Festive table for birthday 1 year old. Celebration of the first year of our princess

Everything happens for the first time. Now it's time for your little one to celebrate her birthday for the first time. And, of course, it should be a special day - one that will remain in your memory and in photographs in the most joyful colors. The question of how to celebrate the baby's first birthday, many parents get up long before the event. You can’t immediately figure out how to organize this kind of holiday: what to cook, whom to invite, what time to celebrate and what to give a baby at 1 year old?

Who to invite to your first birthday?

There are two options for choosing guests: the first is close relatives and friends, and the second is mothers with the same yearlings. It would be quite reasonable if you decide to celebrate the child's birthday at home, in a small family circle, with those people who sincerely love the baby and took part in his upbringing during the year. Yes, and a child in a year old will bring more joy to communication with those to whom he has long been accustomed.

Relatives do not always live next to us, so you can invite the first friends of the baby. You should not call everyone with whom you play together in the sandbox, even if your baby is very sociable. Not the fact that other children are the same. Therefore, for the first time, it will be enough to invite 1 - 2 mothers with children. But you need to be prepared for the fact that the children do not have the same modes, and one of them will not be able to come at a convenient time for you. In addition, you will have to carefully consider the children's menu so that it is festive and hypoallergenic for all kids at the same time.

What time is the holiday?

If you sleep twice during the day, it will be more convenient to celebrate between naps, approximately from 12.00 to 16.00. If you are going to celebrate with loved ones, then the second dream of the child will not prevent you from quietly continuing the holiday while the baby is resting. If the child sleeps once, then you need to celebrate after sleep too.

What cook?

As for dishes for adults, there are no limits for your imagination: add a children's theme to the table decoration, to decorate salads and sweets. For children, stock up on fruit purees and curds. You can make a buffet for kids: cut fruits into small pieces, put children's cookies and berries on a dish, put juices in straw bags.

It is better to make a birthday cake yourself, so you will not doubt that it is harmless to the child. Preparing it is very simple: take any recipe for biscuit dough (only with natural ingredients, no baking powder) and bake the cake. Then cut it lengthwise into two halves and grease with a cream of baby cottage cheese with berries or fruits. On a birthday, of course, you can add sugar to the cream, nothing bad will happen to the child from once. Decorate with fruits and berries on top. In principle, such a cake can be made big for everyone: ladies on a diet or those who do not like very sweet things will surely like it. And you can make it in miniature, only for the birthday man. Don't forget to put one candle in it.

How to create a festive atmosphere?

  • The day before the celebration, decorate the room with balloons, an inscription with congratulations on the wall. You can pick up decorations and accessories for the first birthday. Let the baby look around in a new environment and get used to the beauty. Explain to the child why all this was done, tell him that he will have a birthday and guests will come to him and congratulate him.
  • There is an interesting idea to start the custom of celebrating every child's birthday in some color. That is, every year you choose the color of the rainbow and decorate the whole holiday in its shades. Warn guests in advance to dress up in clothes of this color. On the first birthday, everything will look very cute in white or pale blue, if the birthday is for a boy and in pink for a girl. Imagine dad, grandfather or your close friend in a pink robe, for sure it will cheer everyone up.
  • If there are many children, create a special play area. Spread a carpet there and choose interesting toys. If there are children of different ages, then it is better to divide this zone too: let there be only toys for kids in one part, and for older children in the other.
  • Play with the baby in choosing an outfit for him. Put a couple of dresses in front of the girl, one of which you bought specifically for the celebration. Most likely, the baby will reach for the most beautiful and lacy, praise for a good choice. You shouldn't play rags with the boy, just dress him up in a "ceremonial" suit, stand in front of the mirror and tell him that he is handsome. If the child does not want to dress up in any way, do not persist and do not get annoyed, dress as usual - this is not the most important thing.
  • Buying a baby handprint and footprint kit is a great way to keep the memory of what your little one was like when they were 1 year old. Or you can do the same with paint on paper. Stock up on colored cardboard and paints and invite all the children to make hand and foot prints as a keepsake. All this can smoothly turn into finger painting, so save up a large drawing paper.

Be sure to prepare your camera or camera. It will be a shame to be left without a photo session such a day.

What to give for 1 year?

Don't buy a gift at the last minute. Now there are so many things in stores that you can make an impulse purchase and buy not what you need at all. Think about what makes your child happy. Do not give him clothes or things that will come in handy only after a while. Let relatives or friends buy such gifts.

Buy something that the child can use right away. Here is a list of some toys that are of interest to a child at 1 year old: a rocking horse, a home puppet theater, cart toys that ring and glow, a tent house, developing dolls.

Competition scenarios

1. "Who will be the birthday boy in the future?": a competition based on an ancient Vedic ritual that was held to determine the innate inclinations of children. Various objects are laid out in front of the child and, in accordance with their purpose, determine the future profession or fate of the baby. For example:

  • money - wealth, will be a banker or financier;
  • tangle - long life;
  • brush - will become an artist;
  • a book - a scientist, a teacher;
  • flower - happiness;
  • comb - hairdresser;
  • ring - a happy marriage;
  • the keys are welfare.

2. "Present for the wedding": make some wedding gift cards. Invite all relatives to take turns pulling out a card that will determine what they will give the baby for his wedding when he grows up.

3. If your family loves to sing, then you can organize a karaoke contest: guests should be divided into two groups and compete who knows more children's songs or performs them better.

4. “Who does our baby look like?”: make a list of parts of the face and body. Guests will have to check the boxes next to the similar features of the baby with dad and mom. Then the points are calculated - who scored more, looks like a child.

5. "Guess the mashed potatoes": the one who guesses is blindfolded and offered to try baby purees. It is more interesting if girls without children, men, in general, those people who have a vague idea about infant food, will take part in the competition. You can not blindfold, but tear off or stick the labels on the jars and invite all guests to guess the puree.

6. "Who will spit further": for the competition you will need two pacifiers, which you will need to spit on the distance - who is next. The place where the nipple fell is marked on the floor, which then needs to be rinsed each time.

7. "Flower-seven-flower": make a flower with different petals or a chamomile, on each petal write questions related to the first year of the baby's life:

  • With what body weight was the baby born?
  • With what height?
  • At what time was he born?
  • When did the first tooth grow?
  • When sat down, crawled, went?
  • Who is the child according to the zodiac sign?
  • What is your baby's favorite toy?
  • What is the first word?
  • What is the number of baptisms?

Guests take turns tearing off the petals and answering questions. A prize is awarded for each correct answer.

8. "Make the kid laugh": there are children who are not particularly smiling. If you have such a baby, this is just what you need for this competition. Let the guests try in turn to make the serious little one laugh.

9. "Who will drink from the bottle faster": for the competition you will need two baby bottles with a pacifier. It is not at all easy to quickly suck the contents out of them. Pour something tasty into them: juice, lemonade or champagne and arrange a competition between two comers.

10. "Portrait": seat one of the relatives on a chair, and give the baby a brush or felt-tip pen and offer to draw on a large sheet. The one who poses on must see what the kid is drawing. Only after the “portrait” is ready, you can show it to everyone and put a signature on it with a painted finger of the crumbs.

For a child on this day, of course, your love and attention will be the most precious thing. It is important not to overwork the baby on this day, do not forget to take a walk with him and periodically take him away from the guests. Everything else depends on your mood and imagination.

19th Feb 2018

Good afternoon, dear readers!

The first birthday of a baby is undoubtedly an important date. I want the holiday to be remembered forever! But how to celebrate the first birthday of a child in a fun and budget way?

Many modern parents take things too seriously. They arrange chic feasts, book the best restaurants, order a huge cake from the best confectioners, buy a puffy dress or a tuxedo for a baby, organize a photo shoot for guests and even hire a toastmaster! Advertisers of holiday paraphernalia cunningly rub their hands... As for me, all this is too much 🙅 And Birthday should not take away the monthly income of the family- it’s better to spend money on a child, because he absolutely doesn’t care about all these excesses. Some of my friends even refused to go to the sea, as half of the deferred funds were spent on organizing a holiday! As for me, this is somewhat selfish, because it is obvious that it is more useful for the child. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't celebrate your birthday at all! Let it become a cozy, family, comfortable holiday.

Let's take it in order: where to start organizing the first birthday, what to cook or celebrate in a cafe, who to call, how to take beautiful photos, what to give to a birthday person, and so on.

What to give a child for his first birthday

The first question that arises for both parents and guests of the holiday is what to give the baby?

The first thing I can say is don't bother. A child under three years old does not care at all what they buy him. But this does not stop parents, and they spend a lot of money on a “cool gift”. Why brag about it to your friends?

Daughter in her play corner - a gift for a year

You can also use . I wrote the article for the New Year, but the ideas are quite suitable for any time of the year :)

Who to invite to your child's first birthday

I know moms who went all out and called all the relatives and girlfriends from the playground, respectively, with their families. It turned out 40-50 people, of which 20 were children. Naturally, small children need to be entertained somehow, and large ones need to be fed heavily. Therefore, the costs will be approximately the same as at a wedding.

Another point - will the birthday man himself be afraid of so many people? Of course, you can endure one day if you really want to. Only all this for the sake of the mother, and not for the baby. I really understand the acute desire of mothers to show off in a new dress, we deserve it! The main thing is that the event does not turn into a hassle, because you won’t take a 100% general photo, the kids will make noise, so you won’t be able to talk either, some guests may not like that someone infringed on their child, underfed, offended . All in all, the more people, the more problems- remember this.

For me, the best option is to invite parents from both sides, grandmothers and godparents. Plus brothers, sisters, who have. There were 10 people in my small family! As practice has shown, even such an amount is not easy to gather at one table at one time :)

And since all these are the closest people, they are understanding about the overlays, help to tidy up and calmly stay with the child while you are busy in the kitchen. Our grandfather (thanks to him for that!) even agreed to take the baby to sleep so that other guests could continue to communicate with us, parents, and the baby could relax in silence and in the fresh air. Children often get overexcited on their birthday., and here it is important to hear their needs in time and let them take a nap in peace. How this is possible with a bunch of people - I do not know. So, first of all, think about the baby, and if you are sure that 40 people will not strain him, then go ahead;)

At home or in a cafe?

The next thing you need to decide is to celebrate your birthday at home or in a cafe. I admit, at first I thought about a restaurant, because then you don’t need to cook and accommodate a bunch of people in a tiny apartment. But then I thought: what is better for my family and specifically for the child? After all, the baby will want to sleep, and it will be unrealistic to put her in a noisy cafe. In addition, you have to go to the cafe, and this is time and nerves on the road, changing clothes, bags with you ...

What can we say about the price of dishes and renting a room! For example, an average children's cafe in Moscow will cost 3000 rubles per person. For our 12 family members, the bill will be at least 36,000 rubles. And this is the price of a one and a half year supply of diapers or as many as two sports complexes for a child. Or many other things, much more useful than financial assistance to restaurant owners who already have no money to eat.

In general, we decided to get together at home, in a family way, and settled quite well in a small apartment. The main thing is to stock up on enough cutlery and cups :) As is often the case, many of your relatives and friends have their own business, so the feast will not take much time - a maximum of two to three hours. Does it make sense to give a considerable amount in order to shush for an hour? Who do you want to surprise with this? For me, the most important thing is family relationships, communication with loved ones, which will be easiest to enjoy in silence and familiar surroundings. In a cafe, you will be 100% "lost" and will not be able to focus on the most important things.

Menu for the first birthday of a child

The menu for a year should be as simple as possible, because you still do not have enough time for elegant cooking. Leave the recipes of French chefs for later. I will write about the dishes that I chose:

  • Penne with chicken
  • Rustic potatoes
  • Pork chops
  • Salad with chicken and apples
  • chocolate cake
  • Panna cotta

If you need recipes, write in the comments and I will add them :) but they can be found on any culinary site and, believe me, they are very simple, and the dishes are licking your fingers! Be sure to look at mine, it is very easy to prepare, so you will save a lot of nerves and money. By the way, next time I think to arrange a sweet table, with a lot of harmful goodies. Let's see what happens :)

Decorating a child's first birthday

If you still decide to celebrate your birthday in a cafe, you will have to spend money on decoration.

At home, you can decorate the room with balloons and hang a garland that says "Happy Birthday". The price is - 150 rubles. 20 balls will cost 200 rubles. It looks quite festive and not pretentious.

I know that some girls make one out of napkins - bow to them, as this is an incredibly painstaking work. I have little time and space for such a decoration :) I preferred to spend this time preparing a gift for my daughter - a cozy and safe play corner.

First birthday script

If you want to celebrate your first birthday with fun and provocatively, organize contests for guests! Here's an example for you:

  1. Prepare jars from dairy cuisine - mashed broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, beef, turkey, rabbit. Blindfold your guests and let them guess the taste of the product! Let them understand what it's like for kids to eat this rubbish :)))
  2. Arrange a quiz dedicated to the child. I like to arrange these for my birthday to check who knows me well and who needs to be hit in the eye 😄 You can just ask questions - about weight and height at birth, about the first word, about your favorite toy, or you can make the task a little easier and provide answer options.

When everyone is at the same table, show movie about baby's first year Or photo slideshow. Our dad spent a whole week editing the clip at night, processing about 300 videos! It turned out very cool and funny. Watching this movie is a pleasure!

Photo session with a child

Family photo for daughter's first birthday

What I decided to spend money on was a photo shoot for the three of us. I wanted to keep the memory of us, beautiful and happy :)

I was lucky that one photo project turned up with an excellent photographer and chic scenery. My dream of a New Year's photo session dedicated to my daughter's one year old came true, just two in one! I will write more about how to organize such a photo shoot and prepare for it in the next article.

How much does it cost to celebrate a child's first birthday?

The final price of the first birthday, see the table:

Despite the fact that we adhered to common sense regarding the daughter's first birthday, the amount still turned out to be impressive. However, for this amount, we organized a play corner for the child, got beautiful photos and gathered all the relatives at the same table. According to a survey that I conducted, many of my friends spent from 60 to 100 thousand rubles on the holiday. Some even took a loan on purpose!

So I propose to start by deciding what is really important to you, and what you can save on. I just shared my experience of celebrating a year and I hope you find it useful!

Best wishes!

Your Blogomamochka - Ekaterina Ulyanova

As a rule, the first such holiday is celebrated at home. Parents should decorate in advance the room where the celebration will take place with balloons, draw up a poster or a wall newspaper, which shows everyone the achievements of the birthday boy from the day of the first breath to the day of the first anniversary. In the wall newspaper, you can place funny photos of the child corresponding to each month of his growing up, for example, in the form of chamomile petals or wagons of a toy train, and also indicate some funny incidents from the life of the family that occurred during this year. It is more rational if the baby's mother delegates the right to be the host at the holiday to someone close: a grandmother or a friend. After all, she herself, most likely, will have to periodically leave the room where the celebration will take place, because of the hassle with the child.

Exactly one year ago, a miracle happened:
A new man was born.
And since then, the family has changed,
You will not find them happier forever.
Let's have some fun
On a wonderful birthday, children.
Any pranks today are good:
Throw the ball, even peel the candy!

The song performed by the Barbariki Group "Happy Birthday!"

Those gathered at the table begin to celebrate the holiday. During this action, the presenter unobtrusively highlights interesting information.

I am happy to share with you entertaining facts about the history of birthday celebrations. This tradition was introduced by the ancient Egyptians. Initially, only pharaohs, kings, their heirs, and only men had the right to celebrate this day. When a girl was born, this day was not even recorded in the documents. The first woman to earn such a privilege was Queen Cleopatra II (II century BC). The tradition of lighting candles on cakes originated in Greece. On the birthday of the goddess of the moon - Artemis, they brought to her temple as a sacrifice round, like the moon, honey cakes, in which several wax candles were placed. North American Indians loved to celebrate not only the birthday of a child, but also the days when he first sat down and walked. In the Northern Hemisphere, the most common birthday is on October 5th and the rarest is May 22nd.

The song "Birthday" performed by the Children's Choir "Giant" sounds in the background.

How our baby was born
I ate only milk.
But grow without vitamins
It soon became difficult.
He is happy with new delicacies,
The orchard helped us!

I invite everyone to the circle. Let's play a fun game called "Fruit Dance"!

The game "Fruit round dance"
Game conditions: Each participant is dressed up with a certain fruit. You can prepare masks in advance, or suits made of cardboard. Several characters participate in the fruit round dance. These are banana, tangerine, lemon, kiwi, peach, apricot, pear, apple. The birthday boy is in the center of the circle, if he still can’t walk, then in his mother’s arms, and during the game he chooses one of the fruits. Each participant tries to please the baby. Once selected, the fruit is sent to an impromptu basket. To do this, you can arrange a place, for example, on the sofa. After the end of the competition, all the fruits, along with the birthday boy, are photographed as a keepsake. For this game, you can use the song that is on the Internet resources containing children's educational cartoons. It sounds like this: “There are very different fruits in the world! And, of course, adults and children love them!” In this work, each of the fruits listed above is sung very provocatively.

Guests, praise the young mother.
I spent a whole year raising the baby.
I listened to the advice of moms with experience:
How to bathe, how to entertain and what to feed.
Boiled porridge, steamed mashed potatoes,
She tried to please her child.
Dad is very brave, he tried to help.
I nursed this crumb, I had no rest.
He did everything together with the child: he crawled and bit,
Once, by mistake, he ate his puree.

Dear men, tell me, are any of you capable, like our young father of the family, of such feats? I invite you to participate in the competition.

Competition conditions: 2 men are invited to participate. It is necessary to involve those who do not yet have their own children, or the offspring are already adults. Each participant is given a sample of treats from several jars of baby food. It is better to use broccoli, cauliflower, meat purees with additional ingredients, such as buckwheat, since unsalted sterilized purees are more difficult for an inexperienced person to recognize. Whoever makes the fewest mistakes when defining products wins. During the competition, everyone should be amused by how men will frown, twist their mouths from such a kind of children's food.

This congratulation will remain in the memory of the family for many years. Dear friends, I would like each of you to give the birthday man today a congratulation as a keepsake. I invite those who wish to participate in the next competition called "Let's collect puzzles".

Competition "Let's collect puzzles
Competition conditions: 2 teams participate. A team of adults against a team of children. Puzzle blanks must be made in advance. For adults, these are parts of a big heart, for children, the picture is simpler, for example, a sun with rays or a bun. Participants must write a wish to the hero of the occasion on each detail and assemble the whole figure. Children who cannot write can simply draw a picture. The team that completes all the puzzles the fastest wins.

After this contest, it's time for tea and a traditional cake with candles..

Lovely cake! Candles on the cake
Burn with fiery fire.
This evening won't happen again
But we will not forget about him.
Years will pass, there will be a reason
Guests rush to this house.
And the child will grow up
With love, happiness and kindness.

Parents bring in a cake and blow out the candles together with the birthday boy. The song of the Crocodile Gena sounds. All participants of the celebration sing a song, eat treats and take pictures.

The first birthday is the most long-awaited holiday for the whole family. A lot of the first troubles and worries are left behind. A table for a child from 1 year old can already expand enough and be supplemented with many dishes.

For kids aged 2-3 years, the menu can include various combinations of products, healthy sweets as desserts are also needed.

How to compose?

For kids under three years old, it is not worth overloading the menu with an abundance of products.

Toddlers of this age do not tolerate the abundance of food and various combinations of foods. This can cause them an attack of tummy pain, increase gas and colic, and cause indigestion.

For kids, the holiday itself will become more important than what dishes are on the festive table. Most likely, in many years he will not even remember how the celebration went. Just try to give your baby more joyful emotions on this day.

Invite close relatives or friends with toddlers around the same age. This will greatly simplify the preparation of the menu for children.

Include in the menu:

  • a couple of types of snacks;
  • hot dish;
  • dessert.

Even a simple carrot salad can be served as appetizers, but it is better to supplement it with chopped pieces of dried apricots and season with sour cream. For older kids, crackers with chicken or fish pate, garnished with slices of thinly sliced ​​cucumber, are perfect.

Toddlers aged 2-3 years are very fond of eating canapes, sandwiches. Choose fresh and soft breads. It is better to give preference to white wheat bread, as it is easier to digest. Top the canapes with boiled chicken pieces and fresh vegetables. Put on skewers all the ingredients for canapes one by one, put the food on a beautiful plate. Kids will love the original design of the dish.

For hot at this age, it is better to use familiar products, but with an unusual cooking method. Instead of soup with turkey and boiled rice, prepare baked minced turkey rolls stuffed with vegetables, serve boiled rice as a side dish. Such new combinations of familiar products will not harm the child's body after a feast.

For desserts, opt for light soufflés or milk-based puddings. They are easy to prepare at home too. To do this, boil milk, add sugar and pre-swollen gelatin. Pour into molds and refrigerate until completely cool. These milk puddings can be garnished with chopped fruit or strawberries. Insert a candle into the dessert for the birthday man and light it. This is sure to please the baby.

What to cook for a year?

The first birthday is a very important and long-awaited holiday for parents and grandparents. The child does not yet understand what all these holidays that adults like so much mean.

When organizing a menu for a children's party, you should choose an appetizer, main course and dessert. If your child loves fruits and berries, prepare a fruit bowl with chopped fruits.

As a snack for a year old, crackers with cottage cheese and chicken filling are perfect for a child. To do this, grind the boiled chicken fillet to the state of minced meat, mix it with cottage cheese rubbed through a sieve. Spread the paste on regular crackers. Garnish with small cracker crumbs.

For hot, you can cook baked turkey meat balls with a complex side dish. To do this, prepare meat balls from minced turkey and bake in a heat-resistant form in the oven with a creamy sauce. As a side dish, prepare mashed cauliflower and potatoes. To make mashed potatoes of a beautiful color, you can add boiled egg yolks to it and grind it.

For sweets, you can cook milk-rice plum pudding. For babies 2-3 years old, if desired, you can add a little vanilla or cinnamon, as well as citrus zest.

As a drink, kids can be offered any berry juice or compote (better cooked at home). Purchased carbonated drinks should be discarded, they contain too much sugar and dyes. A wonderful choice would be blackcurrant or strawberry juice.

Holiday table decoration

The decor of the festive table should also be given due attention. Be sure to choose your holiday colors carefully for your table setting. You can also decorate the room, walls and windows with decorative elements.

On the wall you can hang bright printed posters with congratulatory words. Children of this age are very fond of balloons. Choose helium balloons that look very nice under the ceiling of the room, giving the kids a real festive mood.

A great addition to the gift will be a large printed poster with photos of the baby in different months of the first year of life. It can then be hung on the wall in the nursery. The kid will be able to look at him, remembering how small he was.

A festive table cannot be imagined without a beautiful tablecloth. Choose a tablecloth in bright colors (or according to the chosen theme, the interior of the room). You can put bright dishes on the table and decorate everything with festive decor elements. Never put candles on the table! The child may be accidentally burned. If you decide to light a candle on a birthday cake or dessert, be sure to strictly ensure that the child does not injure himself or burn himself. Remove the candle immediately after blowing it out.

The organization of a children's holiday table for babies causes a lot of trouble and questions for mothers.

To facilitate the process of preparing for an important family celebration, use the following tips:

  • Try to plan and create a menu for a children's party in advance. Consider in which supermarkets and stores you will buy food for the holiday table. Write down the meals and necessary products in the diary. So you can not only create a menu, but also calculate in advance the approximate costs of organizing a holiday.
  • Buy only the freshest products. Never buy food months in advance! Check the expiration dates, especially carefully monitor the shelf life of fermented milk products.
  • Cook at home. For children under the age of three, try not to buy ready-made salads and hot dishes. So you protect your kids from possible food poisoning after the holiday.

  • Do not include new products and ingredients in the holiday menu. If your baby has never tried fish or seafood before the holiday, you should not include them in the menu. The result may be a trip to the hospital with a severe allergic reaction, rather than blowing out candles on a birthday cake. Use only those products that your baby has been familiar with for a long time.
  • For babies of the first year of life on their birthday, try to cook familiar meals. You can cook a daily dish, but in a new version. This will avoid the appearance of indigestion or colic in the baby after the holiday.

Good time to everyone gathered on my blog. Today I will delight young parents with interesting ideas on how to celebrate 1 year old child.

Although, this topic will be relevant for godparents, grandparents. So sit back, read and bookmark this article.

Organization of a children's holiday in a cafe

Of course, of all the possible options, this is the easiest, but also the most expensive.

It is clear that if financial opportunities allow, then holding a birthday in a cafe is an ideal option. Mom will be fresh and rested, guests will be entertained by a professional presenter, and waiters will watch the table. You don't have to worry about music or dishes.

What should you be concerned about in advance?

  1. hall decoration. To give the holiday a thematic focus, prepare the decoration in advance. You can contact a company organizing children's holidays and they will decorate the hall in advance. Your guests will only have to be surprised and delighted with your taste and great ideas.
  2. thinking through menu, consider the age and preferences of all guests. If children are invited, a separate children's table with sweet snacks and drinks can be provided for them.
  3. Take care of good music and photos holiday.

Celebrate at home: fun and cozy

Yes, of course, ordering a restaurant, animators and professional presenters is great! But what to do if the budget is very tight, but you want to celebrate by inviting loved ones to the celebration?

Do not be upset, because at home you can also organize a fun and unforgettable holiday. Of course, it will take much more effort and time to organize an event, but the preparation itself also has its own certain charm.

Turning to a professional agency for organizing holidays, you will be deprived of the opportunity to independently create a holiday atmosphere for your baby and invited guests.

So where should you start?

Planning is everything. Everything will have to be taken into account so that the holiday is fun and without unforeseen troubles and inconsistencies. If you are not completely confident in your abilities, ask your best friend or mom for help. Try to distribute the responsibilities for organizing a party.

We make a list of guests. This is a very important part, which will give a complete picture of the scale of the event and determine the entire further organization.

We are preparing an invitation. It is very nice and memorable to send out an invitation to all guests. Can:

  • order them in a professional studio;
  • use templates-blanks (by printing from the Internet);
  • Together with your husband, hand-create cute and funny invitations.

Which option to choose is up to you. But if there is time, energy and creativity, then handwritten invitations are a memory for grandparents and godparents for life.

An original idea would be if you put an author's stroke of the baby's fives on each invitation. To do this, just dip your palm into finger paints and touch the finished invitation with it.

Decorate invitations with ribbons, bright buttons, corrugated colored paper - there are no limits for imagination here.

Or you can fold the invitation in the form of papyrus and tie it to a balloon.

We think over the menu

A very important stage in the preparation of the holiday. Try to take into account the tastes of all invited guests.

If among them there are vegetarians, diabetics, allergy sufferers, then it is worth considering alternative dishes. Everyone should be tasty and satisfying at the birthday party of a little birthday boy.

Of course, if you plan to invite fifty guests, then you cannot cope with the preparation of the festive menu alone. There are 2 ways out of this situation:

1st option. We turn to our friends for help. If the degree of intimacy allows, ask friends and relatives to come with a festive dish. It is not difficult for them to cook according to 1 option, and by bringing them all together you get a chic table. You need to schedule in advance for everyone who cooks what.

2nd option. We invite a female chef. Now you can find a good inexpensive chef through an agency or through an ad who will cook the entire holiday menu. Of course, this is a more expensive option, but much cheaper than a cafe. Yes, and you will not strain the guests.

Tip: do not take the whole feast on yourself. Even if you are currently full of strength, enthusiasm and determination, you should not be a hero. You already have enough trouble on the day of the holiday.

Your task is to look fresh, rested, cheerful and entertain guests. Agree, they do not need to see a tired, exhausted hostess, who until 4 o'clock in the morning cut Olivier in the kitchen.

Thinking about decorating the house

The day before the scheduled day, clean the house and decorate it. Buy bright balloons, use paper pom-poms, ribbons.

Let everyone around say that the baby is celebrating its first birthday in this house! Guests, having crossed the threshold, will freeze in admiration and immediately recharge with a positive mood.

Organize a photo area for guests. Now it is a fashionable attribute of any party. Decorate the corner of the house in an unusual and original way. Hang pictures of the baby there, prepare funny props for the photo. It can be hats, boas, mustaches on sticks, funny paper glasses.

Even the most strict and embarrassed guests will quickly loosen up and succumb to the general fun. And how pleasant it will be for everyone to look at such photographs later.

Thinking about entertainment

This is the most important part of the organization, without which no holiday will turn out.

You can order a children's animator at home. This will be especially interesting for the little guests, who will be happy to take part in competitions, play bubbles, jump with the ball and sing.

Or you can write an independent script, demonstrating your talent as a presenter. If everything goes fun and easy, be prepared for the fact that for 5 years working as a toastmaster at all family holidays - you are provided)))

What should be considered when organizing the entertainment part?

Take care of the musical arrangement of the party. These can be children's songs from cartoons and children's films that everyone loves.

Such music creates a festive mood and sets everyone in a cheerful, perky mood.

Celebrate children's holiday in nature

I especially like this format of the holiday, however, it is possible only for those families whose birthdays were born in the summer.

What is the main thing here?

  1. Plan a picnic menu. It should be light and unpretentious. No need to make salads, complex casseroles, etc. Cook plenty of vegetables, snacks and traditional kebabs.
  2. Consider also the children's menu. It can be healthy sweets, fruits. As for drinks, the amount of alcohol, of course, is up to everyone to decide for themselves. But do not forget that this is still a children's holiday.
  3. Organize outdoor games. It can be the most stupid and childish games: jumping in bags or through a rope, inflating soap bubbles and bursting balloons. And what? The birthday boy is 1 year old - let the audience entertain him!

In nature, you can arrange a fun and unusual photo shoot. Since you significantly save on renting a hall and a cafe, you can order a professional photographer.

I end with this. Found interesting and useful ideas? Share the link on social networks with your friends! Subscribe to the blog and do not miss new articles. See you soon!

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoreva
