-10 minutes.

The resulting product, filtered through cheesecloth, is ready for use. The ointment is applied to problem areas for 15-20 minutes 1-2 times a day.

Drug treatment

The average person can get an idea of ​​the variety of skin manifestations on the hands by looking at photos of lesions and cracks on the fingers, the causes and treatment of which are different. In any case, certain medications can act as a means of prevention and emergency assistance.

Vishnevsky ointment

Vishnevsky ointment is one of the most famous and inexpensive remedies used for burn surfaces, festering wounds and cracks. Consists of birch tar, castor oil and xeroform. Has very bad smell, but effectively acts as an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and healing agent.

It is used in the form of applying medicinal dressings once every two days or as a simple ointment applied to problem areas several times a day, depending on the degree of skin damage.

If you are hypersensitive to one of the components, an allergic reaction is possible, then treatment with Vishnevsky ointment must be suspended. Before and after using liniment, the skin must be treated with salicylic alcohol or another cleanser.

"Green Pharmacy" with chamomile extract

The manufacturer positions the Green Pharmacy product with chamomile extract as a sticker to combat dry lips. This lipstick is effective means prevention and control of small cracks on the fingers, as well as compact, easy to use due to its shape.

The sticker contains a moisturizing complex and ultraviolet filters. Thanks to this combination, the skin is protected from adverse effects in cold and heat. Used as needed or for preventive purposes several times a day.

Cream "Zorka" with floralizin

The action of the cream is aimed at rapid healing of abrasions and cracks by activating local metabolic processes, increasing turgor and elasticity. The film created by the cream prevents moisture evaporation.

The main component of “Zorka” is floralizin, which contains a complex of bioactive components responsible for the synthesis of collagens, which work as antioxidants and increase the protective properties of the epithelium and epidermis.

The cream is applied to clean skin in an even, thin layer and kept until completely absorbed. Not recommended for people with oily skin types, as it can clog pores and impair the ability of the surface to breathe.

"Sulfacrylate" for deep cracks

The glue is created for sealing and gluing various tissues of a living organism, including deep cracks in the fingers, regardless of the cause and further treatment.

Photos of skin lesions treated with this product help to understand its effectiveness - the edges of the cracks are firmly grasped by sulfacrylate, the resulting film prevents pathogens from entering the wounds, reduces the risk of lesions growing, becoming infected and inflamed.

In everyday life, glue is convenient as first aid for the formation and healing of deep cracks or as a protective agent for areas subject to local adverse effects.

Prevention is the key to success

It seems to many that cracks on the fingers are a small problem to think about its causes and treatment. Photos of affected skin are simply perceived as something unpleasant. However, an advanced disease can carry a lot of threats, including the loss of a finger, and inconvenience, including decreased ability to work.

In this regard, dermatologists advise timely prevention of cracks in the hands to prevent negative consequences.

Don’t be lazy and use gloves when working with household chemicals. You should always have in your arsenal several creams for different purposes: moisturizing, healing, nourishing, protective, and also know 2-3 recipes for skin restoration. Doctors recommend monitoring the condition of the gastrointestinal tract and not polluting the body.

Video about cracks in the fingers and how to treat them:

How to properly treat cracks on your fingers, watch the video:

ethnoscience in the fight against cracked hands:

The skin is the most important organ that prevents infection by various infections and viruses. Contact with poor quality water, aggressive substances, prolonged exposure to cold and many other factors provoke cracks in the fingers. In addition to its unpleasant appearance, the disease causes severe pain and itching. The problem often signals the development of diseases that need treatment. In this case, you need to undergo a full diagnosis from specialists to identify the failure.

It is strongly recommended to find out why cracks appeared on your hands and what could have caused them. Most often, dryness can be noticed after contact with aggressive substances during cleaning or prolonged exposure to the street in frosty weather. Provoking factors are:

  1. Working with aggressive substances. Prolonged exposure of the dermis to paint, laundry detergent, detergent or alkaline soap causes irritation. After some time, red spots, peeling and even wounds appear on the hands.
  2. Neglecting hand care. In late autumn, winter and early spring, you should use a moisturizer, since exposure to wind or frost causes the protective film on the surface to become thinner. Nourishing cream for cracked fingers will provide additional protection and maintain the elasticity of the epidermis.
  3. Mechanical injuries. Frequent finger injuries in people who regularly work with cutting objects cause changes in the structure of the skin. Over time, the cuts do not heal completely and small scars and cracks form.
  4. Working with the earth. “Gardener’s hands” - the problem appears in adults who come into contact with the ground without using gloves. Often, rough, dry skin with small cuts can be noticed in spring and autumn. The same factor includes hard water, which also negatively affects the appearance of your hands.
  5. Poor nutrition or lack of vitamins. Diets and fasting cause deficiency useful elements in organism. For rapid cell regeneration, vitamins A, E, B7, as well as magnesium are required. If they are missing, then the epidermis throughout the body becomes sensitive and vulnerable to any injury.

What to do if none of the provoking factors could cause the defect? In this case, you need to think about possible internal violations. Many diseases are characterized by cracking of the skin. It is worth thinking about the following pathologies:

In addition, ichthyosis and Reiter's syndrome can affect the appearance of the hands. The first will be indicated by rough skin, similar to scales, which cracks when pressed. The disease can be congenital or acquired. The peak incidence is diagnosed in winter. Reiter's syndrome manifests itself in damage to the genitourinary, skeletal and muscular systems, as well as the mucous membranes and epidermis. Rashes, thickened skin, dryness and cracks are noticeable on the extremities.

Danger of illness

Inflammation of the joints of the fingers

Inflammation of the phalanx of the finger not only indicates the development of serious diseases, but is also considered a dangerous phenomenon. Pathogenic bacteria or infections easily penetrate through damage in the dermis, causing suppuration and inflammatory processes in the tissues. As a result, a fungal disease of smooth skin or nails develops. Painful cracks in the skin of the fingers prevent you from doing any work normally. If the wounds are not healed in time, then over time a new failure may occur in the weakened body and cause destruction of the nail plates. In addition, the development of panaritium is possible - an acute disease that affects soft fabrics fingers. Causes severe pain and purulent processes.

Localization of damage and symptoms

You can notice painful lesions everywhere. They occur on the folds of the outer or inner side of the palm, near the knuckles and nails, on the pads or between the fingers on the dermis. All injuries cause discomfort when moving your hands or coming into contact with water.

A person feels the greatest discomfort if peeling skin on the fingers has formed in the folds or on the pads. Even light contact with any object causes burning and itching due to stretching of the epidermis. Inadequate treatment of pathology worsens the structure of the skin, making it dry and thin. For this reason, breaks do not heal for a long time, but only increase in size. Calluses often appear on the pads, which are followed by cracking. Prolonged inflammation can signal the onset of eczema or diabetes. With psoriasis, cracks mainly appear on the arms and legs.

Damage on the fingers near the nails and under them indicates a lack of vitamins A, E, and B, as well as fungal infection of the tissues. Cracking or convergence of the nail plate, suppuration and change in skin tone are diagnosed. Vitamin deficiency does not cause pain, redness or itching. You only feel roughness, dryness of the hands and cracking of the dermis. An allergic reaction manifests itself in itching, burning and swelling. Healthy, elastic skin can change to rough skin after prolonged contact with water, dust or soil.

Non-bleeding cracks on the fingertips are a negative result of long-term therapy with antibiotics or hormonal agents. The occurrence of symptoms such as the discharge of blood or pus, severe itching, deep cracks and changes in skin color indicate illness internal organs. You should definitely visit an endocrinologist, surgeon or dermatologist to identify the cause of the damage.

Treatment options

It is highly undesirable to resort to medications without consulting a specialist. Before contacting a doctor, you can only use moisturizers: nourishing cream, essential oil or Vaseline. Self-administration of medications will relieve symptoms and the examination results will be unreliable. In addition, the wrong drug often provokes deterioration.


Among the creams for healing cracked hands, it is recommended to use cosmetic products free of alcohol and artificial humectants. The most effective natural substances are lanolin, essential oils of jojoba, coconut, sea buckthorn, shea or tea tree. Examples of creams: Bioderma, Rilana, Newtrogina, Dachnitsa and Biocon. Among pharmaceutical products, Bepanten, Panthenol, Solcoseryl ointment and Apilak will have a therapeutic effect on small wounds.

The famous Vishnevsky ointment helps with burns, purulent wounds and cracks on the body. You should not refuse the product because unpleasant odor, as it really helps relieve inflammation and restore the dermis. It should be applied several times a day to the affected areas. Ichthyol ointment, Levomekol and Dexpanthenol have similar effects. Boro Plus cream in pink or green packaging has a more neutral scent. You will have to use it to heal cracks on your hands 3-4 times a day, since the product is well absorbed and quickly washed off with water.

Expert opinion

Meshcherinka Diana

Dermatologist of the first qualification category

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Wounds should be treated with antiseptic agents - Miramistin, hydrogen peroxide, furatsilin solution. If observed a large number of blood or pus, then bandages with disinfecting ointments should be applied. It is not recommended to take antibacterial drugs without a doctor's prescription. They have not only positive but also negative effects.

For diseases of the internal organs, certain medications are prescribed for a particular disorder. For example, Radevit, Actovegin or Methyluracil are used to stimulate metabolism. Fungal infections of nails and skin are treated with antimycotic drugs in the form of ointments or tablets. It is recommended to choose Clotrimazole or Pimafucin, as they do not cause side effects and have a wide spectrum of action. It is possible to alleviate the condition of eczema and psoriasis by using ointments based on Prednisolone.

Cracks on the fingers near the nails that are caused by an allergic reaction should be treated with antihistamines. It is necessary to exclude even minimal contact with the irritant. To relieve itching, burning and swelling, internal tablets are prescribed - Loratadine, Suprastin or Cetirizine. In addition, it is allowed to smear the affected areas with Psilo-balm.

How to do without the help of a doctor

How to treat cracks in fingers without specialist advice? Sometimes it happens that it is not possible to visit a doctor at the moment. It’s easy to alleviate the condition, learn about simple remedies. BF-6 medical glue will help seal deep wounds. It is absolutely safe and does not cause suppuration or allergies. The product can only be used to treat dry skin without pus or blood. A small amount of glue is applied to the crack and wait a few minutes, during which it dries. Cracks heal faster, since their edges are fixed and do not diverge further. In addition, no water or pollution gets into them, which also speeds up recovery. From time to time, damage to the finger is glued, if necessary. After such therapy, it is recommended to apply a moisturizer.

Sulfacrylate has a similar effect. It is applied to the affected areas, dries and forms an invisible film. It needs to be applied more often than medical glue, but the drug also has a healing effect. Its composition ensures the destruction of pathogenic organisms and relieves inflammation.


Get rid of painful cracks A hot potato compress will help you. To do this, boil several medium-sized potatoes in their jackets, peel them and mash them thoroughly. Take 2 pieces of gauze and spread the puree on them, then wrap your hands. Leave until the potatoes have cooled down. Remove the compress, wash your hands with warm water and lubricate with moisturizing hand cream. This hand compress can be used daily until complete healing. cracks, and then in preventive ones.

Get rid of cracks It will also help for your hands. To do this, take 0.5 liters of water in which the potatoes were boiled and add 2 tablespoons of starch. Dip your hands into this solution and hold for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse your hands with cool water and apply moisturizing hand cream. Use this hand bath every day until complete healing. cracks, and then for preventive purposes.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

The skin of the hands is constantly exposed to cold and heat, to various chemicals, as a result of which it loses its youth and attractiveness. Spare no time and effort in caring for the skin of your hands, because it can highlight your individuality.


  • The skin on the fingers cracks, dries, flakes, itches

For prevention, it is worth replenishing your home medicine cabinet with lanolin ointment, Vaseline, and glycerin. Antiseptic gels will help heal the surface of the cut. It’s good if, when providing first aid, you have iodine and streptocide powder on hand; these products also help disinfect tissues.

Tip 10: How to quickly heal an abrasion at home

In mild cases, wounds can be treated on your own without seeing a doctor. Popular home remedies for abrasions and wounds will speed up the healing process and also prevent the formation of scars.

Aloe vera

Due to its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, aloe vera is used as an effective home remedy for the treatment of abrasions. In addition, aloe gel helps improve the healing process of skin tissue and also moisturizes it.

  • Take an aloe leaf and extract the gel.

  • Apply the gel to the affected areas.

  • You can either leave it on the skin or apply a bandage.

  • Remember to change the bandage 2-3 times a day until you notice an improvement

Since ancient times, honey has been used to treat wounds. Its special property is that it can reduce the likelihood of scarring.

  • After washing the wound, gently rub in some honey and apply a bandage.

  • After an hour, remove the bandage and rinse off the honey with warm water.

  • Do this 2-3 times a day


Turmeric effectively treats damaged skin, promotes rapid healing, and also reduces the risk of infection.

  • Make a paste of turmeric powder and water and then apply it on the affected areas.

  • Leave until dry.

  • Perform the procedure 2-3 times a day.

Lavender oil

Lavender oil is recognized as one of the reliable remedies, as it heals affected areas and at the same time promotes wound healing.

  • Prepare a decoction of thyme.

  • Add a few drops of lavender oil to it and gently apply to the abrasions.

  • Repeat 2-3 times a day.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil has the ability to protect the skin and prevent the spread of infection.

  • Take a sufficient amount of coconut oil and apply it on the wound.

  • Let dry naturally without washing off.

  • Do this 2-3 times a day until the skin is completely healed.

Beautiful skin on the hands - every year this phenomenon becomes more and more rare, since every year the list of negative factors that affect us becomes longer and longer. And these are not only high and low temperatures, but also hard water, numerous negative environmental factors, household chemicals, as well as fungal diseases and changes that occur in our body with age. All this is imprinted on our hands, primarily in the form of, among other things, cracks in the skin, on the folds or pads of the fingers.

Causes of cracks in hands and fingers

But cracks in the fingers can also signal more serious problems, especially if these are not just cracks, but non-healing wounds that bleed and do not heal for a long time. Such skin lesions are very painful, they are constantly injured, grow to the size of a wound, which constantly gets wet and rots. Such cracks can occur for many reasons, and it depends on the reason how exactly this phenomenon should be dealt with.

The reasons for the appearance of cracks in the hands can be various factors: usually these are either external characteristics of the body or external influences. From the inside, allergies, fungal infections, various types of endocrine disorders, hormonal imbalance in the body, vitamin deficiency or eczema can provoke the appearance of the disease. In this case, wounds occur mainly on the fingertips, between the fingers, and on the palms.

It is a non-infectious disease, dermatosis, which is of an autoimmune nature. With this disease, dry, raised spots above the skin, red and scaly, are formed, which are called psoriatic plaques, which also cause cracks in the skin and fingers. Their nature is chronic inflammatory, and treatment is consistent with the treatment of the underlying autoimmune disease.

Eczema is a chronic or acute inflammatory skin disease of an allergic nature. This disease is characterized by various types of rashes, as well as burning and itching. Eczema is prone to relapse and is often characterized by the appearance of painful cracks on the hands, fingers, and folds.

Damage can also occur under the influence of external factors: under the influence of sunlight, prolonged constant contact with water, as a result of exposure to chemical reagents, as well as due to sudden changes in temperature and humidity. As a result of such adverse effects, the skin of the hands and feet begins to crack and dry out, this happens especially actively during the cold season.

Photo: wounds and damage on the surface of the skin, on the tips, pads or bends of the fingers


Treatment for cracks in the fingers depends on the reasons for their appearance. If we are talking about the impact of external factors, then you just need to limit contact with the source of irritation. To this end, wear gloves when cleaning and washing, and clean your skin with mild soap - baby soap, for example. Constantly moisturize your hands after each contact with water or detergents - this will speed up healing.

There are also a number traditional methods treatment of cracked hands. Potato broth is effective in such cases, which can be prepared by boiling and draining the potatoes, adding starch and vegetable oil to the broth.

Many people cope with this problem using a mixture of milk, water, starch and glycerin. The solution is thoroughly stirred, and then the brushes are kept in it for ten minutes. Even very deep wounds can be healed in this way.

You can lubricate your hands with cedar oil, or better yet, wrap them cloth napkin, soaked in oil. It is advisable that the napkin be linen. Cucumber masks and oatmeal baths have a beneficial effect on the skin.

If cracks in the fingers and bends are associated with a certain disease, then self-treatment is not recommended - it is better to consult a doctor. Cracks of a fungal nature are treated with special ointments and preparations, and cracks of an allergic nature are treated with antihistamines.

If cracks occur due to vitamin deficiency, then it is necessary to enrich your diet with foods containing vitamins A and E, that is, olive oil, nuts, herbs, orange fruits and vegetables.

The causes of cracks in the hands can be psoriasis; in this case, treatment should be fully agreed with the doctor and aimed at curing the underlying disease.

Medicinal herbs are widely used to treat ailments of various natures. You can prepare a special mixture from a collection of chamomile, calendula, plantain and string, pour boiling water and leave for eight hours. Then grind butter with honey, add infusion there and lubricate sore spots with this mixture. A pleasant and useful home remedy is rose petal cream. You need to grind the rose petals into a paste, mix with a spoon of lard, let the ointment brew, and then lubricate the affected areas with it.


The appearance of cracks on the hands can be prevented if you follow basic prevention rules. First, it is important to wash your hands with soft water and mild soap. The skin should be wiped dry, it is especially important not to leave moisture between the fingers, because this is where the skin is most often susceptible to such lesions. After washing, be sure to lubricate skin moisturizing cream.

Do not use household chemicals without gloves, since their composition is aggressive to skin health, and very often it is household chemicals that cause ulcers on the hands.

The skin of your hands very often deteriorates from hypothermia, because low temperatures, due to the fact that blood vessels narrow under the influence of cold, thus provoke insufficient nutrition of the skin, so keep your hands warm.

Those people whose skin is dry and prone to flaking need to regularly take nourishing moisturizing baths on a weekly basis. Wheat germ, olive, almond or apricot oil is added to the baths, which enrich the skin with vitamin E.

Hand skin problems have become very common lately. Dry skin, cracks and wounds on the fingers today accompany many people. It all starts with hardening of the skin, resulting in the formation of often painful cracks. Over time, the wounds heal even if nothing is done, but if they deepen, the person experiences a lot of inconvenience.

The nature and depth of cracks on the fingers determine their appearance:

  • epidermal (superficial);
  • dermal (deep).

If the lesion is superficial, then after healing there are no traces left, but if a person suffers from deep wounds, then there is a high risk of subsequent scarring.

The skin cracks on the fingers, pads, and even the membranes of the hands. Regardless of the initial depth of the problem and the question of why it arose, certain treatment is required.

The main causes of dry skin and cracks

A person’s hands indicate his habits, lifestyle, health, and so on. But why does the skin on your fingers crack? What treatment method and means is best to choose?

Every day, the epidermis is influenced by many different factors of external and internal nature, which can provoke the appearance of defects on it.

Internal factors:

  • hormonal problems;
  • allergic reactions;
  • avitaminosis;
  • fungal infections;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • disruptions in metabolic processes;
  • psychological disorders;
  • long-term use of antibiotics;
  • exhausting diets;
  • bad habits (smoking, alcoholism, passion for sweets, etc.);
  • natural aging of the body;
  • eczema;
  • dermatitis;
  • psoriasis, etc.

Chronic diseases can also provoke the manifestation of defects on the skin of the fingers. Moreover, appearing during an exacerbation of the disease, they can disappear when the main factor is eliminated.

In such cases, the manifestation of dryness and cracks extends not only to the skin of the fingers, but also affects other parts of the hands. That's why, First of all, it is necessary to determine the underlying ailment, and begin adequate, individual treatment.

Certain external factors are characterized by a strong impact on the delicate integument of the fingers:

  • influence of weather conditions (cold, wind, solar radiation);
  • passion for frequent hand washing;
  • using household chemicals without the necessary hand protection.

Under the influence of negative external factors, the delicate skin of the hands quickly dries and cracks due to lack of moisture.

Cold has a very aggressive effect on the skin, drying out the skin very quickly.

Drastic changes temperature regime and humidity also provoke negative consequences for the hands.

Personal hygiene products are also not always characterized by a positive effect. Their saturation with a large number of chemical components can also cause similar problems.

Aggressive substances contained in washing powders, cleaning products and other household products, have an extremely negative effect on the skin. It is important to always use gloves when applying them.

The causes of defects may be different. Knowing why the skin on the fingers cracks, treatment should be carried out only after consulting a doctor. It is important to rule out more complex diseases before starting to eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

Predisposition of the body (genetic, acquired)

Separately, among the possible causes that cause such a symptom of dry and cracked skin on the fingers of the upper extremities is the genetic predisposition of the human body.

Statistics show that Among those who turned to medical institutions for help, 10% of people “inherited” a similar illness. In this case, it is often triggered by the ineffective functioning of the sebaceous glands, which is hereditary. A similar cause is recorded mainly in young people.

People suffering from various types of allergies and skin diseases can develop excessive dryness and cracks. In addition, leveling the rules of personal hygiene will most likely “help” to obtain such skin reactions. But excessive use of cosmetics can also negatively affect the condition of the delicate skin of the hands. It is important to find a middle ground and take proper care of yourself.

Healthy eating for healthy skin

When determining the factors that influence the condition of the skin on the fingers and the possible appearance of cracks, it is worth focusing on nutrition as the cause of the defect on the one hand, and the method of treatment on the other. Why healthy eating in this vein occupies such an important position?

Irrational, unbalanced nutrition does not make it possible to fill the body with necessary vitamins.

Vitamins A and E are very important for the skin. Their deficiency is one of the factors that provoke skin ailments.

To eliminate the problem in this case, it is enough to saturate your diet with the following products:

  1. Vegetables (carrots, tomatoes, bell peppers).
  2. Hard cheeses.
  3. Nuts.
  4. Beef.
  5. Liver.
  6. Beans.
  7. Cereals.
  8. Dairy and fermented milk.
  9. Vegetable oils.

Thanks to a balanced and systematic diet, the body will be able to receive all the necessary components and efficiently cope with ailments and quickly restore the damage caused directly to the skin.

Exposure to chemicals on the skin of hands at home

It is unlikely that there is at least one product used in cleaning premises that would have a positive effect on the delicate surfaces of the hands. There is not even one that has no impact.

All products in this group negatively affect the condition of the integument due to the presence of:

  • acids;
  • alkalis;
  • chlorine;
  • phenol, etc.

Using household chemicals, women constantly subject their hands to serious tests. Along with dirt, such products also break down the natural lubricant on the skin, causing dryness and cracks in the folds.

The question is unlikely to arise: “Why do you need to protect yourself from such negative influences?”, but it will be important to find out what to do to reduce the influence of aggressors on delicate integuments, and save yourself from the risk of developing cracked skin on your fingers, and as a result, avoid worthwhile treatment.

It is important to follow the following advice from dermatologists:

  1. After each dishwashing or hand washing, it is important to wash your hands with mild soap and moisturize them with appropriate cosmetics.
  2. When cleaning at home, do not forget to protect your hands with rubber gloves. But, no less important is the periodic “release” of gloves to allow the skin to breathe.
  3. Any reactions on the skin are evidence that the product used in everyday life needs to be changed to eliminate dermatitis.
    Do not forget about yourself when maintaining cleanliness in the house, because delicate women’s hands require careful care and care.

Useful vitamins for skin and nails

Systematic and adequate care of hands and nails will help neutralize the influence of negative factors, providing them with the necessary “vitamin nutrition” and moisture.

A sufficient supply of vitamins will help the skin cope with drying.

The supply of necessary substances, both from the inside (nutrition) and from the outside (creams, ointments, etc.), is considered effective.

The most important vitamins are A (rejuvenates), E (heals), group B (normalizes metabolic processes), C (prevents wrinkles), H (normalizes skin function).

Foods, medications and products containing these substances can help solve the problem of dry and cracked skin on the hands and ensure healthy nails.

Diseases whose symptoms are dry skin and cracked fingers

Cracks in the fingers can also be a consequence of more serious diseases.

  1. Contact dermatitis. The most common skin disease. Initially, the body, when faced with an allergen, prepares to react to it. Repeated contact provokes skin inflammation, manifested in the form of redness, swelling, and cracks.
  2. Candidiasis of the hands. Caused by a fungus of the genus Candida. The most common lesions are the skin between the fingers. Cracks appear with a white coating and unpleasant itching.
  3. Dermatophytosis of the hands. A disease also caused by a fungal infection. In this case, the cracks are located mainly on the lateral surfaces of the fingers.
  4. Atopic dermatitis. The resulting cracks are very painful.
  5. Eczema. The direct dry type of the disease provokes dryness and cracks on the fingers.
  6. Psoriasis. Small and multiple cracks cause a lot of trouble.
  7. Reiter's syndrome. It mainly affects the urethra or eyes, but symptoms can also appear on the skin of the fingers.
  8. Ichthyosis. The skin resembles fish scales and cracks easily.
  9. Problems with the thyroid gland. Hypothyroidism directly manifests itself as a symptom of dry fissures, due to impaired nutrition of the integument.
  10. Diabetes. Impaired blood circulation and, accordingly, nutrition of the hands, which manifests itself in excessive dryness and the appearance of cracks.

Any of the listed diseases is a serious reason for promptly visiting a doctor.

Now we know why the skin on the fingers cracks. Treatment should be prompt, regardless of the cause of this symptom, since the consequences can be very serious.

Treatment of dry skin and cracks with folk remedies

Traditional methods involve an external fight against the problem, therefore, if the cause of such a symptom lies deeper, in more serious diseases, such treatment will not be effective.

In other cases You can use the following recipes:

  1. Heated vegetable oil. For 30 sec. heat over low heat. You can add vitamin A for the skin. Make hand baths every day until the oil cools.
  2. Salt bath. For a glass of water 3 tbsp. l. Dead Sea salt or iodized salt. You can add a drop of tea tree oil. Daily procedures will quickly restore the skin.
  3. Oak bark decoction. Add 2 tbsp to a glass of water. l. ingredient. 30 minutes a day will get rid of hand defects.
  4. Milk-potato-glycerin mixture. Mix two grated raw potatoes with two parts milk and one part glycerin, drop essential oil. Apply the mixture as a compress at night.
  5. Birch tar. Apply to cracks and leave for 30 minutes.

Superficial cracks in the skin of the fingers, due to external damage, such recipes can be cured quite quickly. If for some reason there is no effect, then we are talking about more serious diseases, and the help of a doctor will be indispensable.

Treatment with medications, ointments, creams

There are many effective medications. It is only important to choose the right one in each specific case.

  1. Cream " Bepanten" Includes B vitamins. The product disinfects wounds well.
  2. Ointment " Radevit" The ointment is based on vitamins A, B, B. It is characterized by anti-inflammatory and softening effects.
  3. Ointment " Pantoderm" Regenerates and improves skin nutrition.
  4. Ointment " Eplan" Prevents infections in wounds, heals and nourishes the skin.
  5. Pills " Aevit" Used for deficiency of vitamins A and E.

The drugs have gained wide popularity and good reviews, thanks to their high-quality assistance in the treatment of dryness and cracks in the skin of the fingers, why shouldn’t this happen.

Prevention of cracks and dry skin

Quite simple steps will help avoid such defects.

  1. Hands should always be clean. Wash them exclusively in warm water using mild soap.
  2. You need to dry your hands thoroughly, especially on the webbing of your fingers.
  3. Apply moisturizer regularly.
  4. Applying chemicals When caring for the house, wear protection in the form of rubber gloves.
  5. Protect your hands from the cold by wearing warm gloves in winter. Avoid cold water when doing laundry or washing dishes.
  6. Systematically make preventive baths with ingredients that effectively moisturize and nourish.

Always take care of your hands, because they are the main tool of a person in any matter. On the other hand, they reflect the state of a person as a whole, partly being his “face”. A few simple ones preventive measures carried out on a regular basis will help protect them from illnesses, infections and diseases.

Useful video on how to treat dry skin on your hands.

One of the options folk recipes from cracks in the skin in this video
