Spiritual practices and real meditations. Meditation is a spiritual reality

Practicing meditation, trying to live in an atmosphere of love that you yourself create around you, in an atmosphere of spiritual reality, you need to learn to start each day with a sense of gratitude for all the good that will happen to you on this day, for all the situations that you happen to experience , whether pleasant or not so pleasant moments. Sending love is possible only in a special, joyful state of mind. Before spiritual meditations, activate thoughts that cause pleasant experiences in your soul, and then do a meditation exercise.

The pursuit of spirituality never ends. For love or pain, one day, at some point, you will surrender to the need to seek it. Start as soon as possible, it will make life easier and more enjoyable. Some truths are relative, but God's truths are absolute. Pray and watch one of the most important tools in this quest. It expresses the need for us to take care of all the things that we produce in our thoughts, with the awareness of what energy we generate for the Universe and for ourselves, which can then drive events at the same frequency.

Real spiritual practices and meditations

Appreciate every minute of your life, take everything that gives you joy as little present life. Open the flow of love within you. Give exercise 10-15 minutes a day, and these minutes will change your life beyond recognition! Relaxation meditation has the most positive effect on the reality of a person who knows how to fill his heart with love, and then radiate love into space, directing its flows to specific people - a loved one, loved ones, relatives, their children, colleagues, friends and just acquaintances.

We are eternally responsible. "Don't do to your neighbor what you don't want to do to you." The answers to our desires are within ourselves. We need to learn to search within ourselves, avoiding the unbridled and deceived search for solutions and answers in the outside world. Free will is a tool to be used wisely; Freedom exists, reaction also always thinks that all actions have consequences. Positive actions as well as positive consequences. The reverse is subject to the same law.

The Universe connects all time with us through signs, coincidences and arrows of angels. It is necessary to improve the reception of this space signal. Definitely learn to use all the tips that subtly appear through people, situations and events that sound like coincidences. What is there is an energy of synchronicity that makes things seem like just coincidences. Learn to always use them.

With the help of spiritual practices and meditation, you can easily return to situations that are meaningful to you. Entering a meditative state, relaxing the body, removing all blocks and clamps, and concentrating the mind, you will be saturated with energy, life force, impeccable beauty and sensuality. Radiating love, you, like a magnet, will attract the people you need and joyful, happy situations to you.

You have a task to fulfill this life and you need to align with it. You can't think that our only purpose here on Earth is just to work and survive and pay the bills. We must evolve, and this means much more than just protecting the interests of the material world.

No one else has the solution to your problems. The people around you can be the triggers for your evolution, but they can also be helpers on this journey, never saviors and never to blame. The miracle is your ability to transform the challenges and opportunities of evolution into spiritual growth.

Spiritual Reality and the Mastery of Meditation - Video Tutorial Online

The path to oneself is called spiritual reality. For many people, this is a very long and difficult path, a unique journey into the worlds invisible, but real, which amaze the imagination with their depth and impeccable beauty. This journey will change your life, enrich you and bring peace, tranquility and knowledge about yourself and the order of the universe. This new experience is facilitated by spiritual practices and meditation.

Spiritual evolution - daily practice

We definitely understand that for our Planet to get out of this chaos, we need a lot of effort on our part. Gratitude and meditation are daily exercises to keep people in direct contact with higher planes and higher levels of vibration. If you don't learn to be grateful for what you have, you will never succeed in success, peace, and health.

Learn to eat the simple things of life, understand the essence of your existence and get rid of conscious myopia and selfishness. Attachment and excessive materialism are enslaving because they make people dependent on each other and material things.

Spiritual meditations, online videos can be watched repeatedly, and every time you will be breathtaking from views, from the flow of information that will open to you. If you are consciously, or even subconsciously, looking for the truth, online video will give you food for thought. For those who are on their way, meditation spiritual reality will give you strength and confidence in the correctness of your choice. You will learn about cosmic, that energy that people are so used to calling God, humanize, endow with human characteristics.

There is no problem in making money when it is appropriate and ethical. You'd better be enough, be happy, even use it wisely to help more people develop, than reject it all out of fear. Money is a very important third dimensional energy that can contribute to this evolutionary quest. The poverty of the oath in most cases, as far as the current reality is concerned, only aggravates the situation, being reasonable is not punished, money is not dirty, and wealth is not a sin if you make wealth also a state of mind.

In reality, God is the all-pervading energy of awareness and life. You will learn about your subtle bodies, the nature of which you cannot comprehend with your five senses. physical body, learn about astral travel and experience it, you will understand that this is one of the most serious means of awareness and development. Online video spiritual practices and meditations will give you other benefits that you did not even know about.

Your physical body is not everything! We are the transcendental essence of this dense sheath. Be sure to take care and attention of your body, but this is only one of the chair chairs. Don't be fooled by looks. Our main goal here on Earth is constant evolution, which includes clearing the inferiority characteristics of our personality and harmonizing conflicts with other people.

The fact that you do not want to evolve or not desire spiritualization does not interrupt the evolutionary movement of the Universe. We need to be careful, because often our decisions and ways of acting are contrary to this movement. When this happens, usually chaos has to settle in a person's life.

Part 1. Told by the masters of space. Spiritual reality will guide you through a journey that will change your life and enrich you. We get energy in complete silence. We see, hear, speak and think. That small amount of energy that we receive in a dream is not enough for us. This leads to stress and illness. We need more space energy. Let's learn to meditate!

Part 2. Contemplation is self-knowledge. Let the breath happen by itself, just watch it. Stop thinking. The number of thoughts will gradually decrease. Breathing becomes rare and short. A flash is formed between the eyebrows. In this state, breath and thoughts are absent. This state is called nirvana or the state without thoughts, this state is the state of meditation.
Part 3 Universal cosmic energy accumulates at one third of the height of the pyramid, this place is called the royal chamber. Cosmic energy has its maximum concentration in the royal chamber. The pyramid multiplies and distributes cosmic energy throughout its space. Meditation is the path to yourself. To do this, we must rise above the body and mind. Cosmic energy saves us from various diseases.
Part 4 The third eye allows you to feel and understand the higher reality. During meditation, we accumulate energy. When the third eye is activated, we may feel itching or burning between the eyebrows. We may feel as if we are traveling through tunnels. When the etheric body accumulates energy, our eye improves. We see a crystal clear image of the objects of reality.
Part 5 When consciousness moves. we can experience shocks in the physical body and feel different sensations. We may not feel the weight of our body. These shocks are called astral. If we meditate a lot, we get more cosmic energy. The astral body begins to leave the physical body. This is how we do astral travel. astral travel is a journey of our consciousness to known and unknown places in the universe.

Do not confuse spiritual awareness with cultural level, financial conditions, or social hierarchy. Many do not know and do not read, but are "doctors" in the art of understanding God. It is necessary to swallow arrogance, to be humble, more reasonable and healthy, because it is more in line with our natural ignorance, which we must overcome.

Then leave your comment below 😉. Meditation is a psycho-spiritual technique created by yogis since ancient times, the method of which is to abstract sensory vibrations, concentrate the mind and keep the ideal in a lofty goal. Such a process harmonizes the vibrations of the mind, leaving it in a state similar to that of a calm lake, when one can perceive the reflected luminosity of the most repeated Inner Being. Its regular practice entails several benefits, among which may be mentioned: greater self-confidence, mental expansion, emotional intelligence, firmness of character, love of nature and other living beings.
