. Only a specialist can determine damage to infertility or termination of the birth.

A child in the house is a great happiness for all family members. This is the great destiny of the girl, her mission on Earth. And if a couple has not been able to conceive a child for a long time, this is real grief. The reason for it may be damage to infertility. What to do in this situation?

Signs of female damage. If a woman cannot conceive, although she is perfectly healthy, the absence of menstruation. The girl begins to lose weight or gain weight for no reason. Often such girls cannot get married.

With damage to infertility in men, men become impotent or their spermatozoa have low activity. Side effects of damage to infertility in men: everything is bad for the "induced" impotent - and there is no money, things are not going well, illnesses.

With damage to infertility in women the uterus and/or ovaries are affected. Especially with damage to infertility in a woman, the uterus suffers. Damage to infertility a woman is the revenge of one woman on another, or the desire to turn away a guy, husband from a woman.

The female reproductive system suffers twice - first energetically, and then physically. Incomprehensible inflammations, cysts, infertility may begin. In 9 out of 10 cases, it is “female damage” that is directed at a woman. To be unattractive, frigid or childless. Usually it is revenge from one woman to another.

Among women damage to infertility(childlessness) is dangerous because, in physiology, infertility can manifest itself as a disease of the genital area (fibroids, tumor cysts, etc.) Damage can also be hereditary.

Often damage to infertility former husbands and wives. Less often barren relatives and acquaintances, in order to take away your ability to bear children.

Remember how many of your relatives are those who cannot have a child for unexplained reasons. In this case, we can talk not about damage imposed on you personally, but about a family curse. Such a curse is more complex in structure and harder to remove, unlike a personal one. It is also worth paying attention to how you feel in the church. "Spoiled", as a rule, experience a certain weakness and dizziness, while in the temple they become ill, lose consciousness, do not like the smell of incense, the silver pectoral cross turns black. This is especially true when attending services.

There is also a curse on the termination of the race or on infertility. With such a curse, no matter how much a person is treated, and doctors only shrug, but they cannot understand anything - as a result, time, money, nerves are wasted, and the sins of the ancestors are to blame (curse-corruption). In such cases, even IVF gives negative results, everything ends badly after 2 and 3 times.

. Determine damage to infertility or cessation of birth only a specialist can.

You can contact a specialist. Of course, this method is the most optimal because it is very difficult to remove damage to infertility on your own, and the help of a professional is needed, and turning to saints is only suitable for those who have already established a connection with a Christian egregor.

Jerusalem procession.

Milk Grotto in Bethlehem.

I was in the Milky Grotto more than once, I brought powder from the walls from there, and the icon of the Mother of God. There was such a case in my practice. My good friend's daughter could not have children, medicine refused her. To be honest, I had doubts whether her daughter could have children. The case was very difficult. Arriving from Jerusalem, I gave her daughter an icon Mother of God withDairy Grotto A friend said: I cleaned the apartment. she wiped the dust from the icon, next to her daughter’s wedding photograph stood, she automatically put the photo behind the icon. A month later, the daughter became pregnant. Now my granddaughter is 3 years old.

My husband and I lived for 7 years, but there were no children. Wherever they turned, what they did not do - all to no avail. A friend advised me to contact Victoria Nikolaevna. I went without much faith, but when I saw photos of children who were born with the help of a healer, I had hope. My husband and I went to church, confessed and took communion, got married, and began to read prayers. Everything that Nikolaevna said, they did, they began to go to church. With GOD'S help, our daughter was born.

With gratitude, the Ignatenko family.

Milk Grotto or Church of Lactation located close to Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem and belongs to the Christian Catholic Church. The construction of the chapel over the cave of the Milk Grotto is associated with a legend that in this cave the Holy Family hid from persecution King Herod, who, fearing for his throne, ordered the destruction of all the babies of Bethlehem. the Virgin Mary on the way to Egypt, she stopped in a cave in order to feed the baby Jesus. A few drops of milk Virgin Mary splashed on the walls of the cave and painted the walls white.

at the feeding place Virgin Mary baby Jesus Christ in the niche there is an icon depicting a feeding scene Mother of God baby Christ, and the face Jesus turned to the beholders. This icon is considered miraculous. Your prayers to Virgin Mary apply to those who want to have children or with a shortage of milk. Vases with flowers and flower pots are placed near the icon. Sometimes they put a poinsettia flower, Bethlehem or the Christmas Star, in memory of the guiding Star of Bethlehem, the symbol of the birth of the Savior of Mankind - Jesus Christ.

Milk Grotto as a place of pilgrimage has been known since early Christianity. Franciscan monks from 1375 owned Milk Grotto and in 1871 the Church of Lactation was built on the site of the chapel. Cretaceous blotches of walls were already considered miraculous at that time and were supplied to Western Europe. Women around Bethlehem used white pieces chipped from the walls of the Cave Dairy Grotto and white stone powder, as medicines for various diseases of people and livestock.

Numerous visitors are sure that if you take a little white powder from the walls, touch the wall and pray to Mother of God, then the Virgin Mary hear their pleas inside the room before entering Milk Grotto the walls are hung with pictures of babies and thank-you notes from happy parents. church walls Lactation built of light stone and decorated with carvings made by skilled Bethlehem craftsmen. Small sculptures of St. George the Victorious, prophet Elijah , King David. Inside the church there are sculptures of scenes from Scripture and the life of the Holy Family.

Monastery of Saint Sava the Sanctified

Palm leaves, instructions and an icon, as well as the holy oil of St. I brought Savva from the monastery. If you think you need them, please contact me and I will be happy to help you.

In Jerusalem there is a monastery of St. Sava the Sanctified, in which a date palm planted by the saint grows. So, the leaves of this palm tree, by the grace of God, have an amazing property to heal from infertility. Pilgrims are given a leaf from this palm tree and consecrated oil. In order to use the palm leaves of St. Savva needs:

1.) The leaves should be taken to an Orthodox priest and asked to put them for forty days under the throne in the altar of the church, where divine services are often performed.
2.) For forty days, a married couple must strictly fast and abstain from fish,
meat, dairy and eggs. Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays allowed
vegetable oil and some wine. It is necessary that during this time the couple strictly refrain from marital intimacy. It is necessary that the spouses go to confession and take communion as often as the spiritual father blesses them.
3.) Every day you should read the troparion of St. Savva (voice 8):
Thy tears with the streams of the desert cultivated the barren / and even from the depths of sighing a hundred labors fructified thee / and was the lamp of the universe / shining miracles, Savbo, our father / pray to Christ God to be saved to our souls.
4.) After forty days, strong tea should be brewed from the leaves, which the spouses should drink together, without leaving a drop. The leaves should be dried, burned - and the ashes buried in the ground.
Two or three days after drinking tea, let the spouses, with faith, love, prayer and thanksgiving, enter into marital fellowship and await God's decision.

Folk spiritual healer VICTORIA.

Welcome to my site. healer.Kiev.ua

For 26 years people have been coming to me, each with their own problems. After the sessions they receive: healing, the most complex diseases, they meet the second half, get married, get married, the husband, wife returns to the family, find a job, business is established, children are born to the childless, fear of fear, especially in children, disappears, stop drinking, smoking is removed negative energy (damage to the evil eye), housing, offices, cars are cleaned.
.My method is a sincere prayer to God, the Most Holy Theotokos, and to all the saints, for those who turn to me for help. I don't do magic divination.

Call, write, I will do my best to be of service to you. I accept personally, and I provide assistance remotely to those who wish from other cities. There are no such problems and diseases from which it is impossible to get rid of.
I have experience of working on Skype with emigrants living in France, USA, Sweden, Greece, Germany, Turkey, Israel, Russia, Switzerland, Cyprus, Japan. There are no coincidences in the world, you came to my site, so you need help. Call.
