Conspiracies for a strong family and love in the house

Every family faces challenges along the way. Conspiracies for family happiness will help get rid of negativity and misunderstanding, as well as unite all family members.

Each family is held together by love, but sometimes something serious arises between family members, and the resulting discord prevents everyone from living in peace. Use our reconciliation conspiraciesto get rid of unnecessary negativity and return warmth to the family.

Causes of family problems

Energy controls our emotions. It is the main cause of happiness, and its absence can ruin any marriage and any relationship. Energy suffers in the following cases.

Evil eyes, curses and negative programs. Get rid of the evil eye and curses in various ways, about which. You can also remove negative programs yourself. Sometimes affirmations are enough for this. Positive attitudes increase energy, and the negative disappears by itself. However, many people resort to white magic and natural power.

Conspiracies for a strong family and love

It is not always enough to rearrange and positive attitudes in the morning to return harmony to the family hearth. We have prepared for you simple conspiracies that do not require preparation.

The first one goes like this: “Mother nature, give me the strength to survive all the hardships and family difficulties. To be me (your name) with (partner's name), to have mercy, not to know troubles. Amen." Read this plot in the morning and before bedtime, when your thoughts are free. It helps him escape from any problems, as well as return feelings.

The second must be said when you throw out the trash: “I take out all the troubles from the hut, I sweep out quarrels, I drive away bitterness of the heart. Till the end of time." Imagine that along with the garbage you take out all your problems and all the negativity.

A conspiracy so that discord, jealousy and betrayal bypass the family . When you wake up in the morning, go to the bathroom. When you wash, say: “Water-water, take away all the evil and dashing with you, so that the life of my family becomes more beautiful and sweeter. Wash away, water, all the troubles so that they disappear forever. Amen".

Ritual after a fight

This ritual is performed after quarrels. It must be carried out as quickly as possible in order to expel all the negativity from yourself and from your home. You will need an onion. Do not wash it, but cut it into four approximately identical parts. Put the first one where there was a quarrel or conflict, the second by your sleeping place, the third by the sleeping place of the one with whom you had an argument, and the fourth by the front door. Place the onion parts in the same order.

After you put the bulb under the door to the house, read the plot: “My eyes are afraid of the bow, so let my anger and yours leave this house forever. Amen". After that, let the bulbs lie down for about an hour in their places. Subsequently, it is better to throw them away, as all the negative energy will be absorbed into them.

This ritual is very old. Thus, the ancient Slavs drove away evil spirits and anger from their homes. Now this ritual will be as effective as before. Use it whenever emotions get the best of you, and you later regret it.

Read our family prayers that will help bring prosperity and happiness to your home. Together with conspiracies, this will give you an excellent result. You will see that your family has become stronger. Good luck, love, and don't forget to press the buttons and

07.07.2016 04:00

The betrayal of a loved one can literally tear our heart to pieces. That is why many people experience...
