How does a person's paranormal abilities manifest themselves. What signs of psychic abilities suit you? Signs that indicate clairvoyance

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Every person has psychic abilities. This is evidenced by special signs on the palms. Each of them reveals one of the facets of a special gift, whether it be clairvoyance, a talent for the occult or healing.

A psychic gift, like any other, needs to be developed. Only then will he be able to fully express himself. But until the age of 28, you should study under the guidance of an experienced mentor or teacher. Otherwise, you can incur a lot of troubles, such as total bad luck or chronic illnesses. At a more mature age, there are no obstacles for independent work on oneself. Certain signs in the palm of your hand will help you better understand which direction to take.

1 The cross on the upper phalanx of the index finger indicates a tendency to clairvoyance. But this gift most often manifests itself after severe stress, for example, a serious accident or the death of loved ones. The owners of such a sign can at certain moments literally see pictures of future events. The best use of this ability is when preaching, since the "cross" is also an indicator of good relations with the church.

2 The triangle on the middle phalanx of the middle finger appears as a result of occupation in the occult sciences. This sign indicates a high sensitivity to subtle energies.

3 Vertical lines on the lower phalanges of the fingers can be found on the palms of people with special magnetism and charisma. For example, leaders who are highly respected. They are able to attract the attention of others. Such a sign most often appears as a result of many years of work on oneself. It also testifies to high professionalism in any field of activity.

4 At least three lines on the hill of Mercury are called the sign of the Samaritans. It appears already in childhood and reflects the ability to heal. In ancient times, people with such lines were necessarily given as apprentices to the doctor. As a rule, the owners of the Samaritan sign are very fond of animals and children. If you have it, but you are far from medicine, do not be discouraged. It is never too late to take up energy techniques such as reiki, as well as healing touch, “alive” practice, etc.

5 An island on the belt of Venus is found in people who are predisposed to clairvoyance and have strong intuition. However, such abilities in the normal state may not manifest themselves in any way. Most often, a person begins to foresee the future, falling into a trance, for example, with a strong emotional experience.

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6 Ring of the white magician (Ring of Jupiter). This is the sign of the master. He speaks of the innate ability to help others through word, thought or action. "Ring" is often found on the palms of psychologists, spiritual mentors, yogis. These are people who have reached deep self-realization. Often the carriers of the "ring of the white magician" also have the gift of telepathy, clairvoyance, and so on.

7 Ring of the black magician. The owners of this sign are popularly called people with an "evil" eye. It is best not to get in their way and not to come into conflict with them. They have a great potential for negative power, but often do not know how to use it. If you find such a sign in yourself, remember: you need to especially carefully monitor your thoughts, words and actions, because any message to the outside, sooner or later comes back.

8 A separate cross in the center of the palm is called the cross of St. Andreas and indicates that the emotions and mind of a person (right and left hemispheres of the brain) are in perfect harmony. Such people are distinguished by absolute calmness. They are almost always in a meditative state. And, what is especially valuable, they tend to make very right decisions in any situation.

9 Square on the hill of Jupiter, or the square of the teacher - testify to innate oratorical talents. These people are great at presenting information. They have a strong gift of persuasion. And if a cross is also visible in the square, it can be interpreted as a sign of protection, the presence of a guardian angel in life.

10 Line of Isis. Owners of an arcuate line from the hill of Mercury to the hill of the Moon often have prophetic dreams. They always foresee the future. And if there is an island on the line, this means that a person is able to read other people's thoughts.

In a few minutes you will know for sure whether you have psychic abilities. Test yourself!

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Clairvoyance is the ability of a particular person to perceive information that remains inaccessible to the perception of most people. How clairvoyance manifests itself, we will talk about this in this material.

Clairvoyance is the inner vision of a person. With clairvoyance, information comes in images, symbols and signs. At the same time, ordinary sense organs are not involved - only the so-called "third eye" is responsible for clairvoyance.

Most mediums and psychics use this method of objective vision of reality. If you have ever watched them work, you may have noticed that when a psychic concentrates on something, he looks away.

At the initial stage of development of clairvoyance, the images that a person begins to see are very fleeting, it is quite difficult to distinguish them. It is for this reason that most people are unable to notice them, and they are lost.

You can also read in esoteric literature that if a person has the gift of clairvoyance, he allegedly falls into a three-dimensional dimension. In reality, the person who is beginning to awaken is simply receiving images of future events, which may come in the form of pictures, sounds, and in some cases words. Each individual interprets them differently.

When you develop your abilities and have sufficient experience, the same images will come to you, which you will learn to understand using your own interpretation scheme. It is important to memorize the features of the information that you receive from above, you can even start a special diary in which to note everything unusual that happens to you. As a result, you will receive your own psychic dictionary to interpret the information received through the gift from above.

Signs that indicate clairvoyance

You can establish that you have begun to manifest psychic abilities by the presence of certain "symptoms":

  1. There is the emergence of very vivid, vivid images that are etched in memory for a long time.
  2. A person may not use a watch, because he always feels the exact time at random.
  3. When such a person is engaged in arranging his home, he always knows exactly where it is better to put one or another object to enhance energy flows.
  4. At the first glance at a person, a novice psychic intuitively feels what diseases he suffers from, even if the latter looks just fine.
  5. In a telephone conversation, the clairvoyant is able to describe his interlocutor even if he has never seen him before.

If you put a "plus" in front of at least half of these items, you probably have clairvoyant abilities hidden in you. Do not under any circumstances try to suppress them!

Many people, faced with something unknown, not amenable to logical explanation, get scared and try to isolate themselves from it as much as possible. Therefore, one should not succumb to the provocations of television programs that show us not entirely correct images of clairvoyants with crystal balls in a room that is filled with smoke. It is time to dispel the established stereotypes.

Clairvoyance is just a faculty of the mind's eye. Turning to this issue from a scientific point of view, it is necessary to mention the area located in the area between the eyebrows (the famous "third eye"), which is associated with the pituitary gland.

Clairvoyants prefer large, open, and well-lit spaces. It is important for them to see all the details of what is happening so that nothing is left for them “behind the scenes”.

When a person can develop clairvoyant abilities at a high level, he will be able to use his gift not only for his own benefit, but also to help people around him. Many clairvoyants cooperate with law enforcement agencies, helping to find missing objects or people, as well as apprehend criminals.

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Clairvoyance and clairaudience testify to a person's contact with other worlds (parallel realities). Each of us from the moment of birth has his own Guardian Angel, but not everyone has the ability to get in touch with him and correctly interpret the hints received from him.

But some especially sensitive people can still establish a connection with their Guardian Angel, who begins to show (or whisper) about upcoming events of the future or the past. With the help of these actions, the Angel seeks to protect his ward from any trouble.

In most cases, the gift of clairvoyance manifests itself in very pure souls that are at a high level of development. People with such a soul are very compassionate and merciful. It should be noted that every person by nature has certain inclinations for the gift of clairvoyance, but not everyone is able to develop these abilities in himself. Only the higher mind determines who is worthy to use such a talent. Old people, the disabled, blind, illiterate children can act as seers... If the Almighty decided to reward a person with superpowers, in this case, approximate angels will help the person develop this gift.

Angels are able to answer absolutely any questions, but not all information can be shared with strangers, and some cannot be voiced even to the closest. Clairvoyants must adhere to certain restrictions and prohibitions, which must not be violated - otherwise, higher powers can block the source of superpowers.

Many clairvoyants help heal other people, but they themselves suffer from certain pathologies. For example, the famous seer Vanga helped others all her life, but at the same time she did not see her patients, because at an early age, due to a natural disaster, she lost her normal vision. And the famous predictor of the future Nostradamus, who foresaw the future of kings and empires, constantly struggled with epilepsy.

Very often, the gift of clairvoyance opens up in a person after severe trials, physical or mental suffering. Such cases very often occurred in Russia - as clairvoyants, one can name blessed people, of whom there were a lot.

The gift of clairvoyance does not go to a person just like that - it must be earned, suffered, tortured in the truest sense of the word. But, having acquired such amazing abilities, a person changes very much - all the delights of worldly life are now in the background for him, from now on, his first and main duty is to help others, those who need it.

Exercise to open your inner vision

You will need to create the necessary atmosphere for it to take place. Prepare a small white candle for this exercise. Then follow these steps:

  1. Sit in a comfortable position so that the body is completely relaxed - eliminate any muscle clamps.
  2. Light a candle and place it next to you.
  3. Relax your eye muscles and, without looking up, peer into the flame. At the same time, your eyes will begin to water, then you will need to lower your eyelids and close them with your palms so that pitch darkness appears before you.
  4. Visualize as if the candle flame is now flickering at a point just above the mid-eyebrow. Wait until it disappears.
  5. Sit for some more time with your eyes closed, and then complete the ritual. Leave the candle to burn out completely.

After this exercise, you can test your psychic abilities in practice. For example, when you are talking on the phone with a stranger, close your eyes and listen to the voice of your interlocutor. Let his intonation and words completely fill your space, push the logical mind into the background, giving full rein to your intuition.

Train yourself regularly with similar practices if you want to learn how to predict the future, helping yourself and the world around you.

Watch also an interesting video on the topic described:

Thanks to extrasensory abilities, a person can cause phenomena that go beyond the usual life activity. In general, such abilities are inherent in every person, but usually they are in a suppressed, latent state. Psychic abilities can arise as a result of extreme life situations (serious injuries, clinical death, etc.), or they can develop with special training. Psychic abilities do not appear simply in addition to what is already in a person, as happens, for example, with the development of abilities for drawing, music or mathematics. Their appearance is associated with deep internal changes occurring in a person. Developing psychic abilities, any person is faced with the fact that his mental reactions, values ​​and priorities begin to change.

In order for abilities to manifest, inner readiness and special human qualities are necessary. It is the true human qualities that allow extrasensory abilities not only occasionally manifest themselves, but also harmoniously intertwine in various aspects of human life.

The main factor that reveals extrasensory perception is the ability of the brain to study and process incoming information on a spiritual level. The more the brain can process data, the more subtleties will be revealed in the case being studied.

Usually people do not use psychic abilities at all. because the modern lifestyle suppresses their natural development. But these abilities exist, and even in a depressed state, they sometimes manifest themselves in moments of a personal crisis, as a result of trauma, or in emergency situations. Sometimes ordinary people who have witnessed the manifestation of psychic abilities, quite spontaneously begin to demonstrate the same phenomenon.

How can you discover psychic abilities in yourself? Observe yourself and analyze yourself and your actions. You may have come across something unusual. The information below will help you figure it out.


The first sign of the presence of psychic abilities are strange dreams. For example, you have prophetic or lucid dreams. This opens the third eye and psychic abilities are born in you. If events from lucid dreams are projected during the day, then this is one of the varieties of prediction.

If after waking up you are afraid to forget your dream, without getting out of bed, retell it to yourself, and later you can write it down. Repeat the technique of telling and writing down your dreams every day. So you can restore the chronology of dreams and compare them with reality. Get yourself a notebook for these purposes, and reread your dreams.


Synchronization in life is the second sign of the presence of psychic abilities. What it is? Observe carefully, if your feelings or thoughts manifest in the space around you, then this is synchronization.

It manifests itself in this way, you attract events that you think about, but you cannot control it. Try to conduct an experiment, in your environment, select a person with troubles. Constantly think about his well-being, you can even come up with some kind of spell for him, and repeat it cyclically. If everything works out for him, then you helped him, and accordingly convinced of your abilities.


This is perhaps the easiest way to detect psychic abilities. Take a regular playing deck of cards, shuffle the cards, draw one card face down and try to determine whether it is black or red. If you passed this test with ease, complicate it, guess the cards by suit, and then go to the rank of the cards accordingly.


Find an old family album in your home. Put it on the table and run your hands over the photographs. Analyze how you feel from photographs of already dead people and living ones. With psychic abilities, your sensations can be expressed in different ways from temperature fluctuations, to changes in color before your eyes. If you feel something, try doing the same with photos of people you don't know.

When it comes to medial ability, or medial talent, it means much more than just "understanding the dead."

After all, “medial talent” really means good connection with the subtle spiritual world, thanks to which we can get a lot of tips, opportunities and information.

Medial abilities include many abilities: from reading cards to clairaudience, clairvoyance and clairsentience, as well as the ability to communicate with angels and / or the dead directly (and, above all, understand the answers). The possibilities are endless! And to be honest, it's pretty cool.

What is the most beautiful thing about it: every person could get this particular access to the spiritual world.

We all have the necessary makings, and it really doesn't matter if we believe in it or not. While there is a limitation, for some reason it may not be for everyone.

Obviously, this depends on what level of spiritual development a person is at, how often he reincarnated, and also on whether this is part of the task of learning in this life.

Obviously, “spiritual development” does not apply equally to everyone, which, frankly, is good. We are all individuals and that makes us a little more individual.

Do I have media talent?

How do you know if you are one of the talented people who can really develop their abilities, or those for whom this is a waste of time?

It is really very simple: most of the skeptics and doubters who vehemently deny such a possibility (and even often with their hands and feet) that it really exists are among those who have less chance of accessing their own potential in the current incarnation.

And there is a second group: all spiritually interested people, esoteric students, ghost hunters, horror movie lovers who communicate in their respective forums and groups, who read, research, meditate and deep down just feel, that there is much more than they "know".

These are people who need to dig a little deeper and see what potential is hidden in them in order to further learn and use talents.

I'm not sure if this is due to culture and upbringing (which means I can't provide any evidence), but we humans want to have confirmation of everything.

We like to know if this is really the way we suspect. We check and then double check to be sure. We have simply forgotten how to listen to our intuition and trust the information within us.

In the meantime, I met a lot of people who were psychically gifted, and in doing so, I came to what I am doing now.

In everyone I know, I have found fundamental similarities. Of these, one can single out 5 Pretty Specific Signs indicating medial talent.

Signs of psychic abilities

1. Terrible things have been happening around you since childhood.

In fact, this is the most obvious pointer. So, your medial talent was regularly shown in the eyes and shouted about it in the ears, only the problem is that you "learned" that it's all imagination, because it can't be and it's just a fantasy.

Let me tell you something all the horrors were real! Knocking, shadows, touches, movements, whispers, the feeling that the cat has gone to bed, although she was not even in the room.

Falling objects, sources of cold, inexplicable smells, the feeling of being watched…

I could continue this list for a few more pages. You can continue listing, because you understand what I am writing about. Or maybe you already remembered something?

Now you know why this happened to you. You're special. You have this potential within you, and above all, you have the ability to access it.

The souls who are trying to get your attention through all these scary acts, feel your gift. That's why they are here. They want to contact you and tell you something. That you may not be ready to understand them is irrelevant.

You attract them (“we” attract souls like the light of a butterfly), and they want to get rid of something. Disembodied souls are a bit like small children: feeling the needs of other people seems alien to them.

The main thing is that your own needs are satisfied. You have no idea how often they want to get in touch with me at the most inopportune moments. At lectures, for example.

And it would probably be wiser to listen carefully to the lecturer. Or at night when I want to sleep.

Souls contact us at any time of the day or night, in any place, even when we are sitting on the toilet. Because they really don't care if we're busy right now. I say: really, like little children.

Fortunately, unlike our children, we do not always have to be ready to listen to the deceased and offer help.

This may sound heartless, but we have the right to privacy, and we can postpone communication until another time.

If it is very important, they will return. By the way, you can start doing this now: the next time you feel that someone is trying to contact you, but you don't know what to do with him, you can say it.

Tell him you're not ready yet and maybe you're scared. They understand and leave.

2. Spiritual themes attract you magically.

…And that's probably always been the case.

When “something like that” is reported somewhere, you cannot pass by. You are a member of numerous groups and forums to find more information, more knowledge. More truth, more trust.

This topic attracts you, but the scientifically-rationally educated part in you always doubts the veracity of such messages.

But when one speaks of supersensory perception, one speaks precisely of subjective perception. It's hard to prove it.

It is not surprising that many card readers are attracted by the "high rate of coincidences": there is simply no more evidence, a person is always hungry for evidence.

You walk past the esoteric section of a bookstore with great effort. You enjoy countless decks of cards, books about channeling, the afterlife, meditation, and you imagine that someday you can do it yourself.

You really want to be able to work with a pendulum or understand the runes, or read maps like a book. This idea has always fascinated you.

Perhaps you have already bought this or that tool, decided to buy it, and now it is gathering dust somewhere in a drawer or on a shelf, because you do not dare to use it.

Little tip: give in to this urge! Trust and act! Your aspiration inside is not accidental, and I call it a developmental impetus. This is not fantasy.

That's your decision. Everything in you screams for you to finally do what you should have been doing for a long time. As soon as this desire becomes irresistible, it is clear: the plan of the soul is involved here.

It's time to start. No, you don't have to be afraid. You won't be wrong. You just need to start.

3. Horror movies shake you to the core.

I will never forget that movie visit where I saw my then love story, The Exorcism of Emily Rose. I sat in my chair and shook with fear. I really was afraid.

And because deep down I knew that these things that were being shown were absolutely possible and were probably happening somewhere in the world every day. This movie shocked me and fascinated me at the same time.

I think: where there is light, there is also shadow. So why shouldn't there be "evil creatures" that can take up residence in us? (The film is based on the much-discussed possession of Anneliese Michel, who died after undergoing countless series of exorcisms, likely due to physical exhaustion.)

By the way, the same thing happened to me in ghost movies. I've always been a little scared because I knew they existed.

Does this happen to you too?

Then I can reassure you: the more you study these things, the more you learn how your gift works for you personally (this is always very individual), the less horror films will scare you over time.

4. Wherever you are, pictures suddenly pop up before your inner eye.

And I’ll say right away: no, this is not normal. And no, it has nothing to do with an excited fantasy.

Since we have been convinced of this all our lives, first we need to understand how extrasensory perception functions ...

I assume you are familiar: you are somewhere walking, walking, standing, talking excitedly, perhaps even accidentally in a historical place, and suddenly you see tiny pictures and faces of strange people on the internal screen, like photographs or tiny movie scenes that do not play for long. and then disappear.

This is not what happens to normal people.

And it's not undocumented memory fragments from movies or other nonsense. These are the moments in which there is a connection between you and the spiritual world. This is how communication happens.

And that it is functioning form of communication with the spiritual world(and most of the time with the dead) will one day become more and more conscious to you when you have the opportunity to connect what you see with people living today.

Obviously, this is hardly possible when it comes to short fight scenes if you walk past the city wall.

But you will have a lot of opportunities when you can connect the image of the person you saw with the deceased - this will be confirmation for you.

5. By nature, you feel good about people.

You can look into their heads. You usually know what they want to say before they formulate their thoughts.

You can good at reading feelings. You are sensitive to other people's perceptions.

You can intuitively and usually unconsciously tune in to the interlocutor, and yes, most of them can be easily circled around your finger.

The basis for this is that you have very thin antennae and a perception that subtly enters you and gives out information automatically. This is a wonderful gift that gives you the opportunity to help people through intuitive understanding.

The human brain and body hide a huge potential that defies any explanation from the point of view of science. It will take hundreds of years to fully study it. Psychic abilities still belong to the unknown side of the coin.

They are possessed not only by those who received a special gift by inheritance through generations from hereditary magicians or acquired it after serious life upheavals. Many are not even aware of their paranormal tendencies. As a rule, initially they are in a depressed state and manifest themselves in each person in completely different ways. Key signs of psychic abilities will help to detect them.

People with superpowers often receive information about the future. Falling into a dream, they see vivid pictures and observe a certain chain of incidents, which after some time are sure to be repeated in life. This is one of the signs that indicate the presence of psychic abilities.

To track it, it is advisable to write down unusual facts seen in a dream immediately after waking up. Comparing the recordings made with real events, one can easily check whether they are projected in reality. In addition to dreams, visions of the future can appear through tactile contact with an object, through a magic mirror ball, when divining on simple cards or using the major tarot arcana.

"Important! Having discovered psychic abilities in yourself, you must definitely practice them regularly, expanding the range of feelings. As an option - to be trained by experienced psychics who have achieved success in such a craft "

» just below the base of the little finger - healing;

  • a cross on the tip of the index finger - a prediction of the future;
  • a small island on the "belt of Venus" under the middle and ring fingers - clairvoyance;
  • the ring of "Jupiter" wrapped around the index finger - telepathy, the power of the word;
  • a triangle closer to the center of the phalanx of the middle finger - susceptibility to different energies.
  • In textbooks on palmistry, individual signs and lines in the palm of your hand are deciphered as direct signs of extrasensory abilities on a person’s hand. They influence fate and signal phenomenal opportunities.

    Non-standard sensations: fear of open doors and materialization of thoughts

    Usually, the fear of open doorways is attributed to agoraphobia, not regarding it as signs of extrasensory abilities in a person. This is not entirely correct: the desire to be in a closed space may not be associated with a mental disorder, but with an unconscious desire to protect one's own energy. Windows and doors, almost on a par with mirrors, have long been considered passages between parallel worlds. It is not for nothing that eminent magicians conduct most of the mysterious rituals in a closed, semi-dark room, preventing unwanted energy losses.

    Thoughts and wishes of some people are material and often come true. These types of psychic abilities manifest themselves in different ways: both in a positive and in a negative sense. Those who attract events have the strongest energy. Such people should watch what they think, while being especially careful. Even if materialization is observed sometimes, it still indicates the presence of a gift that can be further developed using special techniques.

    Additional ways to identify superpowers

    If you do not find any of the above signs in yourself, it makes sense to take an online test for PSI ability or perform exercises that will finally refute or confirm the beginnings of psychic abilities. First of all, it is worth using the main receiver of information - your own hands. They are able to receive signals from various sources, passing them through themselves and transmitting wave radiation.

    Below is an algorithm of the most effective methods:

    1. Find an old family album and use your hands to feel the energy emanating from everyone who is depicted in the pictures. Analyze whether the sensations are different when touching the dead and the living. Feelings can be expressed in a change in temperature and emerging images. In case of successful results, you can try to work with photographs of unknown people.
    2. Prepare a new deck of cards and shuffle them carefully. Place the stack in your right hand, covering it with your left hand. Try to predict the number, suit (or at least the color) of the card you will draw, clearly pronouncing the information aloud or mentally. Then evaluate the result, making sure you are right or wrong. Repeat the procedure several times.
    3. Experiment with seeing an individual energy field extending beyond the human body. Place your hands palms down so that the distance between the fingers does not exceed half a centimeter. Slowly move your hands until you notice a translucent glow at your fingertips.
    4. Complicate the exercise with the aura. Find a partner and ask him to stand in front of a uniform dark background. Focus on the area around the head and shoulders. The energy field should appear in the form of discharged rays or fog emanating from the contour of the body. At first, only a colorless haze can be seen. Developing the skill further, one can learn to distinguish the entire aura in color. Visible shades will tell about the character, thoughts, health of a person.

    So, let's sum up. Do you see vivid dreams, anticipate different situations, can you characterize a person at the first meeting, notice subtle things invisible to others? Do you have insights or visions? This is definitely one of the first signs of psychic abilities. The main thing is to correctly interpret them and learn how to use them.
