April fool's day in the library article. Day of laughter in rural houses of culture - Tyukalin centralized club system





5th grade

Prepared by:

Kozlenko T.V., physics teacher

s.Bastan, 2013

Target: - to conduct educational and entertaining activities;

Laughter and enthusiasm to rally the class team.

Before the start of the event, the class is divided into two teams by lottery.

Board layout:

"Laughter is a great healer"

"Who amuses people, the light is for that"

"Who knows how to have fun, he is not afraid of grief"

"Hurry up - make people laugh"

“All genres are interesting, except boring”

"It's easier to keep laughing than to stop laughing"

"Tears together, laughter in half"

“If you want to look smarter, don’t have smart people next to you”

"The one who laughs last laughs best"

“Laughter is the head of everything!”

Event progress:

If you ever leave home

And suddenly you will wander to us at the light,

Then be sure that with us unambiguously

It will be a very nice and fun evening.

And a smile will no doubt suddenly touch your eyes,

And a good mood will be with you at the same time!

Today we will laugh, have fun and give each other a good mood. And we will call all this - "Humorina".

Humor is an English word that means a special kind of comic that combines mockery and sympathy. The word "comic" in Greek means "cheerful, funny." Most often, the "day of laughter" is held on the first of April. This day is also called "April 1 - I don't trust anyone." Previously, this day was called "the first of April - fun for a fool." April Fools' jokes have been known in Russia since the time of Peter the Great, when both peasants and boyars made fun of each other.

This day is celebrated not only in Russia.

In England, it is customary on this day to send each other comic parcels, for example: a net to catch, and a rope to tie the wind.

In France, it is customary to discreetly attach a paper fish to someone's clothes, which means "to be fooled on this day."

In Australia, this day begins with loud laughter. Early in the morning, a tape with a call of a kukumarra bird is played on the radio. This is very similar to unbridled laughter.

If your friends consider you an indefatigable prankster,

If your head is swollen with plans for funny pranks,

If you can laugh not only at others, but also at yourself,

So you've come to the right place!


1. Make recipes for dishes with the following names: cocktail "Hedgehog in the Fog" sandwich "No one wanted to die."

2. Often in performances there are lyrical or tragic farewell scenes. Put on a silent scene in which they say goodbye: 1) with the lady of the heart - a knight leaving on a crusade; 2) with a daughter - a father going to a parent meeting.

3. Tongue twisters:

Once upon a time there were three Japanese: Yak, Yaktsedrak, Yaktsedraktse-Droni.

Once upon a time there were three Japanese women: Tsypa, Tsypa-Dripa, Tsypa-Dripa-Drimpaponi. Here children were born to them: Yaktsedrak with Tsypa-Dripa-Shah, Yak and Tsypa - Shah-Sharakh, Yaktsedraktse-Droni with Tsypa-Dripa-Drimpampona - Shah-Sharakh-Sharakhsheroni.

Shishel - went out, went out,

I went to the boyar court,

There the boyars sew hats,

They put them on the window.

All tongue twisters do not speak, do not over-speak.

4 .Depict the walk of a person:

who just had lunch

Whose shoes are tight

Who ended up in the forest at night

The soles of his boots were peeling off.

5. Humorous riddles:

1. What happens if you swallow your knife and fork while eating? (you have to eat with your hands)

2. To whom do all people take off their hats? (in front of the hairdresser)

3. What do elephants have and no other animals have? (elephants)

4. What fabric can you not sew a shirt from? (from the railway)

6. Stage

1. Mom wakes Serezha:

Get up, Serezhenka, it's time for school!

Will not go! Smirnov will make faces again!

Get up, honey, you're already late!

Will not go! Chernov will again throw a rag!

Get up, Serezhenka, why don't you go? After all, you are the principal of the school!

2. An ant is walking through the forest, dragging two loaves. Against the elephant. The ant throws a loaf on the ground and yells at the top of his lungs: -Elephant, elephant! Come on, hurry up! The elephant was frightened, bang to the ground. The ant climbed on the elephant, put the second loaf and says:

Well, it turned out to be an awesome sandwich.

7. Blindfolded, draw a portrait of your favorite teacher.

Well guys, I hope

Nobody got bored

April Fool's jokes?

Ile rather - on the contrary:

People are happy to laugh!

8. joke competition

Ivan Tsarevich galloped for three days and three nights and would have galloped further if the rope had not been taken away ...

Each team tells a joke. 1 point for each joke.

While the jury is summing up, thefunny win-win lottery:

1. Here is the ticket, so the ticket, do not rummage in the rooms,

Consider that there is no gain - cry and calm down. (handkerchief)

2. Having received this gift, think a little, maybe you forgot your friends, write a letter to them, baby. (pen)

3. Moths ate the tulle yesterday, they were torn to pieces, we give (a package) in return - there is nothing else!

4.This ball will stop baby crying. (balloon)

5.Yes, your lucky ticket, keep it up (pencil).

6. So that the cap is not blown away by the wind, here is a gift for you (paperclip).

7.Small business printing. (eraser)

8. Let your life be warmer from the gift of Prometheus. (candle)

9. Antique hanger. (nail)

10. Dear friend, get (candy),

Just do not eat yourself, but treat a neighbor.

11. Thrill seeker. (buttons)

12.A device suitable for an accident. (pin)

During our holiday, we saw dazzling smiles, laughter was heard: perky, contagious, joyful. But…

Everything comes to an end

Our hour of parting has come.

They joked, played and warmed us

Smiles and sparkle in your eyes...

I wish you all a whole year ahead

More joy, more success.

Laugh for a hundred years

Not knowing grief, tears and troubles,

And also more... laughter!


1. School year - no hassle. Scenarios of school holidays. - Rostov n / a: from-in "Phoenix", 1999. Konstantinova M., Petrova M., Yurieva M.

2. Calendar of school holidays. S.I. Lobacheva, K.V. Shchigol, O.E. Zhirenko. М:5 for knowledge, 2006

3. Internet resources.

April 1 - a holiday of laughter and good mood - is celebrated all over the world. The libraries of the Kstovo Central Library Library did not stand aside either. The world of laughter is a special world. Who does not like to laugh sincerely, from the heart? And a good book is an indispensable assistant in this.

The presentation of the book exhibition "Journey for Laughter" was held in the Druzhninsky rural library-branch No. 33.

The first section of the exhibition "A Ridiculous Story" introduces readers to the classics of foreign humor. Among them are the comedies of Jean Baptiste Molière, Beaumarchais, Shakespeare, the novels The Cunning Hidalgo Don Quixote of La Mancha by Miguel de Cervantes Saaveda.

The next section, "Day of Laughter Therapy", presents the works of the classics of Russian literature: "The Twelve Chairs" by Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov, the fables of Ivan Krylov, Sergei Mikhalkov.

The section “Magicians of Laughter” presents the most popular prose and poetry works: fables, humoresques, pamphlets, stories, parodies, epigrams written by Russian and foreign pen artists from ancient times to the present day.

During the presentation, Natalya Shapoval, the head of the library, distributed among the readers informational booklets "Top Ten Funniest Books".

In the Zhdanovskaya children's library-branch No. 13d, a thematic holiday "Funny, cheerful, funny" was held.

Lyudmila Veniaminovna Mavrina, head of the department, held an advisory talk “Russian laughter in Kstovo land”.

During the event, there was a book exposition “Laughing is allowed”. The audience participated with particular enthusiasm in the bibliographic game “Cypher Contest”. Active library readers Vika Tikhova, Zhenya Kulikova, Katya Volodina showed deep knowledge, ingenuity and outstanding abilities.

Beaming smiles and groovy laughter sounded on April 1 in the hall of the Sazhinsky KFOR during an entertainment program dedicated to the World Laughter Day. The program was hosted by Lyolya (T. Zhigunova) and Bonya (G. Klementsova) - two funny know-it-alls who not only delighted the audience with their jokes and pranks, but also told those present how their favorite holiday, April Fool's Day, is celebrated in other countries. They played fun games with the audience. The guests sang, participated in a musical scene, in the Guess the Answer game, where they had to choose the correct answer to tricky questions, and took part in the comic competitions “Mom, I'm everything!”, “Hurricane”. These funny competitions, for participation in which the audience received no less funny prizes with a “surprise”, did not leave anyone indifferent in the audience. The festive disco ended the humorous event.

On April 1, the competition program “Funny People” was held in Nikolsky KFOR for teenagers and young people, who, divided into two teams, competed in such competitions as “Depict an Object”, “Running on Skis”. The most memorable was the "Best Costume" contest, during which the guys dressed up so that it was impossible to recognize them. On April 2, children gathered for the entertainment program "Funny tests and proverbs", who also divided into two teams and took part in the tasks "Repeat the proverb", "Drive the ball", "Guess the riddles". All participants received a charge of vivacity, good mood, as well as sweet prizes for participation.
April 1 in Troitsky KFOR was solemn, festive, fun, noisy, funny ... An entertainment and game program “April 1 - a day of laughter and fun” was held for the children, where the participants frolic famously in contests and games: “Mysterious hello”, “ Tie a scarf”, “Make Nesmeyan laugh”, “Dead eye”, “Dancing handkerchief”, “Riddles-jokes”, “We too”, “Artists”, “Inflate the balloon”. The event ended with the song "Smile" from the cartoon "Baby Raccoon". All participants were rewarded with sweet souvenirs. On the same day, the Spring Songwriters educational program was held, from which the children learned that International Bird Day is held annually as part of the UNESCO Man and the Biosphere program and it is no coincidence that it is celebrated in April. On April 1, 1906, the International Convention for the Protection of Birds was signed. The guys learned that this is not only the anniversary of the Convention, but also the time of arrival of birds from wintering. In Russia, this holiday has a long tradition. The program ended with a drawing competition of the same name…
On April 1, employees of the Bekishevsky KFOR organized an entertainment program for young people. All evening jokes, humor and laughter did not leave the hall. Comic contests and parodies have passed. At the end of the event, the most cheerful spectator was determined. An entertainment program "Merry Holiday" was held for children. The children participated in various competitions and relay races. It was funny, interesting, perky. Everyone received a boost of energy and sweet prizes.

Municipal budget institution

additional education

Center for extracurricular activities "Harmony" in Tikhoretsk


entertainment event

Developed and implemented:

teacher-organizer Belavina V.V.




holding a quiz "Day of laughter".

Objectives: to cheer up the participants of the quiz.


Talk about the importance of laughter in our lives;

Develop imagination, sense of humor, resourcefulness, ingenuity;

Cultivate a sense of mutual assistance, team spirit.


We live the best

Because with us - Laughter!

We never part with him.

Wherever we are, we laugh!

If the path to school lies -

Laughter runs next to us.

Our friend is with us everywhere.

Laughter-Smesinka! Laughter-Laughter!

Young, perky laughter!

Laughing isn't a sin, is it?

Hello dear friends! As you already understood, today's quiz is dedicated to April Fool's Day, the day of humor on April 1st. "Those who know how to laugh live longer" - so says folk wisdom. And you can't argue with that.

But the front-line writer, Alexander Tvardovsky, who raised the spirit of the Russian army, said this about this:

You can live without food for days

You can do more, but sometimes...

Can't live without a joke

Jokes of the most humorous…”

The old adage that "laughter is the best medicine" is clearly justified. Laughter is not just good for health: it prevents the occurrence of diseases, strengthens the body's immunity and even prolongs life, especially when it comes to the heart. The American scientist Miller even gives practical advice: to include obligatory laughter in your "daily diet" along with physical exercises.

Did you know that the effect of laughter on the body is similar not only to exercise, but even to food intake:

1 minute of laughter replaces 1 bucket of cutlets, so you will never be hungry if you want;

1 minute of laughter replaces 1 glass or 200 grams of sour cream;

1 minute of laughter replaces 10 minutes of intense gymnastics;

And in general, 1 minute of laughter prolongs your life by as much as 15 minutes.

Laugh more and you will live forever!

Happy Laughter Day, jokes and mischievous pranks! Kind, cheerful laughter is a wonderful vitamin for everyone, the most powerful and priceless elixir of life. Let's laugh today, let's compete, let's cheer each other up!

Stage 1. Command presentation.

To participate in the quiz, I propose to organize two teams: "Veselushek" and "Laughing"! (To the right of the leader, the Veselushki team, and to the left - Laughing). And today you will be judged by a strict but fair jury in the person of Vasilchuk N.I. and Lopatina E.V., - our methodologists.

But first, I suggest you watch a short presentation, which, no doubt, will cheer you all up!

Stage 2. Quiz "April Day".

So, now you are invited to take part in the comic quiz "April Day", which consists of 35 questions. Teams will take turns answering questions, and the jury will sum up the points. If a team gave an incorrect answer, the right to answer passes to the next team. So, now we will find out who is the smartest among us. The fastest and smartest! Attention, questions. (Presentation of the comic quiz "April Day").

1. What kind of comb will not comb your head? Answer 6 cock.

2. Which hand is best for stirring tea? Answer: tea is better to stir with a spoon.

3. Why do we eat? Answer: at the table.

4. What won't go into the biggest pot? Answer: its cover.

5. What word starts with three letters "g" and ends with three letters "I"? Answer: trigonometry.

6. What is the most terrible river? Answer: Tiger.

7. Who has a hat without a head and a leg without a boot? Answer: mushroom.

8. What notes can measure space? Answer: mi-la-mi.

9. What can be cooked but not eaten? Answer: lessons.

10. How does day and night end? Answer: soft sign.

11. Can an ostrich call itself a bird? Answer: No, the ostrich cannot speak.

12. An ancient hero who has survived to our times in the form of porridge. Answer: Hercules.

13. What kind of fabric cannot be used to sew a shirt? Answer: from the railway.

14. How many months in a year have 28 days? Answer: everything.

15. You, yes I, yes we are with you. Are there many of them? Answer: two.

16. Without legs and without wings, it flies quickly, you can’t catch up. Answer: time.

17. Where are cities without houses, rivers without water, forests without trees. Answer: on the map.

19. Now a pancake, then half a pancake; this side and that side. Answer: the moon.

20. Why does the goose swim? Answer: from the coast.

21. What horse does not eat oats? Answer: chess, sports.

22. What word always sounds wrong?

Answer: The word is "false".

23. Mary's father has 5 daughters: Chacha, Chichi, Chocho, Cheche. What is the name of the fifth daughter? Answer: Mary.

24. Why do you go to bed when you want to sleep? Answer: by gender.

25. What gets bigger when put upside down? Answer: number 6.

26. What has no length, depth, width, height, but can be measured? Answer: time, temperature.

27. The more of them, the less weight. What's this? Answer: holes.

28. She covers everyone in the world, but she doesn’t put it on herself. Answer: needle.

29. Name a word that has 40 vowels. Answer: forty (forty "A").

30. What stands between the window and the door? Answer: the letter "i".

31. What do they drop when they need it and pick it up when they don't need it? Answer: anchor.

32. Alas! The number of points is reduced by 2 times! (travel transition).

33. Lucky! Extra 10 points! (travel transition).

34. Lucky! points earned are doubled! (travel transition).

35. Alas! minus 5 points from the total!

Stage 3. Rewarding.

Rewarding teams of participants with certificates and emblems "Happy April Fool's Day!".

Closing event for Children's Book Week in the family reading library. S. Marshak passed April 1 on April Fool's Day. Laughter time "Fun hour" conducted by bibliographer Natalya Zhilina. The competitive and game form of the event was not chosen by chance, because April Fool's Day is unthinkable without jokes, humor and practical jokes.
The most unusual, illogical, confusing and funny questions were asked at the holiday, and the guys (in the amount of 18 people) were invited to compete in resourcefulness, dexterity and ingenuity. In the "Smeshinka" game, the teams competed in the volume of laughter, in the "Patter" contest, the participants had to talk to each other, in the contests "Who is this?" and "Self-Portrait" the guys had to become real artists for a while.
The children really liked the outdoor games with the rope. The game "Figures" showed how close-knit and friendly the guys are.
And two unusual guests came to visit the guys, whom they had to guess, they turned out to be "Humor in Short Pants" and "Joke with a Beard". Then the guys competed in guessing the jokes they knew.
Laughter-time passed in a cheerful and relaxed atmosphere of humor, jokes, children's laughter and smiles.
All participants of the competitions received commemorative medals "April 1 - I do not trust anyone" and sweet prizes.

April 1 in BSC named after V. Davydov-Anatri took place KVN "Laughter is a serious matter". The guys gathered for a fun event to relax, have fun and discover talents. The theme - school life was chosen unanimously. The first competition "Greeting" showed that the participants were seriously preparing for the competition. The next task was to present a theatrical scene "A funny incident in the lesson." Then there was a competition of captains. Completed the competition "Funny stories" from funny children's writers. There were no gloomy faces at the event, the children's imagination was limitless. According to the sum of points, the team "Luchik" won, with which the team "Smeshinka" congratulated it. The atmosphere of celebration and good mood was a reward for both teams.

April 1 at the Children's and Youth Library was held holiday-prankster "It's time for fun - April Fool's Day - April 1!". The head of the sector, Nadezhda Egorova, introduced the children to the history of celebrating April 1st and the traditions of April Fools' rallies.
And then games, contests began, comic poems and ditties sounded. Tests for quick-witted and attentive brought smiles from the participants. For example, how many "P's" will it take to stop a street from moving? (Answer: one hundred "p" - stop).
Children also got acquainted with a comic horoscope and "School funny encyclopedia" with pleasure. Everyone agreed that the class teacher of the school is sometimes a “tiger tamer”, a wardrobe is a “Kulikov battle”, etc.
The children took an active part in the competitions. Then they themselves made riddles to each other, told jokes. There were a lot of jokes, laughter and practical jokes at the festival. Sweet surprises awaited all participants of the event.
