Ten scientific discoveries about the feeling of love and why a person needs it. Love is a gift. What is the difference between conditional love and unconditional love?

The feeling of love will help to get rid of stress and anxiety, restore health, improve interpersonal relationships and become happier. How? Read carefully…

Have you noticed that in our life the most important thing is lost - the feeling of love?

Along with the opportunities that the age has opened for us information technologies, it robs us of one of the most important feelings, without which everything becomes unimportant - the feeling of love¹.

People hide behind masks, invent virtual images for themselves, and during “live” communication they feel awkward and wary of others. However, as soon as you change your attitude, as soon as you show love to others¹, everything around you begins to change.

From the reader's experience...

“When I worked in a large organization, we had a boss, a very bossy woman, whom everyone was afraid of.

Once, when I had to go to the next “debriefing”, I imagined her mentally. And suddenly I realized that this woman, successful in business, is terribly lonely, she is always busy at work, so she cannot spend time with her little son.

I felt an amazing feeling of love for her, I suddenly realized that I love her as a person.

When I entered the office, the boss looked at me and said that there was a new task to complete, and this was my chance ... A few days later I received a promotion.

How to evoke a feeling of love in yourself?

The feeling of love can drastically change our life. By generating these high vibrations in our souls, we get rid of diseases², relationships with others improve, life acquires meaning, and we ourselves become happier.

How to evoke this feeling of love in yourself?

If you were holding small child, kitten or puppy, then you will understand what is at stake. It is this feeling of deep causeless joy and tenderness, a sense of peace and boundless, causeless love that can give us something that all the money in the world cannot give.

Love is the biggest scarcity on earth right now. Everyone needs her. If you give love to another person, you can get much more in return. However, this process is not trading. Only the feeling of unconditional love works, when you just love and that's it, without expecting anything in return.

How to change your life for the better?

This requires skill and some training, but very soon you will notice how positive changes begin to occur in your life.

What do we have to do?

Every morning when you first wake up, smile to yourself and think of those you love. Then, feeling this pleasant feeling in your soul, transfer it to the whole world, to everything that surrounds you.

Think with love about the new day, about the events that should happen to you.

Try to keep this feeling, even if you know that something not entirely pleasant awaits you.

At first, this can be difficult. If you have lost this feeling of love and are distracted by other thoughts, return to the memories of your loved ones and recreate this feeling again.

During the day, no matter what happens, try to keep the feeling of love inside you. Direct this feeling to people, to circumstances, to your interpersonal relationships and you will be surprised how everything starts to change for the better.

If there are people in your life who are negative towards you, or, conversely, you have not very pleasant feelings for them, try to think about these people with love. Imagine their image differently - look at them as ordinary people who have their own problems, their sorrows and difficulties.

Think that these people also have their own concerns and desires, and one of these desires you know for sure - they want to be loved.

Direct your sense of people to acquaintances and strangers, on those who cause sympathy, but especially on those who cause dislike. Believe me, this feeling of love is felt unconsciously, and it completely changes the attitude towards you.

In the evening, going to bed, think about what good the past day brought you. Then again remember your beloved people or animals, hold this feeling in your soul, enjoy its peace and quiet joy.

Then think with love about tomorrow, about all people, about all events. Fall asleep and take this feeling of love with you to sleep.

You have the power to change everything!

There is so much evil, violence and wars in our world, but everything can be changed if each person begins to generate a feeling of love in himself and direct it to the ongoing events.

Such actions will lead to an overall increase in the vibrations of our planet, this will significantly improve the quality of life for all people.

Try to evoke a feeling of love in yourself, and you will very soon become much happier and calmer.

This practice allows you to:

  • get rid of feelings of anxiety and fear;
  • forget about stress;
  • attract desired circumstances into your life;
  • establish interpersonal relationships, both with friends and with enemies;
  • be in an upbeat and joyful mood;
  • be happy.

Try it and see for yourself the positive changes that will begin to appear in your life if you constantly arouse a feeling of love in yourself.

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Love is a feeling inherent in a person, a deep affection for another person or object, a feeling of deep sympathy (

Love is one of those sufferings
which cannot be hidden;
one word, one careless
a look and even silence is enough,
to give it away.

P. Abelard

Is he in love or just being nice to me? What does it mean if she doesn't call back for so long? …..
Nearly everyone has a bitter experience in their lifetime. unrequited love. Loving into the void is hard and painful. It often takes some time before we decide to give up our dream of conquering our inaccessible object of adoration.
How to recognize if he (she) is experiencing the same feelings as you? How to distinguish love from a simple polite relationship?
These signs will help you understand if your feeling of love will fall on fertile ground.

Subconscious signals and signs of love.

Lovers can't help it. They send non-verbal signals to the object of their feelings through facial expressions, gestures, glances ... And these call signs can be read as Morse code ... or the alphabet of love ...
It does not depend on the sex, age or character of the lover, it is not subject to any self-discipline or suggestion. It is and always has been. And it will be as long as there is love.
If your subject is sending you the signals described below, you can be pretty sure that something more than just courtesy and good breeding has come into play here.
  • Remember how in Cinderella the stepmother taught her daughter to shoot with her eyes? Each of us involuntarily uses this technique, showing a love interest in one or another person. Most often, the gaze lingers on a specific part of the body for a long time: lips, hair, legs ... The partner is also trying to catch your eye. A, having achieved success, smiles and looks away.
  • Lovers always behave insecurely and nervously on the first date, because they are afraid to do something wrong, they value the opportunity to meet the person they like. This uncertainty manifests itself in each individual. The person blushes, stutters, constantly touches his temples or forehead with his fingers. Women may talk too much and non-stop from a nervous state, drop objects on the floor or play with a strand of hair.
  • Lovers' voices tremble when they talk. The reason for this feature is all the same nervous tension. The male voice often sounds more husky and low. Women, on the other hand, speak louder and a tone higher than usual.
  • Lovers have wet palms. Again, the reason for this signal is excessive excitement at the sight of the object of adoration. The man takes off his jacket and unbuttons the top button of his shirt... Women also feel excited in the company of their prince: their cheeks are covered with a blush, the décolleté area turns pink.
  • Being alone with the object of adoration is the dream of every person in love. Even if it’s just to face one on one in the corridor, jump into the elevator at the last second, follow her (behind him) to the balcony. But if your beloved half constantly drags with him to meetings best friend(girlfriend), it is unlikely that love is born in his (her) heart.
  • Straighten a strand of hair, brush off an invisible speck of dust from the lapel of a jacket, as if accidentally touching your hand ... It's so nice and exciting when all the fibers of the soul reach out to a person ... Another signal that speaks of falling in love.

Signals that indicate a lack of love.

  • Lovers seek every opportunity to hear the voice of the person they like. If after the first date he (she) has not called you back (s), forget about the existence of this person.
  • If he (she) says goodbye to you through a dry handshake, this is also a sign that indicates the absence of any intimate intentions. A person who feels sympathy will try not to miss the opportunity to hug or at least kiss on the cheek.
  • Does she (he) endure your meetings over and over again or does not show up at all? It's worth being concerned. Since usually a person in love quits everything, trying to meet the object of sympathy as soon as possible. Especially in the first stage of a relationship.
  • If your meetings are planned in such a way that you could not get a single opportunity to be alone with her (with him), then most likely your sympathy will remain unrequited. A person invites you simply out of courtesy or does not want to hurt you with his refusal, hoping that in this way you will understand everything yourself ...

From all of the above, we can conclude that a person who has some feelings for you will even unconsciously show them.
Of course, there are exceptions to every rule, but if he (she) does not respond to your signals for a long time, maybe you just directed your feelings to the wrong object? Look around! What if a new and happier love is waiting for you around the next corner?

I wish you all happy and mutual love!

“I amaze myself, disappoint and delight myself. I am sad, sad and delighted. I am all of this together, but I can’t seem to figure out the sum,” Carl Jung wrote of the vivid experience of being open to the full spectrum of your inner life. If we want to live to the fullest, we need to feel love to the fullest. And although many of us constantly feel fluctuations in strong emotions, we have not yet learned to feel at a deep level. In order to feel, we must learn to feel the touch and taste of the great pulse of life that passes through our bodies and the depths of the soul. To feel your love, we need to face the other basic emotions as well: pain, anger, and fear—and the hardest of all. It is when we feel our experience in its entirety that our bodies become alive and we learn to feel deeper truths more clearly.

We are afraid that if we open ourselves to feelings, our bodies will disintegrate - we will not endure suffering. However, paradoxically, the most suffering is not caused by the feeling of your love, and fear of them is resistance to feelings and avoidance of them. To truly settle in our bodies and integrate spiritual wisdom, we need to face everything, embrace - feel, love everything, accept - and eventually love - everything. We need to open up to what hurts us, especially in those moments when we want to close.

One of the main tasks of the spiritual life - as different as it may be from our fantasies of eternal Disneyland - is to open up to everything unconscious in ourselves. It is not about both denied suffering and great sources of hidden love. As we deepen our ability to fully experience our bodily experience, we feel more deeply - both "dark" and "light" - and learn to accept both with peace.

We strive to feel the full openness of the heart, to feel our love

Whereas in reality our heart is already open. We just need to dismantle the protective walls surrounding it. And for this you need a willingness to feel.

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali describe a five step process in which emotions rise to the surface and are eventually integrated. In the first stage, called prasupta, emotions are suppressed.

  • It is that “quiet despair” that the philosopher Henry David Thoreau wrote about—we often experience it as the inertia, oppression, numbness, or monotony that is so characteristic of modern American culture.
  • As the repression weakens and the dark unconscious material breaks through into consciousness, we often have an explosion of emotions - a blow and we suddenly become irritable, sullen and unbalanced.

At the wicca stage, our emotional state either fluctuates sharply or remains sluggish, but with point flashes of deep insights, as a result of which we learn to manage the process of opening our emotional world. Most people stop at this stage of their emotional development. In the fourth stage, tanu, our ability to navigate the world of our own emotions is honed, and we learn to absorb the powerful energies of the external world, as well as the emotions rising from subconscious to feel your love for your loved one to the whole world. The fifth stage, nirodha, is the feeling of calm or fluid serenity with regard to the phenomena of both the inner and outer worlds.

Developing the ability to discern in relation to our emotional world gradually leads us to greater refinement and a sense of well-being.

Learn to manage emotions and stay open in relation to feelings of love is not an easy task, but we can start with the desire to open up, combined with the intention to follow this path to the end. The process itself is not difficult, but our internal programs are quite strong; most people here require persistent and consistent practice.

“Pain is inevitable; suffering can be avoided,” says the Buddha’s teaching. Much of our experience of pain is conditioned by our attitude towards it; although pain cannot be avoided, by learning to feel it more and more deeply, we get rid of unnecessary suffering. On our journey to feel our love, we reach a point where we begin to feel some gratitude for pain - after we recognize its transformational potential. It's not that we've come to love pain, it's just that we're less afraid of it and open up to it, because we know that it's openness that provides the best opportunity to get through pain.

Meditation is the path leading to awareness. And one of the biggest and most insurmountable obstacles along the way is the ego. The ego is what is inside you. And it makes you want, it makes you angry, it makes you greedy, it makes you lie or hate. But there is a way to get rid of the ego. And this way is to feel love.

What is love?

Love has no purpose. This is a process that does not bring any result. Feeling itself, even action, love, does not serve anything. AT Everyday life you hurry, strive, desire and achieve. And the lover loves. Not for anything, but just like that. Because he loves.

In love there is no past or future. When you are in love, you are total. You are right here and now. Have you ever noticed how time flies when you are near the object of your feelings? Because there are no thoughts about future plans, past failures. There is no more time, there is only eternity. Because "now" is a very short concept, fleeting. But when it goes on and on, it becomes eternity.

The same thing happens in awareness: time disappears, aspiration disappears, goals disappear and the value of memories disappears. There is only you, in the eternity of the moment. Time is a horizontal segment, the abscissa axis. Zero is you. Where you are at the moment on an imaginary segment. Everything to the right of zero is a plus number. And you are used to moving towards these numbers, dreaming about them, making plans, striving for them. Modern man lives looking to the future. He wants to get there as soon as possible, or, conversely, he is afraid to get there. And everything that is located to the left of zero is a number with a minus sign. And this is the past, those moments that will never be again. There are a number of people who live there, most often they are unfortunate people. They turned their eyes and their thoughts to something that would never happen again.

See what's happening? Attempts to plan for the future and constant thoughts about the past. A person in a stupid position, wasting his strength and precious energy on something that will never happen. Love is the great anchor. It can keep us in the present moment. While past and future are the x-axis, love is the y-axis. Based on the present, total moment, it strives upwards, this is very symbolic.

How can love help meditation?

Since love is such a powerful tool to help you center, to be in the Here and Now, it would be wise to use it in meditation. So where to start? Tune in to meditation, minimize all annoying factors, try to make sure that you are not disturbed. Accept comfortable posture close your eyes and start visualizing. Each of us knows what love is. Even if you have not yet been lucky enough to experience this feeling for a person of the opposite sex - do not despair, there is always true and pure love for parents. Love for a mother is the first of the strong feelings experienced by a newborn baby. That is why he begins to cry and worry when he is left alone.

Remember these bright feelings, try to feel them physically. Where does love originate, where does it live, in what part of the body do you experience it the most, what color is it, maybe it has a smell and temperature? Try to imagine it in as much detail as possible without ceasing to feel it. The moment you feel love as if the object of your thoughts is there, let it go. Let there be no one you love. Don't focus on your loved one. Only the feeling should remain.

You are in a room where nothing happens, where there are no people, but only you. You do nothing, but you feel a very strong feeling that literally overwhelms you. Try to stay in this state for as long as possible. Watch it, savor it, enjoy it. You will stop noticing time, other circumstances and distractions. Only love will remain. There is no you, there is no lover, there is only love. The longer you can focus on this feeling, the easier it will be for you to bring it into your daily life.

What should happen?

Every moment, every minute, every action and word of yours must be saturated with love. It doesn’t matter what or whom exactly you feel this feeling for, the main thing is to feel it. After all, you can love not only a person, you can love a dog, a flower in a pot, a book, love a walk or love life. Let this process not be just a beautiful phrase “To be in love with life”, let it be an action. And this should happen as often as possible, always. When you learn to feel love keenly, you will notice that you no longer look into the future or look back at the past. And you began to feel what is happening around you at that very moment. Did you succeed? Congratulations, you are on the right track.

Golovina Oksana, student of the Faculty of Psychology. A beginner in the field of Meditation and Mindfulness. A student of Asian masters and monks.

Photo: www.istockphoto.com

Are you familiar with the situation when a relationship with a loved one ends suddenly?

What did you feel at that moment? Devastation? Insolvency? Pain? Disturbance? Like you've lost what is rightfully yours - his love.

What do we do after that? Looking for a new relationship fill the void in the heart, feel loved. We find, we lose, we suffer, we find again, we lose again... And so on in a circle.

How to stop this vicious circle, how stop needing in the love of others?

Read the article and you will learn how to be filled with love from the inside and change your life.

"Those who have found the source of love within themselves no longer need to be loved - and they will be loved."

— Osho

We seek love because we don't know or understand that we can love ourselves. This seems absurd. Our worth must be validated from outside.

For some reason, it is not customary among people to first approve, respect, love themselves, and then accept the approval of others.

It turns out the opposite. First we try deserve someone's love, and only then we draw attention to ourselves: "I was loved, so there is a reason."

Where does self-depreciation come from?

Let's see where self-depreciation comes from.

They write novels about the need for love, compose poems, poems, sing songs. So much has been said about it!

Not one generation grew up on this. It is absorbed with mother's milk: "If you behave well, I will love you."

We are taught from childhood that love must be earned. We are growing on these installations.

No one sings songs that loving yourself is wonderful, natural. This would look in the eyes of society, at least, incomprehensible.

But what about the storm of passions, all these love sufferings? After all, it has long been considered a sign of nobility.

But in life, love appears and disappears, because someone's disposition towards us, it temporarily. Love passes, but the emptiness in the heart remains.

And we are looking for love from time to time, so that fill the void.

Many believe that it is better to suffer than not to have an object of sighs at all. Let it be fleeting happiness, let me suffer, but this is not an emptiness that absorbs everything.

Sooner or later there comes a moment when a person reaches the limit. Tired of looking for this elusive love. Then comes the understanding that something is wrong here. I'm missing something.

Is this pursuit of love and will continue all my life? When will this circling stop? Where is the harmony and peace that the enlightened speak of?

Even having received this cherished portion of love, we still feel unhappy, because now we have something to lose.

No matter how loving and considerate a person is next to you, he is not able to express his feelings every minute.

And we all demand and demand, we want constant confirmation that we are loved. The fear of losing grows and grows. And, in the end, this love goes away.

But you can't lose what you don't have. There is nothing permanent. It can only be permanent love for yourself.

If cultivated, watered and fertilized, this source will flow. And you and your environment will feel it.

How to come to this understanding? How to open the source of love and find harmony?

Step 1: Take charge of your life

This is the first thing to do.

Being in a state of sacrifice, we dependent on the outside world. Today we are bestowed with love and attention, and tomorrow we are betrayed.

When we take responsibility for our lives upon ourselves, the understanding comes that we should not expect any love from anyone. Yes, and it makes no sense, because everything depends on us.

We ourselves are able to give ourselves the necessary care and love even around the clock.

Step 2. Recognize the value of your existence on Earth

Those who seek love in the outside world do not love themselves, they underestimate.

Allow yourself to admit the very thought that you are valuable to the universe. We are all different, and we are all needed and important.

Consider why nature should create the same people. There is not a single flower exactly like another, not a single blade of grass, snowflake.

What can we say about people. Each of us has completely unique qualities and talents.

From this realization, self-love begins.

Step 3: Forgive and Accept Yourself, Your Parents and Partners

This is a lot of work on yourself, but it is worth starting, without this it is impossible to go any further.

The most important people for a newborn child are the parents. In the first years of life, they are the whole world for him. Things don't always go smoothly. More often, seeds are born in childhood, which during adult life grow up in injury of underestimation.

As children, we need parental love, and as adults, we try to fulfill this need at the expense of partners, and sometimes at the expense of others.

Parents and partners are ours spiritual teachers. They show us our weaknesses. But they just play roles behind which loving souls are hidden.

Forgive and accept them, and most importantly, yourself.

Gradually build up inside of you the core is the foundation of your self-love.

Even if at critical moments you again feel the old way, with the help of an inner core, you will never want to remain in a state of lack of love.

Step 6: Take care of your body

When your love vessel is empty, the surest way to fill it is take care of your physical body.

It is important to do this consciously, with the understanding that you are taking care of yourself, you are showing love for yourself.

The body is the seat of the soul. By taking care of him, you learn to respect him, to listen to his needs.

Even a simple self-massage of the feet, done with love, can return you to a state of bliss and peace.

But you don't have to do everything yourself, let others take care of your body. Make an appointment for a manicure, even if you are used to doing it yourself.

Train your mind to your body is worth taking care of.

Step 7 Thank Your Body

Learn to be grateful for your body, even if you think it's imperfect.

Your soul before the incarnation itself "built" the body that you now possess. And it perfect fit to perform specific tasks in this incarnation.

Try hugging yourself before bed as if you were hugging loved one who has not been seen for a long time. After a while, your attitude towards the body and towards yourself as a whole will change.

Step 8: Let Go of Negative Emotions

On the way to discovering your source of love, you will have to release emotions.

The more injuries, the more emotions your subconscious hides. Surely you know about the dangers of locked emotions. let yourself break free from them.

Here are some ways to do it:

  • Breathing practices
  • Physical activity: sports, cleaning around the house, beating pillows, beating dishes (if you don’t mind), digging a garden, etc.
  • Emotional Release Technique
  • Writing an angry letter
  • The Sedona Method

Remember that suppressed emotions sooner or later will still make themselves felt. Don't hide them from yourself don't scold yourself for experiencing them.

Any emotions have the right to exist. But you yourself make the choice which ones you experience.

Step 9: Give Others What You Need

“Thinking that the world is denying you something, know that in reality you already have it. But until you yourself let it flow out, you won't even be able to know that you have it."

Eckhart Tolle "New Earth"

You are looking for love, confirming its lack in your life. There is nothing left for the universe confirm it creating an even greater deficit of love in your life.

If you need love give her to someone. If this is difficult, then give a particle of your attention and warmth. Most importantly, do it sincerely, without expecting anything in return.

Start small, feed a stray kitten, or buy a potted flower and take care of it.

Don't expect returns, show love as much as you can with pure intent, and soon you will feel that you are truly overwhelmed with love.

Step 10. Admit your love

If you have never done this, then at first it will be difficult for you. Perhaps you will sabotage this exercise. It's really hard, but at first.

In the process, you will see how many emotions are hidden in you. You will understand how much you needed these words.

All your life you have been looking for love, longing for recognition, when at any moment you yourself could just like that support yourself.

If you find it difficult to do it yourself, use the practice of declaring love from the free course “Step to yourself. Challenge every day."

Step 11 Thank Yourself

If you still find it difficult to confess your love to yourself, start with thanks.

There must have been moments in your life when you were proud of yourself, when you were proud, admired.

Remember these moments and send yourself gratitude from the heart. Make this your daily practice after waking up and before going to bed.

Step 12: Discover Your Unique Talents

You all special. The more you learn to accept yourself, the better you will know yourself.

Learn to appreciate the qualities that nature has given you.

Often we think that there is nothing special about a certain quality of ours, in fact it is unique.

What we do best is what makes us special.

Pay attention to this. develop it and admire with their discoveries.

The exercise "Collecting beads" from the article will help you with this.

Step 13: Focus on the benefits

Keep learning to pay attention to your positive sides. Fix them for yourself.

Write down on a piece of paper your most best qualities, remember situations when these qualities helped you.

Remember what emotions you experienced at the same time, and in moments of disbelief in yourself fill this state.

Step 14. Tune in to oneness with nature

If you are born a woman, you are lucky. Be proud of it! Every woman is, without exaggeration, the whole Universe, Cosmos, Nature.

When you are in the fresh air, in the forest, by the sea, feel this connection, this unity with her.

Lying on the beach, on the rocks or in the forest on the grass, imagine that you are one with the earth. Entering the sea, river, any body of water, merge with the water element.

Feel this natural power. Try it, and you will feel the support, a surge of strength.

You will begin to open unique female strength, power.

This practice helps to feed on the energy of Nature and promotes.

Step 15 Enjoy the beauty

Listen to beautiful music, read poetry, admire blossoming flowers. Let the cells of the body absorb themselves all the beauty of this world.

Over time, you will look younger, your vibrations will increase, and you yourself will radiate harmony and love.

And remember that we do not come here to Earth for the sake of suffering. There is no point in suffering for the sake of suffering.

The meaning of being here find yourself and receive pleasure from every day that goes by.

Side effects of discovering your source of love will be positive changes in life, improvement appearance, rejuvenation, cure for chronic diseases (heart, female organs), complete transformation from the inside and gaining personal happiness.

Activation of Unconditional Love through the chakras

These short meditations will help you activate Unconditional Self-Love in every chakra of your physical body.
