Sand therapy program for preschoolers. Sand Therapy for Children: Therapeutic Sand Play with the Sandplay Method

One of the methods of analytical psychotherapy - sand therapy - allows you to develop the child's imagination, normalize the psycho-emotional state, activate adaptive functions at any age. Art therapists, business coaches, correctional teachers use sand therapy in preschool educational institutions - preschool institutions. To solve each specific problem, various methods of sand therapy are used.

Sand treatment is one of the areas art-therapy.

K. Jung and his followers are traditionally considered the "father" of sand games or sandplay. K.Jung developed the technique of active imagination, which is considered the theoretical basis. emergence sandplay began in the 1920s with Charlotte Buhler's development of the "World Test" which was successfully used as a diagnostic tool in child psychiatry.

In 1930, a new technique appeared, which was implemented by Margaret Lowenfeld, who founded the London Institute, it was she who first placed toy figures in matter. This technique was borrowed from the "world test" Margaret's wards created entire large-scale compositions in the sandbox and called them "My peace". Thanks to this, a new method appeared, called "world technology". The successor of this method in the 50s was the follower of K. Jung, Dora Kalff, combining the "world technique" and the Jungian direction, and thereby creating sand therapy.

Dora Kalff's discovery was that sand images created by children can become a reflection of their thoughts and experiences. Application of this useful The technique has been tested not only on young patients, but also on mature people.

In sandplay, they are used as non-verbal means (when creating a plot) and verbal ( history about the finished picture or inventing a fairy tale that reveals the essence of creation). This method is actively used art- therapists, Helstat specialists, family and child psychotherapists, educators and speech therapist in dow.

Method features

The method is suitable for all age groups. As soon as a person dips his palms into the material, his imagination begins to draw colorful pictures of the golden beach, the bright blue of the sea and the white flakes of clouds slowly floating across the sky. Just as sand allows water to pass through, it also absorbs negative energy. The smallest grains of sand, only connected together in a certain way, allow you to create your own work. They symbolize a life in which a person, arranging events and thoughts in a certain way, gets the desired results.

A complex effect on the human psyche is provided due to tactile stimulation of very sensitive nerve endings of the palms and hands. A state of meditation arises, nervous tension is relieved. According to the images and symbols resulting from the drawing, one can draw conclusions about the specifics of personal problems, identify the needs of a person. Studying the captured, we see a three-dimensional image of the inner world, unconscious problems and conflicts.

The goal of therapy is to develop in the child the acceptance of his own "I", to teach him to trust and love himself.

Tasks of therapy:

  • fostering a positive attitude towards life, towards oneself;
  • fostering responsibility for one's actions;
  • training the ability to trust oneself and exercise self-control over one's actions;
  • treatment of excessive anxiety when planning actions and overcoming obstacles;
  • developing self-confidence.

Method principles

Sand therapy is based on the creation of figures or images on a plane. Initially, you need to test by asking to create your own image and describe it in words. The children's audience sees this as a game, which is actually a powerful diagnostic tool and a corrective technique. You can do it with music or listening to a fairy tale, depending on the task of a particular procedure.

The method is used as an independent or as an integral part of the following areas of treatment:

  • sand art therapy;
  • psychology;
  • speech therapy;
  • development of speech, writing, counting, memory and attention;
  • therapy aimed at developing self-awareness, self-respect;
  • identifying negative thoughts, learning to cope with them;
  • impact on several family members in order to correct behavioral disorders;
  • child psychoanalysis.

Method capabilities

Sand therapy in kindergarten will allow you to cook the very first dinner, build your first house. Being a reflection of the inner world, sand therapy provides the following points:

  1. Creates a natural comfortable environment for the creativity of the child, which stimulates his creative activity.
  2. Revives abstract images, simplifies the ability to understand the addition of letters - into words, numbers - into mathematical operations.
  3. Gives children the opportunity to "live" the situation together with the heroes of fairy tales.
  4. Provides a transition from reality to a fairy tale, makes it possible to check the correctness of the decision in a given situation.

Children with speech disorders have complex emotional disorders, which is expressed in the discrepancy between emotional reactions to a specific situation. This complicates contact with peers, leads to hyperactivity or tightness. This gives rise to the need to include a wide variety of methods in working with children. It has been proven that sand therapy allows you to develop communication skills, teaches you to express and understand yourself, your feelings.

Indications for therapy

There are the following indications for sand therapy:

  • experiencing an age crisis;
  • inability to put into words their experiences;
  • the presence of psychological trauma;
  • inability to independently make a decision;
  • delayed psychoverbal development;
  • emotional retardation, "poorness";
  • psychotherapy of various addictions;
  • reducing tension;
  • development of all kinds of sensitivity;
  • normalization of muscle tone;
  • expanding horizons;
  • increased anxiety, emotional lability.

Relevance sandplay is very high these days. Through tactile Feel not only speech and cognition develop, but also children get rid of unmotivated aggression, the teacher begins to understand his pupils better.

Psychotherapy distributed with the help of sand kindergartens and schools are not universal, but soon this technique will be mandatory for all educationalinstitutions from providing special equipment. It is important to apply this method in working with children with features having onr,zpr, violations vision, cerebral palsy, the disabled. It is enough just to give such children the inclination to build, and they will already begin to create entire universes.


  • attention deficit, hyperactivity;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • psychiatric illnesses;
  • increased anxiety;
  • obsessive-compulsive disorder;
  • dust allergic reactions;
  • lung diseases;
  • skin diseases and hand injuries.

Psychotherapists use the method with children suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Class equipment

The following devices are used for the healing game:

  • a waterproof box, the walls of which are painted blue, and the bottom is blue;
  • a special sandbox that changes color - a tablet;
  • clean sand, which during certain games must be moistened;
  • a set of figurines symbolizing buildings, people, animals, cars;
  • symbolic objects that will denote wishes made, chests with treasures, treasures;
  • fairy tale characters - good and evil;
  • religious items and souvenirs;
  • natural objects - shells, twigs, cones;
  • housewares;
  • bolts, screws;
  • plastic letters and numbers, geometric shapes.

After testing, learning games for preschoolers begin according to needs, age, identified violations, cognitive disorders.

In the future, you can connect interactive, developing activities, and only then - projective games, exercises.

Requirements for a teacher

Starting the game, small hands come into contact with a unique universe. It is necessary to create a friendly, trusting environment, take into account all the nuances of the voice, its timbre, observe the following important parameters:

Sand therapy for preschool children develops fine motor skills of the hand, stimulates blood circulation in the brain, speeds up mental processes, and normalizes psychological reactions. It is necessary to connect the methods of color therapy to this process, since they are powerful signals for the development of personality.

Game techniques

What you need for sand therapy at home

If parents want to organize sandplay Houses, then for this they need:

  • pallet;
  • sand;
  • miniature figurines;
  • Pebbles, plants, etc. to create a specific landscape.

Depending on the tasks set, sand therapy can take place in the form of games aimed at:

  • phonemic development;
  • correction of pronunciation of sounds;
  • literacy training;
  • educational games;
  • family sand therapy;
  • projection games.

The lesson includes the following plan:

  1. We introduce the baby to the sandbox, explain that the blue side symbolizes the sky, that you can create any kind of terrain: mountains, deserts, and by pushing the sand apart - the blue sea.
  2. We give you the opportunity to hold in your hands a collection of geometric shapes, animals, household items.
  3. The figures that the baby chooses symbolize his condition today. The most important thing is to ask him to tell what he thinks about the chosen figures.
  4. We carefully observe the baby: how he enters the situation, with whom he identifies himself.
  5. We teach the child to respect the material.
  6. We formulate the topic at the beginning of sand therapy, conduct classes according to the plan, and after its completion it is important to draw a conclusion about the work done, put all the used objects and toys in their places, and clean up after themselves.

Games for the development of auditory attention and memory

  • Games aimed at increasing vocabulary, building detailed phrases.

By the age of three, a person pronounces basic words correctly. Some children speak indistinctly, swap syllables and letters in words, put stresses incorrectly. In the case of an inattentive attitude to problems with speech, by the age of 5, he understands that he is speaking incorrectly and begins to be embarrassed about this, withdraws into himself. You can arrange speech games in the sand. To do this, children draw letters, learn to build syllables and pronounce them loudly or quietly, in a singsong voice, in a whisper.

Having put different figures in the container, we teach the child to name animals, write - what letter his name begins with, and what sounds these animals make. You can play tic-tac-toe.

  • Cognitive geographic games in the sand.

After simple games with building houses, rivers, seas and boats on them, we begin to develop spatial thinking. For classes, a map of the world or continents made independently in the form of a puzzle is suitable. To do this, you need to purchase two identical geographical maps in the store and divide one into 4-6 fragments. We give the baby a sample card and offer to fold the puzzle. Gradually we begin to add continents, oceans. Then we complicate the game by making a "sea" at the bottom of the sandbox, pushing the sand apart. During the game, we pronounce the names of countries, their capitals, find out who lives there. For example, in France the capital is Paris, and the French live there.

For each country, we select characteristic vegetation and animals, placing palm trees, elephants, crocodiles in the sandbox. We explain what a tropical climate is, why birches do not grow there. You can make a trip to the North Pole, having previously made a supply of salt, foam or cotton wool for snow.

  • Fantastic games with transformers on the sand.

We imitate the life of other planets, the lunar landscape, star wars, which will be especially interesting for boys, help them realize their desire to be a superhero, teach them to fight and win.

Depending on the age of children, in addition to geographical and fantastic, there are the following types of educational games:

  • historical;
  • find logical pairs;
  • learn to eliminate the superfluous;
  • take a tour of the city;
  • count objects, build logical series;
  • learn to navigate: what is - top, bottom, right, left.

Projective Games

The peculiarity revealed by Z. Freud to attribute one's feelings and desires to external objects is very helpful in working with children. The child is asked to do the following:

  • describe the existing images on the sand and endow them with some qualities;
  • create a single whole from disparate parts hidden in the sand;
  • come up with a story or a fairy tale with characters and objects from the available figures in the sand;
  • draw a non-existent animal, and others.

It must be remembered that projective methods cannot be unambiguously interpreted, they are socially and situationally determined, aimed at studying the child's personality as a whole. Given that these techniques are not standardized enough, they are used for diagnosis and treatment by psychotherapists.

Sand therapy includes a wide variety of individual and collective games and activities. Illuminated boards or sand of various colors are actively used. This will help the child to express the existing emotional state.

A series of games and exercises with sand from books T. Zinkevich - Evstigneeva "Miracles in the sand" contribute to the development of tactile-kinesthetic sensitivity, fine motor skills, creative imagination, help in the knowledge of one's external and internal world.

Here are some games:

  • Hand prints. With the help of this exercises The baby learns to evaluate sensations. The teacher or parent shows the ward an imprint of his palm
  • on the sand, the patient repeats the same. The hand is pressed in and immersed in the pallet.

First, the leader describes his feelings. He leads his story about sand, what kind of material it is soft or rough, how he feels small particles with his skin. Then follows the story of the kid about the sand.

  • Rain or waterfall. This game is a good tool for relieving muscle tension and aggression. The teacher or leader says that the waterfall has begun. A small person pours sand on the back of the adult's hand, and then he performs the exercise for the baby.
  • Creation of patterns. Draw various patterns on the sand with fingers, fists, brushes, and then tell what the child sees when he looks at them. This can be both flowers and animals, branches, etc. Such an exercise has a positive effect on psycho-emotional the condition of the children.
  • Hide and Seek. The game helps in clarifying the psychological problems of the ward and helping to get rid of them. The preschooler is offered a choice of several items that he must bury in the sand, and then dig up and tell about all the hidden items.
  • Story playback. The psychologist offers the patient to create his own world, using a choice of miniature figurines. If goal sand therapy - getting rid of aggression, then a small person will choose negative characters and arrange a war and destruction, thereby relieving tension and calming his anger.

Psychologist's advice to parents: how to decipher the signs

From sandplay specialist Ulyana Naumova, you can hear the following:

  • The kid can make any buildings and in the ways he wants, adhering to three main rules: do not pour sand outside the pallet, do not destroy the buildings of other children if he plays in the company.
  • Parents need to keep an eye on what the child builds. For example, if he is building a house, the walls of which are very thick, it means that he has a desire for security, which he may lack, wants to strengthen his internal boundaries so that everyone notices them and does not cross.
  • Power is a symbol of the fact that he does not have boundaries, which is why there is no comfort.
  • The appearance of candles or a hearth testifies to the lack of warmth and care in the baby. The presence of chaos in the child's play space shows what kind of disorder is inside the patient or portends an immediate start to change.
  • It is also important to observe the play of a small person, asking him questions: why did this particular composition turn out, what significance do all these structures have for him. With the daily construction of the world, the baby's behavior becomes better, sleep becomes stronger, anxiety and tension go away.


Sand painting will help the child relax, it has a fascinating effect on viewers and artists. Sand therapy can be carried out to music and allows you to solve many problems of diagnosis, treatment and development of cognitive abilities. At the same time, almost all types of analyzer organs are involved in the process:

  • vision;
  • hearing;
  • tactile sensitivity;
  • sensory perception.

Sand therapy for preschool children allows you to develop speech, motor skills, hearing, sociability, creativity, creative abilities. In addition, it relieves stress, relieves fears, helps to express internal conflicts and experiences, increase self-esteem. Sand therapy contributes to the formation of self-esteem in a small person, teaches him to understand himself.

Alena is a constant expert of the PupsFull portal. She writes articles on psychology, parenting and learning, and child play.

Articles written

For young children who do not yet know how to speak and express their emotions with the help of phrases, sand therapy has been developed by psychologists. The technique allows you to express the emotions and feelings of the child, bring him closer to communication with peers and develop fine motor skills. In addition, sand therapy perfectly develops imagination, imaginative thinking and allows you to reveal the creative potential of the baby.

The system of education in kindergartens is increasingly developing in the field of intellectual development of the child. The emotional sphere smoothly flowed into the background, which negatively affected the spiritual and sensitive spheres of children. In order to help the all-round development of the personality, educators have increasingly begun to use sand therapy.

A relatively new technique reveals the baby's ability for self-expression and creative knowledge of the world. This is not just “digging in the sandbox”, but the use of various developmental devices for these purposes. Among them may be figurines, beads, cubes, miniature cars, pebbles, tree leaves, coins.

The sandbox is an excellent medium for establishing contact with the child. If the baby cannot yet express his feelings, excitement or joy with the help of words, then through sand paintings it will be easy for him to depict the desired state. In addition, children undergoing sand-based therapy develop tactile sensations and stimulate the nerve endings located at the fingertips.

Sand therapy video

Sand Therapy Program for Preschoolers

The sand therapy program is designed to influence a wide range of developmental problems in children:

  • removal of muscular and emotional tension;
  • preventive work to reduce impulsivity, excessive physical activity, aggression and anxiety;
  • the formation of healthy conceit, the acquisition of self-confidence, the disclosure of personal potential;
  • creative self-expression;
  • development of fine motor skills and tactile sensations;
  • removal of barriers to communication with peers;
  • assistance after psychological trauma;
  • the formation of morality, humane attitude towards others;
  • taking responsibility for actions;
  • adaptation to changing environmental conditions.

The sand therapy program always meets the following requirements:

  • dynamic presentation of material: from simple techniques to complex ones;
  • visual accessibility (children's psyche is more focused on figurative thinking than on verbal);
  • individual approach by taking into account the personal qualities of the baby;
  • the principle of integration of educational areas, which allows you to reflect through games the emotions received in the surrounding reality.

Sand Therapy Method

In sand therapy, many techniques and methods have been developed that allow the comprehensive development of children. The most effective are:

  1. Hide and Seek. In order to build their own world, the child needs to bury the toy in the sand. After that, you need to find it and tell about why this particular figure was hidden. Through the game, logical thinking develops and fears of an unconscious nature are revealed.
  2. History. First, the child needs to place the character they like in the center of the sand, then add one figure to it. In this case, it is necessary to compose a fairy tale about the characters. Through emotions and a historical prism, many qualities of a baby become visible to a psychologist.
  3. Thematically oriented world. The child is offered a choice of one of the topics: “My kindergarten”, “My family”, “Me and my friends”. Depicted feelings with the help of active objects in the center of the sandbox are the key to deciphering the feelings and experiences of the baby.
  4. Sand shower. With the help of hands, the child should form a small stream of rain, then even more grains of sand should fit in the palm of his hand. With the help of this technique, children reduce psychological tension, aggression, fears go away and an understanding of involvement in ongoing actions appears.
  5. Patterns in the sand. With the help of fingers, hands, palms, the child must create figures on the surface. Then he must tell about these images: what he sees, feels. Exercise increases the social activity of the baby, makes him self-confident.

Tales in the sand sand therapy practice

The goal of sand story therapy is to:

  • Development of balance in the emotional state of children.
  • The acquisition of tactile sensitivity, acuity of sensations, perceptions, imagination.
  • Increasing vocabulary.

It is necessary to build a sun and a cloud of cardboard. You will also need sticks for drawing, molds in the form of flowers and figurines of bunnies. No more than three children are allowed to participate in the lesson. The teacher shows the children the image of the sun and asks questions about who came to visit them today. Children answer that "the sun." Further, the teacher continues his speech in the form of a fairy tale developing in the storyline.

You can use any variations of events, the main thing is that all persons acting in the survey participate in the conversation. Then it is proposed to touch all the objects and speak out your feelings from contact with them. The tale continues in the direction that children feel tactilely and not verbally everything that happens around them. The teacher shows footprints in the sand and asks who could have left such animals? Children also try to make the same traces. The fabulous evening ends with farewell to the acting characters.

Fairy tales in the sand develop all the necessary psychological sensations in the baby, immerse him in a creative channel and set him up to continue the dialogue. As a result, a holistic and comprehensively developed personality of the child will be formed.


Sand therapy is recommended for all children without exception. But this technique will be especially useful for those children who have psychological complexes of communication, inability to express feelings and problems in the family. Psychologists, together with educators, prepare individual sand training programs that allow children to develop their personal potential to the maximum.

Read the article: 7 946

"SAND FANTASY" CORRECTION AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM 2016 1 CONTENT Explanatory note…………………………………………………………………….….....3 Thematic planning … ………………………………………………………………...11 References……………………………………………………… ………………………...16 Applications…………………………………………………………………………………...……. 17 2 EXPLANATORY NOTE When grains of sand fly into the sky, They turn into stars. But when the stars fall down, They can no longer be distinguished from simple sand. The stars are the grains of sand above your head, and the grains of sand are the stars that are under your feet. Felix Krivin Playing with sand as a process of developing a child's self-awareness and his spontaneous "self-therapy" has been known since ancient times. Indeed, interacting with sand, the child shows miracles of fantasy. Whether the wave will wash away what he has created, or someone's careless foot will crush the creation - the child is not upset for long. Most often, he himself is ready to destroy what has been created in order to start new construction in the same place with even greater enthusiasm. One life story ends, giving way to the next. And so endlessly. Playing in the sand is one of the natural activities of a child. That is why we, adults, can use the sandbox during developmental and educational activities. Building sand pictures, inventing various stories, we pass on our knowledge and life experience, events and laws of the world around us in the most organic form for a child. At the same time, we also heal our own Soul, strengthening our Inner Child. Let's turn to the Child that lives inside each of us. Surely, he wants to create something of his own; break to feel strength, but at the same time feel protected. These desires can be realized in sand games. It is on the sand that the first house in life is built, a tree is planted, a “family” is created. All this is the World of the Child, in which he feels protected, where everything is close and clear to him. And this is a reflection of our Adult World. During classes, along with the development of tactile-kinesthetic sensitivity and fine motor skills of the hands, the child learns to listen to himself and pronounce his feelings. And this contributes to the development of speech, voluntary attention and memory, which is very important for children with speech disorders. But most importantly, the child receives the first experience of reflection (introspection), learns to understand himself and others. This lays the foundation for the further formation of positive communication skills. The healing properties of sand therapy were first noticed by psychologists when they observed their children playing in the sandbox. It was clearly seen that the children play the situations that excite them, and thereby resolve many issues and conflicts. The main advantage of sand therapy is that a child can build a whole world in a simple and interesting way, while feeling himself the creator of this world. In our orphanage, educators use integrative sand therapy using various methods of art therapy, fairy tale therapy and play therapy. And this means that each child will have their own course of study, corresponding to their individual characteristics. Work with children on sand therapy is carried out to ensure the harmonization of the psycho-emotional state of the child as a whole, and also positively affect the development of 3 fine motor skills, sensory skills, speech, thinking, intelligence, and imagination. It is often difficult for children to express their emotions and feelings correctly, and playing in the sand, a child can, without noticing it, talk about the problems that concern him and relieve psycho-emotional stress. Sand therapy is useful if your child has:              poor sleep, nightmares; fine motor skills are poorly developed; tantrums, disobedience, whims; logoneurosis (stuttering), speech delays, and other speech problems; shyness, self-doubt; aggression, anxiety; lack of understanding with parents; neurotic disorders; urinary incontinence (enuresis); psychosomatic diseases; fear of school, kindergarten; frequent tearfulness (for no reason); The child has been under a lot of stress. What is the difference between sand therapy classes from the usual sand game and from simple sessions with a psychologist? The child does not just play in the sand, but adheres to a specific training program, which is developed individually for each child by a child psychologist, taking into account the request of the parents and the interest of the child. Sand therapy classes, if necessary, can additionally include various types of art therapy, fairy tale therapy. This is interesting. In the sand therapy classes, the child will never be bored, and he will always engage in it with a desire, which will have a great effect on the result. How does sand therapy work? The child perceives the world directly through play, movement, sensations and images. Sand therapy allows you to combine all this in one process: while the child is building something on the sand, fine motor skills, sensory, imagination, perception are involved, the child actively uses role-playing, fantasizes, and develops speech skills. Even adults often find it difficult to express what is happening inside them, and it is even more difficult for a child to do it. Playing with sand, it is easier for the baby to show what is happening to him: how he treats others or what worries him the most, why he does not want to go to school or be friends with peers. In sand therapy classes, a small client can show what is bothering him, and for this he does not need to choose words and explain something. The child expresses his inner feelings through symbolic language. With the help of the game, the child interacts with his inner world. Thus, at the very first lessons, the sandbox serves for psychological diagnostics, that is, it helps the psychologist to understand what is happening with the child at the moment, what his character is, whether he has suffered any psychological trauma, what he loves and what he does not like, what are his relations with significant people. It's always very easy to make friends in the game. In the same way, in the sand therapy classes, the psychologist very quickly finds contact with the child (which is not always achievable in a regular consultation, where the child can be frightened, shy, behave closed or aggressively). Playing with sand is very interesting, which means that the child will attend classes with pleasure. When trust is established between the little client and the psychologist, when all the necessary diagnostic information is available, the therapy itself begins to work in full force. The images, game scenarios of the child, the symbols and words that he uses in playing with sand reflect the picture of the world in which the child lives. It's no secret that everyone's picture of the world is different. And it is very important to carry out all psychological correction exactly on the “territory” of the child’s semantic field, without imposing anything on him from the outside, because the child’s psyche is very tender. The value of sand therapy is that the solution to the problem occurs precisely within the framework of the individual understanding of the world of each specific baby, in accordance with his age, character and other characteristics. On the sand in a playful way, various emotions of resentment, fears, anger, anxiety, tension are reacted. Solving problems in the sand in a symbolic way, the child really resolves his internal conflicts. The main assistant in these moments for the child is a specialist who will help the child come to harmony with himself and the world around him, as well as harmonize the psycho-emotional state of the child. The main mechanisms of sand therapy:  Psychodiagnostics with the help of a sandbox;  Rapid establishment of confidence in the psychologist by the child through the game;  Interest in and enjoyment of activities;  Development of important parts of the central nervous system through the development of fine motor skills;  Relaxation effect from interaction with sand;  Acting out internal problems in the semantic field of the child. Results: It must be remembered that the results obtained are individual and depend on the goals set at the beginning of the remedial course.  The general emotional state of the child will improve;  Fears, negative emotions, experiences will go away;  Development of imagination, creativity;  Development of thinking, speech, memory, attention, perception;  Development of self-esteem and self-confidence;  Adaptation to a new environment (kindergarten, school);  Improving relationships with parents and peers;  Formation of positive character traits. 5 Sand therapy is becoming more and more popular in psychological, psychotherapeutic and pedagogical practice. According to T.D. Zinkevich Evstigneeva and T.M. Grabenko, in "the Russian land there is a pronounced eclecticism, in terms of the techniques used in the work" on sand therapy. “Jungian, psychoanalytic, art therapy, Gestalt techniques and techniques are used” under the general theme of sand therapy. Now a special method of art therapy and sand therapy is gaining more and more popularity - this is the “Sand Art” method. "Sand Art" or sand animation is a new type of fine art that originated only in the 70s of the twentieth century. Now psychologists are actively studying the possibilities of using sand animation in the framework of psychological practice. And there are already the first studies and results of work on programs based on the use of the sand animation method. This program is based on the "Sand Art Method" program. Goals and objectives of the program Goal: mastering and using the Sand Art method in psychological and pedagogical practice, developing the cognitive and socio-emotional sphere of the child's personality. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve a number of tasks: 1. Increase the child's interest in classes. 2. To develop the emotional, volitional, communicative, cognitive and personal spheres of the child. 3. To form an adequate self-esteem, increase self-confidence through the development of a new art form of sand animation, and the creation of creative products of activity. 4. Develop fine motor skills and hand coordination, interhemispheric interaction in children. Relevance of the program Childhood is a period when the fundamental qualities of a person are laid down, which provide psychological stability, positive moral orientations, form viability and purposefulness. These spiritual qualities of a person do not develop spontaneously, but are formed in conditions of expressed parental love, when the family creates in the child the need to be recognized, the ability to empathize and sympathize, to enjoy other people, the desire to learn a lot, including becoming responsible, for oneself and for others. This age is very important because it is during this period that mental functions pass from “natural” to “cultural”, i.e. higher mental functions, according to the cultural and historical concept of L.S. Vygotsky. Therefore, the harmonious development of all mental spheres of the child, at the stage of preschool childhood, is a necessary condition for its development in the future. Unfortunately, practice shows that children do not always enter the orphanage with insufficiently formed mental functions. Children very often have a decrease in awareness of the world around them, low development of cognitive processes, signs of one or another emotional distress. To implement an integrated approach, I made an attempt to create conditions for the development of a child through natural activities for him and using a new innovative technology of sand drawing. This program provides for continuous 6 psychological support and development of the child throughout the preschool and primary school age, taking into account the peculiarities of the development of the mental spheres of the child during the school year. The novelty of this program lies in the fact that it provides for the integration of art therapy methods with sand painting techniques. This is possible due to the fact that this technique is aimed at the overall development of the child, and not giving him the amount of knowledge, a favorable creative atmosphere in the classroom, stimulating activity and independence in visual activity. Theoretical and methodological substantiation of the program The content of the program is based on the ideas of developmental education by D.B. Elkonin, the personality-cultural-historical theory of L.S. Vygotsky, Davydov, V.V. oriented approach G.A. Zuckerman, Sh.A. Amonashvili. The methodological basis of the program aimed at teaching sand painting is based on the program “Sand Art Method”. Resources of psychotherapeutic sand painting” O.N. Nikitina and M.V. Sosnina, as well as methodical instructions by M. Seitz. Another theoretical basis of the program is the development of art therapeutic techniques and techniques by T.D. Zenkevich Evstigneeva and A.I. Kopytin. To develop this program, the methodological materials of the program "Flower of Seven Flowers" edited by N. Yu. Kurazheva were also used. The program provides for continuous psychological support for children and the development of the child throughout the preschool and primary school age, taking into account the dynamics of children's development. Stages of implementation and content of the program The program provides classes for children of preschool and primary school age from three to eleven years old. Classes according to the project are built taking into account the age characteristics of each age. Classes are held once a week. The classes are structured according to the following structure: Sand contact exercises, motor exercises. 1. Greeting children, getting to know each other - setting the mood for work, reporting the topic of the lesson. 2. 3. Drawing with sand and in the sand. 4. Completion of the lesson. 5. Psycho-gymnastics, physical training. 6. Productive activities. Using the technique of drawing with sand on glass in the work of a teacher psychologist The technique of drawing with sand on glass made it possible to solve a number of problems that arose in orphans of all ages. In particular, I have used this technique in working with children who have the following problems: aggressiveness, disobedience, hyperactivity, self-doubt, low self-esteem, shyness, anxiety, fears, nightmares, school failure, difficulties in communicating with other children and adults, as well as those with various kinds of psychosomatic diseases, etc. The forms and options for using this technique of sand therapy are determined by the specific tasks of the work and its characteristics of a particular child, duration. The technique can be used: 7 - for the purpose of diagnosis; - for the purpose of providing primary psychological assistance; - in the process of short-term psychotherapy; - in the process of long-term psychotherapeutic influence. In many cases, sand painting acts as the leading method of corrective action (for example, if a child has emotional and behavioral disorders of a neurotic nature), in other situations - as an aid to develop his sensorimotor skills, reduce emotional stress, etc. Often you can use sand painting as a psychoprophylactic, educational tool. allowing to stimulate the child, Children painting with sand have the opportunity to touch the deep, true "I", restore their mental integrity, relax and relieve stress. Technique helps you get in touch with your feelings, and sometimes a non-verbal means is the only tool that reveals and clarifies intense feelings and beliefs that seem overwhelming. Working with sand helps to get inspired, regain lost spontaneity, develop inner freedom and feel the forgotten feelings of happiness and creativity. And most importantly, to feel like the author of not only this work, but also the author of your life. The internal energy is released, the realization comes, “What do I want to do? And How?". In this art therapy process, valuable experience of positive changes is gained. Gradually there is an in-depth self-knowledge, self-acceptance, harmonization of development, personal growth. This is a potential path to self-determination, self-realization and self-actualization of the individual, as well as increasing self-esteem, self-confidence. Internal conflicts and experiences are more easily expressed through visual images than verbally. Non-verbal forms of communication may be more likely to avoid conscious censorship and rationalization, which accelerates positive personality change. In addition, when the unconscious is translated into a visible and tangible form, a real creative product appears that cannot deny the human consciousness (it is no longer something invisible, intangible). A by-product of art therapy is the satisfaction that comes from exploring and realizing one's hidden skills, creativity. Heated sand as a sensory stimulant, favorably affects withdrawn and shy children. They become more relaxed, relaxed and natural. And hyperactive, enterprising and irritable kids, as a rule, need cool sand. It helps children concentrate by cooling and relaxing them. In our opinion, the sand painting technique has a number of advantages over other forms of art therapy, namely: The process is simple and enjoyable. No special skills and abilities are required. And the material itself - sand is unusually pleasant. Sand painting gives the possibility of transformation, instant change of a creative work without losing its beauty and without resorting to a complete reconstruction. It's like life itself, constantly evolving and changing. Working with sand on a plane, movements become measured, synchronized with the rhythm of breathing. And when working with sand to music, 8 simultaneously visual, auditory and kinesthetic channels are involved, which allows you to perceive this world directly, to feel into it. Helps develop fine motor skills, which is especially beneficial for children (because the brain develops through the stimulation of the fingers). You can draw symmetrically with both hands, which contributes to the harmonious development of the two hemispheres of the brain, and internal centering. Using this technique, it is necessary to observe the following working conditions: - the consent and desire of the child; - the presence of special training of the teacher, a creative approach to conducting classes; – no allergies to dust from dry sand, skin diseases and cuts on the hands. Conditions for organizing the technique of painting with sand on glass To organize the process of painting with sand, you will need: a wooden table, fine, dry sand (quartz, river), illuminated from the inside, a multimedia complex. A rectangular sand table is not accidental: such a shape affects our consciousness in a completely different way than a square or a circle. If a square or circle evokes peace and concentration, then a rectangle is more dynamic. Parameter Field of activity used generatrix Basic materials, environment Additional materials Workspace SandArt Table with glass top and backlight. The size of the light surface is 40x60 cm Dry, fine sand A wide brush (it can be used in work in addition to hands and fingers) A cabinet for drawing with sand, providing for the possibility of dimming the space at any time of the day (in order to increase the contrast of the image on the animation table) When organizing drawing classes sand on the glass, the following conditions must be met: 1. The lesson should take place in a friendly, creative atmosphere. The child needs to create space for his self-expression, without setting strict rules and frameworks; 2. The structure of the lesson must be adapted to the interests of the child; 3. It is necessary: ​​to support the child in finding his own answers to questions, and not to offer standard solutions; appreciate his initiatives, and not his tacit agreement with you; 4. It is desirable that children work standing up so they have more freedom of movement. Basic methods and techniques of painting with sand on glass: 1. Drawing on a sand background with light lines and spots. 9 This type of drawing is possible when sand covers the illuminated glass surface with a uniform thin layer, forming a uniform sandy background. Such a background is applied by evenly scattering sand over the surface of the table from a height of 23 cm. After the background is applied, you can start the image by drawing various kinds of lines along the glass surface with your fingers, or with the side or inside of the palm. At the same time, a thin layer of sand is raked, moved apart, forming a white gap - the shape that the creator wishes. 2. Drawing with a dark texture of sand on a light table. At the same time, we have a pure white “light sheet”, on which we can pour sand in any way the creator of the picture likes: thick or transparent lines, thick and thin, curly, and also, with a certain skill, create more complex effects using this technique. A sand image can have depth, since in addition to contrasting light and dark spots, it is possible to create soft halftones by adjusting the height, speed and nature of the sprinkling. The movement of sand masses in the animation can also be carried out by "throwing" the sand onto the light field. Previously, a hill of sand is concentrated at the edge of the field, after which the sand is scattered over the surface of the pattern with a pushing movement. 3. The two techniques listed above are basic in sand drawing, animation, but far from the only ones. A lot of attention is paid in the process of drawing with sand to drawing details, creating an original texture, imprints on the sand. Fingerprints can be applied by various parts of the palm - the side surface, fingertips, nails, etc. It is also possible to involve tools in sand drawing. Use a fan-type brush to create a special quality of lines. It is also possible to use a variety of objects that can leave unique marks and prints (a wooden board, a corrugated shell of a shell, etc.) images create unique conditions for self-expression of the artist. Rules for handling equipment: do not use objects and materials that can scratch the glass; so that the sand is not electrified, it is necessary to treat the surface of the table with an antistatic agent; sand should be cleaned from time to time (sift, ignite). It is useful that children do this on their own, sifting the sand through the finest sieve: all impurities will remain in it; Children should wash their hands before and after sand play. 10 THEMATIC PLAN (36 years old) 11 Theme Goals and objectives 1. Lesson "Birds of the Sand Country" 2. Lesson "Spring of the Sand Country" 3. Lesson "Summer of the Sand Country" 4. Lesson "Autumn of the Sand Country" 5. Lesson "Winter Sand country” 6. Lesson “Space travel” 7. Lesson “Vegetables of the Sand country” 8. Lesson “Fruits of the Sand country” flexibility and detail, Development of originality of thinking; Decreased psycho-emotional stress; Development of cognitive processes; Discharge of aggressive impulses, anxiety; flexibility flexibility flexibility Introduce sand drawing. Development of detail, originality of thinking; Decreased psycho-emotional stress; Development of cognitive processes; Discharge of aggressive impulses, anxiety; Introduction to sand painting. Development of detail, originality of thinking; Decreased psycho-emotional stress; Development of cognitive processes; Discharge of aggressive impulses, anxiety; Introduction to sand painting. Development of detail, originality of thinking; Decreased psycho-emotional stress; Development of cognitive processes; Discharge of aggressive impulses, anxiety; Introduction to sand painting. Development of detail, originality of thinking; Decreased psycho-emotional stress; Development of cognitive processes; Discharge of aggressive impulses, anxiety; Introduction to sand painting. Development of detail, originality of thinking; Decreased psycho-emotional stress; Development of cognitive processes; Discharge of aggressive impulses, anxiety; Introduction to sand painting. Development of detail, originality of thinking; Decreased psycho-emotional stress; Development of cognitive processes; Discharge of aggressive impulses, anxiety; flexibility flexibility flexibility and and and and and and Development of flexibility and originality of thinking, detailing; Decreased psycho-emotional stress; Development of cognitive processes; Discharge of aggressive impulses, anxiety; Drawing from simple shapes of different fruits, consolidating knowledge about where they grow, for 12 Time 30 min 30 min 30 min 30 min 30 min 30 min 30 min 30 min (79 YEARS) Topic Goals and objectives 1. Lesson "Birds of the Sand countries" detailing, Introduce sand drawing. Development of originality of thinking; Decreased psycho-emotional stress; Development of cognitive processes; Discharge of aggressive impulses, anxiety; flexibility and Time 30 min 2. Lesson “Sea inhabitants of the Sand Country” Introduce sand drawing. Working out the elements of drawing, falling asleep, scattering, drawing lines, figures, images, landscapes. The ability to recognize your emotional state. 30 min 3. Lesson "Home Sand Country" animals 4. Lesson "Wild Animals of the Sand Country" 5. Lesson "Animals of hot countries" 6. Lesson "Journey of the snail" Sand 7. Lesson "Cities and houses of the inhabitants of the Sand country" Introduce the sand drawing. Development of flexibility and originality of thinking; Decreased psycho-emotional stress; Development of cognitive processes; Discharge of aggressive impulses, anxiety; Introduction to sand painting. Development of flexibility and originality of thinking; Decreased psycho-emotional stress; Development of cognitive processes; Discharge of aggressive impulses, anxiety; Introduction to sand painting. Development of detail, originality of thinking; Decreased psycho-emotional stress; Development of cognitive processes; Discharge of aggressive impulses, anxiety; Introduction to sand painting. Development of detail, originality of thinking; Decreased psycho-emotional stress; Development of cognitive processes; Discharge of aggressive impulses, anxiety; Introduction to sand painting. Development of detail, originality of thinking; flexibility and flexibility and flexibility and 13 30 min 30 min 30 min 30 min 30 min 8. Lesson "Transport of the Sand Country" of residents 9. Lesson "Emotions of the inhabitants of the Sand Country" 10. Lesson "Fairy-tale heroes of the Sand Country" Reduced psycho-emotional stress; Development of cognitive processes; Discharge of aggressive impulses, anxiety; Introduction to sand painting. Development of detail, originality of thinking; Decreased psycho-emotional stress; Development of cognitive processes; Discharge of aggressive impulses, anxiety; flexibility and Introduce sand drawing. Development of detail, originality of thinking; Decreased psycho-emotional stress; Development of cognitive processes; Discharge of aggressive impulses, anxiety; Introduction to sand painting. Development of detail, originality of thinking; Decreased psycho-emotional stress; Development of cognitive processes; Discharge of aggressive impulses, anxiety; flexibility and flexibility and 30 min 30 min 30 min Total for the program: 10 lessons 3 hours (911 years) Topic 1. Lesson "Introduction to the Sand Country" Aims and Objectives To introduce sand drawing. Working out the elements of drawing, falling asleep, scattering, drawing lines, drawing landscapes of objects. Acquaintance with the techniques of drawing in the sand; Decreased psycho-emotional stress; Development of sensitivity; Discharge of aggressive impulses, anxiety; tactile-kinesthetic 2. Lesson "Unusual inhabitants of the Sandland" traces 3. Lesson "Magic circle" tactile-kinesthetic Acquaintance with the techniques of drawing on the sand; Decreased psycho-emotional stress; Development of sensitivity; Discharge of aggressive impulses, voltage; Acquaintance with the techniques of drawing in the sand; Development of flexibility and originality of thinking; anxiety 14 Time 30 min 30 min 30 min Reduced psycho-emotional stress; Development of ideas about geometric shapes; Discharge of aggressive impulses, anxiety, tension; Acquaintance with the techniques of drawing in the sand; Decreased psycho-emotional stress; Development of flexibility and originality of thinking; Development of ideas about geometric shapes; Discharge of aggressive impulses, anxiety; Acquaintance with the techniques of drawing in the sand; Development of flexibility and originality of thinking; Decreased psycho-emotional stress; Development of ideas about geometric shapes; Discharge of aggressive impulses, anxiety, tension; Acquaintance with the techniques of drawing in the sand; Development of flexibility and originality of thinking; Decreased psycho-emotional stress; Development of ideas about geometric shapes; Discharge of aggressive impulses, anxiety, tension; Acquaintance with the techniques of drawing in the sand; Development of flexibility and originality of thinking; Decreased psycho-emotional stress; Development of ideas about geometric shapes; Discharge of aggressive impulses, anxiety; Acquaintance with the techniques of drawing in the sand; Development of flexibility and originality of thinking; Decreased psycho-emotional stress; Development of ideas about geometric shapes; Discharge of aggressive impulses, anxiety, tension; Acquaintance with the techniques of drawing in the sand; Decreased psycho-emotional stress; Development of flexibility and originality of thinking; Development of ideas about geometric shapes; Acquaintance with the techniques of drawing in the sand; 15 30 min 30 min 30 min 30 min 30 min 30 min 30 min 4. Lesson "Strict square" 5. Lesson "Unusual triangle" 6. Lesson "Stubborn rectangle" 7. Lesson "Mysterious rhombus" 8. Lesson "Merry oval" 9. Lesson "Funny spiral" 10. Lesson "Unpredictable zigzag" Reduction of psycho-emotional stress ; Development of flexibility and originality of thinking; Development of ideas about geometric shapes; Total lessons according to the program: 10 lessons 3 hours REFERENCES 1. Nikitina O.N. Sand drawing in psychological and pedagogical practice. [text], St. Petersburg, 2013, 112 p. 2. Sosnina M.V. The sandart method.Sand drawing resources. [text], St. Petersburg 2012, 90 p. 3. Zinkevich T.D. Evstigneeva. Workshop on storytelling. [text] St. Petersburg, 2001, 215 p. 4. Yakovleva N. Psychological assistance to a preschooler. [text] SPb.2002, 153 p. 5. Lyutova E.K. Monina G.B. Cheat sheet for adults. [text] M. 2000 , 103 p. 6. Kryukova S.V. Slobodyanik N.P. I am surprised, angry, afraid, boasting and rejoicing. The program of emotional development of children of preschool and primary school age. [text] M.2000, 85 p. 7. Seminar by Nikitina O.N., Sosnina M.V. The sandart method: Psychotherapeutic resources for sand art. Institute of Practical Psychology [text] "Imaton" 2013, 54 p. 8. Kreyri E. Learning to control feelings. "I'm afraid", "I'm angry", "I'm upset", "I'm angry", "I'm worried", "I'm proud". [text] St. Petersburg, 1995, 87 p. 9. Babaeva Yu.D. Working concept of giftedness / Yu.D. Babaeva [i dr.]. - 2nd ed., expanded. and reworked. [text] - M., 2003. - 95 p. 10. Organization of the work of preschool educational institutions with talented preschoolers [text] / Ed. Yu.A. Afonkina, O.V. Filatov. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2016. - 95 p. 16 11. Psychology of giftedness in children and adolescents [text] / Ed. N.S. Leites. – M.: Academy, 1996. – 416 p. 12. Yurkevich V.S. Gifted child illusions and reality. [text] - M.: Enlightenment, 2000. - 136 p. 17 (36 years old) APPENDIX 1. LESSON №1 "BIRDS OF THE SAND COUNTRY" Tasks:  Development of detail, flexibility and originality of thinking;  Decreased psycho-emotional stress;  Development of cognitive processes;  Discharge of aggressive impulses, anxiety; Equipment: light-sand tables for sand painting, sand, bird pictures. Course of the lesson: 1. Greeting with a relaxation component. Children today we will find ourselves in a magical land. It is called the Land of Magic Sand. But every world has its own rules, remember and name in chorus: Rules for working with sand: “There are no harmful children in the country - After all, they have no place in the sand! Here you can not bite, fight, And throw sand in your eyes! Now, close your eyes. The light is turned off, the psychologist says the words: “One, two, three, get into the country of Magic Sand!” and includes sand painting tables. 18 So we found ourselves in a fairy-tale land. Look. How empty and depressing it is. One sand. But it's not just sand. He is magical. He can feel touch. Hear your speech. Speak with you. Let's say hello to him. Put your palms on the sand and say "Hello, magical sand!". * Pick up the sand in your hands and rub it between your palms. What has he become? (answers: warm, dry, pleasant, etc.) * now squeeze it in a fist, and bring it to your ear, you will hear it talking to you. It used to be a magical Sandland: * with high mountains (draw mountains on the sand table with clenched fists), * deep rivers (draw river waves with combs with fingers) * beautiful forests (draw trees on the table with clenched fists, and twigs with fingers), But an evil one came magician and bewitched the sand country! * A hurricane flew in (we collect sand in our fists and through our fingers, rotating our fists, and opening our fingers, pour sand through them), * It started to rain heavily (turn our fists over, open our palm and pour sand through our fingers), * And suddenly the rain turned into snow ( we collect sand in our fists and with a sharp movement we throw it on the sand table - in the form of snowballs), * And then the sorcerer himself appeared, look at what big eyes he has (with two palms, draw the eyes of the sorcerer on the sand). * He has bewitched the whole sand country, and only we can disenchant it. * Let's try to make the sorcerer a kind face (children draw a nose, eyebrows, mustaches, etc., turning them into a funny, kind character). Let's cheer him up! Let's tickle him with the fingers of our hands. Hear how the sand and the sorcerer laugh, they really like it! Do you know that in the Sandland you can draw whatever you want? I will continue to teach you this. Let's try together? Children's answers. 2. The main part. Psychologist: And today we will get to know you with the unusual inhabitants of the sandy country. Guess who they are? The psychologist makes riddles about birds: 1. “It flies all night, It gets mice, And it becomes light - Sleep in a hollow” Answer: an owl. 2. "Motley fidget, long-tailed bird, talkative bird, most talkative." Answer: forty. 3. “Chikchirik, Jump for a grain, Peck, don’t be shy! Who is it?" Answer: sparrow. 19 And how can we call a common word - an owl, a sparrow, a magpie? That's right, they are all birds. What other birds do you know? Children come to the sand painting tables. And they draw together with a psychologist on a light-sand table, using different techniques for working with sand, different birds. For example: Peacock  We fall asleep a dark background on the table.  At the bottom of the table, tapping on the sand with the edge of the palm, draw a semicircle of the peacock's tail.  Inside the created semicircle, we finish drawing, freeing the small oval from the sand with the pad of the thumb, the body of the peacock.  From the oval we stretch the line of the peacock's neck up with the thumb.  draw a small oval to the neck - the head.  With the pads of the two fingers of the right and left hands - two legs from the body - legs.  Eye - with the index finger freeing the circle from the sand, and with a small pinch we fall asleep the pupil.  We finish the drawing on the tail at the request of the child.  Around you can complete the picture - with your fingertips - grass, sun, etc. At the stages of depicting a peacock, we ask the children: “What is missing?” A psychologist can comment on his actions with the words: Jumping, jumping sparrow, Calling small children: Throw crumbs to the sparrow I'll sing a song for you, Chikchirik! Throw millet and barley I will sing to you all day, Chikchirik! In part 2, we draw another bird (crow, owl, etc.) Now think up and draw a bird that lives in your Sandland. 3. Children are given free time (5 minutes) for free creativity. 4. Discussion: What did we do today? Children's answers. Did you enjoy our trip? 5. Farewell. Children put their hands on the sand and say, together with the psychologist, “See you, magic sand!” LESSON №2 "SPRING OF THE SAND COUNTRY" Tasks:  Development of detail, flexibility and originality of thinking;  Decreased psycho-emotional stress;  Development of cognitive processes;  Discharge of aggressive impulses, anxiety; Equipment: light-sand tables for sand painting, sand, pictures depicting spring. 20 Course of the lesson: 1. Greeting with a relaxation component. Children today we will find ourselves in a magical land. It is called the Land of Magic Sand. But every world has its own rules, remember and name in chorus: Rules for working with sand: “There are no harmful children in the country - After all, they have no place in the sand! Here you can not bite, fight, And throw sand in your eyes! Now, close your eyes. The light is turned off, the psychologist says the words: “One, two, three, get into the country of Magic Sand!” and includes sand painting tables. So we found ourselves in a fairy-tale land. Look. How empty and depressing it is. One sand. But it's not just sand. He is magical. He can feel touch. Hear your speech. Speak with you. Let's say hello to him. Put your palms on the sand and say "Hello, magical sand!". * Pick up the sand in your hands and rub it between your palms. What has he become? (answers: warm, dry, pleasant, etc.) * now squeeze it in a fist, and bring it to your ear, you will hear it talking to you. It used to be a magical Sandland: * with high mountains (draw mountains on the sand table with clenched fists), * deep rivers (draw river waves with combs with fingers) * beautiful forests (draw trees on the table with clenched fists, and twigs with fingers), But an evil one came magician and bewitched the sand country! * A hurricane flew in (we collect sand in our fists and through our fingers, rotating our fists, and opening our fingers, pour sand through them), * It started to rain heavily (turn our fists over, open our palm and pour sand through our fingers), * And suddenly the rain turned into snow ( we collect sand in our fists and with a sharp movement we throw it on the sand table - in the form of snowballs), * And then the sorcerer himself appeared, look at what big eyes he has (with two palms, draw the eyes of the sorcerer on the sand). * He has bewitched the whole sand country, and only we can disenchant it. * Let's try to make the sorcerer a kind face (children draw a nose, eyebrows, mustaches, etc., turning them into a funny, kind character). Let's cheer him up! Let's tickle him with the fingers of our hands. Hear how the sand and the sorcerer laugh, they really like it! Do you know that in the Sandland you can draw whatever you want? I will continue to teach you this. Let's try together? Children's answers. 2. The main part. Psychologist: And today we will see what season has come in our Magic Sandland. 21 The psychologist asks the children a riddle about spring: “The streams rang, the rooks flew in. The bee brought the first honey to the hive. Who's to say, who knows when that happens?" response (spring). That's right, it's spring. How do we know that spring has come? Children's answers. Right. Children come to the sand painting tables. They, following the teacher, depict the spring landscape in stages:  Cover the surface of the table with sand.  Divide the table surface into 2 parts with a line (forefinger): above - the sky, below - the earth.  Discuss what happens on earth in the spring - the first flowers bloom (using the studied techniques of drawing on the sand, draw snowdrops, the first grass).  The thawed patches in the snow are drawn with the edge of the palm.  Buds and first leaves are drawn on the trees (using the little fingers and fingertips).  In the sky - you can draw the sun, rainbow, migratory birds, etc. The psychologist can comment on his actions with verses: The spring thunder has died down, The very first over the village. And the birds are already flying, In the clear blue sky. A rainbow came out. Grabbed the coast. The sun came out from behind the river, On the green meadows. The psychologist, in the process of creating a drawing, observes the children, if necessary, helps. In the second part of the lesson, you can draw spring with the appearance of flowers on the trees, the appearance of chicks in the nests, streams (the children themselves will tell you who they want to finish drawing), etc. Now think up and draw, so that it would be clear that spring has come in your country. 3. Children are given free time (5 minutes) for free creativity. 4. Discussion: What did we do today? Children's answers. Did you enjoy our trip? 5. Farewell. Children put their hands on the sand and say, together with the psychologist, “See you, magic sand!” 22 Tasks: LESSON №3 "SUMMER OF THE SAND COUNTRY"  Development of detail, flexibility and originality of thinking;  Decreased psycho-emotional stress;  Development of cognitive processes;  Discharge of aggressive impulses, anxiety; Equipment: light-sand tables for sand painting, sand, pictures depicting summer. Course of the lesson: 1. Greeting with a relaxation component. Children today we will find ourselves in a magical land. It is called the Land of Magic Sand. But every world has its own rules, remember and name in chorus: Rules for working with sand: “There are no harmful children in the country - After all, they have no place in the sand! Here you can not bite, fight, And throw sand in your eyes! Now, close your eyes. The light is turned off, the psychologist says the words: “One, two, three, get into the country of Magic Sand!” and includes sand painting tables. So we found ourselves in a fairy-tale land. Look. How empty and depressing it is. One sand. But it's not just sand. He is magical. He can feel touch. Hear your speech. Speak with you. Let's say hello to him. Put your palms on the sand and say "Hello, magical sand!". * Pick up the sand in your hands and rub it between your palms. What has he become? (answers: warm, dry, pleasant, etc.) * now squeeze it in a fist, and bring it to your ear, you will hear it talking to you. It used to be a magical Sandland: * with high mountains (draw mountains on the sand table with clenched fists), * deep rivers (draw river waves with combs with fingers) * beautiful forests (draw trees on the table with clenched fists, and twigs with fingers), But an evil one came magician and bewitched the sand country! * A hurricane flew in (we collect sand in our fists and through our fingers, rotating our fists, and opening our fingers, pour sand through them), * It started to rain heavily (turn our fists over, open our palm and pour sand through our fingers), * And suddenly the rain turned into snow ( we collect sand in our fists and with a sharp movement we throw it on the sand table - in the form of snowballs), * And then the sorcerer himself appeared, look at what big eyes he has (with two palms, draw the eyes of the sorcerer on the sand). 23 * He has bewitched the whole sand country, and only we can disenchant it. * Let's try to make the sorcerer a kind face (children draw a nose, eyebrows, mustaches, etc., turning them into a funny, kind character). Let's cheer him up! Let's tickle him with the fingers of our hands. Hear how the sand and the sorcerer laugh, they really like it! Do you know that in the Sandland you can draw whatever you want? I will continue to teach you this. Let's try together? Children's answers. 2. The main part. Psychologist: And today we will see what season has come in our Magic Sandland. And today we will see what season has come in our Magic Sandland. The psychologist asks the children a riddle about summer: “The meadows are turning green, There is a rainbow in the sky. The lake is warmed by the sun: Everyone is calling to swim ... Answer (Summer). That's right, it's summer. How do we know that summer has come? Children's answers. Right. Children come to the sand painting tables. They, following the teacher, depict the summer landscape in stages:  Cover the surface of the table with sand.  Divide the table surface into 2 parts with a line (forefinger): above - the sky, below - the beach and the sea.  Discuss what happens on earth in the summer - children swim in the sea, sunbathe on the beach (using the learned drawing techniques on the sand, draw the sea, boats and swimming children).  On the beach, draw "mushrooms" from the sun (with the help of little fingers and fingertips).  In the sky - you can draw the sun, balloon, etc. The psychologist can comment on his actions with verses: Straw summer, Straw sand. Straw hat, Slips down to the temple. Straw distances, Straw days. Straw horses are visible in the sun. Straw sky, Straw hut. I draw with a straw, forgetting about the pencil. 24 The psychologist, in the process of creating a drawing, observes the children, if necessary, helps. In the second part of the lesson, you can draw a summer landscape with berries, a flower meadow (the children themselves will tell you who they want to draw), etc. Now think up and draw, so that it would be clear that summer has come in your country. 3. Children are given free time (5 minutes) for free creativity. 4. Discussion: What did we do today? Children's answers. Did you enjoy our trip? 5. Farewell. Children put their hands on the sand and say, together with the psychologist, “See you, magic sand!” LESSON №4 "AUTUMN OF THE SAND COUNTRY" Tasks:  Development of detail, flexibility and originality of thinking;  Decreased psycho-emotional stress;  Development of cognitive processes;  Discharge of aggressive impulses, anxiety; Equipment: light-sand tables for sand painting, sand, pictures depicting autumn. Course of the lesson: 1. Greeting with a relaxation component. Children today we will find ourselves in a magical land. It is called the Land of Magic Sand. But every world has its own rules, remember and name in chorus: Rules for working with sand: “There are no harmful children in the country - After all, they have no place in the sand! Here you can not bite, fight, And throw sand in your eyes! Now, close your eyes. The light is turned off, the psychologist says the words: “One, two, three, get into the country of Magic Sand!” and includes sand painting tables. So we found ourselves in a fairy-tale land. Look. How empty and depressing it is. One sand. But it's not just sand. He is magical. He can feel touch. Hear your speech. Speak with you. Let's say hello to him. Put your palms on the sand and say "Hello, magical sand!". * Pick up the sand in your hands and rub it between your palms. What has he become? (answers: warm, dry, pleasant, etc.) * now squeeze it in a fist, and bring it to your ear, you will hear it talking to you. It used to be a magical Sandland: * with high mountains (draw mountains on the sand table with clenched fists), * deep rivers (draw river waves with combs with fingers) * beautiful forests (draw trees on the table with clenched fists, and twigs with fingers), But an evil one came magician and bewitched the sand country! * A hurricane flew in (we collect sand in our fists and through our fingers, rotating our fists, and opening our fingers, pour sand through them), * It started to rain heavily (turn our fists over, open our palm and pour sand through our fingers), * And suddenly the rain turned into snow ( we collect sand in our fists and with a sharp movement we throw it on the sand table - in the form of snowballs), * And then the sorcerer himself appeared, look at what big eyes he has (with two palms, draw the eyes of the sorcerer on the sand). * He has bewitched the whole sand country, and only we can disenchant it. * Let's try to make the sorcerer a kind face (children draw a nose, eyebrows, mustaches, etc., turning them into a funny, kind character). Let's cheer him up! Let's tickle him with the fingers of our hands. Hear how the sand and the sorcerer laugh, they really like it! Do you know that in the Sandland you can draw whatever you want? I will continue to teach you this. Let's try together? Children's answers. 2. The main part. And today we will see what season has come in our Magic Sandland. The psychologist asks the children a riddle about autumn: “In the morning we go to the yard Leaves fall like rain, They rustle underfoot, And they fly, fly, fly ...” Answer (Autumn). That's right, it's autumn. How do we know that autumn has come? Children's answers. Right. Children come to the sand painting tables. They, following the teacher, gradually depict the autumn landscape:  Cover the surface of the table with sand.  Divide the table surface into 2 parts with a line (forefinger): above - the sky, below - the earth.  Discuss what happens on the ground in autumn - leaves fall, it rains (using the learned drawing techniques on the sand, they draw leaf fall, the wind blowing leaves, mushrooms).  Leaves on the ground are drawn with the tips of all fingers.  Bare twigs and a few leaves are drawn on the trees (with the help of the little fingers and fingertips).  In the sky - you can draw clouds with rain, migratory birds, etc. The psychologist comments on his actions with the words: Falling leaves? Falling leaves! Forest autumn caulking. Hemp flew in, The edges became red. The wind flew by, The wind whispered to the forest: Don't complain to the doctor, I treat freckled ones: I'll pick off all the redheads, I'll throw them into the grass! In the second part of the lesson, you can draw an autumn landscape with a hedgehog hurrying home with mushrooms on its back, etc. Now think up and draw, so that it would be clear that autumn has come in your country. 3. Children are given free time (5 minutes) for free creativity. 4. Discussion: What did we do today? Children's answers. Did you enjoy our trip? 5. Farewell. Children put their hands on the sand and say, together with the psychologist, “See you, magic sand!” LESSON № 5 "WINTER OF THE SAND COUNTRY" Tasks:  Development of detail, flexibility and originality of thinking;  Decreased psycho-emotional stress;  Development of cognitive processes;  Discharge of aggressive impulses, anxiety; Equipment: light-sand tables for sand painting, sand, pictures depicting winter. Course of the lesson: 1. Greeting with a relaxation component. Children today we will find ourselves in a magical land. It is called the Land of Magic Sand. But every world has its own rules, remember and name in chorus: Rules for working with sand: “There are no harmful children in the country - After all, they have no place in the sand! Here you can not bite, fight, And throw sand in your eyes! Now, close your eyes. The light is turned off, the psychologist says the words: “One, two, three, get into the country of Magic Sand!” and includes sand painting tables. So we found ourselves in a fairy-tale land. Look. How empty and depressing it is. One sand. But it's not just sand. He is magical. He can feel touch. Hear your speech. Speak with you. Let's say hello to him. Put your palms on the sand and say "Hello, magical sand!". * Pick up the sand in your hands and rub it between your palms. What has he become? (answers: warm, dry, pleasant, etc.) * now squeeze it in a fist, and bring it to your ear, you will hear it talking to you. It used to be a magical Sandland: * with high mountains (draw mountains on the sand table with clenched fists), * deep rivers (draw river waves with combs with fingers) * beautiful forests (draw trees on the table with clenched fists, and twigs with fingers), But an evil one came magician and bewitched the sand country! * A hurricane flew in (we collect sand in our fists and through our fingers, rotating our fists, and opening our fingers, pour sand through them), * It started to rain heavily (turn our fists over, open our palm and pour sand through our fingers), * And suddenly the rain turned into snow ( we collect sand in our fists and with a sharp movement we throw it on the sand table - in the form of snowballs), * And then the sorcerer himself appeared, look at what big eyes he has (with two palms, draw the eyes of the sorcerer on the sand). * He has bewitched the whole sand country, and only we can disenchant it. * Let's try to make the sorcerer a kind face (children draw a nose, eyebrows, mustaches, etc., turning them into a funny, kind character). Let's cheer him up! Let's tickle him with the fingers of our hands. Hear how the sand and the sorcerer laugh, they really like it! Do you know that in the Sandland you can draw whatever you want? I will continue to teach you this. Let's try together? Children's answers. 2. The main part. And today we will see what season has come in our Magic Sandland. The psychologist asks the children a riddle about winter: “I have a lot of things to do - I cover the whole earth with a white blanket, I clean the ice of the river, I whiten the fields, at home, And my name is .... winter." That's right, it's winter. How do we know that winter has come? Children's answers. Right. Children come to the sand painting tables. They, following the teacher, depict the winter landscape in stages:  Cover the surface of the table with sand.  Divide the table surface into 2 parts with a line (forefinger): above - the sky, below - the earth.  Discuss what happens on earth in winter - draw snowdrifts (using the learned methods of drawing on the sand, draw a Christmas tree, a hare).  Bare twigs and caps of snow are drawn on the trees (with the help of little fingers and fingertips).  In the sky - you can fall snowflakes and snow clouds, etc. The psychologist, transforming the image, comments on his actions with the words: White path, white. Winter has come. Winter has come. I wear a white hat, I breathe white air, My eyelashes are white, Coats and mittens, You can’t distinguish me in the frost Among the whitening birches. Freeze. And the squirrel in silence, Suddenly jump into my arms. Or In the morning on puddles Thin ice. The first snow is spinning in the air. Winds down the street Light fluff. Children admire: How good! The psychologist, in the process of creating a drawing, observes the children, if necessary, helps. In the second part of the lesson, you can draw a winter with a decorated Christmas tree and gifts under it, a snowman and a hut in the forest (the children themselves will tell you who they want to finish drawing), etc. Now think up and draw, so that it would be clear that winter has come in your country. 3. Children are given free time (5 minutes) for free creativity. 4. Discussion: What did we do today? Children's answers. Did you enjoy our trip? 5. Farewell. Children put their hands on the sand and say, together with the psychologist, “See you, magic sand!” LESSON №6 "SPACE JOURNEY" Tasks:  Development of detail, flexibility and originality of thinking;  Decreased psycho-emotional stress;  Development of cognitive processes;  Discharge of aggressive impulses, anxiety; Equipment: light-sand tables for sand painting, sand, a picture of space, a rocket and an astronaut. Course of the lesson: 1. Greeting with a relaxation component. Children today we will find ourselves in a magical land. It is called the Land of Magic Sand. But every world has its own rules, remember and name in chorus: Rules for working with sand: “There are no harmful children in the country - After all, they have no place in the sand! Here you can not bite, fight, And throw sand in your eyes! Now, close your eyes. The light is turned off, the psychologist says the words: “One, two, three, get into the country of Magic Sand! and includes sand painting tables. So we found ourselves in a fairy-tale land. Look. How empty and depressing it is. One sand. But it's not just sand. He is magical. He can feel touch. Hear your speech. Speak with you. Let's say hello to him. Put your palms on the sand and say "Hello, magical sand!". * Pick up the sand in your hands and rub it between your palms. What has he become? (answers: warm, dry, pleasant, etc.) * now squeeze it in a fist, and bring it to your ear, you will hear it talking to you. It used to be a magical Sandland: * with high mountains (draw mountains on the sand table with clenched fists), * deep rivers (draw river waves with combs with fingers) * beautiful forests (draw trees on the table with clenched fists, and twigs with fingers), But an evil one came magician and bewitched the sand country! * A hurricane flew in (we collect sand in our fists and through our fingers, rotating our fists, and opening our fingers, pour sand through them), * It started to rain heavily (turn our fists over, open our palm and pour sand through our fingers), * And suddenly the rain turned into snow ( we collect sand in our fists and with a sharp movement we throw it on the sand table - in the form of snowballs), * And then the sorcerer himself appeared, look at what big eyes he has (with two palms, draw the eyes of the sorcerer on the sand). * He has bewitched the whole sand country, and only we can disenchant it. * Let's try to make the sorcerer a kind face (children draw a nose, eyebrows, mustaches, etc., turning them into a funny, kind character). Let's cheer him up! Let's tickle him with the fingers of our hands. Hear how the sand and the sorcerer laugh, they really like it! Do you know that in the Sandland you can draw whatever you want? I will continue to teach you this. Let's try together? Children's answers. 2. The main part. Psychologist: And today we will go on a trip. Guess where? The psychologist asks the children a riddle about space: “The ocean is bottomless, the ocean is boundless, Airless, dark and extraordinary, Universes, stars and comets live in it, There are also inhabited, maybe planets. The answer is (space). That's right, it's space. I invite you to go on a space journey. Children come to the sand painting tables. They, following the teacher, depict the cosmic landscape in stages:  Cover the surface of the table with sand.  With the help of the edge of the palm, in a circular motion, we remove excess sand, a circle that turns into a planet, if you throw a little sand on top of it from the fist, you will get a beautiful and unusual relief of the planet.  If you draw circles around the planet, you get the planet Saturn.  With fingertips, following the teacher, draw stars and comets.  With the tip of the index finger, draw the base of the rocket in the form of a rectangle, the nose and wings of the rocket are triangles.  With the tip of the index finger - in a circular motion, freeing from sand, portholes, etc. The psychologist, transforming the image, comments on his actions with the words: Tell me quickly, dad, Why are the stars blinking? Maybe they are all the time, Waiting for an answer from someone? You tell me, do the stars cry? Do you know what tears are? If they fall to the ground, does it hurt the stars or not? Hurry up tell me, dad, Are all the stars in place? And tell me can the stars talk to me? Can they laugh merrily? Can they sing songs? If the stars go to visit, Call them to our home! The psychologist, in the process of creating a drawing, observes the children, if necessary, helps. In the second part of the lesson, you can draw an astronaut in outer space or aliens (the children themselves will tell you who they want to draw), etc. Now think up and draw your space landscape. 3. Children are given free time (5 minutes) for free creativity. 4. Discussion: What did we do today? Children's answers. Did you enjoy our trip? 5. Farewell. Children put their hands on the sand and say, together with the psychologist, “See you, magic sand!” LESSON №7 "VEGETABLES OF THE SAND COUNTRY" Tasks:  Development of flexibility and originality of thinking;  Decreased psycho-emotional stress;  Development of cognitive processes;  Discharge of aggressive impulses, anxiety; Equipment: light-sand tables for sand drawing, sand, pictures of vegetables. Course of the lesson: 1. Greeting with a relaxation component. Children today we will find ourselves in a magical land. It is called the Land of Magic Sand. But every world has its own rules, remember and name in chorus: Rules for working with sand: “There are no harmful children in the country - After all, they have no place in the sand! Here you can not bite, fight, And throw sand in your eyes! Now, close your eyes. The light is turned off, the psychologist says the words: “One, two, three, get into the country of Magic Sand!” and includes sand painting tables. So we found ourselves in a fairy-tale land. Look. How empty and depressing it is. One sand. But it's not just sand. He is magical. He can feel touch. Hear your speech. Speak with you. Let's say hello to him. Put your palms on the sand and say "Hello, magical sand! ". * Pick up the sand in your hands and rub it between your palms. What has he become? (answers: warm, dry, pleasant, etc.) * now squeeze it in a fist, and bring it to your ear, you will hear it talking to you. It used to be a magical Sandland: * with high mountains (draw mountains on the sand table with clenched fists), * deep rivers (draw river waves with combs with fingers) * beautiful forests (draw trees on the table with clenched fists, and twigs with fingers), But an evil one came magician and bewitched the sand country! * A hurricane flew in (we collect sand in our fists and through our fingers, rotating our fists, and opening our fingers, pour sand through them), * It started to rain heavily (turn our fists over, open our palm and pour sand through our fingers), * And suddenly the rain turned into snow ( we collect sand in our fists and with a sharp movement we throw it on the sand table - in the form of snowballs), * And then the sorcerer himself appeared, look at what big eyes he has (with two palms, draw the eyes of the sorcerer on the sand). * He has bewitched the whole sand country, and only we can disenchant it. * Let's try to make the sorcerer a kind face (children draw a nose, eyebrows, mustaches, etc., turning them into a funny, kind character). Let's cheer him up! Let's tickle him with the fingers of our hands. Hear how the sand and the sorcerer laugh, they really like it! Do you know that in the Sandland you can draw whatever you want? I will continue to teach you this. Let's try together? Children's answers. 2. The main part. Psychologist: Today we will get acquainted with the plants of the sand country. Guess who they are? The psychologist makes riddles about vegetables: “A beautiful girl, She grew up in a dungeon, People took them in their hands, Braids were plucked” (Carrots) “The house is small, green, Was in Lyusenka's hands. She split it - and fell, Beads on her palm ”(Peas)“ It was green, small, It became big and scarlet ”(Tomato) And what vegetables do you know? Children's answers. That's right, well done. Children come to the sand painting tables. And they draw together with a psychologist on a light-sand table, using different techniques for working with sand, different vegetables. For example: peas  we fall asleep a dark background on the table,  put the index finger in the middle part of the table on the right and stretch the line horizontally (this will be a branch on which peas will grow),  down from this line - draw an oblong oval with the tip of the index finger (pea pod ),  with the pad of the thumb in a circular motion draw peas inside the oval,  with the index finger we draw a cap of three petals for the pod,  with both index fingers we draw pea antennae (small spirals),  there can be pods of different sizes on the branch,  around you can complement the picture with all fingers grass, sun, etc. In part 2 we draw another vegetable (tomato, cabbage, etc.) Psychologist: Look at what interesting fabulous vegetables turned out. There are other vegetables in the Land of Magic Sand, and in our classes we will get to know them. And now you can try to portray the vegetables of your country yourself. 3. Children are given free time (5 minutes) for free creativity. 4. Discussion: What did we do today? Children's answers. You enjoyed our trip. 5. Farewell. Children put their hands on the sand and say, together with the psychologist, “See you, magic sand!” LESSON №8 "FRUITS OF THE SAND COUNTRY" Tasks:  Development of flexibility and originality of thinking, detailing;  Decreased psycho-emotional stress;  Development of cognitive processes;  Discharge of aggressive impulses, anxiety; Equipment: light-sand tables for sand painting, sand, fruit pictures. Course of the lesson: 1. Greeting with a relaxation component. Children today we will find ourselves in a magical land. It is called the Land of Magic Sand. But every world has its own rules, remember and name in chorus: Rules for working with sand: “There are no harmful children in the country - After all, they have no place in the sand! Here you can not bite, fight, And throw sand in your eyes! Now, close your eyes. The light is turned off, the psychologist says the words: “One, two, three, get into the country of Magic Sand!” and includes sand painting tables. So we found ourselves in a fairy-tale land. Look. How empty and depressing it is. One sand. But it's not just sand. He is magical. He can feel touch. Hear your speech. Speak with you. Let's say hello to him. Put your palms on the sand and say "Hello, magical sand!". * Pick up the sand in your hands and rub it between your palms. What has he become? (answers: warm, dry, pleasant, etc.) * now squeeze it in a fist, and bring it to your ear, you will hear it talking to you. It used to be a magical Sandland: * with high mountains (draw mountains on the sand table with clenched fists), * deep rivers (draw river waves with combs with fingers) * beautiful forests (draw trees on the table with clenched fists, and twigs with fingers), But an evil one came magician and bewitched the sand country! * A hurricane flew in (we collect sand in our fists and through our fingers, rotating our fists, and opening our fingers, pour sand through them), * It started to rain heavily (turn our fists over, open our palm and pour sand through our fingers), * And suddenly the rain turned into snow ( we collect sand in our fists and with a sharp movement we throw it on the sand table - in the form of snowballs), * And then the sorcerer himself appeared, look at what big eyes he has (with two palms, draw the eyes of the sorcerer on the sand). * He has bewitched the whole sand country, and only we can disenchant it. * Let's try to make the sorcerer a kind face (children draw a nose, eyebrows, mustaches, etc., turning them into a funny, kind character). Let's cheer him up! Let's tickle him with the fingers of our hands. Hear how the sand and the sorcerer laugh, they really like it! Do you know that in the Sandland you can draw whatever you want? I will continue to teach you this. Let's try together? Children's answers. 2. The main part. Psychologist: Today we will get acquainted with the plants of the sand country. Guess who they are? The psychologist makes riddles about fruits: 1. “He is heavy and pot-bellied, Thick-skinned, striped, Sweet, like honey, to the taste. What is his name? (Watermelon) 2. “Berries on a thin branch - All vines are native children. Eat the whole bunch and be happy. This is sweet ... ”(Grapes) 3.“ I will get round, ruddy from the tree, I will put it on a plate, “Eat, mommy,” I will say. (Apple) What fruits do you know? Children's answers. That's right, well done. Children come to the sand painting tables. And they draw together with a psychologist on a light-sand table, using different techniques for working with sand, different colors. For example: grapes  we fall asleep a dark background on the table,  draw a large triangle with the tip of the index finger pointing down,  with the pad of the thumb in a circular motion draw the first berry on the top of the triangle,  above it - two berries,  the next row - three, four, five, six berries in each row, filling the entire triangle, with index fingers draw leaves, veins.  around you can add grass, sun, clouds, etc. to the picture with all your fingers. In part 2 we draw another fruit (apple, pineapple, etc.) Psychologist: Look at what interesting fabulous fruits turned out. There are other plants in the Land of Magic Sand, and in our classes we will get to know them. And now you can try to portray the fruit of your country yourself. 3. Children are given free time (5 minutes) for free creativity. 4. Discussion: What did we do today? Children's answers. Did you enjoy our trip? 5. Farewell. Children put their hands on the sand and say, together with the psychologist, “See you, magic sand!” LESSON №9 "BERRIES OF THE SAND COUNTRY" Tasks:  Development of flexibility and originality of thinking;  Decreased psycho-emotional stress;  Development of cognitive processes;  Discharge of aggressive impulses, anxiety; Equipment: light-sand tables for sand painting, sand, pictures of berries. Course of the lesson: 1. Greeting with a relaxation component. Children today we will find ourselves in a magical land. It is called the Land of Magic Sand. But every world has its own rules, remember and name in chorus: Rules for working with sand: “There are no harmful children in the country - After all, they have no place in the sand! Here you can not bite, fight, And throw sand in your eyes! Now, close your eyes. The light is turned off, the psychologist says the words: “One, two, three, get into the country of Magic Sand!” and includes sand painting tables. So we found ourselves in a fairy-tale land. Look. How empty and depressing it is. One sand. But it's not just sand. He is magical. He can feel touch. Hear your speech. Speak with you. Let's say hello to him. Put your palms on the sand and say "Hello, magical sand!". * Pick up the sand in your hands and rub it between your palms. What has he become? (answers: warm, dry, pleasant, etc.) * now squeeze it in a fist, and bring it to your ear, you will hear it talking to you. It used to be a magical Sandland: * with high mountains (draw mountains on the sand table with clenched fists), * deep rivers (draw river waves with combs with fingers) * beautiful forests (draw trees on the table with clenched fists, and twigs with fingers), But an evil one came magician and bewitched the sand country! * A hurricane flew in (we collect sand in our fists and through our fingers, rotating our fists, and opening our fingers, pour sand through them), * It started to rain heavily (turn our fists over, open our palm and pour sand through our fingers), * And suddenly the rain turned into snow ( we collect sand in our fists and with a sharp movement we throw it on the sand table - in the form of snowballs), * And then the sorcerer himself appeared, look at what big eyes he has (with two palms, draw the eyes of the sorcerer on the sand). * He has bewitched the whole sand country, and only we can disenchant it. * Let's try to make the sorcerer a kind face (children draw a nose, eyebrows, mustaches, etc., turning them into a funny, kind character). Let's cheer him up! Let's tickle him with the fingers of our hands. Hear how the sand and the sorcerer laugh, they really like it! Do you know that in the Sandland you can draw whatever you want? I will continue to teach you this. Let's try together? Children's answers. 2. The main part. Psychologist: Today we will get acquainted with the plants of the sand country. Guess them? The psychologist makes riddles about berries: 1. “She turned sideways to the garden, She poured herself all over with red juice, Her sister is a strawberry, What kind of berry? " (Strawberry). 2. “In red dresses, the sisters clung to the pigtails. In the summer, go to the local garden - They ripen there ... ”(cherries). 3. “These forest berries Brown bears love Not mountain ash, nor viburnum A with thorns ... ..” (raspberry). 4. “The caftan on me is green, And my heart is like a red bag. Tastes like sugar is sweet, Looks like a ball.” (Watermelon) And what berries do you know? Children's answers. That's right, well done. Children come to the sand painting tables. And they draw berries together with a psychologist on a light-sand table, using different techniques for working with sand. For example: cherry  with the index finger - a branch parallel to the top of the table,  and draw an oval leaf to it,  from the branch with the index finger two branches down,  with circular movements of the thumb pads - 2 berries,  around you can complete the picture with all your fingers grass, sun , clouds, etc. In part 2, you can draw raspberries or strawberries. Psychologist: Look what interesting fabulous berries turned out. There are other plants in the Land of Magic Sand, and in our classes we will get to know them. And now you can try to portray your own berry of your country. 3. Children are given free time (5 minutes) for free creativity. 4. Discussion: What did we do today? Children's answers. Did you enjoy our trip? 5. Farewell. Children put their hands on the sand and say, together with the psychologist, “See you, magic sand!” LESSON №10 "FLOWERS OF THE SAND COUNTRY" Tasks:  Development of flexibility and originality of thinking;  Decreased psycho-emotional stress;  Development of cognitive processes;  Discharge of aggressive impulses, anxiety; Equipment: light-sand tables for sand painting, sand, pictures of flowers. Course of the lesson: 1. Greeting with a relaxation component. Children today we will find ourselves in a magical land. It is called the Land of Magic Sand. But every world has its own rules, remember and name in chorus: Rules for working with sand: “There are no harmful children in the country - After all, they have no place in the sand! Here you can not bite, fight, And throw sand in your eyes! Now, close your eyes. The light is turned off, the psychologist says the words: “One, two, three, get into the country of Magic Sand!” and includes sand painting tables. So we found ourselves in a fairy-tale land. Look. How empty and depressing it is. One sand. But it's not just sand. He is magical. He can feel touch. Hear your speech. Speak with you. Let's say hello to him. Put your palms on the sand and say "Hello, magical sand!". * Pick up the sand in your hands and rub it between your palms. What has he become? (answers: warm, dry, pleasant, etc.) * now squeeze it in a fist, and bring it to your ear, you will hear it talking to you. It used to be a magical Sandland: * with high mountains (draw mountains on the sand table with clenched fists), * deep rivers (draw river waves with combs with fingers) * beautiful forests (draw trees on the table with clenched fists, and twigs with fingers), But an evil one came magician and bewitched the sand country! * A hurricane flew in (we collect sand in our fists and through our fingers, rotating our fists, and opening our fingers, pour sand through them), * It started to rain heavily (turn our fists over, open our palm and pour sand through our fingers), * And suddenly the rain turned into snow ( we collect sand in our fists and with a sharp movement we throw it on the sand table - in the form of snowballs), * And then the sorcerer himself appeared, look at what big eyes he has (with two palms, draw the eyes of the sorcerer on the sand). * He has bewitched the whole sand country, and only we can disenchant it. * Let's try to make the sorcerer a kind face (children draw a nose, eyebrows, mustaches, etc., turning them into a funny, kind character). Let's cheer him up! Let's tickle him with the fingers of our hands. Hear how the sand and the sorcerer laugh, they really like it! Do you know that in the Sandland you can draw whatever you want? I will continue to teach you this. Let's try together? Children's answers. 2. The main part. Psychologist: Today we will get acquainted with the plants of the sand country. Guess who they are? The psychologist makes riddles about flowers: “There is a curl in the garden - White shirt, Golden heart. What it is? Answer (chamomile). “A long thin stalk, A scarlet light from above, Not a plant, but a beacon This is bright red ... The answer (poppy).” What flowers do you know? Children's answers. That's right, well done. Children come to the sand painting tables. And they draw together with a psychologist on a light-sand table, using different techniques for working with sand, different colors. For example: chamomile  we fall asleep a dark background on the table,  put the index finger at the bottom of the table and stretch the line up,  draw the middle of the chamomile in a circular motion with the pad of the thumb,  oval petals with index fingers,  draw leaves, veins with both index fingers.  around you can add grass, sun, clouds, etc. to the picture with all your fingers. In part 2 we draw another flower (dandelion, bell, etc. ) The psychologist, transforming the image, comments on his actions with the words: Golden dandelion Was beautiful, young, Was not afraid of anyone, Even the wind itself! The golden dandelion Has aged and turned gray, And as soon as it turned gray, It flew away with the wind. Psychologist: Look at what interesting fabulous flowers turned out. There are other plants in the Land of Magic Sand, and in our classes we will get to know them. And now you can try to portray the flower of your country yourself. 3. Children are given free time (5 minutes) for free creativity. 4. Discussion: What did we do today? Children's answers. Did you enjoy our trip? 5. Farewell. Children put their hands on the sand and say, together with the psychologist, “See you, magic sand!” (79 years old) APPENDIX 2. SESSION №1 "BIRDS OF THE SAND COUNTRY" Tasks:  Development of detail, flexibility and originality of thinking;  Decreased psycho-emotional stress;  Development of cognitive processes;  Discharge of aggressive impulses, anxiety; Equipment: light-sand tables for sand painting, sand, bird pictures. Course of the lesson: 1. Greeting with a relaxation component. Children today we will find ourselves in a magical land. It is called the Land of Magic Sand. But every world has its own rules, remember and name in chorus: Rules for working with sand: “There are no harmful children in the country - After all, they have no place in the sand! Here you can not bite, fight, And throw sand in your eyes! Now, close your eyes. The light is turned off, the psychologist says the words: “One, two, three, get into the country of Magic Sand!” and includes sand painting tables. So we found ourselves in a fairy-tale land. Look. How empty and depressing it is. One sand. But it's not just sand. He is magical. He can feel touch. Hear your speech. Speak with you. Let's say hello to him. Put your palms on the sand and say "Hello, magical sand!". * Pick up the sand in your hands and rub it between your palms. What has he become? (answers: warm, dry, pleasant, etc.) * now squeeze it in a fist, and bring it to your ear, you will hear it talking to you. It used to be a magical Sandland: * with high mountains (draw mountains on the sand table with clenched fists), * deep rivers (draw river waves with combs with fingers) * beautiful forests (draw trees on the table with clenched fists, and twigs with fingers), But an evil one came magician and bewitched the sand country! * A hurricane flew in (we collect sand in our fists and through our fingers, rotating our fists, and opening our fingers, pour sand through them), * It started to rain heavily (turn our fists over, open our palm and pour sand through our fingers), * And suddenly the rain turned into snow ( we collect sand in our fists and with a sharp movement we throw it on the sand table - in the form of snowballs), * And then the sorcerer himself appeared, look at what big eyes he has (with two palms, draw the eyes of the sorcerer on the sand). * He has bewitched the whole sand country, and only we can disenchant it. * Let's try to make the sorcerer a kind face (children draw a nose, eyebrows, mustaches, etc., turning them into a funny, kind character). Let's cheer him up! Let's tickle him with the fingers of our hands. Hear how the sand and the sorcerer laugh, they really like it! Do you know that in the Sandland you can draw whatever you want? I will continue to teach you this. Let's try together? Children's answers. 2. The main part. Psychologist: And today we will get to know you with an unusual inhabitant of the sandy country. Guess who they are? The psychologist makes riddles about birds: 1. “It flies all night, It gets mice, And it becomes light - Sleep in a hollow” Answer: an owl. 2. "Motley fidget, long-tailed bird, talkative bird, most talkative." Answer: forty. 3. “Chikchirik, Jump for a grain, Peck, don’t be shy! Who is it?" Answer: sparrow. And how can we call a common word - an owl, a sparrow, a magpie? That's right, they are all birds. What other birds do you know? Children come to the sand painting tables. And they draw together with a psychologist on a light-sand table, using different techniques for working with sand, different birds. For example: Peacock  We fall asleep a dark background on the table.  At the bottom of the table, tapping on the sand with the edge of the palm, draw a semicircle of the peacock's tail.  Inside the created semicircle, we finish drawing, freeing the small oval from the sand with the pad of the thumb, the body of the peacock.  From the oval we stretch the line of the peacock's neck up with the thumb.  draw a small oval to the neck - the head.  With the pads of the two fingers of the right and left hands - two legs from the body - legs.  Eye - with the index finger freeing the circle from the sand, and with a small pinch we fall asleep the pupil.  We finish the drawing on the tail at the request of the child.  Around you can complete the picture - with your fingertips - grass, sun, etc. At the stages of depicting a peacock, we ask the children: “What is missing?” A psychologist can comment on his actions with the words: Jumping, jumping sparrow, Calling small children: Throw crumbs to the sparrow I'll sing a song for you, Chikchirik! Throw millet and barley I will sing to you all day, Chikchirik! In part 2, we draw another bird (crow, owl, etc.) Now think up and draw a bird that lives in your Sandland. 3. Children are given free time (5 minutes) for free creativity. 4. Discussion: What did we do today? Children's answers. Did you enjoy our trip? 5. Farewell. Children put their hands on the sand and say, together with the psychologist, “See you, magic sand! » LESSON №2 "SEA RESIDENTS OF THE SAND COUNTRY" Tasks:  Development of flexibility and originality of thinking;  Decreased psycho-emotional stress;  Development of cognitive processes;  Discharge of aggressive impulses, anxiety; Equipment: light-sand tables for sand drawing, sand, pictures depicting marine inhabitants. Course of the lesson: 1. Greeting with a relaxation component. Children today we will find ourselves in a magical land. It is called the Land of Magic Sand. But every world has its own rules, remember and name in chorus: Rules for working with sand: “There are no harmful children in the country - After all, they have no place in the sand! Here you can not bite, fight, And throw sand in your eyes! Now, close your eyes. The light is turned off, the psychologist says the words: “One, two, three, get into the country of Magic Sand!” and includes sand painting tables. So we found ourselves in a fairy-tale land. Look. How empty and depressing it is. One sand. But it's not just sand. He is magical. He can feel touch. Hear your speech. Speak with you. Let's say hello to him. Put your palms on the sand and say "Hello, magical sand!". * Pick up the sand in your hands and rub it between your palms. What has he become? (answers: warm, dry, pleasant, etc.) * now squeeze it in a fist, and bring it to your ear, you will hear it talking to you. It used to be a magical Sandland: * with high mountains (draw mountains on the sand table with clenched fists), * deep rivers (draw river waves with combs with fingers) * beautiful forests (draw trees on the table with clenched fists, and twigs with fingers), But an evil one came magician and bewitched the sand country! * A hurricane flew in (we collect sand in our fists and through our fingers, rotating our fists, and opening our fingers, pour sand through them), * It started to rain heavily (turn our fists over, open our palm and pour sand through our fingers), * And suddenly the rain turned into snow ( we collect sand in our fists and with a sharp movement we throw it on the sand table - in the form of snowballs), * And then the sorcerer himself appeared, look at what big eyes he has (with two palms, draw the eyes of the sorcerer on the sand). * He has bewitched the whole sand country, and only we can disenchant it. * Let's try to make the sorcerer a kind face (children draw a nose, eyebrows, mustaches, etc., turning them into a funny, kind character). Let's cheer him up! Let's tickle him with the fingers of our hands. Hear how the sand and the sorcerer laugh, they really like it! Do you know that in the Sandland you can draw whatever you want? I will continue to teach you this. Let's try together? Children's answers. 2. The main part. Psychologist: And today we will get to know you with the unusual marine inhabitants of the Sand Country. Guess who they are? The psychologist asks a riddle about marine inhabitants: “It shines in the clean sea With a silvery back. Answer (Rybka) ”“ Rumors swept about him: Eight legs and a head. To make it worse for everyone, He releases ink ”(Octopus)“ Everyone who has been to the sea is familiar with a bright umbrella. Of water and salt It consists entirely. Don't touch him in the water. It burns like fire.” (Medusa) That's right, these are the inhabitants of the sea. What inhabitants of the sea do you know? Children's answers. That's right, well done. Children come to the sand painting tables. And they draw together with a psychologist on a light-sand table, using different techniques for working with sand, of different residents. For example: fish  we fall asleep a dark background on the table,  draw a large oval with the index finger (this is the body of the fish),  draw triangular fins,  with the edge of the palm, tapping on the surface of the table, draw the tail of the fish,  eye - freeing the circle from the sand with the index finger, and a small pinch of the pupil,  with your fingertips over the entire surface of the oval - fish scales,  around you can complete the picture - with your fingertips - algae, stones at the bottom, water bubbles, etc. The psychologist, transforming the image, comments on his actions with the words: Fish drive with their fins, They muddy clean water. Have lunch - Thank you, Never say. This is how they live for centuries. And wherever you look, Pisces only move their fins Thankfully. Why such fish? Yes, they have water in their mouths! And they say thank you, They will never be able to. In part 2 we draw another inhabitant (jellyfish, octopus, etc.) Psychologist: Look at what interesting marine inhabitants turned out to be. There are other residents in the Land of Magic Sand, and in our classes we will get to know them. And now you can try to portray a marine inhabitant of your country yourself. 3. Children are given free time (5 minutes) for free creativity. 4. Discussion: What did we do today? Children's answers. Did you enjoy our trip? 5. Farewell. Children put their hands on the sand and say, together with the psychologist, “See you, magic sand!” LESSON №3 "PETS OF THE SAND COUNTRY" Tasks:  Development of flexibility and originality of thinking;  Decreased psycho-emotional stress;  Development of cognitive processes;  Discharge of aggressive impulses, anxiety; Equipment: light-sand tables for sand painting, sand, pictures of pets. Course of the lesson: 1. Greeting with a relaxation component. Children today we will find ourselves in a magical land. It is called the Land of Magic Sand. But every world has its own rules, remember and name in chorus: Rules for working with sand: “There are no harmful children in the country - After all, they have no place in the sand! Here you can not bite, fight, And throw sand in your eyes! Now, close your eyes. The light is turned off, the psychologist says the words: “One, two, three, get into the country of Magic Sand!” and includes sand painting tables. So we found ourselves in a fairy-tale land. Look. How empty and depressing it is. One sand. But it's not just sand. He is magical. He can feel touch. Hear your speech. Speak with you. Let's say hello to him. Put your palms on the sand and say "Hello, magical sand!". * Pick up the sand in your hands and rub it between your palms. What has he become? (answers: warm, dry, pleasant, etc.) * now squeeze it in a fist, and bring it to your ear, you will hear it talking to you. It used to be a magical Sandland: * with high mountains (draw mountains on the sand table with clenched fists), * deep rivers (draw river waves with combs with fingers) * beautiful forests (draw trees on the table with clenched fists, and twigs with fingers), But an evil one came magician and bewitched the sand country! * A hurricane flew in (we collect sand in our fists and through our fingers, rotating our fists, and opening our fingers, pour sand through them), * It started to rain heavily (turn our fists over, open our palm and pour sand through our fingers), * And suddenly the rain turned into snow ( we collect sand in our fists and with a sharp movement we throw it on the sand table - in the form of snowballs), * And then the sorcerer himself appeared, look at what big eyes he has (with two palms, draw the eyes of the sorcerer on the sand). * He has bewitched the whole sand country, and only we can disenchant it. * Let's try to make the sorcerer a kind face (children draw a nose, eyebrows, mustaches, etc., turning them into a funny, kind character). Let's cheer him up! Let's tickle him with the fingers of our hands. Hear how the sand and the sorcerer laugh, they really like it! Do you know that in the Sandland you can draw whatever you want? I will continue to teach you this. Let's try together? Children's answers. 2. The main part. Psychologist: And today we will get to know you with an unusual inhabitant of the sandy country. Guess who they are? The psychologist makes a riddle about pets: “Mustache muzzle, Striped coat, Washes often, Chases tail. The answer is (cat). “He lives in a booth, gnaws at bones, barks and bites. What is it called? Answer (dog). Right. And all the cats, dogs, goats, cows, who? That's right, pets. What other pets do you know? Children come to the sand painting tables. And they draw together with a psychologist on a light-sand table, using different techniques for working with sand, different animals. For example: a horse  we fall asleep a dark background on the table,  we draw a large oval with the index finger in the middle of the table (this is the body of the horse),  with the pads of two fingers - two legs at the beginning of the oval and at the end (these are the legs),  from the oval with the pad of the thumb we draw up - horse's neck,  draw a small oval for the head,  eye - free the circle from the sand with the index finger, and fill the pupil with a small pinch,  mane and tail with the fingertips,  triangular ears and the horse's smile with the fingertips,  around you can complete the picture - with your fingertips - grass, sun, etc.  at the stages of depicting a horse - we ask the children what is missing? In part 2, we draw another pet (cat, sheep, etc.). The psychologist, transforming the image, comments on his actions with the words: I know how to cleanly wash Not with water, but with my tongue. Meow! As I often dream of Saucer with warm milk. Now imagine and draw a pet that lives in your country. 3. Children are given free time (5 minutes) for free creativity. 4. Discussion: What did we do today? Children's answers. Did you enjoy our trip? 5. Farewell. Children put their hands on the sand and say, together with the psychologist, “See you, magic sand!” LESSON №4 "WILD ANIMALS OF THE SAND COUNTRY" Tasks:  Development of flexibility and originality of thinking;  Decreased psycho-emotional stress;  Development of cognitive processes;  Discharge of aggressive impulses, anxiety; Equipment: light-sand tables for sand painting, sand, pictures of wild animals. Course of the lesson: 1. Greeting with a relaxation component. Children today we will find ourselves in a magical land. It is called the Land of Magic Sand. But every world has its own rules, remember and name in chorus: Rules for working with sand: “There are no harmful children in the country - After all, they have no place in the sand! Here you can not bite, fight, And throw sand in your eyes! Now, close your eyes. The light is turned off, the psychologist says the words: “One, two, three, get into the country of Magic Sand!” and includes sand painting tables. So we found ourselves in a fairy-tale land. Look. How empty and depressing it is. One sand. But it's not just sand. He is magical. He can feel touch. Hear your speech. Speak with you. Let's say hello to him. Put your palms on the sand and say "Hello, magical sand!". * Pick up the sand in your hands and rub it between your palms. What has he become? (answers: warm, dry, pleasant, etc.) * now squeeze it in a fist, and bring it to your ear, you will hear it talking to you. It used to be a magical Sandland: * with high mountains (draw mountains on the sand table with clenched fists), * deep rivers (draw river waves with combs with fingers) * beautiful forests (draw trees on the table with clenched fists, and twigs with fingers), But an evil one came magician and bewitched the sand country! * A hurricane flew in (we collect sand in our fists and through our fingers, rotating our fists, and opening our fingers, pour sand through them), * It started to rain heavily (turn our fists over, open our palm and pour sand through our fingers), * And suddenly the rain turned into snow ( we collect sand in our fists and with a sharp movement we throw it on the sand table - in the form of snowballs), * And then the sorcerer himself appeared, look at what big eyes he has (with two palms, draw the eyes of the sorcerer on the sand). * He has bewitched the whole sand country, and only we can disenchant it. * Let's try to make the sorcerer a kind face (children draw a nose, eyebrows, mustaches, etc., turning them into a funny, kind character). Let's cheer him up! Let's tickle him with the fingers of our hands. Hear how the sand and the sorcerer laugh, they really like it! Do you know that in the Sandland you can draw whatever you want? I will continue to teach you this. Let's try together? Children's answers. 2. The main part. Psychologist: And today we will get to know you with an unusual inhabitant of the sandy country. Guess who they are? The psychologist makes a riddle about wild animals: 1. “A ball of fluff, a long ear, jumps deftly, loves carrots” (Hare) 2. “Sleeps in winter, stirs hives in summer” (Bear) 3. “Greyish, toothy, prowls across the field, calves looking for lambs ”(Wolf) That's right. And all the fox, wolf, bear, who? That's right, wild animals. What other wild animals do you know? Children come to the sand painting tables. And they draw together with a psychologist on a light-sand table, using different techniques for working with sand, different animals. For example: Hare  we fall asleep a dark background on the table.  draw a large oval with the index finger at the bottom in the middle of the table the body of the hare,  draw a smaller oval head of the hare to it,  draw two ovals ears to the upper oval with the index fingers,  with the pads of two fingers - two legs at the beginning of the oval and at the end of the leg,  eye - with the index freeing the circle from the sand with a finger, and with a small pinch we fill the pupil,  with the fingertips we release the oval for the tail and legs,  we finish the smile for the hare,  around you can complete the picture - with your fingertips - grass, sun, etc. At the stages of the image of a bunny - we ask the children: “What is missing?” A psychologist can comment on his actions with the words: The bunny's ears stick out on top, He loves a delicious cabbage leaf. Runs fast and jumps deftly, All because he eats carrots! In part 2 we will draw another wild animal (fox, bear, etc.) Now imagine and draw a wild animal that lives in your country. 3. Children are given free time (5 minutes) for free creativity. 4. Discussion: What did we do today? Children's answers. Did you enjoy our trip? 5. Farewell. Children put their hands on the sand and say, together with the psychologist, “See you, magic sand!” LESSON №5 "ANIMALS OF THE HOT COUNTRIES OF THE SAND COUNTRY" Tasks:  Development of detail, flexibility and originality of thinking;  Decreased psycho-emotional stress;  Development of cognitive processes;  Discharge of aggressive impulses, anxiety; Equipment: light-sand tables for sand drawing, sand, pictures of animals from hot countries. Course of the lesson: 1. Greeting with a relaxation component.

Sand therapy for children is a playful way to talk about their problems, show their fears and get rid of them, overcome emotional stress. After all, a game for a child is a necessary, natural and favorite activity.

Our children live in conditions of numerous restrictions. We, adults, decide what is possible and what is not. And so it should be. Then there will be a school, where directives in relation to the personality of the child will be even stronger, then adult social institutions will appear ... This is very good, this is necessary for his development, for life in society, for a strong will. But it will be useful with one “but” - if, along with restrictions and rules, there is a place where the child can afford to just be: be himself, be creative, dream, fantasize, create! It is this combination that will lead to the fact that a creative person will grow up, able to seek and find ways out of any situation, believe in himself, rely on himself, value his opinion, know that miracles happen ... a person who is not afraid to be happy! But how do you know which displays of emotion are good for a child and which are not? How not to harm the child by supporting his impulses, because this can be connivance .. How not to spoil him? Indeed, it is not so easy to understand this, because we often rely only on our childhood experience - how we were brought up ...

Where can a child find space to express all those impulses and experiences that are born inside, but have no way out? After all, it is unexpressed emotions that are the cause of psychosomatic diseases, lead to breakdowns, neuroses, and self-isolation.

Such a space in which children can express their fears, desires, resentments, doubts and anger, worries and dreams in the most natural form (play) for them is provided by the sandbox sorceress.

The sandbox is a small model of the surrounding world, a place where internal battles and conflicts of a small person can play out in the outside world. And having expressed them outwardly and looking at his inner world from the outside, the child, effortlessly, finds solutions for quite real life tasks. This happens due to the fact that at each lesson your kid repeatedly creates his own world out of sand, destroys it, creates a new one again and again ..., thanks to which the fear of mistakes, self-doubt, doubts disappear - this gives the child the realization that that everything can pass, end, and a new one will begin in the place of the old, departed, and therefore it is not worth being afraid of this big and so far such an unfamiliar life.

In addition, the material itself - sand - has a unique property to ground negative emotions, which, as if "leaving through the sand", thereby harmonize the human condition.

In games with sand, children develop better cognitive functions (perception, attention, thinking, memory), speech, motor skills, and communication skills. The desire of the child to experiment or work independently increases.

In playing with sand, the child feels like the master of his own little world and is the director of his own fairy tale. What was hidden in the depths of the child's soul comes to light and the characters of the game begin to move.

Creating his own world on the sand, the child feels like a magician: he is not afraid to change something, break the old or build a new one. And you can be sure: if everything is calm in your “sand kingdom”, then the child’s soul has peace and harmony.

The sandplay method (literally - sand game) is still little known in Russia. It is one of the unusual techniques of the analytical process, during which the child builds his own world in miniature from sand and small figures. This is a method that has an interesting past, well-established foundations of theory and technology in the present, and, we hope, a promising future.

Sand therapy helps:

v cope with fear and insecurity,

v reveal the resource in relationships and circumstances,

v activate creativity and spontaneity.

Solved problems in children:

v aggressive behavior,

v difficulties in adjusting the child to new conditions in connection with a change of residence of the family or when its composition changes,

v specific difficulties and peculiarities of raising the youngest, middle, oldest or only child in the family,

v communication problems with peers,

v verbal aggression (swear words from the mouth of the child),

v pathological habits (nail biting, thumb sucking, hair curling, etc.),

v conflicts between brothers and sisters,

v violation of behavior, deterioration of health or bad mood in a child upon admission to kindergarten,

v hyperactivity and impaired concentration,

v stubbornness, resistance or willfulness of the child,

v alarm states,

v timidity, shyness,

v lack of independence of the child,

v low self-control,

v depression in children,

Sand therapy also has contraindications.

v The child's anxiety level is very high;

v Have allergies and asthma to dust and fine particles;

v There are skin diseases and cuts on the hands.

Taking into account all of the above, the teacher - psychologist of the preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 5" Cockerel "developed a program for sand therapy" Magic Sandbox "

The relevance of this psychotherapeutic technique lies in the need of society for emotionally stable, strong-willed individuals with a positive self-concept.

Development of perception, thinking, memory, attention, speech, skills of self-control and self-regulation, creative thinking, imagination and fantasy;

ü To form in children an idea of ​​​​the world around them;

ü - to form a greater responsibility in their actions and deeds;

ü - develop a greater ability for self-acceptance;

ü - develop sensitivity to the process of overcoming difficulties;

ü - develop self-esteem and gain faith in yourself.

ü - develop a more positive self-concept;

Form of occupation

ü Group, individual

Lesson methods

ü Games, exercises, art - therapy.

Expected results:

ü Children adapt more easily in a team;

ü Feel more successful;

ü A more positive self-concept is developed;

ü Developed the ability to self-acceptance;

ü Developed correct self-esteem and self-confidence;

ü Developed sensitivity to the process of overcoming difficulties.

Class mode:

Individual lessons: 15-25 minutes

Group lessons: 15-30 minutes

Classes are held once a week, the time of classes is in accordance with the age limit of children.

Thematic planning

Topic name

Construction of sand paintings:

The house that is the most beautiful of all;

sea ​​kingdom

・Shop interests


Journey of the Goldfish

· The Scarlet Flower

・Fabulous City

・Game in good and bad

The city is a star


· In the animal world

Main - water

Grow a turnip in the sand

I and II junior

Sand therapy classes

"Visiting the Sand Fairy":

"Little Wizards - We Create the World"

Journey to the sand country

・Game in good and bad

Together we are one family


Journey of the Goldfish

・Fabulous City

The Circus has arrived!!!

my favorite fairy tales

Realm of Neptune

Visiting a fairy tale

city ​​of little people

· The Scarlet Flower


A home where everyone is happy

Visiting the Sea Fairy

The warm rays of the sun

I and II junior

Alexey Alekseevich Tokarev
Educational program on sand therapy "Magic Sand". Part 1

Explanatory note

Preschool age is one of the most crucial periods in the life of every person. Caring for the upbringing of a healthy child is a priority in the work of any preschool institution.

One of the urgent problems today is the study of the emotional and personal sphere of preschool children. "Childhood is the golden age of the emotional in us", - notes V.V. Zenkovsky. No communication and interaction will be effective if it is participants unable to understand the emotional state of another and manage their own emotions.

Playing with sand is one of the most favorite activities for children. But playing with sand is not a simple pastime. This is a lot of new emotions and educational games. The child himself reaches for the sand, and you just need to give this craving a creative component, and from the usual picking in the sand you get educational process. This is a natural form of activity accessible to every child. Child often words can not express their feelings, fears. He plays the situations that disturb him, creates a picture of his own world from the sand, frees himself from tension. He gains experience in the positive resolution of life situations. And there comes a moment when I can notice changes in the behavior of the child. He begins to apply in reality his « sand» an experience. The child's motivation to learn new things, experiment and work independently increases.

Conceptual approaches to content sand therapy programs based on the ideas of humanistic pedagogy, principles of development children's education. Carrying out activities for program realize the needs of children in creativity, knowledge, self-realization, purpose and meaning of life, respect, joy. Implementation programs will ensure satisfaction of one of the most important needs of every child - to be healthy, emotionally prosperous.

Target: development of the emotional and personal sphere, fine motor skills of the hands through sand play therapy.


Contribute to the development of the child's communication skills through joint play activities.

To develop tactile sensitivity as the basis for the emancipation of children's consciousness.

Main areas of work

Socio-personal: emotional well-being, positive attitude of the child towards himself and other people, development of the child's communicative competence.

Health saving: physical culture - health work.

Structure and format of classes

Classes are held 2 times a week, lasting 20-30 minutes (depending on age). One lesson per week is aimed at developing the cognitive sphere, the second lesson is aimed at developing the emotional and personal sphere.

Destination: preschool children from 4 to 7 years.

Lesson structure

All classes have a common structure filled with different content depending on the topic of the lesson.

Part 1. introductory

The goal is to set up children for joint work, to establish emotional contact between children. Main procedures: greeting ritual, warm-up games.

Part 2. Main To this part accounts for the main semantic load of the entire lesson. It includes exercises and games aimed at developing the emotional, personal and cognitive spheres of the child.

Basic procedures: sand therapy, fairy tale therapy.

Part 3. Final

Basic goals: sum up the lesson, create for everyone participant feelings of belonging to the group and reinforce positive emotions from the work in the class by talking about what was in the class.

Expected results.

Implementation of the measures envisaged program, will allow to me:

1. Stabilize the positive dynamics of the state of emotional well-being children: they should become more communicative, they should not have a sense of anxiety, insecurity, conflict.

2. Children will develop creativity.

Equipment for sand therapy:

waterproof wooden box

sand washed, calcined

miniature toys (people, animals, plants, insects)

Cubes of various materials (wood, iron, plastic)


Set of small dishes

Games and exercises with sand.

1. Exercise « sand rain»

The progress of the exercise.

sand fairy: "In my country there may be an unusual sand rain and blow sand wind. It is very nice. You yourself can arrange such rain and wind. Watch it happen":

1. The baby pours slowly or quickly sand from your fist to sandbox, in the palm of an adult (on your palm).

2. The child closes his eyes and lays on sand palm with spread fingers, adult pours sand on any finger, and the child names this finger. Then they switch roles.

2Exercise « sand wind» (breathing exercise).

1. Children learn to control inhalation - exhalation without delaying sand in a tube. You can offer to say a pleasant wish to your friends, give wishes sand country, "blowing it in sand» . They can also blow depressions, holes in the surface of the sand. For these games, you will need disposable straws for a cocktail.

2. This exercise can be combined with aromatherapy(but aromatherapy have the right to use psychologists who have undergone some training in this direction). The child inhales the smell selected for her aromatic mixture (tonic or relaxing). When exhaling, the child easily blows on his palms with sand, blowing it into sandbox.

3. Exercise "Winner of Anger"

In a stressful situation, adults talk to each other, and sometimes children: "Do not be angry, do not be capricious, pull yourself together". In most cases, this advice is completely meaningless, since the ban on the manifestation of negative emotions causes a person only additional irritation and aggression towards such an adviser, and increases the feeling of guilt for bad behavior.

A game "Winner of Anger" can teach a child to deal with anger painlessly for his ego, without fear of punishment for destructive behavior.

4. sand fairy:

“Today we will talk about mood. What is it like for you? What happens to you when you get angry, angry? What do adults say and do when you are angry? (Student answers).

Your angry mood makes you do and say things that make teachers or parents angry and upset. And after the anger has passed, you also feel sad or unpleasant. I will open you secret A: Every big and small person has the right to be angry. There are many games that teach us "it's right to be angry", that is, so as not to offend others. One of these games will give you a wet sand. See how you can sculpt and see your own anger with the help of sand, and then defeat it.

If the child's tension is too great, then in this case you can offer him to squeeze with force sand, tamp the surface of the sand with fists, etc.

And then, the child makes a ball out of wet sand, on which they mark with indentations or draw eyes, a nose, mouth: "Your anger now lives in this ball". This process temporarily switches the child, and the child also transfers his negative feelings and guilt for bad behavior, thoughts, feelings to the molded ball. The student can comment on the entire manufacturing process "ball - villain", to which all "evil thoughts and actions".

Then the child destroys in any way sand ball, saying « magic spell» : « Drive away anger, we invite joy ". The child gives an outlet for aggression, which usually appears in the case of a ban on it and control by an adult, and the student also receives a specific pleasure from destruction.

After that, the child slowly levels the surface of the sand with his hands and leaves prints of his palms on it - calming, gaining balance and control over his own feelings: “I conquered my anger. I am calm". If desired, the student can decorate their handprints in the sand.

5. Game "Goodbye, sand» !

The psychologist on behalf of the fairy asks "Gently, and then strongly say goodbye to the sand", that is, touch the sand in different ways.

Psychologist: "And now I ask you to say hello to sand in different ways»:

The child touches the sand alternately with the fingers of one hand, then with the other hand, then with all fingers at the same time.

The child easily squeezes the fists with sand with tension, then slowly pours it into sandbox.

The child touches the sand with his whole palm - the inner side, then the outer side.

The child is grinding sand between fingers, palms. In the latter case, you can introduce a surprise moment - hide a small flat toy in the sand “one of the inhabitants of the sand wanted to say hello to you”.

sand in response also wants "to say goodbye" with child. sand rain! Psychologist takes a fist sand and slowly pours it into the hands of the child. The sand can"say hello" with each finger separately - then the psychologist pours sand on separate fingers.

In order to diversify the game, you can invite the children to close their eyes and put on sand palm with spread fingers; psychologist pours sand on any finger, and the child, closing his eyes, calls this finger. Children can change roles and rub each other themselves sand guessing finger.

This game will help teach your child how to count.

You'll need a kinetic sand and a small toy, for example from kinder surprise.

We make several piles of sand, in one of them we hide a toy. The child needs to find it with a hint adult: "Look in the third pile on the right" or "Fifth from the Left". After that, you can invite the baby to hide the toy himself and tell you how to find it.

Gradually increase the number of piles.

7."Treasure map".

This game will help the child to master such a difficult task as drawing maps, it also contributes to the development of spatial thinking and imagination.

Needed to play sandbox with kinetic space sand, a set of small toys, paper, felt-tip pen, pencil or pen.

First, the psychologist, together with the child, draws a map-scheme, where houses, trees, rivers, roads, and the like are conventionally indicated. Next, the child independently builds sand composition using the drawn map. When everything is built, the baby turns away, and the adult hides the toys in various places. sandy compositions and on the map marks places with crosses with "treasures". At the end of the game, the child looks for items in kinetic sand using a map.

A variant of the game is possible, where the child draws a map and hides "hidden treasures" and looking for adults.

8."Guess a riddle".

This game can be played even with toddlers. Despite the simplicity, this game helps in the development of fine motor skills and thinking.

To play you will need sandbox with live or kinetic sand and small toys.

The rules are very simple - the baby turns away, and you hide the answer toy in the sand. Then the child turns around, you make a riddle, and he must guess it and check the correctness of the answer by finding the answer in the sand.

9."Farm Frenzy".

This game will help the child in developing the ability to classify, attention, memory.

To play you will need sandbox with kinetic space sand and small toys.

We start the game by asking you to build in sandbox a fun farm and settle on it only pets. The child must build sand composition and choose from the proposed toys only the ones you need. Next, we ask the child to remember all the animals that he settled on the farm. After that, he turns away, and you remove one of the toys. When the baby turns around, he must find and name who is missing. By analogy, you can make a fairy forest out of sand, magic garden, flower field and more.

10. Game "Extraordinary Footprints".

The child with his palms and fists presses on sand, with his fingertips hits its surface, moves his hands in different directions, makes the surface wavy, moves all his fingers at the same time - the goal, imitation of traces of animals, reptiles, birds and insects.

11. Game "Find the Difference".

The child draws any simple picture on the surface of the sand, then shows it to an adult, while he himself turns away at this time. An adult draws some details and shows the resulting baby picture. The kid should notice what has changed in the picture. An adult and a child can change roles during the game.

12. Exercise" sand rain"

Target: regulation of muscle tension, relaxation.

Leading: in our sandbox may go unusual sand rain and blow sand wind. It is very nice. You yourself can arrange such a rain and wind.

Instruction: baby pours slowly and then quickly sand from your fist to sandbox, on the palm of an adult, on your palm.

13. Exercise "Unusual traces"

Target: development of tactile sensitivity.

"Cubs are coming" - the child presses with fists and palms with force on sand.

"Jumping hares" - the child hits the surface of the sand with his fingertips, moving in different directions.

"Snakes are crawling" - the child makes the surface of the sand wavy with relaxed / tense fingers (in different directions).

"Spider bugs are running" - the child moves all his fingers, imitating the movement of insects (you can completely immerse your hands in sand, meeting hands with each other under the sand - "bugs greet").

14. Exercise "Snakes"

Target: relieve emotional stress

A task: express your attitude by showing it in the game Instruction: Take the Snake by the head or tail and drag it across the sand. Now take the rope like a pen, smoothly follow the snake trail. The child takes the snake by the head and writes patterns: circles, loops, sticks.

The snakes played in the sand

Do not read the letters!

And they wrote words with a tail,

How can she find out about snakes?

Loops followed the pattern

What happened? Where? And How?

These are letters to Mother Snake.

You are with us now Wizard!

But the breeze blew

Write the words soon

And fell asleep all in sand.

Help you mother-snake

And in sorrow mother-snake: good power magic

15. Game "Builders"

Very often during the game, children create various sand sculptures and buildings from sand (you can additionally use special molds, now when using this sand sandy castles will be colorful, fish and marine life will be colorful, like in a real sea, and multi-colored butterflies will flutter in the spring meadow.

16. Game" Magic transformations"

It is no less interesting to combine several types of colored sand and at the same time get amazing combinations that, in the form of unusual images are actively involved in the game.

17. Game "Colored Islands"

Children are encouraged to take sand of any color and on the surface of the table to create with its help - islands, while additionally you can use miniature figures. Then the children go on a trip to each other's islands, talking about them.

Learning letters? And kinetic will help you sand. It is easy and simple to model from it, so be sure to practice. It is very exciting to sculpt a letter and train their pronunciation options.

18. “Conversation with hands”

Target: teach children to control their actions. If the child had a fight, broke something, or hurt someone, you can offer him such game: trace the silhouette of the palms in the sand. Then invite him to revive his palms - draw their eyes, mouth, paint with beads, pebbles or shells fingers. After that, you can start a conversation with your hands. Ask: “Who are you, what is your name?”, “What do you like to do?”, “What do you dislike?”, “What are you like?”. If the child does not join the conversation, speak the dialogue yourself. At the same time, it is important to emphasize that the hands are good, they can do a lot (list what exactly, but sometimes they don’t obey their master. You need to finish the game by “concluding an agreement” between the hands and their owner. Let the hands promise that within 2-3 days (this evening or, in the case of working with hyperactive children, an even shorter period of time) they will try to do only good Affairs: make, greet, play and will not offend anyone.

If the child agrees to such conditions, then after a predetermined period of time, it is necessary to play this game again and conclude an agreement for a longer period, praising the obedient hands and their owner.

Game "Funny stories". Simple words are laid out in the sand with letters of the alphabet. Then you need to read them with your child. After that, the baby closes his eyes, and the letters hide in sand. The task of the child is to find the letters and restore the word. 3. Game "My city". Kid should display on the sand your town or even magical land. You need to come up with a story that displays what is happening in the sandbox. All characters- participants can be named.

19. The game "Guessing".

IN sand they bury several figurines and offer the baby to recognize them without removing them from the sand
