Vamp style in clothes. For those who love attention

Which animal of all the variety of our smaller brothers, created by nature, do you like the most? Which of them enchants you with its swift running or smooth flight, soaring in the streams of the elusive wind on thin and translucent wings? Do you prefer cute fluffy cats or frightening vampire bats with their appearance and nocturnal lifestyle? If the second option resonated in your passionate heart with a couple of extra blows, then, undoubtedly, vamp woman image, rulers of nocturnal creatures, will please you. But what is vamp clothing style and how to create it in our age of digital technologies and social networks, we will tell you, the site.

The history of the vamp style in the world

The undisputed leader among all vampires known to the world was an incredibly seductive Count Dracula, created by writer Bram Stoker in 1897, and before that, legends about nocturnal bloodsuckers were found in all cultures of our beautiful and, in general, friendly planet.

The night is full of secrets and dangers, horror and romance, love and worship, and often, all these sometimes incompatible concepts are mixed with each other in a burning and intoxicating cocktail, whose name vamp woman. It was on these feelings that Hollywood played at the beginning of the 20th century, giving all lovers of mysticism the image of the first vamp woman, Theda Bara.

Connect your imagination and imagine 1910. A dark cinema, a crackling projector and a black-and-white film, the main character of which is a pale woman with a passionate gaze of thickly black-lined eyes, black as night, straight hair, pale skin and bright lips, behind which were hidden no less impressive sharp fangs, ready plunge into the muscular neck of another enchanted admirer.

Needless to say, all men and women were captivated by this image, which made the vamp style of clothing and the very image of a vamp woman attractive and popular. Of course, Thede Bara was immediately created an incredibly mysterious biography, with an Italian father and a French actress mother. But the legend of the birth of Theda in the shadow of the Egyptian pyramid gave her image a greater romanticism. We will now shudder from such unsanitary conditions, and we will sympathize with the whole family of the famous vampire, and not admire the mysticism of her birth.

However, at that time, the deed was done and very successfully, Theda starred in more than 40 vampire-themed films, and grateful fans created hundreds of “Secret Societies”, powdered their chubby cheeks with a healthy blush with an incredible amount of white, creating a mysterious pallor.

And then it went, went, since 1930 in the light of steel go out various sequels and variations on the theme of Dracula and his descendants, the bloody count turned out to be incredibly prolific, his sons and daughters regularly terrified the black-and-white screen, captivating the viewer with their pallor and passion.

The image of a vamp woman did not leave the screen, attracting cute young girls with her confidence, fatal mystery and success with men. The echoes of these mysticisms have survived all the actors that gave birth to them, and we still see some elements of the vamp style in celebrity clothing and makeup and on the catwalks of the world.

Vamp style in clothes and image of a woman

Style and image reflect the inner world and perception of ourselves in the society around us. Therefore, when choosing a vamp style, you should look inside yourself and understand who you really are and whether the image of a vamp woman really suits you.

To determine this let's look at the main features of the vamp style in clothes and image, this will help with the choice of clothes and accessories suitable for a stylish and fatal vampire.

Image of a vamp woman

A vamp woman is a woman who is confident in herself, her beauty, uniqueness, passion and unpredictability, determination and sexuality. She is not afraid of anything and no one, because she herself poses a real threat to everyone, men and women, who prevent them from getting what they want. After all, a vamp woman knows what she wants and knows how to achieve it, and therefore she goes towards her goal rapidly, avoiding all obstacles thanks to her intuition, how bat.

However, the image of a vampa woman does not accept any haste and fussiness in movements, words, deeds and thoughts. She is graceful and defiant at the same time, and this is facilitated by her clothes and accessories, selected with great taste and knowledge of the matter. Are you like this? If yes, then read on 😉

vamp clothes

Vamp style in clothes is created from contrasts and love for them, everything is subject to only one- to attract attention and cause insatiable interest and attraction to the bearer of the image. Therefore, sexuality and brightness border on exquisite taste and luxurious appearance. Tight dresses, crazy cleavage, sexy and luxurious lingerie, lace stockings and high heels on chic shoes - this is a vamp woman on the hunt.

An emphasis on a thin and fragile waist in the form of a wide belt or a narrow sparkling belt is obligatory, which attracts the attention of all men and causes envy in women. After all, they are not so confident in themselves to be so seductive, mysterious and luxurious at the same time.

Clothing must have b bright and natural tones - black, maroon, bright red. And the colors are preferred leopard, tiger, that is, attracting attention.

Vamp Makeup

Makeup completes the image of a vamp woman, here the emphasis is on the lips and eyes, emphasizing their unnatural brightness on a pale face. Makeup in the vamp style allows the combination of two catchy elements - eyes and lips, this makes the image unpredictable. The eyes should be outlined with a black contour pencil and the line should go far beyond the outer borders of the eyelid, visually enlarging the eyes.

But the lips should be sexy - bright and juicy lipstick colors, red, dark red, burgundy or maroon and, of course, with juicy shine.

The vamp style will not be complete if the manicure does not match the color of the lips, this is an important touch.

Bright and juicy lips, dark eyes and a passionate look from under black eyelashes, long pointed nails of a bright shade attract attention and literally scream about the self-confidence of their owner, into whose hands any man dreams of falling, at least once in his life - that's what vamp style.

Vamp clothing style - style theory and its features

Clothing style "Vamp" is luxury, elegance and sexuality in everything. This style does not accept alternatives - it is impeccability and chic in everything from the style of the dress that perfectly emphasizes the dignity of the figure to underwear.

Vamp woman - this is a person who is confident in herself and her sexuality, which is distinguished by determination and incredible femininity. Such a woman attracts and drives any man crazy and, looking at the impeccable image and style of this person, the man understands the danger of this person, but, nevertheless, is unable to refuse such a bewitching and contradictory person.

Vamp clothing style - colors and fabrics

Vamp style fabrics - these are all fabrics with a claim to luxury, namely silk, lace, satin, chiffon, jacquard, genuine leather, leather of exotic animals and expensive shiny fabrics. The Vamp style does not accept cheap analogues of these fabrics, because chic and brilliance are the prerogative of style. A great addition to this style are natural furs, which give the image spectacularity and charm.

Vamp style colors - these are deep and seductive shades, namely black, bright red, pure white, maroon, scarlet, lilac. In this style, "predatory" colors such as tiger, leopard, snake prints are widely applicable. It is worth noting that gold and silver colors are not alien to the Vamp style.

Vamp Clothing Style - Silhouettes and Details

Vamp style is a flawless silhouette , clearly fitting the figure, but, nevertheless, hiding the flaws with the elements of the cut and emphasizing the existing advantages a hundredfold. In this style, there is no place for extra centimeters in the volume of the dress or missing in the length of the sleeve - everything is clear and flawless. Such clothes are often created piece by piece from good sewing masters or designers, it is almost impossible to buy Vamp things, and if you do buy, then you can’t do without a perfect fit. It is worth remembering an important point. Vamp clothes are unique, sexy and preferably single items.

Vamp style details - these are beautiful necklines and high cuts, sexy lacing and graceful lace inserts, if draperies, then complex and giving the figure a perfect silhouette. Glass buttons, crystals on things, stand-up collars and collars - bows, cuffs on cufflinks, as well as elegant decor made of feathers or pearls - these are the subtleties that add gloss and sophistication to clothes.

Style "Vamp" - wardrobe elements

Fitted dress like a second skin - this is something without which this style does not exist. It is only important to remember that the dress should be elegant and sexy, and not frank and defiant. A vamp-style dress must necessarily emphasize the merits and skillfully hide the flaws, but for this you need, first of all, to take a critical look at yourself in the mirror and clearly identify the merits and demerits of the figure. This style only accepts a length just above the knee, but for the evening maxi is also considered acceptable. Translucent blouses, a pencil skirt, a tailored jacket with a fastener under the chest are elements of Vamp style clothing, as well as a luxurious fur coat, a boa and an elegant fur coat will not spoil, but only complement this luxurious style. The corset is one of the main details of the vamp style wardrobe, bringing sexuality and a certain elegant frankness to the image.

Separately, it is worth mentioning underwear - this is the fundamental style of "Vamp" as it does not matter if anyone sees it or not, it must be luxurious, elegant and impeccable. Lace lingerie and silk stockings are the casual undergarments for this style.

Vamp style - accessories and shoes

Vamp style accessories do not complement, but seduce. Long gloves, a flowing wide chiffon scarf, luxurious and elegant large jewelry with precious stones or rhinestones, small elegant handbags and sophisticated clutches - this is something without which one cannot create such an extravagant look.

Shoes "Vamp" extraordinary and elegant, if the heel, then only a very high and thin hairpin. Open sexy shoes will also not be superfluous in this style. If we talk about boots, then a high heel is a must and an impeccable fit on the leg as well.

Style "Vamp" and features of the figure

The most important feature of the figure in this style is the ideality and proportionality of the contour and volumes. Clothing style "Vamp" does not conceal, it emphasizes, so before trying this style on yourself, you should pay attention to your figure. It is worth saying only one thing, if the main advantage of the figure is beautiful breasts - an elegant neckline should be required, but if a woman has slender legs - a deep sexy cut should definitely hold a man's eyes on them.

Vamp style fashion trends

Modern fashion has made some adjustments to the “Vamp” style; trouser suits that fit perfectly on the figure and exactly copy men's organically merged into this style, giving the “Vamp” style even more sexuality and provocation. Trousers in the style of Marlene Dietrich in combination with a men's shirt also became elements of this style. Ties and a bow tie have recently organically complemented the image of a confident and luxurious woman.

Style "Vamp" in clothes - will seduce and conquer , to feel confident and desirable, free and independent, attractive and passionate, but do not forget that men sometimes shy away from strong women, so when choosing this style, be prepared for loneliness.

What comes to mind when you hear the phrase "vamp"?

Cold beauty, black hair, bright makeup, stilettos and a sexy look. Every woman at least once in her life dreamed of trying on a daring and exotic image.

It's not just limited to clothes and hair. Vamp is a lifestyle, demeanor, the ability to show oneself.

It is not necessary to have classical beauty to become a fatal temptress. The most famous "wampshi" in history just did not have one. However, the best of men died for them.

These days, you can easily get closer to the image of a vamp woman by choosing the right clothes and accessories. But for a real immersion in the mysterious world of la femme fatale, it is necessary, among other things, to do a lot of work on your inner world.

The history of the formation of fatal women

Cleopatra, Pola Negri, Mata Hari, Madame Du Barry, Coco Chanel, and, most importantly, Theda Bara, are considered to be recognized femme fatale vamps in history.

It was thanks to this silent film actress that the term "vamp" entered everyday use.

Vamp femme fatale - Theda Bara

Theda Bara was one of the first sex symbols of cinema. Glory to her brought the film "The Spot" in 1915.

In it, Theda appeared as a beautiful vampire with jet-black hair, bright makeup and pale skin. For subsequent roles of fatal seductresses, she received the nickname "Vamp" (short for "vampire").

Soon the term "vamp" gained considerable popularity and so began to call sexy and predatory women.

It is worth noting that the vamp style has not changed much over the whole century. Today, Theda Bara's followers live up to the image created in the film that brought her worldwide success.

What distinguishes femme fatales from ordinary people?

The vamp style carries a lot of components - this is the appearance, and manners, and the ability to behave with men, and subjugate their will.

In the image, try to stick to dark colors - black, dark brown, purple, gray, navy blue, and maroon. Contrast can be added with white and bright red.

This applies not only to clothing and accessories, but also to makeup.

It is not so easy to achieve persuasiveness in the image of a vamp woman if you are not one at heart. You can try on a Marticia Adams outfit for Halloween, but not everyone can live in this style.

A vamp woman has excellent manners, she is educated and knows how to behave in society. She is graceful like a panther, her movements are smooth and unhurried.

She does not talk about trifles, she is laconic, her voice is languid and calm. A vamp woman radiates self-confidence, has crazy energy and sex appeal.

Men fear her, but at the same time dream of her.

If you consider yourself this type of woman, then the vamp style may be quite appropriate for you in everyday life.

Going hunting - what to wear?

One of the main trump cards of the femme fatale is exquisite, sexy and eccentric clothing.

Vamp style in clothes

In vamp style, there is no place for ripped jeans and shapeless cardigans. The whole image should work to seduce and attract attention, but not look vulgar and defiant at the same time.

For a vamp woman, an hourglass silhouette in clothes is required. This can be achieved with wide or narrow belts worn around the waist.

A vamp-style dress is an indispensable part of the wardrobe of an insidious seductress.

Tight-fitting, floor-length dresses are ideal.

An image in the style of a fatal seductress is unthinkable without lace or satin lingerie.

If you want to look like a vamp, then get in your wardrobe:

  • figure-hugging dresses;
  • pencil skirt;
  • corsets;
  • things with a deep neckline and cuts;
  • black skinny jeans;
  • silk blouses or shirts;
  • black or red lace underwear;
  • stockings.

In clothes of this style, dark and red shades are preferred.

A leopard print will look spectacular, but be careful - there should be only one thing of a similar color in the image.

Avoid being too gothic, try not to dress completely in black. Don't skimp on quality clothing! A vamp woman cannot afford to look cheap and untidy.

From fabrics, give preference to cotton, spandex and polyester, lace, satin, brocade, only natural furs.

Don't wear vinyl unless it's part of some kind of role playing game where you're playing the mistress.

We select shoes and accessories

Like clothing, shoes must be of good quality.

An obligatory attribute of every vamp-style woman is shoes, stocking boots or stilettos.

Heels in this style must be thin and graceful. In no case should they look bulky and heavy. Preferably, if they are made of leather. Natural material with proper care will retain a beautiful and spectacular appearance much longer.

Patent leather deserves special attention. These shoes look provocative and at the same time very luxurious.

Chic accessories complete the image of a vamp.

These are elegant clutches and small bags that can be decorated with stones and rhinestones. Tie a light silk scarf around your neck.

Evening attire will be filled with a train of mystery if you wear long gloves.

From jewelry, give preference to jewelry or massive jewelry jewelry.

In vamp style, wearing cheap jewelry and hand-made products is unacceptable.

Properly selected accessories for this style will make the image more luxurious.

Hair and makeup of the insidious seductress

Despite the stereotype that a vamp woman must be a brunette, blondes in a fatal way also have the right to a peaceful existence.

A vamp hairstyle does not require special restrictions. It can be smooth straight hair or curly strands.

High hairstyles in the form of all kinds of buns or ponytail are quite in the style of a fatal seductress. The main thing is that, and the styling looks elegant and sophisticated.

In makeup, it is important to create an exotic look. You are lucky if you are naturally gifted with almond-shaped eyes, high cheekbones and ivory skin. If not, then you can work on that.

In vamp style, the emphasis in makeup should be on the eyes or on the lips. This technique will help to avoid excessive brightness.

The skin must be flawless. If there are any defects, then be sure to mask everything.

All vampires have a piercing black-rimmed look. To create an accent on the eyes, you need to bring them with a black liquid eyeliner or liner.

Don't go overboard with black eyeshadow, it will give you an extra gothic look that you don't need.

If you have very fair skin, try charcoal eyeliner instead of black.

Perfect for this style.

Volumetric and long eyelashes will give the look of mystery, and your style will be flawless.

For those who decide to focus on the lips, the hallmark of every vamp is red lipstick. The main thing is to choose your shade according to your skin type. But the color must be bright and juicy.

Without a manicure, the vamp look will be incomplete. Nails can be long or short. The main thing is grooming and impeccability.

It is beneficial to emphasize the style with bright red and burgundy shades of varnishes. You can also decorate your nails with decorative elements and unconventional patterns.

Memo to every self-respecting fatal beauty

If you still decide that the vamp is your lifestyle, then you will definitely need:

  • charisma;
  • sex appeal;
  • gloomy exotic appearance;
  • piercing look;
  • impeccable manners;
  • dark silk fabrics;
  • rich furs;
  • scarves and scarves with leopard print;
  • black long gloves;
  • black hat or beret;
  • exotic jewelry with precious stones;
  • long strands of pearls;
  • pale powder;
  • blood red lipstick;
  • black eyeliner;
  • a mesmerizing classic fragrance, such as Chanel No. 5, Opium or Mitsouko;
  • photo for incentive. Hang photos of famous women in vamp style in a conspicuous place so that you can look at them every day and be energized and inspired.

Vamp style combines sexuality and inaccessibility at the same time. Create for yourself the image of a fatal seductress, and he will not leave anyone indifferent.

For the first time, the image of a vamp woman, a fatal seductress and seducer of men, was presented on the screen by actress Theda Bara. Since then, this style has become popular. Usually women who choose it are confident and beautiful. They love to draw attention to themselves. It is believed that the vamp style is not suitable for romantic modest natures. After all, this is not just creating an image with the help of clothes and accessories, but character and special energy. Vamp women are smart and courageous natures. An important task of using this style is to create the effect of a mystery, so that others will certainly want to solve the riddle.
Vamp wardrobe essentials


It can be both short and ankle length. The fitted silhouette and deep neckline will make the dress interesting even if there are no prints or embellishments on it. Well, if it opens the back or arms. A high slit on the side of a long dress will give the impression of mystery. If it is short, then you should give preference to models from expensive fabrics or leather.

Pencil skirt

Now it is a popular detail in office style clothing. However, a pencil skirt is also appropriate for a vamp. It must have a cut. So the skirt not only seductively opens the legs, but is also more comfortable to wear. Models with a high waist visually lengthen the legs. A wide belt can emphasize a thin waist. A must-have for a pencil skirt is elegant high-heeled shoes. A classic model made of genuine leather will look good.

Sheer blouse

This piece of clothing can be combined with both trousers and a pencil skirt. Under a translucent blouse, you need beautiful underwear. Barely visible from under the thin material, it excites even more than the most revealing outfits. Blouse is better to choose white or red. These colors are the most versatile. In addition, red symbolizes passion, while white allows you to create a bright contrast with other shades.

Black pants

They should be selected, focusing on the type of figure. But for the vamp style, tight-fitting skinny trousers are considered the most suitable model. They can be with folds or pockets, but always satin.


In vamp style, it is used instead of a top. The classic version of the corset with lacing at the back and an insert that hides the body underneath can be decorated with pleats or bows. The narrow waist in it, combined with wide hips, looks very sexy.

Vamp look: makeup, accessories, hairstyle

Basic wardrobe details may vary. The main thing is to follow the general principles. In addition, a vamp is always luxurious, so her clothes should be made from expensive natural materials. If possible, then it is worth sewing exclusive models. They will fit perfectly. The main colors in the vamp wardrobe are black, red, silver, gold. White and various variations of shades are also allowed. Fits well with leopard print.

Makeup must be expressive. Emphasis must be placed either on the eyes or on the lips. Lipstick shades: from burgundy to bright red and scarlet. The skin should be pale, creating a contrast with the lips.

Vamp woman hairstyle- This is both a short haircut and curls. Long hair allows you to try different styling options. Therefore, do not rush to make a fashionable haircut.

Finish the image in vamp style can be done with accessories. Gloves with fur, a boa, clutches decorated with sequins, small handbags - all this will complement a luxurious outfit well. Jewelry must be chosen catchy, with large stones. Don't forget about underwear. It should also be expensive and beautiful.

Vamp woman shoes always on a high heel or a thin graceful hairpin. Stocking boots are a great option for cool weather. When it's warm, you can stop at open shoes.

Leighton Meester in a skin-tight cutout dress with open arms
Megan Fox in a white dress and Rosie Huntington-Whiteley in a chic red dress with a slit

Self-esteem for a woman means a lot. And the way she is dressed, and the impression she makes, greatly affects her self-esteem. Style reveals the very essence of a woman. Perhaps the most outspoken style can be considered the vamp style. A woman dressed in this style simply radiates self-confidence, she easily attracts the eyes of both men and women. She easily falls in love with herself and plays with feelings. This is a fatal woman.

Beginning of style

The style itself began its movement since the release of the first films about vampires. Famous actress Theda Baroy, a sex symbol of the 1910s, was the first representative of this style. She showed the whole world from the TV screen what a confident and sexy woman means. This style will not suit subtle romantic natures, since the very essence of this style carries the message of confidence and emancipation.

Clothes of this style

The basis of this style is eye-catching elegant dresses that fit perfectly on the figure. The neckline will not be superfluous here, and it doesn’t matter what exactly will be open, chest or back. A dress can combine high slits, and the length of the dress is not particularly important, the main thing is grace and sophistication. Skirts and trousers are acceptable in this style, but everything should fit perfectly on the figure and emphasize the dignity of a woman.

Fabrics related to this style are expensive: silk, satin, lace, genuine leather, furs. A corset will not be superfluous in this style. There are no trifles in this style, everything in it takes a clear position. Even underwear should be luxurious, and it does not matter that no one sees it. Lace underwear, perfectly fitting the figure, and stockings are everyday attributes of this style. Representatives of this style always and in any weather go only with heels - these can be open and sexy shoes or boots, but they fit perfectly on the leg.


Accessories should be sophisticated and feminine, eye-catching: for example, long gloves and a small elegant clutch in your hands. Earrings and chains, various brooches with a large stone, a wide belt emphasizing the waist.


Makeup in this style is also meant to be bright and draws attention to a woman. This is the only style that emphasizes both eyes and lips at the same time. Eyes need to be lined with black eyeliner, a fairly wide line, adding volume to them, you can use false eyelashes. Lipstick should be a bright shade, but always with a drop of gloss, so that the lips are more attractive and beckoning. The varnish should be matched to match the color of the lipstick, disparity in colors is not allowed.
At the end of the image, such a woman will wear perfume that emphasizes her individuality. That's all the highlights of this style of fatal beauty, easily conquering men's hearts and attracting the eye.
