Urine. Urinotherapy - pros and cons

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 6 minutes


Urine therapy is a method of treatment that came to us from India, but has not received official status, so it belongs to alternative medicine. Modern scientists and doctors have not been able to give a single answer to the question "How useful is urine therapy?". Therefore, today we decided to tell you about this folk method of treatment in more detail.

Urinotherapy: composition of urine

Urine is a waste product of the human body. Its main component is water, and everything is dissolved in it metabolic products, toxic substances, trace elements and hormones that have already completed their service life. And speaking in general, the urine contains those substances that, for one reason or another, are no longer needed by the human body.

In the presence of pathological conditions, urine may contain appropriate inclusions. For example, in diabetes mellitus, sugar can be detected in the urine , with kidney pathology - proteins, with hormonal disorders, many macro and microelements are excreted in the urine , with malnutrition, urine is formed uric acids (oxalates, urates, carbotanes, phosphates, etc.).

Urine treatment - for which diseases is it effective?

Today, urine is used, as, for the treatment of various diseases, for cosmetic purposes. Adherents of this method of treatment give a lot of arguments confirming its effectiveness.

  • For example, there is an opinion that all water in the human body, including urine, has a special structure. Its molecules are ordered in a certain way. In order for water to acquire the desired structure, the human body spends a huge amount of energy on its transformation. If you drink urine the body does not have to convert water , which means that it wears out less, respectively, a person will live much longer.

Urine has a very complex structure. Its composition includes over 200 different components. Thanks to this, its use allows you to cleanse the body of toxins. It can also successfully replace many drugs and dietary supplements.

To date, urine therapy has been successfully used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver, cardiovascular system, infectious and colds, fungal skin lesions, and eye diseases.

Harm of urine therapy: the biggest misconceptions in urine therapy

Admirers of urine therapy, being under the influence of myths, consider it a natural way of treatment. However, this is actually not the case. Now we will tell you about what misconceptions about urine therapy can lead to serious consequences and harm your health.

  • Myth 1: Urine therapy is effective in treating all diseases.
    Remember, today there is no medicine (either folk or pharmacological) that helps get rid of all diseases. And urine therapy is also not a panacea. It acts like hormonal drugs and can temporarily alleviate the suffering of the patient, but no one can predict the consequences of such treatment. To date, the effectiveness of urine therapy has not been scientifically proven. And those cases when a cure does happen is nothing more than a placebo effect.
  • Myth 2: Urine therapy has no side effects.
    The real situation is radically opposite. Treatment with urine has a lot of side effects. Scientists argue that the effectiveness of urine treatment is ensured by the presence of steroid hormones in it, which have pronounced antibacterial properties. However, you will not find a mention of this in any book on urine therapy, since society is very wary of hormonal treatment. In addition, prolonged use of urine, like other hormonal drugs, can cause your own hormonal system to stop working normally, and then turn off completely. Experts say that this process can become irreversible and a person will become disabled for life.
  • Myth 3: Pharmacological drugs are artificial hormones, and urine is natural
    In any book on urine therapy, you can find such a statement that the body will not be harmed by those hormones that it itself produces. But in reality this is absolutely not the case. The amount of hormones in our body is strictly controlled by the pituitary and hypothalamus, but only as long as it is in the blood. Once they are processed and excreted in the urine, they are no longer counted. Therefore, if you drink or rub urine, then you saturate your body with “unaccounted for” hormones that break down all hormonal secretion to the body.
  • Myth 4: Urine therapy has no contraindications
    As mentioned above, urine therapy is harmful to humans. But it is especially dangerous in the presence of sexually transmitted diseases, inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system, diseases of the kidneys, liver and pancreas. The result of such self-medication can be infection of the blood or internal organs. It is also categorically contraindicated for people with problems of the gastrointestinal tract, since urine will contribute to the development of ulcers, colitis and enterocolitis.
  • Myth 5: Urine can be used to prevent disease
    Where did you hear about hormonal prophylaxis? And urine therapy also refers to hormonal treatments. The consequences of such prevention will be unpredictable, starting with a stomach ulcer and ending with infection of the blood and respiratory tract.

Urinotherapy - pros and cons: an authoritative opinion of doctors about folk treatment with urine

An unequivocal answer to the question "Is urine therapy effective or not?" it is very difficult to give, since in scientific circles there are active disputes on this topic to this day. After talking with doctors, we learned their opinions on this issue:

  • Svetlana Nemirova (surgeon, candidate of medical sciences):
    For me, the word "urinotherapy" is almost a dirty word. I am sad to see how people ruin their health, considering this method of treatment as a panacea for all diseases. In my practice, there were cases when, after using urine therapy, a patient was brought to me by ambulance in a terrible condition. It all started with a small spot between the fingers, which was mistaken for a corn. Of course, no one went to the doctor, but took up self-medication, urinotherapy. As a result of such irresponsibility, he was already brought to us with terrible pain in his leg, tissue necrosis. To save a man's life, we had to amputate his leg.
  • Andrey Kovalev (physician):
    All substances that enter the human body, and, accordingly, into the blood, are carefully filtered through the kidneys. And then all the excess fluid, along with toxins, as well as excesses of other substances, is excreted along with the urine. Our body worked, spent energy to remove all unnecessary substances, and then the person peed in a jar and drank it. What could be the use of this.
  • Marina Nesterova (traumatologist):
    I will not dispute, urine does have excellent antiseptic properties. Therefore, for any cuts, bruises and other injuries of a similar nature, its use can be effective. Urine compresses will help relieve swelling and prevent microbes from getting into the wound. However, the internal use of urine is out of the question, especially for a long time. You will ruin your own health!

Although representatives of traditional medicine have a negative attitude towards urine therapy , many famous personalities do not hide the fact that they use this method of treatment in practice. For example, the famous actor Nikita Dzhigurda not only does not hide the fact that he uses this method of treatment, but also openly urged others to do the same. Famous TV presenter Andrey Malakhov also speaks positively about urine therapy.

For a long time, the main direction of official medicine has remained unchanged - symptomatic treatment. Both from the pages of periodicals and from TV screens, we are flooded with information about more and more new drugs that can cure almost any disease. At the same time, somehow little attention is paid to the fact that the body itself is a unique biofactory, a pantry, with the help of which you can cure yourself, if you don’t really interfere with this.

The accumulated experience of folk healing shows that in most cases, the methods and methods of alternative medicine are very effective and can cure diseases that are often beyond the power of official medicine.

Consider one of the non-traditional methods of treatment - urine therapy. A surge of public interest in it arose after the publication of Armstrong's book "Water of Life". In official medicine, urine treatment is not used, at least in our country. And there is a reasonable explanation for this: the mechanism of action is unclear, the method is unaesthetic, the substances contained in urine are poisons that are thrown out, rejected by the body, etc. At the same time, Tibetan, Indian medicine, as well as medicine of other peoples, has long used urine therapy as as well as for medicinal purposes.

Numerous data indicate that in many diseases, especially infectious ones, biologically active substances are formed in the body in increased quantities. And they are excreted in the urine. For example, amidopeptide urogastrin, which blocks gastric motility and secretion of hydrochloric acid, was obtained from urine and proposed as a drug. Urine contains cortisone, which is a strong anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and anti-toxic agent that normalizes carbohydrate and protein metabolism.

The kidneys also excrete an enzyme that activates the formation of a very important vitamin D in the body. Dr. Williams found specific substances in the urine that act against cancerous tumors. And in the 20s of the last century, the researcher of the problems of old age and rejuvenation A. A. Zamkov created the drug "urogravidan", obtained from the urine of pregnant women.

Despite the resistance of official medicine, with the help of A. M. Gorky in Moscow in 1932, first a laboratory was created, and then the Institute of Urogravid Therapy. Soon it ceased to exist, and Zamkov himself was subsequently repressed.

One of the first in our country successfully used urine for many diseases N. I. Zdravomyslov. At the same time, there was a rapid decrease in pain, infiltrates, increased diuresis, the disappearance of uric acid salts from urine, and a persistent therapeutic effect was noted.

Doctor A.T. Kolesnikova in her doctoral dissertation provides data on the effectiveness of the use of urine in severe forms of cardiovascular insufficiency accompanied by ascites. The work also indicates contraindications: violation of the nitrogen excretion function of the kidneys, uremic state, and some others.

What is urine?

This is the result of the enormous work of the entire human excretory system, which is the most complex physical and chemical laboratory.

If you look at the formula of urine, then in general it resembles a good tonic. Normal urine of a relatively healthy person contains about 200 different substances. These are trace elements (calcium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, etc.), amino acids (glutamic, aspartic, taurine, etc.), a complex of vitamins (group B, ascorbic, hippuric acids), substances without which normal redox process.

Urine is a substance with a large number of free electrons, which, entering into chemical reactions, enhance energy processes. Of course, there are also harmful substances in urine, such as urea, chlorine, ammonia, mercury and others, but it is possible that they are also necessary in small doses for the normal functioning of the body.

The enzyme urokinase was found in the urine, which promotes blood flow to the heart, resembles the action of nitroglycerin and dissolves blood clots - blood clots. However, the main action of urine is as follows. This is, first of all, structured water, which has a long-term information memory. Once in the body, such water, due to chemical transformations, contains all the information about a person's condition, including his illnesses.

It is now known that any living being, be it a person, a microbe or an organ, has its own electromagnetic radiation. And if two radiations having the same resonant frequencies meet each other, they are mutually absorbed.

Based on this, scientists have created devices that can determine any frequency at which a diseased organ works. And if you simulate such a frequency in a special electrical circuit, recharge ordinary water with it and give it to the patient to drink, then she herself will find her “partner” who has a related frequency, that is, a diseased organ, and will contribute to the attenuation of the disease. However, such devices are very expensive, and urine, which has all these properties, is always there - and at the same time for nothing.

It should also be noted that urine is a saturated aqueous solution of inorganic and organic salts, which, due to protective colloids (particles of organic substances) that have a negative charge, are in a suspended state similar to melt water in these parameters.

And the most important thing. The body as a self-regulating system constantly maintains the acid-base balance at a certain level, which directly affects the state of urine. Depending on the severity and specifics of the disease, the body mobilizes defenses that release not only hormones, enzymes, but also specific substances and antibodies against the disease that the patient suffers from.

Having used these substances to the maximum, the body, in a weakened form, removes them along with urine. The question is natural: is it possible to re-introduce these weakened substances into the body, adding them to the fresh ones produced, giving the latter a greater impetus? It is known after all that traces of past illnesses remain in the memory of the body. For example, the blood of a person who has had a burn contains specific substances (antibodies) that have a more pronounced effect on burns than the transfused blood of a person who has never had a burn. And what if ready-made substances are introduced into the body, although weakened, but their own, for which you do not need to spend energy and which contain specific substances against this pathology? Everything shows that it was along this path that the idea of ​​​​using urine in various diseases went.

Indeed, there is no local disease, there are only local symptoms, and it is not the organ that needs to be treated, but the whole organism, and only in this case can success be achieved. In general, the intake of urine allows you to significantly save energy, which does not need to be spent on the formation of structured water. This is a good nutritional supplement, especially to create the conditions for the optimal functioning of the immune system.

In addition, urine, due to the salts it contains, provides washing of cell membranes, interstitial fluid, has a diuretic, bactericidal and some other properties. When studying the various components of urine, it was found that it contains substances that are very stable to temperature and at the same time dissolve well in water. These substances, called mucopolysaccharides, are in a certain dependence on the degree of development of the pathological process and can predict the development of the disease.

As a contraindication to the use of urine, the argument is sometimes put forward about the toxicity and unpleasant odor of this body product. The concept of poisonousness is based on nothing. As for the smell, it depends on the diet - the more a person absorbs meat and the higher the degree of slagging, the sharper its smell. The taste of urine is bitter or salty, with a specific odor.

Meat, dairy food creates a high level of urea, nitrogenous products, uric acid, which generally gives an acidic reaction and an unpleasant odor. On the contrary, vegetarian, vegetable-carbohydrate food gives urine a light straw color, tastelessness, and odorlessness.

What happens in the body when urine is taken

In urine, compared with blood plasma, contains ten times more substances. Such a concentrated solution works like a pump: it pulls water towards itself. Once in the intestines, urine draws interstitial water through the mucous membranes, microvilli, cleanses them, removes accumulated mucus, thereby normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. As a result, digestion improves

cell membranes are activated. Due to the content of salts in urine, water is sucked into the large intestine, which, by thinning the feces, helps to eliminate constipation.

With the liquid that is attracted by urine from the body, slags and toxins are removed, both cellular and intercellular fluid are cleansed. Therefore, the acid-base balance improves and the body rejuvenates.

At first glance, the words that the nature of the disease does not matter when using urine sound paradoxical. But those researchers who have come close to studying this issue do not think so. Numerous cases of recovery of patients, even practically hopeless ones, refute this assertion. In fairness, it should be noted that not only one urine therapy contributed to the improvement of the condition, but also other methods, along with it. Of course, urine therapy is not a panacea for all ailments and diseases, but it is worthy of application and further study.

How to take urine

There are several ways to take urine.

First, ingestion by mouth - drink. To do this, some people have to overcome a strong psychological and aesthetic barrier. Not everyone can overcome natural disgust either, for this, some who decide on urine therapy add fruit drink, compote, jam to their own urine - and the feeling of disgust is dulled.

The well-known healer G. Malakhov draws attention to the correct intake of urine: you need to drink it without stopping, and take an odd number of sips. In his opinion, if you drank part of the urine, and then took a break and continued taking it, then the second part of the urine, with its own wave properties, eliminates the benefits of the first part. Perhaps that is why the benefit of this therapy is not always observed.

Some particularly inventive patients and those who simply want to improve their health after each ingestion of their own urine eat it with lightly salted cucumber or shrimp. In their opinion, all the unpleasant sensations after such a snack pass without a trace!

Healers do not recommend taking it all the time, so as not to accustom your own body to live at the expense of others, so you need to take a break between doses of 2-3 weeks. In addition, you should learn how to properly collect urine for medicinal purposes. In accordance with strict canons, one must face the east, while trying to make the urine stream "cross" the Earth's magnetic field perpendicularly - this will additionally saturate it with energy.

Before you start taking urine, it is desirable to cleanse the intestines and liver. And just before drinking it, you need to exhale and drink an odd number of sips in one gulp, after which, of course, you need to rinse your lips or wipe them with a napkin. After 2-3 days, the urine becomes light yellow, odorless. If you have pyelonephritis or other kidney disease, "borrow" this life-giving moisture from your same-sex children or family member, but after a few days, be sure to switch to your own urine - after all, only it has specific medicines against your diseases!

Some healers call fresh urine living water, and if it stands for several days - dead. You can try a gradual addiction to urine: first wash your hands with it, then your face, after a while rinse with warm water without soap. Rinse your mouth, drip your nose. And if you do not experience disgust and other negative feelings towards this product, start taking it right away.

According to many proponents of urine therapy, you simply do not need drugs after you start taking it. After the first intake of urine, there may be rumbling in the abdomen, loose stools. This is normal, it will go away in a few days. 1-3-day fasting is well combined with the intake of urine: this contributes to a more intensive removal of toxic substances from the body. It has now been proven that several short fasts with urine give a greater effect than one long one, which requires both tension and time to exit from it.

Since urine is a powerful tonic, bactericidal and specific means of both prevention and treatment of one's own diseases, it is recommended to take it under any conditions. Urine is especially valuable in acute inflammation with fever - then, due to the immune system, there is a powerful release of all substances that will help block the pathological process.

So, urine, entering the body, with the help of its inclusions cleans the gastrointestinal tract, blood vessels, cell membranes, intercellular fluid, removes the slag blockade of organs, eliminates fermentation and putrefactive processes in the intestines, strengthens the body's natural defenses and promotes healing.

Secondly, urine is applied externally. There are two ways: the first is ordinary urine, which will stand for 2-3 or more days. According to the second method, as some urinologists, including G. Malakhov, advise, it is evaporated to 1/4 of the original volume. Urine consists of liquid crystals associated with urinary structures in an aggregated state, and each aggregate consists of 24-81 molecules, the formation of which takes a lot of energy. During decomposition, this energy is released. In addition, urine contains products of nitrogen metabolism and biologically active substances. During evaporation, the process of decomposition of aggregates and other compounds takes place, due to which urine is strongly nourished energetically.

In addition, when evaporated to 1/4 volume, liquid crystals of urine turn into hexagons. And with longer evaporation, a soap suds is formed, which has no medicinal value.

Hexagons have an interesting feature: they accumulate not energy, but time, which forms “standing waves” around them. This phenomenon has been called the "cavitary structure effect". There are many of them in nature: these are honeycombs, and benzene rings of molecules, and the structure of bones, and much more. Due to the compaction of time, as the researchers discovered, one can heal, for example, with the help of Reich's "orgone accumulator".

Malakhov recommends using such evaporated urine, taking into account energy channels that have two peaks of low tide and high tide in accordance with the noon-midnight rule. It must be remembered that the evaporation process occurs with the appearance of a specific smell in the apartment, although such urine is more effective than the usual one, which you held for 2-3 days in a closed jar.

It is best to massage the body with urine 6 times a day: this way you harmoniously stimulate all internal organs. The massage scheme looks like this:

  • Gall bladder - liver - 1 hour.
  • Lungs - small intestine - 5 hours.
  • Stomach - spleen - 9 hours.
  • Heart - small intestine - 13 hours.
  • Bladder - 17 hours.
  • Pericardium - solar plexus - 21 hours.

It is necessary to start the massage 20-30 minutes before the specified time and finish the same time after it. If you massage the body only once a day, then choose the massage time in the interval of functioning of the weakest organ in your body. For example, with a weak liver, it will be from 23 to 3 hours. If this massage is carried out from 11 am to 3 pm, then you will depress liver function.

When using urine during a massage, you must be aware of possible complications: skin rash, itching. In the presence of skin diseases in the form of pustules, psoriasis, massage cannot be done, only compresses. Put the compress on for 1-2 hours, then remove it, and wash the body with warm water without soap.

For burns and non-healing trophic ulcers, compresses are made for 1-2 hours, 2 times a day. Ratio 1:1 with boiled water. In many cases, the external use of urine is combined with its ingestion.

The third method is the use of urine subcutaneously. It is collected during the period of the greatest rise in temperature, because during this period it contains many biologically active substances. From the total amount of liquid, 100 ml is taken and poured into sterile test tubes of 10 ml. The tubes are closed with cotton-gauze stoppers and sterilized in a water bath for 30 minutes. After that, the urine is settled.

Protein metabolism products and salts remain in the sediment, and heat-resistant mucopolysaccharides and other substances, which are a medicinal preparation "native terapin", remain in the solution. All test tubes are stored in a refrigerator at a temperature of +2...+4 °C. When storing urine for more than a day before each subsequent injection, re-sterilization in a water bath for at least 10 minutes is necessary. Do not shake the tube, use only the settled part of the urine.

The liquid prepared in this way should only be administered subcutaneously! The first time you need to enter 0.5 ml. If the disease is accompanied by a high temperature, on the same day, inject 1 ml a second time, the next - 1.5, then - 2 ml. To achieve a good result, 3-5, maximum 7 injections are enough.

General remarks

Taking medication during urine therapy is undesirable, except for acute and severe cases associated with emergency therapy. Side effects, complications from the use of urine were not observed if the treatment was carried out against the background of a separate diet and with preliminary cleansing of the intestines and liver.

How to deal with taking baby urine? As we already know, we need our own urine to treat our diseases. And if you are completely healthy and just want to feed on energy, use the urine of a child under 12 years old - it is she who is most saturated with various useful substances and a powerful energy field.

What kind of urine to drink? According to many urinologists, this should be done in the morning, collecting the first nightly portion, but skipping a small part of it: it contains substances that have accumulated in the urethra during the night. But in principle, the time of collection of urine and its intake are not of great importance. Only your correct psychological attitude, persistent desire and adherence to recommendations are important.

Urinotherapy is a treatment based on the use of urine (externally and internally). The use of urine in treatment really leads to an improvement in the condition, moreover, with very many diseases.

The reason for this positive effect is that the urine contains hormones that are excreted from the body. Due to them (mainly glucocorticoids), the positive effects of urine treatment are realized.

Indications for urine therapy

The use of urine therapy actively affects carbohydrate and protein metabolism, no less actively on water and salt. The content of glycogen in the liver increases, glucose in the blood rises. Both the quantitative and qualitative composition of blood cells changes. Urine therapy has anti-inflammatory, desensitizing, anti-toxic and anti-allergic effects. There is also an immunosuppressive activity of urine. In large doses, the development of connective and lymphoid tissue is inhibited, the number of mast cells decreases, and capillary permeability decreases.

In this regard, urine treatment can be used for collagenosis, rheumatism, neurodermatitis, eczema, various allergic conditions and many other diseases where the use of glucocorticoids is possible and necessary. But not everything is so good.

Urinotherapy contraindications

The use of hormones has its own contraindications and, accordingly, the use of urine too, these are the following diseases and conditions of the body: severe forms of hypertension, Itsenko-Cushing's disease and syndrome, pregnancy, circulatory failure, endocarditis, osteoporosis, nephritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenal ulcer, conditions after operations, syphilis, tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus, allergy to corticosteroids.

You also need to know that the production of hormones by the adrenal glands (including glucocorticoids) is under the control of the central nervous system and is closely related to the work of the pituitary gland. Adrenocorticotropic hormone, which is produced by the pituitary gland, is a physiological stimulator of the adrenal cortex; without it, glucocorticoids will not be released. With various adverse effects, a state of tension arises in the body, an increase in the function of the pituitary gland occurs, leading to the release of adrenocorticotropic hormone and, accordingly, glucocorticoids are released. Glucocorticoids, in turn, act on the pituitary gland (feedback occurs) and the formation of adrenocorticotropic hormone decreases.

Prolonged and uncontrolled administration of glucocorticoids from outside (which necessarily occurs during urine therapy, in any form) disrupts this balance, which can lead to very serious consequences (for example, atrophy of the adrenal cortex, the occurrence of acute adrenal insufficiency, which will be manifested by thickening of the blood, a decrease in pressure, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, a decrease in body temperature and other phenomena, ultimately - a fatal outcome).

Side effects of urine therapy

Also, the hormones contained in the urine can cause the following side effects: water retention in the body, increased pressure, increased blood sugar up to diabetes (steroid diabetes), increased calcium excretion and osteoporosis, reduced regenerative processes, exacerbation of the disease of the stomach ulcer and duodenum , perforation of an ulcer, ulceration of the intestinal tract, pancreatitis, decreased immunity, formation of blood clots due to increased blood clotting, obesity, menstrual irregularities, acne, insomnia, neurosis, psychosis, convulsions, sudden withdrawal can cause an exacerbation of the disease.

These side effects depend on the dose of glucocorticoids, but if you treat with urine, you will never calculate the exact dose (it is known that several times more than the amount of hormones allowed to be administered is excreted in the urine per day). Isn't it better to consult a doctor who will select an adequate treatment, if necessary, with the same hormones in the form of drugs in the right dosage?

Also, those who are going to use this method in treatment need to know that the use of hormones is made only if there are specific indications for use and under the close supervision of a doctor.

In addition, with urine therapy, there is a risk of secondary infection (and quite serious microorganisms), secondary intake of various toxins and other things. You should not be treated with what the body no longer needs.

Therapist Naumov Yu.N.

Urine therapy and women's diseases

Women's diseases are mainly the result of non-compliance with elementary rules, namely, emptying on time. Constipation, insufficient stools are the scourge of modern women, the result of their malnutrition of refined foods, unnatural foods, etc. As a result, the contents of the large intestine accumulate, compress, rot and poison nearby organs and all blood. From this, the organs adjacent to the large intestine become inflamed, and various female diseases begin. First of all, cleanse the large intestine, then the liver. /Cleansing of the body./. Next, drink once a day 50-100 grams in one gulp of your own urine; douche with it, introduce tampons (at first from your own or children's fresh urine, then from a diuretic). It is useful to use hot half-baths with the addition of 500-1000 grams of diuretic to the water. Additionally, at night, you can use tampons from various types of urine. If there is a violation of the menstrual cycle and other hormonal disorders (for example, male-type facial hair growth), then drink 100-150 grams of urine 3-4 times a day, lubricate the body with urine (diuretic). In persistent cases, after changing the diet, you can take a diuretic inside 50 grams in the morning on an empty stomach. All these activities will allow you to even out hormonal imbalances and get rid of troubles. Example: “I am 45 years old, had surgery for an ovarian cyst. I drank urine for three months. The menstrual cycle returned to normal, the pain disappeared. Example: “Cervical erosion. The method of treatment is to heat the baby's urine to a boil, cool it sharply to the temperature of fresh milk and douching. Comments and recommendations. Urine must be from a child under 10 years of age (the younger the better). When it heats up and cools sharply, it is strongly saturated with energy. Example: “A woman had an enlarged uterus (fibromyoma), with pain. She was unsuccessfully treated by doctors and healers. She was advised to drink urine and insert cotton swabs moistened with urine into her vagina. After a while, everything went away. Example: “Sick I., 20 years old. Married. Has a child. Inflammation of the ovaries. Launched erosion of the cervix. Very bad tests... The patient began to make nightly tampons from her urine and morning douching. I couldn't drink urine. It was treated in this way for 14 days. Then she went to the doctor. Analyzes showed that the ovaries are at the stage of healing, there is almost no inflammatory process there. Erosion has become much less. There was only a very small area left. Comments. Own urine is an excellent tool for the prevention of female diseases. First, it normalizes the acidic environment, which kills parasites, etc.; secondly, if there is pain, then it removes them with its analgesic effect; thirdly, urine can be a means of preventing unwanted pregnancy. Example: “It was discovered by chance: the daughter got married, there were no children for a long time. At some point, the daughter and her husband found themselves in such conditions that they could not wash urine and soon became pregnant. In the future, other women spoke about the contraceptive properties of urine. Comments and recommendations. It is necessary to douche with urine after intercourse. For this, urine is prepared in advance. The acidic environment paralyzes spermatozoa. Example: “A woman was diagnosed with fibromatous nodes of the uterus, ovarian cystoma, endocervicitis. Urine was used once a day for a month, douching and tampons with urine daily at night for a month. Result: during functional examination, the diagnoses were removed. (Sent by a doctor.) I really liked the section "Women's Diseases" from A. N. Maslennikov's book "The Secret of the Drink of the Gods." The section is purely descriptive, but I decided to combine it with my explanations and, I think, it turned out what I needed. Example: “Several women reported to me about successful cases of healing of uterine fibroids. The method of their treatment turned out to be even simpler than the previous one: in the morning, once a day, douching with your fresh, still warm urine. In the same way, bilateral inflammation of the appendages is also cured. Here is what S. from Komsomolsk-on-Amur said: With bilateral inflammation of the appendages, she did douching with her son's urine. - How many days were treated? - A week. In the morning, once a day. If there are relapses, when I get a sheet, then three days were enough for the amendment. These douches, as I noticed, have a beneficial effect on the entire female genital area. (Does it surprise you why the female genital area is connected to the urinary system? Nature herself has taken care that this place be reliably protected by the beneficial effect of urine from infections and other disorders. Colds of the female genital organs are easily amenable to urine, fresh or heated, because it has Urine, combined with other substances, further enhances the healing effect. For example, here is what Avicenna wrote: "). Now let's examine the issue of female infertility. What can urine do in this case? FIRST. If infertility is the result of a disease of the female genital area, then douching, colon cleansing, tampons will bring everything back to normal. SECOND. If infertility is caused by hormonal imbalance or underdevelopment of the female genital organs, then massaging the body with urine and ingesting it, as well as doing sitz baths, can remove these problems. Urine, due to feedback, will establish hormonal regulation and make it possible for a normal pregnancy to proceed. THIRD. In difficult cases, in order to stimulate the reproductive function, it is necessary to starve on urine for two to four weeks. This is especially true for those women who have one child, and the second, with all their desire, cannot give birth. And finally, some women conceive, but do not have a full-fledged gestation - spontaneous miscarriage. How to proceed in this case? First, go through a complete cleansing of the body. Next, massage your own body several times with activated types of urine (diuretic) and regularly eat sprouted wheat or wheat bread on an empty stomach. (Bread from sprouted grain is made as follows: washed grain is poured into a large cup, poured with clean water so that the grain is very wet, covered with a cloth and put in a warm place. As soon as sprouts 1-2 mm long appear, the cup is wrapped in cellophane and placed in refrigerator, so that it does not grow further.As needed, they take grain from a cup, grind it in a meat grinder, make "cutlets" 0.5-1 cm thick and fry in butter for 30-40 seconds.) Before conception, actively engage in physical education, run, take contrast shower (warm-cold-warm-cool-warm-cool.) You can drink your own urine during pregnancy once in the morning for 50-100 grams. Here are some more tips for dealing with infertility. “Drinking substances with special properties in this case include elephant urine, which is given to a woman to drink; it is a wonderful remedy for inducing conception, and should be done shortly before intercourse or during intercourse. They also give sawdust of ivory to drink - they immediately help. (Avicenna.) Cold-activated urine (own urine is kept in a dark, cold place at a temperature of +2, +4 ° C for 4-5 days) stimulates the body incredibly strongly. It is better to apply it on the skin. Give her a massage for a week and you will feel her powerful influence. And now an example from the book of A. N. Maslennikov: “After reading Avicenna, I remembered one of my acquaintances. Young woman, 18 years old. Just got married. Cyst. Ovarian rupture. Urgent operation... Inflamed, swollen suture... Medical diagnosis: “A recurrence is possible. A second operation is possible, the removal of the second ovary. It is very likely that you will not have children ... ”Autourinotherapy (drinking, compresses on the seam, douching). This woman is doing well now. “So good, like I haven’t felt in a long time,” she said. Along the way, she noticed that she had stopped getting colds, especially in the frosty winter, although she used to get sick every year and several times in the winter. She also noticed that if earlier periods were so painful that almost always had to resort to painkillers, now menstruation is completely painless, although their days have increased by one day. But most importantly, now she is pregnant ... And in April 1990 she came to visit us, happy and ruddy, with an eleven-month-old son. Comments and recommendations. Lovely women, girls, girls! Watch your bowels work. If it does not work well, it poisons your reproductive organs first of all. The first signs of this are colds and painful periods. Taking painkillers only worsens the general condition of the body, gives additional medicinal slagging. An increase in menstruation by one day is quite normal and good - your body has become more fully cleansed, it is better to work (this is indicated by painlessness). Remember - URINA will help you in solving such problems, otherwise you may suffer a life catastrophe.

Health is the most important resource of the human body, so the issues of maintaining health and restoring the body are among the most relevant. Today, there are many ways to get rid of certain diseases, one of the popular folk methods of treatment is urine therapy. Treatment of the body with urine was used in ancient India, from where this trend came to us.

Supporters of traditional medicine believe that urine therapy is a very effective and effective method of treatment, doctors of traditional medicine strongly criticize such treatment and talk about the lack of evidence for this method (no clinical studies confirming the effectiveness of urine treatment have been conducted). One of the most ardent propagandists of urine therapy today is G. Malakhov, who has published many books on this topic that have sold millions of copies. However, scientists and doctors in every possible way refute all the arguments given by the author in the books and argue that the consumption of one's own waste products is contrary to both the very laws of nature and common sense.

What does urine therapy treat?

Urine therapy is currently used as a way to cleanse the body, to get rid of various diseases and as a cosmetic product. Adherents of urine therapy give a lot of arguments in favor of this method of treatment.

The water molecules that are in our body, and, accordingly, in the urine excreted from the body, are in an ordered state. In order to bring the water entering the body to such a structure, one has to spend a lot of energy. When using urine, the body is freed from the need to arrange water molecules, thereby saving energy, wear out less quickly and live longer. Urine is a very complex chemical product. It contains uric acid, purine bases, a set of nucleic acids, the most important amino acids, as well as hormones, enzymes and vitamins. Thanks to such a rich composition, the use of urine will help cleanse the body of toxins and replace most of the drugs and dietary supplements (BAA).
