How can you take energy from a person. Salvation from energy vampirism

07/17/2018 at 18:38 · Johnny · 26 530

10 things that suck your energy

There are days, and sometimes whole periods in life, when a person feels overwhelmed and tired, everything falls out of hand, life plans and dreams are absent. Such symptoms indicate that there is a leakage of energy from a person's life. It can be taken away by your own erroneous actions, various negatively charged objects, as well as vampire people who deliberately “feed” on your life forces.

In the environment of things that take energy, there can be many. But we will consider those that are entirely dependent on you and your actions. That is, those activities that you follow consciously or unconsciously, turning your life into a series of apathetic and aimless days.

So, below we give 10 things - "recipients" of your energy.

10. Deception

Whom are you hurting when you commit a deliberately wrong action, lie in the eye, embellish reality or hide the true background of your actions? First of all, to yourself. Our body is arranged very wisely - temperature and fever are a protective reaction to the disease, they indicate the struggle of immunity. Similarly, the feeling of "burden" on the heart, anxiety, apathy. They talk about the conflict of conscience and your actions, as a symptom of the "mortification" of the individual. The more you lie to yourself and to other people, the more the burden of the “crime” accumulates in traumas in your psyche. As a result - regular neurosis and loss of vitality.

9. Stress

It occurs most often against the background of the fact that a person has not understood some issue. Calmness is achieved only by one who has accurate knowledge and understands how to solve the problem that has arisen. Stress is also a consequence of being deceived or manipulated, even if you don't realize it. The body is very sensitive to non-verbal signs and with the help of intuition when your opponent is lying or using covert control methods. If you do not expose such a person and put him in his place, then he will take away your vitality and leave in their place psychotraumas that will “sick” for a long period, leading to depression.

8. Lack of sleep

Rest is needed not so much for our body as for the brain, which controls all processes (both physiological and mental). If there is no possibility of a full-fledged sleep, then toxins and toxins accumulate in the body, the work of the endocrine system for the production of hormones is disrupted (and it is completely subordinate to biological and circadian rhythms). The brain, on the other hand, suffers from an excess of information, every minute analytics and the search for solutions, so it needs rest to “order” the received data. If there is not enough sleep, then the vital energy will not be fully replenished, so every next day you will feel overwhelmed and tired, even without objective reasons.

7. Overeating

Prolonged hunger due to work overload, diets or holidays lead to the fact that a person does not control his diet and overeats. Of course, when there are a lot of goodies on the table, it is difficult to resist. As a result, the walls of the stomach are stretched, which in the future will lead to the need to increase the standard portion. For a larger amount of food, the body spends significant resources to remove poisons, toxins, pathogenic microorganisms. In this process, the kidneys and liver, intestines, and nervous system are also involved, which leads to general exhaustion and a feeling of lethargy. Not to mention the fact that after a hearty meal, drowsiness appears unjustified by the time of day and physical condition.

6. Unfinished business

The feeling of unfinished business dominates a person, turning to his conscience. Since childhood, everyone understands that once you start something, you need to bring it to the end. In the process of work, time, material and physical resources, energy, attention and concentration are spent. Unfinished business continues to demand such resources and makes you regret those already spent, which takes energy. By the way, unfinished business includes unfulfilled promises that control your life, various kinds of debts and loans, and deadlines.

5. Laziness

In itself, the feeling of laziness is extremely destructive for the body, which is always active even in sleep. Doing nothing is alien to a person, leads to a feeling of their own uselessness and worthlessness, failure. All that laziness can give you is the desire to stupidly and unproductively lie on the bed, aimlessly burning your life. Around people will build a career and families, relax in various places, achieve goals, and your destiny is to look at someone else's life with sorrow and pain. So maybe it’s worth tearing the “fifth point” off the sofa and not wasting vitality on suffering and self-destruction?

4. Envy

The phrase “envy eats up” is not accidental. Anxiety about other people's success, earnings and love affairs is destructive, and it really "eats" your energy. Time is spent on analyzing other people's actions and on the fact that you feel sorry for yourself every day. Oh, what an unfair world, gave someone enough resources to fulfill their desires, while others (for example, you) were deprived. In fact, without going through life "in other people's shoes", he has no right to judge how easily a person got this or that. Sometimes a person pays for some achievements not with currency, but with valuable time and a piece of soul, which cannot be replenished in any way. While you are jealous of his far from rosy fate.

3. Fear

Fear paralyzes all processes in the human body, from physical to psychological. Stupor and lack of reactions to events takes time and vital energy of a person. Often, fear does not even allow you to try to commit a fateful act, after which a person regrets his cowardice all his life, losing psychological strength. Having stepped over fear, taking risks and even losing, a person will understand that he has done everything possible, and, therefore, is free! But you can also win at your risk by changing your routine life forever.

2. Alcohol abuse

Alcohol blocks the work of the brain and nerve cells, reduces the ability to self-criticism, analysis, and search for solutions. The longer a person is in a state of intoxication in life, the less he spends resources on productive actions or thoughts that are beneficial. As a result, a healthy environment disappears, problems at work pile up, and the body “gives up”. Watching the destruction of his life due to alcohol, a person loses vitality, suffers and even more wants to forget himself in ethyl alcohol. A vicious circle leads to a constant outflow of energy and rapid degradation of a person as a biological unit and personality.

1. Empty talk

Not only do stupid conversations take valuable time, but they also negatively affect a person’s psychological health. Endless unproductive discussions, chatter about nonsense (clothes-cars-smilies), the desire to teach mediocrity life wisdom - all this sucks energy out of a person. As a rule, all participants in the conversation suffer, and the energy is directed to the one who is the most suppressive individual (that is, the energy vampire). And don’t you feel sorry for giving your valuable resource to a stranger, if in exchange you get absolutely nothing, even a productive answer to the questions posed in the conversation?

There are a lot of things in nature that take away vitality from a person. You need to start getting rid of at least small things, gradually studying new and new sources of "vampirism", eliminating them from your life.

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Every day we encounter people who, although they do not put their hand in our pocket, are aiming for something that no amount of money can buy. Our vital energy is constantly being stolen from us, but why this happens and how to short-circuit a presumptuous vampire - we, alas, were not taught in schools.

You to me, I to you

It is no longer a secret to anyone that a person is not only a material body, but also the sum of energies, many of which have been known to scientists for a long time: these are the electrical radiation of the brain, neutrons and neutrinos that make up atoms, and, of course, bioenergy or bioplasma .

Bioenergetics argue that people always exchange energy, even when they sleep or are silent. We subconsciously feel the interaction of our energy field with someone else's and react by changing either mood or physical condition. If it’s easy and pleasant for you and a person, if you have something to keep quiet about, then your energy metabolism is fine, you feed each other, and both benefit from it. But if you feel irritation, a sharp loss of strength, anxiety, or even sudden pain, then there is an energy devourer next to you.

Everyone needs bioenergy, like blood and lymph. But sometimes it is sorely lacking. There may be several reasons for such a shortage. This is a serious illness, old age, severe fatigue. However, nothing exhausts people as much as negative emotions: irritation, anger, greed, anger, guilt, jealousy. It is they who create holes in our energy field, and it is through them that power flows. And having lost a lot of their energy, people inevitably begin to look for how to replenish its reserves.

Helping a Vampire

Notice how exhausting a simple morning bus ride can be. Dozens of the same aggressive and tormented citizens, standing next to you, are just waiting for someone to vent their irritation on and from whom to intercept the missing energy. The more you are subject to the general mood, the more you run the risk of being eaten by your comrades in misfortune.

In calm, joyful people, the biofield is balanced and resembles a golden egg - it is difficult to break a hole in such a shell. But it is precisely in this that the hungry vampire sees his task, so he will try to unbalance the potential victim. The recipe is simple: they will try to piss you off. In a fit of anger, you yourself will throw out emotions and with them - most of the energy.

You can also get the desired treat through fear: fear forms holes in a person’s aura. Penetrating through them, the energy glutton begins his feast.

Often we lie down on the sacrificial altar voluntarily! “I have no one to turn to but you”, “I am so unhappy” - which of us, seeing the tears of our friends, did not hurry with consolations? And now you have opened up, and your energy is leaving you, like from a pierced gas cylinder. After working with a vest, you always feel terrible fatigue and indifference to everything.

However, you can find an unwitting vampire in an even closer environment. If you fall for accusations, they say, you are a bad mother or an unworthy daughter, then you lose strength in self-flagellation. This opens the way for a vampire relative.

None of those close to you sets a goal to take away more energy from you and harm you. This happens on a subconscious level. The positive aspect of living together is that the family automatically feeds us with energy if necessary.

Something is wrong

No matter how harmonious the energy balance of a married couple is, no one is immune from unexpected failures. Anxious wives feel that something is wrong with their husband, but they cannot understand what is wrong. In most cases, seeing that a man has begun to invest less personal energy in relationships, the wife makes a diagnosis: she has fallen out of love.

Do not rush to sound the alarm and make claims. Think about what these changes may be related to: maybe the husband began to get tired at work or falls ill, the crisis situation at work and problems with relatives could be the cause. Often a man just needs rest, psychological comfort or solitude. So help him.

But a scandal is the most reliable way to pump out more vital energy from a person. The emptiness that you subsequently experience is not at all caused by an exchange of offensive words, but by the loss of a significant amount of strength that went into feeding the screaming one. And if it is you who are the regular instigator of scandals, then we can safely say that you feed on your husband, son, father, etc.

In many families, scandals become a frequent occurrence due to the fact that spouses do not know another way to exchange energy. Meanwhile, he is in a simple conversation, and in making love, and in joint walks.

Flowers of life

Children under 3-4 years old can be identified as a special risk group: they have weak energy protection, therefore they are highly dependent on the mood of their parents. True, they restore their energy balance faster than adults.

And if the child has become unreasonably naughty, weak and pale, the reason may be in the vampire who is nearby.

Sex heals!

In order not to turn out to be either a robber or a victim, you need to monitor your energy potential: regularly replenish it, control emotions and stress, make sure that you constantly have at least small positive impressions.

And there are several ways to maintain the correct energy balance. For example, through relaxation, yoga, meditation. Prayer and other methods of immersion in oneself or turning to the Higher Forces are very powerful means.

Recall that sex is one of the most ancient ways to exchange energy: the merging of yin and yang creates a very special being - self-sufficient and happy, which does not seek anything, does not aspire anywhere and is in bliss.

Paradoxical as it may seem, but physical activity (running, exercise equipment, swimming, etc.) can also energize. The main thing is not to overdo it. If possible, walk barefoot on the grass, contemplate fire or flowing water, and indulge in nature trips. Communication with trees and flowers restores peace of mind.

Football, sauna, beer...

An old, tried-and-tested way to make up for a constant lack of energy is to get an animal or decorate your house with flowers. Any plants (with the exception of vines, orchids and many swamp species) and pets not only delight the eye, but also heal the soul.

The energy invested in communication with friends will not be wasted. The fields of like-minded people work in the same rhythm, calming and complementing each other. So, gatherings with friends are necessary for your health just like your husband needs football, a bathhouse and beer.

Don't forget about cute little hobbies and your own corner of the house, where everything is saturated only with your energy and there are no extraneous influences: even if this tiny saving paradise fits only in an armchair.

Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man, I'll Eat You!

But what to do when you have already become the object of an attack and a starving vampire clicks his teeth at your nose? First of all, try to put up a barrier between you. A chair, a tree, a fence or a dog on a leash will inevitably cool the ardor of a glutton. In case of failure, increase the distance separating you.

If you failed to meet the danger while standing, and the adversary took the next chair or settled down at your table, cross your arms in front of your chest, interlace your legs or show this person a blow (so as not to inflame passions - behind your back or in your pocket). Old grandmother's methods work flawlessly.

If there is no way to stop the energy drain immediately (for example, it is caused by a parent's illness or a child's growth difficulties), make this process conscious. Mentally send your loved ones not irritation, but love. Think of your mother or an angry husband, mentally repeating: "I love you and wish you only the best." Oddly enough, but the grumbling will immediately stop, the anger will subside. And you, by sharing your love, will not lose anything: the one who gives love receives it many times stronger.

Lyudmila MOVRINA, bioenergy therapist

As you know, each person has a large supply of energy, it is not surprising that there are those who wish to use it.

You probably know that in addition to the physical body, people also have a bioenergetic shell. It is an invisible likeness of a cocoon, inside of which is the energy body itself. This force field acts as a kind of shield that protects the subtle body. This whole structure is entirely made up of circulating energy.

It is very important that its amount is sufficient, since the loss of even a small volume entails the occurrence of various kinds of diseases or problems in any area of ​​life. That is why a person needs to constantly replenish his energy supply and try not to waste it.

Usually, in order to saturate the energy body, people use all sorts of techniques that allow them to nourish themselves with the help of power flows from the outside world. This method is quite difficult to perform and requires some knowledge, as well as work on yourself.

For this reason, many resort to a simpler and more accessible method - replenishment of energy at the expense of another person, such people are called energy vampires. This category has many branches and is quite multifaceted, we will talk about all varieties of energy vampires a little lower in the corresponding section.

Separately, it should be noted another group of people who are engaged in the intake of energy, and they do it consciously. These include dark magicians, sorcerers, and also witches. A representative of each of these areas is engaged in similar activities for a specific purpose, and often, the magician himself does not need someone else's energy, he simply redirects it.

Bioenergetic Vampire

The largest and most widespread category. Even those people who have nothing to do with esotericism and bioenergetics know about the existence of vampires. As a rule, a person does not even realize who he is.

The essence of the method by which these people pump out energy from others is quite simple. In order to gain access to the energy circulating in the energy body, the vampire needs to break through the protective force cocoon we mentioned above. This is almost impossible to do without special esoteric knowledge, so the energy vampire follows the simplest path, because this method comes to mind on an intuitive level.

To break through the cocoon, it is necessary to disrupt the stability of the energy centers that form it. As you know, chakras react extremely poorly to any kind of stress and negative influences. It is for this reason that the vampire begins to psychologically burden his victim and does this exactly until the moment the person gets out of inner balance.

There are two classes of energy vampires: active and passive.

active vampires

The former are fairly easy to recognize as they practically scream about it, literally. An active vampire behaves aggressively and in every possible way provokes his victim into a conflict. All his fighting ardor fades as soon as a person loses his temper and loses his temper. It is at this moment that the energy of another person is replenished.

After that, the mood of the vampire improves dramatically, he begins to feel much better and becomes literally a different person. Such a sharp change in mood is the main indicator that allows you to quickly detect an energy fluke. And get rid of it once and for all.

Passive vampires

The second type - a passive vampire acts somewhat more cunningly. These are the people who constantly complain, talk about how bad things are for them, how often they get sick, and so on. Purposefully, these people are trying to bring all this negativity inside you.

As soon as you start putting yourself in the place of such a person, the trap closes. You may not understand this, but subconsciously at this moment you begin to experience the same emotions as a person who actually has such problems.

When this happens, the integrity of the aura is broken and there is an unimpeded transmission, the result of which is your devastated bioenergy.

If you have an acquaintance or friend who always complains, and after a short conversation you are already ready to do it, then you can be sure that this person is a passive energy vampire.

Do older people take energy

Undoubtedly, the truth for them is a kind of necessity. We all know that old age is associated with the advent of many diseases, as well as the process of general fading. This is due to the fact that the energy of an elderly person weakens until it dries up completely, which will mark death.

Old people most often use both the passive method of vampirism and the active one. You can easily recall many such cases from life. For example, evil old women who scream at the top of their voices over any trifle, as if they are specifically trying to provoke a serious conflict. Or constant talk about illness, politics and poverty - this set of topics for conversation has already become a kind of invariable attribute of old people.

An interesting fact is that you have probably noticed more than once that as soon as older people have grandchildren, they get along very quickly with them and try to spend as much time together as possible.

This is due to the fact that young children have an excess of energy, it literally splashes out of them. An old person, on the contrary, really needs it, which is why this combination works extremely harmoniously.

Do not leave children to grandparents for too long. In order to exude energy, it must first be accumulated, and if there is a constant exhaustion, then this is simply not feasible.

Although children have a lot of bioenergy, its supply is not infinite, while an elderly person will absorb it constantly. It's like trying to fill a colander with water - sooner or later it will empty anyway and all this gigantic volume that you poured into it will simply evaporate. That is why the answer to the question of whether old people take away energy is affirmative.

Do sick people take energy

Now let's talk about how sick people take our energy. This phenomenon really exists and it is almost impossible to influence it. But first, one more topic should be covered, without mentioning which it would be impossible to conduct a qualitative analysis of the situation with a sick energy vampire.

When the conversation turns to seriously ill people, then naturally we are talking about the influence of such a person on his family. He cannot pump energy out of outsiders, otherwise the doctors would not have survived even one day in the hospital, because there are sick people who crave energy, more than enough.

Any family is a complex system where energy circulates in each member, both individually and between them. If the biofield of one person in the house weakens, then all his other relatives try to fill this gap at the expense of their own energy. What happens when we get sick? Our aura weakens, and bioenergy simply disappears. The patient's body convulsively begins to look for a means to recharge, and the biofield of relatives immediately provides this opportunity.

This situation is somewhat similar to the case in which there is an old energy vampire, but here things are even worse, especially when we are talking about terminally ill patients.

The appetites of such a vampire are truly colossal, since he needs energy not only to fill himself completely, but also to heal from illness.

Of course, even a large number of people cannot give such a volume, it is simply unrealistic, therefore the energy that the patient sucks out simply goes nowhere. Such a detailed description, it seems to me, is forever able to dispel any doubts about the question of whether people are vampires who take energy. There are quite a few. We will talk about how to defend against them at the end of the article.

Creatures that feed on human energy

The second case, by the way, is much more dangerous and harmful to health, since then the essence feeds directly from the host's energy body and thereby causes irreparable harm to it.

Here are the entities that feed on human energy:

  • Demons- Motivate a person to take some action. The energy that is expended in this case is absorbed almost all by themselves;
  • Lyarvy- they wait for the moment when a person begins to experience pleasure from something, it is then that they become active, since at this time there is an energy disturbance;
  • Devils- provoke aggressive behavior, and can also cause unreasonable fears;
  • succubus- force a person to lead an immoral lifestyle that is associated with promiscuity;
  • sylphs- they are introduced into dreams and change them, since a person does not realize that this is unrealistic, then he experiences the same emotions as if it were happening in reality;
  • Inhabited Entities- they are introduced into the human biofield with only one purpose, which is precisely to deplete the energy reserve of the carrier. A distinctive feature is that it is impossible to do this without the personal consent of the victim, which is why attackers usually use all sorts of tricks, or achieve the result in roundabout ways - they affect the next of kin and plant the essence with them, and not with the victim.

How Humans Vampire Energy: Dark Sorcery

Energy vampires often harm others without realizing it. Now we will talk about those people who pump out energy consciously and constantly.

dark magicians

The first group is dark magicians. Most often, esotericists get on this slippery path because of banal laziness. For example, there is a need to help a person who is openly jealous of the good fortune of someone else.

Instead of doing quality work with this person and diagnosing the cause of constant failures, the dark magician borrows positive energy from the person whom the client envy. Naturally, the victim at this moment begins a series of problems, and his whole life goes downhill.

The situation is the same with cases of "treatment". Instead of truly healing a person and establishing his energy supply from the outside world, the magician simply takes the energy of several people and pumps it into the patient. Victims of such an energy robbery begin to get sick and experience serious health problems.


Sorcerers most often use energy draining as a means to get rid of a specific person. The most common method in which the sorcerer attaches his astral projection to the victim with a program to pump out energy. This eternally hungry creature is firmly attached to the cocoon of a person and does not lag behind him until he pumps out absolutely everything.

Less often, sorcerers suck out energy directly, this method is less popular because it requires constant employment.


Witches require a lot of energy to perform their rites. Often they are quite creative and start working with a large number of people, claiming to be healers. When people come to see such a person, he not only does not receive any help, but also returns home devastated.

Quite often, witches psychologically affect their victims, forcing them to return more and more often. Such pumping out can be systematic and sometimes extends over many years.

Usually, the process of energy intake occurs through the hands, when the witch asks to show her palms, and then puts hers on them.

It is at this moment that it is recharged, so you should use such services with caution or exclude them altogether.

Collecting energy from a person, how to protect yourself

We will consider several rules that will not only keep your energy intact, but also protect you from any outside influence.

  • If you understand that a person is an energy vampire, then try to avoid him by any means. You can simply not answer his calls, interrupt communication at the moment when he is trying to somehow influence you, and so on. In cases where breaking off contacts is impossible, then remain calm and aloof, at the moments of his tantrums or complaints. As soon as the vampire notices that you are not getting through his game, he will immediately stop trying to break through your psycho-emotional barrier;
  • Nature has endowed us with innate ways of protection - cross your arms over your chest, or cross your legs. This posture makes you as closed as possible in terms of energy, so it will not be possible to break into the cocoon of energy vamps;
  • Keep harmony within yourself first. Remember that a person who is calm inside creates such a stable force field around him that it is simply impossible to influence it. There are many different teachings that promote such peace of mind, such as the Freemasons. Vampire the energy of other people only the weak, they are unable to influence a person who is strong like a stone inside;
  • If we are talking about entities, then various bioenergetic sessions will help you here. For example, cosmoenergy copes with this task quite successfully, in addition, there are many means that allow you to strengthen the protective shell and make it immune to the suction of extraneous creatures;
  • The same sessions can also help in the fight against targeted influences from outside. Many of them, by the way, allow you to reflect the negative impact back on the sender. And one more point that needs to be covered: you have already read how a witch takes energy from a person, so think twice before going to someone dubious. It is quite possible that instead of achieving any goal, you will only get disappointment and an even greater pile of problems.

Everyone in their life had to deal with men or women who, because of any seemingly trifle, start a quarrel. And they procrastinate their resentment for a long time, scrolling it like a broken record, over and over again. Everyone cannot calm down and continue shouting and scolding. After communicating with such a "scold" one feels tired, weak, the mood deteriorates for a long time. With annoyance, the thought flashes that “what an absurd person he is, how unpleasant it is to communicate with him!”.

However, few people would think that such people are energy vampires, who take incomparable pleasure to “spoil the blood” of their neighbors. This is the meaning of their entire existence. They diligently “smear” their counterpart on a “plate” and simply “go crazy” when they see him in a confused, upset look.

It happens because such individuals have a bad aura, which actively influences others. Drawing their bioenergy "tentacles" into someone else's biofield, such energy "ghouls" suppress and destroy it. This affects those in contact with them with bad moral, psychological and emotional well-being. And the "ghouls" only rejoice and gain strength.

In common parlance, these are called "draculas" and "bloodsuckers", without thinking at all what contributes to their appearance and why they behave this way. Psychologists believe that there are about 30% of them by nature, in the process of life, 50 percent become "bloodsuckers", the remaining 20 - from time to time.

Psychologists distinguish two types of energy vampires: unconscious and those who consciously feed on the energy of others. The first includes "bloodsuckers" who take away someone else's energy unconsciously. They lack their own life force, and in order to get it, they “steal” bioenergy from their relatives and friends.

Probably, many can recall a case from their lives when someone, for example, from relatives, constantly starts quarrels over a seemingly completely trifling fact, inflating it to a “universal” scale. Such a “truth-lover” will not calm down until he proves his “rightness”, which ends with completely inflated nerves for someone who fell for his “energy bait”. And he, on the contrary, has a surge of strength, he is in a good mood, smiling cheerfully. This is nothing but energy vampirism.

The second kind includes those who consciously live off the bioenergy of their opponents. Such "bloodsuckers" are very dangerous. They are not embarrassed by any moral arguments, they have no sense of compassion at all. Like predatory spiders, they catch prey in their energy nets in order to suck out life energy from it, thus strengthening their strength.

Varieties of energy vampirism

In order to recognize people who live off other people's energy and not fall for their "bait", you need to know the forms of energy vampirism. They can be:
  • Vampirism "absentee". When a “good” friend or buddy is not around, and when you look, say, at his gift, it suddenly becomes hard on the soul, not at all rosy thoughts arise. Another option is online messaging. Communication is kind of gray, it only brings anxiety, it does not bring any satisfaction. It is likely that such acquaintances are energy vampires, through their gifts and letters, even at a distance, they draw out the energy they need so much.
  • Collective. Man is a social being, always in all life circumstances is among people. Let's say it's a work group. And not always he can be "respectable". If an atmosphere of hostility, envy, lies, acquisitiveness reigns in it, this can play its negative role on those of its members who have completely different moral attitudes. Such "collectives" will suppress their opponents, voluntarily or involuntarily feeding on their energy.
  • Family. One of the spouses can be a vampire in the family. Older relatives, for example, a mother-in-law or a father-in-law, are often “bloodsuckers”, whom you never please. A quarrel always gives them pleasure, they enjoy it, and one of the spouses - a constant headache. In such cases, it often comes to divorce. It is not for nothing that there are many jokes about "evil" mothers-in-law. But this is nothing but a kind of family energy vampirism, when the older one is fueled by the energy of the young one. You can also talk about children's vampirism, when children literally draw blood with their whims - they take away energy from their parents.
  • Informational. There is a lot of negativity in the media these days. Reports of wars, terrorist attacks, robberies, murders, and other grave crimes filled the pages of newspapers and magazines, they are constantly talked about on TV, and criminal films are shown. Now it is considered a rule of good form. However, such "horror films" depress the psyche, take away energy from people with a weak biofield and an unstable psyche.
  • Erotic. If a marriage is “unequal”, when one loves to the point of self-sacrifice, and the other uses it, we can talk about sexual vampirism, when one of the spouses takes the energy of their partner. A variation is a situation where the husband is elderly and the wife is young (sometimes vice versa). He just uses her energy and feels great. Not without reason in ancient China, decrepit emperors, in order to prolong their years, slept with young concubines.

It's important to know! If after communicating with someone there is a feeling of weakness and fatigue, it is highly likely that there was contact with an energy vampire.

The main signs of energy vampires

The main signs of an energy vampire are his appearance and behavior.

As a rule, these people are rather gloomy, eternal discontent is “written” on their face. They look much older than their years: a wrinkled physiognomy, thick, fused eyebrows (women thin them out with tweezers), the corners of the lips are often lowered. The eyes are dull, inexpressive, and the look is cold, repulsive, it is not easy to endure.

By the way they behave, they are aggressive and whiny. The former always run into a scandal and enjoy the tears, pain and suffering of their victim. The latter constantly whine that everything in their life is bad, and in this way they draw energy from people who sympathize with them.

The following indirect factors will help to recognize the energy vampire:

  1. Food preferences. Such people avoid sweet and hot, indifferent to tea and coffee. But drinks “with ice” are respected, they pepper their food a lot, add hot spices to it.
  2. Poor attitude towards domestic animals. "Love" here is mutual. Pets and plants feel the negative aura of such people. A dog or a cat, if they suddenly start up in the house, try to escape, and the flowers simply wither.
  3. body contact. A vampire always tries to touch his counterpart: hold his hand, stroke his head, seemingly inadvertently push or step on his foot. This is the immediate moment when energy flows to him from the one opposite.
  4. Permanent Debt. Such a person is an eternal debtor. He likes to borrow money, promises to give back on time, but deliberately does not keep his word. The lender is nervous and “feeds” the energy vampire with his emotions. It's the same with any business. Lots of promises, but nothing. Only one disorder and a spoiled mood, but for the "ghoul" - joy.
  5. Severe mood swings. Feeding off someone else's energy, the vampire is always excited and cheerful. And when there is no one to “pinch” her at least a little, she seems sick and walks gloomy.
  6. Love for mass events. Such people simply adore various crowded "parties" when you can grumble and show your displeasure. In the crowd, you can always knock around, come into contact with someone. It adds energy.
  7. negative emotions. An energy vampire always speaks evil of people, for example, of friends of his loved ones. This gives him pleasure, so he feeds his aura.
  8. Constantly complaining about your problems. Complaining about his alleged hardships in life, the vampire involuntarily draws his interlocutors into a bad conversation, thereby fueling their energy.
  9. Avoiding positive emotions. Cheerful, positive people are avoided by vampires. They are afraid of a good aura, which they cannot penetrate with evil intentions.
  10. Striving to win trust. Vampires can be sympathetic, sympathize with someone else's grief, but their compassion does not bring relief, it only makes it worse.
You can recognize an energy vampire by date of birth. To do this, add the day, month and year of birth. It turns out a two-digit number. We divide it into two single ones and add it again, and so on until we get an unambiguous number. It determines the energy of a person.

Interpretation of the result. If it is in the range from 1 to 4, this means that the energy is weak, constant replenishment is needed, such a person may well become an energy vampire. A number in the range of 5-7 says that everything is in order with your biofield, but you should be careful, avoid people who are not averse to feeding their aura at the expense of others. If the resulting value is more than 7, then you have an excess of energy and can share it with others without fear for your health.

Example: 03/30/1990 = 3 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 0 = 25 = 2 + 5 = 7

Biofield with excellent energy! Such a person should not be afraid of energy vampires.

It's important to know! All of these signs are not a 100% guarantee that you have a vampire in front of you. They may just be a hallmark of behavior. In each case, an objective analysis is needed. Only one thing is certain: one should not succumb to any provocations of suspicious individuals. Only in this case will it be possible to avoid the loss of one's bioenergy.

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire

Protection can be different, for example, with the help of amulets and amulets. But before you figure out how to protect yourself from an energy vampire, you need to recognize who it is. And then, depending on this, take appropriate measures. And this can be one of the family members, for example, a child, a close relative, a friend or a work partner. Even a casual fellow traveler on public transport can be such a dangerous person. For each specific case, their own advice is appropriate. Let's consider them in more detail.

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire in the family

If in a young family one of the relatives, for example, a father or mother (husband, wife), with whom you have to live under the same roof, is an energy vampire, the best advice is to leave immediately. The truth is trivial, but because of such energetic vampirism of the elders, when there were constant squabbles that, for example, the son-in-law did not look at the mother-in-law in the right way or “he doesn’t like the way I cook,” many families broke up.

A forced vampire can be a seriously ill relative. He tries to replenish his fading vital energy at the expense of loved ones. This needs to be given more attention. True care will calm him down, he will not get nervous over trifles, cause unnecessary inconvenience to his loved ones. Simply put, will not "drink their blood."

A good help so that the patient is less nervous can be a flower in his room or, say, an aquarium for fish. TV will also distract him from negative emotions.

Quite often, vampires are children. The body grows, develops, its energy is still small, the child tries to replenish it at the expense of his parents. He is naughty, naughty, wants to be paid more attention to him. Constant childish whims exhaust the elders, but bring pleasure to the children. And here comes the problem of proper education. Otherwise, with age, unconscious children's vampirism will grow into a conscious adult and take the rest of the strength from aging dads and moms.

It's important to know! Protection from an energy vampire in the family suggests that harmony, peace and tranquility reign in relations between relatives. Then there will be no one to defend against, positive energy will be distributed among all members of the family to a reasonable extent.

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire in a public place

Such energy "bloodsuckers" can be a boss, a partner or one of those with whom you have to deal in the process of work, maybe even your subordinate. From communicating with them, you always feel discomfort in the mood, there is annoyance, resentment and bewilderment why this could happen.

And to prevent this from happening, you need to try to avoid all conflict situations with an unpleasant person. Even if he calls for a quarrel, you should try to translate everything into a joke. She will disarm even the most inveterate lover of quarrels, he willy-nilly calm down and leave you behind.

In a conversation with a vampire boss, when a joke is inappropriate, you can cross your arms or legs. Even better, mentally imagine a glass wall between you. In case of a bad conversation, this will block the outflow of your energy into the aura of an unwanted commander.

Another example. A partner or someone else constantly complains about their life, so that they would take pity on him (her), thereby “earning” for themselves the much-needed energy. Such "unfortunate" should be avoided, communication with them should be reduced to a minimum under the pretext, for example, that there is a lot of work. And in no case do not discuss your personal problems with them.

To protect yourself from energy "beggars" on the street or in public transport, you just need not to get involved in any conversations with them. And in the case when they try to start a quarrel, you can smile and even apologize, saying, “I was wrong,” although there is no fault of yours. This will disarm them and defuse the situation. The conflict will be nipped in the bud. It will not be possible to profit from energy at your expense.

It's important to know! It is far from always possible to exclude communication with an energy vampire. In any case, you need to behave calmly and sensibly with him, so that, seeing that he cannot “rock” his interlocutor, he lags behind him.

How to use energy vampire charms

Since ancient times, our ancestors used amulets and amulets. They protected from damage and the evil eye. They were worn on the chest or wrist. You can make such protection from bad energy yourself, for example, weave a bracelet, putting into work the idea that it will certainly protect from the evil eye.

The made amulet should be carried to the church and consecrated. This is a guarantee that no otherworldly forces will cling to you. And here is the benefit of prayer. It protects against all sorts of ghouls and vampires. And it is worth reading it not occasionally, but every day. It can be "Our Father" or "Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner ...".

A good talisman would be a stone suitable for the sign of the Zodiac. For Aries men, for example, pebbles of red, blue, purple color are suitable: ruby ​​or amethyst. Aries women will suit black obsidian. This will help strengthen the energy, protect it from the vampire's energy tentacles.

It's important to know! Different talismans help only if a person sincerely believes in their miraculous power, otherwise there is no need to wear them.

How to restore energy after communicating with an energy vampire

After communicating with an energy vampire, one feels great fatigue, weakness throughout the body, and all because the biofield is weakened. A familiar or unfamiliar "vampire" managed to ingratiate himself and "feasted" on someone else's energy.

To restore your biofield, the following available methods will help:

  • Walk in the city park, meadow, field, forest. Nature is the most powerful stimulator of vital forces, it will support a person in all cases of life and restore his spent energy. It’s good to run barefoot in the dew early in the morning, stand leaning against a tree, listen to the light rustle of the leaves, it calms and invigorates. Oak and birch have excellent energy during a breakdown. Pine helps relieve stress. And trees such as alder and poplar consume energy, you need to be careful with them.
  • Communication with pets and plants. Our smaller brothers and their own garden, for example, on the windowsill, relieve fatigue and charge with vigor. Cats have a special energy, they subtly feel their owner (hostess) and always fawn over them when they want to show their location.
  • Music. A quiet melody relaxes, irritation and obsessive thoughts go away. There is peace in the soul.
  • Cold and hot shower. It relieves fatigue, invigorates strength, removes negative energy, puts thoughts in order.
In the end, find yourself a source of positive emotions. Let's say eat a piece of cake, watch your favorite movie on TV, or take your dog for a walk if you have such a good house friend.

It's important to know! In any communication, the exchange of energy must be voluntary and mutual. Only in this case, there will be no outflow of one's vitality to the wrong side, and then restoration will not be required.

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire - look at the video:

Energy vampires are all around us. So that they do not "eat up" our vital energy, you need to save your strength, lead a healthy lifestyle. Only in this case, the energy of the body will be at the proper level. And this is a guarantee from any damage and the evil eye, assorted vampires and ghouls who love to live at the expense of someone else's "blood". They are afraid of people with a positive biofield.

An excellent psychological defense against any bio-vampires is an inner irony and a condescending attitude, even pity for these unfortunate people who are forced to eat energy waste and leftovers.

The absence of fear of biovampires, the mental attitude not to obey their attempts is a guarantee against energy loss.

But there are also physical ways of protection. Very effective "thermal protection". She is pretty simple. Try to carve out 10-15 minutes in the morning, before work, and stand under a very hot shower.

Strong heating of the body evens out its energy, dissolves the "clumps" of energy, fills the "rarefactions".

After that - a sharp cooling, an absolutely cold shower, and even better to plunge from a bucket. Don't be afraid - don't catch a cold! I guarantee.

The mechanism behind this extremely powerful tool is simple. The skin is compressed, the heat exchange with the surrounding air is sharply reduced, the energy received from hot water is, as it were, accumulated inside the body. And most importantly, your aura will not only take on the most economical form (eggs), but will also become denser, and therefore will become less penetrable for external influences (biovampirism, damage, the evil eye ...).

But what if we still didn’t save ourselves and were exposed to the bad effects of someone else’s energy? Again, water will help us.

In the evening, when we returned home after a hard day's work and hassle with an aura "bitten" from communicating with different people, it is very useful to take a warm bath.

Water is very energy intensive. It will “eat up” all the “protrusions” and “abysses” of our aura, dissolve and take away with it the energy “dirt” that has stuck during the day.

Just do not overdo it, firstly, you do not need very hot water (the temperature should be pleasant), and secondly, six to seven minutes is usually enough. It doesn’t take longer - the water will first level out, and then slowly begin to take away our energy (reduce your “auric egg” in size) ...

And the steam room restores our energy especially well! A bath is a truly universal remedy: here you have treatment, here you have prevention ...

Is vampirism possible in the family? Valentina T. writes about her friend, who, after the birth of her daughter, “immediately somehow got older, became irritable. As I understand it, it's because her child is, as they say, "difficult."

Gentle, that is not for her - suits the hysteria. He screams that he will be poisoned, he will jump from the balcony. And everything requires something. And the money in the family is from paycheck to paycheck ... I told this story to women at work, I think maybe someone will advise something. And one says: “Yes, she is a vampire, this girl, she sucks energy from her mother.” She said so seriously that I was scared. Now everyone thinks maybe it's true - a vampire? Once a friend said so: “She pulled all the strength out of me, it would be better if I didn’t give birth to her!” I ask you to answer, can a child be a vampire, and if so, what should I do?

The case is rather complicated. There is indeed "childish vampirism", which is usually accompanied by begging for expensive purchases, tantrums and blackmail.

What to do? Let's try to understand the reasons for this behavior of the child. What makes a child take energy from adults? Disease? Physical exhaustion? It seems not. The girl is "healthy, developed." Little care? Also no: “... They are reaching out with their last strength so that she has everything ...” And yet the child is missing something. What?

Why, immediately after the birth of her daughter, did the “cheerful, cheerful” woman become irritable? Judging by the letter, the child prevents her from leading her former way of life. Now she has to give all her strength, time, attention to this little man.

Secretly, in the depths of her soul, she hates her child for this. She does everything that is supposed to be done: she feeds on time, changes diapers, but ... the child is not satisfied, he is capricious and "everything demands something." What? He wants LOVE! The mother pays off with handouts: “Ha, just don’t disturb ...”

This is where the true cause of children's vampirism is: the mother deprived her child of the most powerful and most necessary energy for him - the energy of love. If the mother manages to change her attitude towards her daughter, the child will cease to be a little vampire. “Start with yourself…”

It sounds incredible, but sometimes we ourselves can become the cause of our energy depletion - if we attract increased attention to ourselves with something (bright appearance, clothes, demeanor ...).

A large army of biovampires greedy for alien energy will flock from all over the area. The conclusion suggests itself: try not to be too noticeable. (Since childhood, we have been taught that “modesty adorns a person.” It turns out that it is also energetically beneficial!) By the way, the habit of being constantly in sight, conspicuous is one of the most reliable ways to earn damage and the evil eye ...

Remember that even your own eyes can suck your energy. Do not look at them intently through the mirror: a colossal loss of energy! Don't believe? You can experiment. I think one time will be enough (more is dangerous!) to feel how the energy will leave you in a powerful stream.

With someone else's energy, information about the illnesses of these people is also absorbed. Over time, you will acquire such a “bouquet” of sores that neither medicines nor the best healers will help. And secondly, the body will soon forget how to feed on nature. Chronic exhaustion and rapid aging are guaranteed to him ...

And from here one more conclusion: do not be afraid to give your energy to good people. The more often you empty your "reservoirs" for them, the more fresh and healing energy you will receive from nature.

For those who "loved their neighbor as themselves", energy vampirism does not exist!

“What happened to me is amazing. I'm in my sixth decade. For thirty years of work at the school, the nerves have frayed, the heart is playing tricks, the pressure is jumping. And here, against the background of my ill health, is a serious illness of an old mother. Stroke. I spent two weeks in the hospital caring for my mother. Two weeks with almost no sleep. Two weeks of some crazy whirlwind. In the morning, wet cleaning of the ward, all the necessary procedures with mom, then running to the store, to the market; from there - home, cook something tasty, then to the hospital, etc. etc., without respite. Add to this constant nervous tension. I had to "fall off". Colleagues to this day are surprised: “How did you not fall down?” And not only did I not “fell down”, it was as if a spring of energy bubbled up in me, bubbling. I felt energized, fresh, full of energy.

Often my mother asked me to sit next to her and always put her dry, cool hand into mine. And it seemed to me that it was not known where the power that had come from in me was flowing from my hand into my mother's. Now my mother is at home, she is better. And the amazing state of health does not leave me. I felt twenty years younger. It looks like a miracle! I can explain what happened only by the existence of some higher forces that help us, mortals, in the most crucial moments of life.

That's right, Maria Vasilievna. Give, you will receive more - this is the Cosmic Law ... Boomerang ...

Energy vampires: ways to protect

Energy vampires are somewhat similar to "black holes" - they appear out of nowhere and take all the life energy of other people for themselves. You try to stay cheerful and positive, but your efforts go nowhere.

The negative attitude of such people is exhausting, and soon their depression infects you too.

How to deal with it? The most important thing is to understand who exactly from your environment is such a “negative person”. And finding it is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. It turns out that people whom we used to consider good friends, nice and sociable acquaintances, may well turn out to be energy vampires.

Watch out for these warning signs:

During communication, there is a feeling of a hidden psychological attack

At the level of intuition, you feel insecure, tense

With surprise, you note the growing irritation that has come from nowhere, you want to end the conversation as soon as possible and get rid of this feeling

The energy seems to be draining out of you, you feel sick, cold and tired

Among energy vampires, it is customary to distinguish several types: “sobbing sister”, “accuser”, “drama queen”, “chatterbox”, “clown”, “eternal misfortune” (a person needs constant help in everything).

Surely, by the names alone, you managed to recognize the manner of communication of one of your acquaintances or friends.

Pay attention to topics of conversation. Does your friend always start a conversation about how bad life is for him, complaining about life, but at the same time he does not take any real steps in order to rectify the situation?

Be on the lookout - it looks like you are dealing with an energy vampire.

By recognizing an energy vampire, you can learn how to protect yourself from the negative energy it carries.

We offer you 10 strategic decisions:

1. Find out the reason for the negativity

Do you understand where the negativity comes from? Perhaps the people around you are dissatisfied with their work, family or life. Perhaps they lack self-confidence so much that the only way to feel strong and confident is to hurt others?

It is easier to deal with negativity by determining the cause of its occurrence. Some people are absolutely convinced that the only way to get what they want is to manipulate others. It seems to them that only if they constantly complain about life, they will receive the attention and sympathy of friends and acquaintances.

2. Smile and… stay away

As soon as the energy vampire tries to engage you in a conversation that is unpleasant for you, try to smile and remain silent. The main thing is to stay away and not let the interlocutor transfer his negativity to you. All that an energy vampire needs from you is a reaction. It is the reaction to the negative that such people “eat”. Do not let yourself be caught in the network of someone else's negative energy.

You should learn to disengage from your own emotions and sensations that suddenly arise in you while communicating with "vampires". Try to look at the situation from the outside. You need to say to yourself: “This person is sad right now, and if a little positivity from me helps him, I will only be happy. If not, then his negativity does not concern me.” It is very difficult to learn to “turn on the autopilot” and observe such situations “outside”, but you should be able to “turn off” yourself from what is happening.

3. Say, "Now tell me something nice!"

Try to say this phrase right after you have been complained about life for the hundred thousandth time. You will be surprised, but many people, who are not classic energy vampires, are completely unaware of what depressive whiners they become over time.

Negativity surrounds them day after day and becomes a familiar part of existence. Perhaps, having heard your remark, they will remember that depression is not at all their usual state of mind, and will begin to consciously get out of this state. Another scenario is also possible: if a person is still an "energy vampire", he will lose all interest in you. The Weeping Sisters, for example, will find communication with you a waste of time and effort.

4. Imagine that you are surrounded by a stream of light.

It sounds silly, but subconsciously you will feel how the negativity fades away before it reaches you, burning in the protective field of light and positive that surrounds you. Remember, negativity can only come at you if you let someone else do it.

5. Accept as a sign from above?

Sometimes energy vampires are a kind of catalyst for moving forward. If not for them, perhaps you would have remained a hostage to routine, optional, difficult relationships or life situations. Being a kind of "irritants", they make us move forward, look for ways to solve the problem, reach a new level of life and energy.

6. Understand yourself

Energy vampires need your reaction. For her sake, they are ready to strike at the most “sore points” of your psyche, pull out guilt for past mistakes, anger, feelings of loneliness and uselessness.

If a particular person with frightening frequency brings you to the "white heat", think about why this happens? By analyzing your inner world and emotions that were a reaction to the negative, you can understand a lot about yourself.

As soon as you understand what exactly needs to be changed in yourself, the energy vampire will immediately lose all power over you.

7. Do you want to benefit others?

Don't let yourself be used!

Do you think that listening to the constant flow of complaints and lamentations of an energy vampire is the only way to feel needed? You are wrong.

Finally start appreciating yourself; choose carefully who and how to help. Simply listening to the flow of negativity will not help either your interlocutor or you. A good test for "vampirism" in this situation - try to evaluate your feelings after the conversation.

Do you feel empty, tired, angry, anxious? This means that you did nothing to help the interlocutor - you just gave him all your energy. This is bad both for you and for him - you have not rendered real help to him.

8. Repeat often: “I love you, thank you, forgive me”

It looks like a prank, but this technique works in the same way as the "stream of light", influencing the interlocutor's subconscious. The "non-vampire" will be able to "hook" on these words and deal with the depression within himself. The "vampire" will simply stop "devouring" your energy - it feeds on negative emotions, not positive ones.

9. Don't let guilt get the better of you.

The often occurring false sense of guilt is typical for communication with energy vampires.

It seems to you that in some sense you are simply obliged to help the interlocutor solve all his problems.

Remember: you are not responsible for the negativity of another person.

In no case should you blame yourself for the fact that someone feels unhappy. Try to get rid of the feeling that you have to help the “vampire” solve all his problems. In any case, "vampires" need something else from you. They need the energy that you spend cultivating guilt.

It is important to get rid of the idea that you have to offer each interlocutor a solution to the problem. With some people, sometimes you just have to part - so that they can take responsibility for their own lives. You will be surprised, but before that, the responsibility lay on someone else's shoulders, and perhaps on yours!

“Why solve my problems when there is someone nearby who will solve them for me” - this is how such people argue.

So our advice is to let them go! It may sound cruel, but there is no other choice: either they will learn to cope with their lives on their own, or they will go to the bottom and drag you with them.

10. Focus on your life energy

The more positive you have inside, the more likely it is that it will force out the negativity from those around you.

Instead of an afterword:

"Energy vampires" will always be present in one way or another in your life. The main thing is to learn how to communicate with them even before they appear on your way. If you cannot keep them at a distance, they will indeed exist nearby, feed on your energy, and influence life.

Energy vampirism (energy - vampires and donars)

Often, among people who consider themselves esoteric, terrible stories about energy vampires appear in one form or another. As if the very word vampire contains some kind of magical power. In fact, everything is more prosaic. So I decided, the author of these lines to clarify this issue in order to increase the understanding of these processes.

Energy, as already mentioned in the information about energy bodies, is present in its pure form only in the Etheric body, while in other bodies the energy has already been transformed: in the physical body - into muscles, bones, fluids, etc.; in the astral in - emotional and sensual attitude and state; in the mental body - in thoughts, ideas. It is possible to “take away” energy from the etheric body only by being in direct contact between two etheric bodies, which means that the participants in the energy exchange must be at a distance of up to a meter from each other.

If there is a person next to you (about a meter), then, in most cases, the energy exchange of ethereal energies occurs, to some extent, automatically (unconsciously). Part of the energy “flows” to you from those zones that are weaker in him, and you give part of the energy to those zones that are stronger in another person.

The probability that a person can consciously “take away” energy directly from the etheric body of other people or any other part of the world (water, sun, air, earth) is extremely small. If there is such a skill, then this is not quite a person, this “creature” is closer to a magician or guru.

In other cases, the so-called energy vampirism, energy exchange occurs according to a different scheme. Your interlocutor creates a provocation for you: "runs over" or insults - manipura, provokes pity or causes a feeling of guilt - anahata, sends you in the wrong place or sticks you sexually - groin, etc.

And you, emotionally reacting to the interlocutor, give him your energy.

But it will already be a completely different energy, it will be mainly the energy of the astral body, the body of emotions and feelings, of course, with some mental coloring in the form of “good” wishes and attitudes.

And, most importantly, it depends only on you whether you will give your interlocutor energy or not.

Or, in other words, if you succumb to a provocation, then YOURSELF transform your life energy from the etheric body into the astral one and “pour” it into the provocateur.

A very important point is that you give this energy yourself, no one takes it away from you.

The main conclusion is that our emotional stability is the best "protection" against energy vampirism.

In addition, two levels can be distinguished in such energy exchange: unconscious and conscious.

Variants of unconscious energy vampirism:

This was written above, when the interlocutor's chakra is stronger, it is possible for energy to flow from weak to strong on its own, upon contact of etheric bodies, but naturally, two bodies should be at a distance of contact between etheric bodies.

When a provocateur evokes strong emotions or lasting feelings, the donor's astral and mental bodies are activated. With emotions of fear and jealousy, the donor gives energy from the manipura (press), admiring - from the throat and groin. Here the distance no longer matters, the exchange of energies is possible at any distance.

There is a variant of public vampirism, for example - Hitler, such people are often energetically weak in themselves and gain POWER with mass gatherings of people who listen to them, though they are only conductors - repeaters of various forces or egregors. These people, being at a point of power (in the center of attention of the crowd), can do a lot, especially if they understand this, but, left without listeners and admirers, they become weak and defenseless, and somewhat resemble a drug addict depending on such drinks.

There are also "elemental vamps", which bring an imbalance in the energies of one or more elements, mostly due to their own personal imbalance. Often, flowers wither from their even silent presence, animals avoid them and people unconsciously bypass them (there are such geopathic zones in a park or forest where everything barely grows and from which autumn begins its arrival). Most often, these are adults with a difficult fate, endowed by nature with some kind of gift and having serious violations before Nature or their own forces.

The variant of self-vampirism, that is, self-criticism and self-criticism, differs in that the energy from the zones does not go anywhere, but is simply "burned" by an unconstructive head - ajna.

There are vamps - debtors of forces that in the past strongly wished to solve normal human problems with the involvement of forces inappropriate for these tasks, for example, punishing someone ...

If they do not fulfill the stipulated price for their request, which usually consists of some kind of action in the outside world, then they begin to lose a significant amount of energy and, in order to recover, unconsciously provoke people close and dear to them, destroying their family happiness and business.

Variants of conscious vampirism:

A frequently encountered variant of tadpole (Ajnov) vampirism, when a person imagines (fantasizes) how he “pulls” energy from a chakra, a person or a group of people, visualizing some image or process at the same time.

Typical expressions for such mini-draculas are “I ate them”, “I did them”, “I ate a disco”, “I took all the energy out of him”, etc. For the most part, these techniques are more like a placebo effect than an actual skill.

A frequently encountered option, when the provocateur already consciously evokes strong emotions in the donor, involving his astral and mental bodies. At the same time, the motive for such an act can be both pathological pleasure, close to sadism, and the desire to “do good” or “benefit”, for example, when using harsh techniques in psychological or esoteric training.

There is the option described above - public vampirism, with the only caveat that the person knows what he is doing. In this case, the motives, as in the second case, can be diametrically opposed. On one side of the river are the leaders of totalitarian sects or political tyrants, on the other are people who have dedicated their lives to serving others. Usually this skill is distinguished by artistic natures who cannot live without a stage. If you come across a serious people, with goals and objectives, then they know how to both take the energy of the masses and give energy to the masses. Masters in one word. True, their motives may be completely different.

Each of us, to one degree or another, is in the role of a vampire or a donor, most often unconsciously. But for cases of conscious vampirism or donation, which is typical for extroverts, the main thing is the internal motivation of actions. It is she who determines what vampirism or donation is - good or evil.

There is another side of the coin: people who live relying only on their own energy, developed and acquired by their etheric body, are the so-called introverts. Consciously, they never engage in vampirism, but unconsciously it happens that this also applies to donation. Interestingly, they also feel bad from someone else's energy, which is why they consciously do not do this.

Let's take such a situation as an example - Suppose an energy provocateur has a stronger manipura than yours - a press zone, and you have a leading ajna - head zone (a fairly common situation), how to communicate in order to save both energy in the press zone, and … relations.
