Scenario of the festive event "Better there is no native land" (June 12-Day of Russia). Scenario of the holiday for the Day of Russia “Russia is my homeland! An interesting scenario for June 12 for adults

holiday script,
dedicated to the Day of Russia

Good afternoon dear friends! We are pleased to welcome you to our holiday, which is dedicated to the most precious thing - love for the motherland.
Each state has its own symbols. There are many symbols of Russia - the Kremlin, the Banner of Victory, and Russian birches ... and of course the most important state symbol of Russia - the tricolor flag.
Russia Day or Independence Day of Russia, as this holiday was called until 2002, is one of the “youngest” public holidays in the country.
In 1994, the first President of Russia, Boris Yeltsin, by his decree, gives state significance to June 12 - the Day of the Declaration of State Sovereignty of Russia.
Later, for simplicity, it was simply called Independence Day. By the way, on June 12, in addition to "independence", our country gained its first popularly elected president.
In any case, this day was interpreted by the people in different ways.
First attempt at creating a master Public Holiday, which would mark the beginning of the countdown new history Russia, looked somewhat awkward. Polls of the population of those years clearly demonstrated the complete lack of understanding among Russians of the essence of this holiday. For most, June 12 was just another day off when you can go somewhere on vacation. In the cities of Russia, of course, mass festivities were held, but there was no particular scope.
In his 1998 speech, Boris Yeltsin tried once and for all to stop the gossip around June 12 by suggesting that it be celebrated as Russia Day. Officially, the holiday received a new name only on February 1, 2002, when the provisions of the new Labor Code came into force.
Now the Day of Russia is a holiday of freedom, civil peace and the good consent of all people on the basis of law and justice. This holiday is a symbol of national unity and common responsibility for the present and future of our Motherland.

But love for the motherland is manifested in a careful attitude to the past, without which it is impossible to build a worthy future. Once upon a time, many years ago, our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, who saved the world from fascism, were as young as we are. They gave their lives for
so that we can live in a peaceful Russia, so that our children can live in peace, and so that the whole world can live in peace. And today it seems surprising that many are trying to revise history. But history cannot be revised. It is in our hands and our strength, preserving this memory, to pay tribute to the heroes of bygone times.

Dear friends, I think everyone will agree that we live in a country whose history we can rightfully be proud of. How wonderful that on Russia Day we can talk about the fact that more and more young people are beginning to be interested in the past of their country, to be interested not only in order to know it, but in order to preserve and pass on the glory of past generations, which managed to create today's Russia. And God bless everyone

one republic that you will not find on the maps. Its territory does not lie on the ground, but on the souls of people. Let's always remain a big, friendly family and let a good and kind song always unite us.

Love for the motherland is the most important feeling for every person. For an adult, this feeling is like a big river ... there is a source, a small key from which everything begins, and from it grows a huge love for everything that fits in one word - Motherland.
The feeling of a small Motherland, with its own special appearance, with its own, albeit the most modest and unassuming beauty, appears in a person in childhood, at the time of life-long impressions of a childish soul, and with it, with this separate and personal Motherland, he comes over the years. to that great Motherland, which is one for all. The light of the father's home and the warmth of the native hearth warm a person and illuminate his path all his life.

It seems to me that there is no person who would not love his Motherland: golden wheat fields, birch groves, tiny fragrant mimosa flowers, bright yellow maple leaves on dark asphalt, endless fields and forests - all this is the Motherland. And for us, like no one else, it is close and dear, because we are Russians! Only we, Russians, fully comprehend nature in the fullness of all its colors.

They say the homeland is not where you were born. Homeland is where you are happy, where there are those you love and those who love you. This is where it hurts to leave. We are Russians! We are all different: we speak different languages, sing different songs, and for everyone the vast world in which we live, chilled by the winds and washed by downpours, in diamonds of dew and gilded by the sun, is colored with all the bright colors of the rainbow. But we equally love the land on which we live, we love our parents and our children. We want to see them happy. And our common world has one color - the color of hope!

Our city is a part of a great and powerful state! We are proud of our country, our city! Each of us contributes to the development and prosperity of Russia! We want to see our Motherland strong, united, prosperous! After all, this is my proud Russia!

All participants - "We wish you happiness"

Scenario of the holiday "Day of Russia" class teacher: Kurzina N.N. Purpose: education of moral and patriotic feelings of fellow citizens, love for the Motherland, native land, respect for the older generation. Vedas: Good afternoon, dear compatriots. Today is a big holiday, the day of Russia. And we really have something to congratulate each other on. We live in a great country with an equally great history. This holiday is celebrated today in all parts of our state. Today we honor our great country, with its traditions, with its history, with its peoples, with its victories. Russia Day is the day of the greatness of our state! Happy holiday, dear friends! Vedas: The Day of Russia is quietly knocking at your door - Let him in on the threshold. Let the native country light up with the sun, Well, you always live in harmony. Let our Russia always prosper, Let there be no shocks! Personally, I wish you to love the Motherland, And to appreciate it, knowing no doubt! 1 Concert number song "Russia" Vedas: Today is a holiday of our great power, freedom, peace, the consent of all citizens of the country. We call it a holiday of national unity and common responsibility for the present and future of our Motherland! Congratulations on Russia Day: (gives the floor to the guests of the holiday) Ved. Russia is like a word from a song. Birch young foliage. Around forests, fields and rivers, expanse, the Russian soul. I love you, my Russia, for the clear light of your eyes, For your mind, for your holy deeds, For your voice, ringing like a stream. I love, with all my heart I understand the Steppe's mysterious sadness. I love everything that is called One broad word - Rus'! 2 Concert number song "Rus" Ved. Our country celebrates Russia Day! In 1994, by decree of the first President of Russia, Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin, June 12 was declared the Day of the Declaration of State Sovereignty of Russia. Later it became known simply as Independence Day. Vedas. Now the Day of Russia is a symbol of national unity and common responsibility for the present and future of the Motherland. POEMS OF CHILDREN GLEB There is no more beautiful land in the world, No Motherland, the world is brighter! Russia, Russia, Russia - What can be sweeter to the heart? And if we were suddenly asked: “What is the country dear to you?” Yes, because Russia is for all of us. Like a mother, alone! KIRA How great is my land, How wide is the expanse! Lakes, rivers and fields, forests and steppe, and mountains! My country is stretched From north to south: When spring is in one region, In the other - snow and blizzard. And the train through my country To the border from the border No less than ten days And then it will barely rush. And in the cities, and among the seas, And among collective farm arable land - Everywhere you will meet people of our relatives, our Russians. We live in a joyful land And we must know it - our beloved country, our beloved land of light. Vedas: HAPPY RUSSIA DAY, MY DEAR COUNTRYMANS! We all want to see our homeland peaceful and prosperous. I wish all Russians prosperity, health, mutual love and all earthly joys. Live in Friendship, Peace and Prosperity, And wait only for good news, Breathe in the sweet air, And keep springs for children. I wish the Fatherland new strength, So that everyone lives easier and more joyfully, So that a worthy patronymic can be found for the beautiful name "RUSSIA". 3 Concert number song "Prayer" Vedas: Dear friends! I would like to appeal to all of you: love your homeland, both large and small; try to learn more about its history, take care of nature, keep customs and traditions. Take care of Russia, We can't live without it. Take care of her to be forever. Our truth and strength, All our destiny. Take care of Russia - There is no other Russia! 4 Concert number song "Where the maple makes noise" Ved. Our children are still very small, but we adults can teach them to take care of their Motherland, to love it, to make it more beautiful. A child is not born good or evil, moral or immoral. What moral qualities a child will develop depends, first of all, on us adults, parents, grandparents. Is it really so difficult not to litter on the street, not to break bushes and trees, not to trample lawns. And most importantly, love your loved ones, your family. KATYA There are a lot of words in the world, Like snowflakes in winter. But take, for example, these: The word "I" and the word "We". "I" in the world is lonely, In "I" there is not much use. One or one It is difficult to cope with the trouble. The word "we" is stronger than "I". We are family and we are friends. We are a people and we are one. Together we are invincible. Children take out drawings “WE ARE A FAMILY”, selectively give them to guests in the hall. Vedas. We live in a country that has amazing beautiful name - Russia. Do you know why our country has such a name? Vedas. For the clear dawns, washed with dew, For the Russian field with tall ears, For the flooding rivers in the blue flame, You were called Slavic - Russia. 5 Concert number song "Sky of the Slavs" Ved. Homeland means native, like mother and father. Motherland is the place where we were born, the country in which we live, of which we are citizens. Love for Russia for each of us begins with love for the places where you were born and live. Vedas. Many proverbs and sayings were composed by the Russian people about the Motherland: ∙ There is no land more beautiful than our Motherland! ∙ Do not spare your strength or life for your Motherland. ∙ A person has one mother - one and one Motherland! ∙ To live - to serve the motherland! ∙ Motherland, know how to stand up for her. ∙ Take care of your dear land, like a beloved mother. ∙ Native land is sweet in a handful. ∙ A man without a homeland is like a land without a seed. Who will tell you about Russian customs and traditions (for example, “hobsol”, “caroling”, “Shrovetide”, “disguise”). Vedas. “Love Russia” is what the song says, But how can you love her, Motherland! Or maybe the way they loved, wrote and spoke, About her poets and writers of Russia. 6 Concert number song "The golden grove dissuaded" Ved. Each person strives to make his homeland even more beautiful, even richer, because it is one. All the main thing in a person is one. Life is one, heart is one. And there is only one homeland. A man without a Motherland is like a tree without a root. 7 Concert number song "Time of Changes" Ved. Our country is big and very beautiful. Every corner is unique. In one city there are many plants, factories, tall buildings and wide avenues, the other is famous for its ancient monuments. One village stands on the banks of a large river, while the other is lost in the dense taiga, spread widely in the steppe or on the seashore. And of course, in every corner of our country, children sing about their homeland, about Russia. 8 Concert number song "" Vedas: People do not choose their place of birth on earth. They can live in different countries, have different skin colors, speak different languages, but the words "Motherland, Fatherland, Fatherland" are sacred for everyone. For you and me, all these concepts are contained in the word "Russia" 9 Concert number song "Cheryomukha" Vedas. My Russia is a country of the world, a country of blue skies and bright sun. How can I not love her? I see her in every epic in every leaf. I feel it in the rustle of autumn, in the rumble of harvesters, in the smell of freshly plowed land. 10 Concert number song “Ved. There was something for our grandfathers to love the Russian land, although they did not live sweetly on this land, and how could we, the new generations who came to this land, not love it. This is our home, this is our Russia. 11Concert number song "Horse" Ved. Each leaf, each stream has the most important thing in the world - it has its own homeland. For the weeping willow there is no sweeter river, for the little white birch there are no relatives of the edge. There is a branch at the leaf, Ovrazhek at the stream. Everyone in the world has their own homeland. The country where we were born, Where we live happily, We call our native lands Russia. Together we are invincible. Vedas. We have our own small Motherland - our Western farm. This song is dedicated to him. 12Concert number song "From our station" Ved. You are in everyone's heart, Motherland, Russia! White birches, poured spike. You are not more free, you are not more beautiful, There is no other Motherland like this in the world! Vedas. Dear friends! Our holiday is ending. We wish you peace, kindness and prosperity. Once again, Happy Holidays - Russia Day!

Cheerful children's songs about the Motherland sound, children gather in the hall.

Petrushka and Skomorokh appear

buffoon - Hey-gey, honest people, come boldly do not stand!

Parsley - The hot summer has come to us, it has brought a holiday with it!

buffoon - The holiday is very kind and beautiful!

Together - It's Independence Day of Russia!

Parsley - My friend, what could be nicer,

Priceless native land?

There the sun seems brighter

There is a happier golden spring.

buffoon - Dear light of the native sky,

Oh, holy motherland!

What heart does not tremble

Blessing you!

Song "The Land You Live In"

(adults sing)

buffoon - And today you can’t get bored in this one ...

Parsley - And you can have fun and play!

buffoon - Well, then, turn all to each other,

And shake hands with a friend.

Raise your hands all up

And move at the top.

Shout cheerfully "Hurrah"

It's time to start our holiday.

Parsley - And we invite you all to stand up

And repeat after us.

Children perform dance moves

To the song "Rosinochka - Russia"

Petrushka a - Buddy, guys, you know, because I just returned from an extraordinary trip today. And I traveled to different countries, Wherever I just went ... But what can I say, I brought a whole suitcase of surprises for you ... But still, I will tell you that there is no more beautiful and beloved Russia in the whole world. Russia is the only extraordinary country, because it is our Motherland.

Skomoro x - And what is the Motherland? Guys, does anyone know what the Motherland is? Great! And now let's play like this, I will say the beginning, and you will continue ...

Our country is called Russia.

Citizens of Russia, i.e. we are with you - Russians

Moscow is the capital of Russia

Let's all say "Hurrah" to her together.

And our village is called - Big - Alekseevskoye.

Let's also say to her more friendly Ur Big - Alekseevskoye ..

buffoon “Petrushechka, I’m so terribly anxious to know what is in your suitcase?” What do you guys want? Let's ask him, show him, please ...

Parsley - All right, all right, I'll show you everything. Guys, I told you that I was in different countries Oh. And from each brought state symbols.

buffoon And what are these symbols?

Petrushka a - These are signs by which one country is distinguished from another. For starters, try to find the flag of our Motherland among all these flags ...

They put the flags of different countries on the easel, Skomorokh tries to find the Russian one, but he can’t, maybe one of the children will help.

Parsley - And so that you remember him better, let's play with him.

Game "Collect the Flag"

Relay game "Raise the Flag"

buffoon - Great. And now I want to check your attentiveness with the help of flags. When I raise the white flag, you shout “I” in unison, to the blue “I LIVE”, to the red “IN RUSSIA”.

Chrychalka with flags "I live in Russia"

buffoon - And since we live in Russia, let's sing about it.

Song "Russia - you are my star"

Parsley - Well done, so what is the first symbol of our country? Flag. And you will find out the next symbol if you collect the picture, and at the same time, we will compete again.

Game "Collect the coat of arms"

buffoon - Look at our beautiful coat of arms. It depicts a double-headed golden eagle against a red shield. The coat of arms is the emblem of our state. It is depicted on the seal, on the passport, on banknotes.

Parsley. Or maybe you have something else interesting in your suitcase?

Petrushka is there. If you solve my crossword, you will learn about another symbol.





What is the name of the sound that occurs during a thunderstorm after lightning flashes?
What is the name of the string musical instrument, which the performer presses his chin?
What do we listen to music lessons?
What is it called when the music and words are played?

buffoon - So you and I guessed the crossword puzzle, and the word Anthem came out. What is an Anthem?

Parsley - A hymn is a solemn, laudatory song. It is also a symbol of our state. The day of our Motherland begins with the sounds of the anthem. He is listened to quietly and standing. Let's all listen to it together.

Presentation "Hymn Russian Federation»

Parsley - Majestic and calm

The anthem of Russia sounded.

Everyone listened quietly standing

Hall held its breath.

buffoon - With this music we grow up,

We grow with this music.

This music for life

Let's carry it in our heart!

Parsley - And without a friend or girlfriend

We can't live in the world.

So come on guys

Let's value friendship.

Song "True Friend"

buffoon - Well, to make our friendship even stronger, let's seal it with a cheerful dance.

dance medley

Only hands dance

Only feet dance

Only the head dances

face dance

Duck Dancing



buffoon - Well, now it's your turn.

Play the reverse game

The opposite game

I will say the word High - you answer ... low

I will say the word Far - you answer ... close

I will say the word ceiling - you answer ... floor

I will say the word Lost - you say ... found

I'll say summer - you ... winter

I'll say you can - you ... you can't

I will say the word coward - you will say ... brave

Now I will say the beginning - you will say ... The end

Parsley - So our wonderful holiday Independence Day is coming to an end. And for you, I have something else in my suitcase. What do you think is there?

Parsley takes out a treat from the suitcase and treats the children to it.

Holiday script

Musical director:

Akhmedova R.N.

Kogalym 2015

Purpose of the holiday: to cultivate love and pride for their country of Russia, and respect for the traditions and symbols of their people.

1. Introduce children to the concepts:

State flag Russian Federation;

State Emblem of the Russian Federation;

State anthem of the Russian Federation.

2. Develop interest in the symbolism of Russia.

3. Cultivate patriotic feelings and love for the motherland.

4. Learn to emotionally convey musical and artistic images, expand Creative skills children.

preliminary work:

Conversations of educators with older children preschool age on the topics: "Our flag", "Our coat of arms", "Our anthem". Learning poems and songs about Russia, the anthem of the Russian Federation. Consideration of illustrations depicting the Russian flag, coat of arms. Exhibition of children's drawings in the group "Magic colors" on the theme: "My native land".

Holiday progress:

HOST: Dear children! Again we were gathered by a beautiful, musical hall. So there is something interesting nearby.

We continue to enjoy the summer that brought us warm sun, singing birds, bright colors and fragrance of flowers Let's sing a song about it!


Children! What holiday do we celebrate on the first day of summer?


That's right, funny magical holiday Childhood: Children's Day. You have shown that you have fun and joyful life, that you love to sing, play, draw!

Leading : Guys, if you agree with me, say "YES"!
- mood, what, in?
- all of this opinion?
- all without exception?
- have we grown up?
Have we done everything?
Have we been everywhere?
- one for all?
- and all for one?
- health in order?
- Do you have fun?

Do you like to play?

How about celebrating a birthday?

Children, today we have gathered on the eve of a big holiday - the birthday of the country. And this holiday is a holiday for each of us, this is a common celebration, because the birthday of our common Motherland, our Russia.

We were born and live in this country.

Child reads:

1. Russia Day is coming

Everyone congratulates each other!

Flags, balloons, flowers!

We will celebrate the holiday, you and I!

2.If long, long, long

We fly on an airplane

If long, long, long

We look at Russia

3. We will see then

Both forests and cities

ocean spaces,

Ribbons of rivers, lakes, mountains…

4. We will see the distance without edge,

Tundra where spring rings

And then we'll understand what

Our country is big

Immeasurable country!


LEADING: And now the guys will read beautiful words but to the homeland.

1. Different people live in Russia

peoples for a long time.

One - the taiga to their liking,

Others - the steppe expanse.

2. Each nation has its own language and outfit.

One wears a Circassian

The other put on a robe.

3. One fisherman from birth,

The other is a reindeer herder.

One koumiss is preparing

Another prepares honey.

4. One sweeter autumn,

Others love spring.

A Motherland Russia

We all have one.

LEADING: (well done guys, thanks for the beautiful poems) Every country has state symbols. This distinguishes and distinguishes one country from another.

And Russia has state symbols. Let's remember them. This is the ARMS, FLAG AND ANTHEM.

LEADING: The child is reading:

We are also citizens of the country,

We are faithful to our Motherland!

We are proud of the flag and coat of arms

The anthem will sound - we all rise!


HYMN is a solemn song that glorifies our country. The anthem is played at important state events, holidays, parades, sports competitions. The anthem is listened to standing. By this we express respect for our country.(CHILDREN LISTEN TO THE ANTHEM OF RUSSIA).

Child reads:

I will remember the symbols

Anthem, flag, coat of arms - my friends!

They recognize Russia by them,

And the children sing a song to her!



No holiday, especially a birthday, is complete without games.


Guys, as at any holiday, we, of course, want to have fun,

Children do you agree with me?

Children: Yes!

HOST: Do you want to play?

Children: YES!

Now I propose to play a game - a relay race

"Who will quickly deliver the State Flag of the Russian Federation".

/ a game is held - a relay race: 4 children, at the request of the children, are invited from each group; a team captain is appointed; team captains are given a flag. Relay participants must run around the obstacle (skittles) and pass the flag to the next participant. Whoever completes the task faster is the winner. The game is played 2 times/.


And now I offer you a game for attentiveness and speed - "Compose the Russian flag"

/ invite one child from each group to play: magnetic boards, 3 magnets, rectangles: white, blue, red. Task: who will make the flag faster and correctly, the game is played 2-3 times /


Children read:

Let our Motherland bloom!

Let Russia live in the world!

Children grow up under the sun

And loudly sing songs

Glory to the motherland! Country!

Glory to peace on earth!

Glory to grandfathers and fathers!

To preschoolers, then to us!

And now let's dance a fun dance (children stand in loose)


Host: Dear children! Once again, I congratulate you on a wonderful day - June 12 - Independence Day of Russia! I wish Russia prosperity

the sun always shone over it and gave grace and happiness to all of us, Russians!

concert script, dedicated to the Day Russia.

Before the start of the concert, the Children's Wind Orchestra plays on the stage in front of the concert.

Against the background of solemn music, an announcer’s text sounds, at this time the children come out with canvases and place them on the steps in the form of a flag of the Russian Federation and a choreographic performance with canvases is performed.


My beloved RussiaMy endless countryYou were dear to me beforeI will always need you!

You are awesome and beautiful
I cannot contain my admiration:
After all, you could Napoleon
Once with Hitler to drive away!

You have a lot of merit
Don't count them to the end
Some resources in your lands
For many years in stock!

My beloved Russia!
Hurry, put on an outfit to your face,
Today we celebrate the holiday -
Your independence day!

The music is playing, the presenters are coming out.

Leading: Hello dear friends!

presenter : Good afternoon, dear guests!

Leading: Today our country celebrates a wonderful holiday - the Day of Russia!

Presenter: And we really have something to congratulate each other on. We live in a great country with an equally great history. Important discoveries have been made by our scientists, and many other peoples of the world can envy the heritage of our culture.

Leading: This holiday is celebrated in all parts of our state. Today we honor our great country, with its traditions, with its history, with its peoples, with its victories. Russia Day is the day of the greatness of our state!

1. "My Russia" - words by Solovyov N., music. Struve G.

Presenter: We live in a country that has an amazingly beautiful name - Russia. Do you know why our country has such a name?

Leading: For clear dawns, washed with dew,

For the Russian field with tall ears,

Over the rivers spilling in the blue flame

They called you in Slavic - Russia.

2 "I look into the blue lakes" - Words by I. Shaferan, music by L. Afanasiev.

3"Russia" - words and music by S. Pavliashvili

Leading: Every leaf, every stream

There is the main thing in the world - there is one's own Motherland.

For weeping willow

There is no cuter river

For the white birch

The edges have no relatives.

Presenter: There is a branch on a leaf

Sheep at the stream.

Everyone in the world has their own homeland.

The country where we were born

Where we live happily

We call our native regions Russia.

4 "My Russia" - music by A. Ermolov

5 "Matryoshka" - dance

Leading: Homeland means native, like mother and father. Motherland - the place where we were born, the country in which we live, whose citizens we are. The love for Russia for each of us begins with love for the places where you were born and live.

Presenter: If they say the word "Motherland",

Immediately comes to mind

old house, currants in the garden,

Thick poplar at the gate.

By the river birch - shy

And chamomile.

And others will probably remember

Your native Moscow courtyard.

Or the steppe, red from poppies,

virgin gold,

Homeland is different

But everyone has one.

6 "House over the river" - from the repertoire of Yaroslav Guborev

7 "I dream of Russia" - author A. Ermolov

8 "Green City" - dance

Leading: Our Motherland endured many severe trials, but the feat of the Russian people in the Great Patriotic War will forever remain in the memory of the people.

presenter : Victory Day has been and remains a sacred day for all the people of our country. Every year we again and again remember those events of the war years and those people who won peace on earth for us!

9 "On a sunny meadow" - orchestra of Russian folk instruments.

10. "Songs of our fathers" - vocal performance to the accompaniment of an orchestra of Russian folk instruments.

11 "Happy Birthday Victory!" - words and music by Y. Polyansky

12. "Apple" - dance

Presenter: Our children are still very small, but we adults can teach them to take care of their Motherland, to love it, to make it more beautiful.

Leading: Wonderful time Childhood. Barefoot childhood! In Childhood, everything is simple and elementary. In Childhood, everything is natural and everything is ahead: the discovery of new lands and flights to unknown stars. Childhood is our future deeds, future songs. This is the future of our country.

14 "The world that I need" - music by A. Ermolov, lyrics by S. Zolotukhin

15 "Girl's dance" - dance

16 "Chick and Brick" - Puppet Theatre

17 "Island of goodness and love" - from the repertoire of Anastasia Kuznetsova.

Leading: The beautiful day of Russia has come,
Day of the glorious homeland of the fathers,
Who gave their strength
For the life of relatives without any words.
So proudly rei, our tricolor flag,
Grow flowers, smile children,
The cunning enemy will not poke our noses at us anymore,
Our Russia - you are the best in the world!

18 "Blossom my land!" - music by P. Ermishov, lyrics by M. Suvorov.

Leading: Russia Day is a holiday of freedom, civil peace and good consent of all people. This holiday is a symbol of national unity and common responsibility for the present and future of our Motherland.

Presenter: On the day of Russia, we wish a hospitable table,

So that you always flourish

To get things done

Let every day be a holiday

Trouble does not knock on the house,

Wishes are many different, Be happy always!

On the final song, all participants of the concert go to the stage.

22 "How to sing of this land" - words by L. Zavalnyuk, music by Y. Saulsky

Leading: Dear friends! This concludes our holiday. We are confident that in the future Russia will be an example of a strong and successful state in all respects. After all, the history of Russia is the history of each of us.

Presenter: We sincerely congratulate you on the day of Russia, on the day of its high glory, pride and greatness! We wish you peace, kindness and prosperity. Once again, Happy Holidays - Russia Day! See you again.

Note! (The repertoire is approximate and can be changed at the discretion of the organizer).
